首页 2013年 初级师 康复医学治疗技术 专业实践能力 真题

2013年 初级师 康复医学治疗技术 专业实践能力 真题


2013年 初级师 康复医学治疗技术 专业实践能力 真题2013年 初级师 康复医学治疗技术 专业实践能力 真题 一、以下每一道考题下面有A、B、C、D、E五个备选答案,请从中选择一个最佳答 案,并在答题卡上将相应题号的相应字母所属的方框涂黑。 1(采用重锤、滑轮系统和夹板等进行持续牵张的方式是 A(手法被动牵张 B(机械被动牵张 C(主动抑制 D(自我牵张 E(主动牵张 2(一贯广泛地被动依赖他人的人格障碍是 A(偏执型人格障碍 B(强迫型人格障碍 C(分裂型人格障碍 D(反社会型人格障碍 E(依赖型人格障碍 3(加大肩、肘关节活动范围的作业...

2013年 初级师 康复医学治疗技术  专业实践能力  真题
2013年 初级师 康复医学治疗技术 专业实践能力 真题 一、以下每一道考题下面有A、B、C、D、E五个备选 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 ,请从中选择一个最佳答 案,并在答题卡上将相应题号的相应字母所属的方框涂黑。 1(采用重锤、滑轮系统和夹板等进行持续牵张的方式是 A(手法被动牵张 B(机械被动牵张 C(主动抑制 D(自我牵张 E(主动牵张 2(一贯广泛地被动依赖他人的人格障碍是 A(偏执型人格障碍 B(强迫型人格障碍 C(分裂型人格障碍 D(反社会型人格障碍 E(依赖型人格障碍 3(加大肩、肘关节活动范围的作业训练不包括 A(磨砂板 B(捏饺子 C(粉刷 D(推铁箱 E(刨木 4(心电运动试验在功能评定的用途不包括 A(判定冠状动脉病变严重程度及预后 B(评定心功能 C(评定康复治疗效果 D(评定体力活动能力和残疾程度 E(评定肌力 5(?度压疮的治疗 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 不包括 A(手术治疗 B(紫外线照射 C(红外线照射 D(加强营养 E(解除压迫 级 数 损伤程度及临床表现 ?期 皮肤完整出现以指压不会变白的红印 临床症状:皮肤完整但发红 ?期 表皮或真皮受损,但尚未穿透真皮层 临床症状:疼痛、水疱、破皮或小浅坑 ?期 表皮和真皮全部受损,穿入皮下组织,但尚未穿透 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept 筋膜及肌肉层 临床症状:有不规则形状的深凹,伤口基部与伤口 边缘连接处可能有潜行凹洞,可有坏死组织及渗液 但伤口基部基本无痛感 ?期 皮肤广泛性受损,涉及筋膜、肌肉,骨头和支撑结构 临床症状:肌肉或骨头暴露,可有坏死组织 潜行深洞瘘管、渗出液 ?期、?期压疮处理原则:解除局部受压、改善局部血运、保护创面、 去除危险因素、预防感染、避免褥疮进展。 ?和?期压疮处理原则:解除局部受压、去除坏死组织、控制创面感染、 促进肉芽组织生长、尽快手术修复。 6(主动转移训练的禁忌证是 A(骨折未固定 B(骨关节炎 C(肌内萎缩 D(心功能?级 E(肌肉痉挛 (评定痉挛相对信度较高,实用范围较广,且便捷的方法是 7 A(临床评定 B(钟摆测试 C(肌电图H反射 D(等速运动测试 E(改良Ashworth分级法 (最适于颈椎牵引的是 8 A(神经根型颈椎病 B(椎动脉型颈椎病 C(脊髓型颈椎病 D(交感神经型颈椎病 E(老年性颈椎病 9(足印法进行步态 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 可得到的信息不包括 A(步长 B(步幅 C(步行周期 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept D(步宽 E(站立相的时值 10(患者在平行杠内进行步行训练时,最先进行的训练项目是 A(身体重心的转移训练 B(同时拖地步行 摆至步训练 C( D(摆过步训练 E(四点步训练 11(等长肌力训练的缺点为 A(动作较为简单,容易掌握 B(不需要或需要很少的器械 C(可加重心血管负担 D(潜在的损伤少,较为安仝 E(所用的时间较少,费用低 12(有关红外线疗法的注意事项,不正确的是 A(感觉障碍患者慎用 B(照射头部时需防护眼睛 动脉阻塞性病变不宜 C( D(皮炎患者不宜 E(新鲜的植皮可缩短照射距离以增加剂量 13(超声波治疗时的注意事项中,不正确的是 A(切忌声头空载 B(治疗中皮肤与声头之间要有气泡 C(耦合剂要均匀涂抹 D(患者出现疼痛或烧灼感时停止治疗 E(工作人员应戴棉纱手套进行操作 14(自助具选用原则不包括 A(实用 B(经济 C(可靠 D(易清洗 E(美观 15(关于关节活动范围测量的描述,错误的是 A(测量时将量角器的轴心与所测关节的运动轴心对齐 B(每个关节的运动轴心只有一个 C(量角器移动臂与关节远端长轴平行 D(量角器固定臂与构成关节的近端骨长轴平行 E(量角器移动臂所移动的弧度只有一个 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept 16(按摩可应用于 A(局部血肿早期 B(经期妇女腰骶部 C(促进静脉回流 n(孕妇的腰骶部 孕妇的下腹部 E( 17(水疗时用于水质清洁的方法不包括 A(紫外线 B(消毒剂 C(循环过滤 D(定时换水 E(经常溢水 18(改良Barthel指数评分在60分以上者表示 A(完全需要帮助 B(自理能力很好 C(需帮助才能完成BADL D(基本上能完成BADL E(需很大帮助 19(多块肌肉协调动作训练原则不包括 A(准确 B(抑制不需要的活动 C(先分后合 D(超常负荷 E(大量重复 20(与共鸣和口腔内压有关的器官是 A(牙 B(舌 C(唇 D(软腭 E(硬腭 21(关于家庭治疗的叙述,错误的是 A(把家庭作为一个整体进行心理治疗 B(治疗者通过与家庭中全体成员有规律地接触交谈,促使家庭发生变化 C(家庭治疗的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 程序分为询问解释诱导、深化、治疗和解除治疗 D(家庭治疗可用于缓解和治疗患者的焦虑和抑郁情绪 E(家庭治疗可以帮助患者改善家庭关系 22(用矫形器对肢体固定以及对异常活动的限制,维持骨、关节、脊柱的稳定性,是利 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept 用其 A(保护作用 B(稳定作用 C(代偿作用 D(矫正作用 E(免负荷作用 ,23(汉语标准失语症检查(SLTA)评分标准采用的是 A(3等级 B(5等级 C(6等级 D(7等级 E(8等级 24(PNF技术中,感觉输入的种类不包括 A(阻力 B(牵张 C(手法接触 D(意念 E(视觉 25(关节松动术中分离活动的作用不包括 A(缓解疼痛 B(减少关节面的承重 C(缓解关节内结构的压力 D(牵张关节囊和粘连 E(确定关节活动范围末端阻力的性质 26(记忆训练方法中,把要记住的信息和已知事情联系记忆,称为 A(背诵法 B(联想法 C(分解-联合法 D(提示法 E(编故事法 27(不适宜分散注意力、增加乐趣与交往、增加肢体肌力和协调性、加大关节活动范围 的作业活动是 A(套圈 B(扑克 C(集邮 D(抛球 E(下棋 28(属于干性啰音的是 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept A(小水泡音 B(痰鸣音 C(哨笛音 D(捻发音 E(舒张期杂音 29(应把重点放在代偿性技术训练上的失语症是 A(单纯性失语 B(运动性失语 C(感觉性失语 D(传导性失语 E(完全性失语 30(镇痛注射疗法常用的注射部位是 A(血管内 B(疼痛部位 C(蛛网膜下腔 D(神经干周围 E(臂丛神经周围 31(乳癌根治术后幻乳觉康复不包括 A(心理康复 B(使用乳房假体 C(局部轻柔抚摸 D(经皮电神经刺激疗法 E(高频电疗 ,32(中频电疗仪如果与高频电疗仪同放一室,两种仪器至少间隔 A(1.5米以上 B(2.0米以上 C(3.0米以上 D(4.0米以上 E(5.0米以上 33(神经根型颈椎病坐位牵引时常用的头颈前屈角度为 A(0?,5? B(5?,10? C(0?,10? D(15?,25? E(25?,30? 34(徒手肌力评定肌肉收缩形式是 A(等长收缩 B(最大自主收缩 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept C(等张收缩 D(强直收缩 E(慢速收缩 35(阅读时在患侧的极端放上颜色鲜艳的规尺,用手指沿行间移动,使视线随手指移向 患侧的训练,适宜训练 A(注意力 B(单侧忽略 C(手指失认 D(运动失用 E(视觉空间失认 36(单眼遮盖和交叉促进训练法通常用于治疗 A(注意力缺陷的患者 B(形状失认的患者 C(单侧忽略患者 D(身体失认患者 E(意念性先用患者 ,37(非理性认识的特点不包括 ”或“无”的思维方式 A(“全 B(以偏概全 C(情绪化推理 D(人格牵连 E(对事情过分乐观 38(下列哪项表现不属于有氧训练运动量过大 A(运动当日失眠 B(运动后大汗 C((运动后持续疲劳 D(运动后持续关节酸痛 E(运动次日清晨安静心率明显变快或感觉不适 39(常由阳极导入的是 A(钙离子 B(碘离子 C(氯离子 D(溴离子 E(维生索C 40(超声波治疗机发射超声波的原理主要是 A(自发辐射 B(受激辐射 C(压电效应 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept D(逆压电效应 E(电声转换 41(完全性失语症患者的治疗,最开始的项目应为 A(恢复口语表达 B(提高听理解力 改善阅读能力 C( D(改善实用交流 E(提高书写能力 42(PNF技术中对最大阻力的描述,正确的是 A(患者所能抵抗的最大阻力 B(完成关节的某一活动范围 C(治疗师给予的最大阻力 D(患者感到疼痛的最大阻力 E(能缓解肌肉的痉挛 PNF强调“最大阻力”,但要从患者的实际情况出发,“最大阻力”应该是患者能接受 的,可平稳移动或维持等长收缩的最大阻力,不要因为阻力过大,完不成动作,使患者丧失 信心。对某些患者来说,可能仅仅是一轻微的接触 43(持续性关节被动活动的治疗作用不包括 A(减轻关节肿胀 B(防止关节挛缩 C(促进肌腱的修复 D(缓解疼痛 E(增强肌力 44(熔蜡不宜采用直接加热法的原因是 A(温度过高,烫伤患者 B(石蜡变质、燃烧 C(石蜡冷却时间太长 D(不能进行漫蜡法 E(会导致石蜡内杂质太多 ,45(低压汞灯辐射的紫外线光谱是 A(以长波为主 B(以中长波为主 C(以中波为主 D(以中短波为主 E(以短波为主 46(临床上最常用的构音障碍评定方法是 A(WAB测验 B(BDAE法 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept C(ABC测验 D(FrenChay法 E(HRB测验 47(肱骨外上髁炎可能出现的阳性体征是 A(Cozen试验 FinkelStein征 B( C(Dugas征 D(Mills征 E(Eaten试验 在前臂过度旋前或旋后位,被动牵拉伸肌(握拳、屈腕)和主动收缩伸肌(伸腕) 将对肱骨外上髁处的伸肌总腱起点产生较大张力,如长期反复这种动作即可引起该处的慢性损伤。因此,凡需反复用力活动腕部的职业和生活动作均可导致这种损伤,如网球、羽毛球、乒乓球运动员,钳工、厨师和家庭妇女等。少数情况下,平时不 作文 任务驱动型作文写作指导课件沉潜作文范文考研英语二作文万能模板作文的开头和结尾技巧作文纸表格 体活动的中、老年文职人员,因肌肉软弱无力,即使是短期提重物也可发生肱骨外上髁炎,如出差提较重行李箱、协助搬运大量图书、家具等。 肱骨外上髁炎主要表现为肘关节外髁处局限性疼痛,并向前臂放射,尤其是在内旋时。患者常主诉持物无力,偶尔可因剧痛而使持物失落。静息后再活动或遇寒冷时疼痛加重。严重者扭毛巾、扫地等细小的生活动作均感困难。 临床检查时可发现肱骨外上髁处有压痛点;Mills征阳性,即屈腕并在前臂旋前位伸肘时可诱发疼痛。皮肤无炎症,肘关节活动不受影响。此外,抗阻力后旋前臂亦可引起疼痛。 ,48(与神经传导速度检查无关的是 A(潜伏期 B(活跃期 C(波幅 D(波宽 E(传导速度 49(紫外线生物剂量(MED)是指 A(引起最小面积红斑的剂量 B(引起最弱红斑的时间 C(治疗所需的最小剂量 D(治疗所需的最小范围 E(最安全的剂量 ,50(踝关节活动范围测量的说法正确的是 A(受检体位:俯卧位,足位于床缘外 B(轴心:踝后方,两踝中点 C(固定臂:小腿后纵轴 D(移动臂:轴心与足跟中点连线 E(正常活动范围:背届0?~20?,跖屈0?,45? 51(关于有氧训练注意事项的叙述,不正确的是 A(注意心血管用药与运动反应之间的关系 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept B(保证充分的准备和结束活动 C(选择适当的运动方式,近年来快走逐渐减少,慢跑的应用逐步增多 D(注意心血管反应 E(40岁以上者特别需要进行心电运动试验等检查,以保证运动时不要超过心血管系统 的承受能力 52(将3,5张日常用品的图片放在患者眼前让其看5秒钟后,移去卡片要求患者说出 卡片上物品的名称,此方法称为 A(视觉记忆训练法 B(提示法 C(代偿 D(PQRST法 E(自身参照法 53(有氧训练每周运功量阈值为 A(100,200卡 B(200,300卡 C(300,400卡 D(400,500 卡 E(700,2000卡 54(患者女,55岁。左侧肢体无力7天,生命体征平稳,颅脑CT示右侧基底节区梗死。 患者床上卧位,未坐起。开始转移训练时,不适宜进行的训练是 A(床旁坐起与躺下 B(仰卧位-侧卧位转移训练 C(侧方移动转移训练 D(卧位-坐位转移训练 E(坐位-站立位转移训练 55(患者男,82岁。脑卒中后。精细运动功能减退,完成剪贴杂志图片的作业活动中 不会使用剪刀和胶水,应采取的措施是 A(不让患者参加此项活动 B(治疗师手把手地帮患者剪贴 C(给患者提供一把自助具和一个胶水棍,以帮助完成活动 D(让患者自己慢慢剪贴,不强迫完成任务 E(给患者安装一个动力性夹扳 56(患者女,67岁。脑梗塞后言语不利20天。查体:张口困难,舌运动困难,发音不 清,听理解、阅读理解、书写正常。应进行的评定是 A(失语症评定 B(构音障碍评定 C(心理评定 D(认知评定 E(感知评定 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept 57(患者男,20岁。脊膜膨出术后3年。目前双下肢肌肉萎缩,关节挛缩。为其配置 腋杖助行器,其中关于配置指标的说法不正确的是 A(腋杖长度=身高-41cm B(站立时大转了的高度即为把手位置 C(测定时患者应穿常穿的鞋站立 D(后仰卧位,小趾前外侧15Cm与足底平齐处即为腋杖适当长度 E(后仰卧位,肘关节屈曲90度,腕关节背伸时掌面处即为把手位置 58(患者女,56岁,右侧肢体活动不灵6周。对其行Berg平衡量表评定:从坐位站起 叫需要他人少量帮助才能站立。则该项目评分为 A(0分 B(1分 C(2分 D(3分 E(4分 59(如图所示,评估右侧肱二头肌的肌力为 A(0级 B(1级 2级 C( D(3级 E(4级 60(患者女,60岁。反复咳嗽、咳痰1年余。双肿听诊呼吸音粗,可闻及少量湿啰音。 对该患者行有氧训练,其处方基本内容不包括 A(运动环境 B(运动方式 C(运动强度 D(运动时间 E(运动频率 61(患儿男,8岁。肱骨外侧髁骨折手法复位石膏托外固定后8周,骨折已愈合,肘关 节屈曲50?挛缩,此时最不适宜的治疗是 A(无痛范围牵引练习 B(蜡疗 C(关节松动 D(扣球运动 E(抓握单杠悬吊 62(患者女,40岁。右上肢皮疹1周,既往银屑病病史3年余。该患者首选的水疗方 法是 A(温水浴 B(盐水浴 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept C(松脂浴 D(苏打浴 E(冷水浴 63(患者男,脑卒中后左侧肢件张力增高。查体:肌张力严重增高,被动活动困难。则 按改良Ashworth分级法,此时的肌张力应为 A(1级 B(2级 C(3级 D(4级 E(0级 64(患者男,50岁。右侧肢体活动不灵5月余。查体:言语不清,鼻音重,软腭运动 欠佳。为此其训练的重点不包括 A(鼻吸气-口呼气 B(用力吹气 C(用力吸气 D(用冰块刺激软腭 E(用压舌板辅助软腭抬高 65(患者男,50岁。右侧肢体活动不灵,吞咽困难1个月。进行洼田俊夫的饮水测试, 30ml水能一次咽下,但有呛咳,该患者吞咽功能障碍为 A(第一种 B(第二种 C(第三种 D(第四种 E(第五种 66(患者女,65岁。膝关节置换术后1天。对该患者行CPM治疗。关于该患者治疗时 应注意事项的说法,错误的是 A(训练中应密切观察患者的反应 B(在膝关节伸直位调节活动范围 C(运动速度以1,2min为一个运动循环 D(持续运动1,2小时/次,1,2次/天 E(递增速度约为10?,20?/天,直至90? 67(患者女,67岁。反复咳嗽、咳痰、呼吸困难5年余。既往慢性阻塞性肺疾病5年。 查体:气越气急症状分级为3级。该患者主要表现为 A(无气短气急 B(稍感气短气息 C(轻度气短气急 D(明显气短气急 E(气短气急严重,不能耐受 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept 68(患者男,21岁。腰部扭伤1周,经休息稍好转,但仍有深部压痛,诊断为腰肌扭 伤,优选的高频电疗法是 A(线圈场法短波 B(电容场法超短波 C(共鸣火花 D(厘米波 E(毫米波 69(患者男,30岁。车祸致颈髓(C)损伤,双下肢运动感觉障碍2周。现表现为平3/4 静面容,神情淡漠,对医护人员不予理睬,对父母的关心爱护漠视。根据Franklin shontz患 病后即刻反应理论,该患者处于 A(心理绝望期 B(心理休克期 C(心理冲突期 D(心理退让期 E(重新适应期 70(患者女,70岁。因脑梗死导致肠道功能障碍,目前大便失禁,可选择的药物治疗 方式为 A(肛门润滑剂 肠道活动抑制剂 B( C(缓泻剂 D(解痉剂 E(止痛剂 71(患者男,60岁。因“突发右侧肢体活动不利1个月”收入院,头核磁示“左侧基 底节区脑梗塞”,查体可见的体征不包括 右侧巴宾斯基征阳性 A( B(右侧膝腱反射亢进 C(右侧腺腱反射未引出 D(右侧肌张力增高 E(右侧踝阵挛阳性 72(患者男,30岁。右侧大腿股骨中上1/3截肢1年。现拟安装大腿假肢,佩戴临时假 肢后发现站立期时存在腰椎前凸,其可能的原因不包括 A(假肢过长 B(接受腔后侧壁形成不良 C(接受腔前侧壁支撑不良 D(坐骨承重不充分 E(接受腔前后径过大 73(患者男,28岁。车祸导致T平面脊髓损伤1个月。双下肢关键肌肌力0级。选择12 被动关节活动训练的目的,错误的说法是 A(增强瘫痪肢体本体感觉 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept B(促发主动运动 C(牵张挛缩的肌腱 D(维持关节活动度 E(增强肌力,建立协调动作模式 74(患者男,28岁。T完全脊髓损伤,患者使用拐杖和AFO在社区内步行时,移动10 速度最快的方式是 A(摆至步 B(摆过步 C(四点步 D(三点步 E(两点步 75(患者男,65岁。咳嗽、咳痰5年余。既往慢性阻塞性肺疾病5年余。对其实施呼 吸训练,关于其训练的说法不正确的是 A(强调膈肌呼吸为主的呼吸方法 B(可取卧位、坐位、前倾站位 C(呼气吸气的时间比例大致为1:2 D(可进行发音训练 E(可采用缩唇呼气训练 76(患者女,45岁。腰痛2周,给予针灸治疗,取委中、昆仑穴,其遵循的取穴原则 是 A(近部取穴 B(远部取穴 C(随症取穴 D(上下配穴 左右配穴 E( 二、以下提供若干个案例,每个案例有若干个考题。请根据提供的信息,在每 题的A、B、C、D、E五个备选答案中选择一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上按照 题号,将所选答案对应字母的方框涂黑。 (77,78题共用题干) 患者男,22岁。2小时前足球比赛时出现右踝扭伤。查体:右踝肿胀,活动受限,不能 负重,触痛明显,X线检查未发现骨折现象。 77(目前应采取的最佳治疗措施是 A(制动 B(超短波 C(冰数 D(按摩 E(中频电疗止痛 78(48小时后应采取的治疗首选 A(超短波 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept B(超声波 C(中频电疗 D(按摩 E(低频电疗 (79,81题共用题干) 患者男,20岁。主因“颈脊髓出血,血肿消除术后1个月”入院,目前神志清楚,气 管切开,呼吸机辅助呼吸,四肢无主动活动,保留导尿,骶尾部?度压疮,诊断为颈脊髓损 伤(C)、不全四肢瘫、神经源性膀胱、压疮(?度)。 1~4 79(不适于压疮部位的物理治疗是 A(红外线照射 B(紫外线照射 C(半导体激光 D(高频电疗 E(干扰电疗法 80(关于四肢肌力训练的描述,不正确的是 A(0级肌力,给予电刺激,防止及延缓肌肉的萎缩 B(1,2级肌力,肌电反馈训练及肌肉电刺激相结合 3,4级肌力,由主动训练进展到抗阻训练 C( D(大强度少重复的练习对增加肌肉耐力有利 E(等长训练时屏气明显,易诱发自主神经反射 81(关于膀胱功能训练的注意事项,错误的是 A(必须监测残余尿量 B(避免膀胱过度充盈或手法加压过度 C(饮水和排尿时间间隔无限制 D(宜同时监测心率血压 E(寻找该患者特异的排尿反射的“触发点” (82,83题共用题干) 患者男,60岁。因脑出血导致平衡功能障碍。 (进行平衡评估应采用 82 A(Brunnstrom量表 B(Ashworth量表 C(MMSE量表 D(Berg量表 E(Fugl—Meyer量表 83(采用仪器量化评估其动态平衡功能,包括 A(双腿站立 B(单腿站立 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept C(重心左右转移 D(睁眼站立 E(闭眼站立 (84,86题共用题干) 患者男,45岁。右肩关节活动范围受限3个月。患者3个月前外伤致右肱骨外科颈骨 折,内固定术后骨折愈合良好。查体:皮肤瘢痕增生明显,肩关节内收、外展、屈曲、伸展 均明显受限。 84(适合该患者的关节松动训练的级别(麦特兰德关节松动术分级)是 A(I级 B(?级 C(?级 D(?级 E(V级 85(关节松动术的适应证不包括 A(关节疼痛 B(肌肉紧张 C(进行性关节活动受限 肉瘤 D(骨 E(功能性关节制动 86(患者行关节松动术后治疗部位疼痛,能说明治疗量合适的情况是 A(4,6小时后疼痛消失 B(12小时后疼痛消失 C(24小叫后疼痛消失 D(48小时后疼痛消失 E(出现疼痛是增长反心,不必理会 (87,88题共用题干) 患者男,51岁,脑外伤4个月,肢体活动不灵伴饮水呛咳,反复发热,体重减轻,发 音不清。听理解、阅读和书写较好。 87(该患者首先应该做的检查是 A(舌、唇运动 B(饮水试验和VF C(呼吸功能检查 D(失用检查 E(腭咽闭合检查 88(既可治疗吞咽又有益于发音改善的训练是 A(失用训练 B(构音器官运动训练 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept C(认知训练 D(交互吞咽 E(增加一口量 (89,90题共用题干) 患者男,25岁。右侧Bell’s而瘫,出现症状14天。电诊断检查示:右面部的CMAP波 幅是左侧的50,,右侧面肌肌电图显示运动单位募集明显减少,迅速激发。 89(时值是指 A(基强度的2倍 B(用2倍于基强度的时间使神经肌肉组织兴奋所需要的最短时间 C(引起肌肉收缩的最小电流 D(基强度的1/2 E(即基强度 90(经过一段时间治疗,复查显示时间-强度曲线向左下漂移,说明 A(神经功能有所恢复 B(神经功能无变化 C(神经功能变差 D(肌肉功能变好 E(无意义 三、以下提供若干组考题,每组考题共同使用在考题前列出的A、B、C、D、E五个 备选答案。请从中选择一个与考题关系最密切的答案,并在答题卡上将相应题号的相应字 母所属的方框涂黑。每个备选答案可能被选择一次,多次或不被选择。 (91,92题共用备选答案) A(能抗重力作全关节活动范围的运动,但不能抗阻力 B(能抗重力和一定的阻力运动 C(可扪及肌肉轻微收缩,但无关节活动 D(能抗重力和充分阻力的运动 E(在消除重力姿势下能作全关节活动范围运动 91(Lovett分级法评定标准中,符合3级肌力描述标准的是 92(Levett分级法评定标准中,符合1级肌力描述标准的是 (93,95题共用备选答案) A(神经肌肉电刺激疗法 B(被动运动 C(免负荷运动 D(主动运动 E(抗阻运动 93(4级肌力,提高肌力适宜的训练方法为 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept 94(1级肌力,提高肌力适宜的训练方法为 95(2级肌力,提高肌力适宜的训练方法为 (96,98题共用备选答案) A(耐力、姿势的控制、精细运动 B(应对能力、自我表达、自我控制 C(记忆力、定向力、注意力 D(人际关系、兴趣、处理情感能力 E(FIM评定方法 96(运动功能评定 97(认知综合能力评定 98(日常生活能力评定 (99,100题共用备选答案) A(手的休息位 手的功能位 B( C(手的保护位 D(手的伸展位 E(手的屈曲位 99(腕部尺神经、正中神经损伤后,手应置于 100(前臂屈指肌腱断裂吻合术后,制作动力型夹板时,除腕关节置于屈曲30?,手指 应置于 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept
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