首页 关于学生吃零食的调查报告



关于学生吃零食的调查报告关于学生吃零食的调查报告 莫把零食当主食 ——关于学生吃零食的调查报告 一、现状 现在~学生吃零食的现象很普遍~走进一些学校~就会发现校门前的地面上有学生扔的零食包装袋~尤其是风大的时候更是刮得到处飞舞~校园里~随处可见拿零食吃的学生。课堂上~很多学生趁着老师转身的机会拿出吃的来吃。放学时~卖零食的小店被学生挤得满满的。有一些学生一天不吃零食就不舒服。 据调查表明~我校200多名学生里98.63%都吃零食~其中每天吃零食的占70.06%~经常吃零食的25.84%~偶尔吃零食的占65.73%。仅有3.37%的...

关于学生吃零食的调查 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 莫把零食当主食 ——关于学生吃零食的调查报告 一、现状 现在~学生吃零食的现象很普遍~走进一些学校~就会发现校门前的地面上有学生扔的零食包装袋~尤其是风大的时候更是刮得到处飞舞~校园里~随处可见拿零食吃的学生。课堂上~很多学生趁着老师转身的机会拿出吃的来吃。放学时~卖零食的小店被学生挤得满满的。有一些学生一天不吃零食就不舒服。 据调查 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明~我校200多名学生里98.63%都吃零食~其中每天吃零食的占70.06%~经常吃零食的25.84%~偶尔吃零食的占65.73%。仅有3.37%的学生从来不吃零食。 二、危害 香、脆、甜、酸、咸等多味的小食品~如话梅~奶糖~巧克力等是青少年最喜欢吃的食品。往往正餐时饭不吃~而这些食品不离口~结果孩子越吃越瘦小。 不少学生在晚餐之后边做作业边吃零食~或者边看电视边吃零食~或者边听音乐边吃零食~更有甚者躺在床上吃零食。这样吃零食会过量进食~长此以往会导致体重超标~身体素质下降。 第一~油炸类~会引致青少年发胖和身体的不健康的生长发育。不时的摄取零食~势必使肠胃得不到充分休息~消化液的分泌减少~引起肠胃功能失调。当前我国青少年的营养特点是:蛋the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human 白质和热量供给充足~脂肪和食盐过多~而钙、铁、锌、维生素A、维生素B2以及膳食纤维供给不足。因此~应适当减少肪供给~如炸薯片、薯条、炸鸡翅、炸羊肉串、锅巴以及油炸方便面等食物应少吃,脂肪含量过多的食品包括奶油蛋糕、冰淇淋、黄油类食品都应该少吃。此外~吃零食必用手~有时因手没洗干净而感染了疾病~如急性肠胃炎、肠虫症等。在这种情况下~学生每天的营养又如何保证呢, 第二~高糖食品。所谓高糖食品~不仅包括加入蔗糖太多的甜食和糖果~也包括以淀粉为主要成分的食品~而当前市场上销售的饮料绝大多数含糖量较高~如各种果汁饮料、碳酸饮料、茶饮料等。同时~这些饮料中还包含对儿童、青少年生长发育可能有不良影响的色素、香精和防腐剂等。如果过多地吃甜食~糖也会在肠道中容易发酵产气~使肚子产生饱胀感~因此许多学生的肚子就越来越大~成为了“小胖墩”。这样孩子还处在似饱非饱的饥饿状态~所需营养不足~阻碍了正党生长。 第三~冷饮。许多青少年吃冷饮成癖~无论春夏秋冬~一有机会就大吃冷饮。大量吃冷饮会使胃肠道温度骤降~局部血液循环减少~容易引起消化功能紊乱~同时还可能诱发经常性的轻微腹痛~从而影响孩子的生长发育和身体健康。 第四~洋快餐充当零食。一些洋快餐脂肪含量太高~营养不均衡~对儿童体格发育不利。美国《华盛顿邮报》曾刊登一幅画着热狗、汉堡包、薯条和雪糕的图片~上面写着“我们害死的美the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human 国人和烟草一样多”。洋快餐的故乡美国人都有了这样的认识~我国青少年有什么理由如此爱好洋快餐呢, 三、原因 有一些家庭饮食没有规律~吃饭时间或早或晚~不能养成定时定量的习惯。有时做饭晚了~又怕孩子饿着~就给孩子吃饼干、糕点之类零食~使孩子的胃肠负担加重~消化系统的功能紊乱而降低食欲~到吃饭的时候都吃不香了。饭不想吃了以后~肚子就会越来越饿~有的家长又过分娇惯孩子~一切由着孩子的性子来~孩子要吃什么~就买什么~走着也吃~站着也吃~所以他们就大肆的吃零食~结果吃得越来越多~肠胃得不到充分休息~消化液的分泌减少~引起肠胃功能失调~也就越来越饿~饿了就更会吃~这样就形成了恶性循环。 四.矫正 1、 晓之以理 家长要结合具体事例~通过多种途径教育学生不要吃零食~让学生从思想上真正认识到吃零食的坏处。在全校学生教育的基础上~教师要注意做好个别学生的工作~分别找爱吃零食的学生谈话。首先了解他们的生活习惯和一天里的饮食情况~然后提出具体要求~如告诉他们在饭前一个半小时~不能吃零食。过几天后~教师要询问学生的饮食改变情况~发现有进步~应及时表扬,反之~要给以适当的批评~帮助他们克服吃零食的习惯。三是进行家访或开家长会。教师和家长积极配合~共同帮助学生改掉吃the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human 零食的坏习惯。 2、定时饮食 一日三餐定时定量吃饭~饭前不可吃零食~以免影响食欲。吃好了正餐~也就不再像吃零食了。家长要帮助孩子建立合理的生活作息 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ~让孩子按时进餐~使他们养成良好的生活习惯。心理学告诉我们:同一刺激经常反复作用就会在大脑皮层形成固定的条件反射系统,即动力定型,~就是人们常说的“习惯成自然”。一旦良好习惯养成后~孩子无需一直努力就能按时吃饭。每当接近吃饭时~他们就会出现饥饿感~产生条件反射~消化器官随之分泌消化液~胃也按时蠕动~这样就使孩子吃饭香甜~易于食物消化和吸收。因此可以说建立良好的饮食习惯也是一种教育手段~它不仅有助于学生的身体健康~而且也有利于培养他们的组织性、纪律性以及其他品质。 3、调剂饭菜 为了增进食欲~使孩子好好吃饭~家长要尽量把饭菜做得好一些~变换花样~烹调时使色、香、味俱全~再取个好听的菜名。 4、防止偏食 要使孩子得到足够营养~最好给与平衡的饮食~防止偏食。每样食物都不要吃得过多~因为几乎每一种事务中都包含着人体需要的某种营养。但没有一种食物能包含人体所需的全部营养。如果某一类食物吃得过多~别的一些食物量自然会相对减少~那么~就会导致其他营养素缺乏。 the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human 5、控制零花钱 现在有许多孩子的家长~特别是独生子女的家长~常给自己 孩子零花钱~这就为孩子买零食提供了方便条件。因此~教师要 教育学生~不要向家长所要吃零食的钱~而家长也应有目的地控 制给孩子的零花钱~这样就能使学生做到不该买得不买~不该吃 得不吃~能有效地控制学生吃零食。当然~这些小食品也不是绝 对不能给孩子吃~关键是要适量适时。饭后用些水果还是可以的~ 但量要少~次数不宜多~更不能以吃零食度日。 the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human
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