首页 vmi+hub管理教材(供应商库存)



vmi+hub管理教材(供应商库存)nullnullVMI - What is it ? Vendor Managed Inventory 供應商管理庫存 Supplier共享客戶存貨數據 Supplier負責維持客戶要求之存貨水平 2 Hours 車程 之內 No Cust...

nullnullVMI - What is it ? Vendor Managed Inventory 供應商管理庫存 Supplier共享客戶存貨數據 Supplier負責維持客戶要求之存貨水平 2 Hours 車程 之內 No Customs issue Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) - APICs dictionary 9th editionnull Suppliers存貨 非保稅 factories存貨 保稅 factories存貨 Resellers & CustomersAccessories & Monitors傳 統 產 銷 模 式物料物料TIOTIOTIOnull SuppliersVMI HUB非保稅 factories保稅 factories Resellers & CustomersAccessories & MonitorsVMI 產 銷 模 式Accessories & Monitors物料物料TIO 無存貨TIO 無存貨JIT & VMI HUBJIT & VMI HUBHUB物流VMI HUB 運作 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 VMI HUB 運作流程供應商FOXCONN 各BU依據配送日報 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf INVOICE FOXCONN日報表日報表依據MIN/MAX 補貨運送依據MPS制訂每周存貨MIN/MAX配送依據工單訂貨 PULL SIGNALBLANKET P/O13 WEEKS MPS FORECASTVMI 是策略優勢並成為核心競爭力VMI 是策略優勢並成為核心競爭力Suppliers are selected not only for their Products, but also on their capacity to support VMI. VMI helps to optimize partnerships with our key Suppliers (increased level of engagement) VMI is the process that bridges the actual demand from our Customers to the Supplier為何執行 VMI 為何執行 VMI VMI Hub 改變採購計畫從 Push to PullThe Target is : Increase BTO/CTO Capability by ensuring 100% availability Ensure compatibility with the inbound supply chain Share with the Vendor the Actual Information of Demand.. ..to follow the market trends (upside, downside) … Consolidate the physical flow through the HUB Increase Supply Chain visibility Increase Manageability : standard process across BUs Optimize demand/supply management VMI Terms & Conditions VMI Terms & Conditions Non binding forecast: 每周會有一個non-binding forecast 下給供應商,作x周/月 預測. 這個forecast 實際就是各BU 需要從Hub 運出的貨量. 但是forecast 僅做參考 , 而非承諾 - Flexibility Rules: Upside and Downside flexibilities are negotiated with the supplier. The flexibility applies on the number of units to be pulled from the Hub.nullBlanket Purchase Order: 每月的最后一周, Blanket PO 都將由採購下給各供應商. 一張BPO 包含數量、價格和有效期. Availability optimization: 供應商應當保證及時供貨 . 供應商必須根據forecast 庫存變化以及實際需求及時補貨. 由於供應商庫存小於需求量而導致實際物料需求滿足不 了時,稱為Hub Down. 當出現Hub Down 時 , Hub 會向供應商收取一定金額的 罰金.金額為每天/周所缺貨價值的a%. VMI data managementVMI data managementForecast : 月需求預估未來3個月的需求(每月更新). 周需求預估未來13個星期.(每周更新). 日需求預估未來2周需求(每日更新). Replenishment: 供應商必須計算補貨數量來保證Hub 庫存需求. 計算應考慮以下因素: * Forecasts * 交貨Lead time * 月、日消耗量. * 機動條款 nullLogistics: 交易方式均為DDU Hub. 卸貨及儲存費用,以及處理過程中的風險均由供應商承擔. 交貨費用: 物料成本+運費+Hub 服務費. 所有Hub 管理費用(進出貨運作,存貨及送貨等) 由供應商承擔. 快遞: 如超出彈性合約所規定的數量 , 多余運費由foxconn 承擔. 如發現缺貨 , 則運費由供應商承擔. Inventory ownership : 物料運出Hub之前 , 所有存庫物料權仍在供應商. 供應商要及時補貨以保證庫存充足.nullNew Product management 與供應商溝通 New Product, 下PO 給供應商 ; 供應商確認收到 PO, 回復ETA 給Hub. shipped: DDU Hub Ramp-up Management: 目標:需求突增時保證供應需求突增量=使庫存充裕, 並能及時補貨. How: Supplier to plan shipments of the 4 first months 折中措施:供應商起始庫存應當3 WOS 於日常生產用量. Hub Management: 確定所有料號均鍵入系統. 通知Hub 預定儲位. Have a close follow up and Be proactivenullEnd Of Life management Frozen demand: 在最後需求月 之前 × 個月 , 停止下月 forecast . 客戶指示EOL數據 . 客戶正式聲明此產品已到EOL 時期. 凍結forecast 第一天就通知供應商即時庫存. Left-to-ship quantity: Supplier calculates the left to ship quantity as of beginning of the EOL period : Left to ship = + EOL demand (3 months) - Inventory (hub+ RMA) - In transit (as of first date of the EOL period) Rules of the Game Rules of the Game 只有兩條標準衡量供應商的表現: Hub Down (庫存不足) 登錄 VMI Hub 網站數據的準確性. 這兩條標準用以評估表現 , 並且會影響市場佔有率及 未來的產品回鐀率.VMI Roles and Responsibilities - ForecastVMI Roles and Responsibilities - Forecast BUs: 提供每月需求 forecast 確保forecast 在Hub 系統中的準確性和時效性. Use business share to communicate suppliers. - Define business share % Supplier: 確保數據在VMI 系統中的準確性和時效性. 提供Volume forecast 給Hub. Hub: 保證隨時有倉位提供給各個供應商. 為供應商學習VMI 系統提供培訓. VMI Roles and Responsibilities – Inventory Data VMI Roles and Responsibilities – Inventory Data Hub: 把更新的庫存數據上傳到VMI 網頁(即時或隔夜) 必要時覆蓋詳細記錄數據. 批準供應商定義的庫存警戒線. 如果供應商過失引起庫存不足要提供此報告給供應商和GSP. 根據實際情形 report to GSP 商定供應商懲罰措施. GSP: 提供聯繫制造商料號、FOXCONN 料號等迅息給供應商 和Hub. VMI Roles and Responsibilities – Inventory Data (cont.)VMI Roles and Responsibilities – Inventory Data (cont.) Supplier: 提供符合當地法律規定的精確貨物文件資料. 熟悉Hub運作流程及系統 , 確信滿意Hub對貨物的掌 控和庫存管理. 定義庫存警戒水平. 當庫存量小於警戒水平時 , 通知GSP, Hub立即補救措施. Hub: 確保Hub 系統網頁的庫存迅息準確、及時. 盡快標出不準確的數據或項目如數量等 , 以避免日常操作中的 損失.VMI Roles and Responsibilities – Performance Reporting VMI Roles and Responsibilities – Performance Reporting Hub: 對供應商的表現每月作出評報 , Hub Down 或者 ETA 可信度 每月提供庫存變動給供應商和FOXCONN . GS P: 平衡過去 performance data within evaluation process 必要時進行強制手段. Supplier: 維護供應商Scoreboard , 及時溝通並找出解決方式. VMI Roles and Responsibilities – Terms and Conditions Negotiations VMI Roles and Responsibilities – Terms and Conditions Negotiations BUs: 提供 input 給 GSP 有關 BU requirements for supplier terms and conditions. 參與供應商的選擇. 核準運費及Hub 費用. _ 與GSP 溝通需求. 行使BU的責任. Supplier: 與VMI Hub商談 Hub’s Ts 和 Cs. 確保100%地供貨. Hub: 與供應商合作制定MOU和簽定 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 ,加入VMI . 執行 Ts & Cs 談判.VMI Roles and Responsibilities – Terms and Conditions Negotiations (cont.) VMI Roles and Responsibilities – Terms and Conditions Negotiations (cont.) GSP: 選擇最好的供應商. 平衡各事業處需求. 與BUs 合作制定相應的供應鏈模式. 制定FOXCONN / 供應商合同. 為供應商和BUs 提供溝通的機會. 為Hub 提供一些標準給供應商 , 如棧板規格限制等. 通過溝通或Ts&Cs 訊流及時更新數據. 管理責任: 會總BUs 需求與供應商談判. Be the escalation point VMI Roles and Responsibilities - VMI supplier relationships VMI Roles and Responsibilities - VMI supplier relationships GSP: 介紹供應商給Hub. 幫助並確保BUs 順利地將收、發貨任務轉移到Hub. 建立Blanket PO 操作流程. 與供應商合作與VMI 溝通 , 提供初始資料.並安排BUs .供應商和Hub 初次 接觸. Supplier: 學習VMI 操作流程. Hub: 為供應商提供VMI 作業文件. 根據供應商要求提供Hub 服務. 介紹VMI 操作流程給供應商. VMI Roles and Responsibilities - Warehousing VMI Roles and Responsibilities - Warehousing GSP: 為特殊供應商/貨物提供倉儲的技術參數. 提供指導方針和檢查 , 以確保 Hub 達到安全標準. 提出那些物料要高度保護. Supplier: 給出指導方針並檢查倉庫環境以便其達到供應商的安全要求. Hub: 提供安全的倉儲環境. 執行收貨、存貨、發貨 .VMI Roles and Responsibilities 異常管理 VMI Roles and Responsibilities 異常管理 GSP: 處理異常(短缺、需求突增/減) , 返工 , NPI 和 EOL . Supplier: 確保供貨 補貨 提供具體運輸訊息給Hub . 處理報關關稅等. Hub: 幫助BUs 和供應商及時溝通. 反應迅速以確保庫存量100%精確.VMI Hub Set UpVMI Hub Set Up Czech Republic ----- July 2000 Houston, USA ----- May 2001 Fullerton, USA ----- June 2001 Long Hua, China ----- March 2002nullnull IQC: 150 SM Receiving: 180 SM Despatch: 180 SM Racking: 500 SM Pallet: 1640 SM RMA: 133 SM Non-Bonded: 217 SM Total : 3000 SM nullVMI HUB Layout - Phase IIInull VMI Hub is restricted area, only authorized personnel allowed to enter the cage area. VMI Hub operators shall always wear badge with picture identification. Cage door shall remain closed at all time other than operation time. VMI Hub operation supervisor shall be responsible for opening and closing the cage door.Security Policynull Employee background check. Fixed cameras for 24 hours non-stop recording installed at the VMI Hub, all the data will be kept for 3 months. Cameras are connected to security office for monitoring daily operation. 24 hours patrol by security guards. Fire Hydrant, fire extinguisher system, automatic sprinkler system on site.Security policy – cont’dnull Building, Equipment/Machinery Policy. Employee Fidelity Policy. (Theft) Third Party Liability Policy. (Fire, Explosion, Strike, Commotion…etc.) Cargo Transportation Policy. (Moving Accident) Employee Liability Policy. (Neglegence, Misconduct) Insurance PolicynullReceiving 1. Notice 2.Receiving 3.Receiving By Bin 4.Dynamic Receiving 5.External Receiving 6.Qc Inspection 7.Receiving ReportShipping 1. Notice 2.Prepare Material 3.Shipping 4.Quick Shipping 5.Ship out 6.Shipping ReportWarehouse 1.Transfer Bin 2.Physical Count 3.Recycle Count 4.Split Repack Pallet 5.Warehouse Report Special Operation 1.Re-Assign Customer 2.Return from Customer 3.Return to Vendor 4.Back to Bin 5.Undo Operation 6.Report ReprintVMI-HUB Operation SystemEDIFTPXMLE-MailB2B ModuleCustomer QueryVendor Query & InputHUB Admin Query3PL Inventory QueryWEB ModuleVMI-HUB Function ModuleEDI Message Flow (Pulled by Customers)EDI Message Flow (Pulled by Customers)Inventory Delivery Billing Management856 (Advance Shipping Notice)861 (Receiving Advice)862 (Delivery Notice)861 (Delivery Response)867(Delivery Response)846 (Inventory Inquiry)VMI HubVendor Customer846 (Inventory Inquiry)856 (Delivery Advice)830 (Forecast )830 (Forecast )VMI Hub Operation proceduresVMI Hub Operation proceduresGoods Receiving Procedures. Goods Despatch Procedures. Goods & Space Forecast Procedures. IQC Procedures. RMA Procedures. Transfer Procedures. Cycle Count Procedures. Abnormal Control Procedures. Inventory Query Procedures. Customs Clearance Procedures. Billing Procedures. Some Vendors in VMI HUBSome Vendors in VMI HUBTHANK YOUTHANK YOUWELCOME TO JOIN VMI HUB
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