首页 阴虚和阳虚区别



阴虚和阳虚区别阴虚和阳虚区别 来源:大众医药网 中医教你: 火和水构成了阳和阳 中医的理论多来自于自然界和人类实践,取相比类,是最常用的手法。火为阳,水为阴。 什么是虚呢?就是弱的意思。阳虚就是火弱,阴虚就是水弱。 那在人体里,到底什么是阳,什么是阴呢?或者什么是火,什么是水呢?人们吃进东西,吸进氧气,通过肠胃的生物转换,就会产生能量,这种能量,就是人体之火,生命之火,这就是人体的阳气。那什么是人体的阴呢,或者人体的水呢?这个水就是血液、体液。 就像烧水做饭一样,如果火烧的过大,水会烧干,饭会烧煳;同样,如果火不够的...

阴虚和阳虚区别 来源:大众医药网 中医教你: 火和水构成了阳和阳 中医的理论多来自于自然界和人类实践,取相比类,是最常用的手法。火为阳,水为阴。 什么是虚呢?就是弱的意思。阳虚就是火弱,阴虚就是水弱。 那在人体里,到底什么是阳,什么是阴呢?或者什么是火,什么是水呢?人们吃进东西,吸进氧气,通过肠胃的生物转换,就会产生能量,这种能量,就是人体之火,生命之火,这就是人体的阳气。那什么是人体的阴呢,或者人体的水呢?这个水就是血液、体液。 就像烧水做饭一样,如果火烧的过大,水会烧干,饭会烧煳;同样,如果火不够的话,水烧不开,饭也做不熟。人体也一样,如果一个人的阳气不足,人就会运化不好,人就会湿重,身体发胖,舌头发胖,大便多不成形;反之,如果一个人阴气不足,人就会显得很瘦,并且容易口干和便秘。因此,一般而言,胖人多阳虚,而瘦人多阴虚。 因此,只有阴阳平和之人,身材才会不胖不瘦,显得很匀称。偏胖偏瘦之人,多半身体都有问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 肾阴:肾阴是肾精作用的体现,全身各个脏腑都要依靠肾阴的滋养;是人体阴液的根本,所以又称“元阴”。人体各个脏腑失去肾阴的滋养就会发生病变,如肝失滋养则肝阴虚,肝阳亢,甚至出现肝风;心失滋养则心阴虚、心火旺、心烦失眠;心神不安;脑失滋养则眩晕耳鸣。 反过来,各个脏腑的阴液严重不足时,也会导致肾阴不足,如热邪侵犯灼伤胃、胃阴不足,进一步就会损伤肾阴,称为“肾阴涸”。由于“阴虚则阳亢”、“阴虚生内热”,肾阴虚往往会出现潮热、升火颧红、舌红、口干咽燥、脉数无力等热象,但也有虚而无热,则称为肾精亏损。 肾阳:肾阳能推动人体各个脏腑的生理活动,是一身阳气的根本,也称“元阳”。 肾阳不足就会影响各个脏腑的生理活动而发生病变。如肺失肾阳的帮助则出现气急,吸气不足等症称为肾不纳气;脾失肾阳的推动则出现五更泄泻、完谷不化等症;心失肾阳的鼓动则出现心悸、气急;胸闷;唇舌青紫等心阳不足的症候;膀胱失去肾阳的气化则出现小便不利或失禁或余沥不尽或遗尿;津液的吸收、输布失去肾阳的气化则发生水肿;肾脏本身气化不足则出现阳痿、遗精、腰脊酸软等症;如果肾阳衰竭则出现面色苍白、四肢厥冷、冷汗如油、脉微欲绝等危险的tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 症候,称为亡阳。 “阳虚则阴盛”,“阳虚生外寒”。肾阳虚必然会产生寒象,如行寒肢冷、面色光、腰脊冷痛、喜热饮、小便清长、大便清稀、舌淡苔白等症。如果虚而寒象不明显,一般称为“肾气虚”。肾阳虚与肾阴虚同属肾虚,基本上相同;区别在于有无明显的寒象。 肾阴、肾阳的相互关系:肾阴与肾阳是肾脏生理的两个方面。滋养全身各个脏腑的作用,称为肾阴;推动全身各个脏腑的活动的作用,称为肾阳。肾阴虚和肾阳虚是肾脏病理的两个方面,虚而有热为阴虚,虚而有寒为阳虚。两者的性质是不同的,阴阳、寒热,是对立的两个方面。但两者又共居于肾脏之中,是肾精和肾气的具体 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现,又是密切联系不可分割的。阴液需要依靠阳气的推动,阳气需要阴液为基础。 肾阴虚和肾阳虚往往相互影响,出现阴虚及阳或阳虚及阴的病理现象。我们对肾阴虚和肾阳虚的症状同时出现的时候,不能平等看待,必须具体分析,看那个方面是病理变化上起着主导作用的方面。以肾阴虚为主,在治疗上要滋补精、血,使肾阴充足,肾阳才能振奋。在中医理论上叫做“精能化气”。以肾阳虚为主,在治疗上首先要培补元气,使肾阳得到旺盛,才能促进肾阴恢复。在中医理论上称为“精血不能速生,元气所当急固”。我们还必须注意,在疾病发展的过程中肾阴虚和肾阳虚的主要位置会变换,治疗的重点就要相应起变化。 肾和膀胱病的辨证 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,是指根据肾与膀胱的生理功能、病理表现,对肾和膀胱疾病的证候进行分析归纳,从而判断肾和膀胱疾病的病机、性质及正邪盛衰情况的一种辨证方法。 肾位腰部,左右各一,以三焦分属为下焦部位,其功能主藏精,主生殖,主骨生髓充脑,在体为骨,开窍于耳及二阴,其华在发,又主水,并有纳气功能,为先天之本。膀胱也位于下焦,具有储尿排尿作用,经脉与肾相互络属,二者相表里。各种原因导致肾脏功能失调,则可见肾脏、水液、骨髓、脑、耳、发、二阴病变,常见症状有腰膝酸软而痛,耳鸣耳聋,发白早脱,牙齿动摇,阳萎遗精,精少不育,女子经少、经闭以及水肿,二便异常等。膀胱病变则常见尿频、尿急、尿痛、尿闭以及遗尿、小便失禁等症状。凡见到以上述症状为主的疾病即可确定为肾或膀胱疾病。肾藏元阴元阳,为人体生长发育之根,脏腑功能活动之本,一有损伤则诸脏皆病,故肾病多虚证,膀胱病变则多见湿热证。 本法常用于对心悸、不寐、眩晕、耳鸣、耳聋、哮喘、痰饮、虚劳、痿病、腰痛、水肿、泄泻、遗尿、尿血、尿浊、癃闭、劳淋、膏淋、消渴、胎动不安、不孕、不育、五迟、五软、解颅等病的辨证。肾和膀胱病变主要证候有:肾气虚证、肾阳虚证、肾阴虚证、肾阴阳两虚证、肾气不固证、肾不纳气证、肾精不足tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 证、肾阳虚水泛证、肾经寒湿证、膀胱湿热证、膀胱虚寒证,应注意相似证候的鉴别。 一、辨肾精不足证 肾精不足证是指肾精亏虚,生殖和生长发育功能低下所表现的证候。常由先天禀赋不足,或房事不节,过度耗伤肾精所引起。 [临床表现] 小儿发育迟缓,身体矮小,囟门迟闭,智力低下,骨骼痿软,或成人早衰,发脱齿摇,耳鸣耳聋,失眠健忘,或男子精少不育或女子经闭不孕,性功能减退,舌淡脉细弱。 [机制分析] 本证多因先天禀赋不足,或后天失养,元气不充,或因久病劳损,房事不节,耗伤肾精所致。肾精不足,不能化气生血,充肌长骨,故小儿发育迟缓,身体矮小,囟门迟闭,骨骼痿软,无以充髓实脑,故智力低下。肾精不足,生殖无源,故男子精少不育,女子经闭不孕。肾之华在发,精不足则发易脱;齿为骨之余,精失充则齿摇早脱。肾开窍于耳,脑为髓海,精少则髓亏,故有耳鸣耳聋,健忘恍惚,神情呆钝。精亏骨失充养,故两足痿软,动作迟钝。舌淡,脉细弱,为肾精不足之象。 [辨证要点] ?本证以肾精亏虚,功能低下为主要病机。 ?以小儿发育迟缓,成人生殖功能低下及早衰之象为辨证依据。 ?有小儿发育迟缓,或成人早衰等肾精不足的表现,以及男子精少不育、女子经闭不孕、性功能减退等肾病定位症状。 二、辨肾阴虚证 肾阴虚证是指肾阴亏虚,失于濡润,虚热内生所表现的证候。常由久病虚劳,房事不节,或温热病后期,灼伤肾阴所引起。 [临床表现] 眩晕耳鸣,腰膝酸软,健忘,发脱齿摇,男子遗精早泄,阳强易举,女子经少、经闭,或见崩漏,五心烦热,颧红盗汗,骨蒸潮热,形体消瘦,尿少色黄,舌红无苔,脉细数。 [机制分析] 本证多因虚劳久病,耗损肾阴,或温热病后期,消灼肾阴,或房事不节,情欲妄动,阴精内损,皆可导致肾阴虚损。肾阴为人身阴液之根本,具有滋养,濡润各脏腑组织,充养脑髓、骨骼,并制约阳亢之功。肾阴亏虚,脑髓、官窍、骨骼失养,则见腰膝酸痛,眩晕耳鸣,健忘,齿松发脱;阴亏则月经tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 来源不充,故女子月经量少,或经闭;若阴不制阳,虚火亢旺,迫血妄行,则见崩漏;若扰动精室,精关不固,男子则见遗精、早泄;虚火上扰心神,故烦热少寐。肾阴不足,失于滋润,虚火蕴蒸,故见口燥咽干,形体消瘦,潮热盗汗,或骨蒸发热,颧红,尿黄少。舌红少苔或无苔,脉细数,为阴虚内热之象。 [辨证要点] ?本证以肾阴亏虚,虚热内生为主要病机。 ?以肾的常见症状和虚热之象并见为辨证依据。 ?有五心烦热、颧红盗汗、骨蒸潮热、形体消瘦、尿少色黄、舌红无苔、脉细数等虚热的定性证状。 ?有眩晕耳鸣、腰膝酸软、健忘、发脱齿摇、男子遗精、早泄、阳强易举、女子经少、经闭,或见崩漏等肾虚的定位症状。 三、辨肾阳虚证 肾阳虚证是指肾阳亏虚,温煦失职,气化无权所表现的证候。常由素体阳虚,或房劳过度,或久病伤阳所引起。 [临床表现] 腰膝酸冷疼痛,畏寒肢冷,尤以下肢为甚,面色胱白,或黧黑,神疲乏力,小便清长或夜尿多;或男子阳痿,精冷不育;或女子宫寒不孕,或性欲减退;或大便久泄不止,或五更泄泻;或水肿(腰以下为甚),按之凹陷不起,甚则腹部胀满心悸久喘,舌淡胖苔白滑,脉沉迟无力。 [机制分析] 本证多因素体阳虚,或年高命门火衰,或久病伤阳,它脏累及于肾,或因房劳过度,日久损及肾阳所致。肾主骨,腰为肾之府。肾阳虚衰,腰膝失于温养,故见腰膝酸冷。肾居下焦,阳气不足,温煦失职,故形寒肢冷,且以下肢发冷尤甚;阳虚气血温运无力,面失所荣,故面色胱白;若肾阳虚惫,阴寒内盛,则呈本脏之色而黧黑;阳虚不能鼓舞精神,则神疲乏力。肾主生殖,肾阳不足,命门火衰,生殖功能减退,男子则见阳痿,早泄、精冷,女子则见宫寒不孕。肾司二便,肾阳不足,温化无力,故见小便频多,夜尿,大便稀溏或五更泄泻。舌淡苔白,脉沉细无力,尺脉尤甚,为肾阳不足之象。 [辨证要点] ?本证以肾阳亏虚,温煦、气化失常为主要病机。 ?以性与生殖功能减退与畏寒肢冷、腰膝酸冷等虚寒之象并见为辨证依据。 ?有面色胱白,或黧黑、神疲乏力、舌淡胖苔白滑、脉沉迟无力等虚寒的定性症状。 ?有男子阳痿不举、精冷不育,女子宫寒不孕、性欲减退;小便清长、夜尿tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 多、大便久泄不止、五更泄泻;水肿、按之凹陷不起,甚则腹部胀满、心悸咳喘等肾病的定位症状。 四、辨肾气不固证 肾气不固证是指肾气不足,封藏固摄功能失职所表现的证候。常由先天禀赋不足,或久病劳损,伤及肾气所引起。 [临床表现] 腰膝酸软,神疲乏力,耳鸣,小便频数而清,或尿后余沥不尽,或夜尿多,或遗尿,或小便失禁;或男子滑精,早泄;或女子带下清稀,胎动易滑,舌淡脉沉弱。 [机制分析] 本证多因年高体弱,肾气亏虚,或先天禀赋不足,肾气不充,或久病劳损,耗伤肾气所致。肾为封藏之本,肾气有固摄下元之功。肾气亏虚,膀胱失约,故见小便频数清长,或尿后余沥不尽,或夜尿频多,或遗尿,甚或小便失禁;精关不固则精易外泄,故男子可见滑精、早泄;女子带脉失固,则见带下清稀量多。冲任之本在肾,肾气不足,冲任失约,则见月经淋漓不尽;任脉失养,胎元不固,则见胎动不安,以致滑胎。腰膝酸软,耳鸣失聪,神疲乏力,舌淡,脉弱,均为肾气亏虚,失于充养所致。 [辨证要点] ?本证以肾气不足,固摄无力为主要病机。 ?以肾和膀胱不能固摄的症状为辨证依据。 ?有小便频数而清,或尿后余沥不尽,或夜尿多,或遗尿,或小便失禁;男子滑精、早泄;女子带下清稀、胎动易滑等肾病的定位症状。 ?有神疲乏力、耳鸣、舌淡脉沉弱等气虚特点。 五、辨肾不纳气证 肾不纳气证是指肾虚摄纳肺气功能失常所表现的证候。常由先天禀赋不足,或老年肾气虚弱所引起。 [临床表现] 久喘不止,呼多吸少,动则喘甚,腰膝酸软,自汗,神疲,声音低怯,舌淡苔白,脉沉弱。喘息严重时,突然出现冷汗淋漓,肢冷面青,脉浮大无根;或气短息促,颧红盗汗,心烦,五心烦热,舌红无苔,脉细数。 [机制分析] 肾有摄纳肺所吸入的清气,防止呼吸表浅的功能,如若久病咳喘,或者身体结构或者年迈体衰而致人肾气不足,不能摄纳吸入清气,就会有久喘不止,呼多吸少、动则喘甚等症。腰膝酸软为肾虚经脉失养所致。若偏于肾阳不足则有神疲,冷汗等症;偏于肾阴不足则有五心烦热、盗汗等虚热特点。 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame [辨证要点] ?本证以肾气亏虚,纳气无力为主要病机。 ?以久病咳喘、呼多吸少、动则喘甚为辨证依据。 ?有腰膝酸软、自汗、神疲、声音低怯、舌淡苔白、脉沉弱等肾气亏损的定位症状。 ?本证可兼有肾阴虚证或肾阳虚证的症状特点,若兼喘息、肢冷面青等症者为肾阳不足所致;若兼气息短促、颧红、盗汗、五心烦热等症者为肾阴亏虚所致。 六、辨膀胱湿热证 膀胱湿热证是指湿热蕴结膀胱,气化功能失常所表现的证候。常由外感湿热之邪,或湿热内生,下注膀胱所引起。 [临床表现] 尿频,尿急,尿道灼痛,尿血,尿有砂石,或尿浊,尿短赤,小腹胀痛急迫,或见发热,腰疫胀痛,舌红苔黄腻,脉滑数。 [机制分析] 本证多因外感湿热之邪,侵及膀胱,或饮食不节,滋生湿热,下注膀胱,致使膀胱气化功能失常所致。湿热留滞膀胱,气化不利,下迫尿道,故尿频尿急,排尿灼痛,尿色黄赤。湿热内蕴,津液被灼,故小便短少;湿热伤及阳络,则尿血;湿热久恋,煎熬津液成石,故尿中可见砂石;湿热郁蒸,则可发热;下焦湿热波及肾府,故见腰痛。舌红,苔黄腻,脉滑数,为湿热内蕴之征。 [辨证要点] ?本证以湿热蕴结膀胱,气化失常为主要病机。 ?以尿急、尿痛、尿频和湿热症状并见为辨证依据。 ?有尿频、尿急、尿道灼热、尿血、尿有砂石等膀胱的定位症状。 ?有发热、腰酸胀痛、舌红苔黄腻、脉滑数等湿热的定性特点。 七、辨肾虚水泛证 肾虚水泛证是指由于肾阳亏虚,气化失权,水湿泛溢所表现的证候。 [临床表现] 身体水肿,腰以下尤甚,按之没指,畏寒肢冷,腰膝酸冷,腹部胀满,或见心悸气短,或咳喘痰鸣,小便短少,舌质淡胖,苔白滑,脉沉迟无力。 [机制分析] 本证多由久病失调,或素体虚弱,肾阳亏耗所致。肾主水,肾阳不足,气化失权,水湿内停,泛溢肌肤,故身体水肿;肾居下焦,且水湿趋下,故腰以下肿甚,按之没指;水势泛溢,阻滞气机,则腹部胀满;膀胱气化失职,故小便短少。若水气凌心,抑遏心阳,则见心悸气短;水泛为痰,上逆犯肺,肺tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 失宣降,则见咳喘,喉中痰声漉漉。阳虚温煦失职,故畏寒肢冷,腰膝酸冷。舌质淡胖,苔白滑,脉沉迟而弱,为肾阳亏虚,水湿内停之征。 [辨证要点] ?本证以肾阳亏虚,气化失权,水湿泛溢为主要病机。 ?本证以水肿,腰以下为甚为主要特征。 ?以腰膝酸冷、畏寒,肌肤不温为肾阳不足的虚寒内盛特征。 ?亦可表现为不同类型:若兼咳喘痰鸣为水寒射肺;若兼心悸气短为水气凌心之证。临证当细辨证。 这里介绍了肾病六证及膀胱湿热症,肾病以虚热为主,其六证产生的基础是以肾精不足为核心病机。肾精不足,精不化气,可致肾气虚证:而肾气虚又表现在上不能摄纳肺气而生肾不纳气证;下不能固摄下元而有肾气不固证。肾的精气不足,久则可及肾阳而成肾阳虚,肾阳不足不能蒸化水汽则引起水液泛滥,成为本虚标实之肾虚水泛证。肾精气虚亦可及阴而成肾阳气虚之证。此外,肾不纳气、肾气不固、肾虚水泛又常兼肾阳虚弱或肾阴不足之表现,要遵循上述所讲的病机规律。 哪些食物补女性肾虚? 芝麻 甘平,有补肝肾、润五脏的作用。如《本草经疏》中就曾记载:“芝麻,气味和平,不寒不热,补肝肾之佳谷也。”尤其是肾虚之人腰酸腿软,头昏耳鸣,发枯发落及早年白发,大便燥结者, 最宜食之。 粟米 又称谷子、稞子。能补益肾气。《名医别录》及《滇南本草》中都说到“粟米养肾气。”明?李时珍还说:“粟,肾之谷也,肾病宜食之,煮粥食益丹田,补虚损。” 豇豆 又称饭豆、长豆。性平,味甘,能补肾健脾,除脾虚者宜食外,肾虚之人也宜食用,对肾虚消渴、遗精、白浊,或小便频数,妇女白带,食之最宜。《本草纲目》曾这样记载:“豇豆理中益气,补肾健胃,生精髓。”《四川中药志》也说它能“滋阴补肾,健脾胃,治白带,白浊和肾虚遗 精。 牛骨髓 有润肺、补肾、益髓的作用。《本草纲目》说它能“润肺补肾,泽肌,悦面”。对肾虚羸瘦、精血亏损者,尤为适宜。 狗肉 性温,味咸,除有补中益气作用外,还能温肾助阳,故肾阳不足、腰膝软弱或冷痛,食之最宜。《日华子本草》认为:狗肉“补胃气,壮阳,暖腰膝,补虚劳,益气功。”《医林纂要》亦云:“狗肉补肺气,固肾气。”清代医家张璐还说:“犬肉,下元虚人,食之最宜。”下元虚者,即肾阳虚弱、命门火衰是tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 也。 猪肾 性平,味咸。唐?孟诜认为猪肾“主人肾虚”。《日华子本草》说它“补水脏,治耳聋”。水脏者实指肾脏而言。故凡因肾虚所致的腰酸腰痛、遗精、盗汗及老人肾虚耳聋耳鸣,宜常食之。 羊骨 性温,味甘,能补肾强筋骨。《饮膳正要》认为:“羊尾骨益肾明日,补下焦虚冷。”《本草纲目》中记载:“羊脊骨补骨虚,通督脉,治腰痛下痢;羊胫骨主脾弱,肾虚不能摄精,白浊。”唐代《食医心镜》还介绍:“治肾脏虚冷,腰脊转动不得:羊脊骨一具,捶碎煮烂,空腹食之。”对肾虚劳损,腰膝无力怕冷,筋骨挛痛者,最宜食之。 淡菜 有补肝肾、益精血的功效。《随宜居饮食谱》中说它“补肾,益血填精”。《本草汇言》亦云:“淡菜,补虚养肾之药也,此物本属介类,气味甘美而淡,性本清凉,善治肾虚有热。”所以,凡肾虚羸瘦、劳热骨蒸、眩晕盗汗、腰痛阳痿之人,食之最宜。 干贝 又称江珧柱。性平,味甘咸,能补肾滋阴,故肾阴虚者宜常食之,清代食医王孟英认为:“干贝补肾,与淡菜同。”《本草求真》中也说它能“滋真阴”,实则指滋补肾阴之义。 鲈鱼 又称花鲈、鲈子鱼。性平,味甘,既能补脾胃,又可补肝肾,益筋骨。《本草经疏》曾有记载:“鲈鱼,味甘淡气平与脾胃相宜。肾主骨,肝主筋,滋味属阴,总归于脏,益二脏之阴气,故能益筋骨。”《嘉枯本草》认为:“鲈鱼,多食宜人,作蚱尤良。”凡肝肾阴虚,或脾虚胃弱者皆宜。 桑椹 俗称桑果。性寒,味甘,有补肝、益肾、滋阴的作用。如《滇南本草》云:“桑椹益肾脏而固精,久服黑发明目。”清?王孟英还说:“桑椹滋肝肾,充血液,健步履。”故肾虚之人,尤其是肾阴不足者,食之最宜。 芡实 性平,味甘涩,有益肾固涩、补脾止泄的双重功效。《本草经百种录》称之为“脾肾之药也”。《本草从新》亦说它能“补脾固精”。《本草新编》中还说:“芡实不特益精,且能涩精补肾,与山药并用,各为末,日日米饭调服。”凡肾虚之人遗精、早泄、带下、小便不禁或频多者,宜常食之。 栗子 性温,味甘,除有补脾健胃作用外,更有补肾壮腰之功,对肾虚腰痛者,最宜食用。如唐代养生学家孙思邈曾说:“生食之,甚治腰脚不遂。”明?李时珍亦曾记载:“治肾虚腰脚无力,以袋盛生栗悬干,每旦吃十余颗,次吃猪肾粥助之,久必强健。” 胡桃 性温,味甘,既能补肺止喘,又能补肾固精,还能润肠通便。适宜肾虚喘嗽、遗精阳痿、腰痛脚弱、小便频数、大便燥结之人服食。正如《医学衷中参西录》所说:“胡桃,为滋补肝肾,强健筋骨之要药,故善治腰疼腿疼,一切tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 筋骨疼痛。为其能补肾,故能固齿牙,乌须发,治虚劳喘嗽,气不归元,下焦虚寒,小便频数,女子崩带。 山药 性平,味甘,为中医“上品”之药,除了具有补肺、健脾作用外,还能益肾填精。如明?李时珍指出:山药“益肾气,健脾胃。”《本草正》亦载:“山药,能健脾补虚,滋精固肾,治诸虚百损,疗五劳七伤。”《本草经读》还说:“山药,能补肾填精,精足则阴强、目明、耳聪。凡上品之药,法宜久服,多则终身,少则数年,与五谷之养人相佐,以臻寿考。”所以,凡肾虚之人,宜常食之。 枸杞子 性平,味甘,具有补肾养肝、益精明目、壮筋骨、除腰痛、久服能益寿延年等功用。尤其是中老年肾虚之人,食之最宜。如《本草通玄》记载:“枸杞子,补肾益精,水旺则骨强,而消渴、目昏、腰疼膝痛无不愈矣。”《本草经疏》中也说:“枸杞子,为肝肾真阴不足,劳乏内热补益之要药。老人阴虚者十之七八,故服食家为益精明目之上品。” 冬虫夏草 性温,味甘,有补肾和补肺的作用,是一种平补阴阳的名贵药材。如《本草从新》说它“保肺益肾。”《药性考》亦云:“虫草秘精益气,专补命门。”《柑园小识》还说:“以酒浸数枚啖之,治腰膝间痛楚,有益肾之功。”冬虫夏草虽然是一种副作用很少的滋补强壮中药,但直接用于方剂者不多。凡肾虚者最宜用虫草配合肉类如猪瘦肉、鸡肉或鸭肉,甚至新鲜胎盘等共炖,成为补益食品,更为有益。 杜仲 性温,味甘微辛,能补肝肾、强筋骨,对肾虚所致的腰脊酸疼、足膝软弱无力、小儿肾虚两下肢麻痹以及妇女肾亏引起的习惯性流产者,最为适宜。正如明代医家缪希雍解释说:“杜仲主腰脊痛,益精气,坚筋骨,脚中酸痛。盖腰为肾之府,动摇不能,肾将惫矣。杜仲补其不足,益肾故也。” 何首乌 有补肝肾、益精血的作用,历代医家均用之于肾虚之人。明?李时珍说过:“何首乌,能养血益肝,固精益肾,健筋骨,乌髭发,为滋补良药,功在地黄、天门冬诸药之上。”清代名医黄宫绣亦云:“何首乌,诸书皆言滋水补肾,黑发轻身,备极赞赏。”凡是肾虚之人头发早白,或腰膝软弱、筋骨酸痛,或男子遗精,女子带下者,食之皆宜。 海参 性温,味咸,质地虽阴柔,但能补肾之阳气,为肾阴肾阳双补之品。如《本草从新》中说:“海参补肾益精,壮阳疗痿。”《随息居饮食谱》也说它“滋阴,健阳”。故凡肾虚之人,皆宜食之。 海马 性温,味甘,能补肾壮阳,故凡肾阳不足之人,皆宜食之,包括肾阳虚所致的阳痿、不育、多尿、夜遗、虚喘等,食之颇宜。可用海马研细,每次1~2克,黄酒送服,1日2~3次。 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame 虾子 性温,味甘咸,入肾经,有补肾壮阳的作用。凡因肾气虚弱、肾阳不 足所致的腰脚软弱无力,或阳痿,或男子不育症患者,宜多食虾。《食物中药与 便方》还曾介绍:“肾虚,阳痿,腰脚痿弱无力:小茴香30克,炒研末,生虾 肉90~120克,捣和为丸,黄酒送服,每服3~6克,1日2次。” 此外,肾虚者还宜服食龟肉、鸽肉、猪肉、甲鱼、蛤蚧、莲子、松子、荠菜、 韭菜、蜂王浆、灵芝、燕窝、阿胶、紫河车、地黄、锁阳、肉苁蓉等。 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses don't have fish to eat. "Positions out of a fat man:" going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. "Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen Yuezhen said:" I think so well! " Aboard the ship, told through again. Months Pro happy meals freshly prepared, Scull chunks post immediately. Card that Fu sheng of the Elves take care of: "old Kings Head tomorrow, your fish such as we Captain!" "Know" this is the King's voice, by far. At night, the ship to port, next to see a few xieye of small fishing vessels, stop eating. Alex after eating two adjacent boats stopping by. Learned from the mouths of local fishermen here have is guerrilla zones, East Taihu Lake infested with bandits, Miaogang landmark, quiet at night, sometimes in the morning zhenze Japan Devils sweep, afternoon zhenze, West of guerrilla activities. Back on the boat, monthly Pro action decided by the first programme, go to Miaogang, find focal point connector. Gently open the ship, sailed into the trackless Yang. Months Pro has lost its way, don't know direction, and had to let the old King was driving. Old King pulling two oars said: "good day to see the stars, cloudy day by feel. You take a break, go to class in a 构词成分。. "No, the cabin there was" grunting ... Shout ... "snore. The next morning, Miaogang the Lion Bridge a mourning fisherman's woman. Head wrapped in white cloth, foot-wear white shoes, selling fish in a fish line. Her a red flower on the toe in his left foot, a white flower on the toe of his right foot, which is a joint sign. Women were observed on the street that a tobacco stores, posted a lot of smoke on the door, there is no old knife brand. Shopkeepers facing West, there are another two strangers looking around. Months Pro knows this focal point has been exposed, she quickly sold the fish back to the Lake, get on Board of the old King said:is Shen Yuezhen, xiaozhengxin them. A few days ago, Shen Yuezhen listen to Jones Lang LaSalle said his family had firearms, ammunition, Ding Bingcheng newly established Jiangsu Taihu Lake is in need of volunteers for the war guns and ammunition, will mobilize he offered his gun out. This small secondary progressive, PWC. Today, he leads Shen Yuezhen in backyard behind a rock. Several people quickly dug seven or eight rifles, four small pistol and some bullets, sack up, carried off the secondary courtyard. To xibaiyang, a small fishing boat approaching, Shen Yuezhen on their fishing vessel disappeared into the mist. Shen Yuezhen is a peripheral organization of the central section of the East China people's armed forces of the anti-Japanese National Salvation Association of a Communist and KMT: Wu Jiang County Government's traffic warden. She returned to her own house Dai Jia Wan, think of importation of firearms program, is afraid of diwei check months Pro frown. The next day, she came to the fishermen's uncle Wang's boat, said importation of firearms, Wang not only down, but also a good idea, brows that make the month pro stretch ... Bei Ma Yang, ship and base for Hong Kong, the Sun has been the West, the monthly Pro will kill fish, wash, place a oil sauce, cooking rice, steamed fish in the rice cooker on. Wang mentioned fish basket selling on minglilai, after the Elves when the sentry, Wang carried out from the basket of three good Mandarin fish, said with a smile: "Mister lucky, MA Yang, this is net live fish, Fu sheng's brother to try it. "The elves called Fu sheng came holding a fish said:" old Kings Head, today luck was not bad! " "Thanks to the blessing of day, only a little fish. Brothers, let me of the Ming dynasty to the North of the road Yang swings to get some fish? " "No, Ah, Eastern foreigner to prohibit! and I am not the first, not to master. "" That is a shame
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