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OMG美语OMG美语 我们今天一起来学学跟Gangnam Style有关的话题。 1) blow up 一下子就火起来了 Have you heard that crazy new song Gangnam Style? It's blowing up right now! 你有没有听过江南Style这首很疯狂的新歌,它一下子就火起来 了~ OMG! That song blew up so fast! Did you know it is the #1 song on iTunes in more than 30 ...

OMG美语 我们今天一起来学学跟Gangnam Style有关的话题。 1) blow up 一下子就火起来了 Have you heard that crazy new song Gangnam Style? It's blowing up right now! 你有没有听过江南Style这首很疯狂的新歌,它一下子就火起来 了~ OMG! That song blew up so fast! Did you know it is the #1 song on iTunes in more than 30 countries! 2) global phenomenon 风靡全球 Gangnam Style is really turning into a global phenomenon! 天呐~这首歌一下子就火起来了~你知道吗,江南Style在30多 个国家的iTunes流行排行都是第一名~真的是风靡全球了~ 3) That song is everywhere 那首歌无处不在 That song is everywhere! It's online! It's on TV! I went grocery shopping yesterday and the grocery store was playing Gangnam Style. I can't escape Gangnam Style! 这首歌现在是无处不在~网上,电视上到处都在播放。昨天我去超市 买东西,居然听到超市也在播放Gangnam Style~我到哪都躲不 开Gangnam Style~ 给力 awesome 给力。 ungelivable 不给力。Let's go! go! 加油~ gymnastics 体操。gymnast 体操运动员。(1)I love watching the Olympics on TV. Gymnastics is awesome! Women's gymnastics is my favorite event to watch! (2)I got tickets to watch women's gymnastics in London! So gilivable! (bummer / ungelivable 不给力)(3)My favorite American gymnast Shawn Johnson isn't competing in the London Olympics! Such a bummer! (4)Go! Go! Go! Go Michacl Phelps! Go 刘洋~Go Hope Solo! Go Gymnastics team! Let's go 我为你倾倒~I'm Falling For U! (1)I like you 我喜欢你 (2)I love you 我爱你 (3)I'm falling for you 我渐渐对你欲罢不能了 (4)英国人就会说 I fancy you (5)Love 也就是男女朋友的爱称~ 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语谈proposals求婚~ 1) propose 向某人求婚 2) get down on one knee 跪下向某人求婚 3) pop the question 向某人求婚 4) walk down the aisle 结婚 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语谈订婚~Getting engaged!! 1) engaged 订婚 Frank and I are engaged! 我和Frank订婚了~ You guys got engaged!? Congratulations!! 你们订婚了~,祝贺你们~ 2) soul mate 灵魂伴侣 He told me that I am his soul mate and he wants to grow old with me! 他说我是他的灵魂伴侣~他说他愿意和我白 头到老~OMG! That's so romantic!! 哎哟~太浪漫了~ 3) meant to be 命中注定的 He said we're meant to be together. He said he wants to start a family. 他说我们在一起是命中注定的。他说他想要个 孩子~ 4) get cold feet 失去信心,感到怀疑 I'm so scared I'm going to get cold feet! What if he's not my soul mate!? 我很怕失去信心,感到怀疑~如果他不是 我的灵魂伴侣怎么办~, 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语谈结婚~ Getting married!! 1) Get married 结婚 I want to marry you! I want to share the rest of my life with you! 我想和你结婚~我愿今生今世和你在一起~ 2) Get hitched 结婚 Do you really think we're ready to get hitched? 你真的觉得我们做好结婚的准备了吗,Of course. We've been together for 5 years! You're the love of my life. 那当然了~我们在一起五年了~你是我一生的爱。 3) Tie the knot 结婚 OK baby! Let's get married! If we're going to tie the knot, I want a HUGE wedding!! 好吧,宝贝儿~我们结婚吧~。。那。。如果我们要结婚的话,我要一个特别隆重的婚礼~~ 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语谈分手~ 1) break it off 分手 2) split up 分手 3) dump 分手 1) Love is blind! 爱情使人盲目~ 2) Love somebody to death 爱死某人了 3) Love handles 腰部的赘肉 4) Puppy love 早年初恋 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语谈“和好”~ 1. made up 和好了,又在一起了 I have something to tell you 我有一件事想告诉你 What's up 白洁? 什么事,白洁, Frank and I made up 我与Frank和好了。 2. got back together 和好了, 又在一起了 You guys got back together!? 你们又在一起了,~ Yes we got back together. He said he made a mistake and I'm everything to him. 对啊,我们和好了。他说他错了,我是他的一切。 3. back on 重新恢复 I can't believe it! He broke your heart! Is the wedding back on? 我不敢相信~他伤透了你的心! 你们的婚礼又要如期举行了吗, Yes the wedding is back on. 对啊,婚礼如期举行。 You're crazy!! 你真是疯了~~ I still love him. I'm glad we're back together. 我还是爱 他的。我很高兴我们重归于好了。 大家都已经开学了,对不对,我们今天一起来学怎么用美语 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示你功 课或者工作很忙~ 1) swamped 忙得不可开交 I am so swamped with homework. I don't know if I'll ever finish! 我功课多得不得了~真不知道做不做得完~ 2) a lot on my plate 很忙 I'm taking 5 classes this semester! OMG I have so much on my plate!! 我这学期上5门课~天啊~忙死啦~ 3) to,do list “需做”清单 This is my to-do list. Write 5 papers. Read 10 chapters. In each of these books. BY NEXT MONDAY! This semester's gonna kill me! 这是我“需做”清单。写5篇作文。这些书每本书要读10章。还有, 我周一就必须把功课做完~哎哟,这个学期就会把我累死。。。 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语说:我想睡觉~ 1) hit the hay 去睡觉 I'm so sleepy. I'm gonna hit the hay. 我很累。我想去睡觉咯。。。 2) hit the sack 去睡觉 Ok guys! It's time to hit the sack! We have to get up early! 好吧~大家快去睡觉啦~我们明天很早要起床啊~ 3) turn in 睡觉 I've been studying all day. My eyes are killing me. I think I'm gonna turn in now. 我看了一整天的书。我的眼睛很痛。我现在就想去睡觉咯。 4) go to bed/go to sleep 去睡觉 白洁! Why are you still awake?? 白洁为什么你还没睡觉~,I'm watching Gossip Girl online! 我在网上看 Gossip Girl~It's 3AM!! Go to bed!! 现在是早上三点啦~快去睡觉吧~ 我们今天一起来看看怎么用美语告诉别人:你疯了~ 1) nutso 疯狂; get yourself killed 自寻死路 I think I want to go sky diving! 我想去跳伞~You're nutso! You're going to get yourself killed! 你疯了~简直 找死~ 2) bonkers 疯狂 You're bonkers if you don't put on sunscream today. You'll get burned for sure! 如果你今天不涂防晒油你就疯了, 你肯定会晒伤~ 3) looney 疯狂 My eyes hurt so bad. I've been studying for 10 hours straight! 我的眼睛很痛。我看书一连看了10个小时! That's just looney! Go take a break! 你疯了~还不赶快休息一下~ 4) goober 疯狂的人 白洁 is suck a goober! Every time we go out, she always starts singing and dancing. So embarrassing! 白洁真是个疯子~我们每次一出去玩,她就会开始唱歌,跳舞~丢死 人了~ 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语谈“巴结别人”的话题~ 1) schmooze 巴结别人,schmoozer 拍马屁的人 As soon as class ends, Bob always starts schmoozing the teacher. He's desperate for an A!一下课,Bob就跑去 巴结老师。Bob实在是太想拿A了~ 2) suck up 巴结别人,suck-up拍马屁的人 My brother wants a new video game. He's sucking up to Mom so that she'll buy the game for him. 我弟弟想要 一个新电子游戏。他一直在讨好妈妈,好让妈妈给他买那个电子游戏。 3) brown nose 巴结别人,brown noser 拍马屁的人 Rachel is constantly brown nosing our boss. She buys him a latte every morning. Rachel 不停地巴结我们的老板。 她每天早上就会给他买一杯拿铁~ 跟Heart有关的英语短语:Follow Your Heart! 跟着感觉走~ 1) Wear your heart on your sleeve 公开地表示 2) Give your heart to someone 把你的心给某人 3) Follow your heart 跟着感觉走 4) Break the rules and stand apart, ignore your head and follow your heart 打破陈规, 做自己, 抛开思考, 跟着感 觉走 All of the icky stuff that comes out of your face!! 眼屎 eye gunk, sleepies; 耳屎 earwax; 鼻屎 booger; 鼻涕 snot; 口水drool, slobber; 青春痘 pimple/zit/blemish 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语表示 the food you're eating is DELICIOUS! 1) delicious 美味的 This coffee is delicious! 这杯咖啡很好喝啊~ These are delicious cookies! 这些饼干太好吃啦~ 2) delish 美味的(更口语的说法) Mmmm! This orange is delish! 哇~这个橘子太好吃了! 3) super good 特别好吃,超好吃 This hot and spicy soup is super good! This is just delish. 这个麻辣汤特别好喝~味道好极了。 4) scrumdiddlyumptious 美味的 Would you like a popsicle? 你想不想吃冰棒? Yes please! 想吃啊~ Here you go. 来~给你一根。 This popcicle is scrumdiddlyumptious! 这个冰棒真好吃! 我们今天一起来学关于天气的话题~Weather!! 1) weird weather 天气很反常 We've had some really weird weather lately! 我们最近天气很反常~ 2) pop-up storm 雷阵雨 In the summer, it seems like D.C. is hit by pop-up storm every day! 夏天的时候,华盛顿每天好像都有雷阵雨! 3) raining cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨 We got hit by a pop up storm yesterday! All of a sudden it started raining cats and dogs and I didn't have an umbrella!! 我们昨天赶上雷阵雨~突然开始瓢泼大雨~ 而我又没带雨伞~ 4) storm clouds 乌云 5) roll in 飘过来 You know it's gonna rain when you see big storm clouds rolling in! 看着乌云飘过来,就知道快下雨了。 秋天很快就会来啦~我们今天一起来学怎么用美语谈冷天气~ getting chilly 渐渐冷了 It was so nice out this morning! It's getting a little chilly outside!今天早上真舒服啊~天气渐渐的变冷了~ brrr 感觉有点冷的时候就会这么说 Brrr! I didn't realize it'd be so chilly outside. Yesterday was so warm!Brrr! 我不知道外边这么冷了~昨天 还挺暖和的呢~ around the corner 即将来临 crisp fall air 新鲜空气 Do you know how to tell when fall is around the corner? The morning air gets crisp and cool! I love fall! 你怎么会知道秋天即将来临呢? 早上的空气就会变得很清爽,变得 有点冷~我很喜欢秋天~ 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语说“旅行度假”~ 1) Going on vacation 去旅行,放假 2) Beach bum 经常泡在沙滩上的人 3) Get my tan on 日光浴 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语说“英语合成词”~ 1) fantabulous = fantastic +fabulous 非常好 2) ginormous = gigantic + enormous 非常大 3) chillax = chill + relax 休息 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语说“感恩节”~ 1) Pilgrims and Indians清教徒和印第安人 2) Thanksgiving Dinner感恩节晚餐 3) visit family 看望家人 4) extended family 所有的亲戚 5) catch up和很久没见面的人好好聊一聊 6) Eat turkey! 吃火鸡~ 7) Give thanks 感谢 Happy Thanksgiving!! 感恩节快乐~ 1) Turkey 火鸡 2) star of the show 重点 3) stuffing填料 4) mashed potatoes & gravy土豆泥和肉汁 5) cranberry sauce小红梅酱 6) must-have必须要的 7) pumpkin pie南瓜派 8) from scratch 自己用基本材料 9) Gobble 火鸡的声音 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语说“情人节”风俗~ 1) A bouquet of flowers 一束花 Your date will be really impressed if you give her a bouquet of roses for Valentine's Day. 如果你情人节约会的时候给她一束玫瑰花,她就会对你印象深刻。 2) A box of chocolates 一盒巧克力 A box of chocolates is the most popular gift to give on Valentine's Day. 一盒巧克力是最流行的情人节礼物。 3) valentine 情人节卡 You can send valentine like this one to your loved ones to wish them a happy Valentine's Day! 你可以给亲人寄情人节卡祝他们情人节快乐~ 4) candle-lit dinner 烛光晚餐 If you want to do something extra special for Valentine's Day evening plan a candle-lit dinner for your special someone. 如果你想设计一个特别的情人节夜晚,不妨为爱人安排浪漫的烛光晚 餐~ 今天我们来学怎么用美语谈万圣节糖果(Halloween candy)。 candy corn 小玉米糖 Candy corn is my favorite Halloween candy! It's very soft and has creamy flavor. 小玉米糖是我最喜欢的万圣节糖果。它很软,有奶油味。 candy pumpkins 小南瓜糖 Candy pumpkins don't taste like pumpkin at all. They actually taste like candy corn. 小南瓜糖其实一点南瓜味也没有,它的味道像玉米糖。 Reese's 巧克力,里面有花生酱 If you gave out Reese's on Halloween, everybody will love you! 如果你万圣节的时候给Reese's,那大家都会喜欢你~ I'm sorry candy corn, Reese's is the best Halloween candy ever! 对不起了小玉米糖,Reese's才是万圣节最好的糖果~ 今天我们来学怎么用美语谈“中秋节回家” 1) heading home 回家 What are you up to this weekend? 你这周末有什么 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 , I'm heading home for the Mid-Autumn Festival! 我要回家过中秋节~ Oh cool! Me too! 哦,好棒~我也要回家~ 2) going home 回家 Are you going home for the Moon Festival,你中秋节回家吗, No, I can't! I have to work! 我不能回家,我得上班~ 3) heading back to 回到 Are you heading back to Hanzhou to celebrate the Mooncake Festival with your family? 你要回杭州和家人 过中秋节吗, Yeah! I'm so stoked to go home and see everybody! 对啊~我要回家了好兴奋~可以看到所有人~
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