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雅思考试解题金手指(阅读) 英语学习:考试金手指系列〈4〉 雅思考试解题金手指 (阅读部分) 王亮亮 编著 “ “用最短时间,读最少文字,出最高成绩。”——王亮亮 不记背生词做对题的书; 玩出 8 分成绩的书; 学英语离不开的书 目 录 前言 原文原词即是正确答案 第一部分 答题总则 1、题目与原文对应的原则 2、对号入座的做题原则 3、连贯做题的原则 第二部分 五种必考题型的做题原则 1、标题(...

英语学习:考试金手指系列〈4〉 雅思考试解题金手指 (阅读部分) 王亮亮 编著 “ “用最短时间,读最少文字,出最高成绩。”——王亮亮 不记背生词做对题的 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ; 玩出 8 分成绩的书; 学英语离不开的书 目 录 前言 原文原词即是正确答案 第一部分 答题总则 1、题目与原文对应的原则 2、对号入座的做题原则 3、连贯做题的原则 第二部分 五种必考题型的做题原则 1、标题(Headings) 2、对错有无题(YES、NO、NOT GIVEN) 3、配对题(Match、Classify) 4、填空题(Summary、Complete The Statement) 5、选择题(Choose Approporate Answer) 第三部分 如何快速在原文中找到正确答案 第四部分 什么是答题指令 1 前言 原文原词即是正确答案 雅思阅读和听力考试中有近一半题是填词形式。评卷主体是电子仪器,不是人。仪器按 照程序和读卷设置要求评卷,它只能解读词形,无法解读词意。考生即使使用了与原词答案 意义完全一致的同义词或近义词作为答案,评卷仪器无法象人一样去理解和认识,因此也不 得分。 第二,出题人以原文原词做为正确答案的配题 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 的另一主要原因,是因为出题人是以 英语为第一语言来解读文章内容,没有其它语种转译的障碍,对某一核心内容的解释是直观 而准确的,与原文原词的原来意义没有任何其它解释的必要。 第三,所有形式的题目都是针对文章(话音)中核心内容或信息进行提问,核心信息 在语言表达中都必须有基本词汇为读者作指示,明确告诉读者哪个范围、哪个句子、哪个 词是作者的表达核心。 例如:…… .This became known as the “American System of Manufacturing”. …… “this”和“as”是基本词汇,它们指示读者,在它们指示范围内是本段落内容的核心 所在。作为语言考试,题要针对它出,答案当然就在这个指示范围内。 第四、除填词题形式以外的任何题型,正确答案也必须是从原文原词的对应关系中产生。 这是考试文章的体裁性质决定的。95 年以后的考试文章都是客观性质的,没有主观成份。 文中有的信息就是答案,没有的信息不是答案。 以上特点决定了雅思阅读和听力考试的客观性。传统的国内等级英语的学习和答题手段 必须彻底改变。 这本小册子将全面介绍以英语语言为第一语言的做题模式,不读文、不记背生词,就要 找到正确答案的英语语言逻辑。雅思阅读考试将不再是烦人的“译制劳作”,而是有效率、 有趣、有规则的“做题游戏” ——玩出 8 分的游戏。 2 第一部分 答题总则 1、题目信息与文章信息的对应原则 雅思阅读各题目答案从题目与原文原出处的对应关系中产生,而不是从考生个人理解和 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 题文汉语意思中产生。每道题目中都有一个词是原文某段的核心话题。考生按照话题 (词)指示回到该题所属的自然段,再根据该题目中其它词汇指示在自然段中确定题目陈述 的确切出处,这个确切出处叫做对应点,即答题区,答案就从这里直接产生。 2、对号入座的做题原则 在原文原段确定某题目的原出处(答题区)后,正确答案将从答题区范围内以与题目陈 述中同一或同义词对应直接获得,而不能由考生对译意思主观产生。 对号入座的做题原则是由阅读考试文章的文体性质决定的。1995 年雅思阅读部分的重 大变化,就是全部选用说明文体文章。说明文的写作范围限定在对自然和社会中事物、现象、 物质的性质、特征、原理及起源等本质方面进行叙述。说明文是客观类的文章。在文章中没 有作者主观的推论、 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 或观点。例如火山现象、人口现象、城市交通现象等等,这些都是 客观事物,作者直接叙述它们的原因、结果和性质,直接把事物的原理介绍给读者,不掺杂 个人观点。读者在阅读这类文章时当然也就不能参与判断、推理或臆断。 另一方面(也是最最重要的),雅思是语言的考试,不是借助英语测试考生的什么专业 知识水平。语言考试的严格意义是如何运用语言工具来传递信息和知识,是针对语言自身使 用逻辑、法则和功能几个方面的考试。例如对错有无题,考生们一直是凭个人对题目和文章 内容的汉语意思来进行对照和判断决定“对”、“错”还是“有无这个或那个意思”。 例。题目:The law against drink-driving have helped prevent road accidents. 原文对应句:Australian govenments agreed from 1991 on,to ban provisional drivers from drink-driving at any level,and to extend the provisional licence to three years. 考生根据题、文中“drink-driving”一词把原文上句定为题目对应点(答题区),做题标 准就产生了:题目中某些成份在原文对应句中未涉及——“NOT GIVEN”。 如果考生在做题过程中不能按照题目中某些词汇的指示回到原文准确找到答题区,仅仅 是凭个人对题目意思和原文某处文字意思进行主观“判断”,违背对应和对号原则,就会失 分,考生分认为题目意思讲得通,有道理,结论是“YES”。 前边已经讲过,雅思阅读是英语语言自身运用逻辑和法则的考试,不是该语言所传递的专业 知识或内容含义的翻译的考试。在语言法则中有一条严格的界限,即语词成份不体现,则不 存在缺失成份所含有的任何信息或意义。 例:题目:Fat people risk severe health problems,such as,headcahe and... toothache. 原文对应句:Fat people risk severe health problems,says the report,including high blood pressure,breathlessness and... various forms of heart disease. 考生在原文对应句中看到由“,”和“and”连接了三个成份,而题目陈述中“and”只连接 了两个成份,对应的并列成份存在,但是题目并列成份中有缺失,做题标准就产生了:题目 并列成份缺失——“NO”。 雅思阅读中任何题型中的任何题目都必须准确与原文出处“对号”。这是答题的必备前 提,在英语语言逻辑和一般使用法则界定下产生做题标准。作为考试,考生完全可以避开所 有常用词汇的意义,因此可以完全避开文章、句子内容正确答题。而作为日常阅读获取知识 或信息,正是这些语言逻辑和使用法则使我们获得准确的语言传递内容。 3 例:(Headings)原文: A. Our smoker continues to drink.Soon he lights another cigarette and inhales deeply.Behind his embattled lungs,meanwhile,his liver has gone on full alert to save his life.The three pound chemicale factory,which cleans most toxins from the bloodstream,reacts to alcohol as a foreign substance and metabolize 95 percent of it into other chemicals.But in turning its energy to chearing just one-half ounce of pure alcohol——the amount in a standard drink——per hour drinking smoker‟s blood,the liver‟s other metabolic functions suffer a sharp decrease. … B. The person who smokes one or two packs of cigarettes a day loses on average six or eight percent of his blood‟s oxygen-carrying capacyty.If our heavy smoker‟s use of alcohol has led to alcoholism,he is probably malnorished.This malnorishment compounds problems he is having with insufficient oxygen.His brain cells are dying from it. C. The synergistic effect of alcohol and tobacco may deliver a powerful blow to the cardiovascular system as well as the upper respiratory tract.For those prone to hyperension who drink more and with it the increased risk of smoke and heart attack.For hypertensives who combine smoking and drinking,the risk is even greater. 1、Paragraph A ii 2、Paragraph B iv 3、Paragraph C v List of headings i How his synergism works? ii Poisons from iii Our smoker continues to drink iv For hypertensives who combine smoking and drinking v Malnorishment aroused by alcohol and tobacco harms brain vi It is a risk that prople both smoke and drink heavily… 段落标题由一个词来表现,这个词称为核心话题。每个段落都有一个核心话题,互不重 复。段落核心话题属语言范畴,是整个语言法则体系中的一部分。考生在做这类题时必须严 格按语言自身逻辑法则去寻找答案,核心话题是重复的、符号或指示词指示的,而不是我们 个人在阅读全文时凭个人对文义的理解任意确定的。如,A 段中破折号指示的“alcohol”; B 段中相互重复同时又被指示词指示词指示的“malnorishment”;C 段中相互重复又被代词 “who”强调指示的“hypertensives”。这些被重复、被指示的词与选项中某项中词汇是同一 或同义词对应时,它即是正确答案。 考生面对的是英语语言逻辑的考试,只要按照不同题型所限定的某种语言现象,运用正 确的语言法则在原文中规定出代表正确答案的词汇即达到目的。做到这一点不但大大提高答 题效率和速度,同时对于考生今后英语语言实践亦具有重要意义。考试时我们可以不认识这 个词,但我们知道它是核心,是正确答案;平时阅读学习时,我们要想准确获取文字内容的 核心意义,只要翻开词典查一下被指示的词的意义,我们就达到阅读目的了。这才是准确的 高效率的阅读。雅思阅读训练和培养的就是这个方面的语言能力。 对号入座的做题原则就是要求考生遵守语言规范,克服任意理解题文内容自作主张的习惯 (这也是失分的总根源)。 三 连贯做题的原则 一篇文章考试范围内,各题目都是针对同一篇文章中各个核心信息进行提问。所以考生 会注意到虽然题型不同,但前后许多题目中都涉及几个相同话题(词),这是阅读考试设计 4 上的一个特点。既然文章各自然段都拥有自己的核心话题(词),那么,凡是含有相同话题 (词)的题目(无论属于哪一种题型),它们都必须按话题指示回到相同的自然段中确定对 应点。这样才能在原文中确定正确的答案。连贯做题是考生进一步答题提速和准备答题的更 高手段。 5 第二部分 五种必考题型的做题原则 一、段落标题(Headings) 段落标题即是核心话题。核心话题是由一个词来体现的,不是由该文意思来总结的。确 定段落核心话题有三个标准: 1、重复——段落中某词被重复即是核心话题(词)。语词重复有以下几种形式:A、代 词指代重复,which,who,it,this,they,their,these,those,he 和 she。它们指代前面名词(注意单复 数);B、由 and 连接的并列词汇的重复关系;C、同 called,known as,as 和“,”构成的同位 语(词)关系,它们两边的词是同位语关系,同位语单复数和意义相同,它们是重复关系; D、同一词汇前后重复关系。 2、标点符号指示——在段落中,引号、括号和破折号三种标点符号是指示范围内的词 汇为段落的核心话题。 3、核心意义指示词指示——段落中 but,yet,so,such(as),this is,the fact is,(suggest、fact、 evidence)that;the process(of,is),the implication of,assume that,the assumption of,the role of,the essence of;以上词汇均为核心话题指示词,在它们指示的范围内词汇为段落的核心话题。 以上三个做标准中最重要的是语词重复形式。如果段落在一开始就出现语词重复,被重复词 汇即为全段核心——标题。 考生在段落中用以上三种语言逻辑确定了核心话题(词)后,无须自己去总结其意义, 直接回到选项(List of Headings)中查找同一词汇(占出题率 85%)或同义词汇(占出题率 15%)的答案即可。 在选项中出现相同答案时,则以相同答案中不同词汇为界定标准,回到原文核心话题处 查看。 例: List of headings i The politics of tourism ii The cost of tourism iii Justifying the study of tourism iv Tourism contrast with travel v The essence of modern tourism vi Turism versus leisure vii Artificiality fo modern tourism viii The role of modern tourism guides ix Creating an alternative to the everyday experience ·雅思选用文章属说明文体裁。说明文一篇文章只拥有一个核心话题(标题),全文的 标题不能再作为文中各段落的标题(核心话题); ·前边已经讲过,各段落只拥有一个独立的核心话题,各段落话题不重复。 以上两点是写作的严格要求。 雅思阅读文章通常都有标题,比如例中“tourism”就是该篇文章的标题。考生在文中 各段文字中都可以看到全文的标题(词),但是它已不再是段落的标题(核心话题)了。所 以在做段落标题型时,全文标题(词)不属于答题范围。 例中“modern”一词在选项表中重复出现,它是文中某段的核心话题。既然各段话题 不一样,考生自然就要回到以“modern”为核心话题的段落中,在“modern”这个词的两 边去查看,同时对照选项表中有“modern”词的几个选项,与原文中其它词汇一致的即是 答案——相同话题选项的看不同处。 6 标题题型的正确答案是 85%的同一词和 15%同义词直接对应产生,绝不能主观总结什 么意思来回答。 ·同义词对应原则。 考生在原文某段落按照上述三个做题标准确定标题(词)后,在选项表中无法找到与段 标题(词)相同的词汇,这就是同义词对应情况。 在同义词对应中,最重要的不是考生对标题词词义的认识上,而是对标题词词性的确 定上。 雅思阅读标题考题只对英语中三类词汇进行对应:名词,动词和形副词。段落中标题词 汇属于哪一类,在选项表中就与哪一类词汇进行对应。如果是名词,必须注意:单复数形式; 段落标题如果指人的名词,在选项中直接寻找人称代词,如 who,they 等,这是一般语词逻 辑。 永远记住,词的基本性质是不变的,而词的意思是可变的。相同词性的词汇即是你的 正确的同义词对应答案。 二、对错有无题(YES,NO,NOT GIVEN) 对错有无题测试考生英语语言基本法则常识,如肯定与否定关系,句子成份的并列关系, 句子成份对应差异,句子成份对应缺失等。 1、“YES”做题原则: ·题目的陈述与原文对应处陈述在肯定与否定意义上一致。 这里所说的肯定意义是指肯定陈述句,否定意义是否定陈述句。考生不要参与任何句子 意义上的判断和推理。 2、“NO”做题原则: ·题目的陈述与原文对应处陈述是肯定与否定意义的矛盾。 即肯定陈述句与否定陈述句的矛盾。这里不讨论句子内容的是非、真理与谬误、真善美与 假恶丑的哲学或伦理问题。 ·题目的陈述与原文对应处的陈述都有并列成份,题目陈述中是并列成份缺失。 ·题目陈述中与原文对应处陈述中的相同成份有差异。 ·题目陈述中使用表示客观性的词汇(如,in fact,in reality,prove 或没有任何情 态动词条件下的动词形式),而原文对应处陈述则是使用表示主观态度的词汇(如, feel,imagine,should,may,might 等)。 3、“NOT GIVEN”做题原则: ·题目陈述中的某个或某些成份在原文对应处陈述没有提及。 必须注意的是:1、不是题目陈述内容所表达的什么意思在原文中没有,而是非常直观 地,就是没有这个或那个句子成份;2、是题目中某个或某些成份在原文对应处没有提及, 而不是相反。 例:“YES” 题目:First attempts at migratory beekeeping in America were unsuccessful. 原文:American beekeepers experimented with the same idea,moving bees on barges along the Mississippi and on waterways in Florida,but their lighter,woodern hives kept falling into the water. (注意:两句中划线部分的逻辑意义。) 题目:In the past,many port cities did more trade within their own country than with overseas ports. 7 原文:What evidence we have suggests that domestic trade was greater at all periods than external trade. (注意:两句中划线部分的比较意义是否一致。) 题目:Parking in Halls of Residence is handled by the Wardens of the Halls. 原文:A University permit does not entitle them to park in Hall car parks however,unless authorized by the Warden of the Hall concerned. (注意:两句中划线部分的肯定或否定意义是否一致。) 题目:STA Travel help finance the Students Adviser. 原文:International Students House now provides the service of an International Students Adviser. (注意:两句中划线部分肯定意义的一致性。) 例:“NO” 题目:There will be a surcharge for accommodation over the Christmas period. 原文:Even come and stay——the House will be offering reduced accommodation rates for students wishing to spend a few days in London over Christmas. (注意:两句中划线部分肯定与否定的矛盾。) 题目:Rapid response is considered desirable in handling cases of burglary. 原文:When someone rings the police after discovering their TV set has been stolen from their home,there is little point,in terms of identifying those responsible for the crime,in ensuring a very rapid response.It is common in such burglary or theft cases that the victim discovers the crime hours,days,even weeks after it has occurred. (注意:两句中划线部分肯定与否定意义的矛盾。) 题目:Parents save time and money by driving children to school. 原文:There are very significant time and money costs for parents associated with transporting their children to school,sport and... to other locations. (注意:两句中划线部分,题目与原句对应处表现为题目中并列成份的缺失。) 题目:Mintel have limited their investigation to professional and managerial groups. 原 文 : Mintel‟s survey,„,although this percentage is higher among women,managerial and professional groups and those aged 35 to 44. (注意:两句中划线部分,题目与原句对应处表现为题目中并列成份的缺失。) 题目:Approximately one third of deleted fishing groups are in developing countries. 原文:One in three is deleted or heavily overexploited,almost all in the developed countries. (注意:两句中划线部分,题目与原句对应处表现为题目中并列成份的缺失。) 8 当题目陈述中使用both„and„,between„and„,included,including或involve这几 个词汇时,考生不必再回到原文寻找对应句,直接回答“YES”。 例:“NOT GIVEN” 题目:Fish farming can cause environmental destruction. 原文:Fish farming tends to damage coastline. (注意:两句中划线部分,题目中的成份在原文中没有涉及。) “NOT GIVEN”做题时最容易出错的原因就在于考生个人主观对题、文意思的“判断” 方面。语言考试严格意义上要求考生不可以超出语词对应范围以外进行理解,这是过度推理。 题目:The Egyptians keep bees on the banks of the Nile. 原文:The ancient Egyptians moved clay hives,probably on rafts,down the Nile to follow the bloom and nectar flow as it moved toward Cairo. (注意:题目中划线部分在原文对应处没有涉及。) 题目:The rise in the female workforce in the European Community is a postitive trend. 原文:In a five-year period between 1983 and 1988 the Community‟s female workforce grew by almost six million. (注意:题目中划线部分在原文对应处没有涉及。) 对错有无题操作标准是题对文,而不是相反文对题。在看题目时,考生会看到许多题目 陈述中都会有基本词汇,如“not”或表示否定意义的前后缀“-less”、“un-”、“in-”、“im-”、 “dis-”、“mis-”等等;“few”、“a few”、“little”、“a little”、“only”、“both”、“than”、 “and”、“or”等等。 基本词汇是任何语言中表示语言基本意义的词汇,自然它们就成了雅思考试的重点。遇 到这类词汇,考生应做特别标记,回到原文原出处认真对应,它们将准确告诉你有这类词汇 的题目属于哪一种答题原则。 严格按照上述做题原则是得出正确答案的唯一标准。考生必须站在题、文之外,严格 规范做题要求,任何参与题、文内容或意思的判断或推论都将必然导致错误!不但这类题 型操作如此,雅思阅读考试范围内所有题型都是如此。 对错有无题题目的先后顺序与原文各对应点的顺序相同,按各题目陈述中的话题代表词 汇在文中逐一对应,十分方便。 三、配对题(Match,Classyfy) 1、以大写字母或大写缩写为选项在题目上方形式。 如:A DR Broca B DR Brinkman C Geschwind and Galaburda D Charle Moore E Professor Turner 1. Human beings started to show a preference for right-handedness when they first developed language. 9 2. Sociaty is prejudiced against left-handed people. 3. Boys are more likely to be left-handed. 4. After stroke,left-handed people recover their speech more quickly than right-handed people. 5. People who suffer strokes on the left side of brain usually lose their power of speech. 6. The two sides of the brain develop different functions. 7. Asymmetry is a common feature of the human body. 配对做题原则是(1)对号入座——题目与原文对应信息一致即是正确答案;(2)数题 同做——某选项在原文对应处涉及几个题目中的信息,考生必须同时回答。(3)按选项顺序 逐一答题(千万不能按题目顺序做题,这样会越做越乱)。(4)在做题前,考生必须事先在 原文中为所有大写字母或大写缩写(即各选项大写词)做上标记。有几处做几处,不许遗漏。 这样就会提高对应速度和答题准确率。 每道题目的文字信息都是独一无二的,各题不重复,原文中也不重复,所以做过的题 无需再读。 2、其它形式的配对(Match)题一律按题目顺序回到原文中找对应点,原文对应范围 内的文字信息与选项文字信息一致时即为正确答案。 例: A. the writer‟s fear about the Human Genome Project. B. other people‟s fear about the Project reported by the writer C. the writer‟s reporting of facts about the Project D. the writer‟s reporting of the long-term hopes for the Project 33. The Project will provide a new understanding of major diseases. 34. All the components which make up DNA are to be recorded and studied. 35. Genetic monsters may be created. 36. The correct order and inter-relation of all genetic data in all DNA will be mapped. 37. Parents will no longer worry about giving birth to defective offspring. 38. Being “human” may be defined solely in terms of describable physical data. 39. People may be discriminated against in new ways. 40. From past experience humans may not use this new knowledge wisely. ·各题目中划线词汇是回到原文确定对应点指示话题题(词)。 ·选项中划线词汇是在原文确定各对应点后的答题标准。选项中划线词汇在原文对应范 围内明确写出,考生不许主观读文推断。 例: 31. required considerable harbour development 32. began as ports but other facilities later dominated 33. lost their prominence when large ships could not be accommodated 34. maintain their business centers near he port waterfront A Bombag and Buenos Aires B Hong Kong and Sadem C Istanbul and Jakara D Madras and Colombo E New York and Bristol F Plymouth and Melaka 10 G Singapore and Yokokama H Suart and London 原文中每个自然段都有自己的核心话题,每个题目中都有具体词汇指示考生回到文中某 个自然段,在确定的对应段落中直接获得答案。 四、填空题(Summary,Complete Sentence,Endings,Table) 2000 年以后阅读填空题主要是 Summary 和 Complete Sentence 两种形式。 填空题有两种类型:(1)备选项填空题;(2)无选项填空题。 1、备选项填空题做题原则: 按题目陈述中话题(词汇)指示回到原文确定段落中原出处对应点,整读原文对应范围内信 息(词汇),选项表中有原文对应范围内同一词汇(占 85%),或同义词汇(占 15%)即为 正确答案。 例:题目: The Mintel report suggests that in future will be forced to practise greater …(10)…in their dealings because of increased awareness almongst …(11)…of ethical issues.This prediction is supported by the growth in the number of …(12)…identified in the most recent survey published.As a consequence,it is felt that companies will have to think more carefully about their…(13)… environmental research Armchair ethical honesty and openness environmentalists ethical speaders consumers politicians political beliefs social awareness financial constrains social record 按各题目陈述中划线词汇指示回到原文对应范围,整读各对应范围内信息(词汇),找 出与选项表中一致的同一词或同义词按题目顺序逐一填写。 (上例)原文:A report from Mintel,…Companies will have to be more(第 10 题前“higher” 指示词)honest and open in response to this mood… Mintel survey,…,although this percentage is higher among(第 11 题前“amongst”指示词) women,magagerial and professional groups and those aged 35 to 44. …although the number of „armchair ethicals‟ has risen from 28 to 35 per cent and only … …The recently published report also as fair trade with the Third World and social record of business.Companies will have to … 2、无选项填空做题原则: 无选项填空题的特点:题目两边紧贴词汇在原文对应处词性不变,它们是各题正确答 案的绝对指示词。 11 例: 题目:WHAT THEY DID AT SAH Teams of employees were selected from different hotel departments to participate in a …(6)…exercise. The information colleced was used to compare …(7)… processes,which,in turn,led to the development of …(8)… that would be used to increase the hotel‟s capacity to improve …(9)… as well as quality. as Also,and older program known as …(10)… was introduced at SAH. In this program,…(11)…is sought from customers and staff.Wherever possible …(12)… suggestions are implemented within 48 hours.Other suggestions are investigated for their feasibility for a period of up to … 原文:The most crucial way,however,of improving the labour cost structure at SAH was to find better,more productive ways of providing customer service.SAH management concluded this would first require a process of “benchmarking”.The prime objective of he benchmarking process was to compare a range of service delivery processes across a range of criteria using teams made up of employees from different departments within the hotel which interacted with each other.This process resulted in performance measures that greatly enhanced SAH‟s ability to improve producivity and quality.… In addition,a program modelled on an earlier project called „Take Charge‟ was implemented.Essenially,Take Charge provides an effective feedback loop from both customers and employees.Customer comments,both positive and negative,are recorded by staff.These are collated regularly to identify opportunities for improvements.Just as importantly,employees are requested to note down their own suggestions for improvement.(AHI has set an expectation that employees will submit at least three suggestions for every one they receive from a customer.)Empoyee feedback is reviewed daily and suggestions are implemented within 48 hours,if possible,or a valid reason is given for non-implementation.If suggestions require analysis or data collection,the Take Charge team has 30 days in which to address the issue and come up with recommendations. 无选项填空题目陈述中划单线部分指示原文对应范围,双线部分指示正确答案在原文的 准 确 位 置 。 正 确 答 案 分 别 是 : (6)‟benchmarking‟;(7)service delivery;(8)performance measures;(9)productivity;(10)‟Take Charge‟;(11)feedback loop;(12)Employee feedback;(13)30 days. (注意:无论是有选项不是无选项填空题,在题目陈述中如有基本词汇,考生必须做标 记。基本词汇意义稳定,指示准确,在原文对应处意义不变,是正确答案(词)的绝对指令。 如第一例有选项填空题中第 10 题、第 11 题、第 12 题前的“greater”(比较级概念)、“growth” (程度概念)、“the number of”(数字概念);第二例无选项填空题中第 6 题、第 7 题、第 8 题、第 9 题、第 10 题、第 11 题和第 13 题前后的“a”(表单数概念)、“compare”(比较概 念)、“processes”(核心话题指示词汇)、“led to”(因果概念)、“that”(定义概念)、“as well as”(并列连词)、“Also”(顺序概念)、“older”(时间概念)、“as”(表同位语)、“from”(逻 辑)和“period…up to”(时间概念和同类概念用词指示→原文中“30 days”是“period”的 同类概念对应。) 例:题目: 1、Language problems may come to the attention of the public when they have …,such as fatal accidents or social problems. 2、Evidence of the extent of the language barrier has been gained from … of materials used 12 by scientists such as books and periodicals. 3、An example of Brithish Linguistic Insularity is the use of English for materials such as … 4、An example of a part of the world where people may have difficulty in negotiating English is … 题中单线部分(词)是原文对应处定位词汇,双线部分是基本词汇,所以是正确答案的 指令词汇。 原文(第一题对应点):Although communication problem of this kind must happen thousands of times each day,very few becom public knowledge.Publicity comes only when a failure to communicate has major consequences,such as stikes,lost orders,legal problems,or fatal accidents——even,at times,war… 原文(第二题对应点):In the English-speaking scientific world,for example,surveys of books and documents consulted in libraries and other information agencies have shown that very little foreign-language material is consulted. 原文(第三题对应点): In the 1960s,over two-thirds of British firms dealing with non-English-speaking customers were using English for outgoing correspondence;many had their sales literature only in English;and as many as 40 per cent employed no-one able to communicate in the customers languages… 原文(第四题对应点):…,as in most parts of the Far East,Russia,Eastern Europe,the Arab world,latin America and French-speaking Africa… 题解:第一、二、三、四题目中划单线词汇在原文定位原对应点,双线部分是正确答案 指令词汇:“have”、“such as”、“of”、“is”。单线标示词汇是实意词汇,我们可以不认识, 但是可以认出。双线标示词汇是基本词汇,谁都认识。实意词汇无论自身有何种意义,都必 须由基本词汇来确定其基本语义。例如“no”或“not”是基本词汇,它们决定了整个句子 的否定意义。双线词汇“such as”在题目中前指单数还是复数?“of”是同类、同位词介词, 它和题目中“such as”的指向是一致的;“is”是 be 动词表同位语成份。正确答案在原文各 对应点是明确的,没有任何判断或理解的必要,它们是被一个一个地指示出来的
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