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google企业文化null O GOgleBackgroundBackground☻Found in September, 1998. ☻Its founder is Larry Page and Sergey Brin ☻Its headquarter is in Silicon Valley, in North America. It has representation office in Europe and Asia ☻Google's main business areas Achieveme...

null O GOgleBackgroundBackground☻Found in September, 1998. ☻Its founder is Larry Page and Sergey Brin ☻Its headquarter is in Silicon Valley, in North America. It has representation office in Europe and Asia ☻Google's main business areas AchievementAchievement ♣ Google now has the first position as the most desirable place to work for graduates ♣ The New York times reports the Google has become the most valuable brand name in historyCore valueCore value♫ Focus on the user and all else will follow. 一切以用户为本,其它接踵而来 ♫ It's best to do one thing really, really well. 心无旁骛、精益求精 ♫ Fast is better than slow. 快比慢好 ♫ Democracy on the web works. 网络适合平等参与的民主作风 ♫ You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer. 获取信息的方式多种多样,无需非要坐在桌边 Core valueCore value♫ You can make money without doing evil. 无需作恶,也可赚钱 ♫ There's always more information out there. 信息无止境 ♫ The need for information crosses all borders. 信息需求,超越疆界 ♫ You can be serious without a suit. 无需西装革履,也可认真执著 ♫ Great just isn't good enough. 没有最好,只有更好 Core valueCore value Its greatest value is that it drives innovation and creativity throughout the organization. creativityinnovationCulture as the organization’s personality Culture as the organization’s personality ---people orientation ☼ One of ten values: user- orientated ☼ The meeting on Friday --"improper" requirementRules of behavior Rules of behavior ♥ Flex hours Rules of behavior Rules of behavior Casual dress everyday Rules of behaviorRules of behavior♥ The employees will be fired if they abuse the login system. ♥ The employees can change the program if they don’t like the program they are distributed to. ♥ Employees who engaged in non-technical work share the same respect with the technical ones. ♥ Most employees object to the smoking.Case Case Corporate Ethics “Caring for China - the Google China Social Innovation Cup” 益爱中华Caring for China — case oneCaring for China — case one “ The Google China Social Innovation Cup” is the country’s first nationwide competition aimed at empowering China’s youth to address pressing social issues through grassroots, innovative solutions. Open to college students around the country, it also serves to instill a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement in the minds of China’s youth generation. Caring for China — case oneCaring for China — case one ☺Founded in 2008, the Cup awards grant money ranging from 10,000 – 80,000 RMB (1500-11,000 USD) to student teams that demonstrate a creative, practical solution to a social problem in their local community. Each team will carry out its project during their 2-month long summer vacation. Through gong1chuang1.com, students can submit applications detailing their project idea and implementation process. Recruiting Culture — case twoRecruiting Culture — case two♪ Google develop the world’s first “recruiting culture. ♪ From the key leaders on down to the entry-level employee ♪ The extraordinary step of changing the way employees’ work in order to attract and retain the very best.☻"20% Time" ☻"20% Time" Extraordinary step of changing the way employees’ work☻The benefits are breathtaking! "20% Time""20% Time" Employee works the equivalent of one-day-a-week on their own researching individually selected projects that the company funds and supports. Both Google Groups and Google News products are reported to have started as a result of personal 20% time projects. For instance, G-mail. ☻The benefitsThe benefits ♪ Stock options everywhere ♪ Up to $600 for take-out meals during the first four weeks that they are home with their new baby ♪ Back-up child care for parents when their regularly scheduled child care falls through The benefitsThe benefits ♪ A “no tracking of sick days” policy ♪ Free training in subjects you are interested in ♪ Free recreation everywhere, including video games, football, volleyball and pool tables. Thank you for listening!!Thank you for listening!!
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