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UNSV-MAG-2010-286 Issue 286, Vol. 2010 May 14th, 2010 Executive Editor: VAN ALLEN http://www.unsv.com U N S V An Elaborate Daily Magazine for English Learners 电子版 TM UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 286, Vol. 2010, May 14th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com Britain ...

Issue 286, Vol. 2010 May 14th, 2010 Executive Editor: VAN ALLEN http://www.unsv.com U N S V An Elaborate Daily Magazine for English Learners 电子版 TM UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 286, Vol. 2010, May 14th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com Britain Gets a Government, as Europe Gets a Plan to Save the Euro Page 1 第一部分、英语阅读理解 ECONOMICS REPORT - Britain Gets a Government, as Europe Gets a Plan to Save the Euro 配套MP3声音文件下载链接 http://www.unsv.com/voanews/specialenglish/scripts/2010/05/14/0041/ European Union officials agreed on a debt rescue plan this week. They also got a message from Britain's new governing parties. WILLIAM HAGUE: "It was not difficult to agree between us that neither party is in favor of handing any more powers to the European Union." That was William Hague, the new foreign secretary. In last Thursday's elections, the Conservatives won the most seats in parliament but not a majority. So they and the Liberal Democrats have formed Britain's first coalition government since World War Two. Gordon Brown resigned late Tuesday as prime minister. His Labor Party held power for thirteen years, the last three under him. In his place moves David Cameron of the Conservative Party. At forty-three he is Britain's youngest head of government since eighteen twelve. Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats is his deputy. Their new government will have to deal with Britain's own debt crisis. The budget deficit is about twelve percent of the economy. David Cameron has promised nine billion dollars in budget cuts as a start. Both parties agreed to make no proposal for 学习建议:请在笔记本里记下阅读过程中遇到的生词,以及无法理解的短语和句子。文 章阅读完后,带着遇到的问题参考后面的词汇句型讲解和英汉翻译对照。之后的几天, 多抽时间复习留在笔记本里的生词和问题,并阅读文章,以最大化巩固学习成果。 British Prime Minister David Cameron, center, leads his first cabinet meeting in London Thursday UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 286, Vol. 2010, May 14th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com Britain Gets a Government, as Europe Gets a Plan to Save the Euro Page 2 Britain to join the sixteen countries that use the euro. Markets have eased since Monday's announcement of a nearly one trillion dollar rescue plan. It involves loans, debt guarantees and other support to euro area countries with heavy debts. Some of the money will come from the International Monetary Fund. Olli Rehn, the E.U. monetary affairs commissioner, said the debt crisis is a serious threat. OLLI REHN: "This has clearly been a systemic challenge for financial stability in the euro area. It is not an attack on one or another individual member states. It is a threat to financial stability of the euro area and the European Union." The crisis in Greece has threatened to spread to other countries and has led to protests and violence over spending cuts. But now, interest rates for borrowing by troubled countries like Greece and Portugal have fallen sharply. Many people blamed the Greek crisis for the sudden drop in American stock markets last Thursday. It may have played a part. But this week, officials told Congress they were still investigating the causes of the so-called flash crash. Major stock exchanges have agreed to develop a plan to prevent a disorderly market like that again. The idea is to slow trading in a coordinated way. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell nearly one thousand points in minutes, then largely recovered. The plunge renewed debate about the risks of electronic exchanges and high-speed computer trading systems. UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 286, Vol. 2010, May 14th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com Britain Gets a Government, as Europe Gets a Plan to Save the Euro Page 3 第二部分、英语词汇句型 『符号说明』在以下词汇讲解中 noun 表示名词,verb 表示动词,adj 表示形容词,adv 表示副词,pron表示代词。[C]表示名词是可数的,[U]表示名词是不可数的。Oxford表示 词汇解释引用自《牛津高阶英语词典》。Longman 表示词汇解释引用自引《朗文高阶美语 词典》。e.g.表示例句。 英国政治职务与党派词汇小结 (1)Prime Minister - noun. 首相(缩写这 PM) Longman> the chief minister and leader of the government in some countries that have a parliamentary system of government (2)the Deputy Prime Minister - noun. 副首相 (3)the Foreign Secretary - noun.(英国)外交大臣 Oxford> the British government minister in charge of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office(外交与联邦事务部) (4)the Labor Party - noun. 工党 维基百科> 工党是英国的主要政党,成立于 1900 年 2 月 27 日,代表工人利益,立场属中间偏左。 于 1924 年首次执政,自此取代自由党,与保守党 成为英国国会两大政党。 (5)the Conservative Party - noun. 保守党 维基百科> 保守党全称保守与统一党(Conservative and Unionist Party),是英国历史最 悠久的政党,也是全国拥有最多党员的政党。按下议院所占议席数计算,保守党现时乃英 国第一大党。普遍认为,保守党与美国民主党的份量与 地位相若,而美国民主党的历史则可直接上溯至 18 世 纪。以选举的胜出次数计算,保守党是英国历史上最成 功的政党,其现任党魁是卡梅伦。由于保守党乃发展自 活跃于 18及 19世纪的托利党,所以它的党员常常会被称作托利党党员(Tories),而保守 党亦时常被干脆称作托利党(Tory Party)。尽管在整个 20世纪之中,保守党在其中三分之 二的时间皆掌领了政府,不过保守党自从 1997年大选败给布莱尔领导的工党以后,它一直 处于反对党的状态。 (6)the Liberal Democrats - noun. 自由民主党 (缩写为 Lib Dems,简称自民党) 维基百科> 英国倾向社会主义的左派自由主义政党。自由 民主党于 1988年,由成立于 1859年的自由党和短暂存在 的社会民主党合并而成(两党于合并前就已结为政治同盟 数年)。自由民主党目前是英国国会中第三大党,仅随工党 和保守党之后。目前在国会拥有 57个席位,是自 20世纪 30年代以来英国最大的第三大党。 学习建议:学习生词词义解释时,不仅要看中文解释,还要尽可能多看英文解释,这将 帮助你更好地理解词汇的真正意境。学习生词例句和句型例句时,最好能模仿着造出跟 学习、工作、生活相关的例句,给自己创造学以致用的机会。 UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 286, Vol. 2010, May 14th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com Britain Gets a Government, as Europe Gets a Plan to Save the Euro Page 4 英国政坛风云人物百科 (1)David Cameron - 大卫·卡梅伦 维基百科> 大卫·卡梅伦出生于 1966 年 10 月 9 日,是英国国王 威廉四世(1765-1837)的直系后代,与当今的英国女王是远亲。 19世纪末,卡梅伦的曾祖父靠在美国的芝加哥倒卖谷物发财,后来 回到苏格兰。卡梅伦的祖父和父亲都从事股票和房地产买卖。 卡梅伦毕业于牛津大学,主修哲学、政治和经济。2001 年, 他在牛津郡 Witney 选区获胜,成为下议院议员。两年后,他被提 升为保守党前座议员。2005年当选保守党领袖。 卡梅伦给人的印象是年轻、健康。他是英国近 200年来最年轻 的一位首相。 (2)Nick Clegg - 尼克·克莱格 维基百科> 尼克·克莱格现任英国自由民主党主席,并担任自由民 主党与保守党联合政府的副首相。 克莱格 1967 年出生于英格兰南部的白金汉郡,父亲是联合信 托银行主席。克莱格毕业于剑桥大学罗宾森学院,主修社会人类学。 之后还到过美国明尼苏达大学及欧洲学院深造。 1999年,克莱格当选欧洲议会议员;2005年英国大选,克莱 格当选国会议员;2006年担任自由民主党国内事务发言人;2007 年,当选自由民主党党魁至今。 (3)William Hague - 威廉·黑格 维基百科> 威廉·黑格出生于 1961年 3月 26日,英国保守党政 治家,下议院议员,现任外交大臣。 黑格从少年时起就有远大的政治抱负,15岁就加入了保守党 的青年组织——青年保守党协会。16岁时在保守党年会上发表了 充满感情色彩的演讲,受到当时的领袖撒切尔夫人的赞赏。 威廉·黑格曾任英国保守党领袖。1997年,在保守党的领袖 选举中,威廉·黑格成功当选,成为保守党 200 年来最年轻的领袖。在英国 2001 年大选 中,工党以绝对优势打败保守党。随后黑格宣布辞去保守党领袖的职务。 (4)Gordon Brown - 戈登·布朗 维基百科> 英国前首相、第一财政大臣及工党党魁。1997 年 5 月至 2007年 6月 26日,任财政大臣。2007年 5月中,首相布莱尔宣布 辞去首相职务,由布朗接任。2010年 5月 6日,工党在大选中落败。 5月 11日,布朗承认失败,宣布辞去党魁及首相职务。。 布朗传奇事迹:十一岁时就自办报纸讨论英国政治理念,并成功 独家采访了美国宇航员约翰·格伦,准确预测当时的新老首相交替; 上大学时传奇地成为“学生校长”以及校董会主席;创下 150年来连 任财政大臣时间最长的纪录,帮助英国经济实现了连续十年低通胀、 低失业率、低利率和高增长的奇迹。 UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 286, Vol. 2010, May 14th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com Britain Gets a Government, as Europe Gets a Plan to Save the Euro Page 5 favor【 】- noun. 赞成;支持 Longman> support or approval for sb or sth such as a plan, idea, or system e.g.> I'm all in favor of the changes. 我完全支持这些变革。 【常用结构】in favor of (doing) sth - 赞成⋯⋯;支持⋯⋯ e.g.> A number of politicians have said they are in favor of term limits. 一些政客表示他们赞成任期限制。 Several teachers have spoken in favor of closing the school. 几位老师发表演说支持关闭这所学校。 coalition【 】- noun.(政党)联盟 Longman> a union of separate political parties that allows them to form a government or fight an election together e.g.> Italy's coalition government (= a government of several different political parties working together). 意大利联合政府。 常用经济词语小结 (1)budget deficit - 预算赤字,即财政赤字。指一国政府在每一财政年度开始之初,编 制预算时,在收支安排上就有的赤字。 (2)budget cuts - 预算缩减 (3)debt guarantee - 债务担保 (4)monetary affairs - 货币事务 (5)financial stability - 金融稳定 (7)spending cuts - 缩减开支 (8)interest rates - 利率 (9)stock market - 股市 (10)stock exchange - 证券交易所 【知识百科】euro area欧元区 Wikipedia> The euro area, is an economic and monetary union (EMU) of 16 European Union (EU) member states which have adopted the euro currency as their sole legal tender. It currently consists of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. Eight (not including Sweden, which has a de facto opt out) other states are obliged to join the zone once they fulfill the strict entry criteria. monetary【 】- adj. 货币的 Longman> relating to money, especially all the money in a particular country e.g.> How does their monetary policy work? 他们的货币政策如何运作? the monetary value of gold 黄金的货币价值 UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 286, Vol. 2010, May 14th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com Britain Gets a Government, as Europe Gets a Plan to Save the Euro Page 6 commissioner【 】- noun.[C] 委员 Longman> someone who is officially in charge of a police department, sports organization, government department etc systemic【 】- adj. 体系上的 Longman> affecting all of a system e.g.> Corruption in the police force of Russia is systemic. 俄罗斯整个警察体系都腐败。 blame A for B - 将 B归咎于 A e.g.> They blamed the Greek crisis for the sudden drop in American stock markets. 他们将上周四的美国股市暴跌归咎于希腊债务危机。 play a part (in something) -(在某事中)发挥了一定作用 Longman> if someone or something plays a part in something, they are involved in it and have a lot of influence on the way it happens or develops e.g.> They've certainly worked very hard, but luck has played a part too. 他们当然工作非常努力,但运气也发挥了一定的作用。 The local church plays an important part in people's lives. 地方教堂在当地人的生活中发挥了重要作用。 【翻译理解】Many people blamed the Greek crisis for the sudden drop in American stock markets last Thursday. It may have played a part. 这里的 play a part直白的理解:希腊债 务危机对美国的股市暴跌起到了一定的作用。句子实际要表达的意思是:希腊债务危机可 能是美国股市暴跌的一个原因。 stock exchange - noun. 证券交易所 Oxford> a place where shares in companies are bought and sold; all of the business activity involved in doing this e.g.> New York Stock Exchange纽约证券交易所(简称 NYSE) 【知识百科】Dow Jones Industrial Average 道琼斯工业平均指数(简称道指) 道琼斯工业平均指数是由华尔街日报和道琼斯公司创建者查尔斯·道创造的股票市场 指数,并将其作为测量美国股票市场上工业构成的发展,是最悠久的美国市场指数之一。 道琼斯工业平均指数首次在 1896 年 5 月 26 日公布,当时象征着美国工业中最重要的 12 种股票的平均数。如今,股票种数扩展到 30种,由美国最大、最知名的上市公司构成。虽 然名称中提及“工业”这两个字,但现在的构成企业大部分都已与重工业无关。现在该指 数是个加权平均数,而不代表成分股价值的平均数。 plunge【 】- noun.[U] 暴跌 Longman> a sudden large decrease in the price, value, or amount of something e.g.> There has been a 10% plunge in stock prices. 股价暴跌 10%。 UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 286, Vol. 2010, May 14th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com Britain Gets a Government, as Europe Gets a Plan to Save the Euro Page 7 第三部分、英汉翻译对照 ECONOMICS REPORT - Britain Gets a Government, as Europe Gets a Plan to Save the Euro 经济报道——英国组建新政府 欧洲出台欧元拯救 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 European Union officials agreed on a debt rescue plan this week. They also got a message from Britain's new governing parties. WILLIAM HAGUE: "It was not difficult to agree between us that neither party is in favor of handing any more powers to the European Union." That was William Hague, the new foreign secretary. In last Thursday's elections, the Conservatives won the most seats in parliament but not a majority. So they and the Liberal Democrats have formed Britain's first coalition government since World War Two. Gordon Brown resigned late Tuesday as prime minister. His Labor Party held power for thirteen years, the last three under him. In his place moves David Cameron of the Conservative Party. At forty-three he is Britain's youngest head of government since eighteen twelve. Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats is his deputy. Their new government will have to deal with Britain's own debt crisis. The budget deficit is about twelve percent of the economy. David Cameron has promised nine billion dollars in budget cuts as a start. Both parties agreed to make no proposal for Britain to join the sixteen countries that use the euro. 欧盟官员于本周就一项债务救援 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 达 成一致。他们还收到了来自英国新执政党 的消息。 威廉·黑格:“我们两党都不赞成交给欧 盟更多的权力,我们之间就此达成一致并 没有遇到困难。” 威廉·黑格是英国新任外交大臣。在上周 四的选举中,保守党赢得了最多的议会席 位,但没有达到“大多数”的要求。因此, 他们和自由民主党共同组成了二战以来 的英国首个联合政府。 布朗在周二晚辞去了首相职务。他所在的 工党执政十三年,最后三年由他掌权。 他的职务落到保守党的大卫·卡梅伦身 上。现年四十三岁的卡梅伦是 1812 年以 来,英国最年轻的政府首脑。自由民主党 的尼克·克莱格是他的副首相。 他们所带领的新政府必须要处理英国自 身的债务危机,其预算赤字约占国民经济 的 12%。大卫·卡梅伦承诺将从缩减九十 亿美元的预算开始。两党都赞成不提交英 国加入欧元十六国的议案。 学习建议:在看下面的译文之前,建议做英汉翻译练习。你可以试将左侧的英文译为中 文,训练英译汉能力。或者将右侧的中文译为英文,训练汉译英能力。在做翻译练习时, 为避免不小心看到“答案”,建议将左侧英文(或右侧中文)单独拷贝出来,粘贴到一个 新建的Word文档里。做完练习后再参考下面的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 翻译对照,并查找 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 问题。 UNSV.COM英语辅导杂志 Issue 286, Vol. 2010, May 14th, 2010 http://www.unsv.com Britain Gets a Government, as Europe Gets a Plan to Save the Euro Page 8 Markets have eased since Monday's announcement of a nearly one trillion dollar rescue plan. It involves loans, debt guarantees and other support to euro area countries with heavy debts. Some of the money will come from the International Monetary Fund. Olli Rehn, the E.U. monetary affairs commissioner, said the debt crisis is a serious threat. OLLI REHN: "This has clearly been a systemic challenge for financial stability in the euro area. It is not an attack on one or another individual member states. It is a threat to financial stability of the euro area and the European Union." The crisis in Greece has threatened to spread to other countries and has led to protests and violence over spending cuts. But now, interest rates for borrowing by troubled countries like Greece and Portugal have fallen sharply. Many people blamed the Greek crisis for the sudden drop in American stock markets last Thursday. It may have played a part. But this week, officials told Congress they were still investigating the causes of the so-called flash crash. Major stock exchanges have agreed to develop a plan to prevent a disorderly market like that again. The idea is to slow trading in a coordinated way. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell nearly one thousand points in minutes, then largely recovered. The plunge renewed debate about the risks of electronic exchanges and high-speed computer trading systems. 自周一一万亿美元救援方案宣布以来,市 场已经趋于缓和。救援方案包括贷款、债 务担保以及向欧元区其他重债国家提供 支持。部分救援资金将由国际货币基金组 织提供。 欧盟货币事务委员 Olli Rehn指出,债务 危机是个严重的威胁。 Olli Rehn:“这显然已经成为对欧元区金 融行业体系稳定的挑战。这不是单独对这 个或那个成员国的打击,而是对欧元区的 金融稳定乃至整个欧盟的威胁。” 希腊的债务危机已经威胁蔓延到其他国 家。希腊因缩减开支引发示威游行和暴力 冲突。但现在,像希腊、葡萄牙这些问题 国家,他们的贷款利率已经急剧下降。 许多人将上周四的美国股市暴跌归咎于 希腊债务危机。这也许是部分原因。本周, 政府官员向国会 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 称,他们仍在调查所 谓的“瞬间崩盘”的原因。 各大证券交易所已经同意拟订一套方案 以防止再次发生类似的市场混乱。他们的 构想是以协调方式减缓交易。 道琼斯工业平均指数在几分钟内下跌近 千点,随后又大幅反弹。这次股市暴跌重 新引发了关于电子交易和高速计算机交 易系统风险的讨论。
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