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专四模拟试题附参考答案5 下列资料均可免费下载: 冲击波系列•2011 年英语专业 4 级听写 100 篇文本及MP3 下载(大家网首发) 冲击波系列•2011 年英语专业 4 级听力文书及MP3 下载(大家网首发) 冲击波系列•2011 年英语专业 4 级阅读书下载(大家网首发) 冲击波系列•2011 年英语专业 4 级完型填空书下载(大家网首发) 冲击波系列•2011 年英语专业 4 级写作书下载(大家网首发) 冲击波系列•2011 年英语专业 4 级语法与词汇书下载(大家网首发) 【2010 年新书】英语专业四级考试高...

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Mark the correct choice for each blank. In the morning it starts to rain. It was the first rain of the new year and it (26)____, in an extremely violent manner, the beginning of the rainy season. The drops which fell were large, and they fell straight down, for (27)____ tropical rains never degenerate into slanting drizzle, the familiar (28)____ of a rainy day in so many other parts of the world. The rain fell heavily, it fell continuously and it saturated everything which lay (29)____ its way. During the rain most people kept to their homes. But a few walked about, (30)____ to the wetness of their clothes and determined to (31)____ as usual. And, for those who wished to keep dry however much it cost them, there were always (32)____ taxis. They splashed by along the road, with the windscreen wipers revealing only (33)____ glimpses of the drivers peering faces. (34)____, when the rain had started, the drivers had had only the big puddles to miss, but later on, then the drains had overflowed and the whole road swam with water all dangerous pits and (35)____ had been hidden, and the faces peering through the windscreens peered even more anxiously than before. But often the faces inside the taxi ceased to (36)____ to look out at all, for water had splashed up to the electrical system, and the engine stopped just as surly and abruptly as it would have done, (37)____ the car actually (38)____ into out of the drains it had so (39)____ missed only a few moments (40)____. 2 / 17 专四模拟试题附参考答案 5.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! (26) A. exhibited B. marked C. showed D. identified (27) A. brutal B. intense C. wild D. fierce (28) A. pattern B. style C. model D. norm (29) A. on B. at C. in D. over (30) A. resigning B. to resign C. resigned D. having resigned (31) A. carry on B. keep on C. continue D. go on (32) A./ B. the C. many D. some (33) A. fragmentary B. sudden C. partial D. scattered (34) A. Initially B. Originally C. Formerly D. Firstly (35) A. destructions B. frustrations C. constructions D. obstructions (36) A. disturb B. intend C. bother D. worry (37) A. was B. were C. had D. has (38) A. skidded B. swerved C. slipped D. glided (39) A. closely B. nearly C. almost D. narrowly (40) A. ahead B. before C. ago D. beforehand There are twenty-five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence. 41. We are not on very good ____ with the people next door. A. friendship B. relations C. will D. terms www.TopSage.com 大家网 3 / 17 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! 42. Usually newspapers ____ for people with intellectual interests. A. suit B. furnish C. regard D. cater 43. The overcrowded living conditions____ a heavy strain on the family. A. set B. put C. made D. pressed 44. The supply of apples exceeds the ____ this year. A. request B. claim C. requirement D. demand 45. I must take this watch to be repaired; it ____ over twenty minutes a day. A. increases B. progresses C. accelerates D. gains 4 / 17 专四模拟试题附参考答案 5.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! 46. If this animal had escaped from its cage it could ____ have killed or hurt several people. A. equally B. both C. well D. severely 47. I'm sorry we gave you such a short ____ of our visit. A. caution B. notice C. information D. preparation 48. That old vase will ____ an attractive lamp-holder. A. compose B. form C. make D. assemble 49. The World Bank has criticized the country for not giving enough financial ____ to developing countries. A. allowance B. aid www.TopSage.com 大家网 5 / 17 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! C. loan D. provision 50. Nothing would stop me from ____ my ambition. A. reaching B. completing C. achieving D. obtaining 51. He showed his ____ for the TV programmer by switching it off. A. distaste B. discontent C. annoyance D. boredom 52. They are ____ the woods for the missing child. A. seeking B. looking C. investigating D. combing 53. To prevent flooding in winter the water flowing from the dam is constantly ____ by a computer. A. Managed 6 / 17 专四模拟试题附参考答案 5.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! B. graded C. monitored D. conducted 54. ____ I know the money is safe. I shall not worry about it. A. Even though B. Unless C. As long as D. However 55. He couldn't lie convincingly enough to take a child ____ . A. away B. down C. in D. up 56. The parents were worried about Dorothy because no one was aware ____ she had gone. A. where that B. of where C. of the place where D. the place 57. It was not until she returned home ____ she realized she had almost wasted ten of her valuable hours. www.TopSage.com 大家网 7 / 17 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! A. and B. when C. then D. that 58. There has not been a great response to the sale, ____? A. does it B. has it C. does there D. has there 59. Anthropology is a science ____ anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others. A. in that B. that in C. that D. in 60. The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than ____. A. the domestic marketer has B. those of the domestic marketer C. the domestic marketer does D. that which has the domestic marketer 8 / 17 专四模拟试题附参考答案 5.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! 61. I'm surprised at there ____ an index. A. not to be B. to be not C. not being D. being not 62. I ____ this soup. I ____ pepper in it. A. am tasting... am tasting B. am tasting... taste C. taste... am tasting D. taste... have tasted 63. ____, explorers could never have found the cave. A. But for the fissure had been spotted B. If not the fissure had been spotted C. Had the fissure not been spotted D. Had not the fissure been spotted 64. John often sits in a small bar, drinking and smoking considerably more ____. A. than that he is healthy B. than good for his health C. than his health could D. than is good for his health www.TopSage.com 大家网 9 / 17 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! 65. This ____ girl is Mary's cousin. A. pretty little Swedish B. Swedish little pretty C. Swedish pretty little D. little pretty Swedish SECTION A [25 min.] In this section there are four passages followed by fifteen questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the correct answer. Text A The Stone Age was a period of history which began in approximately 2 million B.C. and lasted until 3000 B.C. Its name was derived from the stone tools and weapons that modern scientists found. This period was divided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Ages. During the first period (2 million to 8000 B.C.), the fist hatchet and use of fire for heating and cooking were developed. As a result of the Ice Age, which evolved about 1 million years into the Paleolithic Age, people were forced to seek shelter in caves, wear clothing, and develop new tools. During the Mesolithic Age (8000 to 6000 B.C.) people made crude pottery and the first fish hooks, took dogs hunting, and developed a bow and arrow which was used until the fourteenth century A.D. 10 / 17 专四模拟试题附参考答案 5.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! The Neolithic Age (6000 to 3000 B.C.) saw humankind domesticating sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle, being less nomadic than in previous eras, establishing permanent settlements and creating governments. 66. Which of the following developments is not related to the conditions of the Ice Age? A. Farming. B. Clothing. C. living indoors. D. Using fire. 67. Which of the following periods saw people develop a more communal form of living? A. Paleolithic. B. Ice Age. C. Mesolithic. D. Neolithic. 68. The author states that the Stone Age was so named because _____. A. it was very durable B. the tools and weapons were made of stone C. there was little vegetation D. the people lived in caves Text B www.TopSage.com 大家网 11 / 17 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! Discovered a mere one hundred fifty years ago and manufactured commercially just half that long, aluminum today ranks behind only iron and steel among metals serving mankind. The key to its popularity is its incredible versatility. The same metal that makes kitchen foil serves as armor for battlefield tanks. The material of lawn chairs and baseball bats also forms the vital parts of air and space vehicles -- most of their skeletons, their skins, even the rivets that bind them together. Behind aluminum's versatility lie properties so diverse that they almost seem to belong to several different metals. For example, in its pure form, aluminum is soft enough to whittle. Yet its alloys can possess the strength of steel, with only a third of its weight. This, when Alexanedr Calder designed one of his last mobiles--a soaring creation eighty feet long -- his choice of aluminum over steel cut two tons from its weight. Aluminum also assures the masterpiece virtual immortality. The instant the metal is exposed to air; its surface acquires a transparent film that seals the interior against further corrosion. 69. According to the passage, aluminum is sometimes used to make which of the the following? A. Photographic film. B. Frames for stuffed furniture. C. Foils and other fencing equipment. D. Parts of spaceships. 70. The most important feature of aluminum is that it ______. A. can be used for many different things B. is soft enough to whittle 12 / 17 专四模拟试题附参考答案 5.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! C. is strong D. can be marketed in pure form Text C Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers. The price system of the United States is a very complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional transportation, and public-utility services. The interrelationships of all these prices make up the "system" of prices. The price of any particular product of service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else. If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define "price", many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or, in other words, that price is the money value of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction. This definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes. For a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known. Both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that supply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms return privileges, and other factors. In other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total "package" being exchanged for the asked-- for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price. www.TopSage.com 大家网 13 / 17 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! 71. According to the passage, the price system is related primarily to _______. A. labor and education B. transportation and insurance C. utilities and repairs D. products and services 72. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a factor in complete understanding of price? A. Instructions that come with a product. B. The quantity of a product. C. The quality of a product. D. Warranties that cover a product. 73. In the last sentence of the passage, the "they" refers to ________. A. return privileges B. all the factors C. buyer and seller D. money 74. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses _______. A. unusual ways to advertise products B. types of payment plans for service C. theories about how products affect different levels of society D. how certain elements of price "package" influence its market value 14 / 17 专四模拟试题附参考答案 5.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! Text D Napoleon Bonaparte's ambition to control all the area around the Mediterranean sealed him and his French soldiers to Egypt. After losing a naval battle, they were forced to remain there for three years. In 1799, while constructing a fort, a soldier discovered a piece of stele (stone pillar bearing an inscription) known as the Rosetta stone: This famous stone, which would eventually lead to the deciphering of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics dating to 3100 B.C., was written in three languages: hieroglyphics (picture writing), demotic (a shorthand version of hieroglyphics), and Greek. Scientists discovered that the characters, unlike those in English, could be written from right to left and in other directions as well. Twenty-three years after discovery of the Rosetta stone, Jean Francois Champollion, a French philologist, fluent in several languages, was able to decipher the first word -- ptolemy -- name of an Egyptian ruler. This name was written inside an oval called a "cartouche",. Further investigation revealed that cartouches contained names of important people of that period. Champollion painstakingly continued his search and was able to increase his growing list of known phonetic signs. He and an Englishmen, Thomas Young, worked independently of each other to unravel the deeply hidden mysteries of this strange language. Young believed that sound values could be assigned to the symbols, while Champollion insisted that the pictures represented words. 75. Which of the following languages was NOT written on the Rosetta stone? A. French. B. Demotic. C. Greek. D. Hieroglyphics. www.TopSage.com 大家网 15 / 17 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! 76. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Cartounches contained names of prominent people of the period. B. Champlllion and Young worked together in an attempt to decipher the hieroglyphics. C. One of Napoleon's soldiers discovered the Rosetta stone. D. Thomas Young believed that sound values could be assigned to the symbols. 77. When was the first word from the Rosetta stone deciphered? A. 3100 B.C. B. 1766. C. 1799. D. 1822. 78. What was the first word that was deciphered from the Rosetta stone? A. Cartouche. B. Ptolemy. C. Demotic. D. Champollion. 79. Why were Napoleon's soldiers in Egypt in 1799? A. They were celebrating a naval victory. B. They were looking for the Rosetta stone. C. They were waiting to continue their campaign. D. They were trying to decipher the hiseroglyphics. 16 / 17 专四模拟试题附参考答案 5.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! 80. Who was responsible for deciphering the first word? A. Champollion. B. Young. C. Ptolemy. D. Napoleon. PART VI WRITING [45 min.] SECTION A COMPOSITION [35 min.] Write a composition of about 150 words on the following topic: Some people argue that television is of great benefit to the community. However, others don't share the opinion. Do you agree or disagree? Write a composition of about 150 words on the following topic: TELEVISION IS (IS NOT) OF GREAT BENEFIT TO THE COMMUNITY You are to write in three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, state clearly what your view is. In the second paragraph, support your view with details. In the third paragraph, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary or suggestion. www.TopSage.com 大家网 17 / 17 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the instruction may result in a loss of marks. SECTION B NOTE-WRITING [10 min.] Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Last week you quarreled with your friend. Write him or her a note apologizing for the incident and suggesting that you both should meet early next week. marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.
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