首页 九年级英语下册《Unit 1 Living on Mars(第3课时)Reading》学案 牛津版

九年级英语下册《Unit 1 Living on Mars(第3课时)Reading》学案 牛津版


九年级英语下册《Unit 1 Living on Mars(第3课时)Reading》学案 牛津版《Unit 1 Living on Mars(第3课时)Reading》学案 1. Moving to Mars move (v.) 1)___________ (汉语意思)move to … _____________(汉语意思) move into …___________ (汉语意思) move house _____________(汉语意思) His family ________ ________ Nanjing in 2000. 他家在2000年搬到南京。 They ________ ___...

九年级英语下册《Unit 1 Living on Mars(第3课时)Reading》学案 牛津版
《Unit 1 Living on Mars(第3课时)Reading》学案 1. Moving to Mars move (v.) 1)___________ (汉语意思)move to … _____________(汉语意思) move into …___________ (汉语意思) move house _____________(汉语意思) His family ________ ________ Nanjing in 2000. 他家在2000年搬到南京。 They ________ ________ a new ________ yesterday. 他们昨天搬进了一套新公寓。 A:We _______ __________(搬家)last week. B: Congratulations! 2) _________ (汉语意思) We could _________ someone __________ in the room. 我们能听到屋里有人在走动。 3)_________ (汉语意思) The story __________ us ___________. 这个故事深深打动了我们。 All of them ________ _________ to tears. 他们所有人都被感动得潸然泪下。 词形变化:_________ ________ ( adj.) __________(n.) The trip ______ the poor area is a deeply _________ _________. 这次贫困地区之行是一次非常动人的经历。 The film ________ ________ ___________. 这部电影很感人。 The man _______still (静止的)in the long grass, knowing that _________ _________ would ______ _______ by the police. 这个人躺在长草丛中动也不动,他知道一有任何动静便会被警方发现。 ●movie _________ (汉语意思)_______国英语 意为f__________ 2. At the moment, it may be difficult to imagine, but many people believe that we will live on the planet Mars by the year 2100. A. at the moment ____________ (汉语意思)相当于 _________ They ______ _________ a meeting _______ _______ _________.此刻他们正在开会。 常与moment搭配的词组有: in a moment ___________ a moment later ___________ at that very moment___________ of the moment 红极一时,盛行一时 the moment of truth 考验的时刻 for the moment 目前 暂时 B: imagine ( v. ) _________ __________ (汉语意思) 1) imagine +n. I can’t __________ life ___________ children now. 我现在无法想象没有了孩子们的生活。 2)imagine +宾语 从句 Close your eyes and _________ ________ you _________ in the park. 闭上眼睛,设想自己在公园里。 Can you ________ ________ life _______ ________ _______ in the _________. 你能想象得出将来的生活会是怎样的吗? We _______ ________ how ______ _______ the problem _______ you. 我们难以想象没有你,我们怎样解决这个问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 Just imagine ___________ ___________. 设想一下,发生什么事了? 3) imagine doing sth. _____________(汉语意思) She ________ _________ in the restaurant and ________ a ________ _________. 她想象坐在这家饭店里,享用一顿大餐。 Can you ________ __________ ________ money? 你能想象没有钱的生活吗? 词形变化:____________ (n.) __________ ___________(汉语意思) He is a boy ________ a ______ of ____________. 他是个富有想象力的男孩。 Don’t use too much _______________. 不要一味凭空想象。 Use your __________ to ________ ________ ________ . 运用你的想象力来寻找答案 _______________ ( adj.) __________ ___________(汉语意思) I think it’s ________ ____________ idea. 我认为那是个有创意的想法。 My cousin is _______ ______________ _________. 我的表弟是个有创意的男孩。 3. Our own planet, Earth, is becoming more and more crowded and polluted. 1)crowded (adj.) ___________ ___________(汉语意思) The supermarket is ___________ _________ people.这个超市里挤满了人。 The buses ______ __________ at holidays.假日里汽车很拥挤。 词形变化:___________ (n.) ___________(汉语意思) The little boy pushed his way ___________ the ___________. 这个小男孩在人群中往前挤。 They ___________ _________ the ___________. 他们消失在人群中. ___________ (v.) ___________ 聚集,聚拢(汉语意思) Thousands of people __________ the __________. 成千上万的人把街道挤得水泄不通。 Memories __________ his m___________. 往事涌上他的心头。 We _______ around the ________ ______ keep _________. 我们挤在炉边取暖。 The students ___________ _________the teacher________ ____________ _________ . 学生们围着老师提问题. 2) pollute(v.) __________ ( adj.) ______________ (n.) 选词填空:The river is ___________. ___________ air is harmful to the living things. Waste gas from cars __________ the air. There’s less ___________ in the country than in the city. It’s our ________ to do something to prevent the ___________ ___________. 为阻止环境污染出点力是我们的义务。 The river________ __________ by chemicals. 这条河被化学物质污染了。 4. Hopefully, we can start and bukld a better world on Mars. hopefully (adv.) __________ ____________ ___________(汉语意思) ____________ (adj.) ___________ (v.) 选用上面的词填空:1)___________ we will pas the exam. 2)______________ he will be chosen to be the monitor. 3)“May I go shopping with you ?” she asked ____________. 4)I feel _________ that our team will win the match. 5)He is not ________ about the result of the exam. 6)The future seems very __________.前景似乎很乐观。 5. First of all, transport would be much better. 1) first of all __________ _________(汉语意思)用来强调在所有的事情中首先要做的事。 _______ _____ _______, clean your hands. 首先,把你的手洗干净。 ______ _____ _______, let me ask you some questions. 首先,让我问你几个问题。 firstly, at first, first 均用意引出一系列的事实、理由、意见等。但firstly更多地用于英国英语中。而at first用以讲述最初阶段的情况,尤其指与后来的不同情况相比较。 ______ ______, I found it difficult, but now I can do it.一开始我发现有点难但是现在会做了。 _______ ________, I couldn’t believe my ears. But now I have to accept the fact. 一开始,我简直不能相信自己的耳朵,但是我现在不得不接受这个事实。 There’re many things _____ ______. But _______ _____ _____,let me say something about the work. 有很多事情要做。但是首先我想就这项工作说几句。 There are ewo reasons for thies decision. ______ the task is easy to finish, _________ it can make us feel relaxed. 作此决定由两个理由。第一,这项任务容易完成,第二,它能让我们放松。 2)transport (vt.)________ ________ _________(汉语意思) In the past, people here __________ __________ by boat. 过去这儿的人用船来运送旅客。 The book __________ you to _________ world. 这本 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 可以把你带到另一个世界。 作可数名词意为:________ _________ _________ We need some ___________. 我们需要一些运输车。 作不可数名词意为:________ _________ _________ You should have your _______ ___________. 你应该有你自己的交通工具。 Many people go to work _________ ________ ________. 许多人乘坐公共交通工具上班。 6. At present, our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars. a number of 表示________的意思,后接可数名词______数。 the number of 表示_______的意思,后接可数名词的______数,做主语时,谓语动词要用______ 数形式。 Hainan Island __________ ____ __________ ______ ________ every year. 海南岛每年吸引着许多游客。 _______ ________ ________ students in our class ______ fifty.我们班有50名学生。 a large number of 和large numbers of 也表示_______的意思,后接可数名词____数。 There are _____ ________ _________ _____ _______in the forest. 森林里有很多树。 = There are ________ _________ _______ _______ in the forest. 7.…that travel at the half speed of light以光速一半的速度旅行 speed (n.) _________ (汉语意思) at high / low / full / top speed , travel at the speed of light / sound The train is traveling_____ _____ ________ ______60_____ _____ _______. 火车正以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。 You work____ _____ ________. 你工作起来速度奇快. 8.Humans need food, water and air to survive. survive(vi.),意思是_________ ______ _________ Of the six people in the plane that crashed, ______ ______ _________. 在失事飞机的六个人中,仅有一个幸存下来。 survive (vt.),意思是_________ ______ _________ They________ the ___________. = They ________ in the ________. 他们经历了地震而死里逃生。 词形变化:____________ (n.) They must ________ for ____________. 他们必须为生存而拼搏。 The __________ of the fittest. 适者生存。(习语) 9. Scientists will develop plants that can grow on Mars. develop 词性______ 词义______ _______ The company _______ ______ ______ ______. 这家公司开发了许多新产品。 develop 用作动词,还可以表示_____ ______ _______ 的意思 Our country is _______ ________ _______ _______ 我们国家发展得越来越强大。 The child is _______ ________ 这个小孩发育正常。 联想: develop 的形容词____________(词义______) 和_____________(词义______ ________ _______)名词是______________(词义______ ______ _______) China is a ________ ________ while America is a _______ ________. 中国是一个发展中国家而美国是一个发达国家。 The boy is highly ___________. 这个男孩很成熟。 People will live ______ _______ _______ with the __________ _______ our country. 随着我国的不断发展,人们的生活将会越来越好。 10 Gravity may be a problem for the early setttlers on Mars. setttler (n.) ____________(汉语意思) These __________ ________from America. 这些定居者来自美国。 Those______ ________ _______ ______America. 那些是移居美国的加拿大人。 11The gravity on Mars is only about three-eighths of that on Earth. 英语中的分数是这样表达的:用_____表示分子,用_____表示分母。除了分子为_____外,其他情况,分母均为_____的____数来表达。分数线可用_____表达,也可不用。如 三分之一________ 三分之二________. 如:我们学校五分之三的老师是女老师_____________ of teachers in our school_______ women teachers. 三分之二的雪地被雪覆盖。 _________ of the land _______ covered by snow. (改错)Two third students in our class like watching football. ________________ A B C D 特例:_________________ 1/2, ________________ ( 1/4) ________________ (3/4) 12 This may be dangerous because we could easily jump too high and float away into space. 此句中的could 是一种______的说法,但语气比_____要弱。 float用作动词,意思______ _______如 木头能浮起来。 Wood _______________________ float用作名词, float 用在车俩上,表示_______ float 用在钓鱼上,表示________________ float 用在游泳上,表示________ float 用在饮料上,表示__________________ 13 To prevent this, human on Mars have to wear special boots to make themselves heavier. prevent 的词组 __________________ 表示 阻止某人做某事, 可与___________________互换。 如: 树阻止风把土吹走。________________________________________________ , _________________________________ , ___________________________________________ Make +宾语+宾语补足语 宾语补足语可以是adj. n.. v(原形)和v(过去分词) 如: 雨天让他伤心。____________________________________________________ 什么让你如此高兴?____________________________________________________ 我们选他当我们的班长。_______________________________________________ 他经常使我们大笑。_____________________________________________________ 大声说,让别人能听清你的话。__________________________________________________ 14 These boots will probably become very fashionable … fashionable (adj.) _________ ________ __________(汉语意思) These boots will probably __________ __________ and _________ __________. 这种长靴可能会变得越来越时髦。 _______ ________ _________ ___________ now. 现在流行短发. _________ (n.) 意思是“(服装、行为的)风尚”“时髦”“样式”。 I don’t like the _________ of that coat. 我不喜欢那件上衣的式样。 时装表演 ________________ 15 Compared with life on Earth, life on Mars will be better in many ways. 1) 我的头发比你的长。My hair is longer than _______ 这儿的天气比大连的热。 The weather here is ______ than ______________ in many ways 意思______________ 词组: 顺便说一下_____________ 在某人去……的路上_________________ in one’s way ___________ 没门儿_______________ 2) compare … with… __________________(汉语意思) Let’s _________ life on Earth _______ life _____ _________. 咱们把地球生活和火星生活比较一下。 We _________ __________ the first __________ ______ the second. 我们仔细地比较了第一篇报导和第二篇报导。 16 There will probably be no schools on Mars._____________________________________ probably 词性_______ 表示可能性大。 你很有可能是对的。_________________________ no 相当于_______ ________ ________ 这里的 no schools 相当于________________ 17 Every student wil have a computer at home connected to an interplanetary network. connect….. to…….. 把电脑和电视相连. Connect the _____________ ________ the TV set. 18 Food will not be the same. Meals will probably be in the form of pills and will not be as tasty as they are today. tasty 词性______ 词义____________ 如 我们需要一些好吃的东西。__________________ taste 用作连系动词 后跟_______ 如 这鱼尝起来好吃。_____________________________ taste用作名词 意思__________ 如 这道菜有种独特的味道。_________________________ 19 The space shuttles travel fast, but the journey to Mars may be very uncomfortable. shuttle用作名词,表示_______________ space shuttle就相当于______________ 如 我们可以用航天飞船去到月球上旅行。_________________________________________ shuttle用作动词,表示_______________如: 他的童年是在父母之间穿梭往来中度过的。 Her childhood was spent ________between her father and mother. uncomfortable 是________的反义词,意思______________ 这种构词法的词有: able ______, necessary_______, important____________etc. Exercises 一 用所给词的正确形式填空 1. People must be prevented from ______________(change) the wetland into buildings. 2 .I can’t _______________ (imaginative) that. 3 .____________ (live) in a big flat is very comfortable. 4 .His boss made him __________ (work) all day. 二 根据中文提示完成下列各句 1 航天飞船将以一半光速的速度航行。 Space shuttles will ________________________________________________ 2 在未来的十年内,每个家庭都极有可能拥有小轿车。 Owning a car for each family is _______________ in the future ten years. 3 干燥的食物能被储存好几个月。 Dried food________________________________ for months. 4 我们为那些无家可归的人提供一些食物和水。 We ____________________________ the homeless. 5 太危险了,不能过马路。It is ___________________________________________ 参考答案: 1.1) 搬迁,搬到…,搬进…,搬家,moved to, moved into flat, moved house, 2) 移动,moved deeply, were moved, moving moved movement, to moving experience, is very moving, lay any movement be seen, 电影,美,film 2. A: 此刻,现在,now, are having at the moment, 马上 立刻,过了一会儿,就在那时, B:想像 设想,1)imagine without, 2) imagine that are ,imagine what would be like future, can’t imagine to solve without, what happened, 3)想像做某事, imagined sitting eating big dinner, imagine living without, imagination 想像力 想像,with lot imagination, imagination, imagination look for answers, imaginative 富于想像的 创新的, an imaginative, an imaginative boy 3. 1) 人太多的 拥挤的, crowded with, are crowded, crowd 人群,through crowd, disappeared among crowd, crowd 挤满,crowded street, crowded mind, crowded stove to warm, crowded around to ask questions, 2) polluted pollution , polluted, Polluted, pollutes, pollution, duty environment pollution, is polluted 4. 有希望地 可以指望 怀有希望地, hopeful hope, 1)Hopefully 2) Hopefully3) hopefully 4) hopeful 5) hopeful 6) hopeful 5.1)第一 首先,First of all , First of all, to do, first of all, Firstly secondly, 2) 运输 运送 输送, transported passengers, transports another, 运输船 运送 输送,transports, 交通运输系统 交通车辆 运输,own transport, by public transport 6. 许多,复,…的数量,复, 单,attracts a number of tourists, The number of is, 许多 复, a large number of trees, large numbers of trees 7.速度, at the speed of miles per hour, at high speed 8. 生存 存活 幸存, only one survived, 幸存 幸免于难 挺过, survived earthquake survived earthquake, survival, fight survival, survival 9.动词 开发 研制, developed many new products, 发展 壮大 发育, developing stronger and stronger, developing normally , developing 发展的,, developed 发达的 高度发展的 成熟的,, development 发展 发育 研制,developing country developed country, developed, better and better, development of 10. 定居者, settlers are, are Canadian settlers in 11. 基数词 序数词 1 序数词 复 连字符,one-third two-thirds, Three-fifths are, Two-thirds is, A Two-thirds, a half a quarter three quarters 12.委婉 can, 飘动 漂浮 can float, 彩车,鱼漂 浮子, 学游泳的浮板,加冰激凌的饮料, 13.prevent sb. from doing sth. keep / stop sb. from doing sth. , Trees prevent the wind from blowing the earth away. Trees keep / stop the wind from blowing the earth away. Rainy days make her sad. What made you so happy. We made him our monitor. He often makes us laugh. Speak louder to make yourself heard. 14. 时髦的 时兴的 流行的, become more more fashionable, Short hair is fashionable, fashion, fashion , fashion show 15.1) yours, hotter that in Dalian, 在许多方面,by the way ,on one’s way to …,挡着某人的路 ,不行 没门儿 2) 把…和…比较, compare with on Mars, carefully compared report with, 16.副词, You’re probably right. no one, not any, not a , not any schools 17.computer to 18. 形容词, 美味的 可口的,We need something tasty to eat. , 形容词 The fish tastes delicious. , 味道 滋味, This dish has an unusual taste., 19. 来往于两地之间的航班 航天飞机,shuttle, We can use shuttles to travel to the moon., 频繁往来于两地之间的 往返 运送, shuttling, comfortable 使人不舒服的 感到不舒服的, Unable, unnecessary, unimportant. Exercises: 一 1.changing 2. imagine 3. Living 4 work 二 1. travel at half the speed of light. 2. highly possible 3. can be stored 4. provided some food and water for 5. too dangerous to cross the road Unit1 Lift on Mars reading2(第3课时)·当堂检测 一.根据所给首字母或中文提示完成句子. 1. Food will be in the f of pills. 2. Our own p ,Earth, is becoming more and more crowded and polluted. 3. I couldn’t i what he’d meant. 4. Every student will have a computer at home c to a computer network. 5. Now people can wear many t of shoes. 6. Some scientists do not believe that the j to Mars will be very comfortable. 7. Will the t on Mars be much better than on Earth? 8. I am w if there will be many people willing to move to Mars. 9. How many m does Mars have? 10. It is not sure if these plants could p water. 二.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 1.机器人将帮我们做家务。 Robots will our housework. 2.科学家们将开发在火星上种植的植物。 Scientists should be able to can grow on Mars. 3.重力能够让我们在空气中漂浮。 Gravity us in the air. 4.火星上的生活将比地球上的生活好。 Life on Mars will life on Earth. 5.在火星上我们将怎样呼吸? are we going on Mars? 6.人们相信,到2100年,人类将会居住在火星上。 People believe the year 2100, human beings will live on Mars. 7.如果我们自己的星球变得越来越拥挤,污染越来越严重。 Today, our own planet is and crowded and more and more . 8.将有许多新的不同的 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 供移居者从中选择。 There are many new different designs for settlers . 9.这些植物将产生出我们所需要的食物和氧气。 These___ will the food and we . 10.目前,我们的宇宙飞船太慢而不能运载大量的人到火星上去。 ,our spacecrafts are slow _ of people to Mars. 三、完形填空: Light travels very fast. It moves 1 3000,000kilmetres a 2 . Light 3 us from the moon in less than a second and a half. The moon is about 382,000 kilometers 4 . Light from the sun reaches us in 8.5 minutes. The sun is about 149,640,000kilmoetres from the earth. The other stars are father away than the sun. Light from the nearest 5 reaches us in about four years. When you look at a star, you do not 6 its present condition(目前现状). You see it as it 7 to be. Light from some stars 8 hundreds of years to reach us. We never see a star as it is 9 . We see it as it was long ago, perhaps hundreds or thousands of years ago. Astronomers(天文学家)watch stars 10 big telescopes(望远镜).With these telescopes astronomers can see stars and other things very far away. ( )1. A. on B. at C. with D by ( )2. A. minute B. hour C. second D. day ( )3. A. reaches B. gets C. arrives D. comes ( )4. A. high B. far C. long D. away ( )5. A. star B. moon C. sun D. earth ( )6. A. look at B. see C. touch D. reach ( )7.A. use B. used C. is used D using ( )8. A. takes B. take C. spends D. spend ( )9. A. before B. after C. now D. future ( )10. A. in B. through C. into D. onto 四.文章首字母填空 It is well known that man is much cleverer than any animal. But which is the cleverest a_________ the animals? Some scientists t_________ it should be Alex, an African grey parrot. He is unlike any other animal. He can really t_________ with people! When he says “come here”, he really w_______ someone to come up to him. “Alex is as clever as a c ___________of 2 or 3 years old,” says Dr. Pepperberg. “He does not just repeat the s_________ he has been taught. He u___________ the words!” Alex can tell about 50 d__________ things, name 7 colours and count from 1 to 6. Is the parrot actually thinking in the w_________ how man does? Nobody can say. But the q___________ is very interesting.
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