首页 新闻文体与广告文体的语言特点与翻译



新闻文体与广告文体的语言特点与翻译null新闻文体的语言特点与翻译新闻文体的语言特点与翻译null一、词汇新颖 1)新词层出不穷 频繁使用新词是新闻文体用词的一个重要特点。新闻反映着人们日新月异的现实生活、科学技术的迅速发展与人类文明的不断提高。政治、经济、科技、文化等社会生活的各个方面的变化促使人们寻求新的表达方式以适应反映新的现实生活的需要。这些新词往往在英语新闻报道中最先使用,达到相当程度的普遍性后便被吸入词典,正式成为现代生活的一部分。它们有的是新词新意,有的是旧词转义,有的是临时造新词。null1 新词新意 cybercafe cyber...

null新闻文体的语言特点与翻译新闻文体的语言特点与翻译null一、词汇新颖 1)新词层出不穷 频繁使用新词是新闻文体用词的一个重要特点。新闻反映着人们日新月异的现实生活、科学技术的迅速发展与人类文明的不断提高。政治、经济、科技、文化等社会生活的各个方面的变化促使人们寻求新的表达方式以适应反映新的现实生活的需要。这些新词往往在英语新闻报道中最先使用,达到相当程度的普遍性后便被吸入词典,正式成为现代生活的一部分。它们有的是新词新意,有的是旧词转义,有的是临时造新词。null1 新词新意 cybercafe cyberchatting E-bombs hacker videophone infotainmentnull2 旧词转新义 source “人士”、“官员” diplomatic sources外交界人士 informative sources信息灵通人士 official sources官方人士 reliable sources可靠人士nullDiplomatic sources in Beijing say the Chinese are upset with the restrictions banning transfer of the U.S. technology to other countries. 在北京的外交官员说,中国对美国限制技术转让给其他国家一事感到不满。nullChina has got up a think tank to study strategic and national defense questions concerning both China and foreign countries, the government announced yesterday. 中国政府昨天宣布说,他们已经组成一个智囊团来研究涉及中国与外国的战略和国防问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。null3 临时新造词 stick and carrot policy 大棒加萝卜政策、软硬兼施政策 shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交nullAn urgent task is to turn it into “yesable” proposition. 紧迫的任务是将其转化成“可以接受”的建议。 An estimated 19 million people joined the nation’s 4th Great American Smokeout Thursday. 估计有一千九百万人,星期四参加了第四届盛大的美国戒烟节活动。 null2) 借用词 1 外来词 visa kungfu Nelson Mandela took the oath of office yesterday to become South Africa’s first black president in a glorious celebration ending the agony of apartheid and marking the country’s return to the world community. null纳尔逊•曼德拉昨天在一次结束种族隔离痛苦,庆祝该国回到国际社会的辉煌庆祝仪式上宣誓就职,成为南非第一位黑人总统。null2 人名、地名、建筑物名称的借用 White House Pentagon Beijing In line with such thinking, President Clinton argued last week for continued American assistance for the Kremlin’s economic reform.null根据这样的想法,克林顿总统上周为继续援助克里姆林宫的经济改革进行辩护。null3 行话 (jargon) sportsmanship kick off draw jump the gun I did not want to jump the gun by saying the agreement would increase jobs for Americans.null3) 各种表示“说”的词汇 add affirm allege analyze announce argue assert boast claim concede concur challenge confess contradict conclude contend declare deny elaborate emphasize explain imply inquire insist maintain objectnull二、句式复杂 1)复合定语的灵活使用 Instead of an all-out strike, the workers will stage a go-slow.nullThirty-five foreign ministers from the “group of 77” developing nations will be present and other member-countries are expected to be represented by high-level non-ministerial delegations at the two-day meeting. 77国集团中有35名外长将出席这次为期两天的会议,而其余的国家则将派出非部长级别的高级代表团到会。 null2)插入语的使用。由于插入语在语义上有相对的独立性,既可对所叙述的新闻事件加以补充说明,以提供更多的背景资料和相关信息,又可反映有关人员在新闻事件发生后的意见、观点等。nullAs the competition intensifies to excel in information technology, the division will likely widen. And as more individual Asians catch up with, or even surpass, Western counterparts in terms of IT skills—such an e-commerce, computer development and Internet use—many more will be left behind. null信息技术领域中的竞争正日益加剧,这种信息技术差距也将会不断扩大。随着越来越多的亚洲国家在信息技术方面——诸如电子商务、计算机开发和互联网运用——赶超西方时,也将会有更多的国家落在后面。null3) 直接、间接引语的广泛使用 新闻报道中常用引语,这样既可以增加报道的真实性和生动性,又能提高所述内容的客观性。null4)省略、倒装句式的使用 这些多变的句式可使新闻语言生动活泼,趣味盎然 Most alarming, the total number of cases in the city continues to double every five months. 更令人震惊的是,该市患此疾病的人数还在以每五个月翻一番的速度增加。null三、丰富多彩的修辞 To rivals, making Microsoft kinder and gentler is like getting a tiger to not only change its stripes but become vegetarian, too. 对于对手而言,要想让微软变得善良而有风度,无异于让老虎改变其斑纹并成为素食者。nullDusk comes to Manhattan: smoke rises from the downtown business area following the destruction of building at the World Trade Center. 黄昏降临曼哈顿:在世界贸易中心大楼被摧毁后,浓烟仍在从市中心的商业区升起。nullAncient Mongol tribes inhabited it; Persian Shahs fought for it and the Russian conquered it. 古代蒙古各族栖息于此;波斯诸国王为此而战;而俄罗斯人征服了此地。nullJack Frost made its belated appearance this winter as Shanghai tasted the first bitterness of freezing cold yesterday after a long warm spell. 迟迟而来的严寒昨天终于降临。上海在经过长时间的暖空气影响后第一次尝到了寒流的滋味。null广告翻译 广告语的特点 1 多用口号形式 The Great American Road belongs to Buick. 伟大的美国公路属于别克牌轿车。nullNo problem too large. No business too small. (IBM) 没有解决不了的大问题,没有不做的小生意。 Where there is a road, there is Toyota. 车到山前必有路,有路便有丰田车。 Follow the Leader (Honda) 跟随领袖。 Quality never goes out of style. (Levis) 质量永与款式为伴。null2 广告的词汇特点 1)多用形容词及其比较级和最高级 Your trip can always be a carefree experience as our meticulous services keep you feel at home. Innovative décor, well-equipped guests home, elegant dining venues, attentive services and friendly smile…only when you visit the Windsors can you discover how considerate we are!null您的旅行可以一直是无忧无虑的,这是因为,我们周到的服务会使您感到宾至如归。富有创意的装饰、设备良好的客房、环境优雅的餐厅、细心的服务和友善的微笑……只有当您光临温莎公寓时,您才会感觉到我们做得多么细致入微!nullOur philosophy is simple. To give you the most important things you want when you travel: the best location, the best standards and the special attention a businessman needs.null我们的宗旨很简单。让您在旅行中得到企业家最想要的一切:最好的地点,最高的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 和特别的服务。 2)多用缩略词2)多用缩略词Hk HR GE PR PRC P.O. JV ad add co. comm deg ed exce pref prog sal sec bnfts hr mst pls rd rm wk asst bkground bldg conds dept. exp’d mgmt pkg pref’dnull To Let or For Sale Furnished—Edingburgh Court, 426 Argyle St. 2nd floor, 1650sq. Ft. 4bdrms with dining and living room, private garage. Sate at $130000. Rent $14000. Tel. 389540 office time or 821948.null亚皆街426号爱丁堡花园三楼面积1650平方英尺,四居室,餐厅和客厅各一间,备有家具、配有车库。售价130000美元;月租1400美元。请拨电话389540(办公时间)或821948接洽。null3)复合词的使用 1 名词+形容词 world-famous brand 2 形容词+名词 short-term investor 3 名词+过去分词 honey-coated pills 4 副词+过去分词 perfectly-textured cakes 5 名词+现在分词 cool, thirsty-quenching cucumber 6 形容词+现在分词 the best-looking small car in the worldnull4) 口语在广告中经常出现 Is microwave cooking fast? You bet!null5)多使用单音节的动词 Practice really does make perfect. Get the feeling.null6) 用优雅、正式的书面语来描述高档消费品 An elegant and majestic atmosphere awaits you upon first entering Tian Hsiang Restaurant. Your attention is immediately drawn to the interior decor which is both refined and luxurious. The restaurant comfortably accommodates 23 tables and there is ample parking conveniently located in the grounds.null英语广告的语法特点 多用简单句或口语化英语,易留下深刻的印象。 Hi, my name’s Messy Marvin. I got that name because no matter how hard I tried, my room and my clothes always messy. But then one day, Mom brought home thick, rich, yummy Hershey’s Syrup in the no mess squeeze bottle. And before I Knew it, I was making the best chocolate milk I’d ever had. null嘿!我叫脏马温。我得了这么个“美名”,是因为不管我怎么小心,我的衣服和房间总是乱糟糟的。可是有一天,妈妈回家,带来一瓶美味的Hershey巧克力酱,粘粘稠稠的,用塑料瓶装着,手一挤就出来了,一点儿不乱滴乱溅。我还没搞清楚是怎么一回事,最棒的巧克力奶就做成了。null省略句和句子片段使用较多,能使广告节奏明快,又节省篇幅。 Qualifications: With excellent English, Mandarin and Cantonese With 5 year’s experience in computer operating With a pleasant mature attitude With an age above thirtynullIt’s a moment you planned for. Reached for. Struggled for. A long-awaited moment of success. Omega, for this and all your significant moment.nullTo enjoy a good picture these days you need more than a good screen. You need a video tape designed to bring out the best in all the video equipment you own. You need a video tape that delivers crisp colors and clear sounds. You need a video tape that look every bit as vivid on extend playing time as it does on standard. You need a video tape so technologically advanced that it can keep your pictures even after hundreds of replays. In short, you need Fuji video tape. Because if you want to improve your picture, all you really have to do is improve your video tape.null祈使句具有劝说、鼓动功能 Now! Say goodbye to rough razors, tough tweezers, hot wax, harsh creams, or electrolysis. Hare off removes unsightly hair in second. Keeps your skin looking silky smooth up to 8 wonderful weeks! You won’t find a quicker, easier, neater way to enhance your beauty. Hair off makes you feel more elegant, more sensual. More alive! Money back if it doesn’t.null很少使用否定句。即使使用,也是从反面突出自己产品的特性。 We would never say the new Audi 100 is the best in its class. We don’t have to. No cold medicine relieves more cold symptoms. If you can’t relax here, you can’t relax. null-- Where in American can you find a better pair of Men’s Twills for $32.50? -- Nowhere that we know of. null广告英语的分类与翻译 根据参照的标准不同,广告可以分为许多种类:按广告的最终目的,广告可分为商业性广告和非商业性广告。商业广告占主导地位,它本身又可分为产品销售广告,形象广告和观念广告。非商业性广告包括公益广告和政治性广告。按广播媒体分类,可分为电视广告、广播广告、杂志广告、报纸广告等。按传播空间分类,可分为地方性广告、全国性广告和国际广告。null一 理性诉求广告 通过介绍产品的质量、性能、特色、效果等方面,来达到以理服人、促进推销的目的。这类广告的文体多是说明性或解释性的,语言准确清晰、朴实客观、语气平稳冷静、循循善诱。null照相机自动聚焦,自动曝光,自动拍摄,自动送出印好的照片。 拍立得SX -70声纳单步照相机。 要获得一张焦距精确,曝光恰当的照片,只需要按下拍立得SX -70声纳单步照相机上的按纽即可。这是世界上最好的即刻显影照相机。 声纳自动测距。四元镜头旋至焦点。内设的小电机将印好的照片送出。整个过程在1秒半内完成。照相如此简便精美,以前何曾有过! null感性诉求广告 感性诉求指广告通过感性的表诉来影响,打动消费者,激发其购买的欲望.这类广告重在传情,有时通过富有人情味的情节或形象传达广告信息,影响消费者的情感和态度.其文体多是描述性或叙述性的,语言生动形象,易采用多种修辞手段,有时语气较为夸张,富有诱惑力.翻译时应注意把其情感和神韵传达出来.null跟海象说声悄悄话。轻轻拍几下企鹅。对大海豹唱唱歌。摸一摸微笑的海豚,或者抱抱那只名噪全球的杀人鲸“山姆”,它可是你所结交的朋友中最大的一位呢!今年夏天就 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 一游美丽的海洋世界吧。除了它,还有什么地方你可以认识这么多的海洋动物?彼此交谈,彼此欢笑,彼此相爱,彼此了解。并且,还有什么地方,你和你的家人可以从新交的朋友那儿得到如此这般的乐趣?你可享有一整天妙不可言的表演,表演,表演!这一切只有“海洋世界”才有。在“海洋世界”里,你可以跟动物说说话,它们也会跟你说说话。 null三 理性诉求和感性诉求相结合 大多数情况下,广告是理性诉求和感性诉求相结合的,这样既可注意介绍产品本身品质和特点,语言上又不过于直白,而是通过人情味较浓的手法来表现,这样广告可取得更好的效果.null唯一能够null英汉代词比较 代词是用来代替或指示事物、行动、性状、数量的词,在句中具有名词和形容词的句法功能。 一 在分类法上,汉语代词分类的依据是代词的指代作用,英语代词分类的依据是代词的句法功能。null按照代词不同的作用,汉语在传统上将代词分为三类: 人称代词:我、你、他(她、它)、自己、别人、大家、人家等 指示代词:这、那、这里、那里、这样、那样、这么、那么、某、各、某、有的、有些等等 疑问代词:谁、什么、哪、怎样、怎么样、几、多少、多么null二、英语代词在分类上不仅考虑词义,而且还依据代词的句法结构功能,分出了传统上的九类代词。以下几类代词在汉语中是没有的: 1)人称代词(名词性代词):mine, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs 2)关系代词:who, whom, whose, which, that, as, but 3)连接代词:who, whom, whose, which, what null从翻译角度上而言,英汉代词最重要的区别于 英语倾向于多用代词,特别是人称代词,汉语倾向于重复名称、人名或称谓,避免在容易混淆的上下文中交替地使用不同的人称代词。nullShe told them he never gave her any information about his friend at Cambridge fearing that she would in one way or another leak it out. 她告诉他们说他从来没有对她谈过他在剑桥的朋友的情况,惟恐她会在不知不觉中将它泄露了出去。 null在英语中人称代词的指代关系很清楚。而在汉语中人称代词在口语语流中的指代关系则很不清楚。导致指代关系混淆的根本原因是多词一音。 null代词汉译的几个问题 一、摆脱英语的影响,在译文中适当减少代词(特别是人称代词)的使用频率可以大大改善译文的可读性。 We tender our sincere compliments and express our heartiest thanks and appreciation for the close cooperation and generous patronage you always render to our Corporation. 衷心感谢贵国对本公司所给予的合作和照顾。 nullPreviously in our letter dates last 15th, we ask you for the delivery of these goods not later than the 25th, but they finally failed to reach us. 本公司曾于上月5日致函贵方要求货物启运日期不得迟于25日,但迟至今日仍未运到。null(一) 英语普通名词具有一个很独特的属性,即前面必须用一个不同类型的限定词,包括冠词以及代词,而这就导致了代词的广泛使用。而汉语中没有冠词,也就不存在功能相当于冠词的限定词。 Put your gloves on your hands. Well, give us your reason, please. Regards to your family. Now I make my protest once again. A blush witnesses her confusion.null(二)英语及物动词必须带宾语,这也是导致英语代词广泛使用的一个原因。 1)反身代词,反身代词一般不必译出,但在形态上与反身代词完全一致的强调代词则必须译出来。 He has distinguished himself in cost accounting. 他在成本核算业务方面是很出众的。 He had sent John to the university and was eager to have him distinguish himself. 他送约翰上大学,期望儿子超过自己。null2) 完全充当结构上的宾语而无实际意思的it To understand what has happened in retail trade over past decade, it is necessary to be aware of the underlying causes that has been at work. 要了解以往十年中零售贸易的发展情况,必须对促使其发生变化的根本原因了然于心。 nullStock Exchange Introductions make it easier for executors to decide when to sell the unquoted shares, which are difficult to handle. “伦敦证券交易所介绍”可使企业行政首脑较易于决定何时抛售不报价股票,因为此类股票不易处理。null而在汉语中,汉语及物动词后如果加上一些表示完成、开始、继续的动作助词(补语),及物动词就转化成了不及物动词。 I threw the ball to him and he caught it. 我把球扔给他,他接住了。 She was very rude to him but he stood it, without complaints. 她对他很粗暴,但他忍受了下来,并无怨言。 nullPut the banana skin in the bag and throw it away. 把香蕉皮装在袋里仍掉吧。 Sometimes he would give us a disc of pop songs. We would listen to it day in and day out. 有时他给我们带来一张流行歌曲唱碟,我们就不分白天黑夜地听起来。null由于语用传统和语言结构上的原因,英语倾向于多用代词,汉语倾向与尽量少用代词。因此,在汉语译文中适当省略代词,将大大有助于提高译文的可读性,减少“翻译味”。null二、照顾汉语用词倾向,在译文中尽力消除不易弄清的指代关系,必要时应重复名词或名称。 现代汉语中似乎有如下倾向:越是正式的文体越尽力避免使用代词,宁用名词或重复名词。根据汉语的传统,行文中必须清楚地交代谁是当事人,谁是主事者;不能混淆谁是施事者,谁是受事者。为此,汉语习惯于在要紧处添加一些必要的名词。 nullBecause every-one uses language to talk, everyone thinks he can talk about language. But talking about it one thing, and using it correctly is another thing. 因为人人都用语言交谈,所以人人都认为自己能谈论语言;但是谈论语言是一回事,能否正确地运用语言则是另一回事。 nullThe Conference called for most detailed planning, as it differed greatly from the two previous conferences at which experts spoke in their own right. 本届会议要求制定最详尽的计划;在这一点上,本届会议与前面两届大会是截然不同的。在前两届大会上许多专家均尽己所能发言。 nullThe creditor draws the Bill; he is the person in the above definition and is called the drawer (in foreign trade, usually, the exporter). He addressed it to another, who is the debtor and is called the drawee (in foreign trade, usually, the importer).null汇票由债权人开出。债权人即上述定义中之出票人(在对外贸易中通常称为出口人)。出票人将汇票开给另一个人,即债务人。债务人即所谓受票人(在对外贸易中通常称为进口人)。 null三、英语代词指代事物或人物时既可以以复指式表达(将代词用在它所指代的名词或名称之后),又可以以预指式表达(将代词用在它所指代的名词或名称之前)。代词的预指式用法在汉语中是不符合习惯的。 null1)取消预指代词,只用名词或人称 Even in his old age, Voltaire was said to have consumed 50 cups of coffee daily. He is credited with the famous reply to the remark that coffee was a slow poison: “I think it must be, for I’ve been drinking it for 65 years and am not dead yet!”null据说甚至在晚年伏尔泰每天仍然要喝50杯咖啡。有一句名言说咖啡是一种慢性毒药,据信这句名言出自伏尔泰之口,他说:“我想它一定是慢性毒药,我喝了65年还没有死呢!”nullDespite their attempts in the early fifties these farsighted people were simply not listened to. 尽管这些具有远见卓识的人在五十年代初期作过很多努力,但根本没有人倾听他们的意见。null2) 换位翻译。在代词不能省略的情况下,我们可以将代词改为复指式,以顺应汉语的习惯。 To expand its terms of reference, the Fund has cover all aspects of the economic and social planning in connection with the research work. 基金会为扩大其职权范围,已将与研究工作有关的经济和社会等方面的计划工作置于自己的管辖之内。nullThe fear that their port would lose its importance also worried the people of Baltimore. 巴尔的摩人也担心这样一来他们的港口就会失去重要性。
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