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2011秋季高口模考题参考答案new(邱邱分享) 英语综合能力部——口译研究中心发布(沪) weibo.com/qiuzhengzhengweibo.com/qiuzhengzhengweibo.com/qiuzhengzhengweibo.com/qiuzhengzheng 口译博客:http://blog.hjenglish.com/qiuzhengzheng / 口译微博:http://weibo.com/noskouyi 口译进入新东方时代!!!! 2011201120112011秋季英语高级口译资格证书第一阶段模考答案 上海新东方学校 英语综合能力...

英语综合能力部——口译研究中心发布(沪) weibo.com/qiuzhengzhengweibo.com/qiuzhengzhengweibo.com/qiuzhengzhengweibo.com/qiuzhengzheng 口译博客:http://blog.hjenglish.com/qiuzhengzheng / 口译微博:http://weibo.com/noskouyi 口译进入新东方时代!!!! 2011201120112011秋季英语高级口译资格证书第一阶段模考答案 上海新东方学校 英语综合能力部 口译研究中心权威发布(2011.9) SECTIONSECTIONSECTIONSECTION 1:1:1:1: LISTENINGLISTENINGLISTENINGLISTENING TESTTESTTESTTEST SpotSpotSpotSpot DictationDictationDictationDictation 1. steal your very identity 2. credit cards 3. personal information 4. bank account information 5. an alternate address 6. the maximum amount of charges 7. The best way 8. tear up mail 9. shred these documents 10. go on vacation 11. access all the data 12. well known and established websites 13. may not be as reliable 14. other details on the phone. 15. complete a transaction 16. private message 17. your name and password 18. under the control 19. from the genuine website 20. Destroy personal documents 英语综合能力部——口译研究中心发布(沪) 论坛:www.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.com 口译博客:http://blog.hjenglish.com/qiuzhengzheng / 口译微博:http://weibo.com/noskouyi 口译进入新东方时代!!!! ListeningListeningListeningListening ComprehensionComprehensionComprehensionComprehension BCADD BBADC ABBDC CDAAB NoteNoteNoteNote TakingTakingTakingTaking andandandand GapGapGapGap FillingFillingFillingFilling 1. stress 2. longer 3. spouse 4. harm 5. genders 6. women 7. smoothly 8. interaction 9. resuming 10. reason 11. gradual 12. time 13. energy 14. conflict 15. cool 16. understand 17. carefully 18. disagree 19. Validate 20. dwell SentenceSentenceSentenceSentence TranslationTranslationTranslationTranslation 1. 苏珊被认为是美国最有影响力的文学思想家。她写了 17本著作。其著作已被译成 30种语言。 2. 如果你想将鱼长时间存放,你应该将其烟熏五天甚至更久。烟熏过后,将它们安置并冷却。 3. 九月 15日,莱曼兄弟,一家有 158年历史的老牌投资银行,向它的债权人申请法律保护。数 月过后,它仍无法找到买家。 4. 汽车销量下滑威胁着美国的汽车制造商们。汽车三巨头:通用、福特和克莱斯勒三家公司向 国会称需要贷款,否则将面临破产。 5. 信用评级公司下调了 A.I.G公司的等级,因为担心其无法履行 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 。因无法得到新的贷款,A.I.G 向政府寻求援助。 英语综合能力部——口译研究中心发布(沪) 论坛:www.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.com 口译博客:http://blog.hjenglish.com/qiuzhengzheng / 口译微博:http://weibo.com/noskouyi 口译进入新东方时代!!!! PassagePassagePassagePassage TranslationTranslationTranslationTranslation 1. 我们回顾以下今年美国最糟糕的经济新闻。经济增长被预测将在 2008年放缓。房价自 2006年来一直下滑。 但几乎没有经济学家会想到近几个月时间内经济崩溃。随着经济放缓,国会在 2月通过一项议案,旨在解决 经济放缓。该议案返还纳税人超过 1500亿美金。 2. 一些失业的求职者会主动 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示可以接受较前份工作低很多的薪酬, 这种做法很可能会让你功亏一篑。在雇主看来, 愿意跌价 20%以上的提议表明,你其实是在伺机而动, 一旦经济好转, 你就会重入就业市场寻找薪水更高的工作。亦或对方会认为, 你 在得到工作后很快便会要求加薪。 听力原文: Spot Dictation Modern thieves do more than take your money, personal property and valuables. These days they can steal your very identity. By pretending to be you, a thief can order credit cards and run up massive debt in your name. They will get to enjoy the expensive purchases, and you will be left holding the bill. Criminals seek out personal information that they can use to pretend to be you. This includes credit card numbers, bank account information and private data. One of the easiest ways for them to do this is by going through your garbage and pulling out any relevant mail. A thief can pick up a credit card offer and order it to be sent to an alternate address. Once the card arrives, they activate it, run up the maximum amount of charges and move on. The credit card company will attempt to reach the person they believe to be you at the new location, and when that fails they will contact you directly. The best way to avoid this is to make sure no one has access to personal information about you. At the least you should tear up mail that has any relevant data on it. Better yet, shred these documents so there is no way they can be taped back together. A quick fix job will allow a thief to have the information they need to steal your identity. Anytime you go on vacation, make sure you have mail delivery stopped until you return. Even if you shred your mail like clockwork, if a criminal can get to it before you do they can access all the data they need without you knowing until it is too late. Most well known and established websites have secure methods for their customers to purchase products using a credit card, but there are thousands of other sites that may not be as reliable. Make sure that you only provide personal information on websites that you trust completely. Similarly, never give out credit card or other details on 英语综合能力部——口译研究中心发布(沪) 论坛:www.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.com 口译博客:http://blog.hjenglish.com/qiuzhengzheng / 口译微博:http://weibo.com/noskouyi 口译进入新东方时代!!!! the phone. A person who claims they are calling from an online store to ask you for information to complete a transaction may actually be a hacker who got your private data online. A thief will send you an email telling you to log on to a well known website for an important reason. It may be to confirm or deny a transaction, to review a private message or some other call to action. A convenient link is provided for you to click on to be taken directly to the log in page. Once you arrive, you type in your name and password like always. Trouble is, the site you just logged on to is a fake. It is a page designed to look exactly like the real thing, but it is under the control of the criminals who created it. Now they have your log in information and can use it to get your credit card numbers and other private details from the genuine website. Stay alert to the new and devious tactics thieves use to steal not only your belongings, but also your identity. Destroy personal documents before you put them in the trash, make sure you only log in to the home page of any website and don't let criminals steal your good name. PartPartPartPart B:B:B:B: ListeningListeningListeningListening ComprehensionComprehensionComprehensionComprehension QuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestions 1111 totototo 5555 areareareare basedbasedbasedbased onononon thethethethe followingfollowingfollowingfollowing conversation.conversation.conversation.conversation. (Woman) Come in! (Man) Hi, Professor Johnson! Do you have a minute? (Woman) Fredrick! Come in. (Man) I like your new office! (Woman) Thanks! It’s much nicer than my old one…What can I do for you? (Man) Well… er… I’d like to talk about my English. (Woman) Your English is great! You were my top student last semester. How’s your new listening/speaking class with Professor Simmons? (Man) He’s a good teacher, alright… but, I’m worried about my classmates. (Woman) Your classmates? (Man) I mean… my classmates are from all different countries. I’m afraid that if I talk with them during group work, I’ll pick up their accents. (Woman) I wouldn’t worry about that if I were you. There’s no way you can pick up a different accent just from being in class a few hours a week. (Man) Really? (Woman) Really! Just think of all the English you’re exposed to every day here in the United States. You listen to the radio, you watch TV, you talk with your American friends, you chat with people in stores…. Most of the English you hear is American English. You’re only with your classmates a couple of hours a day. That’s not going to affect your accent. 英语综合能力部——口译研究中心发布(沪) 论坛:www.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.com 口译博客:http://blog.hjenglish.com/qiuzhengzheng / 口译微博:http://weibo.com/noskouyi 口译进入新东方时代!!!! (Man) Are you sure? (Woman) Positive! Let me give you an example…. Umm … say you have a mother from Germany living in the United States. Let’s say she has a child here. Even if the mother speaks English with a German accent, her child will still grow up speaking American English. Why? Because the child’s getting language from lots of other places, not just the mother. It’s the same for your situation. (Man) I understand your example about the child… but I think children learn language differently than adults. (Woman) Actually you’re right. It isn’t exactly the same because children CAN actually learn accents. Their minds and bodies are much more flexible than ours, so it’s easier for them. For adults who are studying a foreign language, accent is one of the hardest things to improve. In fact, most adults never lose their native accents. (Man) So does that mean I’ll never sound like a native speaker. (Woman) Unfortunately that’s probably true. (Man) Hmmm… that makes me wonder if I should take that pronunciation class that I signed up for next semester. Since I’ll never sound like a native speaker, maybe I don’t need the class. (Woman) I wouldn’t look at it that way. In a pronunciation class, there are still important things that you can learn. (Man) Like what, for example? (Woman) Like things that will make your speech clearer—things such as stress, rhythm, and intonation. (Man) I’m sorry. I don’t know what these are. (Woman) Let me give you an example…. Umm… OK…. Today, when I was calling on students in my speaking class, I noticed that one of my students was absent. I asked the class why Sylvia hadn’t shown up,… and one student said, “Professor, I talked to her this morning and she is homesick.” When I heard the word “homesick,” I immediately thought that Sylvia was missing her home country and was too depressed to come to school. So I starred asking more questions…. Was she sad? Did she want to leave the United States to return home? After a few minutes. I realized that Sylvia was at home sick. She just had a bad cold. The student who was telling me about Sylvia said “homesick” instead of “home sick.” (Man) Oh! He said the words with the wrong… how do you say it … er … (Woman) The wrong stress. The problem was that the student put the stress on the wrong syllable. Problems like this are things that you study in a pronunciation class…. And these are really important because if you get them wrong, there can be big misunderstandings. 英语综合能力部——口译研究中心发布(沪) 论坛:www.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.com 口译博客:http://blog.hjenglish.com/qiuzhengzheng / 口译微博:http://weibo.com/noskouyi 口译进入新东方时代!!!! (Man) Like what happened in your class. (Woman) Exactly! If you use correct stress when you speak, people will usually be able to understand you even if you have a different accent. For example, if someone had an Indian accent he might say … “She is home sick” … or if the person was from England he would say … “She is home sick.” (Man) Or if the person was from Australia he would say … (Woman) “She is home sick”! Were you able to understand all these different accents? (Man) Yes! I’m surprised! (Woman) That’s because the stress was the same. (Man) But even if I can understand different accents, aren’t there some accents that are better than others? I’ve heard people say that a British accent is better than an American accent. (Woman) Well, from my point of view—and most language teachers would agree-- there’s no such thing as a “best” accent. Today, there are so many different kinds of English accents around the world. Saying that one accent is “better” or “worse” than another is like saying that one country or group of people is “better” or “worse” than another one. We can’t compare them that way—they’re just different. (Man) I guess you’re right…. Uh oh … it’s getting late. I have to check out a book from the library before class, so I’d better get going. Thanks for your advice. I’ll think over what you said. Question No.1. WhereWhereWhereWhere doesdoesdoesdoes thisthisthisthis conversationconversationconversationconversation taketaketaketake place?place?place?place? Question No. 2. WhichWhichWhichWhich ofofofof thethethethe followingfollowingfollowingfollowing statementsstatementsstatementsstatements isisisis TRUETRUETRUETRUE,,,, accordingaccordingaccordingaccording totototo thethethethe professor?professor?professor?professor? Question No.3. In the example given by the professor, what’s wrong with the student who said “homesick”? Question No. 4. TheTheTheThe professorprofessorprofessorprofessor speaksspeaksspeaksspeaks EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish withwithwithwith severalseveralseveralseveral accents.accents.accents.accents. WhichWhichWhichWhich ofofofof thethethethe followingfollowingfollowingfollowing doesdoesdoesdoes sheshesheshe NOTNOTNOTNOT use?use?use?use? Question No. 5. What does the student decide to do at the end of the conversation? QuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestions 6666 totototo 10101010 areareareare basedbasedbasedbased onononon thethethethe followingfollowingfollowingfollowing news.news.news.news. LONDONLONDONLONDONLONDON Britain’s economy risks overheating because of government budget deficits accumulated by Finance Minister Gordon Brown and an acceleration in house price growth, a Conservative party 英语综合能力部——口译研究中心发布(沪) 论坛:www.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.com 口译博客:http://blog.hjenglish.com/qiuzhengzheng / 口译微博:http://weibo.com/noskouyi 口译进入新东方时代!!!! spokesman said. Oliver Letwin, opposition Conservative Party financial spokesman, said the government should curb speeding and do more to rein in house price growth, suggesting the Labour government is reluctant to curb overheating in the economy ahead of the next election. House prices growth accelerated to 19.1 percent in the quarter through April, the most since August. The Treasury estimated it would have a deficit or 37.5 billion pounds in the fiscal year through April, the biggest since Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Labour government took office in 1997. FRANKFURTFRANKFURTFRANKFURTFRANKFURT Business confidence in the 12-nation euro area was probably unchanged in May at a three-year high, with gains limited by concern record oil prices may crimp a global economic recovery, a survey of economists showed. An index of confidence compiled by the European Commission may have stayed at minus 5, the highest since April 2001, according to the median forecast of 30 economists in a Bloomberg New survey. The report will be released on Friday. National indexes published in the preceding days will probably show confidence unchanged in France and falling in Germany and Italy. “Companies have become irritated by the higher oil price, and world trade may expand at a slower clip amid expectations for a slowdown in China and the US,” said Gabriele Widmann, an economist at Dekabank in Frankfurt. “We may have seen the peak in growth last quarter. TOKYOTOKYOTOKYOTOKYO Tokyo stocks edged higher yesterday as investors bought bank issues on expectations the big four banks will deliver solid earnings results. The Nikkei Stock Average of 225 closed up 31.39 points, or 0.28 per cent, at 1.64 points. On Friday, the index gained 208.21 points, or 1.92 per cent. Bank issues led yesterday’s gains, as investors expected solid earning results from major banks. All big four banks—Mizuho, Sumitomo Mitsui, Mitsubishi Tokyo and UFJ—closed higher yesterday. Before trading ended yesterday, banks reported mixed results for the year ended March 31, with Mizuho, Sumitomo Mitsui and Mitsubishi Tokyo financial saying their profits improved, while UFJ posted another year of losses due to bad loan write-offs. All four banks said they would be profitable this year. DHAKADHAKADHAKADHAKA Grieving relatives of hundreds of people believed drowned when two ferries sank during a storm in Bangladesh, lined the banks of a notorious river yesterday as hopes dimmed that any more survivors would be found. Both ferries sank on Sunday during a sudden storm on the rain-swollen river Meghna near Chandpur, 170 kilometers southeast of Dhaka. About 100 people were rescued or swam to safety after the sinkings. By midday yesterday some 46 bodies had been recovered. And around 150 people were still unaccounted for, officials 英语综合能力部——口译研究中心发布(沪) 论坛:www.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.com 口译博客:http://blog.hjenglish.com/qiuzhengzheng / 口译微博:http://weibo.com/noskouyi 口译进入新东方时代!!!! said. SEOULSEOULSEOULSEOUL A Japanese Coast Guard patrol boat fired around 20 teargas grenades yesterday at a Republic of Korea fishing vessel that was operating illegally in Japanese waters, injuring one of the crew members, the Coast Guard said. A Coast Guard official said the 70-ton fishing boat was operating inside Japan’s exclusive economic zone near the southern Japanese island of Tsushima, which lies between the two countries some 50 kilometres south of the Korean city of Pusan. The official said the Japanese patrol boat repeatedly ordered the fishing boat to stop in Korean and fired the grenades when it did not do so. The Korean Yonhap News Agency said the fishing boat’s captain was hit in the head by fragments of the exploding teargas grenades and taken to a hospital in Korean, but added that his injuries were not life-threatening, Japan’s Kyodo news agency reported. Question No. 6. Why does Britain’s economy risk overheating? Question No.7. Which of the following statements best describes business confidence in the euro area? Question No. 8. What is the financial position of the big four banks in Japan at present? Question No. 9. Around how many people are believed to have drowned during a storm in Bangladesh yesterday? Question No. 10. What happened yesterday in the sea areas between Japan and Korea? QuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestions 11111111 totototo 15151515 areareareare basedbasedbasedbased onononon thethethethe followingfollowingfollowingfollowing interview.interview.interview.interview. (Woman) Welcome back to Talk of the Nation: Science Friday. I’m Linda Flatow. We’re talking this hour about how and why people might become addicted to things other than drugs … addicted to things like gambling, sex, even shopping. Of course, our high-tech society also offers new high-tech addictions like video games, on-line chat rooms. Jonathan Kandell is a counselor at the University of Maryland who puts together a support group for students who find themselves addicted to the Internet. Maybe you should listen carefully to this one if you are an Internet groupie. He joins me now from his office in College Park. Welcome to the program. (Man) Thank you very much. (Woman) It this a relatively new addiction? (Man) Well, for some people, I mean, some people have been involved with the Internet for years and some of them may have been addicted for a while. With the widespread usage of the Internet now. … I mean … it’s certainly growing on college campuses. 英语综合能力部——口译研究中心发布(沪) 论坛:www.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.comwww.shnosbbs.com 口译博客:http://blog.hjenglish.com/qiuzhengzheng / 口译微博:http://weibo.com/noskouyi 口译进入新东方时代!!!! And we are seeing more and more of it. (Woman) How does it present itself? Does a student come to you and say, “Doc you gotta help me. I’m addicted to the Internet”? (Man) Well, I’ve seen people who have been, but they haven’t presented with that particular issue. They’ve presented with issues like relationship problems, or they are having problems maintaining their grades because they are spending so much time doing other things and when you find out what’s really going on … they’re spending a lot of time on the Net and they’re not paying attention to their studies … they’re not devoting the attention to the relationships. These problems are coming out in other ways (Woman) Do other people turn their friends in … saying, “Doc, you gotta find out … this … (Man) They haven’t to this point. At this point, people still see computers as a very positive thing. And I think there are many positive benefits for computers. But it’s such a new idea that there is a problematic piece to it … that, um … there haven’t been many people turning other people in. (Woman) This is something I worry about … personally, myself. I’ll share this with you for a free consultation. I mean … whenever I get a chance and have some time, I love to go surfing on the Net. I’ll b
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