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高尔夫英语口语对话高尔夫英语情景对话 高尔夫场景常用口语: 1、俱乐部总机 T:T elephone operator (总机接线员) M: Member(会员) T:Good afternoon, this is Sanya International Golf Club. May I help you? 下午好,这里是三亚国际高尔夫俱乐部,请问您要找哪个部门? M:I’d like to make a reservation, please. 我要订场,请问找那个部门? T:I’ll put you throu...

高尔夫英语情景对话 高尔夫场景常用口语: 1、俱乐部总机 T:T elephone operator (总机接线员) M: Member(会员) T:Good afternoon, this is Sanya International Golf Club. May I help you? 下午好,这里是三亚国际高尔夫俱乐部,请问您要找哪个部门? M:I’d like to make a reservation, please. 我要订场,请问找那个部门? T:I’ll put you through to the Front Desk, Just a moment, please! 订场需要联系前台,请稍等。 M:Ok,thank you. 好的,谢谢。 2、俱乐部前台 (一) 预定 R:Reception (前台服务人员) M: Member(会员) R: Good morning, Front Desk. May I help you! 早上好,这里是前台,我能为您做什么么? M: This is David. I want to book one flight at 8 on Saturday morning? 我是大卫,我想预约星期六上午8点的场。 R: I’m sorry, it has been reserved already. 非常抱歉,您要的这个时间已经预约满了。 M: What other time is available on Saturday morning then? 那周六上午还有什么时间可以订场呢? R: How about 12:36? 12点36分,您看怎么样? M: Ok, I’ll take that! 好的,我就定这个时间。 R: May I have your membership number, please, sir? 请将您的会员号告诉我好么? M: The number is 66666666. 我的会员号是66666666。 R: Will you have any guests? 您有随同嘉宾么? M: Four in all. 还有三个朋友一起来,共四个人。 R: It’s ok now. Your tee time is 12: 36 on Saturday. 已经订好了,您开球的时间是星期六上午12:36分。 M: Thank you. 谢谢。 (二)前台登记 R: Have you made any booking, Mr. David? 大卫先生,您有预约么? M: Yes. 有的。 R: For how many people? 请问您共来了几位? M: Four in all. 四位。 R: That’ll be 2000 yuan deposit for each guest. 请您的嘉宾每位交押金2000元人民币。 M: Can I pay it by credit card? 刷卡行么? R: Sure. Please sign your name here. 可以。请在这里登记姓名。 M: Ok, do all the guests need to check in? 所有的客人都要登记么? R: Yes, for we will give an IC card to each of them. 是的,我们会给他们每人发一张消费卡。 (三)行李寄存 R: Do you need a locker? 您需要更衣柜么? M: Yes, I need one. 是的,请给我一个。 R: Here are your IC card and locker key. 这是您的消费卡和更衣柜的钥匙,请拿好。 M: Can I leave my large luggage here? 请问我的大件行李能寄存在这里么? R: I’ll check with the manager…. Sorry to keep you waiting. We’ll take care of it for you, sir. 这件事,我需要请示经理……久等了,我们非常乐意帮您保管您的行李。 M: Thank you. By the way, could you please tell me how to get to the changing room? 谢谢。顺便问一下,更衣室怎么走? R: Walk straight ahead and it is on your left. 更衣室请直走,前面向左转。 M: Thank you. 谢谢。 (四)办理副卡咨询 R: Could my wife come along with me on the course? 我太太能跟我下场走走么? M: I am sorry, sir, but people who don’t play are not allowed to walk down to the course. 对不起,不打球是不能下场的。 R: I’d like to apply a spouse card for her. How should I do? 我想给她申请办理附属卡,怎么办理呢? M: For the spouse card, you need to fill in an application form, provide 2 passport photos and a copy of your marriage certificate. 申办副卡要填申请表,并交近期两张照片,及结婚证书复印件。 (五)缴纳球费 M: Can I pay the full fee for the year now? 现在可以缴纳全年的月费么? R: Yes, you can. 可以的。 M: How much is it? 一共多少钱? R: That’ll be 13, 800 RMB in total. 一共是13800元人民币。 M: I’ll pay by credit card. Please give me a receipt. 我刷信用卡,请开发票。 R: All right, here you are. 好的,给您。 (六)非会员咨询 M: Could you please tell me how non-members are charged? 请问非会员怎么收费? R: The non-member means member’s guest or visitor. Here’s our tariff. 非会员分嘉宾和访客,打球收费 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 请看这里的价目表。M: I need clubs and a pair of plimsolls. Where can I get them? 我需要球杆和球鞋,怎么办理? R: Shoes can be hired in changing room for 80 yuan per pair, and clubs can be hired in caddy master for 200 yuan per set. 球鞋在更衣室可以租到,80元一双;租球杆请到出发台, 200元一套。 (七)付款 R: How would you like to pay? 您打算怎么付款呢? M: I’ll take the bill for the expenses of playing. We go Dutch for the meal. 由我统一付打球的费用,吃饭的费用我们各自来付。 R: Could I have your IC card? 请把您的消费卡给我好么? M: Ok, here you are. Could you tell me the payment for each person? 好的,给你,请问我们每位要付多少? R: Sure, 5,300 RMB in total. For four people, that is 1,325 yuan each. 总费用是5,300RMB元,按4人均分,每位应付1325元。M: Can I pay by U.S Dollar? 我能用美元结账么? R: I’m sorry, sir, but we only accept RMB and Hong Kong dollars. 对不起,只能用人民币和港币结账。 M: Ok, so can I exchange some money here? 好吧,我能在这兑换些钱么? R: Certainly, sir. How much would you like to change? 可以,先生,你要兑换多少呢? M: I want to exchange 1000 U.S Dollars for RMB. By the way, what’s the exchange rate(汇率)for RMB? 我想用一千美金兑换人民币。顺便问一下,人民币的汇率是多少。 R: It’s RMB 6.9 for 1 U.S Dollar. 美元兑人民币是6.9比1. M: Ok, then I’ll pay it directly. 好的,兑换后直接付款吧。 R: Would you like a copy of your expense in detail and invoice? 请问您需要打印消费明细和出具发票么? M: Yes, please. 是的。 R: This is your expense details, please check…. And here’s your invoice. 只是您的消费单,请确认各项消费明细……这是您的发票。M: Thank you. 谢谢。 3、俱乐部更衣室 R:Reception person (更衣室接待人员) M: Member(会员) R: Hello, sir, welcome. 您好,欢迎观临。 M: Hello, where’s the wardrobe 158? 你好,请问158号柜在哪儿? R: It’s on the first row on the left. 在左边第一排。 M: Excuse me, where is the restroom? 请问洗手间在哪里? R: Go straight there, and then turn right. 往里走,向右转就是。 M: Where is the shower? 冲凉间呢? R: Just go straight ahead. 直走就到了。 M: how can I get to the caddy Master? 出发台怎么走呢? M: Just walk out the door, turn right and you’ll see it. 出这个门,向右手边走就能找到。 R: Do you have size 40 shoes? 我想租40码的球鞋。 M: Would you please try this one, sir? 您看这双鞋合适么? M: That’s fine. 还不错。 R: Please lock your personal belongings up in your locker. 请将您的衣物放进衣柜里面。 M: All right. Give me a bath towel, please? 好的,请给我条浴巾。 M: Here you are. 给您。 R: Can I have a pair of slippers? 有拖鞋么? M: Sure, sir. Just a moment, please. 有,请等一下,马上就拿给您。 M: Do you have the laundry service? 您们提供洗衣服务么? R: Yes. 提供。 M: Would it be ready after my game? 我打完球可以取么? R: Sorry, sir, but it’ll cost two days. You could get it next time when you coming. 很抱歉,要两天时间,您下次来时可以取。 M: Can I rent the locker for a longer period? 我可以长期租衣柜么? M: Certainly, all members are entitled to that. 是会员就可以。 4、俱乐部餐厅 (一)餐厅预定 C=Reservation Clerk 餐厅预订员G=Guest 顾客 C:Good afternoon. Coffee Time Restaurant. May I help you? 下午好,咖啡时间餐厅。能为您效劳吗? G:I’d like to reserve a table for two, please. 我想预订两人餐位。 C:Certainly, sir. For how many people, please? 好的,先生。请问有几位? G:T wo, my wife and I. 两位,我和我太太。 C:At what time can we expect you, sir? 请问二位几点光临呢? G:Around 8:00 p.m. 大概在晚上8点。 C:Certainly, sir. May I have your name and telephone number, please? 好的,先生。能告诉我您的姓名和电话号码吗? G:Sure, it’s Peter, and my cell phone number is 137********. 当然可以。我叫皮特,手机是137********. C:Mr. Peter, 137********…thank you. By the way, we can only keep your table till 9:00 p.m., since that will be the peak season. 皮特先生,137********……谢谢您。顺便说一下,您预订的座位只能保留到晚上9 点,因为那段时间是高峰期。G:OK, I see. 好的,我知道了。 C:We look forward to serving you, Mr. Peter. Thanks for calling. 我们恭候您的光临,皮特先生。谢谢您的电话。 (二)餐厅迎客 (1、无预定) H=Hostess 女领台G=Guest 顾客 H:Good evening, sir. Welcome to Amazon Restaurant. How many persons, please? 晚上好,先生。欢迎光临亚马逊餐厅。请问有几位呢? G:A table for two, please. 两位。 H:Certainly, sir. How about the table by the window? You may enjoy the beautiful sea-view outside. 好的,先生。那张靠窗的桌子怎样?您可以欣赏到外边的海景。 G:Fine, thanks. 好的,谢谢。 H:This way, please. 这边请。 (2、有预定) H=Hostess 女领台G=Guest 顾客 H:Good evening. Welcome to Amazon Restaurant. Do you have a reservation? 晚上好。欢迎光临亚马逊餐厅。请问有预定么? G:Yes. 有。 H:May I have your name ,please? 请问您贵姓? G:Peter. 匹特。 H:You reserved a table for two, right? 您预定了两人位,是么? G:That’s right. 是的。 H:We are expecting you. This way, please. 我们正恭候您的光临。这边请。 (三)点菜服务 W=waitress 女服务员G=Guest 顾客 W:May I take your order now , sir? 我可以为您写单了吗,先生? G:Yes, please. What would you recommend? 早上有什么,您能给我推荐一下吗? W:Our set meal for breakfast is quite popular. It includes congee, pickles, salted duck egg, and two steamed dumplings. 我们这里的白粥套餐不错,有白粥,榨菜,咸蛋和两个大肉包。 G:Good, I’ll take it. 好的,就要这个。 G:I’ll have an omelet and a steak. 我需要一份煎蛋和牛排。 W:Do you want the egg fried on one side or two sides? 煎蛋要单面煎还是双面煎? G:One side, please. 单面煎。 W:How do you like the steak done? 牛排要几分熟? G:Well done/ medium well/ medium/ medium rare/ rare, please. 全熟/ 七分熟/ 五分熟/ 四分熟/ 三分熟。 W:Right away, sir? 好的,马上来,先生. G:What kind of drinks do you have? 请问有什么饮料? W:Well, we have beer, wine, and fruit juices. 我们有各种果汁,啤酒,红酒和白酒。 G: What kind of beer do you have? 啤酒有什么?。 W: We have T singtao, Budweiser, Kingway and Heineken… 我们有青岛,百威,金威和喜力…… G:What about red wine? 红酒呢? W:We have quite a variety for red wine, sir. Let me show you our wine list. 红酒有很多品种,我拿酒水单给您看。 中式早餐: 13、上菜与席间服务 W=Waitress 女服务员G=Guest 顾客 W:Your steak , salad and red wine, sir. Please enjoy. 先生,这是您的牛扒、沙拉和红酒。请慢用。 W:Excuse me, may I take your plate? 打搅了,我可以把碟子收起来吗? G:Sure, go ahead. 好的,请便吧。 W:May I show you the dessert menu? 您要看看甜点菜单吗? G:OK. 好的。 W:Here you are. 您看看。 G:I’d like to have a chocolate pudding. 我想要一份巧克力布丁。 W:Your chocolate pudding, sir. Shall I bring your coffee now, or later? 先生,这是您的巧克力布丁。我是现在为您上咖啡,还是迟些上? G:Later, thank you. 迟些上吧。 G:May I have the bill? And the coffee, please. 把账单给我好吗?还有咖啡,谢谢。 W:Certainly ,sir.(After a while)Here is your coffee. How is everything? 好的,先生。(过了一会儿)这是您的咖啡。您一切还满意吗? G:Fine , thank you. 很好,谢谢。 W: How would you like to pay, sir? 先生,您打算如何付账呢? G:By credit card. 信用卡。 W: Please wait a moment, sir! 请您稍等,先生。 5、出发台 S: (Staff of Caddy Master)出发台工作人员 G:(Guest)客人 S:Excuse me, are you going to play a match? How many flights you’d like to have? 请问你们是要比赛么?一共多少组? G:Yes, 4 flights in all. 是比赛,共四组。 S:Excuse me, sir, but how many members and guests are playing? 请问你们一行人有多少会员和嘉宾。 G:We have 4 members and 12 guests. 我们4个会员,12个嘉宾。 S:Do you need the cart? 请问你们用车么? G:Yes, for all of us, please. 全部用车。 S:Are all courses open today? 今天所有球场都开放么? G:Only B and C course are open today, sir. 今天只能打B、C场。 S:Which rank of caddy will you take today? 请问您今天需要什么级别的球童? G:How are the caddy ranked and charged? 球童是怎么分级和收费的额? S:We have 3 classes of caddies. Class A costs RMB 180 each; Class B costs RMB 170, and Class C costs RMB 155. 我们分A、B、C级球童。A级180元,B级170元,C级155元。 G:OK. We’ll take Class B for all of us then. 我们全部用B级球童。 S:We are very sorry, sir, but as we got many guests today. Do you mind incorporating with others to form a 4-person team? 对不起,今天打球的人多,您需要与其他人员合并下场。G:That’s all right. 没关系。 S:Could you tell me your club bag number, sir? 请问您的球包号码是多少? G:The number is 138. 138号。 S:I need a bag. This is my IC card. 我要租包,这是我的消费卡。 G:Just a moment, please. 请稍等。 S:I am sorry, sir, but your clothes and shoes today are not compatible for golf etiquette. Would you like to have a change, sir? 对不起,您的衣服、鞋子不符合高尔夫礼仪,需要换一下。G:What would you suggest then? 那你们对服装有什么要求? S:Standard T-shirt with collar, sir. 一律要穿带领子的T恤。 S:Could you tell me your bag number, please? 请问您要取的球包号码是多少? G:It’s 138. 138号。 S:Just a moment, please. 请稍等。 G:Thank you. 谢谢。 6、巡场 M:Marshall 巡场员G:Guest 客人 G:Could I play blue TEE today? 我今天可以打蓝TEE么? M:Sorry, sir, but blue TEE is not served today. 对不起,今天不能打蓝TEE。 G:Why not? 为什么? M:T oday is in the National Day holiday. The club stipulates that no blue TEE on festivals or holidays. 今天是国庆假日期间,我们球场规定节假日不准打蓝TEE。 G:Can I play the C course? 打C场好么? M:Sorry, but C course is close today. 对不起,今天C场封场,请原谅。 G:Why is that? 为什么封场了? M:C course is closed for maintaining the meadow. Sorry for that. 对不起,球场C球道因草地维护,所以关场。 G:Could I play 2 balls on every hole? 每洞可以打两个球么? M:Please don’t, but you could do that with the first hole only. Thanks. 除第一个洞外,其他球洞是不能打两个球的。 M:Hello, sir, we need to catch up a little to keep up with the front. Thanks. 您好,请您加快点速度,紧跟上前面。谢谢。 G:I’m sorry, sir, but as the last flight are only 2 persons, would you please let them go first? 对不起,打扰一下,后一组只有两位,可以让后面的一组先打么? M:Sure. 可以。 7、对讲机 S:Staff 员工G:Guest 客人 G:Hello, sir, which TEE will be used in the match today? 您好,今天比赛打什么TEE? S:Blue TEE for all, please. 比赛全部打蓝TEE。 G:What is the time of our in course? 我们下半场时间是多少? S:Your in course time is 10: 36 A.M. 您的下半场时间是10:36分。 G:Could you tell me how many flights are there before us? 请问我们前面还有几组? S:There are 3 groups. 有三组。 G:There are no people in A course now? 现在A场没有人么? S:No. 没有。 G:Could we go and play there? 可以打A场么? S:Sure. 可以。 G:I’ll make a call to order a sandwich. Would you please bring it over for me in a moment? 我现在打电话定一份三文治,过会帮我送过来好么? S:All right, I will bring it to you as soon as possible. 可以,我尽快送来。 G:Because there are a lot of guests today, can I add two guests in your group? 因为今天客人很多,可以在您这组加两位客人么? S:All right? 好吧。 G:Can we go first since the guests of out course have not arrived yet? 上半场客人没到,我们能不能先走? S:Sorry, sir, I’m afraid we could not do that. The club stipulates that the guests of in course must not go until the guests of in course teeing off. Oh, there they are coming now. 对不起,因为球场规定必须上半场的客人走完后,下半场才可以走。他们过来了。 8、球童用语 C: Caddy (球童) G:Guest(客人) C:Hello, my name is Amy. I’m glad to serve you today. Let me carry the golf bag for you. 你好,我叫Amy,很高兴为您服务。我来帮您准备球包吧。G:Thanks. 谢谢。 C:Here is your bag exchange card. Your bag will be delivered to the caddy master. 这是您的球包兑换牌,请保管好。您的球包将会送到出发台。 G:I’d like to take my bag now. 我要去球包。 C:Ok, can you tell me the exchange card number and the color of your bag? 好的,请问您的球包兑换牌号和球包颜色。 G:Mine is a black one and the number is 185. 我的黑色的球包,185号。 C:Please, let’s tee off after the front team goes further. 请等前一组走远一些再发球。 G:Ok. 好的。 C:This shot is very good. Very far and so straight. You sure will have an even strike next shot. 这杆打得非常好,又远又直,下一杆会打得更好。 G:How far was it? 刚才这一杆打了多远? C:About 230 yards, sir. Well done. 大约230码。 C:Yes. A very fast green today. Be careful with the downhill put, please. 今天果岭速度快,推下坡球时请注意控制用力。 G:Oh, thanks. 好的,谢谢。 C:A big uphill, and very slow green, sir and you would need to use some more force. 大上坡,果岭速度慢,要大点力。 G:Please check the putting line carefully, I will try to get a birdie. 帮我仔细看一下线,好好推,争取抓只鸟。 C:A small up hill, sir. And it is in the right hole. 稍有上坡,右洞内。 G:Nice birdie. Congratulations, sir! 好球,小鸟!祝贺您。 C:Where is the green? 果岭在什么位置? G:This is the dogleg right. The green is behind the grove. 这是右狗腿洞,果岭在那片树林后面。 G:My ball disappeared! 我的球不见了。 C:Please play a provisional ball at the moment. 请先打一个暂定球。 G:Which hole is this? 这是几杆洞? C:This is a Par 5. it is 521 yards from the blue T ee. 这是5杆洞,蓝TEE为521码。 G:This stroke stings. 这球打得太臭了。 C:You will surely play the next stroke well, sir. 下一杆一定可以打好。 G:This is too bad. 太糟了。 C:There are three more holes, sir. Please trust yourself, sir. 还有三个洞,要有信心。 G:How many yards is it to the bunker? 那个沙坑有多少码? C:It is about 240 yards, against the wind, sir. 顶风,大概有240码。 G:The 3 wood for me, please. 给我三号木杆。 C:What’s the condition of the front? 请问前面的路况如何? G:There is an OB on the left side and a water hazard at 220 yards on the right. 左边有OB,右侧220码处有水塘。 C:I played ok today. 今天打得还行。 G:You played well for the whole course, sir. 整场球您发挥不错。 G:Thanks. Thank you for your service. 谢谢,这也得感谢你的服务啊。 C:You are welcome. Please take all your belongings and check your clubs. Have a nice day, sir! 不客气,请把您的东西拿齐并确认您的球杆。祝您开心。G:Thank you for your hard work. This is your tip. 谢谢,你辛苦了,这是你的小费。 C:Thank you, sir. Hoping to be able to serve you next time, sir. 谢谢,希望下次能再为您服务。 9、球具店 S:Staff(员工)G:Guest(客人) S: Welcome, sir. 欢迎光临。 G:I’d like to have a box of balls. 我要买一盒球。 S: Balls are over there. Which brand would you like? 球在那边,您要什么牌子的呢? G:Do you have Nike? 有耐克的么? S: Yes, over there. 有的,在那边。 G:How much is for one box? 多少钱一盒? S: RMB 300 yuan. 300元。 G:Do you have T ees? 请问有TEE卖么? S: Yes, over there. 有啊,在这边。 G:Are there tees a little shorter? 有更短一些的么? S: Yes, here you are. 有,这就是。 G:How much? 一盒多少钱? S: 20 yuan per pack. 20元。 G:Are there gloves in good quality? 有质量更好一些的手套么? S: This brand is good at quality. 这个牌子的质量很好。 G:How much is one pair? 这双手套多少钱? S: 180 yuan. 180元。 G:Do you have larger size T-shirt? T恤衫有大码的么? S: Yes, we have size XXL. 有,XXL。 G:Is there the latest style shirt of Ashworth? 有没有Ashworth最新款的球衫? S: Yes, sir. How do you like this one? 有,您看这件款式如何? G:Ok, I will take this one. Please wrap it up for me. 就买这件,请抱起来。 G: Do you have the color ball used for teeing off? 有开球用的彩球么? S: Yes. Do you like to have the color ball of smog or the one of colored ribbon? 有,要飘彩带的还是烟雾的彩球? G:The smog one, please. 烟雾的吧。 G:Are there sun-block and caps? 有防晒油和帽子么? S: Here are the caps. The sun-block is on the cabinet over there. 这边是帽子,防晒油在那边的柜架上。 G:Do you have golf magazines here? 这边有高尔夫杂志出售么? S: Yes. These are the latest ones, 50 yuan for each. 有,这是最新的杂志,50元一本。 10、练习场 S:Staff of driving range(练习场员工)G:Guest(客人) G:What club should be used for the beginner? 刚学时,用什么杆? S: The beginner had better use the 7th iron. 初学者最好先用7号杆。 G:How much is a basket of practice balls? 练习球怎么收费的? S: 15 yuan for the small basket and 30 yuan for the large one. 小框为15 元,大筐为30元。 G:Can I hire a coach here? 这里能请到教练么? S: Yes, just a minute. 可以,请稍等。 G:Can a company book the vacancy? 公司可以包打位么? S: Yes, certainly. 可以的。 G:How much does it cost for each vacancy? 每个打位每小时多少钱? S: 80 yuan. 80元。 G:Can I rent a club? 可以租杆么? S: Of course you can. Which club would you like? 可以啊,您要租几号杆? G:The 7th iron. How much is it? 7号铁杆,怎么收费? S: It is 10 yuan for each per hour. 每根杆每小时10元。 G:Is there practice place for putting? 有推杆练习场么? S: Yes. It is at the back. 有的,在后面。 G:Can I practice pitching at the back lawn? 能在后面的草坪上练习切杆么? S: Sorry! 对不起,不可以。 11、俱乐部宾馆 宾馆预订: Front Desk: Can I help you,sir? 前台:我能为您服务吗? John: Yes. I need a room for three days from May 2 to May 4. Do you have any vacancies? 约翰:我想订一个房间,五月2号到4号,请问你们还有空房吗? Front Desk: Yes, we have. What kind of room would you like? 前台:还有空房。您需要什么样的房间? John: I'd like a suite with an ocean view/ standard room, please. 约翰:我想要一个海景套房/ 标间。 Front Desk: No problem, sir. 前台:没问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,先生。 John: How much will that be? 约翰:价格如何? Front Desk: It's RMB 400 per night. 前台:每晚400元。 John: That's a little high. Then do you have anything less expensive? 约翰:有点贵。那么你们是否还有其他便宜一点的套房? Front Desk: No, sir. This is the least expensive suite we have at the moment. 前台:没有了,先生。到目前为止,这是最便宜的套房。John: OK, I'll take it. By the way, does the price include breakfast? 约翰:那好吧,我就预定它了。顺便问一下,房价是否包括早餐? Front Desk: Yes, it does. Now could I have your name, please? 前台:是的,包括早餐。现在我能问一下您的名字吗? John: My name is John Deep. 约翰:我叫John Deep。 Front Desk: Would you kindly spell that for me? 前台:您能拼一下吗? John: That is J-o-h-n D-e-e-p. 约翰:J-o-h-n D-e-e-p. Front Desk: Thank you. How many nights would you like to stay? 前台:谢谢。另外您预计在此停留多久? John: Three nights, from May 2 . 约翰:三天,五月2号开始。 Front Desk: Certainly, sir. Our check-in time is after 1:00pm. We look forward to seeing you. 前台:好的。我们的登记时间是在下午一点钟之后。静候您的光临。 John: Thank you. 约翰:谢谢。 登记入住: A: Hello, I would like to check in, please. 你好,我想要办理入住。 B: Do you have a reservation with us? 您在我们这里预定客房了吗? A: Yes, I booked a room here for tonight. 是的,我在你们酒店预订了今晚的房间。B: May I have your name, please? 请问您的尊姓大名? B: May I see your passport, please? 请让我看一下您的护照好吗? A: Ok, here you are. 可以,这里给你。 B: We have Room 001 reserved for you. 我们为您保留了001房间。 B: Would you mind filling in his form, please? 请您填一下这份来客登记卡。 A: All right. 好的。 B: Could you sign your name here, please? 请您在上面签上您的姓名,好吗? A: Will that be all right, sir? 可以了吗,先生? B: Yes, I hope you’ll enjoy your stay in our hotel. 好了,祝您在我们酒店过得愉快。 牢骚投诉: A:Room Service,may I help you? 客房服务部,为您效劳。 B:This is Room 908.The air conditioner does not work in my room, and it’s too hot now, could you please repair it as quickly as you can or just change a room for me? 这里是908号房,我们屋子的空调坏了,能不能尽快修理一下,要不给我换间房也行。 A:I'm awfully sorry to hear that,sir.I’ll have someone fix it for you right away. We do apologize for the inconvenience. 听到这样的事,真的非常抱歉,先生,我马上派人过去修理,我们为给您带来的不便深表歉意。 B:That’s fine. Thank you. 好吧,谢谢了。 A:You’re welcome.And if there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. 您太客气了,如果还有什么我能效劳的,请尽管告诉我。 宾馆退房: C=Cashier 收银员G=Guest 顾客 C:Good morning, sir. May I help you? 先生,您早,有什么可以帮到您吗? G:Yes, I’d like to check out. 我想退宿。 C:Certainly sir. May I have your room card, please? 好的,请把房卡给我,好吗? G:Sure, Here it is. 好的,给你。 C:Just a moment, please. I’ll draw up your bill for you. 请等一下,我帮您结帐。 (After a while 过了一会儿) C:Mr. Johnson, your bill totals US$520, How would you like to make the payment? 约翰逊先生,您的账单总计是520美元。您打算如何付款? G:By credit card. Do you accept Visa? 高尔夫英语情景对话 用信用卡。你们接受维萨信用卡吗? C:Yes, Mr. Johnson. 是的,约翰逊先生。 G:Here you are. 给你。 C:(Print the card)Could you sign here , please? 请您在这儿签名,好吗? G:Sure. 好的。 C:Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Here is your credit card and your receipt. Have a nice trip. 谢谢您,约翰逊先生。这是您的卡和收据。祝您旅途愉快。
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