首页 2014年公共英语五级考试试题(四十九)



2014年公共英语五级考试试题(四十九) 公共英语五级考试试题(四十九) 一、Reading Comprehension(共15小题,共15.0分)Read the following three texts.Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. 第1题    One of the largest mental health problems in the United States is that of compulsive gambling. Althoug...

公共 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 五级考试试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (四十九) 一、Reading Comprehension(共15小题,共15.0分)Read the following three texts.Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. 第1题    One of the largest mental health problems in the United States is that of compulsive gambling. Although there are no scientific studies that have discovered the exact number, experts estimate that between five and ten million persons are compulsive gamblers.    Like addicting to alcohol or narcotics, compulsive gambling crosses all social and economic lines. Compulsive gamblers can be found in any profession and at any level of society. And the addiction affects both men and women.    The gambling compulsion usually starts in the early teens. The more often the young gambler indulges in the compulsion, the more obsessive it becomes. By his early twenties, the average compulsive gambler has moved from small bets on such things as football games, horse races, and card games to more adult, more expensive, gambling forms.    For the compulsive gamblers, life becomes continuous gambling. The compulsion consumes the gambling addict to such a point that nothing else matters not even health, children, or family.    Studies by psychiatrists seem to show that compulsive gamblers bet to lose. Compulsive gamblers never stop when they are ahead. Instead they try to win more.    One important characteristic to the compulsive gambler is his optimism. Like most human beings he does not like to admit defeat. Consequently, he hides his real motivations for gambling with large amounts of enthusiastic optimism. The more deeply he is committed to betting—and losing— the more fanatical his conviction that the next bet will make him wealthy.    Compulsive gamblers will use almost any means to get money' to "feed their addiction". Borrowing or stealing from friends or family is the first method gamblers usually employ to get cash. Other common ways to get money are embezzlement, robbery or writing false checks.    In recent years psychiatrists have discovered some of the basic reasons for compulsive gambling. First, compulsive gamblers almost always come from homes lacking in love. As a result the child grows up still looking for the warmth of family love and parental approval.    Another aspect of the nature of the gambling addict is that unconsciously he wants to lose. Psychiatrists believe that compulsive gamblers consciously may expect to win; however, there is a strong element of self-destruction in their inclination to continue betting until all is lost.    One New York psychiatrist believes that basically the compulsive gambler is seeking an answer to the question: "Do you love me?" By winning he receives a "yes" answer. However, the gambler cannot accept the "yes" he sometimes receives because it is contrary to the reality of his (or her) unhappy childhood—one lacking in family love. The gambler is compelled to continue betting, thus expressing again and again his need for love and acceptance.    When gambling addicts do win some money, they rarely spend any of it on their families. Money is like a sacred thing to the addict. It is reserved for one thing: placing a bet.    Fortunately, there is hope and help today for gambling addicts. Psychiatric treatment is one possibility. Group therapy seems to help in some cases. The most readily available—and least expensive—help comes from an organization called Gamblers Anonymous (GA). Patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) it has more than ninety chapters in the United States with about 3 000 gamblers seeking a cure. One basic rule of GA is that gamblers must pay back all their debts, even if it takes many years to do so. Thousands of members credit GA with saving them from their addiction and helping them to build new lives free from the gambling sickness.    Happily, today with more public interest in helping the gambling addict overcome his problem and with such organization as the GA, the gambler who wants help to break his addiction now has some place or someone to turn to. We can infer from the text that the addiction to compulsive gambling affect ______. A young men only B women only C elders only D both men and women 【正确 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 第2题 What is one of the most essential characteristics of the compulsive gamblers? A They are all teenagers. B They are frequently pessimistic. C They are from any profession. D they never admit defeat. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 第3题 According to the psychiatrists, compulsive gamblers are those ______. A who care much about family and health B who are products of happy home with loving parents C who axe runaways from their wives D who want to be loved 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 第4题 When compulsive gamblers do win some money, they are usually ______. A lending money to their poor relatives B placing a new bet C buying expensive presents for themselves D spending money on their families 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 第5题 What's the author's attitude towards treatment of gambling addicts? A Negative. B Pessimistic. C Positive. D Indifferent. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 第6题    Stockbrokers are agents who buy and sell stocks, shares and other securities for their clients. They are paid commission. Jobbers, on the other hand, buy and sell securities in large quantities. They are the wholesalers. The jobbers are always to be found in the same spot in the London Stock Exchange. They congregate according to the type of security they specialize in. So you can find all the jobbers dealing with rubber shares in one place, those interested in shipping another, those concerned with mining in another, and so on. Jobbers make a profit like any other dealer. They usually quote two prices; they are prepared to buy any reasonable quantity of that share at the lower price, and to sell at the higher price. These prices vary, of course, from day to day and even hour to hour, according to the demand.    Perhaps a broke wants to sell five hundred shares in XYZ Pharmaceuticals for a client. He looks for the jobbers who deal in pharmaceutical shares. He asks the price of XYZ Pharmaceuticals, without saying whether he wishes to buy or sell. The jobber quotes him two prices—perhaps 75/79. This means that he will buy quantities of that share at 75 pence each, and sell them at 79 pence each. The broker then goes on to other jobbers and asks them the same question.    Eventually he chooses the best offer. The two men make a verbal agreement (nothing is written at this stage) and from that moment the broker's client is the owner of those shares. When he goes back to his office, the broker has to write out a "contract note", which he sends to his client. This records the price, his commission, the tax on the transaction, and so on. For payment, both the buyer and the seller must sign transfer forms; these are sent to XYZ Pharmaceuticals for registration. Later, the buyer gets a certificate of the shares. The deal is now complete.    The London Stock Exchange has always been famous as a place for men. only, and women used to be strictly forbidden to enter. But the world is changing day by day, and even the Stock Exchange, which seemed to be a man's castle, is gradually opening its doors to the other sex. On 16th November, 1971, a great decision was taken. The Stock Exchange Council (the body of men that administers the Stock Exchange) decided that Women should be allowed on to the new trading floor when it opened in 1973. But the "castle" had not been completely conquered. The first girls to work in "The House" were not brokers or jobbers. They were neither allowed to become partners in stockbroking firms, nor to be authorized dealers in stocks and shares. They were simply junior clerks and telephone operators. Women have been trying to get into the Stock Exchange for many years. Several votes have been taken in "The House" to see whether the members would be willing to allow women to become members, but the answer has always been "NO". There have been three refusals of this kind since 1967. Now women are admitted, although in a very junior capacity. Two firms of jobbers made an application to the Stock Exchange Council to be allowed to employ girl clerks. Permission was finally given. A member of the Stock Exchange explained, after this news had been given, "The new floor is going to be different from the old one. All the jobbers will have their own stands, with space for a telephone and typewriters. Therefore there will have to be typists and telephone operators. So women must be allowed in." This decision did not mean a very great victory in the war for equal rights for women. However, it was a step in the right direction. The Chairman of the Stock Exchange said, "I think that the opening of the new building will eventually lead to women being allowed to have full membership of the Stock Exchange. It is only a matter of time; it must happen". According to the text, what is the Stock Exchange? A A large house where stockbrokers live. B A place where jobbers and stock brokers meet, to buy and sell shares. C A house in London, where stockbrokers are paid commission by their clients. D A place where jobbers make a very large profit. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 第7题 According to the text, what's the job of a stock broker? A He pays commission. B He deals in securities for other people. C He buys and sells securities in large quantities. D He makes a large profit. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 第8题 According to paragraph 3, what happened on 16th November, 1971? A Women were allowed to enter the Stock Exchange for the first time. B It was decided to permit women to work in the Stock Exchange. C The new trading floor was opened. D The doors of the Stock Exchange were opened. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 第9题 What does "The House" in paragraph 3 refer to? A A castle full of men. B The Stock Exchange Council. C A place where women are forbidden to enter. D The London Stock Exchange. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 第10题 Which of the following statements is not true? A Women had the intention of getting into the Stock Exchange for many years. B Women were allowed to become stockbrokers and jobbers in 1973. C Women worked as clerks when they were first allowed into the Stock Exchange. D The Stock Exchange opened its door to the other sex little by little. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 第11题    People regard the process of change in a number of different ways: as good and as evil, as therapeutic and as harmful, as fun and as annoying. It all depends on the situation, the type of change and the degree of change. If a man is in a rut, he may be advised to consider a new job. This might be very healthy for him and give him a wholly new, fresh outlook on life, but it might also mean changes in his life which he is unprepared to accept. It might involve moving to a new location or accepting for a period of time an income lower than the one he is used to having for the support of his family. Therefore, he is forced to choose between two unsatisfactory situations.    Or the man might live in an area which once contained lots of open spaces which he and his family could use for recreational activities. Gradually the area experienced an ever increasing build up of roads, houses, stores and population. It is no longer the same kind of place which it was when he had chosen to live there, and he is unhappy about it. The process of change has overtaken him, but should he force himself to undergo the even more drastic change of relocating himself in another area where the same type of process may again overtake him? Or must he learn to adjust himself to this process of change over which he seemingly has no control? How can he reconcile himself to the sources of his unhappiness? Is it possible that he can have absolutely no control over his destiny? Must he abandon the idea that he can be master of his fate and accept the idea that adjustment and submission to the process of change are the only hopes he has for happiness?    It is recognized that people can only absorb so much change at one time. Too many changes, or changes which are too drastic, can cause anything from anxiety to death. Some people can face change better than others, and this ability seems to depend on the individual's stability, maturity and flexibility. Facing change is often regarded as a test of these qualities. The subject merits consideration, for at no time in human history have people been faced with not only so many changes, but also such unprecedented changes — changes so drastic that they might be considered to be "firsts" in human history.    One such "first" concerns the type of catastrophes we are now capable of causing. A function of each generation is to preserve and protect what we have. The desire to do this is behind most of our work, loyalties and assumptions. In the past, major catastrophes, such as wars, plagues and earthquakes, could destroy only a fraction of the human race and environment. Most people and societies were not affected by and often were not even aware of such catastrophes when they occurred. One of the causes of present unrest in the world is that today, for the first time, we are aware that there exists the potential for a catastrophe which would affect everyone, everywhere.    A second unprecedented change has resulted from our discovery of our geographical boundaries. In the past, most societies showed a concern for preserving the productivity of their environment by letting fields rest or by imposing restrictions on hunting or farming in certain areas. In America, however, for many years the existence of seemingly boundless resources meant that there appeared to be little necessity to consider the gradual depletion of them. Then there was also the possibility of migration as an ultimate recourse in order to survive. Today this is not the case. There is simply nowhere left to go, and the psychic repercussions have been great.    A third unprecedented change relates to the perpetuation of the species. In the past, human societies to adopt values whose aim was to insure that the society would not die out. Therefore, people were highly concerned with protecting their physical existence and their cultural heritage both for themselves and for future generations. A vital concern was always the matter of having a sufficient number of children. Today, when human survival depends more on reducing the number of children rather than increasing it, these traditional values are no longer useful and may, in fact, be dangerous. The times call for a drastic change in the image and role of both the male and the female. For many, these changes are hard to bear.    A fourth change is the amount and rate of change itself. For the first time in human history, regular and successive revolutions of many types occur and must be adapted to. This is in contrast to the snail's pace at which changes occurred in the past. Change, too, is now more universal. No longer does a great revolution occur only once and only in a single place, affecting only a small group or a single society. Rather, what happens in one part of the world will soon have its impact on some other part of the globe. And the areas in which change may take place are innumerable. The implications of any given changes are staggering. Truly, no one can really know what changes tomorrow will bring. Neither is one able to guess what his life will be like in twenty or forty years.    It is generally accepted that the young can adjust to change more easily than can adjust to change to older people, who it is generally thought have lost the ability to accept change. Yet, perhaps this idea ought to be reexamined. Possibly it is the young who are most in need of learning how to adapt to the realities of modem society. After all, the old have already had to adapt to the successive changes of a number of generations. On the other hand, perhaps the human race has reached a saturation point insofar as change is concerned, and those who are faced with an overwhelming amount of it simply cannot cope. Unfortunately, there is no longer any place to go and hide. Which of the following is the best title for the text? A Harmful Changes in Human History. B Healthy Changes in Human History. C Some Firsts in Human History. D Process of Change. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 第12题 Which statement can best summarize paragraph 3? A All the people enjoy changes. B Facing change is thought of as a test of maturity, stability and flexibility. C Facing change is a test of maturity and stability. D Some types of changes may cause anxiety and death. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 第13题 What can be inferred from paragraph 6? A It's difficult for children to bear changes. B Human survival depends on increasing the number of children. C Human survival depends much on raising of children. D Human survival today depends more on reducing the number of children. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 第14题 Which of the following statements is true about paragraph 8? A The young are believed to accept change better than the old. B The old have lost the ability to come to terms with change. C There's no doubt that the young accept change better than the old. D It is examined that both the young and the old can not easily adjust to change. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 第15题 What does "it" (Line 7, para. 8) refer to? A Ability. B Adjustment. C Change. D Modem idea. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 二、Writing(本大题1小题.每题25.0分,共25.0分。You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2. ) 第1题    You have read on article in a magazine which states, "Private cars can bring both convenience and mobility to the owners. In addition, the dramatic growth of automobile industry can trigger the boom of other important industries such as iron and steel production and technological application. Thus private ownership of cars in China should be encouraged."    Write an article entitled Should Private Cars in China Be Encourage? to clarify your own points of view towards this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument and include an example.    You should write no less than 250 words. Write your article on ANSWER SHEET 2. 【正确答案】: Should Private Cars in China Be Encouraged?    One day, I happened to read an article in a magazine which states that the accelerated growth of automobile industry can trigger the boom of other important industry and that the private cars in China should be encouraged in the light of many benefits that private cars can bring about to our residents. On reading these words, I was lost in thought. It can not be denied that fantastic spurt both in industry and in economy for the past two decades has led to the constantly rising number of private car owners in China. As an indication of the improved living standard of the Chinese, this phenomenon is supposed to be applauded. In my opinion, however, private ownership of cars should not be encouraged. Instead, it should be restricted considering the reality of the situation in our country.    There are sound reasons for the limitation of private cars in China. It is hardly disputable that development of private cars in our country will give a rise to a series of problems such as environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more energy consumption. I will further develop my point of view as follows. First, it is self-evident that the automobile contributes a lot of air pollution. In China, especially in those large cities, like, say, Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan whose residents are more likely to buy private cars, the air pollution has already been so serious that people there can's bear living in that worsening environment any more. More private cars will inevitably aggravate the present situation. Second, the increasing number of private cars can be a formidable threat to the traffic and even to people's space of existence. If a large number of private cars rush onto the streets, the traffic, already dense, will suffer more. Inconvenience, traffic congestion and even traffic accidents will arise consequently. Last but not the least, the automobile is an energy-consuming giant. We always take pride in an abundance of natural resources in our motherland. But in the meantime, we need to remember that we also have the largest population in the world. The more private cars are running on this land, the less natural resources are left for the future generations. Therefore, after many Factors having been taken into consideration, I sincerely believe that the private cars should be discouraged in China.    Then finally, how can an optimum plan be worked out to limit private cars'?. Since people buy private cars mainly for convenience and efficiency, my first suggestion is that adequate public transportation should be developed. At the same time, we can make private car driving more expensive by raising the price of gasoline and imposing higher taxes. All in all, private cars in China, from my point of view, should be placed more restrictions on by the government. none、三(共Reading Comprehension(子母填空)小题,15共分)20.0 第1题  When Donald Olayer enrolled in nursing school nine years ago, his father took it hard. "Here's my father, a steelworker, hearing about other steelworkers' sons who were becoming welders or getting football scholarships," Mr. Olayer recalls. "The thought of his on becoming a nurse was too much."    1. ______    That's not an unusual turnabout nowadays. Just as women have gained a footing in nearly every occupation once reserved for men, men can be found today working routinely in a wide variety of jobs once held nearly exclusively by women. The men are working as receptionists and flight attendants, servants, and even "Kelly girls".    The Urban Institute, a research group in Washington, recently estimated that the number of male secretaries rose 24% to 31,000 in 1978 from 25,000 in 1972. The number of male telephone operators over the same span rose 38%, and the number of male nurses 94%. Labor experts expect the trend to continue.    For one thing, tightness in the job market seems to have given men an additional incentive to take jobs where they can find them. Although female-dominated office and service jobs for the most part rank lower in pay and status, "they're still there," says June O'Neil, director of program and policy research at the institute. Traditionally male blue-collar jobs, meanwhile, "aren't increasing at all."    2. ______    Although views have softened, men who cross the sexual segregation line in the job market may still face discrimination and ridicule. David Anderson, a 36-year-old former high school teacher, says he found secretarial work "a way out of teaching and into the business world". He had applied for work at 23 employment agencies for "management training jobs that didn't exist", and he discovered that "the best skill I had was being able to type 70 words a minute".    3. ______    He took a job as a secretary to the marketing director of a New York publishing company. But he says he could feel "a lot of people wondering what I was doing there and if something was wrong with me".    Males sometimes find themselves mistaken for higher-status professionals. Anthony Shee, a flight attendant with U.S. Air Ine., has been mistaken for a pilot. Mr. Anderson, the secretary, says he found himself being "treated in executive tones whenever I wore a suit".    In fact the men in traditional female jobs often move up the ladder fast. Mr. Anderson actually worked only seven months as a secretary. Then he got a higher-level, better-paying job as a placement counselor at an employment agency. "I got a lot of encouragement to advance," he says, "including job tips from male executives who couldn't quite see me staying a secretary."    Experts say, for example, that while men make up only a small fraction of elementary school teachers, a disproportionate number of elementary principals are men. Barbara Bergmann, an economist at the University of Maryland who has studied sex segregation at work believes that's partly because of "sexism in the occupational structure" and partly because men have been raised to assert themselves and to assume responsibility. Men may also feel more compelled than women to advance, she suspects.    4. ______    "Men are more likely than women to see nursing as a full-time careen" Mr. Olayer says. He also says the men are more assertive. "Men don't buy the Florence Nightingale garbage they teach in nursing school — that the doctor is everything, and the nurse is there just to take orders," he says. "Men will ask questions more and think for themselves."    5. ______ A. Mr. Anderson's boss was a woman. When she asked him to fetch coffee, the other secretaries' eyebrows went up. Sales executives who came in to see his boss, he says, "couldn't quite believe that I could and would type, take dictation, and answer the phones." B. But in asserting themselves, the males in female-dominated fields may be making life easier for the women, too. "Guys get together and organize and are willing to fight for more," Mr. Olayer says. "Once we get a 30% to 40% ratio of men in nursing, you'll see salaries and the whole status of the job improve." C. Today, Mr. Olayer, a registered nurse trained as an anesthetist, earns about $ 30,000 a year at Jameson Memorial Hospital in New Castle, Pennsylvania. His father, he says, has "done an about face". Now he tells the guys he works with that their sons, who can't find jobs even after four years of college, should have become nurses. D. Donald Olayer, the nurse, is typical. Almost as soon as he graduated from nursing school, he says he decided "not to stay just a regular floor nurse earning only $12,000 a year". Now he can look forward to earning three times that much. "Enough to support a family, on." he says, and he also has "much more responsibility". E. Beginning in the 1960s. American women started entering jobs and professions that had been dominated almost completely by men. In the'1970s, another pattern emerged in employment: Men began entering jobs and professions previously dominated by women. F. At the same time, she says, "The outlooks of young people are different." Younger men with less rigid views on what constitutes male or female work "may not feel there's such a stigma to working in a female-dominated field". 【正确答案】: C 第2题 【正确答案】: F 第3题 【正确答案】: A 第4题 【正确答案】: D 第5题 【正确答案】: B 第6题  Our demand for electricity is climbing so fast that over the next decade U.S. generating capacity must increase by a third. Fossil fuels supply nearly three-quarters of this energy. But the smoke-belching stacks of coal-fired, gas-fired and oil-fired plants are also responsible for about half of our air pollution.    That, we used to think, is a small price to pay for progress. But there is an alternative, one that produces no smoke and can actually create more fuel than it consumes. In many regions it is even cheaper than coal-fired electricity: nuclear power.    Already nuclear power is the second largest source of our electricity, and a new family of "failsafe" nuclear reactors — some now under construction in Japan — may one day make nuclear power even cheaper and more plentiful.    The only major difference between nuclear and conventional plants is that nuclear fuel is far more radioactive. For this reason, the core must be sealed from the outside environment — and so must the spent fuel, which remains radioactive for year.    If other types of power didn't present equal or worse problems, it would make no sense to consider nuclear power at all. But they do:    Coal is much dirtier than it used to be. The U.S. reserves of clean-burning anthracite are virtually exhausted. Today, power plants must use soft coal, often contaminated with sulfur. When the smoke from this coal is dissolved by precipitation, it results in "acid rain".    Burning coal produces carbon dioxide as well, which can act as a blanket, trapping solar heat in our atmosphere. Eventually, this could contribute to global warming, the greenhouse effect, though there is no conclusive evidence that this has begun.    Coal also contains a surprising amount of radioactive material. Indeed, a coal-fired electric plant spews more radioactive pollution into the air than a nuclear plant.    Oil and natural gas are too scarce to meet our electrical needs now, let alone in the next century. We already import over 40 percent of our oil from abroad, and that will likely increase.    Solar power seems to be a wonderful idea: Every square yard of sunshine contains about 1000 watts of inexhaustible energy, free for the taking. The trouble is, the taking isn't free. To meet our electrical needs, we'd have to build enough collector plates to cover the state of Delaware. No serious student of solar power expects it to be anything but a supplement to conventional electricity for decades.    Wind power generated a lot of excitement in the early 1980s, when magazines featured photographs of a "wind farm" at Altamont Pass, California, with hundreds of windmills. Everyone seemed to forget that taxpayers' money helped buy the farm. Today, the giant blades spin productively only half a year, because winds frequently aren't strong enough to cover costs.    Hydro power is the cleanest practical source of electricity. But in the United States, most rivers that can be profitably dammed already are.    Other, more exotic energy schemes would harness ocean tides and waves, nuclear fusion (the process that powers the sun) or heat from the eath's crust or the sea. But even proponents admit that none of these will become a major source of energy soon.    Now Let's look at the advantages of nuclear power.    1. It's clean. Radioactive emissions are negligible, much less than the radioactivity released into the air naturally from the earth or produced by cosmic rays. Standing next to a nuclear plant, I am exposed to only one-half of one percent more radiation than when sitting in my living room. A coal station, on the other hand, requires huge dumps of fuel and ashes that menace the environment.    Despite a widespread misconception, nuclear waste is not a technical problem. The 108 nuclear plants in the United States generate less than 4,000 tons of fuel waste each year. In fact, all 33 years' worth of the nation's spent nuclear fuel would only fill a football field to a depth of five feet. Non-nuclear hazardous waste, by contrast, totals 275 million tons annually. And nuclear waste is easy to monitor and control. The spent fuel can be kept on the premises of years until it decays to a radiation level suitable for trucking to long-term storage sites.    2. It's inexhaustible. The U.S. uranium reserves will last many decades, and our long-term supply is guaranteed. Through a process called "breeding", a reactor can convert uranium into plutonium—an even better fuel. Breeder reactors, now in use in France, could thus extend the reserves for millions of years.    3. It's secure. Because it needs so little fuel, a nuclear plant is less vulnerable to shortages produced by. strikes or by natural calamities. And since uranium is more evenly scattered about the globe than fossil fuels, nuclear power is less threatened by cartels and international crises.    4. It's cheap. In France, where nuclear power supplies 70 percent of the electricity, nuclear power costs 30 percent less than coalfired power. This enables France to export electricity to its neighbors. In Canada, where nuclear power supplies 15 percent of the electricity, Ontario Hydro has proposed building ten more nuclear reactors over the next 25 years. A=Hydro power B=Nuclear power C=Coal-fired power D=Solar power Which power ... · results in "Acid rain"?                                                            1. ______ · is already the 2nd largest source of electricity in the U.S.?                      2. ______ · may give off more radioactive pollution into the air than a nuclear plant?         3. ______ · can be taken only when large enough collector plates are built?                    4. ______ · is the cleanest practical source of electricity?                                   5. ______ · cost 30% less than coal-fired power in France?                                     6. ______ · is less easy to subject to shortages caused by strikes and natural disasters?      7. ______ · is less threatened by international crises?                                        8. ______ · will not be considered as a supplement to conventional electricity for several decades?                                                                                       9. ______ · could contribute to global warming?                                               10. ______ 【正确答案】: C 第7题 【正确答案】: B 第8题 【正确答案】: C 第9题 【正确答案】: D 第10题 【正确答案】: A 第11题 【正确答案】: B 第12题 【正确答案】: B 第13题 【正确答案】: B 第14题 【正确答案】: D 第15题 【正确答案】: C 四、Listening Comprehension(共10小题,共10.0分) 第1题 Why is it necessary to give a coin to someone when you give him a present with a sharp edge or point? A To specially celebrate his birthday. B To express some special meaning which you dare not tell directly. C To wish for a long-lasting friendship. D To wish your friend good luck in his life. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]11-13    (Molly, an English woman, is talking to Victor, who is Asian and they are discussing different superstitions and customs.) Molly: There's a black cat. That's a lucky sign. Victor: I don't think so as it just scratched me. Molly: Black cats are often used as good luck symbols in Europe. Victor: You have a lot of strange beliefs. I think I was told if you give someone a present with a sharp edge or point, like a knife or a brooch, you also have to give a coin. Molly: Yes, that's right, then we say that the friendship will never be cut or broken. Victor: What about crossed knives? Molly: That's supposed to be unlucky but we cross our fingers for good luck. Victor: The old people of my country believe in lots of things like that but I think it's all a lot of rubbish. I can't see how it can affect anything. Molly: Well, many people say it's had luck to walk under a ladder and my uncle always laughed at that belief until one day he was walking under one and a pot of paint fell on his head. Now he's changed his mind! Victor: Do you think that number 13 is unlucky? Molly: Not really, but airlines must as there is never a seat number 13. They go from 12 to 14 direct. Victor: That's only because they think that the passengers might be superstitious. Molly: My grandmother hates to break a mirror as she says that it brings seven years' bad luck. Victor: Why 7? Why not 5 or 10? Molly: Don't ask me! Victor: I have a friend who came here from Indonesia and when she first arrived she was insulted when I gave her something in my left hand. Molly: People who travel a lot have to be very careful how they behave in foreign countries as they might do or say something that is considered all right at home but dreadful in another place. Victor: That often happens, then people get the wrong idea about foreigners. It just needs a little understanding and common sense. Molly: My cousin was horrified at college when an Asian student belched in front of her, then spat on the ground. Victor: Spitting is a dirty habit but I don't think that belching is wrong. Molly: It's just a matter of opinion. Victor: That can be applied to most things in life. Molly: You're right. 第2题 Is Molly's uncle a superstitious person? A He wasn't before, but now he has become one. B Yes, he always believes in things which can bring him good or bad luck. C Yes, he always says that it's bad luck to walk under a ladder. D No, he isn't, except when referring to walking under a ladder. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 第3题 According to Molly's grandmother, how many years of bad luck would be brought if she breaks a mirror? A Ten years. B Seven years. C Five years. D Seven weeks. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 第4题 Why does the woman call? A Because she has a problem about her car. B Because she wants to book a train ticket. C Because she wants to know how she can go to Edinburgh. D Because she wants to know how she can go to London. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]14-16 Travel agent: Good morning, Madam. Can I help you? Customer: Ah yes. I hope so. I've got a bit of a problem actually. I want to go to Edinburgh for the Festival and I'm not too sure of the best way to get there. I've got a car but it's not in very good condition and I think it'd take me to drive up there. Travel agent: Well if you go up the motorway I suppose about eight hours. Customer: Eight hours! Travel agent: Mm, it's a long way. Customer: Yes, it is a long way and I suppose petrol prices are a bit expensive too. Travel agent: Well, yes. It'd probably cost you about 10 pounds and that depends on your car. Customer: Yes, the car's the trouble. I don't know what kind of condition I'd arrive in. Tell me... now what about coach? Because I've been told that's fairly reasonable. Travel agent: Oh it is. It costs about 14 pounds in fact from London to Edinburgh. Customer: Mm, that's not too bad. Travel agent: Very reasonable. Customer: On the other hand it takes quite a long time. Travel agent: Yes it takes about ten hours. Customer: Ten hours! Travel agent: Well yes, but you can go at night so you might get some sleep anyway. Customer: Oh no! I never sleep sitting up. What about the train then? Travel agent: Let me see. It takes five hours in fact from London to Edinburgh, and it costs 21 pounds single. Customer: So much? Travel agent: Yes, it's a lot of money but of course you can then sleep at night and so on. Customer: Well, can you tell me about g6ing by plane? Travel agent: Yes, of course..., err... the London to Edinburgh single... 38 pounds, but it only takes just over an hour. It takes seventy minutes. Customer: Really? Travel agent: Yes. You're there in no time. Customer: Wonderful. That'd be a wonderful start to the holiday. Travel agent: Mm. Shall I book you a ticket? Customer: Well, I really ought to think about it. Thanks so much for your help but I think HI call you back if that's OK. Travel agent: Mm-mm. 第5题 How long does it take to go by train? A About ten hours. B Five hours. C Eight hours. D Fourteen hours. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 第6题 How will the customer go there? A By car. B By plane. C By coach. D Not decided yet. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 第7题 When will overseas students enroll? A 8th February. B 16th February. C 17th February. D 18th February. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]17-20    Welcome to the Orientation Program. But before we begin, I'd like to say a few words about enrolment day because I know that many of you are unsure of the procedures. There are two enrolment days, for different categories of students. Local students, or students who are permanent residents will enroll on the 16th of February. Overseas students will enroll two days later, on the 18th of February, in one of two sessions. First of all, all students doing undergraduate studies must come and enroll in the morning session, from 9:30 to 12:30 on Level 6 of the Office Building, in Room C859. Postgraduate students must also come to the same place, Room C859 on Level 6, from 1:30 p. m. on the 18th, and that enrolment session finishes at 4:30 p. m.    When you come to enroll, and this applies to all students, please bring your passport or some other identification, that's really essential, and also bring the letter of acceptance from the faculty you will be enrolling in. For overseas students we'll also need proof of your English proficiency level and your health-care cards for health insurance, plus the receipt from the Student Admissions Office to show you have paid your fees.    If there's anyone who hasn't paid their fees for this semester yet, please go to the Student Admissions Office and pay the fees as soon as possible. Your place at the university is not guaranteed until you've paid your fees. On enrolment day, you'll all be issued with your student cards. You don't have to bring a photo for these. The enrolling officer will take an instant photo, and put it on the card with your student ID number and then laminate the card, so it's all done at once. You use this student card to borrow from the library, to use student services like the medical center, and even get discounts at the cinema and bookstores. 第8题 Where will the students go for their enrolment? A In the Mathematics Faculty. B In Room C6. C In Room C859. D On Level 9. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 第9题 What must all students show at enrolment? A A letter of acceptance from their faculty. B Student cards. C Their passports. D Proof of level of English proficiency. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 第10题 What can't the students do with their student cards? A Borrow books from the library. B Buy books on discounts at bookstores. C Get medical care at the medical center. D See films free of charge. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 none、五(共Listening Comprehension小题,10共分)10.0 第1题 What kind of overview does the book intend to give about American society? 【正确答案】: Concise and well-rounded. [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]21-30    This book is an attempt to introduce the reader to the United States. It intends to give a concise but fairly well-rounded overview of present-day American society; not only a picture of surface phenomena, but insights into American culture and insights about the American people.    Various aspects of American life are presented through articles written mainly by Americans themselves, or by westerners familiar with the United States. Most were written by scholars or specialists on the topic of the field. A number of articles were written by sociologists. This gives a perspective that goes beyond the common articles written for the average tourist, for the person with passing curiosity, or for the ordinary man-in-the-street. A number of articles were also selected with the idea of presenting different, sometimes conflicting, points of view about the same topic. This, it is hoped, will help the reader to gain better understanding and to help him draw his own conclusions.    It should be stressed that the viewpoints of the various authors are not necessarily those of the compilers of this book. We may agree with all of some articles, only partially with others, and possibly disagree considerably with a few of the selections. To allow the reader to use his own judgement, we have generally kept the articles in their original form. If changes were made they were to make the language easier or to make the articles more manageable for the reader.    Most of the articles in this book were selected on the basis of the following criteria:    1. Their suitability for giving accurate information about a topic or some aspect of the topic. These articles should help present a well-rounded picture of the whole. In this respect, we have sometimes given preference to an earlier article rather than a later one if the former gives a more insightful or more comprehensive treatment of the subject.    2. Their appeal to the ordinary reader. These articles should be authoritative and reliable, yet not too elementary. The contents should be of interest to most readers.    3. Their linguistic quality and degree of difficulty. The level for which these articles are intended is college students of English, other college students with a fairly good command of English, and the general reader interested in the U. S. and with fairly good comprehension of the language.    4. Their general relevance to Chinese readers or Chinese society. These articles should have some general significance to China, either present or future, and not be totally irrelevant.    Obviously no one book can give. a completely comprehensive picture or description of such a vast and complex nation. Many readers may disagree with our choice of topics; most likely a number will say we have left out important ones. Many may feel we did not use our best judgement in selecting the articles. We must admit that we did not always agree among ourselves. We were further restricted by the limited amount of materials to choose from. Needless to say, we welcome suggestions and criticisms from our readers. And in spite of all its shortcomings, if the book has helped the reader to gain some insight and understanding about the United States and its people and has stimulated the reader to go further, and to study more, then in a modest way this book will have accomplished much of what it was intended to do. 第2题 Most of the articles in the book were written by ______. 【正确答案】: scholars and specialists 第3题 What is said about the points of view of some articles on the same topic? 【正确答案】: Different, even conflicting. 第4题 In what form do most articles appear in this book? 【正确答案】: Original. 第5题 What is the criteria for choosing an earlier article rather than a later one? 【正确答案】: More insightful/More comprehensive. 第6题 What type of students is the book mainly compiled for? 【正确答案】: College students. 第7题 What English language level are the readers of this book expected to have? 【正确答案】: Fairly good. 第8题 What does the speaker say the compilers of the book would welcome from the readers? 【正确答案】: Suggestions and criticisms. 第9题 What do the compilers hope that the readers would do after reading the book? 【正确答案】: Go further/Study more/Make further study. 第10题 In general, what aspects of America are introduced into this book? 【正确答案】: Society and culture (people). none、六(共Use of English小题,20共分)20.0 第1题  These days we are so accustomed to telegraph messages  ( 1)  it is hard for us to imagine the excitement that was felt in the nineteenth century when the first cables were laid,    Cable  ( 2)  proved to be immensely difficult. The cable  ( 3)  was laid in the autumn of 1850 carried the first telegraph messages  ( 4)  England and France had a very short life. The day after, a fisherman "caught" the cable by mistake. Thinking that the copper wire at the centre of the thick cable was gold, he cut a piece  ( 5)  to show his friends. However, a new cable was put down and  ( 6)  news could travel quickly across Europe. But there was  ( 7)  to way of sending messages between Europe and America.    When the Atlantic Telegraph Company was formed in 1856, a serious  ( 8)  was made to "join" Europe to America with no less  ( 9)  2,300 miles of cable. As  (10)  single ship could carry such a weight, the job was shared by two sailing vessels, the Agamemnon and the Niagara. The intention was  (11)  after setting out in opposite directions, they should  (12)  in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean  (13)  the two cables would be connected together. But the ships had  (14)  covered 300 miles when the cable broke. In 1858, a second attempt was made. This time, greatly hindered by storms, the ships were again unsuccessful. There was great rejoicing a few months later, when after the combined efforts of both ships, Britain and America were at last connected by cable and the Queen of England was able to speak  (15)  the President of the United States. This cable,  (16)  only lasted eleven weeks.  (17)  attempts were postponed until 1864 when Brunel's steamship, the Great Eastern, set forth. This powerful ship did the whole job  (18)  itself, but again messages could not travel freely  (19)  the cable developed a fault. While it was being mended, it broke and 1,300 mile of it lay on the ocean floor.    But two years later the Great Eastern completed a highly successful journey and  (20)  then it has become possible to send messages to all parts of the world. 【正确答案】: that 第2题 【正确答案】: laying 第3题 【正确答案】: which/that 第4题 【正确答案】: between 第5题 【正确答案】: off 第6题 【正确答案】: soon 第7题 【正确答案】: still 第8题 【正确答案】: attempt 第9题 【正确答案】: than 第10题 【正确答案】: no 第11题 【正确答案】: that 第12题 【正确答案】: meet 第13题 【正确答案】: where 第14题 【正确答案】: hardly 第15题 【正确答案】: to 第16题 【正确答案】: however/nevertheless 第17题 【正确答案】: Further 第18题 【正确答案】: by 第19题 【正确答案】: because 第20题 【正确答案】: since 七、Listening Comprehension(共10小题,共10.0分)Directions:   This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test ,you should first put down your answers in your test book- let ,NOT on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section ,you will have 5 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions ,you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test is started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. 第1题    You will hear a talk on how hard people are working today: Working Hard or Hardly Working? As you listen, answer Questions 1~10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.    You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1~10. Employees today work shorter hours but take longer vacation than in 1979. 【正确答案】: X 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]    According to a recent survey, employees in many companies today work longer hours than employees did in 1979. They also take shorter vacations than employees in 1979 took. It seems that Americans are working harder today than ever before. Or are they? A management consultant, Bill Meyer, decided to find out. For three days, he observed an investment banker hard at work. Meyer wrote down everything the banker did during his long workday—the banker worked 80 hours a week. At the end of the three-day period, Meyer reviewed the banker's activities with him. What did they find out? They discovered that the man spent 80% of his time doing busy work. For example, he attended unnecessary meetings, made redundant telephone calls, and spent time packing and unpacking his two big briefcases.    Apparently, many people believe that the more time a person spends at work, the more she or he accomplishes. However, the connection between time and productivity is not always positive. In fact, many studies indicate that after a certain point, anyone's productivity and creativity begin to decrease. Furthermore, it is not always easy for individuals to realize that their performance is failing off.    Part of the problem is understandable. When employers evaluate employees, they often consider the amount of time on the job in addition to job performance. Employees know this. Consequently, they work longer hours and take less vacation time than they did nine years ago. Although many working people can do their job effectively during a regular 40-hour work week, they feel they have to spend more time on the job after normal working hours so that the people who can promote them will see them.    A group of headhunters (people who search out executive personnel for companies) were asked their opinion about a situation. They had a choice of two candidates for an executive position with an important company. The candidates bad comparable qualifications for the job. For example, they were both reliable. One could do the job well in a 40-hour work week. The other would do the same job in an 80-hour week just as well. According to a headhunting expert, the 80-hour-a-week candidate would get the job. The time this candidate spends on the job may encourage other employees to spend more time at work, too. Employers believe that if the employees stay at work later, they may actually do more work.    People do not work long hours only for more money. In such fields as advertising, show business, and journalism, the glamour and publicity are worth more than any monetary benefit. On the other hand, many employees are not willing to spend so much extra, unproductive time at the office. Once they finish their work satisfactorily, they want to relax and enjoy themselves. For these people, the solution is to find a company that encourages people to do both. 第2题 A management consultant made a list of a banker's everyday activity to see if he has become lazier at work. 【正确答案】: X 【本题分数】:1.0分 第3题 The more time a person spends at work, the more he or she accomplishes. 【正确答案】: X 【本题分数】:1.0分 第4题 The negative point of the connection between time and productivity showed that anyone's working efficiency could decrease after a certain point. 【正确答案】: √ 【本题分数】:1.0分 第5题 Many employers evaluate their employees' job performance only. 【正确答案】: X 【本题分数】:1.0分 第6题 Some people prefer to work more than 40 hours a week so as to let their superiors see their long-time hard work. 【正确答案】: √ 【本题分数】:1.0分 第7题 A group of black hunters expressed their viewpoints on people's working situation today. 【正确答案】: X 【本题分数】:1.0分 第8题 The two candidates for an executive position had similar qualifications. 【正确答案】: √ 【本题分数】:1.0分 第9题 The candidate who usually worked longer hours at work for the same job would get the applied position. 【正确答案】: √ 【本题分数】:1.0分 第10题 Nearly all people prefer to spend extra time at work so as to get more money. 【正确答案】: X 【本题分数】:1.0分 跟多 试卷 云南省高中会考试卷哪里下载南京英语小升初试卷下载电路下试卷下载上海试卷下载口算试卷下载 请访问《做题室》www.zuotishi.com
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