首页 2019-2020学年高中英语 Book8 Unit2单元导学案 新人教版选修8

2019-2020学年高中英语 Book8 Unit2单元导学案 新人教版选修8


2019-2020学年高中英语 Book8 Unit2单元导学案 新人教版选修82019-2020学年高中英语 Book8 Unit2单元导学案 新人教版选修8 内容简析 本节课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的NSE高中教材选修8第二单元的Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehension 部分,本单元的话题是克隆。本节课是单元的阅读课,教材的本单元内容,语言技能和语言知识都是围绕“克隆”这一中心话题设计的。具体设涉及“什么是克隆”, “克隆羊多利是如何诞生的”, “克隆德利笔”等。教师可在充分利用教材资源的基础上,结合学生的实际情况设计教学活动,旨在帮助学生有效地掌握阅读技巧...

2019-2020学年高中英语 Book8 Unit2单元导学案 新人教版选修8
2019-2020学年高中英语 Book8 Unit2单元导学案 新人教版选修8 内容简析 本节课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的NSE高中教材选修8第二单元的Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehension 部分,本单元的话题是克隆。本节课是单元的阅读课,教材的本单元内容,语言技能和语言知识都是围绕“克隆”这一中心话题 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 的。具体设涉及“什么是克隆”, “克隆羊多利是如何诞生的”, “克隆德利笔”等。教师可在充分利用教材资源的基础上,结合学生的实际情况设计教学活动,旨在帮助学生有效地掌握阅读技巧,形成有效地学习方法和阅读策略,同时了解说明文篇章结构和写作特点,为下一步进行说明文的写作教学做好准备。 目标聚焦 一、知识目标 1、初步理解、掌握克隆意为无性繁殖,克隆技术即为无性繁殖技术。学习课文中关于克隆这一新生物技术的有关知识,学习 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 课文中的长难句子,初步感知课文中出现的的本单元要学的语法现象。 2、利用已获取的信息发表自己对进行人类克隆问题的看法。 3、克隆技术日新月异,在教授本单元时,需随时关注其发展的最新动态。 二、技能目标 1、能理解文章主旨大意,获取信息、处理信息、进行推理判断和表达的能力。 2、形成分析篇章结构的能力,提升逻辑思维能力 3、学会增加语言的输出量,提高语言表达能力。 三、策略目标 1、通过图片和标题预测文章内容;运用略读和找读策略迅速获取信息,并能够精读文章获取信息和分析信息。 2、能利用上下文猜测生词词义。 (四)情感态度目标 认识克隆人的危害———对人类在伦理、道德、法律等方面造成的巨大影响,应给予抵制。 方法运用 1、整体教学法 2、体裁教学法 3、导、读、练的教学模式 学习流程 Before class (课前自主学习,合作探究) Task 1 Vocabulary(词汇预习) Preview the new words of this text. clone / commercial/ producer/ undertake/ arbitrary/ object/ forbid/ accumulate/ bother/ regulation/ resist/ unable/ argument/ reasonable/ obtain/cast down/ object to/ the media/ in favor of/ be bound to (do)-----/ from time to time/ bring back to/ pay off 【设计意图】通过预习词汇为下一步的阅读扫清生词障碍。 Task 2 Warming up(热身) Please look at the pictures on Page10, and discuss which ones are natural clones and which ones are man-made. Explain how they differ. 【设计意图】通过图片激发学生兴趣,引出本单元的话题,要求学生通过讨论,了解两种不同的克隆:自然克隆与人工克隆,为后面的阅读做铺垫。 Task 3 Pre-reading In pairs discuss what you understand about cloning .Then list the questions you want to find out. Share your list with one another. 【设计意图】本部分要求学生提出有关克隆的问题,并列入表内,可以激发学生对克隆兴趣,为阅读做好认识上和知识上的准备,激发学生的想象力和判断力。 Task 4 Read the text and try to find out the difficult and charming sentences and then try to analyze or memorize them. 【设计意图】通过让学生课前自己找出难句、典句并试着分析和欣赏,培养学生主动发现问题问题和解决问题的能力,同时为课上的研读环节作了充分的铺垫。 In class(课上交流展示、研讨提升) Step 1 Check-up and lead in(展示预习成果和导入新课) 1. Get two members of different groups to come to the Bb and check up their prevision tasks, one group to do the following task: Find the words or expressions for each of the following meanings from the text. A.________ refuse, be against B.________ be made up of many parts C.________ development or discovery D.________ order of doing something E.________ buying or selling of goods F.________ the same, precise G.________ prevent -----from H.________ gain, get I. ________ only; simply J._________ use force against K._________ trouble, disturb L._________ give up one’s work The other group is to report their prevision of the warming-up part. 【设计意图】该环节的设计意图是检查学生对前两个课前预习任务的完成情况。 2. Get the Ss to look at the pictures and the title of the reading passage and predict the content and then lead into the new lesson. 【设计意图】通过看图片和标题对课文内容进行预测,培养学生预测阅读内容的能力。同时通过预测激起进一步探究的好奇心,顺理成章的引入新课。 Step 2 Fast reading(速读) 1. Read the passage quickly and decide the following statements about cloning, using skimming and scanning skills. 1) Cloning means making a copy of an animal or a plant. ( ) 2) Gardeners can make a lot of money by cloning plants. ( ) 3) Cloning animals is as complicated as cloning plants. ( ) 4) Dolly the sheep was the first successful clone of a mammal. ( ) 5) Natural clones happen in animals as well as in plants. ( ) 【设计意图】读前部分提供的问题综合性强,难度较大,因此,用True or False的题目,检测学胜对克隆的了解。引导学生运用略读策略快速了解课文的主要内容,通过对课文主要信息的寻找,可以培养学生迅速搜索信息的能力。 2. Then guide the students to conclude the main idea of each parts or they can match the topics with each paragraph: Para1: A. It is forbidden to clone human beings. Para2: B. The problems of Dolly. Para3: C. What is cloning? Para4: D. The effect of Dolly. Para5: E. Cloning has two major uses 【设计意图】让学生归纳每段段意,提供具体信息,旨在帮助学生把握课文要点,学会总结和归纳课文内容。让学生在完全掌握课文内容和结构的基础上,可以顺利进行下一步的研读。 Step 3 Careful reading (细读) 1. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer for each question. 1). The main idea of the passage is___________ A. animal cloning is very valuable and can benefit the world. B. animal cloning could be misused by bad people so it must be forbidden. C. animal cloning is well developed because Dolly the sheep was born. D. animal cloning raised arguments and scientists are not sure about its future. 2). Which of the following statements about cloning is not true according to the passage? A. Cloning is something that has been developed quite recently. B. Twins that look exactly the same are originally from the same egg. C. Cloning is used by researchers to develop new plants. D. Animal cloning is much more difficult than plant cloning. 3). The cloning of Dolly the sheep succeeded because_________ A. it’s easier to clone a sheep than other animals. B. the scientists were determined and worked hard with patience. C. the scientists were rewarded and got lots of money. D many other attempts to clone mammals failed. 4). It can be inferred from the passage that a cloned animal__________ A. usually lives as long as the original one. B. usually lives longer than the original one. C. usually dies earlier than the original one. D. is usually as healthy as the original one. 5). Which of the following is wrong?___________ A. Cloned people would live forever. B. Cloned people may be killed at will for medical. C. A woman would have difficulty recognizing her real husband. D. Men will die out because a woman can give birth to a baby without a husband. 【设计意图】通过阅读理解题,帮助学生有目的阅读课文,更好地完成读后的练习。 Step 4 Study-reading 1. Read the text again, find out the sentences and analyze them. 1) Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. Cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dolly’s illnesses were more appropriate to a much older animal. 译:_________________________________________________________________________. 这是一个含有_____________的复合句,that引导的从句是对前面名词news内容的解释说明,同时,主句又是__________. 【高考链接】 In the dark forests _________ , some large enough to hold several English towns. A. stand many lakes B. lie many lakes C. many lakes lie D. many lakes stand 2) It suddenly opened everybody’s eyes to the possibility of using cloning to cure serious illnesses and even producing human being. 译:_________________________________________________________________________. 本句中of 和后面的动名词结构构成介词短语做_______,修饰前面的名词possibility ,其中using 和producing是并列关系。注意介词后出现动名词或动名词复合结构时,一定把握好动名词主动和被动形式的变化。 【高考链接】 At the beginning of class, the noise of desks_____________ could be heard outside the classroom. A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closed C. being opened and closed D. to open and close 3) Newspapers told stories of evil leaders hoping to clone themselves and religious leaders raise moral questions. 译:_________________________________________________________________________. (1) 本句结构是:and连接了两个并列分句,前句中的 hoping to clone themselves是分词短语做________,相当于定语从句____________________________________________。注意现在分词作定语,表示主动和正在进行的概念。 【高考链接】 Peter received a letter just now ________ his grandma would come to see him soon. A. said B. says C. saying D. to say 2.Find out the sentences in the text which have similar meanings with the following ones. (1) Cloning scientists were discouraged because a young animal, like Dolly, should not have become ill with these diseases until she was much older. ____________________________________________________________________________. (2) The mice and Dolly the sheep had no choice but to die young. ____________________________________________________________________________. 【设计意图】通过研读,让学生学会分析相关的长难句,彻底扫清所有的语言障碍,完成相关的知识目标,同时也是为下一步的读后任务做好必要的语言知识积累和语言障碍清除。 2. Discussion You can begin a class discussion by giving them a set of questions. Here are some possible questions: 1). Why do you think there is more controversy over animal cloning than over plant cloning? 2). Why do you think animal cloning is more difficult than plant cloning? 3). Why do you think scientists persevere with animal cloning when it is so difficult? 4). What is the major problem for the animal clone? (此处可根据文章特点加阅读欣赏类的题目,例如让学生讨论文章的文体、写作特点及手法等To appreciate the organization and style of the passage). Step 5 Post-reading 1. Fill in the blanks with the information from the passage. Problems of dangers of cloning Advantages of cloning 1. Animals may ________ ________ _______ of older animals. 5.Medical cloning could ________ ________ for serious degenerative(变质的) _________in humans. 2. Animal clones may _________ ________ than the doctor animals. 6. Cloning plants can ________ ______ of similar __________ _______ _________. 3._______ _______ may want to clone themselves. 7. Cloning plants can be ________ for research on _________ ________ ________. 4. There are _________ ________ to cloning human beings. Cloning can help save _________ _________. 【设计意图】通过表格让学生在阅读理解的基础上,综合归纳克隆的好处以及克隆存在的问题和危险并分析作者对克隆的态度和看法。 2.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,按所给的首字母填出所缺单词。 Reproductive cloning is intended to produce a c_____________ of an existing a___________ or a plant. Reproductive cloning of animals is a_____________ for technology and farming as well as for cloning e___________ animals. But reproductive cloning of human beings is specifically f______________ by law in most c____________. Therapeutic(治疗的) cloning is to produce a healthy copy a s_____________ person’s tissue(组织) or organ for transplant in order to save the lives of those who would d______________ without it. This t____________ would be many times better than r____________ on organ transplants from other people. The tissue or organ would have the sick person’s original DNA. 3. Retelling Retell the passage with the help of the above two exercises. 以Dolly的身份,叙述自己如何被克隆,自己对被克隆的看法(克隆的好处和坏处). 【设计意图】故事复述旨在让学生熟悉故事体裁文章的写法,加深对故事内容的理解,练习口头表达能力;在学生理解了文章的主旨大意,把握了文章的相关细节信息,并进行了深入理解后,再对信息进行再整合,根据自己对文章的理解概括全文的主要内容。既实现了有语言输入到语言输出的跨越,又让学生在角色扮演中深刻了解克隆的好处以及克隆存在的问题和危险并分析作者对克隆的态度和看法,从而实现了本节课的情感态度目标。 After class(课后巩固提高、预习准备) 1. 以为主题,组织一场辩论赛,谈谈克隆动物的利弊。 Have the debate in groups of 2 as follows: Group1—support the idea that the advantages of cloning overweigh its disadvantages. Group 2—support the idea that the disadvantages of cloning overweigh its advantages Group3—A judge who presides over the debate. 2. 模拟一场关于克隆的记者招待会(Press conference about cloning) 有一位同学担任主持人,几位同学扮演科学家,其余同学都可以作为记者。教师事先布置任务,当记者的同学准备几个问题,担任科学家的同学则需要通过上网、图书馆请教生物老师等渠道收集有关材料以准备答记者问。 【设计意图】课后的辩论赛、模拟一场关于克隆的记者招待会属于任务拓展的较高层次,可以进一步训练学生运用本节课掌握的语言知识和相关信息发表自己看法、实现语言输出、解决实际问题的能力,找出新的语法现象是预习作业,旨在为下节语法课做好准备。 教学反思 本节课的设计最大的特点是充分考虑了语言知识积累以及语言的输出能力,训练学生熟练地掌握各种阅读技能、有效的阅读策略,同时注重激发学生的探究欲望和阅读兴趣。整节课采取了课前课中课后的这样一种阅读课教学模式,鼓励学生主动学习,积极学习,课前自主学习,合作探究;课上交流展示、研讨提升;课后巩固提高、预习准备,让学生通过自己的探索、研究,由浅入深,由表及里,层层深入地去解决问题、获取知识。 参考答案 Before class(略) In class Step 1 Check-up and lead in 1. A. resist B. complicated C. breakthrough D. procedure E. commercial F. exact G. forbid H. obtain I. merely J. object K. bother L. retire Step 2 Fast reading(速读) 1. FTFT 2. C E B D A Step 3 Careful reading : D A B C D Step 4 Study-reading 1. 1). 同位语从句 倒装句 B 2). 定语 C 3). 定语 Who hope to clone themselves. C 2. Cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dolly’s illnesses were more appropriate to much older animal. Sadly the same arbitrary fate affected other species, such as cloned mice. Step 5 Post-reading 1. 1). develop the illnesses 2). die younger 3). Evil leaders 4). moral objections 5). produce cures illness 6). produce plants quality for sale 7). useful new plant species 8). endangered animals 2. 1) copy 2) animal 3) allowed 4) endangered 5) forbidden 6) countries 7) sick 8) die 9) technique 10) relying After class(略) 英语选修八 Unit 2 Cloning Period II 主备人: 张桂荣修订人: 路瑞娟 审核人: 徐向军 编制时间:______ 【课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 】Let the students grasp the usages of the important words and phrases, such as: differ; undertake; object; owe; in favor of…… 【重点难点】 Use the important words and phrases in communication. 【学习过程】 Step 1. Revision 1. Free talk Get the students on duty to give a three-minute free talk in order to improve their spoken English. 2. Dictation Get the students to spell some words learned in this unit Step 2. Presentation 1. Think about how they differ. 想一想他们如何不同。 differ v. 不同,相异,意见不一致 1) The boy differed from his mother in character. 这个小孩在性格方面不同于他的母亲。 2) The government differs with consumers on the prices of flats. 政府和消费者在房价方面意见不一致。 3) It made no difference to me whether you told me about it or not. 你告不告诉我都不重要。 拓展 differ from…… 与……不同; differ in…… 在……方面不同 differ with sb. 与某人意见不同; be different from…… 不同于…… tell the difference between A and B 指出A与B的不同; make a difference有影响; make no difference to sb/sth 对某事没影响;对某人不重要 汉译英: 1)无论哪一方获胜,对我都不重要。 _______________________________________. 2)我与你在这个观点上是不同的。 _______________________________________. 2. It is a difficult task to undertake.(undertook; undertaken) undertake v. 从事, 保证 1) I’ll undertake your security. 我将保证你的安全. 2) He undertook to finish the job by Friday. 他答应星期五之前完成这项工作。(undertake to do sth 许诺做某事;同意做某事) 3) 我们可暂时担当这项工作。(译英) _____________________________________________. 4) She ____________ the organization of the whole project. A. undertook B. carried out C. put up D. took off 3. But at last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off in 1996 with a breakthrough ---the cloning of Dolly the sheep. 但是决心和耐心使科学家们最终于1996 年收获了突破性的结果-----克隆羊多莉。 pay off (1)得到好结果,取得成果 1) His efforts paid off when the girl accepted his proposal. 他的努力没白费,女孩接受了他的求婚。 2) Years of hard work _________________ in his future career. (多年的辛劳使他在以后的事业上获得了成功) (2)偿清,还清 3) I _________________ by next month. (我到下个月就将还清所有的债务) 拓展 pay for 付钱买,付出代价 ;pay the bill 付账 ;pay back 还钱;还债;偿还 ; pay a visit to 拜访;pay attention to 注意 4) Who ______________(付钱)the book? 5) All the money you borrowed from the bank ______________.(必须归还) 4. On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination. 另一方面,多利的出生引起了一阵强烈的反对,对媒体和公众的想象力也产生了巨大的影响。 objection不赞成;反对 1) Do you have any objections? 你有任何异议吗? 2) What’s _______________________? (你对我的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 有什么异议吗?) 3) I_____________________________.(我反对这项计划) 4) We object to being treated like this. 我们要抗议受到如此的待遇。 拓展 object vi 不赞成,反对 object to 反对 have /make a strong /great impact on …. 对… 有(产生)巨大影响 1) The anti-smoking campaign ___________________________ young people. (有极大的影响) 2) This book __________________________its readers (这本书对其读者产生了巨大的影响) 5. Some began to reform their legal systems and forbade research into human being. 有些政府开始改革他们的法律 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,禁止进行克隆人的研究。 forbid vt (forbade/forbad, forbidden) 禁止;不准 1) Smoking is forbidden during take-off. 飞机起飞时禁止吸烟。 2) I _____________________________________.(我禁止你告诉任何人) 3) The law _______________________________. (禁止使用化学肥料) 4) You are _______________________________. (你们都不准离开) 拓展 forbid sth 禁止某事 forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事 forbid sb.to do sth. 禁止某人做某事。 6. Is it in favor of cloning or against? 是赞成克隆还是反对? in favor of =be for 支持;赞成 反义词组: be against 反对 1) We ___________________________________your suggestion.(我们都赞同你的建议) 2) Some people _____________________________ the death penalty while others are against it. (有些人赞同死刑,而另一些人反对) 拓展 in sb’s favor 对某人有利 do sb. a favor (=do a favor for sb.) 帮某人一个忙 do sb. the favor to do sth (=do sb. a favor by doing sth.) 帮忙做某事 3) The present situation is in their favor. 目前的形势对他们有利 4)Can you __________________________ put the book back? (你能帮我这个忙把这本书放回去吗?) 7. You owe the lady an apology. 你得向这位女士道歉 owe vt 欠(帐,钱,人情等);归功于 1) I owe my uncle$1000. 我欠我叔叔1000美元 2) We still _________________________ for those repairs. (欠汽修厂) 3)How much __________________________? (你欠他多少钱?) 拓展 owe sb. sth. / owe sth. to sb. 欠某人某物 owe sb. for… 因…而欠某人 owe sth. to sb./sth 把某事归功于某人或某事 4) You owe it to your supporters not to give up now. 为了你的支持者,你现在不应放弃。 5) I owe my success to him. (译汉) ________________________________。 补充语言知识自读材料 1. 表"由于"的词组辨析 ①because of意为"由于,因为",强调因果关系,在句中仅作状语,修饰句中的一部分,与其他成分不用逗号隔开。如: We must not get discouraged because of such a minor setback. 我们决不可因为这样一个小小的挫折而灰心丧气。 ②owing to与because of一样,也强调因果关系,除作状语外,也可作表语。作状语时修饰整个句子,可在句首或句末,用逗号隔开。如: They decided to cancel the flight,owing to the storm. 由于这场暴风雨,他们决定取消这个航班。 His death was owing to an accident.他死于一场事故。 ③due to引出造成后果的原因,在句中作表语、状语和定语。作表语和状语时与owing to同义,作状语时,不放句首且常不与其他成分隔开。如: This accident was due to(owing to)his careless driving. (表语) 这次车祸是由于他开车疏忽大意造成的。 He arrived late due to(owing to)the storm.(状语) 由于暴风雨他来晚了。 Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences.(定语) 由于疏忽大意造成的错误可能带来严重的后果。 ④on account of与because of,owing to同义,但语气较为正式。可作状语、表语,不作定语。如: He could not come on account of his illness.他因病不能前来。 That was on account of lack of exercise.那是由于缺乏锻炼。 ⑤thanks to表示"幸亏,多亏"多用于表达正面意思,相当于感谢,在句中作状语和表语。如: Thanks to your advice,much trouble was saved. 多亏你的建议,减少了许多麻烦。 2. 表 "得到" 的动词辨析 ①get是最普遍、使用范围最广的词,如: I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. ②obtain包含着“努力”、“希望”或“决意”去获得某物的意思。如: The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts. ③acquire含有“努力获得”之意,但更强调在原来的基础上自然增长或增加。如: She acquired a knowledge of English by careful study. ④gain有obtain相近,但更强调需要努力奋斗才能得到,而且这种东西具有价值:如: A penny saved is a penny gained. (谚语) Step 3. Exercises (1) Complete the following sentences 1) The climate here differ _______ that of the South. 2) He will _______ _______ _______ next month (去旅行). 3) My main _______ _______ the plan is that it costs too much. (反对) 4) He is _______ _______ enter the room. (他被禁止进入这个房间). 5) He quickly _______ _______ _______ _______ (积蓄了一大笔财富). 6) Did you have much b______ finding the address? (周折) 7) She o_______ her doctor’s degree in 1996. (获得) 8) The weather is _______ _______ get better tomorrow. (一定) (2) Multiple choice 1) I object to ____to like that. A. speaking B. spoke C. be spoken D. being spoken 2) Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents didn’t ____her to do so. A. forbid B. allow C. follow D. ask 3) Jill couldn’t resist ____about Tom’s baldness. A. make jokes B. to make jokes C. making jokes D. make jokes 4) He is ____because of his failure in the exam. A. cast aside B. cast out C. cast away D. cast down 5) I’m ____ people going out and enjoying themselves so long as they don’t disturb other people. A. in favor of B. in charge of C. in terms of D. regardless of 6) We want our children to know that hard work ____. A. comes off B. gives off C. pays off D. sees off 7) It is clear that if we read English article every day, we ____ improve our English. A. are bounded to B. are bound to C. bound D. bound to 8) I’m very sorry to have ____ you with too many questions on such an occasion. A. interfered B. cheated C. impressed D. bothered 9) She always differs ____ me ____ how to spend the vacation. A. on; with B. with; on C. at; with D. from; at 10) Dust ____in a room if we do not clean the room regularly. A. accomplishes B. accumulates C. accommodates D. achieves Homework Revise the Appositive clauses after class. 参考答案 Step2 Presentation 1. 1) It makes no difference to me whichever side wins. 2) I differ with you on/about this opinion. 2. 3) We can undertake the job for the present. 4) A 3. 2) paid off 3) shall have paid off all my debt 4) paid for 5) must be paid back 4. 2) your objection to my plan 3) object to the plan/have an objection to the plan 1) has/makes a strong/great impact on 2) has/makes a strong/great impact on 5. 2) forbid you to tell anyone/forbid your telling anyone 3) forbids (using) fertilizer 4) forbidden to leave 6. 1) are all in favor of/are all for 2) are in favor of/are for 4) do me the favor to 7. 2) owe the garage 3) do you owe him 5) 我的成功归功于他。 Step3 Exercises (1) 1) from/with 2) undertake a journey 3) objection to 4) forbidden 5) accumulated a large fortune 6) bother 7) obtained 8) bound to (2) DBCDA CBDBB Book 8 Unit 2 Cloning Period Three Reading & Language study 主备人:徐向军 修订人:张桂荣 审核人:路瑞娟 编制时间:   目标聚焦 1. 通过阅读了解恐龙是否能被克隆。 2. 识记并掌握下列单词或短语的用法:strike initial unable adore resist in good/poor condition bring back to life 教学思路 本部分通过学习学生感兴趣的话题——恐龙是否能被克隆,使学生进一步了解克隆技术。因为此课的话题很生动,难度不高,听力部分也是如此,而且听力的内容紧接阅读文章的内容,学生很感兴趣。 本课是阅读、知识点讲解加听力课,重点是通过阅读材料,理解文章的内容后对该话题进行理解,然后进一步深化该话题,掌握有关的单词短语的用法,同时进行相关的听力训练。 教学内容主要有以下几个方面: 1. 通过图片引出本课的话题——恐龙是否能被克隆 2. 通过速读完成主旨大意的归纳,细读完成细节信息的处理,训练提高学生的阅读能力。 3. 让学生重点掌握课文中出现的重点句型、单词和短语的用法。 用一节课的时间,我们进行了快速阅读,知识点的讲解和听力的训练,多种形式结合在一起,让学生感觉到步伐很紧凑;内容形式的变换又让他们始终保持着新鲜的感觉,学生的积极性和参与性应该很高,学习的效果也应不错。     因为内容较多,务必落实好教案的前置使用! 学习流程 Before class Task 1 Vocabulary Preview the new words and phrases of this text. 1.___________ 使。。。刻骨铭心 2. 分娩 3. 不时;偶尔 4. 徒劳 5. 将某物传递给某人 6. _________________死于 7. _________________注定 8 . __________________过着。。。的 生活 9. ____________________以。。。为基础 Task 2 Warming up Dinosaur is an animal that we can not see on the earth now. What we see in the museum are the fossils of many kinds of dinosaurs. Please enjoy some pictures about dinosaurs. 霸王龙tyrannosaurus 角龙 ceratopsids Task 3 Background reading for listening Should humans be cloned? Physicians from the American Medical Association and scientists with the American Association for the Advancement of Science have issued formal public statements advising against human reproductive cloning. Currently, the U.S.Congress is considering the passage of legislation that could ban human cloning. Due to the inefficiency of animal cloning(only about 1 or 2 viable offspring for every 100 experiments) and the lack of understanding about reproductive cloning,many scientists and physicians strongly believe that it would be unethical to attempt to clone humans.Not only do most attempts to clone mammals fail, about 30% of clones born alive are affected with “large offspring syndrome” and other debilitating conditions.Several cloned animals have died prematurely from infections and other complications.The same problems would be expected in human cloning.In addition,scientists do not know how cloning could impact mental development.While factors such as intellect and mood may not be as important for a cow or a mouse,they are crucial for the development of healthy humans.With so many unknowns concerning reproductive cloning,the attempt to clone humans at this time is considered potentially dangerous and ethically irresponsible. In class: Step1 Check-up and lead in Step 2 Fast reading Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea about the text. Step 3 Careful reading I. Answer the following questions: 1. Why shouldn’t you clone an extinct animal if there isn’t enough diversity in the group? ______________________________________________________________________________. 2. Why is it wrong to clone an extinct animal if it would have to live in a zoo? _________________________________________________________________________. 3. Why can’t you clone the DNA of animals that have been extinct longer than 10,000 years? _________________________________________________________________________. II. Read the text carefully and judge whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. ) Scientists are still experimenting with cloning mammals because they think it can make money. 2. ) The animals that have disappeared from the earth, like dinosaurs, can be brought back to life through cloning. 3. ) If we can clone any extinct animals, we should let them live in a zoo. III. Make the best choice according to passage. 1. The film Jurassic Park is popular because ____. A. people are interested in the subject of cloning B. all the actors are dinosaurs C. it was directed by a scientist who clones dinosaurs D. it proves very interesting 2. Which of the following is true?________ A. Mice were cloned in 1981. B. Dolly the sheep was the first cloned animal. C. The name of the cloned cow is “Bison” D. China was successful in cloning mammals. 3. The reasons why a group of cloned animals all die of the same illness do NOT include_______ A. they have the same arrangement of genes B. there isn’t enough diversity in the group for it to overcome illnesses C. the illness is a new one D. their arrangement of genes can not resist that new disease 4. We can infer from the text that_________ A. scientists are experimenting to clone dinosaurs B. dinosaurs will never return to the earth C. cloned animals will only live in the zoo D. the DNA of dinosaurs can only survive 10 000 year Step 4 Study reading Read the text again, find out the sentences and analyse them. 1. 【原文再现】The popularity of the film Jurassic Park, in which a scientist clones several different kinds of extinct dinosaurs, proves how interested ordinary people are in the subject. 译:_________________________________________________________________________. [句式透析] in which引导____________, how引导_____________。 2. 【原文再现】From time to time people suggest that the animals that have disappeared from the earth, like dinosaurs, can possibly be brought back to life through cloning. 译:__________________________________________________________________________. 【观察探究】 The car manufacturers changed the car modles from time to time. 汽车制造商不时地改变车的型号。 He only comes to the company from time to time.他只是偶尔到公司来。 【归纳总结】 from time to time________,________,_______,等于___________,_______________。 即时练习将下列句子译成英语 (1)他有时变得很没有道理。______________________________. (2)他们有时吵架。______________________________. 3. 【原文再现】It is useless to clone an animal if there is not enough diversity in the group for it to overcome illnesses. 译:________________________________________________________________________. [句式透析]当_________、_________或_________作主语时, 通常把它们放在谓语之后, 而用____________作句子的形式主语。 即时练习单项填空 (1)________ will take you a lot of time to find him in the crowd. A. It   B. I   C. We   D. They (2)How long _______to finish the work? A. you’ll take B. will take youC. you’ll take it  D. will it take you (3)_________ needs further discussion whether we’ll build a library or not. A. We  B. He C. It D. That 4. 【原文再现】Diversity in a group means having animals with their genes arranged in different ways. 译:___________________________________________________________________________. [句式透析] with their genes arranged in different ways作_____________, in different ways 意思是_____________________。 5. 【原文再现】...but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to their children. 译:____________________________________________________________. 【观察探究】They resisted the attack.他们抵抗那次攻击。 She resisted being carried off.她拒绝被带走。 The material resists water.这材料是防水的。 She could not resist the temptation.她无法抗拒那项诱惑。 归纳拓展 resist作及物动词主要有三个义项:________,_________;______________;(与cannot, could not 连用)____________,_______________。 即时练习将下列句子译成英语 (1)我无法抵挡巧克力。__________________________. (2)他们决定留下来抵抗敌人。____________________________. 6. 【原文再现】Based on what we know now, you can not clone animals that have been extinct longer than 10000 years. 译:_______________________________________________________. 【观察探究】 I base my hopes on the good news. 我的希望是以那个好消息为依据的。 You must base your words on facts. 你说话要有事实根据。 规则提示 base on/upon_________,________,其结构为________________或________________。 即时练习将下列句子译成英语 (1)这种结论是怎么得来的?__________________________. (2)据我所知,他只上了三年学。____________________________. After class 达标测试 I.单词拼写 1.The brothers d    widely in their tastes. 2.This question is quite s   ,while that one is much more complicated. 3.It is quite d    to hear the bad news. 4.Smoking is f    in public places. 5.His suggestion sounds quite r    to most of us. 6.The film was a ___(商业的)success. 7.I'd like to come, too, if you have no___ (反对). 8.He ___(仅仅) asked us our names. 9.There were strong___ (争论) for and against the plan. 10.He always managed to ___(得到) what he wanted. II. 选用合适的词或短语,并用其适当形式填空。 cast down; pay off; in favour of; from time to time;be bound to 1.She was ______ by her husband's death. 2.My uncle comes to have dinner with us___. 3.He has been working so hard at his lessons, so he_____ pass the exam this time. 4.Finally his efforts___ . 5. All of them were strongly______________ the project. III. 单项填空 1. All I ask is_____ you should tell the truth. A. that B. whom C. whether  D. what 2. It remains a question ______we can get so much money in such a short time. A. how  B. that  C. when  D. what 3. These ancient Indians used to live_____ is now a part of the United States. A. where  B. in the placeC. in which  D. in what 4. The genes of the cloned animal are so arranged that it can not ___ such a disease, so it soon died. A. keep  B. stop  C. exist  D. resist 5. The movie is based_______ historical fact. A. to  B. on  C. with  D. in IV. 句型转换 1. A. At the beginning, he was against my proposal. However, in the end, he changed his mind. B. At first he hesitated about my suggestion, but he ____ _______ agreed. 2. A. Later they learnt that an earthquake had taken place in that area. B. Then _______ _________ __________ that the area had been hit by an earthquake. 3. A. Although he was not strong, he joined in the work. B._______ _________ weakness, he took part in the work. 4. A. We are still far from being able to clone extinct animals. B. We are still ________ _________ _________ from being able to clone extinct animals. 5.A.They dont know if the new policy is in their favour. B. They ________ __________ this new policy can bring benefit to them. 参考答案 Period Three Reading & Language study 学习流程 Before class Task 1 Vocabulary Preview the new words and phrases of this text. 1.Strike…into one’s heart 2. give birth to 3. from time to time 4.in vain 5.pass sth. on to sb. 6. die from7. be bound to8. lead ….a life 9. be based on In class: Step1 Check-up and lead in Step 2 Fast reading The writer thinks it impossible or unsuitable to clone extinct animals like dinosaurs Step 3 Careful reading I. Answer the following questions: 1. There will not be enough genetic variation in the group to be able to resist new illnesses. 2. It is not a good idea to clone an animal that would have to live in a zoo because it is not a suitable habitat to develop and increase its numbers. The zoo is not a natural environment for a wild animal. 3. The DNA of animals more than 10,000 years old is not suitable for cloning, for it can’t survive so long. II. Read the text carefully and judge whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). FFF III. Make the best choice according to passage. A D C B Step 4 Study reading Read the text again, find out the sentences and analyse them. 1. 【原文再现】电影《侏罗纪公园》的欢迎证实了普通人对这一话题是多么感兴趣,在该电影中一位科学家克隆了几种不同的恐龙。 [句式透析] in which引导定语从句, how引导宾语从句。 2. 【原文再现】人们时常设想从地球上消失的动物,例如恐龙,有可能通过克隆技术使它们复活。 【归纳总结】from time to time有时,间或,偶尔,等于 occationally, now and then。 即时练习(1)He becomes quite unreasonable from time to time. (2)They quarrel from time to time. 3. 【原文再现】该群中如果没有足够的多样性使它克服疾病,克隆动物就没有用。 [句式透析] 当动词不定式、动名词或从句作主语时, 通常把它们放在谓语之后, 而用it作句子的形式主语。 即时练习单项填空(1) A(2) D(3) C 4. 【原文再现】群中的多样性指的是拥有基因排列方式不同的动物。 [句式透析] with their genes arranged in different ways作定语, in different ways 以不同的方式。 5.【原文再现】....其他的将存活下来并传递给其后代抵抗这种病的能力。 归纳拓展resist作及物动词主要有三个义项:抵抗,对抗;抵挡,防止;(与cannot, could not 连用)无法抗拒,无法抵挡。 即时练习 将下列句子译成英语(1) I cannot resist chocolate. (2) They decided to stay and resist the enemy. 6. 【原文再现】据我们现在所知, 绝种一万年以上的动物不能克隆。 规则提示:base on/upon以……为基础,依据,其结构为base sth. on/upon或sth. is based on/upon。 即时练习将下列句子译成英语 (1)答案:What is the conclusion based on? (2)答案:Based on what I know,he attended school for no more than three years. After class 达标测试 I. 单词拼写 1. differ2. straightforward3. disturbing4. forbidden 5.reasonable 6.commercial 7. objection8. merely9. arguments10. obtain II. 选用合适的词或短语,并用其适当形式填空。 1.cast down 2. from time to time3. is bound to 4.paid off 5.in favour of III. 单项填空 AADDB IV. 句型转换 1. at last2. came the news3.Despite his4. a long way5. wonder whether Book 8 Unit 2 cloning Period Four Speaking, Listening & Writing 主备人:徐向军 修订人: 路瑞娟 审核人:张桂荣 编制时间:______ 目标聚焦 1. To learn how to express Agreement and Disagreement 2. To learn about the advantages and disadvantages of cloning. 3. To know about the basic structure of argument and learn to write one. 学习流程 Before class (课前自主学习,合作探究) Task 1 Find the expressions for Agreement and Disagreement Agreement Disagreement 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ 6. __________________________________ 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ 6. __________________________________ Task 2 Read these statements before listening. Tick those that you hear. ① Cloning will bring dead pets to life. ② There were 627 experiments before Dolly was successfully clone (3) Cloning may produce medicine or even organs of a human body to cure serious illnesses. ④ Dolly was “middle-aged” when she was born. ⑤ So your grandmother would be able to start her life all over again and live to an old age. In class(课上交流展示、研讨提升) Step 1 Check-up and lead in(展示预习成果和导入新课) Get two members of different groups to check up their prevision tasks. Step 2 Listening 1. Listen to the tape and then work with a partner to fill in the chart. Mary’s ideas about cloning Xiao Qing’s ideas about cloning 1 ________to animals  1 scientists are doing a _________job 2 makes them do___________ things  2 may bring back__________ animals 3 it is a _________________ _______________________________________ 4 clone born at age of ___________ _______________________________________ 5 _________the species  3 _________because it is a new science ____________________________________ 4 scientists need___________ ____________________________________ 5 it may provide _________for illnesses 3. Whose ideas do you agree with? Get ready to have a class discussion. Think about the reasons for your point of view. Use your own ideas as well as those in the text. These words and phrases on page 18 may be useful for you during the discussion. II. Listen to the material on page 54 and finish the following tasks: 1. Discuss these questions. 1).How would you treat human clones? 2). Do you think they should have legal and political rights, such as getting married or voting? 3). Do you think they are separate people or part of the original donor? 2. Tick the correct ones. 1. Clare thinks human cloning will come soon. 2. The clone is the same as the original donor. 3. Parents who are unable to have their own children may want to buy cloned babies. 4. Clare believes human cloning will cause unexpected problems. 5. Wang Qiao thinks it is moral to clone babies for parents who cannot have children. III. Listening task on P57. 1. Read these sentences and then listen to the tape for the first time. Tick the boxes to show if they are facts or opinions. 2. Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions. 1). Why does Billy agree with cloning? 2). What’s Frank’s attitude towards cloning? Why? 3). What do you think Billy’s mother considers about cloning? 4). What’s your own opinion about cloning? 3. Listen again and sort out the arguments for and against cloning pets. Arguments for cloning pets Arguments against cloning pets  1. 2. 3.  1. 2. 3. Step 3 Writing I. 写作指导:Making clear the writing task ( 3ms ) 写作任务:Give your opinion on cloning 写作要求:注意记叙文的表达方式 ,要写明白自己的观点,层次要分明。 写作建议:本单元主要讲述了“cloning”存在的问题以及人们的态度,文中可适当就此进行发挥。 2结构和内容: 首先,提出观点:陈述克隆的现实意义, 引出话题。其次,论证观点:举出正反两类观点的对比,并清晰条理地给出例子。最后,总结全文:结合全文,发表自己的看法。 常用句型: 1.观点法 1) It is about/high time we exploded/shattered/freed ourselves from the myth/ illusion/fiction about …… 2) Perhaps/Maybe we should/it is time to rethink/reexamine/have a fresh look at the idea/value/attitude/wisdom/desirability that… 2.现象法 1) In recent/the past 5 years, many cities/nations/people have been faced with/plagued with/troubled with/experienced/witnessed/undergone the/a(n) serious problem of/acute shortage of/alarming increase in……. 2) Now in many big cities/countries/colleges, an overwhelming majority of/a significant proportion of/a sizable percentage of the public/college population/people ……. What accounts for/explains/lies behind the phenomenon/problem ? 3)With the rapid/marked/amazing development of/improvement of/expansion of/increase in/growth in/decline in …… 3. 结论性 1)From what has been discussed above/Taking into account all these factors/judging from all evidence offered , we may safely/reasonably arrive at/come to/reach/draw the conclusion /moral that …… 2) Perhaps/Maybe we should/it is time to rethink/reexamine/have a fresh look at the idea/value/attitude/wisdom/desirability that… 3. 写作步骤: 1. 小组讨论:Writing – I Discussion ( 5ms ) Discuss in groups and write down the information you get. 2. 根据上面讨论的内容,设计下面表格,以小组为单位将讨论结果填入下表。 An example: The problem How would you treat human clones? The reason A: Seeing Dolly, we may think that cloning animals can easily develop a disease. B: we can’t clone animals that have been extinct longer than 10000 years C: human cloning is just a matter of time Personal opinion the chances of cloning animals and cloning human beings living on the earth naturally are merely a dream. 3. 依照写作指导,把讨论的内容连接成文。在动笔之前,要先考虑用什么时态,先陈述哪个理由,要用什么过渡性词语(即用哪些连词),哪些要点可以进行充分的扩展和发挥。 4. 与同桌互换批改,检查拼写和语法,然后自己进行修改。 5. 组内欣赏点评。 One possible version: Together with the modernest advances in science and technology, the news that Dolly had been born was announced in 1997. However, Dolly’s death raised many opinions about cloning. Personally, I would like to agree that cloning may do no good to our human beings. Firstly, seeing Dolly, we may think that cloning animals can easily develop a disease. They can’t live long. Secondly, we can’t clone animals that have been extinct longer than 10000 years, even if the DNA of dinosaurs could survive this long. Thirdly, based on what we know now, human cloning is just a matter of time but the assumption that human clones have already been born hasn’t been proved yet. In one word, personally, the chances of cloning animals and cloning human beings living on the earth naturally are merely a dream. After class(课后巩固提高、预习准备) 可持续发展已成为全球共识,如何实行可持续发展是摆在世人面前的重大问题。请就下面表格所提供的内容进行陈述并谈谈你的看法。(江苏省2008年高考全真模拟试卷) 目前的状况 1. 自然资源日趋减少 2. 环境问题依然严重 3. 人的环保观念淡薄 4. 贫富差距越来越大 已采取的措施 1. 制定了相关的法律法规 2. 投入了大量的资金改善环境 3. 对民众进行教育 4. 加强了国际间相互合作 你的看法 …… 留意: 1.不要逐条翻译。可适当发挥2. 词数:150左右 3. 文章的开头部分以给出4. 参考词汇:差距 gap相关法律 relevant laws 教学反思 随着新课程的实施,素质教育的推行,学生的课时减少了、课余时间增多了。为了营造高效课堂,使学生高效学习,结合我市英语教学改革的实际,本节课的教学分为课前、课中、课后三个阶段,课前预习实施四化:即预习任务具体化、适量化、指导化、监督化;通过课前的充分预习和作业的认真完成,从而实现课堂教学的大容量、快节奏与高效益;课上学生探究、合作、展示;课后留有适量的作业。 教师要重视写前的“导”和学生的“学”,有效的激发学生积极的学习动机。教师不仅仅是知识的传授者,而且是引导者和组织者,要帮助学生开展自主性学习和发展学生学习情感,充分体现了以学生为中心的教学理念。写作过程要充分体现新课标所倡导的“合作与交流”的新理念,要使协作交流真正成为教学的一部分。一方面,学生通过相互倾听、互帮互助,提高了学习的积极性,另一方面,学生之间的启发和交流通常会采用同龄人比较容易接受的方式,效果往往比教师讲解更好。更为重要的是,只有通过学生自身的体验和感知,所学到的知识才能最终内化并提升为能力。学生在讨论中互相提供信息,交流思想,共同完成学习过程,这在传统的写作课堂中却很难做到。评价要有利于引导学生对学习行为和结果进行检测和反馈,有利于培养学生的自主学习的能力。写作是语言的输出,更是情感的交流,思维的碰撞,心灵的交互。 “冰冻三尺非一日之寒”。英语写作能力的培养和提高,并非一蹴而就。它有赖于扎实的语言基础、正确写作方法的引导和大量的写作实践。因此教师应从狠抓学生的基本功入手,适时对学生进行英语写作方法的指导,充分调动学生的学习积极性,钻研教材,创造良好的课内外语言环境,实现教师、学生、教材和课堂的最优化,一定能有效地促进学生写作能力的形成。 参考答案 In class Step 1 Check-up and lead in Task 1 Agreement 1.That’s a good idea. 2.I support… because… 3.I agree with…because…. 4.Your argument has convinced me because… 5.That’s a great idea! 6.Your ideas sound very encouraging to me. Disagreement: 1.I cannot accept your argument because… 2.No, I can’t agree with… because… 3.How can you believe that? 4.I would like to agree with you but… 5.I don’t care for your ideas because… 6.No, that is not reasonable because…. Task 2 Read these statements before listening. Tick those that you hear. (1) (3) (4) Step 2 Listening 1. Listen to the tape and then work with a partner to fill in the chart. Mary’s ideas about cloning Cruel /unnatural/dead end/mother/weakens Xiao Qing’s ideas about cloning wonderful/extinct/problems/encouragement/medicine II. Listen to the material on page 54 and finish the following tasks: 2. Tick the correct ones. 2/3/4 III. Listening task on P57. 1. 1. F 2. O 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. O 9. O 10. F 2. Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions. 1) He wants to make his mother happy by keeping her pet dog alive forever and he also wants to take the chance to America for holiday when the dog is being cloned there. 2) Frank doesn’t agree with cloning because he thinks cloning is very expensive and it has many moral problems. 3) Billy’s mother is in favour of cloning. She is saving money to go to America to have her pet dog cloned just before it dies. 4) Various answers are possible. 3. Listen again and sort out the arguments for and against cloning pets. Arguments for cloning pets 1. It is moral to make my mother happy. 2. It can provide an excuse for a holiday abroad. 3. My mother will need her pet when I am away. Arguments against cloning pets 1. It is very expensive to clone a pet. 2. It is selfish because it is an excuse for a holiday. 3. It is selfish because it means the student can study abroad without his mother complaining. After class(课后巩固提高、预习准备) One possible version: The idea of sustainable development has been accepted by the world. How to keep sustainable development is a big problem facing our planet. The present situation is worrying. First, natural resources are becoming less than before. Second, as some people are not aware of the importance of the environmental protection, the problems with it remain extremely serious to some degree. The gap between the rich and the poor has the tendency to become wider and wider. To our great joy, many countries have taken action. On one hand, they have made relevant laws and regulations and put large amounts of money to the environmental protection. One the other hand, popularized education as well as international cooperation is being carried out. As for myself, I should take the responsibility to devote myself to sustainable development, our future and the lives of our children and our grandchildren will be in danger.
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