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英语定语从句关系代词(English attributive clause)


英语定语从句关系代词(English attributive clause)英语定语从句关系代词(English attributive clause) 英语定语从句关系代词(English attributive clause) English attributive clause relation pronouns and difference _ new Hujiang English network _ English learning portal | English Japanese French | | Korean | | D | | tribal small shop...

英语定语从句关系代词(English attributive clause)
英语定语从句关系代词(English attributive clause) 英语定语从句关系代词(English attributive clause) English attributive clause relation pronouns and difference _ new Hujiang English network _ English learning portal | English Japanese French | | Korean | | D | | tribal small shop online more | Shanghai River Network Download library Spanish German Thai Russian log collection center | my mobile phone, D, Shanghai Shanghai small dictionary | quit Android Edition: morning reading essay Shanghai oral line station! Android apps across america! Happy words: life, oral vocabulary, year-end inventory! Don't, try, to, brainwash, me., don't try to brainwash me. Jane, I, ask, you, to, pass, through,, life, at, my Side., You, are, my, equal, and... simple I want you to spend the rest of your life with me. You are the same half of me. 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Alas, you are an unregistered user! Related applications in this paper Contribute to the recording of the article Contribution translation Download this text audio Recite words The mouse pointer has been enabled Wrong Collection comment Print The use and distinction of attributive clauses in English: attributive clauses refer to clauses in which the subordinate compound sentence is used as an attribute. An attributive clause usually modifies a noun or pronoun to limit, describe and explain it. The attributive clause is called antecedent, and the attributive clause is called relative word. Relative words are divided into relative pronouns and relative adverbs according to their nature. The relation word not only guides the attributive clause, but also acts as a certain sentence element in the attributive clause. First, the use of Related words, characteristics, relations, words, relations, pronouns and related adverbs. The relative pronouns are that, who, whom, whose, which, as Among others, who, etc., where whowhom is used only for people, and which and as are used only for things, whose, and That can refer to people can also be used to objects, they are in the attributive clause can be used as subject, object, predicative and attributive; adverbs are mainly when, where And why, where when represents the time, the whenwhere table, the location, the why table reason, and they are used as adverbials in the attributive clause: The, dog, which, [that], was, lost Has been found. lost dog found. (which / that refers to objects, used as subjects in clauses) I, have, forgotten, everything That, I, learnt, at, school., I forgot everything I learned in school. (that refers to the object, in the clause in the sentence as object (that), The, man, who, lives In that, house, is, uncle., my. The man who lives in that house is my uncle. (who refers to the person, as the subject in the clause) It, was, an, island, whose Name, I, have, forgotten., this is an island. I forgot the name. There, are, some, students, whose, questions, I Can t answer. some students ask questions that I can't answer. (whose refers to a person; used as an attribute in a clause) Two, the choice of relation words can consider the following four points: (1) First, look at the meaning of the antecedent, that is, to distinguish between antecedent refers to people, objects, time, place or reason (such as objects can not use who or whowhom, refers to people usually do not use which, etc.). (2) Two see the syntactic function of word relations, namely the relationship between words as what parts of the sentence, as subject or object, attributive or adverbial is usually used as attribute (such as whose, sometimes used as adverbial to use when which, Where, why). (3) three, look at the types of attributive clauses, that is, to distinguish between restrictive attributive clauses or non restrictive attributive clauses (such as that and why, usually do not lead to non restrictive attributive clauses). (4) Four, to see the style, that is, distinguish between formal and informal style, written or spoken. (4) Three, two groups of Related words use difference 1., that and which usage difference, both can refer to things, sometimes interchangeable. The main differences are as follows: (1) When guiding non restrictive attributive clauses, 通常只用:他开车很快,这是很危险的。他开车很快,这是很危险的。 (2) 其中:直接放在介词后作宾语时,通常只用,工具,他是工作的人被称为 锤。他干活用的那个工具叫做锤子。(3)当先行词是多,少,无,所有,很少,每个(事), 任何(事),无(事)等不定代词或受其修饰时,通常用:所有的[一切],可以做得 做。凡能做的事都必须做。(4)当先行词受非常,唯一相同的等修饰时,通常用:这是 我知道的唯一例子。我知道的例子只有这一个。这是他的原话。 那是他的原话。(5)当先行词有形容词最高级或序数词(包括上、下等)等修饰时,通常用:这是最好的 我用过的字典。这是我用过的最好的词典。你应该做的第一件事 就是制定一个计划。你应该做的第一件事是订个计划。(6)当关系代词在定语从句中用作 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 语时,通常用:中国不 那个国家是。中国已不是过去的样子了。(7)(7),当先行词是一个既指人又指物的并列词组时,通常用: 他们谈到了给他们印象最深刻的人和事。 他们谈论了使他们印象最深的人和事。 (8)当要避免重复时:这是我们采取的课程吗,我们选哪门课程,2。这与谁的用法区别(1) 两者均可指人,有时可互换:所有[谁]听到他很高兴。所有听了他讲话的人都很高兴。你见过 去过巴黎的人吗,你遇见过到过巴黎的人吗,他是我们当中唯一的一个。 那个懂得俄语的人。他是我们中间惟一懂俄语的人。(2)但是在下列情况,通常要用 :?当先行词是一个既指人又指物的并列词组时:我做了一个演讲的人和事,我看到了 国外。我就我在国外所见到的人和事作了报告。?当先行词是谁时(为避免重复):有同情心的人谁会笑 那一次吗,有同情心的人谁会在那个时候发笑呢,?当关系代词在定语从句中作表语时(可省略):汤姆不是男孩(,) 他是.汤姆这孩子已不是以前那个样子了。 回答小D的问题,小D因你而更精彩 点击查看高考英语专题专题,阅读更多相关文章~ 沪江BEC 商务英语 商务英语精读第1册汉译英课后原题商务英语翻译课件商务英语王立非bec商务英语考试官网 BEC及商务必备加关注沪江影英 影视资讯一网打尽加关注地道英语口语 地道口语轻松学加关注economistist 研究经济学人加关注明人明言 明白人明白言论加关注英国自由行 不列颠美景加关注考完四六级,下一步怎么学英语,分享到: 2008-05-08:lingxiao01 55参与越多,收获越多~ 您可能还感兴趣的英语文章 考试专题集 想看更多与考试相关的文章,那就到主题集里瞧瞧,罗列更多与该主 题相关文章,让你了解考试的方方面面。 2011年自主招生面试题北大校长推荐 2012年新高三紧张备考,近年来高校自主招生提前战, Prepare for the interview, students should also be prepared as early as possible to understand the major university interview style, Xiao Bian specially arranged 15 colleges and universities nationwide 2011 independent recruitment interview questions summary, give you children's shoes reference. 2007 college entrance examination reading comprehension exam questions compiled -- Culture (2) In the examination of reading comprehension in the college entrance examination, cultural articles account for a certain proportion. 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