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《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第四季1-8


《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第四季1-8《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第四季1-8 《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第4季第1集 1. I will seek the justice that I now know the system cannot provide. So if you're reading this letter, you'll know I died avenging Sara's death. 英语里有关“仇”有很多词。 avenge一般作动词,指替…报仇。比如She avenged her mother's death upo...

《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第四季1-8
《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第四季1-8 《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第4季第1集 1. I will seek the justice that I now know the system cannot provide. So if you're reading this letter, you'll know I died avenging Sara's death. 英语里有关“仇”有很多词。 avenge一般作动词,指替…报仇。比如She avenged her mother's death upon the murderer. 她惩处了凶手, 为母亲报了仇。1998年Uma Thurman、Ralph Fiennes和Sean Connery 主演的电影《复仇者》就叫The Avenger. revenge一般做名词居多,指复仇报仇。比如2005年的《星球大战前传》叫Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith。 vengeance也指报复报仇,用的较少,而是以短语形式with a vengeance出现居 多。with a vengeance是副词短语,指To an extreme degree, with greater force。比如电影《虎胆龙威》(Die Hard)的第三集的片名就叫Die Hard: With A Vengeance.再比如December has turned cold with a vengeance. 十二月已经是透骨寒冷了。另有谚语Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure. 天网恢恢, 疏而不漏。 retaliation指报复,但往往强调以恶制恶,以不好的类似的举动回敬对方。比如 军事上有一种打击叫做报复性打击,英文就是retaliation. retribution该词侧重偿还这个概念,很多情况下指宗教上的来世报应:一个人在 来世生活中,根据他在今世的所作所为所得到的惩罚或奖赏。 vendetta侧重族间血仇,即blood feud,比如罗密欧与朱丽叶各自的蒙太古与凯 普莱特家族之间的血仇。2005年的电影《V字仇杀队》的英文名字就 叫V for Vendetta. 2. - I've jumped through all your hoops. I've agreed to meet you here. - Do you want to sell the card to me or not? - Be right back. That's a lot of secrets on a little piece of plastic. Let me give you a little bit of advice--and this is on the house-- watch your step with that thing. The company will do anything to get it back. jump through hoops指to do a lot of extra things so you can have or do something you want. 比如The company is jumping through hoops these days to try to please advertisers. 其中hoop本指圈,箍,环。比如呼啦圈hula hoop;再比如马戏团里有人或动物跳火圈fire hoop。另外hoop还可以指篮筐, shoot hoops则指打篮球。 If food or drink is on the house in a bar or restaurant, it is provided free by the owner. 比如We had to wait for a table so they gave us all drinks on the house.在本句是指卖家主动提出小小建议,不另外收费。 watch one’s step原用于走路要注意脚下,后泛指做事要小心谨慎。 3. - What I'm getting at, Gretchen, is even the best plan is only as good as the moving parts on the ground executing it. - General, we got your card-- what's the problem? - We have nothing. It's a duplicate. Almost flawless, but a duplicate. - That's impossible. I saw... - You know how important the retrieval of this card is to me, Gretchen. You know that this is a security breach that could have catastrophic ramifications for the company. - The only thing I can think of... there was a blind spot when Whistler was hitting the target. Maybe he made a duplicate and he still has the original. get at指 hint at, suggest(暗示)比如I don't know what you're getting at. The best plan is only as good as the moving parts on the ground executing it翻译成汉语就是“ 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 再好也得靠人去执行”。 as good as的用法和意思很 灵活,一种就是纯粹比较,但往往有别的用法,比如可以是 as same as比如 as good as new跟新的一样;还有一种指 almost实际上几乎是,比如 What he did has as good as shown that he is dishonest. 英语还有 as good as it gets 指is not going to improve (get better), the best it can be.比如I went to Hawaii for a vacation and Hawaii is as good as it gets - sun, beaches, warm weather, beautiful plants. ramification指A development or consequence growing out of and sometimes complicating a problem, plan, or statement.比如the ramifications of a court decision. 其动词ramify有分叉分支的意思 blind spot盲点,原指视网膜上视觉纤维汇聚向视觉中枢传递的出眼球部位,无 感光细胞,故视野上呈现为固有的暗区,称生理盲点,专业术语叫scotoma。后来 If you say that someone has a blind spot about something, you mean that they seem to be unable to understand it or to see how important it is.比如 The Prime Minister has a blind spot about ethical issues. 4. - What do you want from me? - You're looking at major time. You know that, right? So how would you like to walk away from it all... not do a day? - In exchange for... - Scylla. - All right. Sara Tancredi, last seen in Panama. If you help me find her, maybe we've got a deal. - I'm sorry, she's not my department, Scylla is. - Then go find it yourself. It seems to me, the U.S. Government should have a little more reach than someone who's looking at major time. - To perform the operation, Michael, that would require signatures from about 20 different department heads. Do you want to bet at least one of them is company? The only way this is going to work is via freelancer, off the books. - It sounds complicated. I'll take a pass. time在这里指a prison sentence刑期,本集里多次出现这个用法,比如I'm giving you an opportunity to avoid 15 years in jail, not to mention the time that your brother's facing.以及But I just made a deal with the Panamanian authorities for him to serve out his time in the U.S. Scylla原指希腊神话中吞吃水手的女海妖,有六个头十二只手,腰间缠绕着一 条由许多恶狗围成的腰环,守护着墨西拿海峡的一侧。第二集里提到了这个典故。 department在这里是非正式用语,指专长特长。比如Getting the kids to bed is my department. 哄孩子们上床睡觉是我的专长。 reach在本句作名词,指range or scope of influence or effect 影响力势力 范围 off the books的books原指账本,该短语指without being included on official financial records. 比如Waiters, cashiers, and busboys(餐馆打杂) often work off the books, getting paid in cash.在本句这个短语是在说此次行动 不走官方渠道,没有任何 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。 to take a pass是指to decline an opportunity. 比如- Check out the new Harry Potter book. – Well, I think I would take a pass on that type of book. 5. - You've broken out of two penitentiaries. I'm thinking, uh, breaking into a building isn't too far outside your wheelhouse. 首先谈谈监狱和坐牢。监狱牢房最普通的说法就是prison (prison break嘛), 此外还有比较正式的penitentiary,一般都是指联邦或州的监狱,关了不少重 犯;俚语还有pen(pen的一个意思指围栏,后可指牢房)以及hole。关押坐牢的 单词也很多,比如imprison, incarcerate(本集一开始史高飞用了这个词)。 wheelhouse即pilothouse,原指(船上)驾驶舱,操舵室:建于船上驾驶台的 封闭区,船在航行中由其控。当你说something is in one’s wheelhouse就是指这个东西是某人最拿手熟练的。 6. - Look, I've been going after the company for five years. Okay? When Whistler was killed yesterday, the plug was going to be pulled on the entire operation. But, uh...I convinced my superiors to give it one more chance. - So this is like job security for you? - What's that? - Well, when we go out there and risk our necks, you can collect your pension. pull the plug字面意思是拔插头,后比喻to stop something from continuing. 比如If the viewing figures drop much further, the TV company will pull the plug on the whole series. job security和job safety要注意区分。job security说的是心理状态,感到 安全有保障无后顾之忧;job safety说的是工作是否安全,是否会给人带来身 体的伤害,比如工作环境是否有毒等。在本句里显然要说的Self探员找外人帮 忙做事,自己就有了job security,自己可以放轻松了。 risk one’s neck也叫risk life and limb指Take dangerous chances 比如 There he was on the roof, risking life and limb to rescue the kitten。 7. - You guys must have some big-time friends. - What are you talking about? - Somebody just posted a significant amount of bail for both of you. big time在口语里有两个常见的重要用法,一个就是本句里的,说一个人是big time是指这个人是个要人,有来头。还有一个用法用于强调某事的重要性或程 度,比如 The American team lost big time.美国队输了,输得很惨。美剧和 电影里还出现过这个场景 A: You owe me this time. B: Yeah, big time! A: 你这次可欠我个人情。 B:是啊,很大的人情。 post在这里指put forward, present,post bail是一个固定搭配。 8. Will you not yield to the immortal gods? That nightmare cannot die. Eternal evil itself. There is no fighting her, no. No power that can fight her. All that avails is flight. 这段话出自古希腊诗人Homer的史诗著作《奥德赛》(Odyssey)。 “胆大的凡人~你是不是想和它们发生冲突, 难道你能斗过天神吗, 巨怪斯库拉,是永生的神物, 野蛮、凶残、狂暴,不能和它战斗, 也无法防御,最好办法是躲开她。 你如果停在悬崖下和她交战, 她会有更多的时间,抓走海船上 更多的同伴,你要迅速通过那里, 并呼唤斯库拉的母亲克拉泰伊斯, 是她养出了这么个凡人的祸害。 她会阻止女儿发动另外一次的进攻。” 《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第4季第2集 1. - They ran the projection you asked for, General. - You're clear. Go ahead. project除了指计划项目,还可以做动词表示预测预计(单词重音此时在ject上),其名词是projection。这个意思经常出现在经济商务新闻报刊里。比如projecting next year's expenses and income.预计明年的开销和收入 clear在这句的用法经常在美剧和电影里看到。第一种clear指无障碍,畅通的,或者脱离危险联系等。电影里经常看到的特警军人进入屋子,每进一个屋子如果没有任何危险就会喊一句clear,就是在告知其他人屋子很安全,没有任何威胁。第二种用法clear指某个动作做法得到批准通过,比如clear the material for publication批准出版此材料,本句也是源自这个用法。第三种常见用法。常见句型Is it clear? Do I make myself clear? Am I making myself clear?用于告知对方一定指令意愿后确认对方是否明白你的意思用途,显示自己的权威性。第四种常见用法用于某人被证明没有犯有某项罪行指控等,比如cleared the suspect of the murder charge. 2. Let's make this clear: I'm your ally, but more importantly, I'm your boss, which means if this fails-- it's my ass on the line as much, if not more, than yours. on the line指in jeopardy得冒险的;有危险的 比如His whole career is on the line because of the scandal. if not的特殊用法,指perhaps; indicating possibility of being more remarkable (greater or better or sooner) than。比如 a strange, if not disturbing picture; Let’s meet tonight if not sooner. 3. You're being contained in a supermax facility somewhere in the United State. So to avoid any messy explanations and stay off the company's radar-- you need to keep your heads down and your ears open. We've provided cell phones, clothing, and toiletries-- all the basic necessities to get you up and running. - Hey, uh, you-you patted these guys down before you let them in, right? - 'Cause I can't be getting shanked or shivved. supermax即super-maximum指安全监管级别方面最高的监狱。美国联邦政府目 前只有一个supermax:ADX Florence in Florence, Colorado. 州的supermax 监狱是Pelican Bay in California和Tamms in Illinois.不少supermax都已 经降级,还有很多监狱只是设有某个supermax区域。 keep your head down指to do or say as little as possible in order to avoid problems or arguments. 比如The best we can do is keep our heads down and hope that people will soon get used to the new system. 保持低调还有 keep a low profile; lay low. off the company's radar的用法在我的原版报刊选读版块有一篇文章里讲解过 这是新出现的一个习语,源自军事上的雷达, on someone's radar (screen) 指 among the things being considered by someone. 比如The problem of trash disposal is on everyone's radar screen right now. This status puts the city on the radar screens of big corporations.也可以off/under one’s radar screen指something is not considered比如Some of these companies operate under everyone's radar. If a system, an organization, or a machine is up and running, it is established and working. 比如Until the new computer system is up and running we will have to work on paper. pat down在这里的用法很多词典里并没有收录,指警察等搜身检查犯罪嫌疑人 身上是否携带违禁物品,常见做法是让嫌疑人双臂展开,双手放在墙上,面朝墙, 双腿分开,警察会轻拍嫌疑人身体,从上到下搜身检查。搜身还有个单词frisk shank指用金属物质自制的小刀,shiv指用非金属物品自制的武器比如玻璃、塑 料片等。这两样东西是牢狱里囚犯经常制作的防身和进攻武器。本句是直接做动 词用。 4. - You know, when this is, when this is all done-- you and me, we're gonna settle up. - All right, obviously, there's a lot of history in this room. - That's a given. - But it we're gonna pull this off, it's gonna take all of us. We got to work together. So if anyone has a problem, get it out now. You want to clear the air with someone... now's the time. settle up原指偿付结算(欠款、账单等),比如 If you pay for both of us now, we can settle up later. 你现在先替我们俩付了帐,事后咱们再细算。 在这里自然是指算恩怨,英语里settle本身就可以指解决争端、争论、问题等, 或者比喻的为(所受的伤害、侮辱等)惩罚某人,了结恩怨。比如 He thinks he can laugh at me, but I’ll settle with him soon. 固定搭配 settle a score, grievance 清算旧仇、积怨。 history在这里指往事,往往暗指如今已经不重要或不相关。比如 They had an affair once, but that’s ancient history now. 他们过去有过一段暧昧的关系,但现在那也成为遥远的过去。美剧和电影里还有一个history的惯用法,就 是在你讲述事件时说 the rest is history是在告诉别人接下来发生的事情不 必再复述了,因为人人都知道了(历史嘛~)比如 A: How did you meet your beautiful wife? B: Well, we met at college, and the rest is history. given是动词give变来的。That’s a given/ It’s a given是用来说明你同意对方所说或者回应某人你肯定会做某事,相当于汉语里说的那是当然了,自然, 还用说嘛~比如 A: Are you gonna watch the game tonight? B: That’s a given./ A: Man, the new teacher is hot! B: It’s a given. pull something off绝对是高频短语了,无数次出现,指成功做成某事。比如 How did you pull off the deal without offering them more money? clear the air指澄清事实消除误会分歧等,比如To help clear the air, Mills will meet with all employees to discuss the new contract. 5. - The FBI would take days to gather this intel. - Well, the FBI should'a hired me 'cause I could've gotten whatever info you wanted in 25 minutes tops. - You some kind of hacker? - I design silicon lithography for personal gain. - He's an identity thief. - He's a douche. 首先intel并非英特尔公司,而是intelligence的简写。这里intelligence 并非指智慧,而是指情报消息,CIA就是Central Intelligence Agency中央情 报局。 留意tops的口语用法,在说完数量后说tops指出该数量是最大值,最多„.。 hacker这个词基本上地球人都认识了,黑客,源自hack计算机用语。不过很多 人倒是忘记了hack本来的意思,原意是乱劈,乱砍,后引申为削减。另外在某 一集的《神探阿蒙》里提到出租车司机有他的hack license,这里的hack是 hackney的简写,指出租车。 gain这里是名词获得物获取物,进步改善。名词复数gains还可以指收入收益。 谚语no pain, no gain想必大家都知道了。 identity thief 是个什么样的贼呢,我们的这位亚裔黑客可以瞬间无线盗取他 人银行账号信息信用卡密码等,其实也就是盗用他人身份信息,因为犯罪分子完 全可以利用这些信息制作成卡进行交易,直接进行网络交易等犯罪行为,所以这 种盗窃叫做identity theft douche或douche bag,这个俚语比较粗俗,损人的话,含义比较广,也许你在 说对方很傻很笨,也许是在说对方很烦人,或者说对方自认比别人都高一等。 6. There are levels of clearance at the department of corrections that are simply not available, even for friends as connected as mine. So, listen carefully, if you even remotely value your friend's life. You're going to use your security code to access the records for prisoner transfers and tell me where they sent Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows. clearance有两种用法常见于美剧和电影。第一种就是本句里的official permission for sb to work with secret information.各种间谍特工片里可见 这个词。第二种用法就是清仓大甩卖a clearance sale! connected在这里指与人的影响或地位有关的或关联的,有个常见词汇 well-connected指一个人关系网很大,社会关系很广,八面玲珑。connections 自然就是指各种社会关系网,比如He used his father’s connections to land a job.他用他父亲的各种人际关系找到了工作。 remotely这个副词很容易被忽略,因为是remote的副词形式,所以很多人会认 为remotely就是指遥远地,其实除此还有一个意思是用在否定句里标示加强程 度的,比如 The essay isn’t even remotely relevant to the topic.这篇文章毫不切题。英语里很多形容词转变来的副词的用法其实很诡异,绝非“„地” 那么简单,有空我会专门开专题讲。 7. Look, I didn't choose you to do this because I had you in custody. I chose you to do this because I believed you could pull it off. because的否定转移问题。除了地球人都知道的think从句否定转移外,because 也有这个用法,本句不是“我不选你,是因为我正好扣押着你”(显然这个意思 说不通),而是“我之所以选你,不是因为我正好扣押着你”。 8. It's getting pretty clear why they hired a bunch of cons to do this job. It's not because they wanted it off the books. It's because we're expendable. Who's gonna care if a bunch of crooks wind up dead? con在美剧和电影里有两大高频用法。第一是本句里的con=convict指囚犯罪犯; 第二就是con,指欺骗,欺诈,常见手段先赢得信任后再欺骗啦~con artist 骗子高手~各位对《11、12、13罗汉》还有尼古拉斯凯奇主演的《火柴人》熟 悉的话自然就知道这个con artist的厉害啦~ expendable由动词expend(花费消耗)变来,意思无非就是可消耗的,不必要 的,可牺牲的,比如expendable civilian targets可牺牲的平民目标 a crook is a dishonest person or a criminal. crook本身也可以指欺骗 wind up (i是发字母i本身的音,不是wind风 那个音) If you wind up in a particular place, situation, or state, you are in it at the end of a series of actions, events, or experiences, even thought you did not originally intend to be. 比如If he continues to spend money this way, he's going to wind up in bankruptcy. How did you ever wind up in this little town in the middle of nowhere? 9. Someone is playing a shell game, Bruce. I'm just trying to find out who. I have no criminal jurisdiction over... I know you bailed them out. shell game原指一种大家都知道的游戏——藏豆赌博游戏:一种通常涉及赌博的游戏,一个人将一个小物体藏在三个坚果壳、杯子或茶杯中的一个里,然后当旁观者试图猜测物体的最终位置时,这个人在平坦表面上移动果壳、杯子或茶杯以变戏法也作thimblerig,后来可以泛指类似的骗局,不一定是藏豆子,本句里就在说Bruce搞的藏史高飞等人的游戏(小样~让你琢磨他们究竟在哪个监狱吧~哈哈哈哈~) bail out在本句是指保释,这短语还有别的引申用法,比如可以指帮助„摆脱难关She is always bailing you out of trouble.在俚语里bail out还有一个意思是指run away, get out开溜走人 10. So can we make a deal right now that we're even, and just wipe the slate clean and no guilt and no responsibility? If we're gonna be together, I don't want it to be out of a sense of obligation. Or-or even that we should be, because of what we've been through. I-I... I just want to start over. even在这里是形容词,指平等的;各不亏欠的;均等的。 wipe the slate clean 指to forget all past problems or mistakes and start something again. 比如Rogers hoped he could wipe the slate clean and forget about his failed business. 有时也写作 have a clean slate.比如She wanted to have a clean slate to start with. slate本身是指板岩,页岩。有人会在某些犯罪剧里看到说某个嫌疑人的是He has a clean slate是在说此人无不良犯罪记录。(板很干净,还没污渍嘛) 最后那几句是在说两人要重新来,因为不希望两人走到一起,是出于某种责任义务感或者考虑到两人出生入死这么久了所以就顺便在一起了。一切重来(start over) (若真重来了,Sara还会喜欢史高飞吗,史高飞还会喜欢Sara吗,恩„) 《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第4季第3集 1. - You figured you'd get us on the hook, „ - You gave me your word. - And I'm giving you my word again— „ - When the government gets scared, they tend to cut the cord. hook原指钩子,这里比喻指trap陷阱(上钩嘛)。英语里还有一个短语叫做off the hook(字面理解叫脱钩),意指freed from danger or blame or obligation. 比如老板让你跑腿办个事,你正推诿犹豫,此时正好外面有同事要出门就顺便帮 老板办了此事,老板对你说Well, you are off the hook now. Someone else will do the job.再比如He was out of town during the robbery so he was off the book.抢劫发生时,他出城了,所以他没有嫌疑。off the hook还有一个俚语用 法,指awesome, fantastic。此外,off the hook还可以和电话用,一种是a telephone is off the hook,指怕电话铃声打扰或者怕有人打电话进来,把听 筒不放在听筒架上,比如He left the telephone off the hook because he didn't want to be disturbed.;第二种是ring off the hook,是夸张用法,好像电 话铃声响个不停,听筒都要掉下来似的,比如The box office phones were ringing off the hook all day. word在这里指promise,有很多搭配,比如 She kept her word; take someone at his or her word指to accept that someone really means what he or she says比如they're willing to take him at his word when he says he'll change. take someone's word for it指to believe what someone says. cut the (umbilical) cord 原意指割掉脐带,后比喻to end support of someone or something, esp. financial support比如In order to achieve true independence, smaller nations must cut the cord and stop depending on the United States for financial aid. 2. - Why are we letting this Self guy call all the shots? Maybe we should play some hardball. A person who calls the shots/tune is the person who makes all the important decisions and who has the most power in a situation,和汉语的“发号施 令”有异曲同工之妙. 比如She was used to calling the shots, to being in charge. If you play hardball, you are determined to get what you want, especially in business, that you use methods that are unfair or harm other people. 比如The company is playing hardball with the bank, holding back on payments it owes them to force an agreement. 3. I've been in homeland security since before it even had a name! Since before you even had a single short and curly... short and curly是委婉语,指pubic hair阴毛。这里有点我们汉语里说的“你 小子还没长毛呢,我就在这干了~” 4. - Michael, Sara's been made. - Is she all right? 再现小词make的灵活用法,翻译很容易出错。这里是指身份被人识破,真实身 份泄露。常见于警察特工片中。比如I have to run now because the police have made me. 在本集中,Sara冒充应聘者的身份被门卫看穿,所以林肯才说Sara’s been made. 5. „You don't move into my city, into my regional office and go over my head! - What do you want from me? You know how it works, Herb. - You think when the company's breathing down your neck, Senator Dallo's gonna bring in the cavalry? To go over someone’s head is to talk to or deal with someone's boss without talking to them first. 比如I really don't want to go over her head but if she won't listen to me I have no choice. To breathe down one’s neck is to pay very close attention to what someone does in a way that annoys or worries them(联想记忆:头凑近你的脖子,呼 吸你都能感觉得到). 比如It's awful having to work with a boss who's breathing down your neck the whole time. cavalry指骑兵,骑士是cavalier,这个词在原来的法语里指勇敢侠义之人,历 史上骑兵非常重要,能救急扭转战局。 《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第4季第4集 1. - Uh, we got a, we got a license plate. It's a printout from the camera phone. - The numbers are fuzzy, though. The whole damn thing's fuzzy. - Forget the numbers. What's that next to the plate? Looks like a sticker. - DMV? - That's a flag. - It's a diplomatic plate. - The six Ps, guys. When I supervised 32 COs back at fox river-- it was the six Ps made it happen. - Can you blow it up? I need to see more detail. - I'm already on it. - Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. sticker指汽车贴纸,也叫汽车拉花。比如有人在自己的爱车上贴有变形金刚的 贴纸等。不过在本句里是说的由车辆管理局(Department of Motor Vehicle,DMV)发放的官方的贴纸,像我们中国的贴在前挡风玻璃右上角的各种window sticker(车检标志,车辆强险标志, 营运车的养路费缴纳标志等),美国加拿大的 这种官方贴纸需要贴在后面牌照的右上方(卡车贴前方)(可以理解为一个证明你 交了牌照年费的东西),每年需要换一次,不正确粘贴或者不贴都可以罚款。此 外,国外还流行bumper sticker,指贴在汽车尾箱或保险杠的贴纸,大多标明政 治性宗教性立场或者是俏皮话,比如 I Love Obama ’08.这个国内也有类似的,比如大家可能看过“别吻我,我害羞”,“小心熊出没”。 CO早在第一季就出现了,指correctional officer狱警.其中correctional来 自correct指矫正教改 blow up在本句指放大图片照片等 这次我们的前狱警突然冒出了个6P理论Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.这6P其实不是6个单独的单词,而是一句完整的话恰好每个单词 是P打头。据考证,此话源自英国军队的格言,有很多不同版本,如Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance;7P版本 Prior Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance主要强调要未雨绸缪杜纰漏。 on这个小词的用法非常灵活。本句的I’m on it可算是高频句了,美剧和电影 里到处可见,指I have it covered or I will do it very shortly 2. - You know what? Get with the program. You're up. You know what?高频口头禅,本身没什么实际意义,主要用于引起对方注意引出 你要说的下一句话,比如 You know what? I’m gonna bail(注:leave) now and go straight home. get with the program习语,指to give more attention to what is happening now.比如They've been playing the same old music for ten years or so - it's time to get with the program. up小词,在这里是说It’s time for you to get involved, to get moving, to get in action. 3. 关于本剧的外交官车辆牌照 (diplomatic plate) 这个牌照的格式似乎有点问题。根据美国国务院(United States Department of Sate 有权发放外交官车辆牌照)和维基百科全书的信息,联合国外交官的牌照应 该是先4个数字,然后两个字母代表国家,最后是一个字母代表身份地位。本图 里显然不是,不过有些还是对的,首先XF是土耳其的代码;D代表了Diplomat。 不过这个牌照是老款的了,从2007年8月28日起,陆续更换新一代外交车辆牌 照。具体对比如下(截图来自美国国务院网站) 5. I guess your reputation precedes you. 地地道道的英语,是说we heard something about you before you got here.人还未到,名气就已经很大了,正所谓“名声在外”。 6. Hey, It's me. Listen, I need that information we talked about, like, yesterday, you understand? 说说这个如今美国青年人用的超多的口头禅like,like有几个特殊用法,第一 种用于列举数字表示大约,如There were like 150 people there. 第二种用 于接要说的话,有引号标明,比如 He asked if I could go with him, and I was like “No, I don’t want to go with you.” 第三种用于接心理活动,心理独白,情感动作等如 Then the paper was in my hand and I was like How come I only got B-? 第四种属于filler用法,无实际意义,纯粹填补谈话时的空白, 和well一样。但美国年轻人如今已经把like用的泛滥了,一句里到处都有like, 比如 I was like really, really nervous, but he was like I don’t give a damn and I was like crying and kept wondering how he did it, He was like really super cool. 7. When a police officer dies in the line of duty, he's an eagle. The ones he leaves behind are angels. That's a benefit for the association of law enforcement. die in the line of duty殉职 benefit 留意多个表示慈善活动/组织的单词。第一个charity 慈善组织机构 benefit在本句不是指好处益处,而是指慈善筹款活动。此外英语里还有 fundraiser集资会筹款会;短语a good cause也是指帮助他人的公益活动,比 如 This event is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause. 8. I am so sorry I'm not going to be around next week to see you in action, Cole, but you'll be in good hands with Andy here. I have got to catch a flight to San Francisco, but I just wanted to say how thrilled we are to have you here, and hopefully, some of the rest of the sales force can learn a thing or two. Uh, we'll settle up that check when I get back, all right? If you say something is in a particular person’s hands, you mean that they are looking after it, own it, or are responsible for it.比如 Don’t worry. We’re in safe hands now. I will be leaving the business in your capable hands. 英语里有一习语 know a thing or two指to have a lot of practical skills and knowledge learnt through experience. 比如My uncle grew up on a farm and knows a thing or two about looking after animals.其实相当于汉语里 说的对某一方面的知识略懂一二(^_^赤壁„) learn a thing or two自然就是 说能学到点东西 settle up在前面讲过,指付清了结(款项) 9. - I'm sorry. I didn't see anywhere in your paperwork that you were...handicapped. Otherwise, I would have made the necessary adjustments to your work space. - Andy, I like to think of myself as... handicapable. T-bag的语言功底早在第一季就体现出来了,在这里T-bag对handicap一词赋 予了全新的解释。handicap是英语里用来指残疾人的(千万不可说disabled,当 心用了被人说你歧视残疾人)奥运会期间很多城市多了“无障碍”建筑物,便于 残疾人士通行出入,那个在英语里叫handicapped accessible,比如我们有 handicapped (accessible) bathrooms/walkway(人行道); wheelchair accessible ramp(坡道)。这个词被T-bag做了小小的变动成了handicapable, 虽然英语里没有这个词,但这个假词的构成是handy+capable,说明自己虽残疾 但有能力,实在是佩服T-bag~ 《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第4季第5集 1. - I would need a reason. - Well, you make something up. Something about Al Qaeda using stolen bearer bonds to finance shady operations, whatever. - Come on, making false claims in matters affecting government? That's up to five years in prison. - Welcome to the club, Agent Self. make up在这里指捏造,编造make up an excuse编造借口 Al Qaeda就是本拉登领导的基地组织 welcome to the club源自习语join the club,指something that you say to someone who has just told you about an experience or problem that they have had in order to show that you have had the same experience or problem too. 比如'We can't afford a vacation this year.' 'Welcome to the club!' 在本句里Don说他这么做会被判刑坐牢,史高飞则说“欢迎你加入我们(我们也 是一帮坐牢的)” 2. - I'm adding a little flourish to my pitch. "Like the caged macaw who cannot spread her wings." - You know, Cole...I was thinking maybe you should spend a little less time practicing and a little more time actually pitching. I mean, number one salesman in the world? We're all just waiting with bated breath to see what you can do around here. If someone makes a pitch for something, they try to persuade people to do or buy it.广告学里管pitch叫比稿,指几家公司分别呈现说明自己的创意 点子,说服客户自己的是最好的。 bate原指抑制减少缓和, with bated breath字面意思是屏息;比喻指if you wait for something with bated breath, you feel very excited or anxious while you are waiting比如We were waiting with baited breath for the prizes to be announced. 3. - Something tells me there's a better offer on the table. Well, I'll be, Trishanne. You just caught yourself a leprechaun. And as the legend goes, you got yourself one wish, anything in the world. - Oh, really? - And I am bound to grant it. - Yeah? Well, your commencement check's sitting on my desk waiting to be signed. That's a pretty nice pot of gold. Before you say another word... now, it's true leprechauns cannot refuse their captor's demands, but if they deem her to be greedy or covetous, whatever she desires will certainly be accompanied with disastrous tidings. Or so the legend goes. something tells me指I suspect, I have reason to believe 比如Something tells me that she's not really as ill as she says. on the table指being discussed or considered.比如I'd like to put another idea on the table to see what you think.扩展习语under the table指secretly and often illegally. 如A lot of these people work 80 hours a week, and they are paid under the table. leprechaun是爱尔兰神话故事里的一种精灵,据说很有钱,喜欢把金子藏在隐 蔽的地方。如果你抓住或者威胁他,他就会告诉你藏金子的地点,但你必须一直 盯着他看,只要你稍微挪开视线,他就会立刻消失. as the legend goes这里的go是如„所说;as the saying goes 4. - Oh, thanks again for squeezing me in on such short notice. - I figure we had so much to get through, this'd be the best way. - I-I thought we were going out for lunch. - Is there a problem? - Well...actually, um... I'm a vegetarian. It's a new diet, b-b-but there's a great place down the street, and it'll be my treat squeeze原指挤,这里指To manage to find time; 比如I have a busy morning but I can squeeze you in at 10:15.我上午很忙,但10点15分可以挤出点时间来给你。 at/on short notice指in a brief time; promptly.比如 It's hard to find someone to take care of the kids on short notice.[扩展习语]at a moment's notice指almost immediately. 比如Everyone was packed and ready to leave at a moment's notice. notice在这里接时间,标明在这么长时间内要做某事, 再比如My job requires at least two weeks’ notice if I want to leave.如果我离职至少得提前两个月通知 If you say that something is your treat, you mean that you are paying for it.比如 Whose treat is it today?今天谁做东啊, This is my treat.这次我 请客。[扩展] on the house指if food or drink is on the house in a bar or restaurant, it is provided free by the owner. 比如We had to wait for a table so they gave us all gin and tonics on the house.再比如 - I’ll pay for it. – No, no, no. It’s on me. 5. My patience is wearing thin. Playing games is not going to be good for either of us. If your patience is wearing thin, you become less and less patient. 比 如I've warned you several times about being late and my patience is wearing thin.第二种意思if a joke, an excuse, or an explanation wears thin, it becomes less effective because it has been used too much. 比如This excuse about not having enough staff to run the trains is wearing rather thin, don't you think? play games指to lie or behave in a way that is not completely honest. 比 如We're not playing games when we say we need more help to finish this project. 《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第4季第6集 1. - I would have been in so much trouble if I'd lost those. - You don't know my boss. He would have gone up one side of me and down the other. up one side and down the other字典里没查到,询问老外,回答如下It simply means that her boss would have been furious and yelled at him a lot, or possibly punished her. I think the image is of a wild animal climbing up one side of you and going over your head and down the other side, biting all the way. 2. - You've had a busy morning, Frank. Unlawful entry, resisting arrest. It's not even lunchtime. - You're trying to put the fear of god into me. Mission accomplished. Listen, Sergeant, I know a decent amount about the justice system, enough to know that if you wanted to, you could drop this whole thing and. it would save a lot of trouble for everybody, huh? - What kind of phone is this? - It's a, a Japanese brand. Off market. - What about the ankle monitor you're wearing? - I've been on the straight and narrow, and it's due to come off in a couple of days. - Press your fingers in the ink. - I had two grand go up in smoke because of a bum gate. fear of God源自《圣经》“十诫”之Fear only the Lord your God, and worship Him alone ;原指对上帝的敬畏,在本句里是说警官列出马猴一大堆罪状是在吓 唬马猴,让他害怕 drop小词用法stop doing something/ give up;比如 Let's drop the formalities and call me Mike. Can we just drop the subject?我们能不能 别再谈这事了, the straight and narrow指behavior that is correct and moral.比如The threat of a good beating should keep him on the straight and narrow.在本句里马猴是在和警官解释脚上那个跟踪器,他说他自己一直行为端正守规 矩,再过几天就可以卸下(come off)跟踪器了 go up in smoke指to be wasted.比如The research project was canceled, and five years of hard work went up in smoke.马猴是在说因为门失灵(bum)导致 自己两千块钱白费了 3. - Howard Scuderi runs Agrisow, which is the world's largest agricultural conglomerate. It actually has huge holdings in Laos, which, given the current inflation, means that they are making money hand over fist. if you make or lose money hand over fist, you make or lose large amounts of it very quickly. 比如Business was good and we were making money hand over fist. 4. - You want me to give up the one thing that makes me valuable to the team. - Yeah, you knew the deal when you came on board. Okay, we all sacrificed a lot to get this far. You want to flush it down the toilet because you made a bad move? if someone is on board, they are working with an organization or group of people. 比如A new financial director has been brought on board to help us assess the cost of the project. We hope to have a new doctor on board by the end of the month. down the toilet指wasted or lost.比如He never showed up to drive us, and our plans for the evening went down the toilet. After the drug scandal, his career went down the toilet. 5. - Is there a particular threat I should know about? Maybe you can debrief me on the situation. - What's your division? You want to give me your clearance level? - I'm a hired contractor. - Right. Well, I usually don't make a habit of giving civilians who corner me in underground parking structures classified information. Okay? So if the general has a problem, he can call me. Is there something else you want to say to me? - I think we got off on the wrong foot. 美剧里经常看到brief和debrief这两个词,一一来解释。brief是指在执行任 务之前A告知B应该做什么如何做等.比如 The astronauts were briefed before the mission. 而debrief是指在任务完成后A询问B有关此任务完成期间的情 况,说白了就是B向A汇报情况.比如 Pilots were debriefed on the bombing raid. If you make a habit of doing something, you do it regularly or often. corner这里是动词。If you corner someone, you force them to speak to you when they have been trying to avoid you. If you get off on the wrong foot with someone you have just met, your relationship starts badly, often with an argument. 比如I don't really know why, but somehow Clare and I got off on the wrong foot. 6. I don't know, maybe Mahone is a stand-up guy. Or maybe he likes to run his mouth to work an angle, I'm not sure. a standup guy is a courageous and steadfast person. run one’s mouth means to talk a lot.比如He was mean and angry and he just kept running his mouth. to work an angle means to find a clever way to do something, to find a way to make things go in your favor. 7. - Hi, I'm, uh, representing Frank Zwan. I- 'm going to need his jacket from you. -I've been informed he's going indigent. Uh, he was. His mother in Santa Barbara, however, is not, and she retained me this morning. - Be my guest. - Much obliged. jacket在这里指公文夹;文件夹 indigent就是poor,比较大的词 retain在这里指出钱请代理律师 If you say be my guest to someone, you are giving them permission to do something, or simply shows that you don’t mind.比如If you want to add an exclamation point to that sentence, please be my guest. much obliged即thank you. 《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第4季第7集 1. - We were planning our move on Scuderi when he chartered the flight. - Right. And no chance you dragged your feet a little bit waiting for Scuderi to charter the flight? - Oh, yeah, we want to drag this out. - Yeah, well, location's pretty convenient, wouldn't you say, Linc? - Uh, Scuderi splitting town kind of caught us a break, huh? - Would you shut him up? - No, no. - We could just wait till he comes back. Agrisow makes farm chemicals. It's not Fort Knox. If you drag your feet, you do something slowly because you do not want to do it. 比如He knows he should make a decision, but he's dragging his feet. split在俚语里指To depart from; leave catch a break指走运转运,并不是have a break(休息) Fort Knox的所指究竟为何,Fort Knox可以指两个不同的地方,一个是美国军 事基地Fort Knox,还有一个是指美国政府存放金块(gold bullion)的地方Fort Knox,从语境来看虽然下文谈到公司专利很多,价值不菲,但正因如此公司很宝 贝这些专利,死死盯着,严加防范,而他们主要目的是要进入公司拷贝锡拉卡, 所以个人感觉还是指军事基地,Don的意思是“Agrisow只是生产农用化学制剂 的公司而已,又不是什么军事基地,要闯入拷贝还是很容易的”。 2. What if I was to tell you I think you're just stalling? Biding time till you can figure out some Macgyver way to get your ass out of here, huh? to bide time is to wait patiently for a good opportunity to do something. 比如She was biding her time until she could get her revenge. Macgyver是指美国ABC电视台从1985年到1992年播出的特工电视剧《Macgyver》 的主人公Angus Macgyver。这个角色在剧中足智多谋,总是能利用周边环境物 件解决难题,逃出生天。 3. Why not JFK and the Lindbergh baby while you're at it? Son, those matters have been fully vetted. They're relics. JFK指美国第三十五任总统John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 于1963年11月22日在 得克萨斯州达拉斯遇刺.官方认定虽认定凶手是Lee Harvey Oswald,但长久以 来一直流传着各种版本的阴谋论,认为肯尼迪总统遇刺另有蹊跷. Lindbergh baby指著名飞行员Charles Lindbergh(首次单独飞越大西洋)的儿 子,1932年3月1日两岁的小Lindberg被歹人绑架并被残忍杀害(两年后才抓到 凶手,虽然其中还有不少疑点)。这起案件的前前后后曲折众多,也是美国历史 上促进司法进步的一个重要案件(正因此案,美国国会通过法案Lindbergh Act 把绑架确立为联邦重罪,允许联邦政府机构干涉调查案件)在本案中,由于小 Lindbergh被发现时尸体高度腐烂,面目全非,虽然Lindbergh夫妻认为尸体就 是自己的儿子,但还是有人认为尸体并非就是小Lindbergh,故至今还有人站出 来说自己就是当年的小婴儿 vet在这里指To subject to thorough examination or evaluation仔细审查 彻查 4. - It's my 22-year-old cousin's bachelorette party. - That's hardly the salt mines. - Wait for it. There's a scavenger hunt, and my team has tasked me with getting a photograph in a whale's suite. - I'm a whale? - With a very scary bodyguard and a very gorgeous watch. - And you want to take a picture in my room? - And I realize it's a completely inappropriate request, but they're already calling me a wet blanket. salt mine原指盐矿,这里比喻a job or task involving drudgery and confinement A scavenger hunt is a game in which individuals or teams try to locate and bring back miscellaneous items on a list.国内不少娱乐项目都会推出 所谓的寻宝活动其实就是这个 In Las Vegas, a whale is a person who spends extremely large sums gambling (from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars). A wet blanket is someone who does or says something that stops other people from enjoying themselves. 比如I don't want to be a wet blanket, but you really must play your music more quietly or you'll disturb the people next door. 5. - Did you serve? - Serve who? - In the military. You look like a devil dog. - No, sir, I've never been in the service before. serve和service在这里都是和兵役有关 devil dog是指美国海军陆战队(Marine Corps)的成员。这里要特别提醒,在美 剧和电影里经常听到Marine,不少人会因为marine这个单词本身指“海的”误 以为marine指海军,其实Marine是指海军陆战队,而海军在英语里是Navy 6. - His wife was up there. - And„ - It stays in Vegas. 出自What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas这句话。原话是说在拉斯维加斯 输的再惨,也要把痛苦的记忆留在拉斯维加斯,离开了就别再挂念了。这里苏克 在说去老头房间一事。 《越狱》语言文化要点讲解 第4季第8集 1. You're going to pull a kamikaze mission on the general's car? We know the general travels light. One limo and a couple of guards. Kamikaze原指神风特攻队队员在第二次世界大战期间受训撞击军舰进行自杀性 攻击,后来比喻自杀性的行为,这里是在说开车撞将军的车无异于自杀 Light这里是副词,指With little weight and few burdens,travel light 就是说轻装旅行,没什么太多的行李 Limo是limousine的缩写,指豪华加长轿车 2. Who do you think took the fall for that? „ Give me a way to do it without her, and we'll do it. We need the pages. It's a package deal. To take the fall (for someone/something) is to accept responsibility for something. 比如The team's general manager takes the fall when the team loses but gets a lot of credit when they do well. A package deal is an offer or agreement involving a number of related items or one making acceptance of one item dependent on the acceptance of another.一揽子交易。在本剧里是说要想拿到剩下的几页纸就必须让猫女参与进来,否则 就别想拿到那几页纸。 3. Look, I barely dropped a nickel in the slots, right? This guy was all... We ought to blanket party your ass. In a blanket party, the victim is restrained by having a blanket flung over him and held down at the corners while he sleeps, then the remaining members of the group strike him repeatedly with improvised "flails" (a sock or bath towel containing something solid, most commonly a bar of soap). 4. and they want in on Scylla. Self is cutting them a deal as we speak. - Self knows that they have their own agenda To cut a deal is to make an agreement or an arrangement with someone, especially in business or politics. 比如The property developer tried to cut a deal with us to get us out of the building. 5. Our paths never crossed on Copperhead, but I did deal with one of your colleagues; a less-capable associate. Whatever happened to him? He was skinned and hung from an overpass. Oh, yes, I recall. He couldn't deliver on promises made. To cross someone's path is to meet someone, especially by accident. 比 如If he ever crosses my path again, I'll kill him. skin在这里是动词指剥皮;overpass(英国叫flyover)指立交桥,天桥.架在马 路上方供行人通过的人行天桥叫pedestrian overpass。至于有城市有过马路用 的地下人行道在英语里就叫tunnel deliver在这里指To produce or achieve what is desired or expected比如 The senator delivered on her pledge. He is a manager who just can't seem to deliver. 6. The general's gonna know that you ripped him off. Not if I pump him full of morphine first. The general's gonna wake up tomorrow morning in the hospital feeling happy as a clam with no idea what happened to him. When he's out cold, we download the card onto the laptop and put the original back on him. To rip someone off is to steal from someone. 比如He admitted he had ripped off a drug smuggler and blown up his boat. I have a great idea for a book, but I don't want the publisher to rip me off. happy as a clam means very happy.比如 I am happy as a clam living all by myself in this little house by the sea. If someone is out cold, he or she passes out, or is unconscious. [扩展] pass out: A few people passed out from the heat. [扩展] knock out: to hit someone so that they become unconscious. 比如His fall from the ladder knocked him out.打拳皇之类游戏的人想必记得那K.O.就是这个哦。 7. - And I'm wondering if it was you. - Okay, first you give me the leper treatment, and now I'm a traitor is that right? - Come on, Roland, who else could've known we were going at that intersection? - You know what, just because I didn't do time with you guys, it doesn't make me a rat. All right? I put just as much into this job as anybody else. Okay, I make one little mistake and all of a sudden I'm Judas? leper原指麻风病患者,后比喻a person who separates themselves from everyone, an outcast rat在这里指 snitch, someone who tells on you.告密的人 Judas原指《圣经》里的犹大,后指假装友好暗地出卖他人的人 8. You were too busy making an example out of her to find the key that she left with me. To make an example of someone is to punish someone for doing something so that other people will not do the same thing. 比如They want to make an example of him by keeping him in prison under very difficult conditions. 汉语里有“杀一儆百”之说。[扩展] 如果是积极地效仿某人,以某人为榜样, 英语里是说take a leaf out of someone's book比如Harriet took a leaf out of her mother's book and began to keep track of how much money she was spending on food.
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