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别对我说谎第二季英文剧本台词LIE TO ME05


别对我说谎第二季英文剧本台词LIE TO ME05看 Lie To Me 学英语第二季 05集:Grievous Bodily Harm -Cal: Well, he's lying. lying: (lie的进行时)撒谎 他在撒谎。 -Hutton: This son of a bitch has been playing us the whole time. son of a bitch: 混蛋 bitch: 婊子 play: 玩弄 the whole time:一直 whole:全部的 这混蛋一直在耍我们。 -Cal: No, no. Wait....

别对我说谎第二季英文剧本台词LIE TO ME05
看 Lie To Me 学英语第二季 05集:Grievous Bodily Harm -Cal: Well, he's lying. lying: (lie的进行时)撒谎 他在撒谎。 -Hutton: This son of a bitch has been playing us the whole time. son of a bitch: 混蛋 bitch: <俚>婊子 play: 玩弄 the whole time:一直 whole:全部的 这混蛋一直在耍我们。 -Cal: No, no. Wait. wait: 等等 别、别,等等。 -Hutton: You really think we are that dumb, huh? dumb: 愚蠢的 huh: 哈,哼 你真以为我们那么蠢? -Cal: No, I didn't say, I didn't say, I didn't say— 别。我没那么说,我没那么说... -Terry: No! No! 不! 不! -Foster: Expenses and overtime are two areas we should really take a look at. expense: 开支,费用 overtime: 加班 area: 范围 take a look at: 注视 我们应该关注一下,公司开支和员工加班的问题, And, you know, we should consider changing our company investments portfolio. consider: 考虑 change: 改变 company: 公司 investment portfolio: 投资总额 investment: 投资 portfolio: 投资组合 也考虑下改变公司的投资策略。 -Cal: You started dating again, haven't you? start: 开始 date: 约会 你又开始约会了,是吗, -Foster: Stop it, Cal, right now! right now: 立刻 别说了,Cal。 -Cal: All right, stock broker? all right: 好 stock broker: 股票经纪人 stock: 股票 broker: 经纪人 是股票经纪人? Money manager? Banker? money manager: [经济]短期资本经营者 money: 钱 manager: 经理 banker: 银行家 资金经理? 银行家? Oh, I thought you wanted to have some fun. have some fun: 玩的开心 fun: 乐趣 切,我还以为你想找乐子呢。 -Foster: Oh, I'm having fun, don't you worry. worry: 担心 我乐着呢,你省省心吧。 -Cal: Oh, really? 哦? 真的? Yes, Torres? 啥事,Torres? -Torres: There's a visitor in your office, Sally Robinson from London. visitor: 访客 office: 办公室 London: 伦敦 你办公室有访客,伦敦来的Sally Robinson。 -Cal: What? 什么? -Foster: Sally who? Sally什么? -Torres: Robinson. High school sweetheart or something? high school: 高中 sweetheart: 情人 Robinson 高中小情人还是啥? -Cal: In my office? 我办公室? -Terry: Gotcha! gotcha: <口>=(I have)got you. 抓到你了。 骗到你了! -Cal: God almighty. god: 上帝 almighty: 全能的 额滴神哪。 -Terry: Yeah, but my mates still call me Terry. mate: 伙计 没错,不过伙计们还是叫我Terry。 Come here. 来抱一个。 Sally Robinson, eh? Sally Robinson哈? Hold on, is that a canoe in your pocket, eh, Cal? hold on: 继续 canoe: 独木舟 pocket: 口袋 立马飞奔过来了吧,Cal? Nicely played there, Mia. nicely: 恰好 play: 玩耍 干的漂亮,Mia。 -Torres: Ria. Ria -Terry: Well, thank you anyway. anyway: 无论如何 不管怎样,谢谢你。 Excuse his manners. excuse: 原谅 manners: 礼貌 原谅他的无礼。 Terry Marsh, his ex-partner in crime. ex-partner: 前搭档 crime: 犯罪 Terry Marsh,他的前任犯案搭档。 -Cal: In a manner of speaking. in a manner of speaking: 在某种意义上说 勉强这么说吧。 -Foster: Gillian Foster, current partner in crime. Nice to meet you, Terry. current: 当前的 partner: 搭档 crime: 犯罪 Gillian Foster,现任破案搭档,很高兴见到你,Terry。 -Terry: Me, too. 我也是。 -Cal: All right, that's enough of that. enough: 足够 行了,差不多了。 Good-bye, Dr. Foster. 再见,Foster博士。 -Terry: Wow, Cal. That is so charming. charming: 迷人的 哇哦,Cal,真是太迷人了。 -Cal: Well, it has been 22 years, isn't it? 都22年没见了,不是吗? -Terry: Listen, Jill, you fancy meeting us for a drink later? fancy: 想象,认为 drink: 饮料,酒 later: 稍后 Jill,等会儿想一起喝一杯吗? -Cal: That's Gillian, actually. actually: 实际上 事实上,是Gillian, And she's busy. 而且她很忙。 -Foster: I’ll take it. 给我吧。 -Cal: Call me if you need me. need: 需要 有事儿给我打电话。 -Terry: Yes. 来了。 -Terry: So what are we drinking to? drink to: 干杯 我们为什么干杯呢? -Cal: How about Sally Robinson, wherever she may be. how about: 怎么样 wherever: 无论哪里 为Sally Robinson吧,管她在哪儿。 You wanker. wanker: 卑鄙的人 你个淫棍。 You all right there, Terry? 你还好吧,Terry? -Terry: Oh, don't start that bullocks with me, Cal. bullock: 象小公牛一样乱闯【<俚>胡扯】 别跟我说这种废话,Cal。 -Cal: What? 什么? -Terry: With the eyes, like you're reading my fortune. read: 解读 fortune: 命运 加上那眼神,就像在审视我的命运。 -Cal: No, I'm just pleased to see you. Really. pleased: 高兴的 不,我只是很高兴见到你,真的, Though a touch curious as to why now. a touch: 少量,少许 curious: 好奇的 as to: 至于 虽然有点好奇你怎么挑了这个日子。 -Terry: Well, truth be told, I have thought twice about looking you up loads of times. truth: 实话 think twice: 重新考虑 look up: 拜访,查寻 loads of: 许多,大量 time: 次数 说实话,我无数次踌躇着想来找你。 -Cal: Terry Marsh thinking twice. think twice: 重新考虑 Terry Marsh也会踌躇, Well, that's a first, isn't it? 真是头一回啊。 -Terry: Come on. come on: 快点,赶快 走吧。 -Cal: Come on where? 走哪儿去? -Terry: I'll tell you what, Cal, I'll do a deal with you. do a deal with: 与„做成一笔交易 Cal,咱们做个交易。 What is past is past. past: 过去 过去的就过去吧, What is done is done. done: 完成了的 是怎样就是怎样了, It's just all water under the bridge. water under the bridge: 过去发生的事情 就让陈年往事成云烟吧。 Fair? fair: 公平的 公平吧? -Cal: Water under the bridge, then. 好吧,陈年往事。 -Terry: Oh, hello, lovely lady. lovely: 可爱的 lady: 女士,小姐 哦,你好啊,美人, I'm Terry. 我是Terry。 You should say hello to my dad. 跟我老爹打个招呼吧。 -Cara: Hi, dad. 嗨,老爹, I'm Cara. This is Alice. 我是Cara,这是Alice。 -Cal: Stage names? stage: 舞台 艺名? -Terry: Oh, down, dad, down. down: 【冷静的】 淡定,老爹,淡定。 Forgive him. forgive: 原谅 原谅他吧, Ready? ready: 准备好的 不错吧? Whoa, feast your eyes. 哦,秀色可餐啊。 Hey, Cal, no. 嘿,Cal,别, Not that way. 不是那儿。 Over there, son. 在那边,孩子。 -Cal: I don't play cards anymore, Terry. play cards: 玩扑克 anymore: 不再 我早不玩扑克了,Terry。 -Terry: Look at me very carefully, Cal. look at: 看着 carefully: 认真地 好好看着我,Cal。 I did not get this jailbird for nothing. jailbird: 囚犯,监禁 我不是白白坐牢的, Don't make me say it. make: 制造,安排 别逼我说出来。 -Cal: I owe you my life. There you go. I said it. own: 欠 我欠你条命,行了吧,我自己说。 -Terry: Do this for me tonight, and then we are all square. tonight: 今晚 square: 结清的 今晚帮我一把,我们就扯平了。 -Cal: How much do you owe? 你欠了多少? -Terry: 12 large. large: <俚>一千美元 一万二。 -Cal: 12 grand? grand: <俚>一千美元 一万二, -Terry: It'll be like the old days. the old days: 过去 就像过去一样。 You know, I'll do all the talking, and you do— talking: 交谈 我来应酬,而你专心-- -Cal: Yeah, science science: 研究 阅读 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 情。 -Terry: Yeah 没错。 Well, it's Texas hold 'em, no limit. Texas: 德克萨斯州 hold’em: 【玩法】 limit: 限制 他们玩德克萨斯扑克,赌注没上限。 And this is my last 2 grand in the world. last: 最后的 这是我仅存的两千块了。 Cheers. cheer: 欢呼 走吧。 Ok. 来吧。 -Cal: I think I've had a bit too much to drink for this, Terry. a bit: 一点 too much: 太多 我好像喝的够呛了,Terry。 -Terry: Yeah, well, that's rubbish. But nice try. rubbish: 胡说 try: 尝试 少胡扯,你想得美。 -Lance: Hey, Terry. 嘿,Terry。 You're feeling luckier tonight? lucky: 幸运的 你觉得今晚运气不错? -Terry: Hey, gents. gent: =gentleman绅士,男士 嘿,先生们, An old mate of mine, Harry Sloane from N.Y.C. mate: 伙计 N.Y.C.: =New York City 纽约市 我一个老伙计,纽约来的Harry Sloane。 -Cal: How you doing? 大家好。 -Ben Reynolds: Hey, Foster. Have you seen Lightman? 嘿,Foster,看见Lightman没有? -Foster: He is taking a personal day. personal: 私人的 他有私事。 -Ben Reynolds: Yeah, he's with a man who's on the Scotland Yard watch list, which means, Scotland Yard: 苏格兰场,伦敦警察厅 watch: 监视 list: 名单 mean: 意味 他那伙计在苏格兰场(伦敦警务处总部) 的监视名单上, When he is over here, he's on the FBI watch list. FBI: 美国联邦调查局 就是说到了美国,他也在FBI监视名单上, It's part of the special relationship with the Brits. part of: 部分 special: 特殊的 relationship: 关系 Brits: 英国人 这是我们和英国特殊关系的一部分。 -Foster: What's Terry done wrong? do wrong: 作恶 Terry干了什么坏事? -Ben Reynolds: Nothing recently. recently: 最近 不是最近, Watch lists are more precautionary than anything else. precautionary: 预防的 监视名单多是为了预防犯罪。 -Foster: Yet, your tone is telling me it's more than just a head's up. tone: 语气 head’s up: 加盖子 你的语气告诉我,可不只是"防范"那么简单。 -Ben Reynolds: Then it should also be telling you that I'm not at liberty to discuss this any further. at liberty: 自由,有空 discuss: 讨论 further: 更深 我的语气也告诉你,我无权再多说。 -Foster: GBH, grievous bodily harm, 22 years ago? grievous: 痛苦的,严重的 bodily: 身体的 GBH: =Grievous Bodily Harm 重伤 重伤罪,22年前? They want you to dig into Lightman's past with Terry? dig into: 挖掘 past: 过去 他们让你调查Lightman同Terry的过去? -Ben Reynolds: Let's just say it's his immediate future I'm more worried about. immediate: 紧邻的,直接的 future: 未来 worry about: 担心 我倒是更担心他眼前的日子。 -Lance: Thousand. 一千。 -Player A: I fold. fold: 【游戏】退出比赛 弃牌。 -Cal: Call. call: 叫牌 跟注。 -Lance: Down. 过。 You ok, Terry? 没问题吧,Terry? -Terry: I'm good for it, Lance. You know I am. be good for: 值得,有效 我很擅长这个,Lance,你知道的。 -Lance: I know you are. 我知道。 We're all gentleman here, someone get this man a drink. 这儿都是绅士啊,给这位先生上点酒。 -Terry: Thanks. 谢谢。 -Cal: Call. 跟注。 -Lance: All-in. all-in: <俚>累积起来总共, 一切包括在内 全压。 I said— 我说过-- -Cal: I heard you the first time. the first time: 一开始 我一开始就听见了。 Call. 跟注。 -Lance: Ten high. 十点。 You called me on a jack high. That's ridiculous. jack: (纸牌中的)杰克 ridiculous: 荒谬的 你这么高的点还跟我的注,荒谬。 -Cal: Apparently not. apparently: 显然地 显然不荒谬, Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure. pleasure: 乐趣,快乐 先生们,我玩的很愉快。 -Terry: Listen, can we have a little break, please? break: 休息 我们休息下好吗? Just a minute, huh? 就一会儿? -Lance: Why not? 为什么不呢? Order up some eggs. order: 订购 点些鸡蛋吃, -Player B: Cheers. 庆祝下。 -Cal: Do you mind? mind: 介意 介意吗? Harry Sloane from New York City? 纽约来的Harry Sloane? Are you out of your bloody mind? out of your mind: 失去理智 bloody: 该死的 你疯了吧? -Terry: I could hardly say you're Dr. Lightman, the lie expert and the reader of faces, now can I? hardly: 几乎不能 expert: 专家 reader: 解读者 face: 面部表情 我又不能说你是Lightman博士,测谎识人专家,我能吗? -Cal: I assume the 12 grand was just a teaser to get me in the game, is that it? assume: 猜想 grand: 主要的,重大的 teaser: 戏弄者 get in: 进入,陷入 一万二只是个骗我来的诱饵,对吧? How much do you owe this psychopath? psychopath: 精神病患者 你欠了这疯子多少钱? Oy! How much? 欠了多少, -Terry: 95 grand. 九万五。 -Cal: 95 grand? 九万五? -Terry: Yeah. 是啊。 -Cal: You expect me to take that kind of money off these men instead of expect: 期望 take off: 拿走 instead of: 代替,而不是„ 明明现在我还能活着走出去, Just walking out of here while I still can? Excuse me. walk out of: 走出去 excuse me: 对不起 你指望我会继续把所有钱赢回来? 对不住了。 -Terry: Hey, no, no, no. 别、别、别。 Cal, you know exactly what's going to happen to me if you walk away. walk away: 走掉 你很清楚你一走了之,我会有什么下场。 -Mr. Anders: So is this a prank or a serious death threat? prank: 恶作剧 serious: 严重的 death threat: 死亡恐吓 death: 死亡 threat: 恐吓 这是恶作剧还是死亡恐吓? “Man: Very soon now, you'll all be sorry. 很快你们都会为此悔恨, It's all going to end this week. end: 终结 本周内一切都会了结, The pain will stop.” pain: 痛苦 痛苦将会终止。 -Torres: Uniforms. Private school? uniform: 校服 private: 私人的 private school: 私立中小学 校服,私立学校? -Mr. Anders: Uh, college preparatory. college: 大学 preparatory: 预备的 嗯,大学预科。 -Foster: You're the only one this video was sent to, Mr. Anders? video: 录像带 只有你收到录像带吗,Anders先生? -Mr. Anders: As far as I know. 据我所知,是的。 It was left on my desk during the lunch hour in an envelope marked "headmaster, urgent. lunch time: 午饭时间 envelope: 信封 mark: 标志,标记 headmaster: 校长 urgent: 紧急的 午餐时间放在我桌上的,信封上写着"紧急校长收"。 -Eli: Has anyone else seen the tape? tape: 录像带 还有别人看过录像吗? -Mr. Anders: Just the FBI, and now you. 只有FBI,还有你们。 -Torres: Have you closed the school? 你关闭学校了吗? -Mr. Anders: School is out for the rest of today. 今天已经不上课了。 -Foster: My first piece of advice to you—close the school. piece of: 条 advice: 建议 close: 关闭 我的第一条建议就是关闭学校。 -Mr. Anders: For how long? 关多久? -Foster: Until we determine who made this. determine: 决定 直到我们弄清楚谁做的录像带。 -Mr. Anders: So indefinitely. indefinitely: 不确定地 那就是不确定, Dr. Foster, do you realize realize: 意识 Foster博士,你知道这会对我们造成多大伤害吗? What that would do to us? That would ruin our school. ruin: 毁掉 会毁了我们学校的。 -Torres: So this is about money? 那就是钱的问题了? -Ben Reynolds: Ahem. From handwriting analysis on the envelops, ahem: 啊咳, 咳嗽或清嗓子的声音 handwriting: 笔记 哲学笔记pdf明清笔记pdf政法笔记下载课堂笔记下载生物化学笔记PDF analysis: 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 envelope: 档案 肢体残疾康复训练教师个人成长档案教师师德档案表人事档案装订标准员工三级安全教育档案 经过分析信封笔迹、学生档案、 Student files, locker searches and security camera tapes, file: 档案 locker: 有锁的存物柜 search: 调查 security: 安全 camera: 照相机 检查衣物柜以及安保录像。 Agents on site were able to make a preliminary list agent: 探员 on site: 在现场 site: 场所 preliminary: 预备的,初步的 list: 名单 现场探员们拟了初步名单, Of students who might fit the profile. fit: 符合 profile: 侧写,外形 列出符合犯罪侧写的学生。 -Mr. Anders: 25 names? 25个? Fit the profile for what? 符合什么侧写? -Foster: Homicidal intent. homicidal: 杀人的,谋杀的 intent: 意图,故意 谋杀倾向。 -Mr. Anders: Oh, god. 天哪。 -Torres: First of all, hands up, who has heard of the Lightman group? first of all: 首先 hands up: 举手 hear of: 听说 group: 集团 首先,听说过Lightman集团的请举手。 All right, well, we are scientists scientist: 科学家 好吧,我们是 Who interpret human emotions. interpret: 解读 human: 人类 emotion: 情绪 解读人类情绪的科学家, And this morning, with your help, 现在我需要你们的帮助, I'm going to run an experiment run: 做,完成 experiment: 实验 来完成一项实验, Which should be quite informative. quite: 十分,很 informative: 提供情报的,有益的 这将对我们非常有意义。 So rather than listen to me drone on all day, rather than: 不在 drone on: 唠唠叨叨说下去 all day: 整天 我就不再啰嗦了, Let's just get started, shall we? 咱们开始吧? “Very soon now, you'll all be sorry. 很快你们都会为此悔恨, It's all going to end this week. 本周内一切都会了结, The pain will stop.” 痛苦将会终止。 -Lance: No one is that good. 不可能有人这么厉害, You two are working together. 你俩是一起的。 Who is he, Terry? 他到底是谁 Terry? You cheating me? cheat: 欺骗 你使诈吗? Because I will put a bullet in your head. bullet: 子弹 小心我一枪崩了你。 -Cal: There is 105 grand there. 这里有十万五千块, You and Terry are even now even: 平的,清了的. 现在你和Terry两清了。 You keep the change. We're all gentlemen here. change: 零钱 gentleman: 绅士 零头你留着吧,我们可都是绅士。 At least for now, with all those witnesses in the next room. at least: 至少 for now: <口>目前,眼下 witness: 目击者 至少现在装装样子吧,隔壁这么多目击证人呢。 I said he keeps the change. 我说了,零头给他留着。 -Terry: Mate, say something. mate: 伙计 伙计,说句话啊。 -Cal: You're welcome. Don't mention it. mention: 提起 不用谢,别放心上。 -Terry: I love you, Cal. 我爱你,Cal。 Don't forget that. forget: 忘记 别忘了这一点。 -Cal: Yeah, I'll see you in another 22 years. 好,22年后再见。 Mount Vernon Square. square: 广场 去曼斯卢姆广场。 -Ben Reynolds: Rough night, huh? rough: 艰难的 一夜无眠? -Cal: Yep. yep: <俚>是 是啊。 No rest for the wicked. rest: 休息 wicked: 邪恶的,不道德的 恶人永无宁日啊。 -Ben Reynolds: Yeah. 没错。 -Cal: Something tells me you already know that. something tells me: [口]我猜疑[感到, 想] already: 已经 我有种感觉,你早就知道了。 -Ben Reynolds: You want to know what else I know? 你猜我还知道什么? You know your buddy, Terry Moss, buddy: <俚>密友,伙伴 你的哥们Terry Moss, He spent 3 years in Bellmarsh Prison in England. spend: 花费 prison: 监狱 在英国Bellmarsh监狱蹲了3年, '87 to '90 for assault and battery. assault and battery: [法律]殴打, 人身攻击 从87年到90年人身攻击罪。 -Cal: Yeah, it was a long time ago. a long time ago: 很久以前 挺久之前的事了。 And he has gone now, and I'm tired, 他早走了,我很累, And I'm hungover, hungover: 因余醉未醒感到难受的 还宿醉未醒。 And it's none of your business. none of your business: 跟你没关系 这事也跟你没关系。 -Ben Reynolds: You made it my business when you spent the night 怎么跟我没关系, At the penthouse suite at the Park Hotel penthouse: 高级住房 suite: 一套房间 hotel: 酒店 你在Park酒店豪华套房呆了整整一晚, Where there were prostitutes and illegal gambling. prostitute: 妓女 illegal: 非法的 gambling: 赌博 周围尽是妓女和非法赌博。 -Cal: Those women were prostitutes? 那些女的是妓女? How'd you know? 你怎么知道的? Did you follow us? follow: 跟踪 你跟踪我们? That's interesting. interesting: 有趣的 有意思。 -Torres: There. 看, Surprise and shame in less than a second, surprise: 惊讶 shame: 羞愧 less than: 少于 second: 秒 不到1秒的惊讶和羞愧, And then nothing. 然后别无其他表情。 Pulling down the mask. Put her on the list. pull down: 摧毁,推翻 mask: 面具,掩饰 put on the list: 记在名单上 狐狸尾巴露出来了,把她名字记上。 -Cal: Hey. 嘿。 -Torres: Hey. 嘿。 -Cal: Oh, go back a few seconds. go back: 退回去 退回去几秒钟, There you go. 就这儿, All right, see this girl? 看到这个女孩没? Same girl, she glances at the teacher. glance at: 瞥了一眼 还是她,又瞟了老师一眼。 There you go, see? And he catches her at it. catch: 抓到 看到没?然后他发现她了。 Yeah? He's got his eye on her for some reason. get the eye on: 给谁一个眼神 reason: 原因 对吧,他同样也用眼神回应了她。 -Eli: So does this girl here. Look. 这个女孩也一样,看, And then she looks over at that guy. 接着她看了一下这家伙。 -Cal: Nice one, Loker. 干的漂亮,Loker。 Soon you'll be asking me for a raise, raise: 上升,提高 过一阵你就会要求涨工资, Which I've been assured that we can't afford, assure: 确实,断然的说 afford: 付得起 我肯定付不起, So stand down. stand down: 暂时辞退 还是省省吧。 Right, well, keep watching the tape, then. keep: 继续 大家继续看录像, I'll be back in a minute. in a minute: 几分钟后 我马上回来。 -Foster: You look awful. awful: 糟糕的 你看起来糟透了。 -Cal: And yet, I feel so much worse. worse: 更坏的 我的感觉更糟呢。 -Cal: I said 22 years, not 22 minutes. 我说的是22年,不是22分钟。 -Terry: We're in a lot of trouble, Cal. be in trouble: 有麻烦 Cal 我们有麻烦了, They know who you are and what you do, 他们知道你的底细了, And they ain't happy. ain’t: 不是 现在很不爽。 -Cal: What do they want? 他们想怎样? -Terry: Oh, you know, they want to see you a girl in half. in half: 两半 无非是想你把个女的砍成两半, What do you think they want? 你说他们想怎么样? They want you to be their magic man. magic: 魔法的 他们需要你帮忙。 And they're waiting for you around the corner in a van. wait for: 等着 around the corner: 在拐角 van: 运货车 他们的车就在拐角等你呢, And if you don't come now, then... 如果你现在不去... Then I'm done. done: 完蛋了的 我就玩完了, As in dead, done. 死翘翘那种玩完。 -Cal: Yeah, I'll see what I can find out from him. find out: 查出 我看看能从他那查出什么。 -Cal: Hey. 嘿。 Hey. 嘿。 -Ben Reynolds: Your buddy has lost his FBI tail. buddy:<俚>密友,伙伴 tail: 监视 你哥们把FBI盯梢的给甩了, Now do you have any clue on where he could be right now? clue: 线索+on 你知道他现在可能在哪吗? -Cal: Yeah. Come with me, will you? 跟我来, He's in my office. 他在我办公室里。 -Ben Reynolds: He's in your office? 他在你办公室里? -Cal: Yep. 是啊。 -Ben Reynolds: What the hell is he doing in there? what the hell: (用以加强语气或咒骂)究竟, 到底 他他妈在那干嘛? -Cal: I've got a major bloody problem here. major: 主要的,严重的 bloody: 该死的 problem: 麻烦 我有大麻烦了。 -Ben Reynolds: Oh, you're damn right, you do. damn: <俚>该死的,加强语气 太他妈对了,你是有。 You do understand that Terry's involved understand: 了解 involved: 涉及的,牵连的 你知道Terry With an extremely dangerous criminal, right? extremely: 极其地 dangerous: 危险的 criminal: 罪犯 和一名极其危险的罪犯有牵连吧? -Cal: Yeah. Lance Mcclellan. 是的,Lance Mcclellan。 -Ben Reynolds: Lance Mcclellan. Lance Mcclellan。 Exactly. 完全正确。 He's a new-school crime boss. school: 训练 crime: 犯罪 boss: 老板 他是新一代的罪犯, Educated, well-connected, educated: 受过教育的 well-connected: 有优越的社会关系的 受过教育、关系硬、 Hidden in plain sight. This ends now. hidden: 隐藏的 plain: 清楚的,明白的 sight: 视野,视力 end: 结束 藏在我们眼皮底下。这跟你没关系了。 -Cal: Look, Terry is family to me. There's no way I'm going to let him hang himself. family: 家人 no way: 不,决不 hang: 绞死,【送死】 Terry就是我的家人,我不可能看着他自投罗网。 -Ben Reynolds: Yeah, well, I'm not going to let him hang you, either. hang: 悬挂,暂停,中止 我也不会让他把你投进罗网。 -Cal: Wait, wait, wait. What's Mcclellan's game? 等等,McClellan有什么动向? -Ben Reynolds: It depends. it depends: 看情况而定 depend: 依靠,依赖 这很难说。 -Cal: Which means you don't know, right? 就是说你也不知道了,对吧, That means that you are gonna help me gonna: =going to 要 那你要协助我, Help Terry to help you. 帮Terry一把,以获取情报。 -Ben Reynolds: If anyone is helping anyone here, 要说谁帮谁, It's gonna be you helping to bring down bring down: 打倒,击落 也得是你帮助抓获 Mcclellan and Terry. McClellan和Terry, And I know he's your friend, 我知道他是你朋友, But those guys are bad sons of bitches. guy: 家伙 sons of bitch: 混蛋 可那帮混蛋心狠手辣。 -Cal: Look, Mcclellan sent Terry for me, send: 派,送 send for: 请 McClellan派Terry来找我, Which means he needs something from me, right? need: 需要 说明他有用我的地方。 Whatever it is, he needs it quick. quick: 快的,迅速的 不管是什么,他肯定急用。 -Ben Reynolds: If you are suggesting what I think you're suggesting, suggest: 建议,暗示 如果咱俩想的一样的话, You can forget it, ok? forget: 忘记,忽略 尽早别指望了, You're not a trained undercover agent. trained: 受过训练的,专业的 undercover: 做密探的,从事秘密工作的 agent: 探员 你不是专业卧底探员。 -Cal: Knock it off, Ben, you know I'm doing this. knock it off: 停止 别说了,Ben,你知道我会这么做的。 -Ben Reynolds: Not if I arrest you, you're not. arrest: 逮捕 那我现在就逮捕你。 -Cal: You're going to arrest me?! 你要逮捕我, -Ben Reynolds: Yeah. 是的。 -Cal: I won over a hundred grand in cards last night. win: 赢得 grand: <俚>一千美元 card: 扑克牌 我昨晚打牌赢了10万多块。 I know a bluff when I see one. You're not arresting me. bluff: 虚张声势 虚张声势我一看就知道,你才不会逮捕我。 And you keep Foster out of this, all right? keep out of: 远离,不牵扯进 别让Foster牵扯进来,好吗? Her focus needs to be 100% on that school. focus: 注意力,焦点+on 她要全力集中在学校的案子上。 And I'm banking on you to have my back for this. bank on: 指望,信赖 back: 支持 我全指望你挺我了。 -Ben Reynolds: Oh, you mean like a real FBI agent? FBI agent: 联邦调查局特工 噢,你是指像一个真正的联调局特工, -Cal: Something like that, yeah. 是的,差不多就是那样。 Hey. 嘿。 -Foster: Hey. 嘿, So we're needed in the conference room. conference room: 会议室 conference: 会议 我们得去会议室, Torres is in there with three kids from the school. kid: 孩子 Torres和三名学生在那。 -Cal: All right. 好的。 -Foster: What's wrong? 怎么了? -Cal: Nothing. 没事, Nothing. 没事。 Look, Reynolds was just telling me what a bad seed Terry was. seed: 种子【这里指人的本性】 Reynolds跟我说Terry是个坏种, You know, and it came as a bit of a shock, you know. a bit of: 一点 shock: 吃惊 我真是"大吃一惊", Because there was I thinking that he was a choir boy. choir: 唱诗班 choir boy: 唱诗班的孩子【这里指品行良好的好孩子】 我一直以为他是唱诗班的乖孩子呢。 -Cal: All right. 好了, Stand up. stand up: 起立 起立, Stand up, stand up. 起立,起立。 All right, when did you make the video? video: 录像带 你什么时候制作的录像, -Jasmine: What?! 什么?! -Cal: What's your name again? 你叫什么名字, -Jasmine: I didn't make it. 不是我做的。 -Cal: Exploding buildings, explode: 爆炸,炸掉 building: 大楼,大厦 大楼炸掉, that was news footage, right? news footage: 新闻镜头 news: 新闻 footage: 连续镜头 那是新闻片段,对吧? Your name is...? 你叫什么, -Stacey: Stacey. Stacey。 -Cal: Stacey. Stacey。 -Stacey: I don't know. 我不知道... Probably. I couldn't... 可能吧... 不确定„ -Jared: I'm the one who made that video. 录像是我做的。 -Mr. Fitzgerald: Jared? Jared, -Jared: Jared Rollins is my name. 我叫Jared Rollins。 I made the video. 我做的录像。 -Cal: Get your hands out of your pockets. get„out of: 把„拿出来 pocket: 口袋 把手从口袋里拿出来, So what's the plan, eh? plan: 计划 你的计划是什么? Is it a bombing or a shooting or what? bombing: 爆炸,轰炸 shooting: 射击 弄个爆炸,开个枪,还是什么? Because you know, there always is a plan, right? 总得有个计划,对吧? -Jared: You tell me. 不如你告诉我。 -Foster: So when did you make the video, Jared? 录像什么时候制作的,Jared? -Jared: What does it matter? 这又有什么关系? -Foster: Well, I thought it would have mattered a great deal to you. matter: 关系 a great deal: 很多,很大 我觉着跟你可有大关系。 -Jared: I made the video, that's all you need to know. 我做的录像,你知道这个足够了。 -Foster: Well, who did you send it to? send to: 送给某人 你把它给谁了? -Jared: What? 什么? -Torres: And stop right there. 在这暂停, He's lying, he didn't make it. lying: 撒谎(lie的进行时) 他在撒谎,不是他做的。 -Foster: Jared, why would you lie about making that video? Jared,为什么撒谎说是你做的录像? -Jared: Because maybe they all deserve to die, deserve: 应得,值得 因为他们都该死, Or at least worry about it. at least: 至少 worry about: 担心 起码担心一下。 -Foster: Who? 谁? -Jared: They know who they are. 他们自己知道。 -Torres: If he didn't make the video, he sure wishes he had. sure: 的确,当然 wish: 希望 如果不是他做的,他肯定也希望是, His face, body language. body language: 肢体语言 他的面部表情、肢体语言, It's homicidal intent, right? homicidal intent: 谋杀倾向 homicidal: 杀人的 intent: 意图,倾向 这是谋杀倾向,对吧? “-Cal: Your name is? “你叫什么, -Stacey: Stacey. Stacey。 -Cal: Stacey. That was news footage? footage: 影片的镜头 Stacey,那是新闻片段吗? -Stacey: I don't know. Probably. 我不知道,可能吧。 -Jared: I'm the one who made the video. 录像是我做的。 -Mr. Fitzgerald: Jared? Jared? -Jared: Jared Rollins is my name.” 我叫Jared Rollins。” -Eli: Ok, when he said he made the video, 他说自己做录像时 , he deliberately interrupted Stacey. deliberately: 故意地 interrupt: 打断 故意打断了Stacey。 -Torres: And she's relieved. relieve: 放松,缓解 然后她松了一口气。 -Eli: He's covering for her, he's protecting her. cover for: 代替 protect: 保护 他在掩护她,保护她。 -Cal: Oh, nice shirt. Help yourself. shirt: 衬衣 help yourself: 自便 衬衫不错,随便穿没事。 -Terry: I thought you had fallen in. fall in: 倒下,来临 我还以为你会暴怒。 -Cal: Right now, that would be a quality problem. quality: 质量 那就不对了。 How is your hand? 你手怎么样? -Terry: Ah, it's all right. 没什么事。 -Cal: You know, I don't normally approve of torture, normally: 通常 approve: 赞同,同意+of torture: 折磨,拷打,拷问 通常我不赞成刑讯, But in your case, that is personal. personal: 私人的 但是你这次是私人问题了。 What's going on, Terry? Terry,到底怎么了? Eh? What's going on? 到底怎么了? -Terry: God! 天呐~ -Cal: You all right? You're all right. 你还好吧,没事吧, -Terry: You remember those, uh, 你记得, The property flips we used to do back in London? property: 财产 flip: 轻抛,投掷 back: 早过去的 我们在伦敦做的房产把戏吗? -Cal: Yeah. 记得。 -Terry: I only broke in. break in: 闯入 我私闯进去, And sold the wrong man's Miami mansion. mansion: 大厦,公寓 把人家迈阿密的房子卖了。 But it turns out, turn out: 结果,证明 结果, he was connected. connected: 有关系的 他关系硬不好惹。 -Cal: Answer the question. All right? 回答我的问题,好吗? What are you dragging me into? drag„ into: 扯进„中 你把我牵扯进什么破事里了, -Terry: Nothing! 不想干嘛! -Cal: Hey? 嘿~ -Terry: I don't know. I swear to god, Cal, swear: 发誓 我不知道我发誓,Cal , I do not know. 我不知道。 -Cal: Well, come on, then. come on: 来吧 那走吧。 -Terry: Thank you. 谢谢。 -Cal: Oh, shut up. shut up: 闭嘴 闭嘴吧。 -Foster: So the video... 那个录像, even though you didn't make it, does speak to your needs? even though: 即使 speak to: 证明 尽管不是你录的,但它说出了你的想法对吗? And which is partly why you took false credit. partly: 部分地 take: 顶替 false: 错误的 credit: 信用,信誉 这也是你顶替罪名的部分原因。 And you say they deserve to die, deserve: 应得,值得 你说他们都该死,但很明显, but you're clearly scared to name them. scared: 害怕的 name: 说出„名字 你害怕说出他们的名字。 Loker, take Jared back to the conference room. take„back: 带回 conference room: 会议室 Loker 带Jared回会议室, I need to talk to Stacey now. 现在我要和Stacey聊聊。 We're done. done: 完成了的 就这样吧。 Where's Lightman? Lightman在哪? -Torres: He's not in his office. We keep calling him, 他不在办公室,我们一直给他打电话, But it's going straight to voicemail. straight: 直接的 voicemail: 语音信箱 可都是直接转到语音信箱。 -Foster: Where could he be? I mean, that's not like him. 他能去哪呢? 这一点也不像他。 Could you keep trying? 你能继续给他打吗? -Torres: Yeah. 好的。 -Lance: Dr. Lightman. Lightman博士, Good of you to come. 很高兴你能来。 -Cal: I warn you, I'm not cheap. warn: 警告 cheap: 便宜的 告诉你,我命很值钱的。 -Lance: Well, Terry's life cover it? cover: 足以支付,抵消 用Terry的命来抵,够吗, -Cal: Barely. barely: 仅仅,刚刚 勉强。 -Lance: We have a deal, then. deal: 交易,约定 那就说定了。 I like to think of all of my people as family, think of: 有„的想法 我也希望把手下都当家人, But one of these three has been informing on me to the government. inform: 告发 government: 政府 但这三人之一向政府告我的密, Now, you're going to tell me for certain for certain: 肯定地 你要肯定的告诉我, Which one is the rat. rat: 老鼠,出卖或告发同伴的人 哪个是叛徒。 -Cal: What, so you can kill the man? 然后你好杀了他? -Lance: Three minutes, Dr. Lightman. 给你三分钟,Lightman博士。 -Cal: Right, then. 好吧。 All right, boys? 准备好了吗? Well, you're right. 你说得对, There is a liar in the room. liar: 撒谎者 屋里有人在撒谎, Liar is you. 那人就是你。 -Terry: What are you doing?! 你干什么? Now's not the time to play the comedian, all right?! play: 扮演 comedian: 喜剧演员 现在没时间扮小丑好吧? -Lance: Get up. get up: 起来 起来。 -Terry: Just give him one more chance. chance: 机会 再给他一次机会, He won't let you down, will ya? let down: 使失望 ya: <俚>你 他不会让你失望的,对吧? -Cal: None of these men is an informer. informer: 告密者 他们没人告密, But you already knew that, didn't you? 但你很清楚,对吧 Eh? 嗯, -Lance: Good. 很好。 -Terry: Yeah. Told you he was the best, didn't I? 告诉过你,他是最棒的。 -Cal: Yeah, what I want to know is when you told him that, 我想知道你什么时候告诉他的,Terry, Terry. Was it last night? 昨晚? Last week, last month? 上周还是上个月? -Lance: Quiet, ladies. 安静点,小姐们。 -Cal: Nice one, Terry. 玩得好啊,Terry。 -Foster: Stacey, are you and Jasmine friends? Stacey,你和Jasmine是朋友吗? -Eli: The exact same look she showed for Jasmine in class. exact: 原样的 look: 表情 show: 展示 in class: 在课上 在教室她对Jasmine露出了同样的表情, Contempt. contempt: 轻视,蔑视 充满鄙夷。 -Stacey: She's mean to me. mean: 刻薄的 她对我很刻薄, In P.E., P.E.: 体育课 体育课上, In the locker room. locker: 有锁的橱柜 locker room: 衣帽间 更衣室里, But she's not the only one. 但不是她一个人这样, I hate P.E.. 我讨厌体育课。 -Foster: Well, did you tell your teacher? 那你有告诉老师吗? -Stacey: He knows. 他知道这事。 -Foster: Stacey, I wish I didn't have to ask you this... Stacey,我不得不问, But do you ever wish Jasmine or any of the other kids who are mean to you, harm? 你有没有想过,伤害Jasmine这些对你刻薄的人? -Stacey: Harm? Like... 伤害? You think I made that video, 你认为是我做的录像? That it was... 就为了... I may have thought about revenge, think about: 考虑 revenge: 报复 我曾想过报复, But I don't want them to die. 但我没想过杀人。 -Torres: She's telling the truth. She doesn't want to harm anyone. tell the truth: 说实话 harm: 伤害 她说的是实话,她不想伤害任何人。 -Stacey: Please don't tell Jasmine I told on her. tell on: 告发某人 请别告诉Jasmine我这么说她。 -Foster: Oh, sweetie. sweetie: 亲爱的 噢,亲爱的。 -Mr. Fitzgerald: Maybe she is the one who made the video. 也许录像就是她做的, All this is her fantasy of revenge. fantasy: 幻想 revenge: 报复 这就是她的报复幻想。 -Eli: Who's the P.E. teacher? 体育老师是谁, -Mr. Fitzgerald: Why? 怎么了, -Torres: It's not you, is it? 不是你吧? -Mr. Fitzgerald: Yeah, but I would never turn a blind eye to bullying if I saw it. turn a blind eye to: 熟视无睹 blind: 盲目的,瞎的 bully: 欺凌,欺负 是,对这种事我也不会坐视不理。 -Torres: Did you know that these kids were picking on Stacey? pick on: 戏弄,总是挑剔 你知道孩子们都在欺负她吗? -Mr. Fitzgerald: Well, I could see she wasn't the most popular. popular: 受欢迎的 我知道她不是最受欢迎的孩子。 -Eli: Is Jasmine popular? Jasmine受欢迎吗, -Mr. Fitzgerald: Yeah. I'd say so. 是,应该说是。 Very, actually. actually: 其实 而且很受欢迎。 -Eli: It's always the popular ones who think they can get away with murder. get away with murder: 逍遥法外 get away with: 侥幸逃脱 murder: 谋杀 受欢迎的总认为自己能逃脱罪责。 -Torres: Spoken like a true scientist. 说得好像你真是个科学家似的。 -Eli: Trust me, I just know. trust: 相信,信任 相信我,我就是知道。 -Torres: We should get Jasmine in there now. 该把Jasmin带过来了。 -Lance:So you two go back a ways? 你俩是老交情了? -Cal: Well, I'm sure Terry's told you all about it. all about: 关于„的一切 Terry肯定全告诉你了。 -Lance: Property scams. property scam: 财产欺诈 property: 财产 scam: 诡计 房产欺诈, You picked out the easy marks. pick out: 挑选 easy marks: <俚>易受欺骗的人,易受利用的人 mark: <俚>易受骗的人 你寻找目标, Terry took them for everything they had. Terry夺去他们的一切。 -Cal: Yeah. If that's how Terry remembers it. remember: 记得 对,如果Terry这么认为的话。 -Terry: I remember you with the business with: 就,关于 business: 生意,事务 我记得都是你 Of picking out just the right mark. 选的易上钩目标, The absolute bloody business, I swear. absolute: 完美的,完全地 bloody: <俚>非常的 易如反掌的好生意。 -Lance: Hmm. Terry tells me that you owe him your life, Dr. Lightman. own: 欠 Lightman博士,Terry说你欠他一条命, Tell me about that. 跟我说说吧。 -Cal: I...I thought it was water under the bridge. water under the bridge: 过去发生的事情 我还以为这些都是些陈年往事了。 -Lance: Even so, even so: 虽然如此 尽管如此, While we're waiting. 闲着也是闲着。 -Cal: What if I was to say we were West Ham supporters at Millwall game? supporter: 支持者 game: 运动会,比赛会 我们在米尔沃尔主场支持西汉姆 (同为伦敦的足球俱乐部)。 -Lance: He saved you from soccer hooligans. save: 拯救 soccer: 英式足球 hooligan: 小流氓 他从足球流氓手里救了你。 -Cal: Manner of speaking. 差不多吧。 -Lance: Or were you two the hooligans? hooligan: 小流氓 还是你俩就是足球流氓? -Terry: Not guilty, your honor. guilty: 有罪的 honor: 尊敬,敬意 不是,法官大人。 -Cal: You see that look, Terry? Terry,看到他的表情了吗? That look says that your time on this planet is running out. planet: 星球 run out: 用完,流逝 意思是说,你时间不多了。 -Terry: Yeah, put a cork in it, cork: 软木塞 闭嘴吧你,别废话了。 Cal, all right? That's enough. enough: 足够的 Cal,够了。 -Cal: See, it's always the same, the criminal mind. criminal: 罪犯的 mind: 心理,心思 看吧,罪犯的心理都是相同的, Never sees the end of the road. the end of the road: 路的尽头,末路 不到黄河不死心, Forever hoping, often actually believing forever: 永远 hope: 希望 believe: 相信 一心以为 That there will be just one more corner to turn. corner: 角落,拐角 turn: 转,拐弯 前路漫漫。 Not his fault. fault: 错误 当然不是他的错, He's not the only one. 不光他这样, I'm basically wired the same way. basically: 基本上,主要地 the same way: 一样的 我自己就好不到哪去。 -Hutton: All right. 好 They're on their way. Five minutes out. on their way: 在途中 他们在路上了五分钟后到 -Cal: Who? 谁, -Lance: The man that you're going to meet with. 你要去见的人。 See if he's on the level or not if: 是否 on the level: 诚实的,坦白的 level: 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,水平 做生意前, Before I do business with him. do business with: 与„做生意 总得探探他的虚实。 -Cal: Call him back. Cancel it. call back: 回电 cancel: 取消 给他打电话,取消会面。 -Lance: Excuse me? 什么, -Hutton: What? 什么, -Cal: Look out the window. window: 窗户 看窗外。 Right, there's an FBI tail out there. tail: 尾巴,监视 有个FBI在盯梢呢, They've been on Terry like a cheap suit suit: [古]随从 Terry一下飞机, Since he landed. land: 登陆 就被他们盯上了。 -Hutton: Don't play games, professor. play games: 敷衍塞责 professor: 教授 别跟我玩花样,教授。 -Cal: You can thank me later. 你一会再谢我吧。 -Lance: Show me. 指给我看。 -Cal: See it? 看见了吗, -Lance: The blue one? 蓝色的那个, -Cal: No, no. 不, Not the blue one, the other one. 不是蓝的, That one over from it, the red one. 这边这辆, The red station wagon. station wagon: 旅行车 station: 车站 wagon: 货车 红色旅行车, Might as well have had the blue light flashing on top. might as well: 最好 blue light: 警灯 flash: 闪烁 on top: 在上面 也许车顶还有警灯在闪。 -Lance: Call him back. Change the meet to the warehouse. warehouse: 仓库 给他打电话,改在仓库见面。 -Hutton: Get up. 起来。 -Foster: A whole lot of people think that a whole lot of: 一大堆,许许多多的 很多人都认为, It's just the victims of bullies victim: 受害者 bully: 欺凌弱小者 被欺负的人 Who get hurt. 才会受到伤害, But the bullies 但恶人 Pay a price, too. pay a price: 付出代价 也会付出代价的。 You know, maybe not physically, but... physically: 身体上地 你知道,或许不是肉体上的,但是„ -Jasmine: We were just joking around at first. joke: 取笑,戏弄 at first: 开始 开始我们只是取笑她。 -Foster: Yeah, about what? Stacey's weight? weight: 体重 开什么玩笑? Stacey的体重? -Jasmine: That, and... 体重还有... I can't explain. explain: 解释 我说不清。 It got out of control. out of control: 不受控制,失控 事情失控了, I'm so sorry. 我很抱歉。 -Foster: Are you, though? 真的吗? -Jasmine: It wasn't just me. 不只我一个人这样, There are others. 还有其他人。 If that video means what I think it means, 如果真像录像说的, That it's all coming to an end... come to an end: 结束,终止 一切都会了结, The pain, her pain, mine? pain: 痛苦 她的痛苦、我的痛苦都会停止, I wish it would. 我希望如此。 I hate myself for what I did to Stacey. hate: 憎恨 我恨自己对Stacey所做的一切, But I couldn't stop. He didn't want us to. 但我停不下来,他不让我们停。 -Torres: He meaning you. "他"指的是你。 -Mr. Fitzgerald: Hmm? 嗯, -Eli: And you still mean to tell me 你还说, You had no idea this was going on? 自己不知情? -Mr. Fitzgerald: I can't be everywhere all the time. everywhere: 到处 all the time: 一直 我又不能无时无刻盯着他们。 -Torres: Ducks the question while grabbing for an excuse. duck: 闪避 question: 问题 grab: 抓 excuse: 借口 找借口的同时躲避了问题。 -Eli: Yeah, classic deflection. classic: 经典的 deflection: 偏向 没错,典型的逃避行为。 -Jasmine: If Stacey made that video, it's because of me. 如果录像时Stacey做的,那就是我的错。 -Torres: Where's Stacey? Stacey去哪了? -Policeman: She went to the bathroom. bathroom: 洗手间 她去了洗手间。 -Torres: How long ago? 去了多久, -Policeman: A few minutes. 几分钟了。 -Jared: More like 10, I think. 我觉得有十分多钟了。 -Torres: Stacey? Stacey, Stacey! Stacey~ Stacey, come on. Stacey~ Open up now, please. open up: 打开 把门打开好吗, Stacey! Stacey! -Eli: I can't find a pulse. pulse: 脉搏 没有脉搏。 -Foster: Oh, my god. 天啊, Oh, my god, I missed it. miss: 忽视 我忽视了, It wasn't homicidal intent. homicidal intent: 谋杀倾向 不是谋杀倾向。 I misread the sadness. misread: 读错,看错 sadness: 悲哀 我忽视了她的悲伤, It was suicidal intent. Oh, my god. suicidal intent: 自杀倾向 suicidal: 自杀的 是自杀倾向,天啊~ -Torres: Yeah, I need an ambulance. ambulance: 救护车 我要叫救护车。 -Ben Reynolds: All right, let's go. Let's stay three cars behind. 开车,保持3个车距。 -Foster: The parents have been contacted, right? contact: 联系 联系她父母了吧? -Mr. Anders: It's been taken care of. take care of: 照料 联系了。 -Foster: Tell me she's going to be ok. 她不会有事吧。 She's going to be ok. 她会没事的。 -Lance: Stay here. 待在这儿, Talk amongst yourselves. amongst: 在„中间 你们自己聊聊吧。 -Terry: Was that really an FBI tail? tail: 尾巴,监视 真有联调局在盯梢, -Cal: Yep. yep: <俚>是 没错。 -Terry: And you just ditched them? ditch: <俚>摆脱,逃开,避开 而你又甩了他们, -Cal: Yes. To earn his trust, yeah. earn: 赢得 没错,为了赢得他们的信任。 -Terry: Oh, well, that worked like a charm, Cal. like a charm: 效验如神地 charm: 魔力 那还真有效,Cal。 We got blindfolds and locked doors. blindfold: 眼罩 locked: 上锁的 换来我们被蒙眼又关起来。 -Cal: Are we even yet, Terry? even: 清的,平的 我们已经扯平了吗,Terry? Are we ever going to be even in your eyes? in one’s eyes: 在某人看来 在你心里我们会有扯平的时候吗? -Terry: Oh, you think that's what this is about? 你觉得一切都就是为了这个? It's about who's even with who. 就是为了两不相欠? -Cal: That's a bit rich coming from you, mate. rich:<口>可笑的,荒唐的 come from: 来自 mate: 兄弟,伙计 这话从你嘴里说出来有点可笑,兄弟。 -Terry: Ok, mate. 好吧,兄弟。 I did three years in prison saving your ass. prison: 监狱 ass: 愚蠢的人 为了救你我做了三年牢。 -Cal: So what do I gotta do? gotta: =have got to 必须 那我要怎样? I gotta die to save yours, have I? 我得以命相抵是吗? You should have come to me in the first place. in the first place: 一开始 你早就该来找我, You should have been honest with me. You should have said, be honest with: 对„老实说 应该告诉我真话, Cal, I'm in a bit of bother. a bit of: 一点 bother: 麻烦,烦扰 你应该说"Cal,我有点麻烦, Could use some help from a friend I know I can count on." count on: 依靠,指望 需要个信得过的朋友帮忙"。 -Terry: And you would have done what? 然后你会怎么做, -Cal: I don't know, I would have done something! 不知道,反正不会袖手旁观! Anything's better than this! 怎么也比现在强! -Terry: I haven't heard from you in over 20 years, mate. hear from: 接到„的信 你20多年没和我联系了,兄弟, Over 20 years. 20多年了。 What was that? 那意味着什么? Let's just face it, eh? face: 面对 面对现实吧, You wanted the past dead and me along with it. along with: 连同„一起 你就希望我,跟你过去那点事儿烟消云散。 Apology accepted, by the way. apology: 道歉 accept: 接受 by the way: 顺便 顺便说一句,我接受你的道歉。 -Ben Reynolds: Where the hell is Lightman? the hell: 该死的 Lightman在哪? -Lance: My financial advisor, Harry Sloane. financial: 财务的 advisor: 顾问 我的财务顾问Harry Sloane。 -Cal: How do you do? 你好吗? I see you two already know each other. 看来你俩已经认识了, Well, any friend of Terry's is a friend of mine. Terry的朋友就是我的朋友, So, pleasantries out of the way. pleasantry: 打趣话,开玩笑 out of the way: 【结束】 寒暄完毕。 Let's get down to the heart of the matter, shall we? get down to: 开始认真做 heart of the matter: 问题的核心,事情的实质 我们言归正传好吗? -Lance: The merchandise, Mr. Jones? merchandise: 商品,货物 那货呢,Jones先生? You say it is the best ever, 你说它世上难寻, flawless, in fact. flawless: 无瑕疵的 完美无瑕。 -Mr. Jones: I gave you my word, man to man. give one’s word: 保证,答允 man to man: 直爽地,坦率地 我向你保证,绝无假话。 -Cal: See, now, that's why I'm here. 看,这就是我在这儿的原因。 Yes or no questions, they only go so far. 是或不是的问题没什么作用。 So how flawless is the merchandise? flawless: 完美的,无瑕疵的 那货到底有多完美? -Mr. Jones: The Currency is perfect. currency: 货币 perfect: 完美的 这些钞票是完美的。 -Cal: There's a flicker of doubt there, flicker: 扑动,闪烁 a flicker of doubt: 一丝疑虑 doubt: 疑惑,怀疑 有一瞬的疑虑出现, But that might just be about the deal in general. deal: 交易 in general: 大体上,一般而言 但大概只是对于整个交易的。 I mean, perfect counterfeit currency. counterfeit currency: 假币 counterfeit: 假的,伪造的 currency: 货币 我是说,完美的伪钞, That's an oxymoron if ever I heard one, huh? oxymoron: [语](修词中的)矛盾修饰法 所谓的矛盾修饰法是吧? -Mr. Jones: What is this sideshow? sideshow: 杂耍,穿插表演 这是啥余兴节目? -Cal: He's telling the truth, though, 但他说伪钞是完美的时候, When he says that the counterfeit is perfect. counterfeit: 假装,伪装 说的是真话, He truly, he does believe that. truly: 真实地 他确实坚信这句话。 But then again, he's just, um, 但话说回来, He's what his name down at the U.N., all over again, right? U.N.: United Nations 联合国 all over again: 重新,在一遍 他叫什么来着,那个去了联合国的? -Mr. Jones: Uh, excuse me? 你什么意思? -Cal: That guy, he truly did believe 那人确实相信那些, All that wmd nonsense. wmd: =Weapon of Mass Destruction 大规模杀伤性武器 nonsense: 胡说,废话 大规模杀伤性武器的鬼话。 So, cleverly, cleverly: 聪明地 所以他们很聪明的, They sent him off down to the U.N. to sell it. send off: 派遣 送他到联合国去推销这个说法, The rest is history. 其他都成历史了。 -Mr. Jones: No one sent me here. 没人派我来这儿。 The currency... currency: 货币 那些钞票, is flawless. 完美无暇。 -Cal: Nah, I... 算了,我... I mean, I'm sorry. 我很遗憾, But it's not good enough. 但这样说不够。 -Mr. Jones: Who is this ass? Huh? ass: 蠢人,混蛋 这混蛋谁啊? Screw him, let's go. screw: <俚>【该死的,去他的】 去他的,我们走。 -Man: But we're not done yet. done: 完成了的 还没完事呢。 -Terry: No, you swore to me that you would... swear: 发誓 不,你发誓你不会„ -Cal: Hey, hey! 嘿,嘿! -Lance: Is he telling the truth, Dr. Lightman? 他说的是真话吗,Lightman博士? Yes or no? 是或不是, -Cal: Yes! He believes that he is, yes. 是,他相信他说的是真的。 -Mr. Jones: Good. 好, So do we have a deal or not, huh? 那我们要不要交易? -Lance: Is this the best you've got, Dr. Lightman? 这就是你全部能耐,Lightman博士? Because so far, I'm underwhelmed. so far: 目前为止 underwhelmed: 未引起兴趣的 目前我可毫不满意。 Or is there more? 或者你还有几手? -Cal: Right, well you put me in front of the actual counterfeit in front of: 在„面前 actual: 真正的 counterfeit: 赝品,伪造品 好吧,你让我见见真的制假人, With the bank notes in his hands, bank notes: 钞票,纸币 bank: 银行 note: 纸币 让他亲手拿着那些钞票, And I'll know just how good his product is. product: 产品 我就能知道这批货到底有多好。 -Lance: Just you. 你一个人来, Terry can stay here. Terry就留在这里。 -Cal: No. 不, Terry's with me. Terry和我一起, It's not negotiable. negotiable: 可通过谈判解决的 没有商量余地。 -Terry: No, I'll be all right, Cal. 不用,我没事,Cal。 -Cal: Don't be dumb. dumb: 愚蠢的,犯傻的 别蠢了。 -Terry: You need to be thinking about yourself right now. 你现在得考虑考虑你自己。 -Cal: Yeah, now you tell me. 还用你告诉我, It's not negotiable. 没有商量余地。 -Terry: Ow! Come on! 拜托! -Lance: Say nothing, Terry, not a word. 别说话,Terry,一个字也别说。 -Cal: This is him? 就是他? That's your counterfeiter, right? counterfeiter: 造伪币者 你的制假人对吧? -Mr. Jones: The best there is. 顶尖高手没错, 50,000 Euros, right there. Euro: 欧元 5万欧元,全在这儿。 -Cal: Bloody hell! bloody hell: 【该死的,表示惊叹】 我的天啊! How many containers you got? container: 集装箱 你有几集装箱这货啊? -Lance: That is not your concern. concern: 关心,关注 这不用你操心。 -Mr. Jones: Put it back. put back: 放回 放回去。 -Cal: All right, um... What's your name? 好吧,你叫什么名字? -Mr. Jones: He doesn't need to know that. 他没必要知道这个。 -Cal: I gotta establish a baseline here. gotta: =have got to 必须 establish: 建立 baseline: 基准线 我需要建立基准线。 Easy answers to easy questions. 简单问题,简单地回答, Then I can get to bigger questions. 然后再问重要的问题。 -Otto Frankel: Otto. Otto, Hammil. Hammil。 -Cal: Otto... Otto, What's your real last name? last name: (欧美人放在名字后面的)姓 你真实的姓是什么? -Otto Frankel: Frankel. Frankel。 -Cal: Yeah. 好, How many kids you got? 你有几个孩子, -Otto Frankel: None. 没有。 -Cal: How long have you been married? married: 已婚的 你结婚多长时间了, -Otto Frankel: I'm not married. 我还没结婚。 -Cal: Where are you from? 你是哪里人, -Otto Frankel: Chicago. 芝加哥。 -Mr. Jones: Hey get on with it, please, will you? get on with: 继续做 嘿,进入正题,好吗? -Cal: Um, these notes are counterfeit, right? 这些是假币,是吗, -Otto Frankel: Yes. 是的。 -Cal: How good are they? 质量有多好? -Otto Frankel: We already tested a modest amount without detection. test: 测试 modest: 谨慎的 amount: 数量 detection: 察觉,发现 我们已进行测试,没有被检出的。 -Lance: Well, Dr. Lightman. Lightman博士。 -Cal: What? 什么, Well, he hasn't answered my question yet. 他还没回答我的问题呢。 -Hutton: Easy, fellas. easy: 放松的,从容的 fella:<俚>伙伴,伙计 别紧张,兄弟们, It has taken care of. take care of: 照顾,照料 已经搞定了, He was right. 他说的没错, FBI. 是FBI。 -Stacey: I don't think I can do this. 我觉得我做不到。 -Foster: I'll be right here the whole time. the whole time: 一直 我会一直待在这里的, Don't worry. 别担心。 Just take your time, Stacey. take one’s time: 别着急,慢慢来 慢慢来,Stacey。 -Stacey: You knew what they were doing to me, Fitzgerald先生,你早就知道, Mr. Fitzgerald. 他们是怎么对我的。 You didn't just ignore it. ignore: 忽视,忽略 你不光坐视不理, You started it all. start: 着手,开始,发动 而且还指使他们。 -Mr. Fitzgerald: Oh, Stacey... Stacey。 -Stacey: You kept telling me I was fat and lazy fat: 肥胖的 lazy: 懒惰的 你在他们面前, In front of them. in front of: 在„前 不停说我又懒又胖。 -Mr. Fitzgerald: That's not true. 这不是真的。 -Torres: Your hands and eyes say otherwise. otherwise: 另外,不同地 你的手势和眼神可不是这么说的。 -Jasmine: So do I. so do sb: 某人也赞同 我也不同意。 I'm so sorry, Stacey. 我真是太抱歉了,Stacey。 -Eli: You know, I had a coach like you once couch: 教练 once: 曾经 我以前有个教练跟你一样, Who had it in for one of the kids on the team. have it in for: 厌恶 team: 队 和队里一个孩子就是过不去, Constant verbal abuse. constant: 持续的,不断的 verbal: 口头的 abuse: 辱骂,虐待 佯装权威, Disguised as authority. disguise: 伪装 authority: 权威 不停出口伤人。 Eddie, Eddie Johnston. Eddie Johnston, And nothing that Eddie ever did 不管Eddie做什么, Was ever good enough. 永远不够好。 -Mr. Fitzgerald: You're out of line. out of line: 不协调,不在一条线 你太离谱了。 -Eli: And the example that that coach example: 例子,事例 就像你为 Set for the rest of us, just like you did for Jasmine set: 安排,树立 the rest of: 其余的 Jasmine和她朋友, And all of her buddies, buddy: <俚>密友,伙伴 所作出的一样, We thought it gave us the license license: 许可证,许可 我们觉得那是 To make Eddie an outcast. outcast: 被驱逐者 默许我们排斥Eddie。 -Mr. Fitzgerald: I never touched a hair on her head. touch: 碰触 hair: 头发 我从没动过她一下。 -Jasmine: Right. 没错, Because we did it for you. 因为我们都替你做了。 -Stacey: I wanted you to have to live the rest of your life 我要让你一辈子都记住, knowing that what you did to me 你的所作所为., made me... 让我.. You knew what this was really about all the time. all the time: 始终 你一直都知道这是怎么回事。 I know, 我知道, Because I sent you a video, too. 因为我给你也送了录像。 -Mr. Anders: Which you neglected to mention, Mr. Fitzgerald. neglect: 忽视 你却只字未提,Fitzgerald先生。 -Torres: Making you guilty of obstruction of justice. guilty: 有罪的+of obstruction: 妨碍,阻塞 justice: 公正,审判 这你就犯了妨碍司法公正罪。 -Foster: And if this keeps you away from kids forever, away from: 远离 如果这能让你从此,永远远离孩子们, I'll take it. 我接受。 Right, Stacey? 对吧,Stacey? -Stacey: Yeah. 是的。 -Mr. Fitzgerald: Wait a minute. wait a minute: 等一下 等一下, One kid has a psychological breakdown, an illness, psychological: 心理的 breakdown: 崩溃,衰弱 illness: 疾病 她个孩子有心理疾病崩溃了, And I'm to blame? be to blame: 该受责备,应承担责任 blame: 责备 凭什么怪我? -Mr. Anders: We need to talk... 我们需要谈谈„ -Mr. Fitzgerald: I don't think so. 我不想谈。 -Stacey: Thank you. 谢谢你。 -Cal: There's a whitening of the skin around the eyes, whitening: 变白 skin: 皮肤 眼周肤色变白, Which is a dead give away dead: 致命的 give away: 泄露,出卖 是一项致命纰漏, For the kind of fear that we try to hide when we lie. fear: 恐惧 hide: 隐藏,掩盖 泄露了我们在说谎时的恐惧。 And a slight rotation of the right arm, slight: 轻微的 rotation: 旋转 right arm: 右臂 还有,右臂轻微转动, Which is what we call in the trade a shrug fragment, trade: 交换 shrug: 耸肩 fragment: 片段,碎片 这就是我们,所说的部分耸肩行为的代偿表现。 Which means he's got zero confidence in what he just said. zero: 零点 confidence: 自信 意味着,他对他说的话没有一点自信。 -Otto Frankel: The eyes of a cheat eye: 见解 cheat: 骗子 一个骗子, Who thinks he has all the cards, card: 手段,策略 自以为掌握全局, But who knows 但其实你知道, I'm telling the truth. 我说的是真话。 -Cal: Well, he's lying. 他在说谎。 -Hutton: The son of a bitch has been playing us the whole time. son of a bitch: 混蛋 the whole time: 始终 这混蛋一直在耍我们。 -Cal: Whoa, easy! No, I didn't say... easy: 放松点 别、别,我没说„ -Hutton: You really think we're that dumb, huh? dumb: 愚蠢的 你真以为我们那么蠢? -Cal: Easy! I didn't say! I didn't... ! 我没那么说,我没那么说... -Terry: No! No! 不! 不! -Ben Reynolds: FBI! Nobody move! move: 移动 FBI! 都别动! Anybody else? 还有谁? Down on your knees! on one’s knees: 跪着 跪下! 快! Now! 快! 跪下! 跪下! -Cal: How do you do that? 你是怎么做到的? -Hutton: Blanks. blank: 空的,空包弹 空弹。 -Terry: Blanks? 空弹, -Cal: No, no, I mean, with your eyes. 不是,我是说你的眼睛, How do you do that? 你怎么做到的? -Hutton: Oh, it's just practice. practice: 练习 哦,多练练而已。 -Terry: What's going on? 怎么回事? -Ben Reynolds: Get up. Put your hands behind your back. behind one's back: 在某人之背后 起来,双手放在背后。 -Cal: I swear, I'm getting too old for this, Terry. swear: 发誓 我发誓,我太老干不了这个了,Terry。 I really am. 真的, FBI have been onto you and McClellan FBI着手调查你和McClellan, For, oh, a while now. 已经有一段时间了。 -Hutton: Special Agent Hutton. special: 特别的 agent: 探员 特别侦探Hutton。 -Cal: Oh, nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。 -Hutton: You, too. 我也是。 Superior work, Agent Reynolds. superior: 出众的 干得真棒,Reynolds探员。 -Ben Reynolds: Well, likewise, my friend. likewise: 同样地 你也是,伙计。 So how's that for having your back? back: 支持 刚才这下挺你怎么样? -Cal: That's just like a real FBI Agent. 像个货真价实的FBI探员。 -Terry: Thanks a lot, Cal. 多谢,Cal。 -Cal: What? 什么? -Hutton: So, uh, when did you first realize I was undercover, Dr. Lightman? realize: 意识 undercover: 密探,卧底 你什么时候意识到,我是卧底的,Lightman博士? -Cal: Back at the poker table, you were angry poker: 纸牌 在扑克桌上,你那时生气, And fearful, fearful: 害怕的 又担心, But on my behalf. on one’s behalf: 为„的利益,代表 但是,是为我。 -Hutton: Ha, really? 哈,这样啊, -Cal: Yeah. 是呀。 -Ben Reynolds: Come on, let's go. 来吧,我们走。 -Cal: Ben? Hold on a second. hold on: 停止 second: 秒,片刻 Ben? 等一下。 I'll tell you what. 这样成吗, Terry walks for his part in this. 对于此事,Terry的部分就不追究了。 -Terry: What? 什么? -Cal: And then we're evens. evens: 同额赌注 你知道的, You know, I couldn't have done this without him. 没他我也做不成这些。 -Ben Reynolds: He goes from here to the airport. airport: 机场 他直接去机场, And he doesn't come back. come back: 回来 再也不能回来。 -Cal: Suits me. suit: 适合于 没意见。 -Ben Reynolds: Ever. You know, you are one lucky son of a bitch. 你个幸运的混蛋。 -Cal: Hey. Hey, um, can I borrow him for a minute? borrow: 借用 for a minute: 一会 我能单独和他待会吗? Just personal stuff. personal: 私人的 stuff: 原料,废话 有点私事。 -Ben Reynolds: Yeah, just, just make it... 好,就... quick. 快点。 -Cal: I knew you were 你一进办公室, Up to something the moment you walked into my office. be up to: 从事于 the moment: „时 我就知道你有企图。 And then I had to sit there and I had to watch you 我还得看你耍我, Play me like one of those yuppies back in London. play: 玩弄,戏耍 yuppie: 雅皮士, 属于中上阶层的年轻专业人士 back: 过去的 就像耍从前伦敦那些雅皮一样。 -Terry: McClellan had me by the short and curlies! have: 利用+by curly: 卷曲的 the short and curlies: 【这指卷发的穿短裙的美女】 我没抵挡住McClellan的卷发短裙美女! -Cal: My best mate! 我最好的兄弟! -Terry: Oh, come on! 算了吧! What, do you think I wanted to do it? 你以为我想这样吗? -Cal: You were in on this from the start, Terry! be in on: 参加 你从一开始就参与了这事,Terry! They knew who I was before I even sat down sit down:坐下 我还没坐上扑克桌, At that poker table. poker table: 扑克牌桌 他们已经知道我是谁了。 What was that? That was just some little test run. test: 测试 run: 竞赛 那是干嘛? 试我啊。 -Terry: So what do you call this, eh? 那你觉得这是什么? -Cal: Oh, a couple of broken fingers for a slice of that pie? a couple of: 几个 broken: 断的,折的 finger: 手指 slice: 部分 a slice of: 一部分 pie: 馅饼 断几根手指在交易里分一杯羹, Do me a favor. favor: 关切,帮忙 do sb. a favor: 帮某人一把 帮帮忙吧。 And you can stop treating me like a bloody moron now! treat: 对待 bloody: 该死的 moron:<口>低能者,笨人 你该死的,别再把我当傻子了! -Terry: Yeah, well, maybe I just came to resent you, Cal. resent: 憎恨,怨恨 也许我来就是因为恨你,Cal。 -Cal: Hate me, more like. more like: <口>大约,差不多接近 恨我是吧, Years will do that, Terry. 长年累积? -Terry: You saw all the way through it, didn't you? all the way: 自始至终 see through: 看穿,识破 你老早就看穿了对吧? You saw right through it from the start. 你从一开始就看穿一切了 Still helped me, though, didn't you? 但你还是帮我了, You know why? 你知道为什么吗? Because you always have been 因为你一直都是, And you always will be 也永远会是, My best mate. 我最好的兄弟。 -Cal: Don't count on it. count on: 指望,依靠 别指望了。 All right? I'll tell you what. 我告诉你, My debt is now paid, debt: 债务 我的债已经全部还清了, In full! in full: 充足 没拖没欠。 No, wait a second, wait a second. You owe me now. own: 欠 不对,等一下,现在你欠我的。 Yeah, I saved your bacon and I covered your ass with the FBI! save one’s bacon: 使某人免遭挫折 cover: 保护,掩饰 ass: 屁股 我救了你的小命,还从FBI手里救了你。 -Terry: I'm a very lucky man. 我运气好。 -Cal: Yeah. 是啊, Well, all luck is earned, luck: 运气 earn: 挣得 运气最终要, In the end. in the end: 最终,最后 靠自己赢得。 Well go, then. 好了, Off you go. 走吧, Don't you dare look back. dare: 胆敢 look back: 回头看 不准回头!。 -Cal: Hey. 嘿。 -Foster: Have a seat. seat: 座位 have a seat: 坐下 坐下。 -Cal: Why? 为什么, -Ben Reynolds: This is an intervention. intervention: 调停,调节,干涉 我们开劝解会。 -Cal: What? 什么? All right, so I had, you know, 我不过 A few drinks with a mate. 跟朋友喝了几杯酒, Well, more than a few, actually. 也许不只几个。 -Torres: This isn't about drinking. 不是喝酒的问题。 -Cal: Well, then if it's about poker, 要是因为打扑克, I won a hundred grand. grand: <俚>一千美元 我赢了十万块。 -Eli: Hundred grand? 十万? -Cal: Uh, 105, actually. 十万零五千。 -Foster: It's not about gambling, either. gambling: 赌博 也不是因为赌博。 -Cal: Well, what is it about, then? 那是什么事, -Foster: It's about you trusting us. 是你对我们的信任问题, You were in trouble, and you never came to us. be in trouble: 有麻烦 come to: 找某人 你有麻烦却不找我们帮忙。 -Cal: Wait a minute. wait a minute: 等一下 等一下。 -Foster: No, you wait. 你给我住口, We're a team. 我们是个团队, And you risked your life without letting us help you. risk: 冒险,冒„的险 你不给我们帮忙的机会,独自去冒生命危险。 -Cal: Hey, I wouldn't be here at all 要不是为了Terry Marsh, If it wasn't for Terry Marsh. 我根本不会有今天。 -Eli: Fine. So where does that leave us? 那我们算什么? -Cal: That leaves you all fired. fire: 解雇 你们就卷铺盖回家吧。 -Torres: You gotta be kidding! gotta: =have got to 一定,必须 kid: 开玩笑 你开玩笑吧! I didn't even want to do this intervention. intervention: 调停,介入 我都不想开这劝解会的。 -Cal: Well, just you, then. 那就你, Just you are fired, 就只炒你, For having no spine. spine: 骨气,脊骨 因为你最没义气。 -Torres: I don't believe this. 我不敢相信。 -Cal: Good. 那就好, Because I'm lying. 因为我在撒谎。 What, you didn't spot that? spot: 认出,发现 你没发现吗? Oh, did your emotions get in the way? emotion: 情绪 get in the way: 妨碍 是不是感情用事蒙蔽了双眼? You should really work on that. work on: 努力解决 你得好好解决这个问题。 Well, this has been terrific. terrific: 很棒的 办的真不错, Really fantastic. fantastic: 美好的,极妙的 真的, Quite the intervention. intervention: 调停,介入 劝解会开得不错, We should do this again soon, very soon. 我们哪天再来一次吧。 -Foster: The intervention was my idea. intervention: 调停,介入 劝解会是我的主意。 -Cal: My mom died when I was young, 我幼年丧母, And my dad was long gone by then. gone: 离去的 by then: 到那时候 父亲早就不知所踪。 Terry and his family, they took me in take in: 接受 Terry家, Even though there was no room even though: 即使 尽管已经衣食紧缺, And even less money. less: 较少的 还是收留了我。 And one day, Terry and I got into a little bit of trouble get into trouble: 陷入麻烦 a little bit of: 一点 一天,我和Terry惹了麻烦, With the police. 但警察要来抓我们, Not your concern, but they were on their way. concern: 担心,忧虑 on the way: 在途中 不用担心, And no way we could get out of it get out of: 避免,逃出 我们无法脱身, Without one of us acting as decoy for the other. act as: 担当 decoy: 圈套,诱饵 除非一人当诱饵掩护对方。 -Foster: So Terry took the fall for you? fall: <口>被捕,陷阱 所以Terry帮你顶罪, -Cal: Yeah, he did. 是啊, He said, "You're supposed to use that brain of yours for something, be supposed to: 应该 brain: 头脑 他说"你应该好好用你的脑子有所作为", Not be dragged down into the muck drag down into: 把„向下拖进 muck: 垃圾 而不是被我这种混蛋, By stupid bastards like me." stupid: 愚蠢的 bastard: <俚>坏蛋,讨厌鬼 拖进麻烦里。 -Foster: He was right. 他是对的。 -Cal: Yeah, he was. 是啊, Yeah. 是啊, It cost him three years of his life. cost: 令人付出 但这夺去了他三年的时光。 So anyone who wants to compete compete: 竞争,比赛+with 要是有人想跟, For my loyalty with Terry Marsh, loyalty: 忠诚 Terry Marsh比孰轻孰重, Not really in a fair fight. fair: 公平的 fight: 斗争,战斗 根本没有胜算。 Good night, love. good night: 晚安 love: 亲爱的 晚安,亲爱的。
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