首页 2015河南乡镇公务员考试真题



2015河南乡镇公务员考试真题2015河南乡镇公务员考试真题 9月18日面试真题汇总: 上午: 梅州、汕头、潮州: 1、危房改造,你怎么落实 2、“能人治村”现象你怎么看? 3、水产养殖争水用,你作为村负责人,怎么处理 4、选深加工企业,如何安排。 惠州: 1.如今农村流行能人治理农村,发展本村经济,对于“能人治村”这个现象你怎么看? 2.农村水资源缺乏,水产养殖争水用发生纠纷,你作为村负责人,怎么处理 ? 3.本市计划发展农产品进行深加工项目,现在有两个公司在政府考核内,这两企业选一个农业产品进行深加工,你怎么安排? ...

2015河南乡镇公务员考试真题 9月18日面试真题汇总: 上午: 梅州、汕头、潮州: 1、危房改造,你怎么落实 2、“能人治村”现象你怎么看? 3、水产养殖争水用,你作为村负责人,怎么处理 4、选深加工企业,如何安排。 惠州: 1.如今农村流行能人治理农村,发展本村经济,对于“能人治村”这个现象你怎么看? 2.农村水资源缺乏,水产养殖争水用发生纠纷,你作为村负责人,怎么处理 ? 3.本市计划发展农产品进行深加工项目,现在有两个公司在政府考核内,这两企业选一个农业产品进行深加工,你怎么安排? 4.危房改造,你怎么落实 ? 清远、肇庆(有纸笔)、阳江(有纸笔)、揭阳、河源(无纸笔)、云浮(有纸笔)、汕尾(无纸笔): 1、“能人治村”现象你怎么看? 2、村里面给较困难人员发放房屋补助,工作重点是什么? 3、两家企业要来村投资,要你调研你要怎么做? 4、村民因水源问题产生纠纷,你是村干部你怎么办? 湛江: 1、“能人治村”现象你怎么看? rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 2、两村争水渠,你怎么处理? 3、危房改造,你怎么落实? 4、两企业选一个农业产品进行深加工,你怎么安排? 5、水产养殖争水用,你作为村负责人,怎么处理? 韶关:(有纸笔) 1.农村危房,政府补贴,你怎么看。 2.能人到贫困农村,推动经济发展,你怎么看; 3.有两个农产品公司来镇,选一个公司给农民,你怎么组织?; 4,两拨村民发展水产品争抢渠道的水,发生矛盾,如果你是村干部你会怎么处理? 茂名(无纸笔)、河源(无纸笔)、揭阳(无纸笔)、汕尾: 1.如今农村流行能人治理农村,发展本村经济,对于“能人治村”这个现象你怎么看? 2.农村水资源缺乏,水产养殖争水用发生纠纷,你作为村负责人,怎么处理 ? 3.本市计划发展农产品进行深加工项目,现在有两个公司在政府考核内,这两企业选一个农业产品进行深加工,你怎么安排? 4.危房改造,你怎么落实 ? 下午: 揭阳(无纸笔): 1、选举过程中,村民忘记了带选民证,工作人员不让进,在现场进行大吵,作为负责人怎么处理? 2、选一村三个村民代表,到镇政府提出政府存在的问题及建议,怎么组织? 3、镇政府到村进行农技推广,专家下乡进行技术指导培训,怎么落实,重点在哪? rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 河南中公教育官方网站:给人改变未来的力量 4、企业交保证金,用于农民工欠发工资时备用,您怎么看? 梅州(有纸笔)、汕尾(有纸笔): 1、选举过程中,有村民忘记带选民证,工作人员不给进,在门口大吵大闹,你怎么处理? 2、一个村推选三个代表 到镇政府提出建议意见,你怎么组织? 3、政府到村进行农技推广,专家下乡技术 指导,怎么落实?重点是什么? 4、企业交保证金,用于农民工欠发工资时备用,你怎么看? 河源(有纸笔): 1、选举过程中,有村民忘记带选民证,工作人员不给进,在门口大吵大闹,你怎么处理? 2、一个村推选三个代表 到镇政府提出建议意见,你怎么组织? 3、政府到村进行农技推广,专家下乡技术 指导,怎么落实?重点是什么? 4、企业交保证金,用于农民工欠发工资时备用,你怎么看? 9月19日面试真题汇总: 上午: 梅州、清远、汕头(无纸笔)、河源(有纸笔): 1、自来水管爆裂,停水三天,作为政府工作人员,怎么采取措施 2、农村绿化亮化的重点措施 3、村里分成两派有人说农产品质量提高重要,有人说经济价值重要,如果你是村干部,你会如何做 4、整理收集治安盲点弱点,各村成立巡防队,制定巡逻管理办法,提高巡防队员待遇 潮州(有纸笔)、揭阳(无纸笔)、茂名(有纸笔): rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis公考咨询交流、公考资讯早知道、公考 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 获取,), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of dise尽在河南公考社区: (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 1.某镇为了绿化环境,让你做此次负责人,你如何开展工作。 2.某村组织村民成立一支治安巡逻队,你是负责人应该怎么开展工作。 3.针对村农产品质量安全问题,有人说从源头进行监管,有人说提高生产者和经营者的意识,如果你是村干部,你会如何做? 4、自来水管爆裂,可能要停水三天左右,作为政府工作人员,怎么采取措施 清远 9月19日下午 有纸笔 1、让你组织65岁以上的老年人进行免费身体检查,你觉得要注意什么重点细节? 2、农村经济发展上来了,但是有些人的道德观下降了,你怎么看? 3、假如你去企业调研,刚好遇上有村民反映,该企业晚上施工,制造的噪音影响到他们生活,你会怎么处理? 4、现在要建一条饮食街,让你去收集资料,你如何实施? 阳江市乡镇公务员面试19日下午面试题目: 1、随着社会发展迅速,道德诚信下降,如诚信危机和敬老爱老问题,你怎么看? 2、你作为政府人员去企业调研,有村民在企业门口围着,反映企业晚上开工有噪音影响休息,请问你该如何处理? 3、某镇区要建设饮食街,需要调研决定地点和规模,你要怎么开展调研,征求市民意见? 4、要为65岁以上的老人免费体检,你认为重点难点在哪里? 揭阳20日上午面试题,河源面试 河源面试:无纸笔 1、某企业生产中,因安全隐患,给人民群众的生命财产安全造成了损失,上级安排你展开安全隐患排查工作,你该如何开展。 rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 河南中公教育官方网站:给人改变未来的力量 2、某剧组到村里来拍摄,对村民生活造成影响的同时,甚至有破坏环境的行为,与村民产生摩擦,村民要求剧组停止拍摄工作并离开,假如你是村领导,你该如何处理这场纠纷? 3、农村留守儿童在寒假暑假期间存在不良行为,沉溺网吧、到危险地带游泳、甚至打架斗殴等,作为一名政府部门的相关人员,你该怎么改变这种情况。 4、如今很多年轻人在外打工,回家机会比较少,因此出现花钱请人代替回家探望父母的现象,你如何看待这种现象。 揭阳下午面试题,河源面试: 1、创教育强镇,要怎么做。 2、老人摔倒不敢扶,怎么看这种现象。 3、电力施工,村民联名签字阻挠,怎么处理。 4、农村文化古迹怎么保护。 9月21日面试真题汇总: 汕尾考生梅州面试 21号上午 无题本 有纸笔 1、对于上访大巴的问题,你怎么看? 2、对于违规摩托车、三轮车的问题,作为政府人员,你怎么处理 3、对于农村垃圾问题,你怎么看 4,有村民反应低收入保障分配不均,比他有钱的人反而有低保,他没有,怎么处理(反映扶贫资金问题) 梅州汕头21号下午面试题目: 1、村里组织进行招商引资,政府以减少税收,吸引投资者,村民觉得浪费公共资源,对于出现这种现像,你怎么看? 2、村里合理规划了三个垃圾场,但附近的村民不同意在家附近建垃圾场,你是负责人,该怎么做好这件事? rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis公考咨询交流、公考资讯早知道、公考资料获取,), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of dise尽在河南公考社区: (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 3、本村有一个水产品养殖大户,养殖者不断的扩大养殖,导致增量,不增收,你是本村负责人,该怎么办? 4、乡镇府开展技能培训,你来负责,该怎么组织? rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 河南中公教育官方网站:给人改变未来的力量 rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis公考咨询交流、公考资讯早知道、公考资料获取,), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of dise尽在河南公考社区: (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English
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