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石油专业英语Originate v Unit 1 Introduction to Petroleum Industry Originate v.起源,发起(接from) Deposit v.沉积,存款(与withdraw相对) Sediment v.沉积,沉积岩 Sedimentary a.沉积的 Hydrocarbon n.烃类,碳氢化合物 Exploration n.勘探 Exploitation n.开发 Rig n.钻机 Trap n.圈闭 Sandstone n.砂岩 Limestone n.石灰岩 Dolomit...

Originate v Unit 1 Introduction to Petroleum Industry Originate v.起源,发起(接from) Deposit v.沉积,存款(与withdraw相对) Sediment v.沉积,沉积岩 Sedimentary a.沉积的 Hydrocarbon n.烃类,碳氢化合物 Exploration n.勘探 Exploitation n.开发 Rig n.钻机 Trap n.圈闭 Sandstone n.砂岩 Limestone n.石灰岩 Dolomite n.白云岩 Impermeable a.不渗透的(与permeable相对) Compress v.压缩 CNG: compressed natural gas 压缩天然气 Wildcat n.干井,初探井 Fracture v. & n. 裂缝 Wellbore n.井眼 Enhance v.提高,改善 Inject v.注入 Water flooding n.水驱 Miscible a.混相的 Petrochemical n.石油化工,石油化学 Refinery n.炼油厂 Condensate n.凝析油 Sulphur n.硫 Reservoir n.油藏,水库 Viscosity n.黏度 Sedimentary rock n.沉积岩 Rock layer n.岩层 Development well n.开发井 Production well n.生产井 Exploration well n.探井 Primary recovery n.一次采油 Secondary recovery n.二次采油 Tertiary recovery n.三次采油 Infill drilling n.加密钻井 Directional well n.定向井 Miscible flooding n.混相驱 Natural gas liquids n.天然气液体,凝析油 Sour gas n.含硫天然气 Hydrogen sulphide n.硫化氢 Original oil in place n.原始地质储量 Surface tension n.表面张力 Unit 2 Geology and Reservoir Traps Sedimentary basin n.沉积盆地 Delta n.三角洲 Compaction n.压实作用 Crust n.地壳 Tectonic a.构造的,构造学的 Tectonic plate n.构造板块 Overlay v.上覆 Barrier n.隔层 Permeable a.可渗透的 Outcrop n.露头 Configuration n.构造 Fault n.断层 Structure fault trap 构造断层圈闭 Normal fault 正断层 Thrust fault 逆断层 Anticline n.背斜 Syncline n.向斜 Core n.岩心 Gas cap n.气顶 Saturate v.饱和 Saturation n.饱和 Irreducible water/oil saturation 束缚水/残余油饱和度 Undersaturated oil 不饱和油 Oversaturated oil 过饱和油 Water cut 含水率 Porous a.多孔的,空隙的 Porous media 多孔介质 Porosity n.孔隙度 Oil-bearing 油层;含油的 Fold v.褶皱,折叠 Stratigraphic a.地层的,地层学的 Geophysical well logs 地球物理测井 Cementation n.胶结作用 Solution n.溶解作用 Gush v.井喷 Wellbore n.井眼 Wellhead n.井口 Stimulation n.增产措施 Hydraulic fracturing n.水力压裂 Crack v.裂开 Coiled-tubing drilling n.连续油管钻井 Blender truck n.混砂车 Frac pumper n.压裂泵车 Sand truck n.砂罐车 Proppant n.支撑剂 Unit 3 Crude oil and Natural gas Phase n.相;阶段 Centistokes n.厘沱(粘度单位) Milli-Darcy n.毫达西(渗透率单位) Viscous a.粘性的,粘稠的 Paraffin n.链烷烃,石蜡族;煤油 Alkane n.烷烃,链烷烃 Gaseous a.气体的,气态的,空虚的 Methane n.甲烷 Ethane n.乙烷 Propane n.丙烷 Butane n.丁烷 Pentane n.戊烷 Wax n.蜡;a.蜡状的 Fraction n.馏分;分数 Aromatic n.芳香族,芳香族环烃;a. 芳香的 Asphaltic a.含沥青的,沥青质的;n.沥青质 Asphaltene n.沥青烯 Resin n.树脂,松香;v.涂树脂 Soluble a.可溶的,能溶的;可解决的 Ester n.酯,酯类 Sulfide n.硫化物 Hydrogen sulfide n.硫化氢 Contaminant n.杂质,污染物 Impurity n.杂质,夹杂质混合物 Formation n.地层 Calcium n.钙 Magnesium n.镁 Marine a.海相的,海上的 Ppm(parts per million ) n.百万分之几 Liquefy v.液化;稀释 LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) n.液化石油气,液化气 Pipeline n.管道,管道输送 Pipeline system n.管网系统 Gathering system n.集输系统 Concentration n.浓度;集中 Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂 Corrode v.腐蚀 Corrosion n.腐蚀 Casing n.套管 Casing head n.套管头 Non-associated natural gas 非伴生天然气,气田气 Dissolve v.溶解,解除;无效 Dissolved gas n.溶解气 Formation gas oil ratio n.地层气油比 Barrel n.桶 Bbl (blue barrel) STB(stock tank barrel) n.储罐桶数 FVF(formation volume factor) n.地层体积系数 Skin factor n.表皮因子 Unit 4 Properties of Reservoir Rock Attribute n.属性,特征,标志 Void n.空隙,孔隙;a.无效的,空白的 Connate a.原生的,共生的 Connate water n.原生水,共生水 Throat n.喉道,咽喉 Compaction n.压实(作用),挤压 Cementation n.胶结作用 Permeability n.渗透率 Effective permeability n.有效渗透率 Geometry n.几何形态,几何学 Tortuosity n.迂曲度,弯曲度 Tortuous a.弯曲的 Productivity n.生产能力,产能 Carbonate n.碳酸盐,碳酸盐岩 Carbonate cement n.碳酸盐岩胶结物 Carbonate reservoir n.碳酸盐岩油藏 Carbonate formation n.碳酸盐岩地层 Carbonate sediment n.碳酸盐岩沉积 Primary pore n.原生孔隙 Mineral n.矿物 Mine v.开采矿物 Matrix n.基质 Drilling string n.钻柱 Mud n.泥浆,淤泥 Mud logger n.录井员 Mud engineer n.泥浆 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 师 Mud pump n.泥浆泵 Mud acid n.土酸 Dehydration n.脱水,去水 Dehydrate v.脱水 Desander n.除砂器 Desand v.除砂 Desalt v.除盐 Descale v.除垢 Defoamer n.去泡剂 Degas v.脱气 Fracture n.裂缝;破裂v.压裂 Storage n.储存,储备 Core n.岩心 Core holder n.岩心夹持器 Coring bit n.取芯钻头 Stratum n.层,岩层;地层 Strata n. (pl.) 地层 Darcy’s law n.达西定律 Dimension n.量纲,因次,维,元 3-D seismic survey (D: dimension:) 三维地震勘探 Dimensional a.量纲的,维次的 Irreducible a.不可减少的,剩余的,残余的 Irreducible water/oil saturation n.束缚水/残余油饱和度 Capillary n.毛细管;a.毛细管的 Capillary pressure n.毛管压力 Capillarity n.毛细管作用 Displacement n.驱替,取代,排出量 Displacement pressure n.排驱压力 Steam drive n.蒸汽驱 Artificial water drive n.人工注水驱 Artifical lift n.人工举升 Curve n.曲线 Well-sorted a.分选好的 Sort v.分选,排序 Unit 5 Well Drilling Rotary a. 旋转的,循环的 Rotary table n.转盘 Rotary drilling n.旋转钻井 Cable tool drilling n.顿钻钻井 Hoist v.提升,轮换,改变 Hoist system n.提升系统 Rotating system n.旋转系统 Engine system n.动力系统 Circulating/mud system n.循环系统 Diesel n.柴油机;柴油 Gasoline n.汽油 Kerosene n.煤油 Condensate n.凝析油 Lubricant n.润滑油 Grease n.润滑油 Engine oil n.机油 Fuel n.燃油 Reel n.卷轴,滚筒;卷缆车 Draw works n.绞车 Derrick n.井架,钻塔 Derrick floor n.钻台 Drillfloor n.钻台 Platform n.钻台 Crown block n.钻台 Traveling block n.游动滑车 Hook n.大钩 Rate n.速度,速率;v.评定,估计;确定,衡量 Production rate n.产量 Flow rate n.产量 Withdrawal rate n.产量 Yield n.产量 Outcome n.产量 Swivel n.旋转接头,(钻井)水龙头 Kelly n.方钻杆 Kelly bushing n.方钻杆补心 Elevation n.海拔,上升,举起 Elevate v.提升,升华 Bulldozer n.推土机 Dozer n.推土机 Pit n.坑,窖,泥浆池 Mud pit n.泥浆池 Drilling mud n.钻井泥浆 Cutting/chips n.钻屑 Cellar n.大坑,大方井 Blowout preventer (BOP) n.防喷器 Blow out v.井喷 Blowout n.井喷 Gush v.井喷 Gusher n.井喷 Kick n.井涌;v.踢 Truck-mounted rig n.车载钻机 Tractor-trailer n.牵引拖车 Portable rig n.轻便钻机 Mast n.桅杆式井架 Jack up v.举高,顶起 Spudding in n.开钻 Spud in v.开钻 Conductor hole n.导管孔 Conductor casing n.导管 Collar n.钻铤 Bit n.钻头 Tricone bit n.三牙轮钻头 Cone n.圆锥,(锥形)牙轮 Diamond n.金刚石 PDC bit (polycrystalline diamond compact bit ) n.聚晶金刚石钻头 Hardness n.硬度,硬性 Wear out v. 磨损,磨坏 Penetration n.穿透;吃入(钻头对岩层) Trip out v.起出(钻具) Make a trip 起下钻 Circulate v.循环;流通 Annulus n.环形空间,环空 Annular a.环形的 Annular mist flow n.环雾流 Screen n.筛网 Shale shaker n.泥浆振动筛 Cave v.坍塌,塌下 Cave in 坍塌 Crumble v.坍塌,破碎 Collapse v.坍塌,倒塌 Overbalance n.过平衡,正压 Overbalanced drilling n.过平衡钻井 Underbalance drilling n.欠平衡钻井 Particle n.微粒,粒子 Mud cake n.泥饼 Bentonite n.膨润土,斑脱岩 Barite n.重晶石 Ram n.柱塞;防喷器芯子 Pneumatic a.空气的,风力的;气体的 Pneumatic/air drilling n.风钻,空气钻井 Foam n.泡沫 Substructure n.井架底座 Return line n.上返管线 Discharge line n.排出管线 Monkey board n.二层平台 Manifold n.管汇 Mud gas separator n.泥气分离器 Desilter n.除泥器 Masterbushing n.转盘方瓦 Mud house n.泥浆房 Water tank n.水罐 Doghouse n.井场值班房 Fuel storage n.燃料罐 Hose n.水龙带 Catwalk n.高台 Drilling line n.钻井钢丝绳 V-door ramp n.斜坡 Pipe rack n.管架 Unit 6 Well Completion Completion n.完井,完成,结束 Productive a.生产的,开采的,产油的 Casing a.套管 Conductor casing n.导管 Conductor pipe n.导管 Surface casing n.表层套管 Intermediate casing n.中间套管 Production casing n.生产套管 Scale n.刻度,温标;水垢 Mud scale n.泥浆比重计 Downhole n.底部井眼,井下 Bottom hole n.井下 Borehole n.井眼 Wellbore n.井筒 Pile driver n.打桩机 Oil string n.油层套管,生产套管 Oil patch/field n.油田 Freshwater n.淡水,清水,新鲜水 Saline a.含盐的;n.盐水 Saline water n.盐水 Salinity n.矿化度 Pay zone n.生产层 Oil zone n.生产层 Production zone n.生产层 Liner n.筛管,尾管 Liner hanger n.尾管悬挂器 Slip n.滑;卡瓦 Safety slip n.安全卡瓦 Slippage effect n.滑脱效应 Production liner n.生产尾管 Tubing n.油管 Plug v.堵;n.旋塞,岩塞,段塞 Slug n.段塞 Packer n.封隔器 Corrode v.腐蚀,侵蚀;锈蚀 Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂 Corrosion n.腐蚀 Slurry n.水泥浆 Interval n.间隔,间距,层段;隔层 Perforate v.射孔,穿孔 Perforation n.射孔 Perforated a.射孔的,带孔的 Perforated completion n.射孔完井 Open-hole n.裸眼 Open-hole completion n.裸眼完井 Barefoot completion n.裸眼完井 Wire-wrapped screen n.绕丝筛管 Wire-wrapped screen completion n.绕丝筛管完井 Charge n.装药量 Shaped charges n.聚能射孔弹 Gravel n.砾石,砾砂 Gravel pack n.砾石充填 Christmas tree n.采油树 Choke n.节流器;节流口;油嘴 Workover n.修井 API standards n.美国石油协会标准 Drillstem test (DST ) n.中途测试 Stimulation n.增产措施;増注措施 Hydraulic fracture n.水力压裂裂缝 Acidization n.酸化(作用) Artificial lift n.人工举升 Natural flow n.自然流动,自喷 Additive n.添加剂 Friction reducing additive n.降阻剂 Acid wash n.酸洗 Unit 7 Production of Oil and Gas Associated a.伴生的 Non-associated natural gas n.非伴生天然气,气田气 Reinject v.回注 Slug n.段塞 Core slug n.岩心塞 Slug flow n.段塞流 Plug v.堵塞;n.塞子 Oil film n.油膜 Mist n.雾 Droplet n.微滴,小滴 Recycle v.再循环 Compressor n.压缩机 CNG (compressed natural gas)压缩天然气 Shut-down n.关井,停机 Throttle v.节制,调节,n.节流,节流阀 Throttle valve n.节流阀 Throughput n.生产量,生产率 Deviated well n.斜井 Slant hole /inclined well n.斜井 Cluster wells n.丛式丼 Deviate v.偏移,偏差 Offshore n.海上,近海 ODP (offshore drilling process) n.海洋钻井程序 Intermittent a.间歇的,中断的 Intermittent lift n.间歇气举 Continuous lift n.连续气举 Piston n.活塞 Centrifugal a.离心的;n.离心泵 Rod pump n.有杆泵 Sucker n.吸入泵,吸管,吸入活塞 Pull rod/sucker rod /sucker pole n.抽吸拉杆 Polish rod n.光杆 Rocking ram n.摇臂 Diesel n.柴油机,内燃机 Nodding donkey/horsehead n.驴头 Pig n.清管器 Pig sender n.发球装置 Pig receiver n.收球装置 Standing valve n.固定阀 Traveling valve n.游动阀 Dynagraph card n.示功图 Counterbalance n.平衡(块);v.使平衡,抵消 Crank n.曲柄,摇把 Stroke n.冲程 Downstroke n.下冲程 Upstroke n.上冲程 Plunger n.柱塞 Leak v.滤失 Leakage /leakoff n.滤失 Drainage n.排驱,排水 Gravitational drainage n.重力排驱 Walking beam n.游梁 Bridle block n.悬绳器 Stuffing box n.盘根盒 Counterweight n.平衡块 Saddle bearing n.支架轴承 Pitman n.连杆 Gear reducer n.齿轮变速器 Prime mover n.电动机,马达 Brake level n.制动杆 Brake bar n.刹把 Samson posts n.支架 Belt cover n.皮带盖 Production battery 集油站 Production decline 产量递减 Production gain 增产油量 Production facility 生产设备 Production horizon 生产层位 Production interval 生产层段 Production logging 生产测井 Production operation 采油作业 Production rate 产量 Production seismology 开发地震 Production watercut 产液含水率 Unit 8 Separation and Treatment Separator n.分离器 Onshore a.陆地的,陆上的 Pipework/pipeline n.管网,管道工程 Supersaturated a.过饱和的 Undersaturated a.不饱和的 Salinity n.盐度,盐性,矿化度 Saline n.盐水;a.含盐的 Saline lake n.盐湖 Saline water n.盐水 Salineness n.含盐度,含盐量 Ppm (parts per million ) n.百万分之几 Water-free a.不含水的,无水的 Fitting n.配件;油嘴;适合 Choke n.油嘴 Flow nipple n.节流嘴,油嘴 Bean n.油嘴,节流器 Throttle v.节流,减速;n.节流阀 Manifold a.多方面的;n.汇管 Emulsion n.乳化;乳状液 Emulsifier n.乳化剂 Unemulsified a.非乳化的 Emulsion breaker n.破乳剂 Demulsified n.破乳剂 Emulsified acid n.乳化酸 Baffle n.隔板;v.阻碍,挫折 Outlet n.出口,输出(量) Inlet n.进口,输入(量) Chemical n.化学剂,化合物;a.化学的 Chemical reaction n.化学反应 Chemical analysis n.化学 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 Chemical change n.化学变化 Refinery n.炼油厂 Refine v.炼制,提纯 Wash-out n.冲蚀;清洗 Desalter n.脱盐剂 Toxic a.有毒的 Marine a.海上的 Respirator n.防毒面具,口罩 Canister n.滤毒器,金属罐 Unit 9 Well Testing Well testing n.试井 Production rate n.采油速度,产量 Bottom-hole pressure n.井底压力 Pressure build-up test n.压力恢复试井,压力恢复测试 Flowing well efficiency n.流动系数 Formation transmissibility n.地层传导率 Shut-in n.关井 Drainage area n.供油面积,泄油面积 Multiple-well test n.多井测试,干扰试井 Interference test n.井间干扰测试,干扰试井 Pulse test n.脉冲试井 Drill-stem test (DST ) n.中途试井,地层试验器试井 Workover operation n.修井作业 Reperforation n.补孔,再射孔 Acidization n.酸化(作用) Acidize v.酸化 Hydraulic fracture n.人工裂缝,水力压裂裂缝 Fall-off test n.(注水井)压降试井 Diffusivity n.扩散率,扩散性,扩散系数 Unit 10 Problem Well Analysis Enhanced recovery n.强化采油,提高采收率 Abandon v.(油井)报废,废弃 Abandon well n.废井 Pressure buildup n.压力恢复 Pressure drawdown n.压力降落 Flowmeter n.流量计 Layer zone n.产层 Injectivity n.注入能力,注入性 Injectivity index n.注入指数 Productivity index n.生产指数 Frac sand n.压裂砂,支撑剂 Pad fluid n.前置液 Preflush n.前置液 Slurry fluid n.携砂液 Sand carrier n.携砂液 Displacement fluid n.顶替液 Fine n.细砂 Junk n.废料,井下金属碎屑 Water-in-oil n.油包水乳状液 Fingering n.指进现象 Agent n.试剂,媒介 Suspending agent n.悬浮剂 Viscosity increasing agent n.增粘剂 Sand cutting n.砂蚀,砂屑 Sandup n.砂堵 Sand control n.防砂 Encroachment n.侵入,水侵 Packer-bridge n.桥堵 Unit 11 Enhanced Oil Recovery Miscible a.混相的,互溶的 Miscible flooding n.混相驱 Reserve n.储量 Identified crude oil reserves n.探明地质储量 Recoverable reserves n.可采储量 Surfactant n.表面活性剂 Polymer n.聚合物 Caustic n.碱的,苛性的 Mobility n.流度 Fatty a.脂的,脂肪的 In situ n.(拉丁语)就地,原地 Insitu combustion n.层内燃烧,火烧油层 Pattern n.井网;模式 Flow pattern n.流型 Well pattern n.井网 Five-spot n.五点井网 Sweep v.扫油,波及 Sweep efficiency n.波及效率 Displacement efficiency n.驱替效率 Residual a.残余的,剩余的 Residual oil saturation n.剩(残)余油饱和度 Miscibility n.混相能力 Stimulate v.(油井)增产,(水井)増注 Quaternary a.第四的,第四次的 Quaternary recovery n.四次采油 Microbial a.微生物的 MEOR (microbial enhanced oil recovery) n.微生物强化采油 Unit 12 Reservoir Simulation Simulation n.模型,模拟,模型化 Simulate v.模仿,模拟,使模型化 Simulator n.模拟程序,模拟器 Oil-in-place n.地下原油储量 Gas-in-place n.天然气地质储量 Influx n.流入,注入,主入口 Water influx n.水侵量 Water encroachment n.水侵(量) Anisotropic a.各向异性的,非均质的 Heterogeneity n.不均匀,复杂性 Potentiometric model n.电位模型,等势模型 Flood front n.注水前缘 Mobility ratio n.流度比 Analytic solution n.解析解 Reservoir management n.油藏管理 Reservoir performance n.油藏动态 Well rate n.油井产量 Black-oil simulator n.黑油模拟器 Water-oil contact n.油水界面 Gross thickness n.总厚度 Skin factor n.表皮系数 Perforation interval n.射孔井段 Productivity index n.采油指数 Pattern type n.井网类型 5-spot pattern n.五点井网 Unit 13 Project Economics Payout time n.偿还期 Cash flow n.现金流 Present worth n.现值 Discount rate n.现贴率 Profit-to-investment-ratio n.利润投资比 Present worth index n.现值指数 Profitability index n.赢利指数 Present worth net profit n.现值净收益 Internal rate of return n.内部收益率 Discounted cash flow return on investment n.现值投资收益率 Discount factor n.贴现系数 Effective permeability n.有效渗透率
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