首页 李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第6辑



李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第6辑李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第6辑 My Pledge My Oath Ⅲ 我的誓言Ⅲ Today I believe-- 今天我相信-- This unique trip will completely change my life! 这段特殊的旅程将彻底 改变我的一生! Today I believe-- 今天我相信-- That all my efforts will produce generous returns! 我所有的付出终将得到 丰厚的回报! Today I believe-- 今...

李阳疯狂 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 脱口而出第6辑 My Pledge My Oath Ⅲ 我的誓言Ⅲ Today I believe-- 今天我相信-- This unique trip will completely change my life! 这段特殊的旅程将彻底 改变我的一生! Today I believe-- 今天我相信-- That all my efforts will produce generous returns! 我所有的付出终将得到 丰厚的回报! Today I believe-- 今天我相信-- English will be a powerful weapon in my life! 英语一定会成为我人生 奋斗的强有力的武器 Therefore, 所以, I must devote all my energy to learning English 我一定要精神饱满、 with high spirit, enthusiasm and vigor! 热情高涨 I will enjoy losing face! 热爱丢脸、 I will pour all my effort into learning English. 疯狂投入! I must be absolutely responsible for myself! 我必须对自己百分之百 地负责 I must not waste one minute, or even one second! 我必须每一分每一秒全 力以赴 I must challenge my limits and then surpass them! 挑战极限、超越自我! I will conquer English and charge toward success! 征服英文,迈向成功! I can speak good English! 我一定能讲一口最漂亮 的英文 My Pledge My Oath Ⅲ 我的誓言Ⅲ Today I believe-- 今天我相信-- This unique trip will completely change my life! 这段特殊的旅程将彻底 改变我的一生! Today I believe-- 今天我相信-- That all my efforts will produce generous returns! 我所有的付出终将得到 丰厚的回报! Today I believe-- 今天我相信-- English will be a powerful weapon in my life! 英语一定会成为我人生 奋斗的强有力的武器 Therefore, 所以, I must devote all my energy to learning English 我一定要精神饱满、 with high spirit, enthusiasm and vigor! 热情高涨 I will enjoy losing face! 热爱丢脸、 I will pour all my effort into learning English. 疯狂投入! I must be absolutely responsible for myself! 我必须对自己百分之百 地负责 I must not waste one minute, or even one second! 我必须每一分每一秒全 力以赴 I must challenge my limits and then surpass them! 挑战极限、超越自我! I will conquer English and charge toward success! 征服英文,迈向成功! I can speak good English! 我一定能讲一口最漂亮 的英文 第二部 疯狂准备篇 Chapter2:Crazy Preparation 第一节 疯狂演绎一百个句型 --以一顶十、以一顶百 的核裂变超级句型 Monday 1.According to… 按照/根据……。 According to my watch, it's 5:20 now. 按我的手表看,现在是 5点20分。 According to our teacher, 据我们老师要求, we should Practice English for at least 30minutes a day. 我们每天至少要用半个 小时来练习说英语。 2.…again and again. 不断地/一遍又一遍地 ……。 Why do you make the same mistake again and again? 你怎么不断地犯同一个 错误啊? 3. All I want… 我所想要的……。 All I want is a little peace and quiet. 我所想要的就是一点安 宁。 All I want is you. 我所想要的就是你。 4.…anything but… 除了……,什么都有/ 并不,根本不……。 I will eat anything but pork! 我什么都吃,就是不吃 猪肉。 I can help you with anything but math. I'm terrible with numbers. 除了数学,我什么都可 以帮你。我的数学糟透 了。 5.Are there any…? 有……吗? Are there any questions? 有什么问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 吗? Are there any foreign teachers in your school? 你们学校有外教吗? 6.Are you satisfied with…? 你对……感到满意吗? Are you satisfied with your current salary? 你对目前的工资满意吗 ? Are you satisfied with our service? 你对我们的服务满意吗 ? 7.As far as… 就……而言/至于…… 。 As far as your tuition goes, I'll pay It. 至于你的学费,我会支 付的。 As far as going home early--that's out of the question. 至于早点回家--那是不 可能的。 8.…as soon as possible. 尽快……。 Please reply as soon as possible. 请尽快回复。 You must get out of this place as soon as possible. 你必须尽快离开这里。 9.…be about to … 刚要/正要……。 A:How come you haven't called me? 你为什么没给我打电话 ? B:I was about to call you when you called. 我刚要给你打电话你就 打给我了。 He was about to say something, but Lucy spoke first. 他正要说些什么,露西 却先开了口。 10. …be regarded as … 被认为是……。 She was regarded as one of the most promising students in our class. 她被认为是我们班上最 有前途的学生之一。 11. Can't you…? 你就不能……吗? Can't you speak a little louder? 你就不能说大声点吗? Can't you stop it? It's really pissing me off. 你就不能闭嘴吗?真惹 我恼火。 12.Congratulations on…! 恭喜/祝贺你……! Congratulations on your word. Congratulations on becoming a father! 恭喜你当爸爸了! 13.Could you tell me …? 你能告诉我……吗? Could you tell me what time it is? 你能告诉我现在几点了 吗? Could you tell me how to use this camera? 你能告诉我怎么使用这 个照相机吗? 14.…do something about… 做点什么/想想办法… …。 Can't you do something about the mess? 你就不能把这些乱七八 糟的东西整理一下吗? Do something about your English, 你的英语该加把劲了, or you'll fail the college entrance examination. 不然你高考会失败的。 15 Do you know…? 你知道……吗? Do you know what happened? 你知道发生什么事了吗 ? Do you know his phone number? 你知道他的电话号码吗 ? 16. Do you mean…? 你的意思是说……? Do you mean you need me to lend you some money? 你的意思是说你要找我 借钱? Do you mean it's my fault? 你的意思是说这是我的 错? 17.Do you want to…? 你想……吗? Do you want to know why? 你想知道为什么? 18 Don't be…! 不要……! Don't be silly! 别傻了! Don't be so sensitive! 别这么敏感! 19. Everybody knows … 每个人都知道……。 Everybody knows the boss has a hot temper. 每个人都知道这个老板 脾气暴躁。 20.…have trouble… ……有困难/麻烦。 We're having trouble coming to an agreement on this point. 我们在这一点上很难达 成一致。 I have trouble remembering people's names. 我总是记不住别人的名 字。 Tuesday 21. Have you decided on…? 你决定好……了吗? Have you decided on where to go for dinner? 你决定好去哪儿吃晚饭 了吗? Have you decided on a present for your girlfriend? 你决定好送给你女朋友 什么礼物了吗? 22. Have you…yet? 你……了吗? Have you made up your mind yet? 你决定好了吗? 23. How can you…? 你怎么能……? How can you treat me like that? 你怎么能那样对我? How can you be so cruel? 你怎么能这么残忍呢? 24.How come…? 为什么……? How come you never call me? 你为什么从来不给我打 电话? How come I have to go to bed so early? 为什第要我这么早睡觉 啊? 25. How do you know…? 你怎么知道……? How do you know my name? 你怎么知道我的名字? 26. How is…? ……怎么样? How is your family? 你家人怎么样? How is your English? 你英语学得怎么样了? 27. How quickly…! ……最快要多久? How quickly can you get here? 你最快多久能过来? 28. I can't imagine…! 我真想不出……! I can't imagine who would do something like that! 我真想不出谁会做那样 的事! I can't imagine how foolish I was at that time! 我真没法想像我那时有 多蠢! 29.I don't know… 我不知道……。 I don't know what to say. 我不知道说什么。 30. I don't really enjoy… 我不怎么喜欢……。 I don't really enjoy western food. 我不怎么喜欢吃西餐。 I don't really enjoy chatting on the Internet. 我不怎么喜欢网上聊天 。 31. I figure… 我估计/我想……。 I figure it's time to look for a new job. 我想是跳槽的时候了。 32. I hate… 我讨厌……。 I hate waiting in line. 我讨厌排队。 I hate people asking me for money. 我讨厌别人向我要钱。 33. I have never… 我从来没有……。 I have never been to Shanghai before. 我以前从没去过上海。 I have never broken my word. 我从来没有失信过。 34.I have to… 我必须/不得不……。 I have to ask my boss first. 我得先问一下我的老板 。 35. I haven't…for… 我已经……(时间)没 ……。 I haven't taken a shower for a week. 我已经一个星期没洗澡 了。 I haven't studied English for three years. 我已经三年没学英语了 。 36. I must… 我必须……。 It's late. I must go now. 时候不早了,我必须走 了。 I must tell you the truth. 我必须告诉你事情的真 相。 37.I suppose… 我想/我看……。 I suppose he's lying again. 我看他又在撒谎。 I suppose you have to work harder next time. 我看你下次得再加把劲 。 38. I want to… 我想做…… I want to improve my English. 我想要提高我的英文水 平。 39. I wish you wouldn't… 我希望你不要……。 I wish you wouldn't smoke. 我希望你不要抽烟。 I wish you wouldn't hog the phone. 我希望你不要煲电话粥 。 40. I won't …我不会……。 I won't let you down. 我不会让你失望的。 Wednesday 41. I'd appreciate… 我会很感激……。 I'd appreciate you finishing this by tomorrow. 你能在明天之前完成的 话,我会很感激的。 I'd appreciate if you'd lend me some money. 如果你能借我点钱,我 会很感激的。 42. I'd rather… 我宁愿……。 I'd rather you didn't do it. 我宁愿你不要这么做。 I'd rather you told me frankly what you think. 我宁愿你直截了当地告 诉我你的想法。 43. I'll probably… 我可能会……。 I'll probably take off early this afternoon. 今天下午我可能会早点 离开。 44.I'm considering … 我打算……。 I'm considering starting my own business. 我打算创业。 45. I'm glad… 我很高兴……。 I'm glad you could make it. 我很高兴你能来。 46.I'm going to… 我要……。 I'm going to get married. 我要结婚了。 47. I'm sorry, but… 对不起,(但是)…… 。 I'm sorry, but I can't make it. 对不起,我来不了。 I'm sorry, but the answer is no. 对不起,答案是否定的 。 48.I've thought about… 我已考虑过……。 I've thought about what you said. 我已考虑过你说的话了 , And I decided that you're right. 我认为你是对的。 I've thought about joining the army. 我考虑过要不要参军。 49. If only…! 要是……就好了! If only I could speak perfect English! 要是我能说一口流利的 英语就好了! If only I hadn't left my girlfriend! 要是我没有和我女朋友 分手就好了! 50. In my opinion,… 在我看来,……。 In my opinion, that's the right thing to do. 在我看来,那样做是对 的。 In my opinion, the company should not launch this project. 就我个人的观点,公司 不应实施这个项目。 51.…In need of… 需要……。 He was definitely not in need of money. 他确实不需要钱。 You look as if you're in need of a bath! 你看起来需要洗个澡了 ! 52. Is it OK for me to…? 我……可以吗? Is it OK for me to pay by check? 我用支票支付可以吗? Is it OK for me to leave early? 我可以早点走吗? 53. Is there anyone…? 有谁……? Is there anyone willing to go with me? 有谁愿意跟我一起去吗 ? Is there anyone here who knows the tango? 这里有谁会跳探戈吗? 54.…is up to you. ……由你。 ……看你了。 The choice is up to you. 你自己选择。 55. Isn't it time for…? 难道现在不是……的时 候吗? I'm so hungry, Isn't it time for dinner yet? 我饿死了,难道现在不 是吃晚饭的时候了吗? 56. It is great… ……真是太好了。 It is great that you came. 你来了,真是太好了。 It is great to have some time to myself. 留一些属于自己的时间 真是太好了。 57. It is true that… 确实,……。 It is true that we still have a long way to go. 确实,我们仍有一段很 长的路要走。 It is true that pollution has become a more and more serious issue. 确实,环境污染已经成 为一个越来越严重的问 题。 58. It sounds like… 听起来……。 It sounds like a wonderful place. 听起来这地方很不错。 It sounds like he knows something. 听起来他了解挺多的。 59. It was not until…that… 直到……才……。 It was not until yesterday that I heard the news. 我直到昨天才听到这个 消息。 It was not until I had read your letter 直到我看完你的信, that I understood the true reason. 我才明白真正的原因。 60.It's a pleasure to… 很高兴……。 It's a pleasure to work with you. 很高兴跟你一起工作。 It's a pleasure to meet you. 很高兴认识你。 Thursday 61.It's not likely that… 不太可能……。 It's not likely that he will succeed. 他不太可能赢。 It's not likely that they would agree. 他们不太可能同意。 62.It's your turn to… 轮到你……。 It's your turn to make dinner 轮到你做饭了。 63.Just let me know if… 如果……,就告诉我。 Just let me know if I can do anything for you. 如果有什么我可以帮忙 的,就告诉我。 Just let me know if you don't understand. 如果你不明白,就告诉 我。 64. Maybe I will… 或许我可以……。 Maybe I will be able to see you tonight. 或许我今晚可以见你。 65.…means a lot to me. ……对我来说很重要。 My family means a lot to me. 我的家庭对我来说很重 要。 66.My point is… 我的意思是……。 My point is that you're wasting your time at that job. 我的意思是你做那个工 作是在浪费时间。 My point is that you need to be more responsible. 我的意思是你的责任心 不够。 67. …neither…nor… 既不……,也不……。 He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不抽烟,也不喝酒 。 68. Nice to… 很高兴……。 Nice to meet you. 你高兴认识你。 Nice to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你们。 69. No wonder… 难怪…… You jogged 10 miles? No wonder you're so tired. 你跪了10英里?难怪你 这么累。 70.…not only…,but also… 不仅……, 而且……。 His girlfriend is not only pretty, but also intelligent. 他的女朋友不仅漂亮, 而且很聪明。 71.…not that… 没那么……。 I'm not that stupid! 我可没那么蠢! English is not that difficult. 英语没那么难。 72.…nothing but… 就只有……。/除了… …,啥都没有。 I did nothing but sleep all weekend. 整个周末,我除了睡觉 ,啥都没做。 There's nothing but bad news in the newspaper today. 今天的报纸上全是坏消 息。 73. Now that… 既然……。 Now that you have come, 既然你已经来了, you may as well stay for a couple of days. 就呆几天吧! 74.…one of the most… 最……之一。 I think she is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. 我想她是我见过的最漂 亮的女孩之一了。 75.Please don't… 请不要……。 Please don't stay that. It's not your fault. 请不要那样说。那不是 你的错。 Please don't make a fuss. 请不要小题大做。 76.…,that is to say,… ……,也就是说,…… He's a workaholic, that is to say, 他是个工作狂,也就说 是, a man who devotes all his energy to work. 他把全部精力都投入到 工作中。 77. That reminds me… 那提醒了我/那让我想 起了……。 That reminds me I need to buy my wife a gift for her birthday. 那提醒了我要给我妻子 买一件生日礼物。 That reminds me of the summer we spent on Hainan island. 那让我想起了我们在海 南岛度过的夏季。 78. That's the best… 那是最好的……。 That's the best you'll find. 那是你能找到的最好的 东西。 79.That's very…of you. 你真…。 That's very nice of you. 你真好。 80.They say… 听人说/有人说……。 They say the president is going to resign. 听人说总裁要辞职。 They say our manager is gay. 有人说我们经理是同性 恋。 81. What a...! 真是/多么……! What a surprise! 真是惊喜! What a pretty girl! 多么漂亮的女孩! 82. What can we do to...? 我们怎样才能……? What can we do to change his mind? 我们怎样才能改变他的 想法呢? What can we do to help save the environment? 我们怎样才能保护环境 呢? 83. What do you mean by...? 你……是什么意思? What do you mean by saying that? 你那样说是什么意思? What do you mean by raising your voice to me? 你提高声调对我说话是 什么意思? 84. What else...? 还有什么……? What else have you heard? 你还听到了什么? What else do you want to know? 你还想知道什么? 85. What...for? ……是为了什么? What did you do that for? 你那样做是为了什么? What did you come back here for? 你回来是为了什么? 86. What I'm saying is... 我是说……。 What I'm saying is that you are going to get in trouble. 我是说,你会惹麻烦的 。 87. What if...? 如果……怎么办? What if I fail? 如果我失败了怎么办? What if he finds out our secret? 要是他发现了我们的秘 密怎么办? 88. What makes you...? 是什么让你/你怎么会 ……? What makes you so upset? 是什么让你这么心烦意 乱啊? What makes you change your job? 你怎么会跳槽呢? 89. What's...about? ……是关于什么的? What's this meeting about? 这次会议是关于什么内 容的? What's all the fuss about? 干嘛大惊小怪? 90. What's wrong with...? ……怎么了? What's wrong with him? 他怎么了? What's wrong with your eyes? Did you get in a fight? 你的眼睛怎么了?是不 是跟别人打架了? 91.What's your favorite...? 你最喜欢的……是什么 ? What's your favorite food? 你最喜欢吃什么? What's your favorite pastime? 你最喜欢的消遣是什么 ? 92. When could you possible...? 你大概什么时候能…… ? When could you possible let me know the result? 你大概什么时候能告诉 我结果? When could you possibly deliver the goods? 你们大概什么时候能发 货? 93. When would you like to...? 你想什么时候……? When would you like to place an order? 你想什么时候下订单? When would you like me to come? 你想我什么时候来? 94. Who's...here? 这里谁是……? Who's the manager here? 这里谁是经理? Who's the best pingpong player here? 这里谁乒乓球打得最好 ? 95. Why do you have to...? 你为什么要……? Why do you have to tell her the truth? 你为什么要告诉她真相 ? 96. Why do you think...? 你为什么会认为……呢 ? Why do you think he is unqualified for the job? 你为什么会认为他不能 胜任这份工作呢? Why do you think going to English corners is useless? 你为什么会认为去英语 角没有用? 97. Why don't you...? 为什么不/何不……? Why don't you come with me? 为什么不跟我一起去呢 ? Why (do) not you just tell him the truth? 为什么不告诉他真相呢 ? 98. Would you like to...? 你想……吗? Would you like to go for a walk? 你想出去散散步吗? Would you like to try some Beijing duck? 你想尝一尝北京烤鸭吗 ? 99. Would you mind...? 你介意……吗? Would you mind waiting for an hour or two? 请你等一两个小时,你 介意吗? Would you mind not smoking here? 请你不要在这里吸烟好 吗? 100. You shouldn't... 你不应该……。 You shouldn't waste your time. 你不应该浪费时间。 You shouldn't complain so much. 你不应该有那么多抱怨 。 第二节:一百个纯正时 尚、精炼达意的口语要 素-- 英语语言精华集中奉献 ! 1. All at the same time. 全部都挤在同一个时间 。 2. Allow me. 请让我来。 3. Am I getting through to you? 你懂不懂我的意思? 4. Anything you say. 好的/随你。 5. Are you ready for this? 你有心理准备吗? 6. As I see it. 依我看。 7. Can you handle it? 你能处理/解决吗? 8. Catch you later. 以后再聊。 9. Come see us again. 以后再来看我们。 10. Could I join you? 我可不可以加入? 11. Dear me!/Oh my! 天啊/糟了! 12. Do I make myself clear? 你听得懂我的意思吗? 13. Don't ask! 别提了/别问了! 14. Don't be too sure. 别太肯定。 15. Don't drink and drive. 不要酒后驾车。 16. Don't even think about it. 连想都别想。 17. Don't make me laugh. 别让我笑了。 18. Don't speak too soon. 别说得太早。 19. Every now and then/Every now and again. 有时候。 20. Fine with me. 我没问题。 21. Get lost! 滚开! 22. Go for it. 努力干。/加油。/上吧 。 23. Have fun!/Have a good time. 玩得愉快。 24. How's it going? 你好吗?/过得怎么样 ? 25. I am just looking. 我只是到处看看。 26. I don't believe this. 我真不敢相信竟然会这 样。 27. I guess. 应该可以。 28. I'll be back soon. 我很快就地回来。 29. Is that so? 真的吗? 30. It happens often. 那是常有的事。 31. It is becoming traditional. 这已经逐渐成为惯例了 。 32. It is inconvenient. 不太方便。 33. It was a stupid mistake. 那是个愚蠢的错误。 34. It was a tie game./It ended in a tie. 打成平局/势均力敌。 35. It was an afterthought. 事后诸葛亮。 36. It's a god deal. 这是笔好交易。 37. It's significant investment. 那是一个重要的投资。 38. It's either yes or no. 不是"是"就是"否"。 39. It's for you. 给你的。 40. It's hard to believe. 那真令人难以相信。 41. It's on me. 我请客。 42. It's really a different matter. 那是另一回事。 43. It's water under the bridge. 事情都过去了。 44. It's your best bet. 这是你最好的选择。 45. Just think about it. 好好想想吧! 46. Keep an eye on it. 多留心点。/看着点儿 。 47. Keep in touch. 保持联系。 48. Ladies first. 女士优先。 49. Let it be. 顺其自然吧。 50. Let's eat outside. 我们在外面吃饭吧。 51. Long time no see. 好久不见。 52. Make it two. 我也要同样的。 53. Make no mistake. 别出错。/别弄错。 54. Make up your mind. 作个决定。 55. Mark my words. 记住我的话。 56. No sweat. 没问题。 57. Not bad. 不错。 58. No what? 现在要做什么? 59. Oh, please. 噢,得了吧。 60. Once and for all. 最后/终于。 61. Please be more specific. 请说得更清楚一点。 62. Same to you. 我希望你也是。 63. Shame on you. 你真丢脸。 64. So do I. 我也是。 65. Take charge of it. 你负责管理吧。 66. That does it. 我受够了。 67. That makes me angry. 那真让我生气。 68. That makes sense. 那很有道理。 69. That might explain it. 那说明了一切。 70. That's a good place to start. 那是个好的起点。 71. That's a joke! 开玩笑! 72. That's easy for you to say. 我说起来当然轻松。 73. That's no excuse! 那不能成为借口! 74. That's our policy. 那是我们的政策。 75. That's too much. 那不行/那太过分了。 76. That's your point of view. 那是你的看法。 77. The date is set. 日期已经定了。 78. The film was a box-office hit. 这部电影票房爆满。 79. The rewards will be great. 报酬会很丰厚的。 80. There is no question about it. 那是很明显的。 81. There's a first time for everything. 凡事都有第一次。 82. There's no guarantee. 这没有保证。 83. Trust me! 相信我! 84. Try and cooperate. 试着合作些。 85. Use your head. 动动脑筋。 86. Use your imagination. 发挥你的想象力。 87. We had nothing gut trouble. 我们有大麻烦。 88. What a struggle! 真是艰苦奋斗啊! 89. What about it? 有什么问题吗? 90. What can I tell you? 要我说什么?/要我怎 么说呢? 91. What day is today? 今天星期几? 92. What do you say? 你怎么说? 93. Where should I put this? 这东西我该放在哪里? 94. Who is it? 谁啊? 95. You're a cheapskate!/You're cheap!/You cheap bastard! 你是个小气鬼! 96. You're a poor loser. 你是个输不起的人。 97. You can count on me. 你可以信任我。 98. You have my word of honor. 我以我的名誉向你保证 。 99. You just watch! 你等着瞧! 100. You know what? 你知道吗? 第三节 一个最疯狂、最典型的 美国发音-- 本期奉献"小开口45度 音"/╗/ 经典绕口令 Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens. 安给安迪送了10只母鸡 ,安迪给安送了10只钢 笔。 Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens. 安给安迪送了10只母鸡 ,安迪给安送了10只钢 笔。 The eggs he sells everyday are better than everybody else sells. 他每天卖的鸡蛋比别的 任何一个人卖的要好一 些。 The eggs he sells everyday are better than everybody else sells. 他每天卖的鸡蛋比别的 任何一个人卖的要好一 些。 二十大精彩例句 1. Better luck next time! 下次运气好点! 2. I will remember it forever. 我将永远记住它。 3. Please send him my best wishes. 请代我问候了。 4. Never let your parents down. 永远不要令你的父母失 望。 5. Everything is so expensive in Japan. 在日本什么东西都那么 贵。 6. It's getting better every day. 每天都好一点了。 7. Get some rest and get well soon! 好好休息,快点好起来 ! 8. Let's get together again soon. 让我们不久后再相聚。 9. Well fed, well bred. 吃得好,长得壮。 10. I never get what the president says. 我从未听懂过总统说的 话。 11. I forget the rest of the lesson. 我忘了课文的剩科部分 。 12. When I get depressed I eat less. 沮丧的时候,我会吃得 少些。 13. I'm trying to get ready for my next text. 我在为下一次考试作准 备。 14. He broke his leg hen he fell from the bed. 他从床上摔下来,摔断 了腿。 15. Can I expect any help with this problem? 你能就这个问题给我一 点帮助吗? 16. Two heads are better than one. 一人不及两人智。 17. You never pretend to be my friend 除非向我借钱, unless you ant me to lend you some money. 否则你是绝不会装得对 我友善一点的! 18. Your extra effort will have excellent effects! 你这样加倍努力,一定 会有显着效果的! 19. My seven guests are a pain in the neck. 我的七个客人真是让人 心烦! They make a big mess, then go to rest in bed! I wish they'd drop dead! 他们搅得乱七八糟,然 后就上床休息去了!我 希望他们见鬼去! 20. Let's get ready for the next century. 让我们为下个世纪作好 准备。 第四节 四星级五星级六星级单 词全面奉献 五星级的名词:genera tion 1. Environmental resources must be preserved for future generations. 我们必须为后代保护环 境资源。 2. This tradition will be handed down from generation to generation. 这个传统将世世代代传 下去。 3. It will take at least another generation 要解决世界上的饥饿问 题 to find an answer to the problem of hunger in the world. 至少还需要一个人的时 间。 4. This painting has been in the family for generations. 这幅画在这个家庭里保 存了好几代了。 5. They held a family party 他们举行了 at which all three generations were present. 一个三代同堂的家庭聚 会。 6. There younger generation smokes less that their parents did. 年青的一代比他们父辈 吸烟吸得少。 7. Most people of my father's generation 我父亲那一代人中大多 数 have experienced the hardships of war. 都经历过战争的磨难。 8. Falling water may be used for the generation of electricity. 离处落下的水可以用来 发电。 9. The new generation of supersonic airliners 新一代的超音速客机吸 引了一大批人 attracted a larger number
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