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英语高级视听说上13Unnit13 There may be no single fear as intense and as widespread as the fear of meeting up with a shark. Sharks even inhabit the nightmares of people who don't swim. What a surprise, then, to learn that these days, more and more people are seeking them out, s...

Unnit13 There may be no single fear as intense and as widespread as the fear of meeting up with a shark. Sharks even inhabit the nightmares of people who don't swim. What a surprise, then, to learn that these days, more and more people are seeking them out, spending millions of dollars to get as close as they can to sharks. 和鲨鱼在一起是很可怕的,即使对于不会游泳的人来说。令人惊奇的是,现在越来越多的人们花很多钱为了和他们靠的更近。 But here's the rub: right where sharks are most visible, they're becoming more dangerous. As we first reported a few years ago, shark attacks are on the rise. And many blame these attacks on shark tourism, in a place which is called "Shark Central." 我们之前报道过鲨鱼袭击事件正在增加,很多人谴责旅游区的袭击事件。 Correspondent Bob Simon traveled to South Africa to get a first-hand look at the growing trend of shark tourism and the controversy that surrounds it.我们去了南非,看看鲨鱼旅游。 More than 35,000 tourists, Americans and Europeans mainly, come to the tip of South Africa every year. It's where two oceans meet, and many come with the hope of seeing a great white going after a seal, exploding out of the ocean like a cruise missile. 每年超过35000游客来南非,大多是美国和欧洲人,这里是两大海洋的交汇处。我们可以看到一只海豹的身后有一大片白色,就像一枚巡航导弹 "This is the best place in the world to learn about the secret lives of these animals. So that's what attracts me here," says Aidan Martin, an Australian scientist. 这是参观这些动物最好的地方。这是吸引我们来的原因 Their lives are so secret, says Martin, that very little is known about great white sharks. We don't know how many there are or how long they live, and we've never seen them mate, or give birth. 这里的生物很神秘,我们对白鲨知道的很少,不知道这里有多少大白鲨,也不知道他们能活多久。我们也没见过他们的伙伴,没见过他们生育。 How do these enormous sharks manage to propel themselves above the waterline? 是什么驱使这么多的鲨鱼来到水面上? "It's essentially projectile, and it has sacrificed maneuverability for speed. So it's a little bit like having a truck trying to run down one of those bicycle couriers. I know we've all had fantasies about that," says Martin. And then there are the seals. They are a remarkable sight for humans but for sharks they're breakfast; seals are their favorite food. 这是海豹,对我们来说它是remarkable sight,但对鲨鱼来说他们只是早餐。这是他们最喜欢的食物 And the sharks linger around Seal Island, population 50,000. 在Seal Island附近的鲨鱼,道上有大概50000只海豹 When shark tourism operator Chris Fallows sees a shark going for a seal, he says he actually roots for the seal. "It's a Catch 22. Unfortunately for the seals, they need to go out and feed, and at this island, they've got a very good chance of being eaten by a white shark." 这些海豹很不幸,他们要出岛找吃的,他们也会被鲨鱼吃。 After watching a shark have a meal, a lot of tourists feel the same way and go back to shore. But some stick around, tempted to leave our world, if ever so briefly, and go underwater. It's the thing to do these days for seekers of adventure and adrenaline. You do it, of course, from the safety of a cage. 很多人看了后有同样的感受。有的人想下海去感受一下,不过他们要在安全的笼子里 But a safety cage is not a 100 percent guarantee. Not far from where 60 Minutes shot this story, a shark actually got into the cage. If the shark hadn't lost his bearings and turned upside down, the tourists would have been toast. But Chris Fallows assured us that this hardly ever happens and that thousands have gone down in cages here and lived to talk about it. 安全笼并非100%安全。在不久前有一只鲨鱼进了笼子,如果不是鲨鱼弄错了方位,那游客就要喂鲨鱼了。但是Chris保证我们这很少发生,很多人下去了还活到了现在 So Simon decided to give it a try. (CBS)  It actually isn't quite as frightening as you might think. That could be because the great white is such a magnificent creature that you feel more wonder than fear. 更多的是好奇而非恐惧 "I've got to say, the closer it comes, the more awesome it becomes. It swims with unbelievable grace considering it's such a big fish!" Simon remarked. 靠越近你会觉得它越可怕。它是一条如此大的鱼 Then, suddenly and quietly, a seal came by and got into Simon's cage. 突然一只海豹进了笼子 Simon says he'll never know whether it was trying to escape the shark, or if it just liked him. 西蒙不知他是否也是为了躲避鲨鱼 "He's looking right at me. Is this something I should worry about?" Simon asked. 他正看着我 "Don't touch the seal!" 60 Minutes producer Michael Gavshon warned. 不要碰海豹! When the movie "Jaws" came out 30 years ago now, it had such an impact that a lot of people stopped going to the beaches because they were so scared of sharks. Think about what has changed. Now, shark tourism has become big business. A lot of people are spending a lot of money to sit underwater in a cage and hope to get a good look at a shark.30年前当电影Jaws播出时,人们不再去海滩应为鲨鱼太可怕了。而现在,鲨鱼旅游变成一个大的商业。很多人愿意花钱进笼子希望好好看看鲨鱼。 But shark tourism has its critics. Surfers here are convinced that shark attacks are on the rise because tour operators attract sharks with bait and fish blood, known as "chum," to make sure their clients get what they paid for. 鲨鱼旅游业有他的批评者,冲浪爱好者确信鲨鱼袭击事件在加剧,旅行社为了吸引鲨鱼会给一些诱饵和血,以保证他们的顾客物有所值 "When you go cage diving here, you don't necessarily put yourself at risk as a tourist, but you might be putting the local inhabitants at risk," says Craig Bovim, a local inhabitant and a surfer. 当你在笼子里潜水是,作为一名游客你不会处于冒险中,可是这里的居民就很危险 Bovim leads a group of concerned citizens who believe that chum makes sharks associate people with food. He thinks that may be why a shark attacked him several years ago. Bovim认为鲨鱼把人当做了食物。这是他几年前被袭击的原因 He remembers it every time he looks at his hands. "I can't describe the fear that went through me then," he says. "It's everybody's worst nightmare and it was happening to me." 每次看到他自己的手他就会想起那件事我不能描述当时我有多恐惧。这是我人生中最可怕的噩梦 Bovim was diving for crayfish when a great white shark came up beside him, disappeared, and then returned. Bovim被一条大白鲨追着,自己像一条小龙虾一样 "All I saw was this fin coming towards me at speed and he clamped down hard on both my forearms with a crunching sound. And then his body landed on me. I knew I'd been eaten, or bitten," Bovim remembers. "Well, I don't know if he was going, trying to swallow me."我只看到鱼鳍快速的朝我游来。他朝我压过来。我不知道他是否打算吃了我。 But the shark wasn't letting go of Bovim. "I was stuck. And…I knew I was going to die," he remembers. "So I reacted a bit and I pulled as hard as I could with my right arm and it seemed to… All that came out appeared to be the stump of my forearm because I looked down and I just saw the gushing stump, arteries exposed and bones and all sorts, and I thought I had left my hand inside his stomach. I said, I can deal with this. And now for the next one," Bovim recalls. 我只看到我暴露出的动脉和骨头。我失去我的手,留在了它的胃里 managed to pull that hand out, too, and the shark swam away. 我想把手拿出来,鲨鱼游走了 sing blood fast, Bovim somehow managed to swim 70 yards to shore. Doctors managed to save not only his life but some use of his hands. Now he devotes himself to campaigning against the way most tour operators conduct their businesses. Bovim游了70 yards 到了岸边。医生不只想要拯救他的生命,还有他的手。他为他自己为例而反对旅行社的事业。 the water is domesticating a wild animal. "It's common knowledge: Don't feed wild animals. Why is this the only wild animal you are allowed to feed in Africa, is a great white shark? It's bizarre."有一个常识就是不要喂食野生动物。为什么在非洲会允许喂鲨鱼 CBS)  Shark attacks used to be virtually unheard of here. But there have been eight in the past two years. Two people died on the same beach this year alone. 鲨鱼袭击事件时有发生,2年就发生了8起。仅今年就死了2人 Shark spotters have been hired to maintain a constant vigil. And many have joined Bovim's campaign for legislation to ban baiting and chumming, legislation which already exists in Florida and Hawaii. But tour operators claim that linking their practices to shark attacks is ridiculous.鲨鱼监视员被雇佣时刻监视鲨鱼,很多人加入了Bovim的队伍反对诱惑鲨鱼。相关法律在佛罗里达和夏威夷已经有了。但是旅行社的人称以经验判断鲨鱼袭击是可笑的 "As you can see here, I've got two small tuna and a couple of sardines, any commercial fishing boat that is going out on any given day is putting fish into the water to attract other fish up to the boat to catch it. They're doing nothing different to us," says Chris Fallows. 你看那些商业渔船放些鱼在水里以吸引其他的鱼,他们的做法和我们有什么不同 But some people say that this is sort of like putting meat in front of a lion in a game park.就像是放肉在狮子面前 "Its an inevitability of going into the ocean, and when you've got millions of people using the sea there are going to be instances where people are going to be attacked, it's as simple as that," says Fallows.在海洋里这是不可避免的 Well, it wasn't as simple as that to the people who burned Fallows' boat in what was seen as a protest against shark tourism. Other people are directing their anger at the sharks themselves. Vigilantes are vowing to take their boats out and shoot sharks, any sharks, whether or not they were the actual killers.治安委员会的人说他们会派船去杀了鲨鱼,不管他是不是 To dampen the hysteria, local conservationists put out a commercial which begins just like "Jaws." The commercial points out that the number of people killed by sharks worldwide is tiny. Last year, just nine people died. By comparison, the commercial says, 791 were killed by toasters. But fear of sharks is so deep, psychologists will tell you, that statistics and commercials can't get below the surface. "We're talking about something that humans don't experience every day. Being on the meal list of somebody else is a very, very unusual experience," says University of Cape Town psychologist and surfer Dr. Helgo Schomer. Dr. Schomer treats people with shark-phobia, or tries to. Why does the thought of getting bitten, eaten or killed by a shark evoke such terror and fear, compared to other ways of getting killed?为什么认为被鲨鱼吃掉那么恐怖,与其他方式比起来 "Nothing comes close to it. You mentioned being eaten. You know, you can die in other ways, but dying is something we don't want to touch, it's a taboo issue. But now being eaten, that means I might be alive, I might actually feel what's going to happen to me," says Dr. Schomer.当你说被吃掉,你可以以其他方式死而不想被吃掉。当我被吃的时候,我能感受到我身上正发生着什么。 "I have, in fact, heard sharks compared to terrorists, that they are somehow more demonic than other beings," Simon remarks.鲨鱼堪比恐怖分子,或者它们更可怕 (CBS)  But, in fact, sharks have far more to fear from us humans and our industrial fishing fleets, which bring in 100 million sharks a year. In some regions, shark populations are down 90 percent, and some species are approaching extinction. 事实上鲨鱼更怕我们,我们每年杀掉100 million sharks。有点地方鲨鱼数量减少了90%。几近灭绝。 Why is this happening? The answer boils down, literally, to soup. Shark fin soup. In China, it's been an expensive status symbol for millennia. Chefs in the emperor's court were once beheaded if they prepared it incorrectly. But these days, with China booming, more people can pay $100 for a bowl. Finning sharks is a billion-dollar business, and it's not a pretty sight.因为鱼翅汤,在中国那很昂贵,宫廷主厨会因为处理不当而被斩首。而现在中国富有了,愿意花费100刀买一碗。 That's because as soon as a shark is caught, his fins are cut off and he is thrown overboard, alive, to sink to the bottom and drown. In South Africa and a few other countries, it's a crime to do that. But given the high price of soup, it's a very common crime. 一旦鲨鱼被抓到就会被割掉鳍然后扔进海里。慢慢的沉入海底。在南非和少数国家禁止这么做。但由于价格不菲,所以这是很普遍的罪 What's a fin worth? A large one can cost thousands of dollars. And the black market in fins is tough to police because most of the sharks are caught in international waters where there's no law against finning. 一个大的鱼鳍价值上千美元。黑市难以被抓因为这发生在公海 But on land, laws can be enforced. In Cape Town recently, authorities raided several processing plants owned by Hong Kong Chinese. Seven tons of fins were confiscated. 但在陆地就可以执行,官方抓获了几个香港的工厂,没收了7吨。 It's not the shark's fault that we have demonized him for so long. Besides, we need our demons. They've been with us, in our minds, as long as gods. So the next time you're in a Chinese restaurant and feel like some soup, why not stick to the egg drop, or the wonton. Give the shark a break. 它被妖魔化并非是他们的错。而且我们需要这些魔鬼。与上帝同在。所以下一次在中国餐厅,就点一些鸡蛋汤或馄饨。
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