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unit4nullnullUnit 4Part A Text (A Time for Apologies) Part B Grammar Part C Supplementary Reading (Life and Times of Bill Clinton)nullPart A Text (A Time for Apologies)Part A Text (A Time for Apologies)Background Introduction 1.The Holocaust Th...

nullnullUnit 4Part A Text (A Time for Apologies) Part B Grammar Part C Supplementary Reading (Life and Times of Bill Clinton)nullPart A Text (A Time for Apologies)Part A Text (A Time for Apologies)Background Introduction 1.The Holocaust The Holocaust (also called Shoah in Hebrew) refers to the period from January 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, to May 8, 1945 (V­E Day), when the war in Europe ended. During this time, Jews in Europe were subjected to progressively harsh persecution that ultimately led to the murder of 6,000,000 Jews (1.5 million of these being children) and the destruction of 5,000 Jewish communities. These deaths represented two-thirds of European Jewry and one-third of world Jewry. The Jews who died were not casualties of the fighting that ravaged Europe during World War II. Rather, they were the victims of Germany's deliberate and systematic attempt to annihilate the entire Jewish population of Europe, a plan Hitler called the “Final Solution” (Endlosung). null After its defeat in World War I, Germany was humiliated by the Versailles Treaty, which reduced its prewar territory, drastically reduced its armed forces, demanded the recognition of its guilt for the war, and stipulated it pay reparations to the allied powers. The German Empire destroyed, a new parliamentary government called the Weimar Republic was formed. The republic suffered from economic instability, which grew worse during the worldwide depression after the New York stock market crash in 1929. Massive inflation followed by very high unemployment heightened existing class and political differences and began to undermine the government. nullOn January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler, leader of the National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) Party, was named chancellor by president Paul von Hindenburg after the Nazi party won a significant percentage of the vote in the elections of 1932. The Nazi Party had taken advantage of the political unrest in Germany to gain an electoral foothold. The Nazis incited clashes with the communists, who many feared, disrupted the government with demonstrations, and conducted a vicious propaganda campaign against its political opponents-the weak Weimar government, and the Jews, whom the Nazis blamed for Germany's ills. 2. 联邦德国前总理勃兰特谢罪 2. 联邦德国前总理勃兰特谢罪 1970年12月7日,联邦德国前总理勃兰特双膝跪在波兰犹太人死难者纪念碑前。 1970年12月7日,大雪过后东欧最寒冷的一天。刚刚对捷克、波兰进行国事访问后,当时的联邦德国总理维利·勃兰特冒着凛冽的寒风来到华沙犹太人死难者纪念碑下。他向纪念碑献上花圈后,肃穆垂首,突然双腿下跪,并发出祈祷:“上帝饶恕我们吧,愿苦难的灵魂得到安宁。”勃兰特以此举向二战中无辜被纳粹党杀害的犹太人表示沉痛哀悼,并虔诚地为纳粹时代的德国认罪、赎罪。 当时的联邦德国总统赫利同时向全世界发表了著名的赎罪书,消息传来,世界各国爱好和平的人们无不拍手称赞。1971年12月20日,勃兰特因此获得了诺贝尔和平奖。 。 null勃兰特1973年接受意大利著名女记者法拉奇采访时,谈到了自己当时采取这一出人意外的行动的感受。他说:“我明确区分罪过和责任。我问心无愧,而且我认为把纳粹的罪过归咎于我国人民和我们这一代人是不公平的,罪过只能由希特勒等发动二战的战犯去承担。尽管我很早就离开德国(二战期间勃兰特流亡国外,从事反法西斯斗争),但对希特勒上台搞法西斯主义,我也感到有连带责任。出任德国总理后,我更感到自己有替纳粹时代的德国认罪赎罪的社会责任。那天早晨醒来时,我有一种奇异的感觉,觉得自己不能只限于给纪念碑献一个花圈。我本能地预感到将有意外的事情发生,尽管我不知道是什么事情。献完花圈后我突然感到有下跪的必要,这就是下意识吧?” 勃兰特在波兰犹太人纪念碑前下跪谢罪,被誉为“欧洲约一千年来最强烈的谢罪表现”。现任德国总理施罗德曾经亲自去波兰,为刻有下跪谢罪情景的勃兰特纪念碑揭幕。德国还在首都柏林著名的勃兰登堡门附近建立由2700根方柱组成的纳粹大屠杀受害者纪念碑,这使得希特勒后裔也因为强烈耻辱感而决定永不结婚生育,让那个罪恶家族断种绝根null1995年6月,科尔总理继勃兰特之后,再次双膝跪倒在以色列的犹太人受难者纪念碑前,重申国家的歉意。  心甘情愿偿还“战争债”    在战后60多里,德国一直在心甘情愿地进行彻底的赔偿。1998年,现任总理施罗德在获得大选胜利后发誓,要对那些还没有获得赔偿的纳粹受害者进行赔偿。德国的一些大公司如西门子、奔驰、大众等,提出了为“纳粹劳工”设立巨额赔偿基金,一共拿出50亿美元,对遭受纳粹迫害的100多万劳工幸存者进行最后一次赔偿。    此外,德国还先后向波兰、俄罗斯、捷克斯洛伐克等受害国家尤其是受害的犹太民族赔偿近1100亿马克,约合550亿美元。II. Language PointsII. Language Points1. Some see it as a sign of weakness; for others it's an admission that they are liable to make errors-something religious institutions are particularly careful to avoid. Some see it as a sign … careful to avoid.: “it” refers to “saying sorry”, while “something” refers to “they are liable to make errors. liable: held legally responsible; likely to be affected with 受影响,有责任的 e.g. He was not liable for his son's debts. 他对自己儿子的债务没有责任偿还。 Every man is liable to error. 人人都可能犯错误。 Useful expression: liable to 易于 ... ... liable for 对 ... 应... null2. But as political systems have become more sophisticated, the idea that governments or churches are faultless has become increasingly difficult to defend. sophisticated: (i) n. a worldly-wise person;man of the world 久经世故的人 e.g. He's not a sophisticate and doesn't spend his discretionary time with sophisticates. 他不是老于世故的人,不会随便花时间和那些世故的人相处。 (ii) vt. practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive玩弄诡辩, 掺合, 弄复杂 e.g. He sophisticated a meaning beyond recognition 他将意思曲解得无法理解。  If you are wrong, admit it rather than sophisticate. 错了就要承认,不要强词夺理。 null3. The trend began in earnest in 1995, when the Queen of England admitted that the Maori people of New Zealand had been shamefully treated, when the country was a British colony. in earnest:in a serious manner 认真的,严肃的 e.g. Now he applied himself to the job in earnest. 他现在认真地致力于这项工作了。 The officials were holding loose and not in earnest. 官员们都漠然置之,并不认真对待。 null4. Since then, what started as trickle of apologies has turned into something of a flood. Since then, what started as trickle of apologies has turned into something of a flood. : At first, only a few state leaders apologized for past wrongs, but, since 1995, many world leaders have apologized for past wrongs.null5. Last year alone, apologies were issued by three of the world's most powerful nations. issued: (i) n. some situation or event that is thought about; topic, subject, matter  发行物, 争论点 e.g. Parliament will debate the nationalization issue next week. 议会将在下周辩论国有化议题。 I bought the new stamp the day of its issue. 这种新邮票是我在发行当天买到的。 (ii) v. come out of; circulate or distribute or equip with 流出,发行 e.g. Banknotes of this design were first issued 10 years ago. 这种图案的钞票是十年前首次发行的。 Useful expression: at issue 在争论(在争论中) ...back issue 过期刊物 in issue 争论中, 议论中, 已发行 null6. Many political leaders, like most of their citizens, belong to post-war generations, who now look on the conflict as more than simply the victory of good over evil. who now look on the conflict as more than simply the victory of good over evil.: Now the post-war generations don’t think that the World War II only means the victory of good over evil, but that a lot of lessons should be drawn from it.null7. Also, the passing of time has erased much of the propaganda of the period. erase: wipe out digitally or magnetically recorded information v.抹去, 擦掉 e.g. She couldn't erase the incident from her memory. 她难以忘记那次事件。 propaganda: information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause n.  宣传, 宣传的内容 e.g. Art may be used as a vehicle for propaganda. 艺术可用作宣传工具。 null8. In its place, recently declassified documents reveal that many of the victors either profited, or turned a blind eye to the sufferings of the war. In its place, recently declassified … to the sufferings of the war. : In the propaganda, the documents which have recently been removed from the state of being kept secret display that many of the victors either benefited, or pretended not to notice the pains and sorrows made by the war. “its” stands for “the propaganda’s”, referring to “the victory of good over evil” in the previous sentence.null9. In the event, the 50th-anniversary celebrations emphasized the recreation of harmony and the desire never to repeat the cruelties and suffering of World War II. anniversary: the date on which an event occurred in some previous year (or the celebration of it); day of remembrance n.周年纪念, 周年纪念日 e.g. He gave me a necklace as an anniversary gift. 他给我一条项链作为周年纪念礼物。 Permit me to congratulate you on reaching another of these anniversary landmarks today. May each day be as happy as your birthday. Have a wonderful birthday! 祝贺你抵达了生命的又一个里程碑,愿你每天都象过生日一样充满喜悦。祝你生日无比快乐! Useful expression: anniversary winds 季节风 wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日 null10. Other government, notably the US, have also realized that if they want to demand high standards of moral behaviour from other nations, they can only do so if they admit their own past wrongs. “…, they can only do so if they admit their own past wrongs.” : Only after they admit their own past wrongs can they demand high standards of moral behaviour from other nations. notably: especially; in particular adv.显著地,  值得注意地,  特别地 e.g. Many students were absent, notably the monitor. 许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。 null11. But it's not just a sense of conscience, nor demands from pressure groups, which lies behind these apologies. . “But it's not just … which lies behind these apologies.”: World leaders apologize for past wrongs not only because of a sense of conscience and demands from pressure groups, there are still some other reasons for them to do so.null12. A well-timed apology can do a lot to promote a head of state's public image-in the 90s, caring and sympathetic leaders are better vote winners than proud and determined ones. “… in the 90s, caring and sympathetic leaders are better vote winners than proud and determined ones.”: In the 90s, caring and considerate leaders can win more votes than proud and strong-minded ones. null13. However, playing the public-relation game with apologies is dangerous, as some politicians have found to their cost. “…as some politicians have found to their cost.”: Some politicians have realized through their own experiences that playing the public-relations game with apologies is dangerous. Here “as” refers to the statement of “playing the public-relations game with apologies is dangerous. null14. The Swiss government is still trying to put right the public-relations disaster that resulted from their partial apology for Switzerland’s dealings with the Nazis in the 1930s and the 1940s. “…The Swiss government is still trying to … in the 1930s and the 1940s.”: The Swiss government is still trying to come up with a solution to the public-relations problem, which was caused by their partial apology for Switzerland’s actions with the Nazis in the 1930s and the 1940s. null put right: settle or put right; iron out; straighten out;改正,  恢复秩序 e.g. We must persist in doing what is right and correct what is wrong. 我们要坚持对的,改正错的。 partial: being or affecting only a part; not total adj.  不完全的, 部分的, 偏袒的, 偏爱的 e.g. The police have only a partial description of the suspect. 警察只對嫌疑犯進行了不完全的描述。 The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。 Useful expression: partial inversion 部分反转 partial towards 偏心于, 偏袒 ... 的 be partial to 对 ... 偏爱 ; 对... null15. The cost of fulfilling or fighting such claims could outweigh any political advantages. outweigh: be heavier than; weigh more heavily v.  比 ... 重要, 比 ... 有价值 e.g. The merits of your plan outweigh the defects. 你制定的计划其优点胜过缺点。 The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages in this case. 这件事上,利远大于弊。 On balance, his accomplishments outweigh his faults. 权衡起来,他的成就要大于他的过失。 null16. But, for most leaders, these risks have been purely academic. So academic, in fact, that there is a concern that "sorry" might turn out to be the easiest word after all. “But, for most leaders, these risks have been purely academic.”: But, for most leaders, these risks have been very impractical. It implies that the leaders seldom respond to the claims for compensation, they just apologize for their past wrong in words, not in deeds. turn out to be: to prove to be 结果是, 证实是 e.g. Master of Kungfu turned out to be a cheat. 所谓的功夫大师结果是个骗子。 Part B Grammar (Infinitive动词不定式) Part B Grammar (Infinitive动词不定式) 不定式定义: 由to+动词原形构成。不定式是一种非限定性动词。而非限定动词是指那些在句中不能单独充当谓语的动词,可分为不定式,动名词,现在分词和过去分词。“动词不定式”由动词+不定时构成。动词不定式在句中可以作句子除谓语之外的任何句子成分。动词不定式的被动形式除了一般形式外还有其完成式和进行式。动词不定式的语态动词不定式的语态如果动词不定式的逻辑主语是这个不定式所表示的动作的承受者,不定式一般要用被动语态形式。如:   It's a great honour to be invited to Mary's birthday party.(不定式作主语是被动语态to be invited是被邀请)   It was impossible for lost time to be made up.(不定式作主语)   I wish to be sent to work in the country.(不定式作宾语)   Can you tell me which is the car to be repaired?(不定式作定语)   He went to the hospital to be examined.(不定式作状语)   在There be结构中,修饰主语的不定式可用被动,也可用主动。如:There are still many things to take care of (to be taken care of).但有时两种形式表达的意思不同,如:These is nothing to do now.( We have nothing to do now.) There is nothing to be done now.(We can do nothing now.) 动词不定式的时态动词不定式的时态 1) 现在时:一般现在时表示的动词,有时与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生,有时发生在谓语动词的动作之后。   He seems to know this.   I hope to see you again. = I hope that I'll see you again. 我希望再见到你。   2) 完成时:表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前。   I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.   He seems to have caught a cold.   3) 进行时: 表示动作正在进行,与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。   He seems to be eating something.   4) 完成进行时:   She is known to have been wreaking on the problem for many years.   一般在情绪后加to do to do 也表将来 疑问词+不定式结构 疑问词+不定式结构 疑问词who, what, which, when, where, whether, how后可接不定式构成不定式短语,在句中作主语、宾语、表 语等。如:   ①When to leave for London has not been decided yet. (不定式在句子中做主语)   ②Mr. Smith didn't know whether to leave or stay there. (不定式在句子中做宾语)   ③I asked Professor Xu how to learn English well. (不定式在句子中做直接宾语)   ④The question was where to get the medicine needed. (不定式在句子中表语)   以上例句中疑问词+不定式部分,均可转换为相应的从句形式。如:A. When we shall leave… B. …how I could learn…   经常在这种结构中使用的动词有:consider, decide, discover, explain, find out, forget, hear, know, lea rn, observe, understand, wonder等。 动词不定式的语法功能动词不定式的语法功能一、作主语   动词不定式作主语时,句子的谓语动词常用单数,其位置有以下两种:   (1)把不定式置于句首。如:   To get there by bike will take us half an hour.   (2)用it作形式主语,把真正的主语不定式置于句后,常用于下列句式中。如:   ①It+be+名词+to do   It's our duty to take good care of the old.   ②It takes sb+some time+to do   How long did it take you to finish the work?   ③It+be+形容词+for sb+to do   It is difficult for us to finish writing the composition in a quarter of an hour.   ④It+be+形容词+of sb+to do   It is stupid of you to write down everything (that) the teacher says.   ⑤It seems(appears)+形容词+to do   It seemed impossible to save money.   在句型③中,常用表示客观情况的形容词,如:difficult,easy,hard,important,impossible,necessary 等;在句型④中,常用careless,clever,good,foolish,honest,kind,lazy,nice,right,silly,stupid,wise等 表示赞扬或批评的词。在不定式前的sb,可看作其逻辑主语。这一句式有时相当于Sb is+形容词+to do句式 ,如:It'skind of you to help me with my English.=You are kind to helpme with my English. null二、作宾语   1) 以下动词后,只能跟不定式作宾语   afford (付得起),agree(同意),aim(力求做到), appear(显得),arrange(安排),ask(要求),attempt (试图),care(想要),choose(决定),claim(声称),condescend(屈尊),consent(准许),decide(决定),demand(要求),determine(决心),endeavor(竭力),expect(期待),fail(未履行),help(帮助),hesitate(犹豫),hope(希望),learn(学会),manage(设法),neglect(疏忽),offer(主动提出),plan(计划),prepare(准备),pretend(假装),proceed(接着做),promise(答应),prove(证明),refuse(拒绝),resolve(解决),seem(觉得好像),swear(发誓),tend(往往会),threaten(预示),undertake(承诺),volunteer(自愿做),vow(发誓),want(想要),wish(希望)   举例:    The driver failed to see the other car in time.   司机没能及时看见另一辆车。   I happen to know the answer to your question.   我碰巧知道你那道问题的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 。   null2) 动词+疑问词+ 不定式   decide, know, consider forget, learn, remember, show, understand, see, wonder, hear, find out, explain, tell   Please show us how to do that. 请演示给我们如何去做。   There are so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can't make up my mind which to buy.有这么多的录音机,我都拿不定主意买哪一种。   注意:疑问词带不定式在句中作成分时,谓语动词用单数。   The question is how to put it into practice.   问题是怎样把它付诸实施。   3)当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式时,先用形式宾语it代替不定式,把不定式置于补语之后,即:主语+动 词+it+补语+to do句式。如:   We think it quite important for us to learn a foreignlanguage well.   He feels it his duty to help the poor.   I find it difficult to learn English well. null三、作补语   1) 动词+宾语+不定式(to do)   advise allow believe cause challenge compel declare encourage forbid force find hire induce instruct invite like order permit persuade remind request require select send suppose tell train urge    例句:   a. Father will not allow us to play on the street.    父亲不让我们在街上玩耍。   2) to + be 的不定式结构,作补语的动词。   Acknowledge, believe, consider, think, declare(声称), discover, fancy(设想), feel find, guess, judge, imagine, know, prove, see(理解), show, suppose, take(以为), understand   We consider Tom to be one of the best students in our class.   我们认为汤姆是班上最好的学生之一。   3) to be +形容词   Seem, appear, be said, be supposed, be believed, be thought, be known, be reported, hope, wish, desire, want, plan, expect, mean…   The book is believed to be uninteresting.   人们认为这本书没什么意思。   4) there be+不定式   believe, expect, intend, like, love, mean, prefer, want, wish, undrstand   We didn't expect there to be so many people there.我们没料到会有那么多人在哪里。   有些动词需用as 短语做补语,如regard, think believe, take, consider.   We regard Tom as our best teacher. 我们认为汤姆是我们最好的老师。   Mary took him as her father . 玛丽把他当作自己的父亲。 null四、作表语   不定式作表语表示具体动作或将来动作;动名词作表语表示抽象的一般行为。   ①To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people.   ②My chief purpose is to point out the difficulties of the matter.   ③What I would suggest is to put off the meeting.   当主语和表语都是不定式时,其含义一是条件,一是结果(例①)。当主语是aim, duty, hope, idea, mistake, plan, purpose, suggestion等为中心词的名词词组(例②)时,或以what引导的名词性分句(例③),不定 式说明主语的内容。   ④Our work is serving the people.   ⑤What he likes is taking a walk after supper.   ⑥The story told by Mr.Wang is interesting.   ④⑤句动名词作表语,与主语部分可以转换,如Serving thepeople is our work,而⑥句中是现在分词作 表语,说明主语的性质、状态,现在分词具有形容词的各种特征,另外,动名词作表语还应与进行时态区别开 来。 null五、作状语   1)目的状语    To… only to (仅仅为了), in order to, so as to, so(such)… as to… (如此……以便……)   He ran so fast as to catch the first bus. 他飞快地跑以便赶上第一班车。   I come here only to say good-bye to you. 我来仅仅是向你告别。   2)作结果状语,表事先没有预料到的,要放在句子后面。   What have I said to make you angry.   He searched the room only to find nothing.   3) 表原因   I'm glad to see you. null六、作定语   ⒈不定式作定语   不定式在句中作定语,置于被修饰的名词或代词之后。如:   ①The next train to arrive is from Washington.   ②Do you have anything to be taken to your sister?   ③Do you have anything to say on the question?   ④Would you please give me some paper to write on?   ⑤My wish to visit France has come true at last.   不定式短语作定语和被修饰词之间表示以下关系:   (1)表示将来的动作(例①)。   (2)与被修饰词之间有动宾关系,如是不及物动词,则需加介词(例④)。   (3)与被修饰词之间有动宾关系,同时与句中其它词之间又有逻辑上的主谓关系时,尽管有被动含义,却仍 用主动语态(例③);如只有动宾关系,而无逻辑上的主谓关系,则需用被动语态(例②)。   (4)不定式作定语时,一般可转换为定语从句,例①to arrive=that will arrive。 省掉To的动词不定式省掉To的动词不定式1) 情态动词 ( 除ought 外,ought to意思是"应该",是情态动词,只有一种形式,后边接动词不定式,to不能省略。ought to没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形可以表示现在、将来或过去将来,由时间状语或上下文决定。例如:   They ought to come tomorrow.他们明天应当来):   2) 使役动词 let, have, make:   3) 感官动词 see, watch, look at, notice , observe, hear, listen to, smell, feel, find 等后作宾补,省略to。   注意:在被动语态中则to 不能省掉。   在使役动词中get除外(get sb. to do sth.)   I saw him dance. =He was seen to dance.   The boss made them work the whole night. =They were made to work the whole night.   4) 表示个人意愿或倾向的would rather,had better,might(just) as well:rather than置于句首时。   Rather than ride on a crowded bus,he always prefers to ride a bike.   5) Why… / why not…:   6) help 可带to,也可不带to, help sb (to) do sth:   7) but和except:but前是动词do时,后面出现的动词用不带to的动词不定式。   8) 由and, or和than连接的两个不定式,第二个to 可以省去:   9) 通常在discover, imagine, suppose, think, understand等词后,可以省去to be:     He is supposed (to be) nice. 他应该是个好人。   10)but作介词,后接不定式结构时,前面谓语动词部分若含有do的形式时,but后的不定式要省去to,否则要带to。    He wants to do nothing but go out.     11)当两个或多个不定时短语由连词and,but或or连接时,后一个或几个不定式符号to常省略。但若表示对比、对照关系时,则不能省略。   He wants to move to France and marry the girl.   The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,not to make it more difficult.   12)
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