首页 皮带运输机的设计(机电一体化)



皮带运输机的设计(机电一体化)皮带运输机的设计(机电一体化) 摘 要 带式输送机是现代物料连续运输的重要设备,是连续运动的无端输送带运送货物的机械,用胶带作为输送带的带式输送机称为胶带输送机,简称胶带机。它是提升和运输机械的重要组成部分,它具有结构简单、成本低、运输距离长、效率高的优点。其主要用于冶金 ... 摘  要 带式输送机是现代物料连续运输的重要设备,是连续运动的无端输送带运送货物的机械,用胶带作为输送带的带式输送机称为胶带输送机,简称胶带机。它是提升和运输机械的重要组成部分,它具有结构简单、成本低、运输距离长、效率...

皮带运输机的设计(机电一体化) 摘 要 带式输送机是现代物料连续运输的重要设备,是连续运动的无端输送带运送货物的机械,用胶带作为输送带的带式输送机称为胶带输送机,简称胶带机。它是提升和运输机械的重要组成部分,它具有结构简单、成本低、运输距离长、效率高的优点。其主要用于冶金 ...

摘  要
关键词:带式输送机; 工作原理; 发展概况; 驱动装置
Belt conveyer is one of most equipment used in bulk transport. Belt conveyer is continual motion machine of sideless conveying articles, using rubber belt to be conveyer belt is called rubber belt conveyer, and brief name is sealing-tape machine. Belt conveyer is an important component part of lifting and transport machinery. Its structure is very simple, and has low cost, long distance transport and very high productivity. It is mainly used in metallurgy、mining coal、power plant、port and industrial enterprises. It will make the bigger and bigger contribution for our country various mining industry loading and unloading mechanization and modernization.
In the existing technology, in coal mine common digs the gangue coal transport vehicle is mainly the scraper conveyer, its flaw is easy to appear the card chain link, to break the chain link, and the nose chain wheel breaks the tooth, the card scraper, breaks the scraper, the bottom chain is easy to overflow the breakdown and so on. Moreover, because machine is unwieldy, installment and removal link is complex, equipment failure rate is high, it creates the worker’s labor intensity in a big way, the working efficiency is low, the fitting invests is big and so on. Furthermore, in the scraper movement process the extrusion or blows the card of the gangue and the scraper to trough is easy to produce the spark, to form the hidden danger, is disadvantageous to the safety in production.
This article mainly introduced one kind of simple coal mine shaft tunneling gangue coal transportation belt conveyer in view of this kind of situation. First, it introduced the work characteristic of belt conveyer, the development survey, the principle of work and the classification; Next, it introduced the adhesive tape friction drive principle; Finally, it has carried on in detail design and calculation according to the working condition of belt conveyer, like drive, rack and so on. Its structure is simple, the installs and disassemble is convenient, the cost is low, the equipment safe is reliable, in coal mine shaft it is applied widely.
Keywords: belt conveyer; work principle; development survey; drive devices


目    录   字
第1章 绪论    3
第1.1节 课题设计的目的和意义    3
第1.2节 带式输送机的现状及发展    3
第1.3节 带式输送机的工作原理、适用条件及优缺点    5
第1.4节 带式输送机的分类    8
第1.5节 带式输送机的布置形式    12
第1.6节 倾角    13
第1.7节 带式输送机的主要部件    15
第2章 带式输送机的设计与计算    19
第2.1节 设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的确定    19
第2.2节 有关参数的确定    21
第3章 电动滚筒的设计计算    32
第3.1节 电动滚筒中电动机的选型    32
第3.2节 电动滚筒齿轮传动机构计算    34
第3.3节 电动滚筒中其他主要零部件设计计算    54
第4章 拉紧装置的选用与机架设计    87
第4.1节 拉紧装置选用    87
第4.2节 机架的设计    89
第5章 电机控制线路的动作过程    90
第6章 带式输送机的安装及典型故障 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析     91
第6.1节 安装要求    91
第6.2节 典型故障分析    94
结   论    96
参考文献    96
翻译部分    97
英文原文    97
中文译文    103
致  谢    108

摘 要:本次实验选用健康的体重为18~22g 的SPF级昆明系小白鼠(雌雄各半) 共150只,接种对猪具有致病性的粪肠球菌,分别进行半数致死量测定、临床症状观察。感染小鼠表现出明显的神经症状,小鼠感染粪肠球菌与病猪自然感染症状相似。测定粪肠球菌OD600值与CFU的关系,并根据OD600值与CFU的关系作出曲线,根据OD600值与CFU的关系计算出粪肠球菌对小鼠的LD50为5.75×109。本次实验的结果与羊源粪肠球菌感染小鼠的人工模型的结果基本一致,为进一步探究粪肠球菌在小鼠体内的感染机、制毒力因子及免疫应答奠定了基础。
关键词: 粪肠球菌; 人工感染; 半数致死量

Dung Enterococcus on Mice Determination of the LD50
Abstract:This experiment chooses a healthy weight for 18 ~ 22g SPF Kunming is male mice (150 evenly), inoculation only for the lamb has the dung enterococcus, highly respectively half lethal dose of determination, clinical symptom observation. Infected mice showed obvious neurologic symptoms, the mice infected with a dung enterococcus natural infection symptoms similar. Determination OD600 value and dung enterococcus CFU relationship, and according to the relationship OD600 value with the CFU made, according to OD600 value and curve CFU relationship to calculate the dung enterococcus 5.75 x for the LD50 mice 109. The experimental results and sheep dung enterococcus infected mice source of the artificial model results are basically the same for further inquiry dung enterococcus in mice infected machine, manufacturing force factor and the immune response to lay the foundation.
Key words: Enterococcus faecalis; artificially infected; median lethal dose
2 实验材料
2.1 实验动物
小白鼠为体重18~22g 的SPF级昆明系小白鼠(雌雄各半) 共150只, 购于湖南斯莱克景达实验动物有限公司,常规饲养。
胰蛋白胨大豆肉汤(TSB)为Sigma产品,琼脂粉(日本分装)、十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)、三羟甲基氨基甲烷(Tris)(Genview分装)均购自北京鼎国生物技术有限责任公司,新生牛血清为杭州四季青生物 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 有限公司产品,Taq DNA Polymerasea 、dNTP(2.5mM)、 5000 DNA Marker购自天根生物工程公司,伊红、苏木素及多聚赖氨酸购自北京中杉金桥有限公司,蛋白酶K为Roche产品,其它常规试剂均为国产分析纯级产品。

目   录    6000字
1  前 言    2
2 实验材料    3
2.1 实验动物    3
2.2实验菌株    3
2.3主要试剂和材料    3
2.4主要试剂的配制    3
2.5主要仪器    4
3 主要方法    4
3.1 粪肠球菌OD600与CFU关系的测定    4
3.1.1 菌液的平板计数    4
3.1.2 菌液的OD600值测定    5
3.2 粪肠球菌对小白鼠LD50的测定    6
3.2.1 细菌培养    6
3.2.2预实验    6
3.2.3 正式实验    6
3.2.4 LD50的计算    6
4 实验结果    7
4.1 接种菌液后小鼠的临床表现    7
4.2 LD50的计算结果    7
5 讨论    8
6 结论    8
参考文献    9
致    谢    10

摘 要
本课题的主要 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 包括箱式变电站的发展应用,箱式变电站的结构分类,以及箱式变电站一次系统设计及其设备选型,二次系统设计,以及箱式变电站的智能监控系统。
关键词:箱式变电站  结构  一次系统  二次系统

Design of 10kV box-type transformer substation
   Box-type transformer substation calls again outdoor a transformer substation, also call to do the sectional transformer substation. It is a development to wait to 70's Europe and America western prosper in the 60's of 20 centuries the nation release a kind of outdoor the set changes to give or get an electric shock of new change to give or get an electric shock the equipments, because it have the combination vivid, easy to conveyance, move, install convenience, start construction the period is short and circulate the expenses low, free from pollution, do not need maintenance etc. advantage, suffer the international community  electric power the worker values. Enter the middle of 90's of 20 centuries. The domestic starts appearing the simple box-type transformer substation , and got the quick development.
The article regard box-type transformer substation as a development for relating box-type transformer substation  applied, the construction of  box-type transformer substation divides into se-section, emphasizing the treatise box-type transformer substation a the very equipments in design in subsystem chooses the type, two subsystems design, and the intelligence of box-type transformer substation supervises and control the system.
Keywords:box-type transformer substation  construction  first system  second system.

目录   字
摘要    Ⅲ
Abstract    Ⅳ
第1章  概述    1
第2章  电气主接线的方案设计     4
2.1  电气主接线介绍     4
2.1.1  电气主接线的概念     4
2.1.2  电气主接线的设计原则     4
2.1.3  电气主接线的方式     4
2.2 主接线的设计要求     5
2.2.1  主接线的设计依据     5
2.2.2  主接线设计的基本要求     6
2.3  电气主接线方案拟定     7
2.3.1  主变压器的选择     7
2.3.2  主变压器的确定     8
2.3.3  主接线方案的拟定     8
第3章  短路电流的计算     16
3.1  短路电流介绍     16
3.1.1  简单系统 的计算     18
3.1.2  复杂系统的计算     18
3.1.3  短路种类     19
3.2  短路计算     19
3.2.1  短路计算    19
3.2.2  不对称短路计算    22
第4章 电气设备的选择     26
4.1  电路选择的一般条件     26
4.1.1  按正常工作条件选择电器     26
4.1.2  按短路情况校验     26
4.2  高压断路器和隔离开关的选择     27

4.3  电流互感器的选择     30
4.3.1  lcw-220型电流互感器     30
4.3.2  选择二次导线连接的截面     30
4.3.3  动稳定和热稳定校验     31
4.4  电压互感器的选择     32
4.4.1  电压互感器     32
4.4.2  电压互感器的选择     33
4.4.3  电压互感器的校验     33
4.5    避雷器的选择     35
4.6  开关柜的选择     36
第5章 变电站继电保护     37
结论     38
参考文献     39
致谢     40
附录Ⅰ 电气主接线图     41

摘  要: 为探明不同质地及pH值植烟土壤微生物种群差异,本研究分析测定了福建省武平县不同质地及pH植烟土壤微生物种群数量,结果表明:不同质地及pH植烟土壤主要微生物群落数量存在较为明显的差异,其中不同质地土壤中真菌、放线菌、细菌种群数量差异达到了差异显著水平,而不同pH土壤中真菌、放线菌、细菌数量差异达到了极显著水平。不同质地土壤中真菌数量表现为壤土>粘土>沙土,放线菌和细菌数量表现为壤土>沙土>粘土;不同pH土壤中真菌和细菌数量表现为pH>6.5的最高,5.5≤pH≤6.5其次,pH<5.5最低;而放线菌数量表现为pH<5.5最高,5.5≤pH≤6.5其次,pH>6.5最低。

关键词: 植烟土壤, 质地,pH,土壤微生物
Studies on Difference of Microbial Groups in Soil of Different Texture and pH
Abstract: The microbial populations of tobacco soil with different texture and pH value of WuPing county in Fujian province are analyzed in this research, in order to know the value of different texture and pH differences between populations. The results showed that, there is obvious difference different texture and pH value of tobacco soil mainly microbial quantity, in which different texture soil fungi, actinomycetes, bacteria population differences reached a significant difference between levels, and different pH, soil fungi, actinomycetes, bacteria reached a very significant difference in the level. Number of different fungi in the soil texture showed loam> clay> sand, actinomycetes and bacteria showed loam> sand> clay; different pH values of soil fungi and bacteria showed pH> 6.5 the highest, 5.5 ≤ pH ≤ 6.5 Secondly, pH <5.5 minimum; and actinomycetes showed pH <5.5 the highest, 5.5 ≤ pH ≤ 6.5 second, pH> 6.5 the lowest.

Key words: Tobacco soil, Texture, pH, The soil microorganisms

摘  要:为研究天蚕素对母猪生产繁殖的影响,选用妊娠期、胎次和生产繁殖状况都无显著差异的大约克母猪42头,随机分为2组,每组每头分别饲喂添加了天蚕素的饲粮0g/吨(对照组)、40g/吨(试验组),试验期共30天。试验结果表明:试验组的活仔数(0.985±0.031)和健仔数(0.941±0.072)显著高于对照组(P<0.05);产仔数(11.6000±2.)、出产仔猪活力与对照组相比弱有提高(57.43±7.56),但差异不显著(P>0.05)。可见,妊娠后期母猪日粮中添加天蚕素可以提高母猪的活仔数和健仔数,有利于保证母猪的繁殖效率。

Effects of Cecropin on Reproduction Performance in Pregnant Sow
Abstract:This experiment was conducted to study the effect of Cecropin on reproduction performance in pregnant sows. Forty-two Yorkshire pregnant sows with no significant differences in delivery period, parity and reproduction level, were randomly divided into 2 groups, each were fed with ration mixed with Cecropin 0g/t and 40g/t respectively. The feeding trial lasted for 30 days. The result showed that the number pigs alive (0.985±0.031) and the number healthy (0.941±0.072) both increased. There were significant effect on the number of pigs alive and healthy (P<0.05).The number of piglets farrowed (11.6000±2.); the activity of piglets was also increased (57.43±7.56), but there were no significant effect on their activity (P>0.05). These results indicated that adding the Cecropin into the dietary of pregnant sows can increase the number pigs alive, and healthy, it will help to ensure the reproduction performance of pregnant sows.




关键词: 高层建筑;钢筋混凝土结构;框架—剪力墙结构;综合办公楼;建筑与结构设计

Abstract: This graduation project follows and builds, and then structure, more basic design process first, according to the request of task book and guide book, finish the building design and structural design of reinforced concrete frame - shearwall structure’s Guilin chenghua comprehensive building.
The construction drawing of the building including general layout and proving, first storey, standard storey and roof plane figure, straight elevation and reciting elevation, the section systems of the stair and lift well, and several detail drawings. Every drawing is designed according to the requirement of standardizing and approved by teacher.
Combine the architectural design closely at the time of the structural design in this project, strive to make economy and rational, assign the reinforced concrete shearwall in the structural system of the frame appropriatly, as resist side force component work together with frame coordinate, and make the structure have good antidetonation performance. Focal point that structure analyze lie in frame and shearwall work to analyze in coordination. Consider special requirement of graduation project, rely mainly on the fact that hands can be regarded as, electricity charge for complementing.
The structural design is composed of seven parts: Structural rigidity is calculated; Function effect analysis of the horizontal earthquake; The verticality loads function and makes the frame and cuts the wall internal force of strength calculated; Load the effect association; The section is design and worthy of the muscle to calculate; The stair is designed; The roof beam board is designed .
The main content of calculating book is as follows, finish one cast-in-place floor some unit design of board (include handwork to carry out load calculation, force analysis and match tendon to calculate, computer paints construction picture); Require to finish the layout of the structure of other floors according to building, employ SATWE procedure to calculate the electricity, and among layout of the structure construction drawing, employ flat law say, stamp roof beam, board, column, serial number of frame, board thick buying muscling; Calculate the frame of finishing artificially - Cut the wall structure of strength work and analyze in coordination, the structural side is moved and calculated, cut the strength wall designed by strength analysis and section, frame design strength analysis with section (including internal force analysis , level load with calculation , association , section that verticality load mixing the muscle and drawing the construction picture); Employ , design software finish , analyze , design , compare and analyse electricity regard as with main achievement that hand charge.

目  录    字
摘要 Ⅰ
2.4.2    梁的跨中最大弯矩 58
2.4.3 柱的内力组合 60
2.4.4 剪力墙内力组合 62
2.4.5 连梁内力组合 63
2.5 截面设计与配筋计算 64
    2.5.1 框架梁(正、斜)截面设计   64
    2.5.2 框架柱的截面设计 70
    2.5.3 剪力墙墙肢截面设计 82
    2.5.4 连梁正斜截面设计 87
2.6 楼梯设计 90
    2.6.1 平台板计算 91
    2.6.2 梯段板计算 93
        2.6.3 平台梁计算 93
2.7 梁板设计 94
    2.7.1 板的计算 94
    2.7.2 梁的计算 99

摘  要:独立性是注册会计师职业的灵魂,注册会计师审计工作是维护社会经济秩序安稳发展和保持商业竞争走在正义轨道上的一道有力防线,审计独立性则是该防线最有力的基石。但是在现实社会中,注册会计师的独立性受到了严重影响。本文分析了影响注册会计师独立性的因素并提出了提高审计独立性的对策。

Reaserch on Certified Public Accountants Audit Independence
Abstract: Independence is the soul of registered accountant's professional certified public accountants audit work is to safeguard the social order and keep the business competition stability of walking in justice orbit a strong defence, the auditor independence is the cornerstone of the defense's most powerful. But in actual society, CPA's independence was badly affected. This paper analyzes the influence factors of these problems developed and proposed some countermeasures to solve these problems.
Key words: Certified public accountants; independence ; influencing factor; countermeasure


我国的 招投标 工程招投标概论建设工程招投标课件工程招投标概论清单及控制价编制方案招投标与合同管理a卷 体制日益完善和健全,招投标市场的竞争也日趋激烈,投标是施工企业的一项重要工作,也是一项复杂而细致的工作。施工企业要在投标竞争中赢得先机取得项目,就需要运用正确的投标策略与报价技巧。本文就工程施工企业如何运用科学合理的投标策略与报价编制技巧做一探讨,以便在竞争激烈的工程投标市场提高中标率战胜竞争对手实现利润最大化。本文通过上海富贵花园人工挖孔桩工程为例,衡量工程施工企业自身的优、劣势分析工程项目的特点,并且根据工程建设项目的特点、类别和施工环境等确定具体的投标指导思想,并据此选择正确的投标策略和报价技巧。以避免工程施工企业在投标决策中的盲目性,为

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