首页 零起点英语口语



零起点英语口语 零起点英语口语——20个常用的经典英语口语句式 Let's...的句型 我们去把: Let's go. 让我试试:Let me try. 我们开始把:Let's begin. 我们打网球把:Let's play tennis. 我们去玩视频游戏把:Let's play video games. 我们去散步把:Let's take a walk 我们听听音乐把:Let's listen to the music. I'd like...的句型 我喜欢。。。或者 我想要。。。 我想喝点牛奶:I'...

零起点英语口语——20个常用的经典英语口语句式 Let's...的句型 我们去把: Let's go. 让我试试:Let me try. 我们开始把:Let's begin. 我们打网球把:Let's play tennis. 我们去玩视频游戏把:Let's play video games. 我们去散步把:Let's take a walk 我们听听音乐把:Let's listen to the music. I'd like...的句型 我喜欢。。。或者 我想要。。。 我想喝点牛奶:I'd like some milk. 我想喝啤酒: I'd like a beer. 我想看看它: I'd like to see it. 我想洗个澡: I'd like to take a bath. 我很想知道: I'd like to know. 我希望你去上海: I'd like you to go to Shang Hai. 我想买青少年杂志: I'd like to buy the teenager magazine. 我想有很多钱: I'd like plenty of money. I'm going to...的句型 明年我准备去日本: I'm going to Japan next year. 我明天要去见老友: I'm going to see my old friend tomorrow. 我准备去约会: I'm going to have a date. 我准备去冲个凉: I'm going to take a shower. 我 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 参加奥林匹克运动会: I'm going to take part in the Olympics. It's...的句型 妙极了!: It's splendid! Splendid ['splendid] :adj. 辉煌的;灿烂的;极好的;杰出的 今天天气很好: It's fine today. 正在下雨: It's raining. 现在是春天了: It's spring now. 现在是什么时间?: What time is it now? 五点半了: It's five thirty. 要花多少时间?: How long does it take? 大概花了一个小时: It takes about an hour. 多远了呢?: How far is it? 这儿离上海有3公里: It is about 3 kilometers to Shang Hai. 啊!是你!: Oh!It's you! 说这句话的时候语气稍微夸张点~ 给你的: It's for you. 对我来讲很困难: It's difficult for me. 不是经常的: It's not often. You'd better...的句型 你最好如何如何。。。的句型 这也是个特别常用的句型。 你最好把糖戒掉: You had better give up sweets. 你最好在考虑考虑: You had better think it over. 你现在最好不要去: You had better not go just now. 你最好不要在这里待太久:You had better not stay here very long. 你最好把这件事保密: You had better keep it secret. 你最好多等一会: You had better wait a little while. 你最好现在就打电话给他: You had better call him now. 在晚上你最好不要吃得太多: You had better not eat so much at night. 我个人觉得这句话是真理啊~ Please...的句型 请。。。的句型 请进: Come in, please. 请坐: Sit down, please. 请脱鞋: Please take off your shoes. 请把拖鞋穿上: Please put on the slippers. 请等我一会: Please wait for me a moment. 请再来看我: Please come to see me again. 请签在这: Please sign here. 请不要等我: Please don't wait for me. 请不要站在那边: Please don't stand there. 请不要在此吸烟: Please don't smoke here. 请不要喝得太多: Please don't drink too much. When...的句型 你什么时候有空呢? When will you be free? 你什么时候买的呀?When did you buy it? 你什么时候毕业? When are you graduating? 现在是什么时间? When is it? 你什么时候离开? When are you leaving? 下雨,我们就不走了:When it rains, we will not go How many...【多少】句型【可数的名词】 你有几本书?: How many books do you have? 你睡几小时?: How many hours do you sleep? 你一天抽几支烟?: How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? 早餐你吃几个鸡蛋?: How many eggs do you eat for breakfast? 办公室里有多少人?: How many people are there in the office? 你要几个?: How many do you want? 他们有几个人缺席? How many of them were absent? How much...【多少】句型【不可数名词】 你每天要喝多少牛奶?: How much milk do you drink per day? 你有多重?: How much do you weigh? 你要多少糖?: How much sugar do you want? 这支钢笔多少钱? How much is this pen? 这双鞋多少钱? How much is this pair of shoes? 这件东西多少钱? How much is it? Thank you for...的句型 感谢你某某方面。。。的句型 谢谢你的帮助: Thank you for your help. 谢谢你来送行: Thank you for coming to see me off. 谢谢你这么说: Thank you for saying so. 谢谢你的劝告: Thank you for your advice. 非常感谢你的帮助: Thank you very much for your help. 谢谢你的光临: Thank you for coming. 我在上海期间,承蒙您照顾一切,非常感谢!: Thank very much for all you have done for me during my stay in Shang Hai! 让我们放松一下~讲个小笑话听听~ 老太:医生,我想我需要一副眼镜。清洁工:你确实需要,这里是银行 Old women:Doctor, I think I need a glasses。Dustman:You certainly do!This is a bank. 贵妇1:啊!天啊!我把我亲爱的小狗弄丢了。贵妇2:但你必须在报纸上登个广告。贵妇1:没用的,我的小狗不识字。 Lady1:Oh,my dear!I have lost my precious little dog!Lady2:But you must put an advertisement in the papers!Lady1:It's no use, my little dog can't read. 闭一会眼睛,休息一会,听听音乐~再看以下内容把~ 休息也休息够了把~就让我们一起来看一下以下的英语句式~ 11. Don't...的句型 不要在这里拍照: Don't take photos here. 不要吵: Don't make a noise. 不要打扰我: Don't disturb me. 不要叫醒我: Don't wake me up. 不要站在我面前: Don't stand in front of me. 不要那么害羞: Don't be shy. Have you ever been...的句型 你曾经到过哪里...的句型 你去过美国么?: Have you ever been to the United States? 你出过国么?: Have you ever been abroad? 你坐过飞机旅行么?: Have you traveled by air? 你到上海来过么? Have you been to Shang Hai? 你在上海住了多久?: How long have you been in Shang Hai? 你等了多久?: How long have you been waiting? How...的句型 “怎么”引导的句型 你好么?: How are you? 你好?:How do you do? 你多大了?: How old are you? 多少钱?: How much is it? 你们工厂有多少人?: How many people are there in your factory? 到书店有多远?: How far to the bookshop? 来一杯冰水怎么样?: How about a cup of ice-water? 我该怎么做?: How shall I do it? 告诉我怎么做?: Tell me how to do it? Which...的句型 哪一个。。。的句型 哪一个是你的?: Which one is yours? 你选哪一个?: Which is your choice? 我不知道哪一个是他的?: I don't know which one is his? 我没有看到那个大明星,真可惜!: I didn't see the pop star, which is a pity! What...的句型 这是什么?: What is this? 现在几点了?: What time is it? 你想要做什么?: What do you want to do? 你叫什么名字?: What is your name? 你怎么了?:What's wrong with you? 什么事?: What's the matter? 那就是我想要告诉你的: That's what I want to tell you. 你可以告诉我那是什么意思么?: Could you tell me what this means? Neither...nor...的句型 既不...也不...的句型 我既没有包也没有钱夹: I have neither bag nor wallet. 杰克和我对股票都不感兴趣: Neither Jake nor I are interested in stocks. 他和谈男朋友都不会开车: Neither she nor her boyfriend knows anything about driving. Must...的句型 你必须现在就去复印: You must copy it now. 我今天晚上必须完成我的家庭作业: I must finish my homework tonight. 恐怕我必须要阻止他了: I'm afraid I must stop him. 你明天必须把它还给我: You must give back to me tomorrow. 你不能跟他呆在一起: You mustn't stay with him. 你一定是累了: You must be tired. 到迪斯尼去一定很有趣: It must be very interesting to go to Disney World. 我不得不说这是个好主意: I must say, it is a good idea. 18. Shall...的句型 我会在医院门前等你的: I shall be waiting for you in front of the hospital. 无论如何我一定要走: I shall have to go. 我可以打开窗户么?: Shall I open the window? 我可以帮你什么忙么?:Shall I give you a hand? 我明年春天就毕业了:I shall graduate next spring. 让我们一起来看一下最后的常用句型 Won't you...的句型 你不怎么样么。。。的句型 你不休息一会么?: Won't you have a break? 不再来杯橙汁么?: Won't you have some orange juice? 你不再多喝点鸡汤了么?: Won't you have some more chicken soup? 不和我们一起去么?: Won't you go with us? 彻底的休息一下把~~来看看小笑话~~ 老师:你为什么迟到? 汤姆:还不是因为那个标签! 老师:什么标签?汤姆: 标签上面写着,“前面是学校,请慢行”,我就照做了。 Teacher:Why are you late? Tom:Because of the sign!Teacher:What sign?Tom: The one that says, "School Ahead, Go slow",that's what I did. 顾客:服务员,我只有一块肉啊。服务员:稍等一分钟,先生。我会帮你切开。 Custom:Waiter, I've only got one piece of meat. Waiter:Just a minute, Sir. I'll cut it for you. 表哥:你拿着笔和纸在干什么? M:我再给我哥哥写信。表哥: 但是你不会写字啊。M:没关系,我哥哥也不识字。 Cousin: What are you doing with a pencil and paper? M:I'm writing a little to my brother. Cousin:But you don't know how to write. M:That's okay, my brother can't read. 【完】哦对了。。这不是我写的。我是看从零开始学口语这个视频教程,记下来这样看比较容易。如果你们想要看这个视频的话,土豆网上有。。你可以直接在土豆网上查找从零开始学口语。这样边看边看着我这个读。。也蛮好的。 谢谢你们的下载。
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