首页 Chapter1《Making_friends》学案1(牛津深圳七年级上)



Chapter1《Making_friends》学案1(牛津深圳七年级上) Chapter 1 Making friends 课 题 Chapter 1 Making friends 【学习目标】1. To know how to name some sports by pictures 通过图片了解一些体育项目名称 2. To learn about the format of English letters by observing 通过观察了解英语书信格式 3. To read Simon’s letter using skimming and scanning...

Chapter 1 Making friends 课 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 Chapter 1 Making friends 【学习目标】1. To know how to name some sports by pictures 通过图片了解一些体育项目名称 2. To learn about the format of English letters by observing 通过观察了解英语书信格式 3. To read Simon’s letter using skimming and scanning skills, and know about Simon’s life in the UK. 通过略读和跳读Simon的信件,了解Simon在英国的生活情况。 【学习重点】1. To know the differences of formats between Chinese letters and English letters. 了解中文和英文英语书信在格式上的区别。 2. To adopt Skimming and Scanning reading skills in class 能在课堂上运用略读和跳读技巧。 【学习难点】 Using different reading skills properly.正确运用不同的阅读技巧。 【学习过程】 一、Pre-reading 1. Discussion: How can we make friends with others? 2. Brainstorm: Make a list of things(列一张清单) we could tell our new pen friend. 我们会告诉新朋友有关自己的哪些方面呢? 3. Self-check: Tick the ball games you know. 你都知道哪些球类运动呢?请打勾: Basketball Football Rugby Soccer Badminton Volleyball Table tennis Hockey 4. Look and think 1) Do you know how to write a Chinese letter? 你会用中文写信吗?英文信件呢? What about an English letter? Look at the ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt and try to do the match: 根据PPT完成以下连线练习: 2) Read the beginning and ending parts of the letter (Page 3), find out the following information: ① Address: ____________________________________________ ② Date: ____________________________________________ ③ Greeting: ____________________________________________ ④ Ending: ____________________________________________ ⑤ Signature: ____________________________________________ 二、While-reading (Fast-reading 快速阅读) 1. Skimming 浏览 :Listen for the text for once, then skim the letter quickly and try to match the main ideas. 听课文录音,然后快速浏览课文,并连线每段段落大意 (Pra:段落) 2. Scanning 快速查阅 1) Read Pra1&2 and answer the questions quickly. 快速查阅第1、2段并回答下列问题: ① Has Simon a Chinese name? ___________________________________ ② How tall is Simon? _______________________________ ③ What’s Simon’s favourite hobby? _______________________________ ④ Where are they from? _______________________________ ⑤ How old is Edwin? _______________________________ 2) Read Pra3&4 and complete the True or False exercise. 快速阅读第3、4段并完成判断对错。 ① Simon is in Form Two at Walker School. (T / F ) ② He always goes to school by bus. (T / F ) ③ He enjoy playing tennis in winter. (T / F ) ④ His best subject at school is music. (T / F ) ⑤ He is in the middle of the photo. (T / F ) 3. Third reading 1)C Find the meanings (课本p4) 三. After- reading(课后练习):Find out the following sentences in the text on P3.在课文中找出相应的句子。 1. 你的名字和地址在Penfriends杂志上。________________________________________________ 2. 我有着黑色的短发和棕色的眼睛。________________________________________________ 3. 我的父母在Newcastle拥有一家中国餐馆。________________________________________________ 4. 我能讲点汉语,但写得不好。________________________________________________ 5. 他在伦敦是一名 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 师。________________________________________________ 6. 我热爱体育。________________________________________________ 7. 这是一张我和一些朋友照的相片。________________________________________________ 8. 我想成为一名 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 师。________________________________________________ 四. Summary 【课后反思】 1. 本节课的重难点你掌握了吗?请在1(很差)—5(非常好)五个等级中小结自己的掌握情况 1) 英语书信格式 【 1 2 3 4 5 】 2) 浏览和快速查阅的技巧【 1 2 3 4 5 】 2. 课堂掌握存在的其它问题: 课 题 Chapter 1 Making friends (2) 【学习目标】 To know or master some words and expressions about self introduction. 了解或掌握有关自我介绍的词汇和用语。 1)核心词汇:work as 从事……工作 in the middle 在中间 hear from sb. 收到某人来信 tell sb. Sth. 告诉某人某事 own 拥有 enjoy 喜爱 reply to sb. 回复某人 2)同义词组: I would like to be your pen friend. = I want to be your pen friend. 想要成为…… How old are you? = What’s your age? (询问年龄) My favourite hobby is playing chess. = I like playing chess best. 最喜爱…… They are from Beijing. = They come from Beijing. 来自…… What do they do? = What’re their jobs? = What are they? (询问职业) He works as an architect. = He is an architect. 是(……职业) I am keen on sports. = I am interested in sports. 热衷…… I can walk to school. = I can go to school on foot. 步行去…… 3)交际用语: My name is … How old are you? How many people are there in your family? What do they do? What’s your favourite hobby? How do you go to school? 4)拓展词汇: full name first / given name family / second name 【学习重点】1. To get to know and use the new words and expression properly. 理解或运用新词汇和用语。 【学习难点】 To be able to introduce oneself with target vocabulary. 能运用目标词汇够自我介绍。 【学习过程】 一、Homework Checking 二、Revision (复习) 1. Listen and tick 1) In Simon’s letter, her writes some things about himself. What does he talk about? 在Simon 的信中他写了关于自己的一些信息。他谈了些什么呢? 2) Listen to the text, then tick the things he mentions in the following box. 听录音,然后在下方清单中选择Simon信中提到的事物并打勾。 his full name the name of his parents’ restaurant his age the name of his school his height his brother’s name his weight his worst school subject his favourite hobby his dream job 2. Listen and complete the outlines跟读课文,并完成段落大意填空。 Listen and read after the recording, then try to complete the outlines of each paragraph. Pra1:Simon tells May that he wants to be her __________ and also something about himself. Pra2:He gives information about his __________ and _________. Pra3:He gives information about his school, his favourite ​​​​​​​​​​​__________, his best ________ and his dream job. Pra4:He mentions the photo of himself and ________ _________, and ask May to _______. 三、 Detailed reading (精读) 1. Pra1 (第一段) 1) would like to 课文例句:__________________________________________ 解析:would like to + do “想要做某事”,后面跟动词原形。 【牛刀小试】 ① 指出下列句子有错部分并改正: I would like to playing the piano. He woulds like to sing. They would like to be a doctor. ② Make sentences.根据提示造句。 __________________________________________ 我们想去欢乐谷。 __________________________________________ Peter 想成为一名老师。 2)How old are you? = What’s your age? 询问年龄:How old …? = What’s … age? 【牛刀小试】 Complete the sentences. 完成句子: How old _______ he? = What’s _______ age? How old _______ they? = What ______ their age? ______________________________ 你的弟弟几岁了?(用How old…翻译句子) ______________________________ 她几岁了? (用 What’s… age 翻译句子) 【能力进阶】 Look & Think 想一想:以下的词有什么联系? old(adj.)—— age(n.) tall(adj.)—— height(n.) heavy(adj.)—— weight(n.) long(adj.)—— length(n.) 询问年龄:How old …? = What’s … age? 询问身高:How tall …? = What’s … height? 询问体重:How heavy …? = What’s … weight? 询问长度:How long …? = What’s … length? 情景填空: — How ______ is the ruler? / What’s the _______ of the ruler? — It’s 30 cm long. 3)short black hair and brown eyes 黑色的短发和棕色的眼睛 询问长相:What does / do… look like? 【牛刀小试】 ① — What does he look like? — He has _________ _________ hair and _________ eyes. (他有着黑色的长发和黑色的眼睛。) ② — What ______ Lily look like? — She _____________________________________ (她有着红发碧眼。) 【能力进阶】 1 How many colour words do you know? Please write down. 你知道多少有关“颜色”的词语呢?请写一写 _________ 白色 _________ 黄色 _________ 粉色 _________ 蓝色 _________ 黑色 _________ 橙色 _________ 棕色 _________ 紫色 _________ 红色 _________ 绿色 _________ 灰色 _________ 金色 2 Guessing Game: Let’s find out our classmates! 用以下对话描述你们教室的一个人,猜猜他/她是谁? A: What does he / she look like? B: He / She has …hair and … eyes A: He / She is … 4) favourite = like … best 最喜欢 询问爱好: What’s your favourite hobby? = What hobby do you like best 【牛刀小试】 1 Write the sentences according to the Chinese meaning. 根据中文写出句子。 _____________________________________________ 我最喜欢的爱好是下棋。 _____________________________________________ 我最喜欢的运动是游泳。 _____________________________________________ 他最喜欢的科目是电脑。 2 Paraphrase. 用括号中的词汇改写同义句 His favourite book is Harry Porter. ( like … best ) He ______ Harry Porter ______. Their favourite movie is Spiderman Ⅲ. ( like … best ) ___________________________________ 3 They likes playing chess best. (favourite) _______________________________________ 【能力进阶】 Do a survey with the following sentence patterns in your group. 用以下所给的句型,做小组调查? 询问爱好 A: What’s your favourite hobby? / What do you like best? B: My favourite hobby is … / I like … best 1 2 3 Name Favourite hobby 5) 【知识拓展】 Full name, First / Given name, Second / Family name Fill in the form: Full name First / Given name Second / Family name Harry Porter Jacky Chen 李小龙 2. Pra2 (第二段) 1) be from = come from 来自 【牛刀小试】 找出错误并改正下列句子 He is come from Shenzhen. Mary and Tim is from the UK. Are you come from the UK? 【能力进阶】 用所给的短语写出句子 ① ____________________________________ Sandy来自日本。 (be from) ② ____________________________________ Susan 来自上海。(come from) ③ ____________________________________ 他来自中国吗?(be from) 2) own 拥有 e.g. My parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle. 【牛刀小试】写出下列句子 ① _________________________________ 他有很多故事书。 ② _________________________________ NBA 有很多粉丝(fans)。 【能力进阶】 own (v.) 拥有, owner (n.) 拥有者 3) work as + 职业 “从事…….职业” Eg. He works as a designer. = He is a designer. 【牛刀小试】用work as写出下列句子 ① _________________________________ 他是一名警察。 ② _________________________________ 他们是警察。 ③ _________________________________ 他们3年前(3 years ago)是警察。 3) What do they do? =What are they? (询问职业) 【牛刀小试】改写同义句 ① What is he? = _________________________________ ② What does Kate do ? = _________________________________ ③ What are your parents? = _________________________________ 3. Pra3 (第三段) 1) walk to = go to … on foot 步行去… e.g. I can walk to school. = I can go to school on foot. ★ 询问交通方式: How do you go to …? 2) be keen on 热衷于…… (= be interested in) 【牛刀小试】完成下列句子 ① He ______ ______ ______ football. 他热衷于足球。 ② She ______ keen on ___________ shopping. 她非常喜欢购物。 ③ His parents _______ keen on sports. 他的父母热衷于体育。 【能力进阶】 be keen on = be interested in e.g. We are ________ on reading. = We are ___________ in reading. 3) enjoy + v. -ing 喜欢 = be keen on + v.-ing 【牛刀小试】写出下列短语 ① _____________ 喜欢看电影 ② _____________ 喜欢看书 ③ _____________ 喜欢烹饪 【能力进阶】enjoy oneself 玩得愉快 4. Pra4 (第四段) 1) in the middle 在中间 2) tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事 【牛刀小试】写出下列句子。 ① Tom _______ me the accident last night. Tom 昨晚告诉我那个事故。 ② Please ________ _________ _________ _________. 请告诉我你的生日。 【发散思维】 1. hear from sb. 收到某人的来信 (注:hear为不规则动词,过去时为heard) 2. reply to sb. 回复某人 四. More practice 巩固练习 《综合练习册》P 4 五. Summary 小结 【课后反思】 本节课的重难点你掌握了吗?请在1(很差)—5(非常好)五个等级中小结自己的掌握情况 1)核心词汇 【 1 2 3 4 5 】 2)同义词组 【 1 2 3 4 5 】 3)交际用语 【 1 2 3 4 5 】 4)拓展词汇 【 1 2 3 4 5 】 选择题   ● 1. I think people need to use ____cars because of pollution.   A. more B. fewer C. less D. many   ● 2. My brother is very busy now. He has ____time to play with his friends than before   A. many B. less C. more D. fewer   ● 3. My sister is in _____ [来源:Zxxk.Com] A. Three Class; One Grade B. Class Three; Grade One   C. Grade One ; Class Three D. Three class, Grade one   ● 4.Look at the pictures carefully , and decide which sentence is right?   A. Mike is cheaper than coke B. Mike is the most expensive C. Oranges juice has the same price as water D. Coke is more expensive than orange juice   ● 5.------ How long is the new bridge ?Do you know? -- ---Yes. It’s about _______. A. one thousand one hundred and eighty meters B. one thousand and one hundred fifty meters C. two thousand one hundred forty meters D. two thousands seventy and three meters   ● 6.Kate lives_____.Mine is next to hers. A. the room five B. Room Five C. five room D. fifth room   ● 7.-----That ten-pound note belongs to Jerry. ------______. A. . Yes, it belongs B. No, it doesn’t C. Yes, it is D. No, it isn’t   ● 8. Mother’s Day falls on__Sunday of May. [来源:学科网ZXXK] A. two B. second C. the second D.a second   ● 9. His boots are the same _____mine. A. to B. with C. like D. as   ● 10. Jim is angry ___me .What should I say to him? A. in B. to C. with D. for   ● 11.One should say___when he is in danger. A. he is afraid B. SOS C. Help D. Please   ● 12. ----Have a good time. ------_______ A. So do I B. So I do C. Yes, I will D. Thank you   ● 13 .What will ___I? A. is B. am C. are D. be   ● 14. She will be 15 centimeters_____ A. tall B. taller C. heavy D. heavier   ● 15. ______you pass a pen? I’d like to write down the telephone number. A. Need B. Could C. Must D. Should   ● 16. ______of the two women is Mrs .Brown. A. The beautiful B. The more beautiful C. More beautiful D. The most beautiful   ● 17. There is ___paper here. Please bring some. A. little B . less C. fewer D. a little   ● 18 . There will be no school_____. A. before B. in the future C. ago D. in future   ● 19. We _____see Uncle Wang tomorrow. A. went B. go to C. is going to D. are going to   ● 20. What’s your friend going ____next week? A. doing B. do C. does D. to do 一.翻译下列短语 1. 大约五英尺高___________________ 2. 喜欢做某事____________________ 3. 给某人写信 ____________________ 4. 运动场 _______________________ 5. 坐在中间 ______________________ 6. 收到某人来信 _________________ 7. 日期和地址 ____________________ 8. 以…为职业 ___________________ 9. 工程师_________________________ 10. 建筑设计师____________________ 二.完成下列句子 1. 他有什么爱好?打游戏和下棋。 What are his_________? His hobbies are ___________computer games and __________ . 2. 我的理想是成为一名工程师。 My ___________ is to _____________ _____________ engineer. 3. Edwin是一个高个子短黑发男孩。 Edwin is a tall boy with ___________ ____________ hair. 4.我想成为你的笔友。 I would ___________ to be your _______________ . 5. 这封信是一个叫Sidney的男孩写给一个叫May的女孩的。 This letter is ____________ a boy called Sidney ___________ a girl _____________ May. 三.短文填词 Sidney is a student in Form One at Walker School. He is 11 years old. He is about 5 f____________ (1) tall and he has short black h___________ (2) and brown eyes. His f__________ (3) hobby is p _____________ (4) computer games and he also e ___________ (5) playing chess. 学会举一反三 你掌握了吗? Pra1 About the photo of Simon and his friends. Pra2 About Simon’s school life. Pra3 About Simon himself. Pra4 About Simon’s family 地址 署名 称呼 主体 结束语 日期 Signature Address Body Date Greeting Ending PAGE 初中学习网-中国最大初中学习网站CzxxW.com | 我们负责传递知识!
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