首页 通信系统仿真课后答案



通信系统仿真课后答案第3章采样和量化 3-1 答: 输入:syms t w Xf=fourier(5*cos(6*pi*t)+3*sin(8*pi*t)) 输出:Xf=pi*(5*dirac(w+6*pi)+3*i*dirac(w+8*pi)-3*i*dirac(w-8*pi)+5*dirac(w-6*pi)) matlab程序:t=0:0.02:8; L=length(t); xt=5*cos(6*pi*t)+3*sin(8*pi*t); f1=fft(xt); fs=10;Ts=1/fs; t1=8:-0...

第3章采样和量化 3-1 答: 输入:syms t w Xf=fourier(5*cos(6*pi*t)+3*sin(8*pi*t)) 输出:Xf=pi*(5*dirac(w+6*pi)+3*i*dirac(w+8*pi)-3*i*dirac(w-8*pi)+5*dirac(w-6*pi)) matlab程序:t=0:0.02:8; L=length(t); xt=5*cos(6*pi*t)+3*sin(8*pi*t); f1=fft(xt); fs=10;Ts=1/fs; t1=8:-0.02:0; f=1./t1; Pt=zeros(1,L); for i=1:8:L Pt(i)=1; end Xst=xt.*Pt; f2=fft(Xst); f3=fs*f1; f4=ifft(f3); subplot(2,2,1) plot(f,f1) axis([0 10 -1000 3000]) xlabel('f');ylabel('x(f)'); subplot(2,2,2) plot(f,f2) axis([0 10 -200 400]) xlabel('f');ylabel('Xs(f)'); subplot(2,2,3) plot(f,f3) axis([0 10 -2000 4000]) xlabel('f');ylabel('Xr(f)'); subplot(2,2,4) plot(t,f4) xlabel('t');ylabel('Xr(t)'); axis([0 6 -50 50]) 510 -1000 01000 2000 f x (f ) 510 -200 0200 f X s (f ) 510 -2000 02000 4000f X r (f ) 02 46 t X r (t ) 3-2 答:matlab 程序: t=0:0.02:8; L=length(t); xt=5*cos(6*pi*t)+3*sin(8*pi*t); f1=fft(xt); fs=7;Ts=1/fs; t1=8:-0.02:0; f=1./t1; Pt=zeros(1,L); for i=1:8:L Pt(i)=1; end Xst=xt.*Pt; f2=fft(Xst); f3=fs*f1; f4=ifft(f3); subplot(2,2,1) plot(f,f1) axis([0 10 -1000 3000]) xlabel('f');ylabel('x(f)'); subplot(2,2,2) plot(f,f2) axis([0 10 -200 400]) xlabel('f');ylabel('Xs(f)'); subplot(2,2,3) plot(f,f3) axis([0 10 -2000 4000]) xlabel('f');ylabel('Xr(f)'); subplot(2,2,4) plot(t,f4) xlabel('t');ylabel('Xr(t)'); axis([0 6 -50 50]) 510 -1000 01000 2000 f x (f ) 510 -200 0200 f X s (f ) 510 -2000 02000 4000f X r (f ) 02 46 -50 50 t X r (t ) 3.5 信号()5sin(10)x t t π=, (a )信号的动态范围为25.84,49.93,98.09,194.42 dB SNR =。 (b )信号的波峰因素为c F D =。其中,S 为信号的功率22512.522m A S === ,所以0.707110 c F ==。 (c )信噪比22()32b q c SNR F =,以dB 为单位,10lg()10lg(3)20lg()20lg2q c SNR F b =++ 当4,8,16,32b =比特时,计算得25.84,49.93,98.09,194.42 dB SNR = 3.11 k = 50; % samples per lobe nsamp = 50000; % total frequency samples snrdb = zeros(1,17); % initialize memory x = 4:20; % vector for plotting for m = 4:20 signal = 0; noise = 0; % initialize sum values f_fold = k*m/2; % folding frequency for j = 1:f_fold term = (sin(pi*j/k/2)/(pi*j/k/2))^4; signal = signal+term; end for j = (f_fold+1):nsamp term = (sin(pi*j/k/2)/(pi*j/k/2))^4; noise = noise+term; end snrdb(m-3) = 10*log10(signal/noise); end plot(x,snrdb) % plot results xlabel('Samples per symbol') ylabel('Signal-to-aliasing noise ratio') 三角脉冲波形的信号混叠信噪比 矩形脉冲波形的信号混叠信噪比 3-11 答:matlab程序:k=50; nsamp=50000; snrdb=zeros(1,17); snrdb_triangle=zeros(1,17); x=4:20; for m=4:20 signal=0;noise=0;signal_triangle=0;noise_triangle=0; f_fold=k*m/2; for j=1:f_fold term=(sin(pi*j/k)/(pi*j/k))^2; term_triangle=(sin(pi*j/(2*k))/(pi*j/(2*k)))^4; signal=signal+term; signal_triangle=signal_triangle+term_triangle; end for j=(f_fold+1):nsamp term=(sin(pi*j/k)/(pi*j/k))^2; term_triangle=(sin(pi*j/(2*k))/(pi*j/(2*k)))^4; noise=noise+term; noise_triangle= noise_triangle+term_triangle; end snrdb(m-3)=10*log10(signal/noise); snrdb_triangle(m-3)=10*log10(signal_triangle/noise_triangle); end plot(x,snrdb,x,snrdb_triangle,'r:'); xlabel('Samples per symbol'); ylabel('signal-to-aliasing noise ratio'); 468 40 50Samples per symbol s i g n a l -t o -a l i a s i n g n o i s e r a t i o 可见成形脉冲为三角脉冲时,效果更好一些。 3.12 k = 50; % samples per lobe nsamp = 50000; % total frequency samples snrdb = zeros(1,17); % initialize memory x = 4:20; % vector for plotting for m = 4:20 signal = 0; noise = 0; % initialize sum values f_fold = k*m/2; % folding frequency for j = 1:f_fold term = (cos(2*pi*j/k))^2/(pi^2)/((1-(4*j/k)^2))^2; signal = signal+term; end for j = (f_fold+1):nsamp term = (cos(2*pi*j/k))^2/(pi^2)/((1-(4*j/k)^2))^2; noise = noise+term; end snrdb(m-3) = 10*log10(signal/noise); end plot(x,snrdb) % plot results xlabel('Samples per symbol') ylabel('Signal-to-aliasing noise ratio') % End of script file. MSK混叠信噪比 矩形脉冲波形的信号混叠信噪比 3-12 答:matlab程序:k=50; nsamp=50000; snrdb=zeros(1,17); snrdb_triangle=zeros(1,17); x=4:20; for m=4:20 signal=0;noise=0;signal_triangle=0;noise_triangle=0; f_fold=k*m/2; for j=1:f_fold term=(sin(pi*j/k)/(pi*j/k))^2; term_triangle=(cos(2*pi*j/k))^2/(pi^2*(1-(4*j/k)^2)^2);; signal=signal+term; signal_triangle=signal_triangle+term_triangle; end for j=(f_fold+1):nsamp term=(sin(pi*j/k)/(pi*j/k))^2; term_triangle=(cos(2*pi*j/k))^2/(pi^2*(1-(4*j/k)^2)^2);; noise=noise+term; noise_triangle= noise_triangle+term_triangle; end snrdb(m-3)=10*log10(signal/noise); snrdb_triangle(m-3)=10*log10(signal_triangle/noise_triangle); end plot(x,snrdb,x,snrdb_triangle,'r:'); xlabel('Samples per symbol'); ylabel('signal-to-aliasing noise ratio'); 468101214 0 60Samples per symbol s i g n a l -t o -a l i a s i n g n o i s e r a t i o 3.13 k = 50; % samples per lobe nsamp = 50000; % total frequency samples snrdb = zeros(1,17); % initialize memory x = 4:20; % vector for plotting for m = 4:20 signal = 0; noise = 0; % initialize sum values f_fold = k*m/2; % folding frequency for j = 1:f_fold term = (sin(pi*j/k)/(2*pi*j/k))^2; signal = signal+term; end for j = (f_fold+1):nsamp term = (sin(pi*j/k)/(2*pi*j/k))^2; noise = noise+term; end snrdb(m-3) = 10*log10(signal/noise); end plot(x,snrdb) % plot results xlabel('Samples per symbol') ylabel('Signal-to-aliasing noise ratio') QPSK混叠信噪比 矩形脉冲波形的信号混叠信噪比 第4章 带通信号与系统的低通仿真模型 4-3 答: (a )分析可知:10cos(2sin(20))d x t π= 10s i n (2s i n (20q x t π= 画出同相分量d x :t= 0:0.005:0.7; xd=10*cos(2*sin(20*pi*t)); plot(t,xd) 5 10 画出正交分量q x :t= 0:0.005:0.7; xq=10*sin(2*sin(20*pi*t)); plot(t,xq) 5 10 (b ) matlab 程序: t = 0:0.001:0.5; x = 10*cos(200*pi*t+2*sin(20*pi*t)); y = fft(x); m = abs(y); p = angle(y); f = (0:length(y)-1)*99/length(y); subplot(2,1,1); plot(f,m); title('X(f)的幅度'); set(gca,'XTick',[15 40 60 85]); subplot(2,1,2); plot(f,p); title('X(f)的相位'); set(gca,'XTick',[15 40 60 85]); 1540 6085 0500 1000 1500 X (f)的幅度 15406085 -50 5 X (f)的相位 (c )matlab 程序: t = 0:0.001:0.6; x = 10*cos(200*pi*t+2*sin(20*pi*t)); z=hilbert(x); x1=fft(z.*exp(-j*2*pi*100*t)); m = abs(x1); f = (0:length(x1)-1)*99/length(x1); subplot(2,1,1); plot(f,m); title(' X~(f)的幅度'); xlabel('频率'); ylabel('幅度'); p =angle(x1); subplot(2,1,2); plot(f,p); title(' X~(f)的相位'); xlabel('频率'); ylabel('相位'); 020********* 02000 4000 X ~(f)的幅度 频率 幅度02040 6080100-50 5 X ~(f)的相位 频率相位 (d) matlab 程序: t = 0:0.001:0.7; x = 10*cos(200*pi*t+2*sin(20*pi*t)); z=hilbert(x); xl=z.*exp(-j*2*pi*100*t); xd=real(xl); xq=-j*(xl-xd); subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,xd); subplot(2,1,2); plot(t,xq); -10 10 20 -200 20 (e )由图可知,该结果与解析结果是一致的。 4.8 由傅立叶反变换:()()exp(2)x t X f j t df π∞ -∞=?可以得:()(8)sin(20)d X f t t π= (a ) 当0100f =, ()(8)sin(20)x t t t ππ=,所以()(8)sin(20)d x t t t π=, ()d x t 的时域图形 ()d X f 的频域图形 (b ) 当090f =,()(8)sin(20)cos(10)d x t t t t ππ=, ()d x t 的时域图形 ()d X f 的频域图形 (c ) 当090f =,()(8)sin(20)cos(20)d x t t t t ππ= ()d X f 的频域图形 ()d x t 的时域图形 4.11 (a )00()()0.8944exp(2)cos(0.1056)b H s h t t t ωωω?=- 0 ()0.8944exp(2)exp(0.1056)b h t t ωω=- 0()0.8944exp(2)cos(0.1056)d b h t t ωω= 0()0.8944exp(2)sin(0.1056)q b h t t ωω= (b )当00.2,1b ωω==时, ()d h t 的图形 ()q h t 的图形 (d ) 当00.05,1b ωω==时, h t的图形 () d () h t的图形 q 4-12 答: (a )matlab 程序: t=0:0.001:1; x=5*(2+sin(2*pi*t)).*cos(20*pi*t+pi/6); z=hilbert(x); f0=10; xl=z.*exp(-j*2*pi*f0*t); xd=real(xl); xq=-j*(xl-xd); subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,xd); title('xd (t)'); subplot(2,1,2); plot(t,xq); title('xq (t)'); 10 20 xd(t) 00.2 10 xq(t) 其中x1即为x(t)的复包络~()x t 。 (b) matlab 程序: t=0:0.001:1; x=5*(2+sin(2*pi*t)).*cos(20*pi*t+pi/6); z=hilbert(x); f0=10; xl=z.*exp(-j*2*pi*f0*t); xd=real(xl); xq=-j*(xl-xd); yd=(7*xd)/sqrt(xd.*xd+xq.*xq); yq=(7*xq)/(sqrt(xd.*xd+xq.*xq)); yl=yd+j*yq; z1=exp(j*2*pi*f0*t)*yl; y=real(z1); plot(t,y); title(' 硬限幅器输出y(t)'); xlabel('t'); ylabel(' y(t)'); 00.20.4 0.60.81-10-5 5 10 硬限幅器输出y(t) t y (t ) (c )matlab 程序: t=0.0001:0.0001:1; At=5*(2+sin(2*pi*t));f0=10;seta=pi/6; xt=At.*cos(2*pi*f0*t+seta); xlt=At.*exp(j*seta); B=7; Y2=hilbert(real(xlt)); y=y2.*exp(-j*2*pi*f0*t); xdty=real(y);xqty=imag(y); ydt=(B*xdty)./sqrt((xdty.^2)+(xqty.^2)); yqt=(B*xqty)./sqrt((xdty).^2+(xqty).^2); ylt=ydt+j*yqt; subplot(3,1,1);plot(ydt); title('yd(t)'); subplot(3,1,2);plot(yqt); title('yq(t)'); subplot(3,1,3);plot(abs(ylt)); title('y(t)复包络的幅值'); 010000 -10 10 yd(t) 010000-10 10 yq(t)01000077 7 y(t)复包络的幅值 (d )matlab 程序: t=0.001:0.001:1; x=5*(2+sin(2*pi*t)).*cos(20*pi*t+pi/6); z=hilbert(x); f0=10; xl=z.*exp(-j*2*pi*f0*t); xd=real(xl); xq=-j*(xl-xd); yd=(7*xd)/sqrt(xd.*xd+xq.*xq); yq=(7*xq)/(sqrt(xd.*xd+xq.*xq)); yl=yd+j*yq; z1=exp(j*2*pi*f0*t)*yl; y=real(z1); yt=7*cos(20*pi*t+pi/6); subplot(2,1,1);plot(t,y);title('仿真结果') ; subplot(2,1,2);plot(t,yt);title('解析结果') ; 0.2 1 -100 10仿真结果 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -100 10解析结果 故,由上图分析可知,仿真产生的结果和解析结果是基本一致的。 (e )解析 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达式:()5(2sin 2)cos()6t t ππ=+d x ,()5(2sin 2)sin()6 t t π π=+q x , ()7cos()6 t y π=d , ()7sin()6 t y π =q matlab 程序: t=0:0.001:1; xd=5*(2+sin(2*pi*t)*cos(pi/6)); xq=5*(2+sin(2*pi*t)*sin(pi/6)); yd=7*cos(pi/6); yq=7*sin(pi/6);subplot(2,2,1);plot(t,xd); subplot(2,2,2);plot(t,xq); subplot(2,2,3);plot(t,yd); subplot(2,2,4);plot(t,yq); 00.51510 1500.51 510 150 0.5 1 0.5 1 第5章 滤波器模型与仿真 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 5.10 clear all; T = 0.01; f = 0:0.1:50; z = exp(-i*2*pi*f*T); % see (5.4) a0 = 0.239057; a1 = 0.239057; b1 = 0.521886; % bilinear invariant num = a0+a1*z; den = 1-b1*z; ampx=abs(num./den); plot(f,ampx); xlabel('Frequency - Hz') ylabel('amplitude Response') % End of script file. 幅度响应 clear all; T = 0.01; f = 0:0.1:50; z = exp(-i*2*pi*f*T); % see (5.4) a0 = 0.239057; a1 = 0.239057; b1 = 0.521886; % bilinear invariant num = a0+a1*z; den = 1-b1*z; anglex=angle(num./den); plot(f,anglex); xlabel('Frequency - Hz') ylabel('phase Response') % End of script file. 相位响应 5-12 答:matlab程序:T = 1; k = 10; m = 4; beta = 0.2; n = 0:2*m*k; z = (n/k)-m+eps; t1 = cos((1+beta)*pi*z); t2 = sin((1-beta)*pi*z); t3 = 1./(4*beta*z); den = 1-16*beta*beta*z.*z; num = t1+t2.*t3; c = 4*beta/(pi*sqrt(T)); h = c*num./den; in = zeros(1,101); in(11) = 1; out = conv(in,h); out1 = conv(out,h); t = 2:0.1:8; subplot(2,1,1); stem(t,out(21:81),'.') grid; xlabel('Time'); ylabel('h[n-1]'); subplot(2,1,2); t = 6:0.1:12; stem(t,out1(61:121),'.'); grid; xlabel('Time'); ylabel('conv(h[n-1],h[n])'); 234 5678 Time h [n -1] 678 9101112 Time c o n v (h [n -1],h [n ]) beta = 0.5时: 234 5678 Time h [n -1] 678 9101112 Time c o n v (h [n -1],h [n ]) beta = 0.7时: 234 5678 Time h [n -1] 678 9101112 Time c o n v (h [n -1],h [n ]) beta = 0.9时: 234 5678 Time h [n -1] 678 9101112 Time c o n v (h [n -1],h [n ]) 5-13 答: (a )matlab 程序: order=50; f=[0,0.4,0.44,1]; amp=[1 1 0 0 ]; b=remez(order,f,amp); stem(b,'.k') xlabel('采样序数') ylabel('幅度') pause freqz(b,1) 10 20 3040 50 60 -0.2 00.20.4 0.6采样序数 幅度 (b )由(a )中程序可知幅度响应和相位响应如下: -2000 -10000Normalized Frequency (?π rad/sample) P h a s e (d e g r e e s ) -100 -50050Normalized Frequency (?π rad/sample) M a g n i t u d e (d B ) 阻带衰减约为25dB. (c )过渡带为20HZ<|f|<25 HZ 时, order = 50; f = [0 0.4 0.5 1]; amp = [1 1 0 0]; b = remez(order,f,amp); stem(b,'.k') xlabel('采样序数') ylabel('幅度') pause freqz(b,1) 10 20 3040 50 60 -0.2 00.20.4 0.6采样序数 幅度 幅度和相位响应如下: -3000 -2000-1000 0Normalized Frequency (?π rad/sample) P h a s e (d e g r e e s ) -100 -500 50Normalized Frequency (?π rad/sample) M a g n i t u d e (d B ) 当阶数order 为20时,幅度响应与相位响应如下图所示: -1000 -500 0Normalized Frequency (?π rad/sample) P h a s e (d e g r e e s ) -100 100Normalized Frequency (?π rad/sample) M a g n i t u d e (d B ) 所以,可以通过降低滤波器阶数来降低阻带衰减。 第6章 案例研究:锁相环与微分方程方法 6.3 第一步: % File: pllpre.m % Software given here is to accompany the textbook: W.H. Tranter, % K.S. Shanmugan, T.S. Rappaport, and K.S. Kosbar, Principles of % Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications, % Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. % clear all % be safe disp(' ') % insert blank line fdel = input('Enter the size of the frequency step in Hertz > '); fn = input('Enter the loop natural frequency in Hertz > '); lambda = input('Enter lambda, the relative pole offset > '); disp(' ') disp('Accept default values:') disp(' zeta = 1/sqrt(2) = 0.707,') disp(' fs = 200*fn, and') disp(' tstop = 1') dtype = input('Enter y for yes or n for no > ','s'); if dtype == 'y' zeta = 1/sqrt(2); fs = 200*fn; tstop = 1; else zeta = input('Enter zeta, the loop damping factor > '); fs = input('Enter the sampling frequency in Hertz > '); tstop = input('Enter tstop, the simulation runtime > '); end % npts = fs*tstop+1; % number of simulation points t = (0:(npts-1))/fs; % default time vector nsettle = fix(npts/10); % set nsettle time as 0.1*npts tsettle = nsettle/fs; % set tsettle % % The next two lines establish the loop input frequency and phase % deviations. % fin = [zeros(1,nsettle),fdel*ones(1,npts-nsettle)]; phin = [zeros(1,nsettle),2*pi*fdel*t(1:(npts-nsettle))]; % disp(' ') % insert blank line % end of script file pllpre.m 在command window中进行一下对话: Enter the size of the frequency step in Hertz > 40 Enter the loop natural frequency in Hertz > 10 Enter lambda, the relative pole offset > 0 Accept default values: zeta = 1/sqrt(2) = 0.707, fs = 200*fn, and tstop = 1 Enter y for yes or n for no > n Enter zeta, the loop damping factor > 1/sqrt(2) Enter the sampling frequency in Hertz > 5000 Enter tstop, the simulation runtime > 0.8 第二步: %File: c6_PLLsim.m w2b=0;w2c=0;s5=0;phivco=0; %initialize twopi=2*pi; %define 2*pi twofs=2*fs; %define 2*fs G=2*pi*fn*(zeta+sqrt(zeta*zeta-lambda)); %set loop gain a=2*pi*fn/(zeta+sqrt(zeta*zeta-lambda)); %set filter parameter a1=a*(1-lambda);a2=a*lambda; %define constants phierror=zeros(1,npts); %initialize vector fvco=zeros(1,npts); %initialize vector % beginning of simulation loop for i=1:npts s1=phin(i)-phivco; %phase error s2=sin(s1); %sinusoidal phase detector s3=G*s2; s4=a1*s3; s4a=s4-a2*s5; %loop filter integrator input w1b=s4a+w2b; %filter integrator (step 1) w2b=s4a+w1b; %filter integrator (step 2) s5=w1b/twofs; %generate filter output s6=s3+s5; %VCO integrator input w1c=s6+w2c; %VCO integrator (step 1) w2c=s6+w1c; %VCO integrator (step 2) phivco=w1c/twofs; %generate VCO output phierror(i)=s1; %build phase error vector fvco(i)=s6/twopi; %build VCO input vector end % end of simulation loop freqerror=fin-fvco; %build frequency error vector %End of script file 第三步: % File: pllpost.m % Software given here is to accompany the textbook: W.H. Tranter, % K.S. Shanmugan, T.S. Rappaport, and K.S. Kosbar, Principles of % Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications, % Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. % kk = 0; while kk == 0 k = menu('Phase Lock Loop Postprocessor',... 'Input Frequency and VCO Frequency',... 'Input Phase and VCO Phase',... 'Frequency Error','Phase Error','Phase Plane Plot',... 'Phase Plane and Time Domain Plots','Exit Program'); if k == 1 plot(t,fin,'k',t,fvco,'k') title('Input Frequency and VCO Freqeuncy') xlabel('Time - Seconds');ylabel('Frequency - Hertz');pause elseif k ==2 pvco=phin-phierror;plot(t,phin,t,pvco) title('Input Phase and VCO Phase') xlabel('Time - Seconds');ylabel('Phase - Radians');pause elseif k == 3 plot(t,freqerror);title('Frequency Error') xlabel('Time - Seconds');ylabel('Frequency Error - Hertz');pause elseif k == 4 plot(t,phierror);title('Phase Error') xlabel('Time - Seconds');ylabel('Phase Error - Radians');pause elseif k == 5 ppplot elseif k == 6 subplot(211);phierrn = phierror/pi; plot(phierrn,freqerror,'k');grid; title('Phase Plane Plot');xlabel('Phase Error /Pi'); ylabel('Frequency Error - Hertz');subplot(212) plot(t,fin,'k',t,fvco,'k');grid title('Input Frequency and VCO Freqeuncy') xlabel('Time - Seconds');ylabel('Frequency - Hertz');subplot(111) elseif k == 7 kk = 1; end end % End of script file. λ=时,有6个滑动周期 当相对极点偏移0.10 λ=时,有4个滑动周期,缩短了2个周期,时间降低了0.1s。当相对极点偏移0 6.4 λ=时,相位差随频率差如下图: 当相对极点偏移0.10 λ=时,相位差随频率差如下图: 当相对极点偏移0 λ=时,相位差随频率差如下图:当相对极点偏移0.05 λ=时,相位差随频率差如下图:当相对极点偏移0.2 λ=时,不能捕获,即无法达到稳态误差。由上面几副图可知:当0.2 6.5 当采样频率为50Hz时: 当采样频率为100Hz时: 当采样频率为500Hz时: 当采样频率为10000Hz时: 由上面四幅图可知:采样频率越大,结果越精确,收敛时间越快,但是当相位误差能够趋于0时,采样频率即为合适的。6-11 答:matlab程序:clear all disp(' ') fdel=input('Enter the size of the frequency step in Hertz>'); fn=input('Enter the loop natural frequency in Hertz>'); lambda=input('Enter lambda,the relative pole offset>'); disp(' ') disp('Accept default values:') disp('zeta=1/sqrt(2)') disp('tstop=0.8') dtype=input('Enter y for yes or n for no>','s'); if dtype=='y' zeta=1/sqrt(2); fs=200*fn; tstop=1; else zeta=input('Enter zeta,the lop dmping factor>'); fs=input('Enter the sampling frequency in Hertz>'); tstop=input('Enter tstop,the simulation runtime>'); end npts=fs*tstop+1; t=(0:(npts-1))/fs; nsettle=fix(npts/10); tsettle=nsettle/fs; fin=[zeros(1,nsettle),fdel*ones(1,npts-nsettle)]; phin=[zeros(1,nsettle),2*exp(t(1:(npts-nsettle)))]; disp(' ') w2b=0;w2c=0;s5=0;phivco=0; %initialize twopi=2*pi; twofs=2*fs; G=2*pi*fn*(zeta+sqrt(zeta*zeta-lambda)); a=2*pi*fn/(zeta+sqrt(zeta*zeta-lambda)); a1=a*(1-lambda);a2=a*lambda; %npts=1+fs*tfinal; phierror=zeros(1,npts); fvco=zeros(1,npts); for i=1:npts s1=phin(i)-phivco; s2=sin(s1); s3=G*s2; s4=a1*s3; s4a=s4-a2*s5; w1b=s4a+w2b; w2b=s4a+w1b; s5=w1b/twofs; s6=s3+s5; w1c=s6+w2c; w2c=s6+w1c; phivco=w1c/twofs; phierror(i)=s1; fvco(i)=s6/twopi; end freqerror=fin-fvco; kk=0; while kk==0 k=menu('Phase Lock Loop Postprocessor',... 'Input Frequency and VCO Frequency','Input Phase and VCO Phase',... 'Phase Plane and Time Domain Plots','Exit Program'); if k==1 plot(t,fin,t,fvco) title('Input Frequency and VCO Frequency') xlabel('Time-Seconds');ylabel('Frequency-Hertz'); pause elseif k==2 pvco=phin-phierror; plot(t,phin,t,pvco) title('Input Phase and VCO Phase') xlabel('Time-Seconds');ylabel('Phase-Radians'); pause elseif k==3 plot(t,freqerror); title('Frequency Error') xlabel('Time-Seconds');ylabel('Frequency Error-Hertz'); pause elseif k==4 plot(t,phierror); title('Phase Error') xlabel('Time-Seconds');ylabel('Phase Error-Radians'); pause elseif k==5 ppplot elseif k==6 subplot(211); phierrn=phierr/pi; plot(phierrn,freqerror); grid; title('Phase Plane Plot'); xlabel('Phase Error/pi');ylabel('Frequency Error-Hertz'); subplot(212) plot(t,fin,t,fvco);grid title('Input Frequency and VCO Frequency') xlabel('Time-Seconds');ylabel('Frequency-Hertz'); subplot(111) elseif k==7 kk=1; end end kz=0; while kz==0 k=menu('Phase Plane Options',... 'Extend Phase Plane',... 'Phase Plane mod(2pi)',... 'Exit Phase Plane Menu'); if k==1 phierrn=phierror/pi; plot(phierrn,freqerror,'k') title('Phase Plane Plot') xlabel('Phase Error/Pi');ylabel('Frequency Error-Hertz') grid pause elseif k==2 pplane(phierror,freqerror,nsettle+1); pause elseif k==3 kz=1; end end function pplane=pplane(x,y,nsettle) ln=length(x); maxfreq=max(y); minfreq=min(y); close axis([-1,1,1.1*minfreq 1.1*maxfreq]); hold on j=nsettle; while j40 Enter the loop natural frequency in Hertz>10 Enter lambda,the relative pole offset>0.1 Accept default values: zeta=1/sqrt(2) tstop=0.8 Enter y for yes or n for no>y 0.81-100 10 20 30 40 Input Frequency and VCO Frequency Time-Seconds F r e q u e n c y -H e r t z 0.8101 2 3 4 5 Input Phase and VCO Phase Time-Seconds P h a s e -R a d i a n s 0.81010 203040 50Frequency Error Time-Seconds F r e q u e n c y E r r o r -H e r t z 0.81-0.50 0.5 11.5 2Phase Error Time-Seconds P h a s e E r r o r -R a d i a n s 6-14 答:matlab 程序: w2b=0;w2c=0; yd=0;y=0; tfinal=50; fs=100; delt=1/fs; npts=1+fs*tfinal; ydv=zeros(1,npts); yv=zeros(1,npts); for i=1:npts t=(i-1)*delt; ydd1=-y-abs(y)*yd; w1b=ydd1+w2b; w2b=ydd1+w1b; yd=w1b/(2*fs); w1c=yd+w2c; w2c=yd+w1c; y=w1c/(2*fs); ydv(1,i)=yd; yv(1,i)=y; if t==0 y=1;yd=0; ydd1=0;ydd2=0; end end subplot(2,1,1); plot(yv,ydv) xlabel('y(t)1') ylabel('dy/dt') for i=1:npts t=(i-1)*delt; ydd2=-y-y*abs(yd); w1b=ydd2+w2b; w2b=ydd2+w1b; yd=w1b/(2*fs); w1c=yd+w2c; w2c=yd+w1c; y=w1c/(2*fs); ydv(1,i)=yd; yv(1,i)=y; if t==0 y=1;yd=0; ydd1=0;ydd2=0; end end subplot(2,1,2); plot(yv,ydv) axis([-0.03 0.03 -0.05 0.05]) xlabel('y(t)2') ylabel('dy/dt') -0.015 -0.01-0.00500.0050.010.015 -0.020 0.02 y(t)1d y /d t -0.03-0.02-0.010 0.05y(t)2d y /d t 第7章 随机信号的产生与处理 7-19 答:matlab 程序: R=7;M=2/pi; N=input('Input number of points N > '); fx=zeros(1,N); u1=rand(1,N);u2=rand(1,N); v1=R*u1; v2=(M/R)*rand(1,N); kpts=0; for k=1:N if v2(k)<(M/(R*R))*sqrt(R*R-v1(k)*v1(k)); kpts=kpts+1; fx(kpts)=v1(k); end end fx=fx(1:kpts); [N_samp,x]=hist(fx,20); subplot(2,1,1) bar(x,N_samp,1) ylabel('Number of Samples') xlabel('Independent Variable - x') yt=(M/R/R)*sqrt(R*R-x.*x); del_x=x(3)-x(2); p_hist=N_samp/(kpts*del_x); subplot(2,1,2) plot(x,yt,'k',x,p_hist,'ok') ylabel('Probability Density'); xlabel('Independent Variable -x'); legend('true pdf','samples from histogram',3); text=['The number of points accepted is',... num2str(kpts,15),'and N is',num2str(N,15),'.']; disp(text); 输入数据: Input number of points N > 6000 The number of points accepted is4753and N is6000. 012345 67 0200 400N u m b e r o f S a m p l e s Independent Variable - x 012345 67 00.10.2P r o b a b i l i t y D e n s i t y Independent Variable -x 7.20 fd=10; fs=16*fd;ts=1/fs; time=1*ts:ts:128*ts; htt=(pi*fd*time).^(-1/4)/gamma(3/4)*fd.*bessel(1/4,2*pi*fd*time); stem(time,htt) xlabel('time'); ylabel('impulse response'); axis([0 1 -4 8]) time i m p u l s e r e s p o n s e fd = 10; impw = jakes_filter(fd); fs = 16*fd; ts = 1/fs; time = [1*ts:ts:128*ts]; subplot(1,1,1) stem(time,impw,'.'); grid xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Impulse Response') [h f] = linear_fft(impw,128,ts); x = randn(1,1024); y = filter(impw,1,x); [output_psd ff] = log_psd(y,1024,ts); figure; subplot(2,1,1) plot(ff,output_psd); grid; axis([-500 500 -50 0]) xlabel('Frequency'); ylabel('PSD') z = randn(1,1024)+i*randn(1,1024); zz = filter(impw,1,z); time = (0.0:ts:1024*ts); zz = zz/max(max(abs(zz))); subplot(2,1,2) plot(time(161:480),10*log10(abs(zz(161:480)))); grid axis([0.1 0.3 -20 0]) xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Log Amplitude') Time I m p u l s e R e s p o n s e 7.20 由matlab 程序可以得到h(t)的图: %c7_20 impulse t=-1:0.0001:1; h=(pi*10*t).^(-1/4)./gamma(3/4)*10.*besselj(1/4,20*pi*t); plot(t,h); xlabel('t'); ylabel('h(t)'); 7.21 (a)当()X f x ,1,1,5,2,25v 时,()X f x 的图形如下: clear all v=[1 1.5 2 2.5]; for i=1:4 subplot(2,2,i) x=-5:0.0001:5; f=(v(i)/(sqrt(8)*gamma(1/v(i))))*exp(-(abs(x/sqrt(2))).^v(i)); plot(x,f); end (b) M=--= 由上面的几副图可得:0.4*(5(5))4 clear all a = 5; % default value of R M = 4; % value of M N = input('Input number of points N > '); % set N fx = zeros(1,N); % array of output samples u1 = rand(1,N); u2 = rand(1,N); % generate u1 and u2 v1 = 2*a*u1-5; % generate v1 v2 = M/10*rand(1,N); kpts = 0; % initialize counter for k=1:N if v2(k) 2000 The number of points accepted is 993 and N is 2000. (c) clear all a = 5; % default value of R M = 4; % value of M N = input('Input number of points N > '); % set N fx = zeros(1,N); % array of output samples u1 = rand(1,N); u2 = rand(1,N); % generate u1 and u2 v1 = 2*a*u1-5; % generate v1 v2 = M/10*rand(1,N); kpts = 0; % initialize counter for k=1:N if v2(k) 200000 The number of points accepted is 98788 and N is 200000. 7-23 答:matlab程序:% FIR implementation of the Jakes filter (128 points) n = 512; nn = 2*n; fd=10000; fs = 0:fd/64:fd; H = zeros(1,n); for k=1:(n/8+1) jpsd(k)=(1-cos(pi*fs(k)/fd))^2; H(k)=jpsd(k)^0.5; end; for k=1:n H(n+k) = H(n+1-k); end [inv,time] = linear_fft(H,nn,fd/64); imp = real(inv(450:577)); impw = imp.*hanning(128)'; energy = sum(impw.^2) impw = impw/(energy^0.5); % End of function file. ts = 1/(16*fd); time = [1*ts:ts:128*ts]; subplot(3,1,1) stem(time,impw,'.'); grid xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Impulse Response') % Square the fft and check the power transfer function. [h f] = linear_fft(impw,128,ts); subplot(3,1,2) plot(f,abs(h.*h)); grid; xlabel('Frequency'); ylabel('PSD') %get the Rxx fuction Y=ifft(abs(h.*h),512); Pyy=Y.*conj(Y)/512; f =(0:256)/512; subplot(3,1,3) plot(f,Pyy(1:257));grid; title('Frequency content of y') xlabel('frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Rxx'); % End of file. 其中, File: linear_fft.m 如下: function [fftx,freq] = linear_fft(x,n,ts) y = zeros(1,n); for k=1:n freq(k) =(k-1-(n/2))/(n*ts); y(k) = x(k)*((-1.0)^(k+1)); end; fftx = fft(y)/n; % End of function file. 0123 45678 x 10 -4 -0.5 0.5Time I m p u l s e R e s p o n s e -8 -6 -4-2 02468 x 10 4 012x 10 -3 Frequency P S D 00.1 5x 10 -13 Frequency content of y frequency (Hz) R x x 第8章 后处理 8-1 答: matlab程序:m = 200; bits = 2*m; sps = 10; iphase = 0; order = 5; bw = 0.2; data = zeros(1,bits); d = zeros(1,m); q = zeros(1,m); dd = zeros(1,m); qq = zeros(1,m); theta = zeros(1,m); thetaout = zeros(1,sps*m); data = round(rand(1,bits)); dd = data(1:2:bits-1); qq = data(2:2:bits); theta(1) = iphase; thetaout(1:sps) = theta(1)*ones(1,sps); for k=2:m if dd(k) == 1 phi_k = (2*qq(k)-1)*pi/4; else phi_k = (2*qq(k)-1)*3*pi/4; end theta(k) = phi_k + theta(k-1); for i=1:sps j = (k-1)*sps+i; thetaout(j) = theta(k); end end d = cos(thetaout); q = sin(thetaout); [b,a] = butter(order,bw); df = filter(b,a,d); qf = filter(b,a,q); kk = 0; while kk == 0 k = menu('pi/4 QPSK Plot Options',... 'Unfiltered pi/4 QPSK Signal Constellation',... 'Unfiltered pi/4 QPSK Eye Diagram',... 'Filtered pi/4 QPSK Signal Constellation',... 'Filtered pi/4 OQPSK Eye Diagram',... 'Unfiltered Direct and Quadrature Signals',... 'Filtered Direct and Quadrature Signals',... 'Exit Program'); if k == 1 sigcon(d,q) pause elseif k ==2 dqeye(d,q,4*sps) pause elseif k == 3 sigcon(df,qf) pause elseif k == 4 dqeye(df,qf,4*sps) pause elseif k == 5 numbsym = 10; dt = d(1:numbsym*sps); qt = q(1:numbsym*sps); dqplot(dt,qt) pause elseif k == 6 numbsym = 10; dft=df(1:numbsym*sps); qft=qf(1:numbsym*sps); dqplot(dft,qft) pause elseif k == 7 kk = 1; end end 其中,子程序1:function []=sigcon(x,y) plot(x,y) axis('square') axis('equal') xlabel('Direct Channel') ylabel('Quadrature Channel') % End of function file. 子程序2:function [] = dqeye(xd,xq,m) lx = length(xd); kcol = floor(lx/m); xda = [0,xd]; xqa = [0,xq]; for j = 1:kcol for i = 1:(m+1) kk = (j-1)*m+i; y1(i,j) = xda(kk); y2(i,j) = xqa(kk); end end subplot(211) plot(y1); title('D/Q EYE DIAGRAM'); xlabel('Sample Index'); ylabel('Direct'); subplot(212) plot(y2); xlabel('Sample Index'); ylabel('Quadratute'); subplot(111) % End of function file. 子程序3: function [] = dqplot(xd,xq) lx = length(xd); t = 0:lx-1; nt = t/(lx-1); nxd = xd(1,1:lx); nxq = xq(1,1:lx); subplot(211) plot(nt,nxd); a = axis; axis([a(1) a(2) 1.5*a(3) 1.5*a(4)]); title('Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals'); xlabel('Normalized Time'); ylabel('Direct'); subplot(212) plot(nt,nxq); a = axis; axis([a(1) a(2) 1.5*a(3) 1.5*a(4)]); xlabel('Normalized Time'); ylabel('Quadratute'); subplot(111) % End of function file. -1-0.500.51 -1-0.5 0.5 1 Direct Channel Q u a d r a t u r e C h a n n e l 0102030 4050 -10 1D/Q EYE DIAGRAM Sample Index D i r e c t 0102030 4050-10 1Sample Index Q u a d r a t u t e -2-10 12-1 -0.5 00.5 1Direct Channel Q u a d r a t u r e C h a n n e l 0102030 4050 -20 2D/Q EYE DIAGRAM Sample Index D i r e c t 0102030 4050-20 2Sample Index Q u a d r a t u t e 0.81 -1 1Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals Normalized Time D i r e c t 0.81-1 1Normalized Time Q u a d r a t u t e 0.81 -2 2Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals Normalized Time D i r e c t 0.81-2 2Normalized Time Q u a d r a t u t e 8.5 当12120.8,0,1,1a m m σσ=====时,程序如下: clear all x=-5:0.01:5; a=0.8;m1=0;m2=1;segma1=1;segma2=1; f=a/sqrt(2*pi)/segma1*exp(-((x-m1).^2/(2*segma1.^2)))+(1-a)/sqrt(2*pi)/segma2*exp(-((x-m2).^2/(2*segma 2.^2))); plot(x,f); 当12120.8,0,0,1a m m σσ=====时,用高斯混合的pdf ,重做例8-2: clear all a=0.8; subplot(2,2,1) x = a*randn(1,100)+(1-a)*randn(1,100); hist(x,20) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(a)') subplot(2,2,2) x = a*randn(1,100)+(1-a)*randn(1,100); hist(x,5) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(b)') subplot(2,2,3) x = a*randn(1,1000)+(1-a)*randn(1,1000); hist(x,50) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(c)') subplot(2,2,4) x = a*randn(1,100000)+(1-a)*randn(1,100000); hist(x,50) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(d)') 8.11 求 1() y n利用函数: % File: snrmse.m % Software given here is to accompany the textbook: W.H. Tranter, % K.S. Shanmugan, T.S. Rappaport, and K.S. Kosbar, Principles of % Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications, % Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. % function [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,y) ln = length(x); % Set length of the reference (x) vector fx = fft(x,ln); % FFT the reference (x) vector fy = fft(y,ln); % FFT the measurement (y) vector fxconj = conj(fx); % Conjugate the FFT of the reference vector sxy = fy .* fxconj; % Determine the cross PSD rxy = ifft(sxy,ln); % Determine the cross correlation function rxy = real(rxy)/ln; % Take the real part and scale px = x*x'/ln; % Determine power in reference vector py = y*y'/ln; % Determine power in measurement vector [rxymax,j] = max(rxy); % Find the max of the crosscorrelation gain = rxymax/px; % Here's the gain delay = j-1; % Here's the delay rxy2 = rxymax*rxymax; % Square rxymax for later use rho = rxymax/sqrt(px*py); % Here's the correlation coefficient snr = rxy2/(px*py-rxy2); % Here's the snr snrdb = 10*log10(snr); % Here's the snr in db % End of script file. 再自己编写程序: kpts = 1024; % FFT Block size k = 1:kpts; % sample index vector fd = 2; % desired signal frequency Ax = 1; Ayd = 5; % amplitudes theta = 2*pi*k/kpts; % phase vector x = Ax*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal yd = Ayd*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal at receiver input yy = yd; % receiver input [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,yy); cpx = ['The value of Px is ',num2str(px),'.']; cpy = ['The value of Py is ',num2str(py),'.']; cgain = ['The value gain is ',num2str(gain),'.']; cdel = ['The value of delay is ',num2str(delay),'.']; csnrdb = ['The value of SNR is ',num2str(snrdb),' dB.']; disp(' ') % insert blank line disp(cpx) disp(cpy) disp(cgain) disp(cdel) disp(csnrdb) % End of script file. 运行结果: The value of Px is 0.5. The value of Py is 12.5. The value gain is 5. The value of delay is 0. The value of SNR is 155.4635+13.64376i dB. 同理,求 2() y n自己再编写程序: kpts = 1024; % FFT Block size k = 1:kpts; % sample index vector fd = 2; % desired signal frequency Ax = 1; Ayd = 5;% Ayi =4; % amplitudes phase = pi/2-pi/512; % phase shift theta = 2*pi*k/kpts; % phase vector x = Ax*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal plot(y1); title('D/Q EYE DIAGRAM'); xlabel('Sample Index'); ylabel('Direct'); subplot(212) plot(y2); xlabel('Sample Index'); ylabel('Quadratute'); subplot(111) % End of function file. 子程序3: function [] = dqplot(xd,xq) lx = length(xd); t = 0:lx-1; nt = t/(lx-1); nxd = xd(1,1:lx); nxq = xq(1,1:lx); subplot(211) plot(nt,nxd); a = axis; axis([a(1) a(2) 1.5*a(3) 1.5*a(4)]); title('Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals'); xlabel('Normalized Time'); ylabel('Direct'); subplot(212) plot(nt,nxq); a = axis; axis([a(1) a(2) 1.5*a(3) 1.5*a(4)]); xlabel('Normalized Time'); ylabel('Quadratute'); subplot(111) % End of function file. -1-0.500.51 -1-0.5 0.5 1 Direct Channel Q u a d r a t u r e C h a n n e l 0102030 4050 -10 1D/Q EYE DIAGRAM Sample Index D i r e c t 0102030 4050-10 1Sample Index Q u a d r a t u t e -2-10 12-1 -0.5 00.5 1Direct Channel Q u a d r a t u r e C h a n n e l 0102030 4050 -20 2D/Q EYE DIAGRAM Sample Index D i r e c t 0102030 4050-20 2Sample Index Q u a d r a t u t e 0.81 -1 1Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals Normalized Time D i r e c t 0.81-1 1Normalized Time Q u a d r a t u t e 0.81 -2 2Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals Normalized Time D i r e c t 0.81-2 2Normalized Time Q u a d r a t u t e 8.5 当12120.8,0,1,1a m m σσ=====时,程序如下: clear all x=-5:0.01:5; a=0.8;m1=0;m2=1;segma1=1;segma2=1; f=a/sqrt(2*pi)/segma1*exp(-((x-m1).^2/(2*segma1.^2)))+(1-a)/sqrt(2*pi)/segma2*exp(-((x-m2).^2/(2*segma 2.^2))); plot(x,f); 当12120.8,0,0,1a m m σσ=====时,用高斯混合的pdf ,重做例8-2: clear all a=0.8; subplot(2,2,1) x = a*randn(1,100)+(1-a)*randn(1,100); hist(x,20) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(a)') subplot(2,2,2) x = a*randn(1,100)+(1-a)*randn(1,100); hist(x,5) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(b)') subplot(2,2,3) x = a*randn(1,1000)+(1-a)*randn(1,1000); hist(x,50) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(c)') subplot(2,2,4) x = a*randn(1,100000)+(1-a)*randn(1,100000); hist(x,50) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(d)') 8.11 求 1() y n利用函数: % File: snrmse.m % Software given here is to accompany the textbook: W.H. Tranter, % K.S. Shanmugan, T.S. Rappaport, and K.S. Kosbar, Principles of % Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications, % Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. % function [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,y) ln = length(x); % Set length of the reference (x) vector fx = fft(x,ln); % FFT the reference (x) vector fy = fft(y,ln); % FFT the measurement (y) vector fxconj = conj(fx); % Conjugate the FFT of the reference vector sxy = fy .* fxconj; % Determine the cross PSD rxy = ifft(sxy,ln); % Determine the cross correlation function rxy = real(rxy)/ln; % Take the real part and scale px = x*x'/ln; % Determine power in reference vector py = y*y'/ln; % Determine power in measurement vector [rxymax,j] = max(rxy); % Find the max of the crosscorrelation gain = rxymax/px; % Here's the gain delay = j-1; % Here's the delay rxy2 = rxymax*rxymax; % Square rxymax for later use rho = rxymax/sqrt(px*py); % Here's the correlation coefficient snr = rxy2/(px*py-rxy2); % Here's the snr snrdb = 10*log10(snr); % Here's the snr in db % End of script file. 再自己编写程序: kpts = 1024; % FFT Block size k = 1:kpts; % sample index vector fd = 2; % desired signal frequency Ax = 1; Ayd = 5; % amplitudes theta = 2*pi*k/kpts; % phase vector x = Ax*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal yd = Ayd*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal at receiver input yy = yd; % receiver input [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,yy); cpx = ['The value of Px is ',num2str(px),'.']; cpy = ['The value of Py is ',num2str(py),'.']; cgain = ['The value gain is ',num2str(gain),'.']; cdel = ['The value of delay is ',num2str(delay),'.']; csnrdb = ['The value of SNR is ',num2str(snrdb),' dB.']; disp(' ') % insert blank line disp(cpx) disp(cpy) disp(cgain) disp(cdel) disp(csnrdb) % End of script file. 运行结果: The value of Px is 0.5. The value of Py is 12.5. The value gain is 5. The value of delay is 0. The value of SNR is 155.4635+13.64376i dB. 同理,求 2() y n自己再编写程序: kpts = 1024; % FFT Block size k = 1:kpts; % sample index vector fd = 2; % desired signal frequency Ax = 1; Ayd = 5;% Ayi =4; % amplitudes phase = pi/2-pi/512; % phase shift theta = 2*pi*k/kpts; % phase vector x = Ax*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal plot(y1); title('D/Q EYE DIAGRAM'); xlabel('Sample Index'); ylabel('Direct'); subplot(212) plot(y2); xlabel('Sample Index'); ylabel('Quadratute'); subplot(111) % End of function file. 子程序3: function [] = dqplot(xd,xq) lx = length(xd); t = 0:lx-1; nt = t/(lx-1); nxd = xd(1,1:lx); nxq = xq(1,1:lx); subplot(211) plot(nt,nxd); a = axis; axis([a(1) a(2) 1.5*a(3) 1.5*a(4)]); title('Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals'); xlabel('Normalized Time'); ylabel('Direct'); subplot(212) plot(nt,nxq); a = axis; axis([a(1) a(2) 1.5*a(3) 1.5*a(4)]); xlabel('Normalized Time'); ylabel('Quadratute'); subplot(111) % End of function file. -1-0.500.51 -1-0.5 0.5 1 Direct Channel Q u a d r a t u r e C h a n n e l 0102030 4050 -10 1D/Q EYE DIAGRAM Sample Index D i r e c t 0102030 4050-10 1Sample Index Q u a d r a t u t e -2-10 12-1 -0.5 00.5 1Direct Channel Q u a d r a t u r e C h a n n e l 0102030 4050 -20 2D/Q EYE DIAGRAM Sample Index D i r e c t 0102030 4050-20 2Sample Index Q u a d r a t u t e 0.81 -1 1Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals Normalized Time D i r e c t 0.81-1 1Normalized Time Q u a d r a t u t e 0.81 -2 2Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals Normalized Time D i r e c t 0.81-2 2Normalized Time Q u a d r a t u t e 8.5 当12120.8,0,1,1a m m σσ=====时,程序如下: clear all x=-5:0.01:5; a=0.8;m1=0;m2=1;segma1=1;segma2=1; f=a/sqrt(2*pi)/segma1*exp(-((x-m1).^2/(2*segma1.^2)))+(1-a)/sqrt(2*pi)/segma2*exp(-((x-m2).^2/(2*segma 2.^2))); plot(x,f); 当12120.8,0,0,1a m m σσ=====时,用高斯混合的pdf ,重做例8-2: clear all a=0.8; subplot(2,2,1) x = a*randn(1,100)+(1-a)*randn(1,100); hist(x,20) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(a)') subplot(2,2,2) x = a*randn(1,100)+(1-a)*randn(1,100); hist(x,5) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(b)') subplot(2,2,3) x = a*randn(1,1000)+(1-a)*randn(1,1000); hist(x,50) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(c)') subplot(2,2,4) x = a*randn(1,100000)+(1-a)*randn(1,100000); hist(x,50) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(d)') 8.11 求 1() y n利用函数: % File: snrmse.m % Software given here is to accompany the textbook: W.H. Tranter, % K.S. Shanmugan, T.S. Rappaport, and K.S. Kosbar, Principles of % Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications, % Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. % function [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,y) ln = length(x); % Set length of the reference (x) vector fx = fft(x,ln); % FFT the reference (x) vector fy = fft(y,ln); % FFT the measurement (y) vector fxconj = conj(fx); % Conjugate the FFT of the reference vector sxy = fy .* fxconj; % Determine the cross PSD rxy = ifft(sxy,ln); % Determine the cross correlation function rxy = real(rxy)/ln; % Take the real part and scale px = x*x'/ln; % Determine power in reference vector py = y*y'/ln; % Determine power in measurement vector [rxymax,j] = max(rxy); % Find the max of the crosscorrelation gain = rxymax/px; % Here's the gain delay = j-1; % Here's the delay rxy2 = rxymax*rxymax; % Square rxymax for later use rho = rxymax/sqrt(px*py); % Here's the correlation coefficient snr = rxy2/(px*py-rxy2); % Here's the snr snrdb = 10*log10(snr); % Here's the snr in db % End of script file. 再自己编写程序: kpts = 1024; % FFT Block size k = 1:kpts; % sample index vector fd = 2; % desired signal frequency Ax = 1; Ayd = 5; % amplitudes theta = 2*pi*k/kpts; % phase vector x = Ax*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal yd = Ayd*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal at receiver input yy = yd; % receiver input [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,yy); cpx = ['The value of Px is ',num2str(px),'.']; cpy = ['The value of Py is ',num2str(py),'.']; cgain = ['The value gain is ',num2str(gain),'.']; cdel = ['The value of delay is ',num2str(delay),'.']; csnrdb = ['The value of SNR is ',num2str(snrdb),' dB.']; disp(' ') % insert blank line disp(cpx) disp(cpy) disp(cgain) disp(cdel) disp(csnrdb) % End of script file. 运行结果: The value of Px is 0.5. The value of Py is 12.5. The value gain is 5. The value of delay is 0. The value of SNR is 155.4635+13.64376i dB. 同理,求 2() y n自己再编写程序: kpts = 1024; % FFT Block size k = 1:kpts; % sample index vector fd = 2; % desired signal frequency Ax = 1; Ayd = 5;% Ayi =4; % amplitudes phase = pi/2-pi/512; % phase shift theta = 2*pi*k/kpts; % phase vector x = Ax*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal plot(y1); title('D/Q EYE DIAGRAM'); xlabel('Sample Index'); ylabel('Direct'); subplot(212) plot(y2); xlabel('Sample Index'); ylabel('Quadratute'); subplot(111) % End of function file. 子程序3: function [] = dqplot(xd,xq) lx = length(xd); t = 0:lx-1; nt = t/(lx-1); nxd = xd(1,1:lx); nxq = xq(1,1:lx); subplot(211) plot(nt,nxd); a = axis; axis([a(1) a(2) 1.5*a(3) 1.5*a(4)]); title('Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals'); xlabel('Normalized Time'); ylabel('Direct'); subplot(212) plot(nt,nxq); a = axis; axis([a(1) a(2) 1.5*a(3) 1.5*a(4)]); xlabel('Normalized Time'); ylabel('Quadratute'); subplot(111) % End of function file. -1-0.500.51 -1-0.5 0.5 1 Direct Channel Q u a d r a t u r e C h a n n e l 0102030 4050 -10 1D/Q EYE DIAGRAM Sample Index D i r e c t 0102030 4050-10 1Sample Index Q u a d r a t u t e -2-10 12-1 -0.5 00.5 1Direct Channel Q u a d r a t u r e C h a n n e l 0102030 4050 -20 2D/Q EYE DIAGRAM Sample Index D i r e c t 0102030 4050-20 2Sample Index Q u a d r a t u t e 0.81 -1 1Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals Normalized Time D i r e c t 0.81-1 1Normalized Time Q u a d r a t u t e 0.81 -2 2Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals Normalized Time D i r e c t 0.81-2 2Normalized Time Q u a d r a t u t e 8.5 当12120.8,0,1,1a m m σσ=====时,程序如下: clear all x=-5:0.01:5; a=0.8;m1=0;m2=1;segma1=1;segma2=1; f=a/sqrt(2*pi)/segma1*exp(-((x-m1).^2/(2*segma1.^2)))+(1-a)/sqrt(2*pi)/segma2*exp(-((x-m2).^2/(2*segma 2.^2))); plot(x,f); 当12120.8,0,0,1a m m σσ=====时,用高斯混合的pdf ,重做例8-2: clear all a=0.8; subplot(2,2,1) x = a*randn(1,100)+(1-a)*randn(1,100); hist(x,20) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(a)') subplot(2,2,2) x = a*randn(1,100)+(1-a)*randn(1,100); hist(x,5) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(b)') subplot(2,2,3) x = a*randn(1,1000)+(1-a)*randn(1,1000); hist(x,50) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(c)') subplot(2,2,4) x = a*randn(1,100000)+(1-a)*randn(1,100000); hist(x,50) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(d)') 8.11 求 1() y n利用函数: % File: snrmse.m % Software given here is to accompany the textbook: W.H. Tranter, % K.S. Shanmugan, T.S. Rappaport, and K.S. Kosbar, Principles of % Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications, % Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. % function [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,y) ln = length(x); % Set length of the reference (x) vector fx = fft(x,ln); % FFT the reference (x) vector fy = fft(y,ln); % FFT the measurement (y) vector fxconj = conj(fx); % Conjugate the FFT of the reference vector sxy = fy .* fxconj; % Determine the cross PSD rxy = ifft(sxy,ln); % Determine the cross correlation function rxy = real(rxy)/ln; % Take the real part and scale px = x*x'/ln; % Determine power in reference vector py = y*y'/ln; % Determine power in measurement vector [rxymax,j] = max(rxy); % Find the max of the crosscorrelation gain = rxymax/px; % Here's the gain delay = j-1; % Here's the delay rxy2 = rxymax*rxymax; % Square rxymax for later use rho = rxymax/sqrt(px*py); % Here's the correlation coefficient snr = rxy2/(px*py-rxy2); % Here's the snr snrdb = 10*log10(snr); % Here's the snr in db % End of script file. 再自己编写程序: kpts = 1024; % FFT Block size k = 1:kpts; % sample index vector fd = 2; % desired signal frequency Ax = 1; Ayd = 5; % amplitudes theta = 2*pi*k/kpts; % phase vector x = Ax*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal yd = Ayd*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal at receiver input yy = yd; % receiver input [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,yy); cpx = ['The value of Px is ',num2str(px),'.']; cpy = ['The value of Py is ',num2str(py),'.']; cgain = ['The value gain is ',num2str(gain),'.']; cdel = ['The value of delay is ',num2str(delay),'.']; csnrdb = ['The value of SNR is ',num2str(snrdb),' dB.']; disp(' ') % insert blank line disp(cpx) disp(cpy) disp(cgain) disp(cdel) disp(csnrdb) % End of script file. 运行结果: The value of Px is 0.5. The value of Py is 12.5. The value gain is 5. The value of delay is 0. The value of SNR is 155.4635+13.64376i dB. 同理,求 2() y n自己再编写程序: kpts = 1024; % FFT Block size k = 1:kpts; % sample index vector fd = 2; % desired signal frequency Ax = 1; Ayd = 5;% Ayi =4; % amplitudes phase = pi/2-pi/512; % phase shift theta = 2*pi*k/kpts; % phase vector x = Ax*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal plot(y1); title('D/Q EYE DIAGRAM'); xlabel('Sample Index'); ylabel('Direct'); subplot(212) plot(y2); xlabel('Sample Index'); ylabel('Quadratute'); subplot(111) % End of function file. 子程序3: function [] = dqplot(xd,xq) lx = length(xd); t = 0:lx-1; nt = t/(lx-1); nxd = xd(1,1:lx); nxq = xq(1,1:lx); subplot(211) plot(nt,nxd); a = axis; axis([a(1) a(2) 1.5*a(3) 1.5*a(4)]); title('Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals'); xlabel('Normalized Time'); ylabel('Direct'); subplot(212) plot(nt,nxq); a = axis; axis([a(1) a(2) 1.5*a(3) 1.5*a(4)]); xlabel('Normalized Time'); ylabel('Quadratute'); subplot(111) % End of function file. -1-0.500.51 -1-0.5 0.5 1 Direct Channel Q u a d r a t u r e C h a n n e l 0102030 4050 -10 1D/Q EYE DIAGRAM Sample Index D i r e c t 0102030 4050-10 1Sample Index Q u a d r a t u t e -2-10 12-1 -0.5 00.5 1Direct Channel Q u a d r a t u r e C h a n n e l 0102030 4050 -20 2D/Q EYE DIAGRAM Sample Index D i r e c t 0102030 4050-20 2Sample Index Q u a d r a t u t e 0.81 -1 1Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals Normalized Time D i r e c t 0.81-1 1Normalized Time Q u a d r a t u t e 0.81 -2 2Direct and Quadrature Channel Signals Normalized Time D i r e c t 0.81-2 2Normalized Time Q u a d r a t u t e 8.5 当12120.8,0,1,1a m m σσ=====时,程序如下: clear all x=-5:0.01:5; a=0.8;m1=0;m2=1;segma1=1;segma2=1; f=a/sqrt(2*pi)/segma1*exp(-((x-m1).^2/(2*segma1.^2)))+(1-a)/sqrt(2*pi)/segma2*exp(-((x-m2).^2/(2*segma 2.^2))); plot(x,f); 当12120.8,0,0,1a m m σσ=====时,用高斯混合的pdf ,重做例8-2: clear all a=0.8; subplot(2,2,1) x = a*randn(1,100)+(1-a)*randn(1,100); hist(x,20) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(a)') subplot(2,2,2) x = a*randn(1,100)+(1-a)*randn(1,100); hist(x,5) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(b)') subplot(2,2,3) x = a*randn(1,1000)+(1-a)*randn(1,1000); hist(x,50) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(c)') subplot(2,2,4) x = a*randn(1,100000)+(1-a)*randn(1,100000); hist(x,50) ylabel('N_i'); xlabel('(d)') 8.11 求 1() y n利用函数: % File: snrmse.m % Software given here is to accompany the textbook: W.H. Tranter, % K.S. Shanmugan, T.S. Rappaport, and K.S. Kosbar, Principles of % Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications, % Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. % function [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,y) ln = length(x); % Set length of the reference (x) vector fx = fft(x,ln); % FFT the reference (x) vector fy = fft(y,ln); % FFT the measurement (y) vector fxconj = conj(fx); % Conjugate the FFT of the reference vector sxy = fy .* fxconj; % Determine the cross PSD rxy = ifft(sxy,ln); % Determine the cross correlation function rxy = real(rxy)/ln; % Take the real part and scale px = x*x'/ln; % Determine power in reference vector py = y*y'/ln; % Determine power in measurement vector [rxymax,j] = max(rxy); % Find the max of the crosscorrelation gain = rxymax/px; % Here's the gain delay = j-1; % Here's the delay rxy2 = rxymax*rxymax; % Square rxymax for later use rho = rxymax/sqrt(px*py); % Here's the correlation coefficient snr = rxy2/(px*py-rxy2); % Here's the snr snrdb = 10*log10(snr); % Here's the snr in db % End of script file. 再自己编写程序: kpts = 1024; % FFT Block size k = 1:kpts; % sample index vector fd = 2; % desired signal frequency Ax = 1; Ayd = 5; % amplitudes theta = 2*pi*k/kpts; % phase vector x = Ax*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal yd = Ayd*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal at receiver input yy = yd; % receiver input [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,yy); cpx = ['The value of Px is ',num2str(px),'.']; cpy = ['The value of Py is ',num2str(py),'.']; cgain = ['The value gain is ',num2str(gain),'.']; cdel = ['The value of delay is ',num2str(delay),'.']; csnrdb = ['The value of SNR is ',num2str(snrdb),' dB.']; disp(' ') % insert blank line disp(cpx) disp(cpy) disp(cgain) disp(cdel) disp(csnrdb) % End of script file. 运行结果: The value of Px is 0.5. The value of Py is 12.5. The value gain is 5. The value of delay is 0. The value of SNR is 155.4635+13.64376i dB. 同理,求 2() y n自己再编写程序: kpts = 1024; % FFT Block size k = 1:kpts; % sample index vector fd = 2; % desired signal frequency Ax = 1; Ayd = 5;% Ayi =4; % amplitudes phase = pi/2-pi/512; % phase shift theta = 2*pi*k/kpts; % phase vector x = Ax*sin(fd*theta); % desired signal yd = Ayd*sin(fd*theta-phase); % desired signal at receiver input yy = yd; % receiver input [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,yy); cpx = ['The value of Px is ',num2str(px),'.']; cpy = ['The value of Py is ',num2str(py),'.']; cgain = ['The value gain is ',num2str(gain),'.']; cdel = ['The value of delay is ',num2str(delay),'.']; csnrdb = ['The value of SNR is ',num2str(snrdb),' dB.']; disp(' ') % insert blank line disp(cpx) disp(cpy) disp(cgain) disp(cdel) disp(csnrdb) % End of script file. 运行结果: The value of Px is 0.5. The value of Py is 12.5. The value gain is 4.9999. The value of delay is 127. The value of SNR is 44.2423 dB. 8-12 答: (a)%M文件:snrmse(x,y) function [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,y) ln = length(x); fx = fft(x,ln); fy = fft(y,ln); fxconj = conj(fx); sxy = fy .* fxconj; rxy = ifft(sxy,ln); rxy = real(rxy)/ln; px = x*x'/ln; py = y*y'/ln; [rxymax,j] = max(rxy); gain = rxymax/px; delay = j-1; rxy2 = rxymax*rxymax; rho = rxymax/sqrt(px*py); snr = rxy2/(px*py-rxy2); snrdb = 10*log10(snr); % End of script file. %设置频率和样本数 kpts = 1024; k = 1:kpts; fd = 5; % desired signal frequency fi =10; Ax = 2; Ayd = 5; Ayi =5; phase = pi/2; % phase shift nstd = 5; theta = 2*pi*k/kpts; % phase vector x = Ax*sin(fd*theta); yd = Ayd*sin(fd*theta-pi/2); yi = Ayi*sin(fi*theta-3*pi/4); noise = nstd*sin(15*theta-pi); yy = yd+yi+noise; [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,yy); cpx = ['The value of Px is ',num2str(px),'.']; cpy = ['The value of Py is ',num2str(py),'.']; cgain = ['The value gain is ',num2str(gain),'.']; cdel = ['The value of delay is ',num2str(delay),'.']; csnrdb = ['The value of SNR is ',num2str(snrdb),' dB.']; disp(' ') disp(cpx) disp(cpy) disp(cgain) disp(cdel) disp(csnrdb) % End of script file. 结果:The value of Px is 2. The value of Py is 37.5. The value gain is 2.5. The value of delay is 256. The value of SNR is -3.0103 dB. (b)从(a)中的显示结果可以看到,增益,延迟,信噪比等数据,得到这些差错源并不是很严重的。 (c)系统幅度失真,相位失真。 (d)参数A=B=1,a=b=0时,系统无失真,下面对这些参数进行实验,并通过和真实值比较证明结论正确。 kpts = 1024; k = 1:kpts; fd = 5; fi =10; Ax = 2; Ayd = 5; Ayi =1; phase = pi/2; nstd = 1; theta = 2*pi*k/kpts; x = Ax*sin(fd*theta); yd = Ayd*sin(fd*theta-pi/2); yi = Ayi*sin(fi*theta); noise = nstd*sin(15*theta); yy = yd+yi+noise; [gain,delay,px,py,rxy,rho,snrdb] = snrmse(x,yy); cpx = ['The value of Px is ',num2str(px),'.']; cpy = ['The value of Py is ',num2str(py),'.']; cgain = ['The value gain is',num2str(gain),'.']; cdel = ['The value of delay is ',num2str(delay),'.']; csnrdb = ['The value of SNR is ',num2str(snrdb),' dB.']; disp(' ') disp(cpx) disp(cpy) disp(cgain) disp(cdel) disp(csnrdb) % End of script file. 结果:The value of Px is 2. The value of Py is 13.5. The value gain is 2.5. The value of delay is 256. The value of SNR is 10.9691 dB 第9章蒙特卡罗方法导论 9.10 先利用q函数:q.m function y=q(x) y = 0.5*erfc(x/sqrt(2)); 再编写程序: clear all snrdB_min = 0; snrdB_max = 10; % SNR (in dB)limits snrdB = snrdB_min:1:snrdB_max; Nsymbols = input('Enter number of symbols > '); snr = 10.^(snrdB/10); % convert from dB h = waitbar(0,'SNR Iteration'); len_snr = length(snrdB); for j=1:len_snr % increment SNR waitbar(j/len_snr) sigma = sqrt(1/(2*snr(j))); % noise standard deviation error_count = 0; for k=1:Nsymbols % simulation loop begins d = round(rand(1)); % data if d ==0 x_d = sqrt(3)/2; % direct transmitter output x_q = 0; % quadrature transmitter output else x_d = 0; % direct transmitter output x_q = 1/2; % quadrature transmitter output end n_d = sigma*randn(1); % direct noise component n_q = sigma*randn(1); % quadrature noise component y_d = x_d + n_d; % direct receiver input y_q = x_q + n_q; % quadrature receiver input if y_d > y_q % test condition d_est = 0; % conditional data estimate else d_est = 1; % conditional data estimate end if (d_est ~= d) error_count = error_count + 1; % error counter end end% simulation loop ends errors(j) = error_count; % store error count for plot end close(h) ber_sim = errors/Nsymbols; % BER estimate ber_theor = q(sqrt(snr)); % theoretical BER semilogy(snrdB,ber_theor,snrdB,ber_sim,'o') axis([snrdB_min snrdB_max 0.0001 1]) xlabel('SNR in dB') ylabel('BER') legend('Theoretical','Simulation') 9-13 答:matlab程序:iter=input('the parameter N iter:='); high=4;low=1.5; x=1.5+2.5*rand(iter,1); y=2*rand(iter,1); s=2.5*2*sum(4*exp(-x(:,1)/2)-y(:,1)>=0)/iter; s1=quad('4*exp(-x/2)',1.5,4); disp(s); disp(s1); the parameter N iter:=100 2.7500 2.6963 the parameter N iter:=500 2.6900 2.6963 the parameter N iter:=1000 2.6450 2.6963 其中,s: 蒙特卡罗积分值 s1:真实积分值 由此可知,N越大,蒙特卡罗积分结果就越接近真实的积分值。 9.14 clear all N=input('the parameter N iter:=') % Number of experiments % Trials per experiment u = rand(N,1); % Generate random numbers uu =sqrt(1-u.*u);% Define function data = zeros(N,1); % Initialize array % The following four lines of code determine % M estimates as a function of j, 00&R<=pie(k,1) S(k)=1; elseif R>pie(k,1)&R<=(pie(k,2)+pie(k,1)) S(k)=2; else R>(pie(k,2)+pie(k,1))&R<=1 S(k)=3; end end disp('The value of A^N is');A^N disp('状态S 各个时刻为:');S t=1:200; plot(t,S,'*') % End of script file. 运行结果: The value of A^N is ans = 0.2857 0.2857 0.4286 0.2857 0.2857 0.4286 0.2857 0.2857 0.4286 状态S 各个时刻为: S = Columns 1 through 13 Columns 27 through 39 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 Columns 40 through 52 1 3 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 Columns 53 through 65 3 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 Columns 66 through 78 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 Columns 79 through 91 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 Columns 92 through 104 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 Columns 105 through 117 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 Columns 118 through 130 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 Columns 131 through 143 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 3 3 1 Columns 14 4 through 156 3 3 1 1 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 Columns 157 through 169 Columns 183 through 195 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 Columns 196 through 200 3 1 3 1 1 1—表示状态1 2—表示状态2 3—表示状态3 当N=40000; 先运行: % File: c15_errvector.m % Software given here is to accompany the textbook: W.H. Tranter, % K.S. Shanmugan, T.S. Rappaport, and K.S. Kosbar, Principles of % Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications, % Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. % disp(' ') disp('Default values are:') disp(' ') disp('Accept default values?') dtype = input('Enter y for yes or n for no > ','s'); if dtype == 'n' N = input(' Enter N, the number of points to be generated > '); A = input(' Enter A, the state transition matrix > '); B = input(' Enter B, the error distribution matrx > '); end state = 1; % initial state total_states = size(A,1); out = zeros(1,N); % initialize error vector state_seq = zeros(1,N); % initialize state sequence h = waitbar(0,'Calculating Error Vector'); % u2 = rand(1); % get random number if u2>B(1,state) % test for error out(1) = 1; % record error end state_seq(1) = state; % record state for t=2:N u1 = rand(1); % get random number cum_sum = [0 cumsum(A(state,:))]; for i=1:total_states % loop to determine new state if u1>=cum_sum(i) & u1B(1,state) out(t) = 1; % record error end waitbar(t/N) end close(h) % End of script file. 在对话框输入: Accept default values? Enter y for yes or n for no > n Enter N, the number of points to be generated > 40000 Enter A, the state transition matrix > [0.8 0.15 0.05;0.2 0.7 0.1;0 0.1 0.9] Enter B, the error distribution matrx > [0.9990 0.9500 0.9900;0.0010 0.0500 0.0100] 再运行以下程序: % File: c15_hmmtest.m % Software given here is to accompany the textbook: W.H. Tranter, % pe = sum(out)/N; state_sum = zeros(1,total_states); for k=1:N if state_seq(k)==1 state_sum(1)=state_sum(1)+1; end if state_seq(k)==2 state_sum(2)=state_sum(2)+1; end if state_seq(k)==3 state_sum(3)=state_sum(3)+1; end end a = ['The probability of State 1 is ',num2str(state_sum(1)/N),'.']; b = ['The probability of State 2 is ',num2str(state_sum(2)/N),'.']; c = ['The probability of State 3 is ',num2str(state_sum(3)/N),'.']; d = ['Th e error probability is ',num2str(pe),'.']; disp('Simulation results:') disp(a) % display probability of state 1 disp(b) % display probability of state 2 disp(c) % display probability of state 3 disp(d) % display error probability % End script file. Simulation results: The probability of State 1 is 0.28092. The probability of State 2 is 0.28405. The probability of State 3 is 0.43503. The error probability is 0.018. >> A^N ans = 0.2857 0.2857 0.4286 0.2857 0.2857 0.4286 0.2857 0.2857 0.4286
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