首页 中山诺普热泵热水器控制器功能说明书 090905

中山诺普热泵热水器控制器功能说明书 090905


中山诺普热泵热水器控制器功能说明书 090905中山诺普热泵热水器控制器功能说明书 090905 中山诺普电器有限公司 热泵热水器 功 能 说 明 书 名称 热泵热水器 编号 设计 中山诺普电器有限公司 审核 批准 版本 A0 共 10 页 中山诺普电器有限公司 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated...

中山诺普热泵热水器控制器功能说明书 090905
中山诺普热泵热水器控制器功能说明书 090905 中山诺普电器有限公司 热泵热水器 功 能 说 明 书 名称 热泵热水器 编号 设计 中山诺普电器有限公司 审核 批准 版本 A0 共 10 页 中山诺普电器有限公司 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 中山诺普电器有限公司 显示: 1、 工作模式显示; 2、 开机时显示设定温度,设置时显示设定值; 3、 定时开关机显示; 4、 设置和查询时显示代号,其它时间显示时钟; 5、 电辅热工作符号显示; 6、 水泵工作符号显示; 7、 压缩机工作符号显示; 8、 正常工作时显示水温,故障时显示故障代码; 9、 短按为温度减;长按10秒则为恢复出厂设置; 10、 短按为传感器温度查询;长按10秒则进入工程设置; 11、 短按为定时开/关;长按10秒则进入循环定时; 12、 短按为开/关机键;长按10秒则为制热/制冷模式切换; 13、 短按为温度加;长按10秒则进入时钟设置; 14、 短按为电加热键; 15、 电源指示灯。 - 1 - 诺普电器 2 热水器电控板规格书 一(概述 1(本控制器适用于热泵热水系统,并配有线控液晶触摸按键操作面板,采用RS485 通讯,增强抗干扰能力,加长通讯距离,减少了连接线,方便了用户的安装,正常温度 使用及显示范围是0?—70?,电源为220V/110V/50Hz; 2(这不仅简化了操作、安装工程,同时也降低了成本。最主要的是系统运行更科学、 更合理、更可靠。 3(基本要求 1)工作模式:独立热水模式+电加热; 2)可同时显示水温度及设置温度,具有所有传感器温度查询功能; 3)掉电自动记忆各种参数(可选); 4)具有完善的保护功能及显示; 5)具有定时开关机功能(实时开关); 6)操作面板的温度设定范围是15?~60?; 7)温度控制精度:1?; 8)一台压缩机控制运行; 9)感温器故障自检功能; 10)直观大屏幕液晶显示。 4(电控板的控制信号 1)压缩机×1:单压机系统(220V); 2)外风机×1:单风机(220V); 3)电加热×1(220V); 4)曲轴加热×1(220V); 5)四通阀×1(220V); 6)温度感温控头×4(水温、外盘管、外环境、排气); 7)操作面板通信(线控); 8)保护开关×2(高/低压保护开关【常闭】)。 二(功能说明 n Mayf good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. Oimmediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot o By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the 76, 94.7% feedback rate. duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 10-hour on-time staff, a 24-ullls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a ffeel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor cal2e's first public affairs network. Overrovinc". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the pl problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, modeland solve their practica Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. -ded" onef gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time conclugovernment lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system o-11, we built and launched the city 中山诺普电器有限公司 1(上电后, 待机状态:显示当前北京时间;不检测低压保护; 断电重开:原已开机,上电后则恢复断电前模式及设置; 压缩机3分钟保护:压缩机开/停有3分钟延时;断电前为开机状态则延时 3分钟开压机,否则满足压缩机开启条件后立即开启压缩机。 2(温度可设定范围为15~60?;温度默认为45?。 3(制冷功能,按住[开/关]键10秒转模式,冷水?热水?冷水„„。 1)系统“强行制冷”运行,(压缩机、外风机、四通阀启动)此时液晶屏上有 相关的指示[制冷],不设时间限制,按【开/关】键关机; 2)运行的条件:开机状态; 3)压缩机开启/关闭条件: ?T—T ,重开机组 T设水回差 T?T—T ,关闭机组 设水精度 4)当检测水温T?5?并持续10秒时,机组自动转换到[制热]模式,无故障出 显示,压机3分钟延时,机组重新启动; 5)不检测低压保护。 4(制热 1)系统“热水”运行(压缩机、外风机启动),此时液晶屏指示[热水],不设 时间限制,按【开/关】键关机; 2)有电加热功能。 3)压机开启/关闭条件: a. T?T+T ,重开机组 设水回差 T?T+T ,关闭机组 设水精度 b.当环境温度>38度,水温>45度时则停机组,水温<40度满足压机开启条件则重开机组。 - 3 - 诺普电器 4 化霜运行: a(进入化霜的条件 1)当室外盘管温度低于“化霜条件温度”时,开始计时,当计时大于或等于“化 霜间隔时间”; 2)压缩机连续运行15分钟; 系统同时满足上面二个条件则进入化霜运行,液晶屏显示化霜。 b. 退出化霜的条件(化霜时间不能少于60秒) 1)室外盘管温度大于或等于“化霜结束温度”; 2)化霜运行时间大于或等于“化霜运行时间”; 60秒后检测,满足上面任一个条件即退出化霜运行,液晶屏化霜显示消除。 c.化霜运行流程: 在[热水]模式中,满足化霜条件,进入化霜运行——压机停——(延时50秒) 四通阀接通——外风机关闭——(延时5秒)压机启动; d(化霜退出流程: 满足退出化霜条件——压机停——(延时55秒)外风机启动——四通阀关闭 —(延时5秒)压机启动; 5(曲轴加热输出[×1(220V)](待机、制冷、制热) 曲轴加热启动/关闭条件 1)当环境温度,10?时,压缩机停曲轴加热开;压机启动3分钟后曲轴加热关闭; 2)当环境温度?15?时,曲轴加热关闭; 7(四通阀的输出[×1(220V)] (制冷、化霜) 1)制冷下四通阀随压缩机开启;压缩机关闭后四通阀延时2分钟关; 2)制热化霜时则参照上面化霜四通阀开停原则。 8(电加热启动/关闭的条件(制热、化霜、防冷冻) 1)当环境温度?T时,才开始检测电加热开关的条件:[T的调节范围:0?—电电 n Mayf good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. Oimmediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot o By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the 76, 94.7% feedback rate. duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 10-hour on-time staff, a 24-ullls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a ffeel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor cal4e's first public affairs network. Overrovinc". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the pl problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, modeland solve their practica Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. -ded" onef gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time conclugovernment lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system o-11, we built and launched the city 中山诺普电器有限公司 出厂设定为12?。 40?], ,T—T,电加热启动:[T的调节范围:0?—15?],出厂设定为当T水设DD 10? 当T?T+1?,电加热关闭;此时按电加热键无输出; 水设 2)按[电加热]键一下,强行启动电加热,且根据下面条件开停;再按一次此键则关闭电加热: T,T—T,电加热启动; 水设D 当T?T+1?,电加热关闭; 水设 3)在机组化霜、防冷冻时,电加热强制启动; 4)在“参数设定”中有一个[电加热]的选择功能,选择:1为[有]、0是[没有], 经【增/减】键来调节,出厂设定为1; 9(压缩机×1(220V)] 单系统中的“压缩机”跟随着“压缩机”的启停原则: 10(风机[×1(220V)] (制冷、制热、化霜、防冷冻) 1)制冷、制热、防冻保护:跟随压缩机而启动/停止,当压机排气口温度传感器?105度时关闭,?100度时重开; 2)化霜时,风机的启停参考上面 “化霜运行”; 11(高压保护开关 1)当检测到高压保护开关断开并持续10秒,则机组停机,当检测到高压闭合, 机组开(压机必须要满足3分钟延时的要求)。 2)当高压保护在1时内检测到3次或连续断开超过1小时,则进入机组保护状 态,显示故障E5),需重新上电恢复; - 5 - 诺普电器 6 12(低压保护开关[常闭] 1)当检测到低压保护开关断开并持续10秒,则机组停机,可以恢复;但是在压 机刚启动120秒内,和在制冷、化霜、防冻保护期间,系统不检测;当检测到 低压闭合,机组开(压机必须要满足3分钟延时的要求)。 2)当检测到低压保护在1时内检测到3次,显示故障E6,需重新上电恢复; 13(压机排气口保护 1)当压机出气口温度传感器短路或者检测到温度?排气口设置保护温度时,则进入压机高温保护,显示故障E4,整机停机休息1小时,或者重新上电恢复。 2)可以在设置里选择有无。 14(防冻保护功能 机组在待机状态时,当检测到温度T?10?并持续5秒,则机组启动热水模式,水 电加热强行启动;液晶显示“热水”闪烁;此时,除“高压保护”、“水温传感 器故障”和“通信故障”外的其它故障均不检测,操作面板无效; 退出条件: 1)运行时间大于5分钟; 2)检测到温度T?20?并持续10秒; 出 同时满足以上两个要求时,组机才退出,回到待机状态。 当水温传感器故障时,待机状态则无法进入防冻保护,或者正在防冻保护状态中,则退出并显示故障。 15(温度精度渐变要求 温度精度调节为N,调节范围为:0?~15?;42度以上开始生效。 精度+水温?设定温度=停机条件 16(时间设定 1)时钟调节 immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot o By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the 76, 94.7% feedback rate. duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 10-hour on-time staff, a 24-ullls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a ffeel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor cal6e's first public affairs network. Overrovinc". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the pl problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, modeland solve their practica Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. -ded" onef gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time conclugovernment lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system o-11, we built and launched the city n Mayf good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. O 中山诺普电器有限公司 a、长按“+”键10秒后,蜂鸣响时钟闪烁,按减键调小时,按加键调分钟。 2)[定时]键 a、若未设置定时,在开机时按一下后,进入定时关时间设置定时符号点亮,原时 钟位置闪烁显示定时时间,按+键调节定时分钟, 按-键调节定时小时,再次按 定时键则确认,若已设置定时此时按定时键则退出定时功能(循环定时除外). 如是在关机时按定时键则为定时开设置.设置步骤同定时关. b、在开/关机的状态下,长按[定时]键10秒,则开启“循环定时”功能; 3)每天循环定时开/关机: a、当完成了[时间]的调整,就可以设置定时开或定时关或定时开/关机功能; b、长按[定时]键10秒,开启循环定时,再长按[定时]键10秒则取消循环定时; (“循环定时开关机”是指每天的定时开关机功能执行完后,第二天重复执行, 第三天„„,周而复始重复执行。) c、按开/关键则取消循环定时功能。 17(温度查询 按【设置】键一下,进入参数查询状态,显示C1(水温);再按此键一次, 显示C2(外环温)温度;再按此键一次,显示C3(外盘管)温度;再按此键 一次,显示C4(压机排气口)温度;再按此键一次,退出查询; 18(【设置】键 按住此键10秒,进入管理级参数设置状态,再按[定时]键转换设置项目,按+/-键调整设置参数;长按温度减恢复出厂设置: 1)显示P01,进入回差温度调节,调节范围为:2?—15?,经【增/减】键来 调节,出厂设定为4?; 2)显示P02,进入温度精度调节,调节范围为:0?—15?,经【增/减】键来 调节,出厂设定为5?; - 7 - 诺普电器 8 3)显示P03,进入化霜条件温度调节,调节范围为:-9?—5?,经【增/减】键来调节出厂设定为0?; 4)显示P04,进入化霜结束温度调节,调节范围为:5?—15?,经【增/减】键来调节,出厂设定为15?; 5)显示P05,进入化霜间隔时间调节,调节范围为:30min—60min,经【增/减】键来调节,出厂设定为45min; 6)显示P06,进入化霜运行时间调节,调节范围为:3min—10min,经【增/减】键来调节,出厂设定为6min; 7)显示P07,进入断电重开功能选择,选择:0为[没有]、1是[有],经【增/减】键来调节,出厂设定为1; 8)显示P08,进入排气口传感器选择,选择:1为[有]、0是[没有],经【增/减】键来调节,出厂设定为1; 9)显示P09,进入电加热选择,选择:1为[有]、0是[没有],经【增/减】键来调节,出厂设定为1; 10)显示P10,进入电加热条件温度T调节,调节范围为:0?—40?,经【增电 /减】键来调节,出厂设定为12?; 11)显示P11,进入电加热温差T调节,调节范围为:0?—15?,经【增/减】D 键来调节,出厂设定为10?; 12)显示P12,进入压机排气口保护温度调节,调节范围为:80?—120?,经【增/减】键来调节,出厂设定为110?; 13)显示P13,进入电加热停止温度T调节,调节范围为:25?—60?,经【增停 /减】键来调节,出厂设定为50?;(备用) 20)10秒后不操作则退出;设置完后立即执行改变后的设置。 19(故障显示 1) 出水温度“E1”;机组停机,可以恢复 2) 环境温度“E2”;机组停机,可以恢复 Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. -ded" onef gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time conclugovernment lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system o-11, we built and launched the city n Mayf good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. Oimmediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot o By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the 76, 94.7% feedback rate. duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 10-hour on-time staff, a 24-ullls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a ffeel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor cal8e's first public affairs network. Overrovinc". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the pl problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, modeland solve their practica 中山诺普电器有限公司 3) 盘管温度“E3”;机组停机,可以恢复 4)压机排气口故障“E4”;机组停机,重新上电恢复 5)3次高压保护“E5”;机组停机,重新上电恢复 6)3次低压保护“E6”;机组停机,重新上电恢复 7)通信故障“E10”;机组停机,重新上电恢复 - 9 - 诺普电器 10 高压保护开关 低压保护开关 HP LP 保护开关公共端 COM 注://=()=SER1SER2SER3R2515K =()=SER4R2550K 压机出气口传感器TOUT-曲 轴水箱温度传感器加 热 盘管温度传感器 面板通讯插座室外温度传感器外SER1 2SERSER3SER4风CPU机M OUTFAN-QUHEAT-4WV 四 通 阀ACN1ACN2ACN34T-IN 334TIN-HEAT COMP 压变压器缩 机 电 辅 热 N L M f gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time conclugovernment lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system o-11, we built and launched the city n Mayf good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. Oimmediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot o By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the 76, 94.7% feedback rate. duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 10-hour on-time staff, a 24-ullls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a ffeel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor cal10e's first public affairs network. Overrovinc". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the pl problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, modeland solve their practica Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. -ded" one
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