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【小学 五年级英语】小学英语资源与评价五年级上册答案 共(11页)


【小学 五年级英语】小学英语资源与评价五年级上册答案 共(11页)【小学 五年级英语】小学英语资源与评价五年级上册答案 共(11页) 小学英语资源与评价五年级上册 答案 Module1 Unit 1 1( F T F T F 2. swing slide duck pond 3. N B B B B N 4. A B C B B B B 5. 1)You were in China for two years. 2) There weren’t any swings here before. 3) Do you like the park now? 4) Let’s...

【小学 五年级英语】小学英语资源与评价五年级上册答案 共(11页)
小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 五年级英语】小学英语资源与评价五年级上册 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 共(11页) 小学英语资源与评价五年级上册 答案 Module1 Unit 1 1( F T F T F 2. swing slide duck pond 3. N B B B B N 4. A B C B B B B 5. 1)You were in China for two years. 2) There weren’t any swings here before. 3) Do you like the park now? 4) Let’s go to feed the ducks. 5) Does London look different now? 6. 1)Yes, it does. 2) No, there weren’t. 3)Yes,there was. 4) Yes,there is. 5)Yes, there are. 6) Yes, they can. )Yes, she does. 7 7. (A) a pear (B) a ball ( B) two kites (C) a teddy bear (C) a toy car Unit 2 1. 1)Yes, there were. 2)No, there weren’t. 3)Yes, there are. 4) Yes, there was. 5) No,there wasn’t. 6)Yes, there is. 2. 1)there were 2)There are 3) There is 4)There was 5)There wasn’t 6)There is 7) There is 8) There weren’t 3. 1) There is a big playground now. 2)There were lots of little flowers here before. 3)There were’t any trees in the park. 4)There were small desks in the classroom before. 4. at are is on was your desks 5. 2) There is a bed in Room B now. 3)There weren’t pencils in room C before. There are some pencils in Room C now. 6. 1)You weren’t in China for two years. 2)Is this park different? 3) Yes, we do. 4) Is there a big playground? Module2 Unit 1 1. FFFTT T 2 AAAAA 3. ABBBABCA 4. 1) We are going to go to the supermarket. 2) There are many sweets over there. 3)Is this one heavy? 4) Let me help you. 5) What a big supermarket. 5. 2) The car is new. ) The boy is naughty. 3 4) What a cute panda. 5) What a clean classroom. 6) What helpful children! Unit 2 1. heavy country sometimes restaurants different 2.. (略) 3. big different from CDs restaurants people 4. 2 4 3 6 1 5 5. cities babies libraries candies stories factories 6. 1) She is doing shopping with Mum. 2)She is helpful. ) The supermarket is big. 3 4) No, she isn’t. 5) She wants some sweets and cakes. 6) They are going to buy a T-shirt for Dad. 7. there many rice seat near tall Module 3 Unit1 1 1. Halloween autumn clothes hats houses sweets 2 .1)万圣节 2)真正的 3)节日 4)吓人的 5)面具 6)糖果 3. B C C A B A 4.1) Children wear scary clothes. 2) Look at the hats and the masks. 3)Then the people give them sweets. 4) Children wear scary clothes 5. scary clothes people’s houses people Whooooo sweets 6. 1) Yes, it is. 2)No,it isn’t. 3)Yes,they do. 4) No, they aren’t. 5) Yes, I do. Unit 2 1. 复活节 万圣节 圣诞节 母亲节 新年 教师节 儿童节 2. H E E H H E 3. 2) There are flowers on the hat. 3) Those eggs are big. 4) They are Easter hats. 4. TTTF 5. 1) When 2) Where 3) What 4) What 5) How many 6) What Module4 Unit1 1. F T T F T 2. together birthday cake dance invitation tidy 3. B A C B A 4. ?It’s an invitation to my birthday party. ?What are you going to do? ?We’re going to have lunch together. ?Then we’re going to play with Amy’s new toys. 5. ?going have birthday for ?After dance friends go ?play toys help me 6. ?He is going to play the flute. ?He is going to dance. ?What’s Lucy going to do at the party? ?What are you going to do at the party? Unit 2 1. 4 2 1 8 5 7 6 3 2. ?来 ? 路 ? 回复 ? 十月 ?星期六 3. February March April May August September October November 4. ???根据自己情况写 ?October ? September ?June 6. Lingling is going to be twelve. Please come to her party. At: (West Lake Road), Beijing rd On: Wednesday, 3 of November From two o’clock To four o’clock Please reply. 聚沙成塔: I am a monkey. Module 5 Unit 1 1. ?matter wear ? hers mine ?there wet ?whose ? mine 1. your—yours her---hers his---his our--- ours 3. ?wants ?want ?T-shirts ?hers ?her ?Whose 4. A B C C B 5. ? This T-shirt is mine. ? This hat is hers. ? That dog is his. ? These pencils are yours. 6. ?It’s Amy’s. It’s hers. ? It’s Amy’s. It’s hers. ? Whose yoyo is it?? ,Whose doll is it? ,It’s Amy’s. It’s hers. Unit 2 1. Amy---dress---wet Sam---shoes---dirty, wet Lingling---shirt---dirty 2. rain home dirty skirt laugh dress 3. ?Dashan’s shoes aren’t dirty. ?Xiaoyong’s shirt isn’t short. ?The man isn’t young. ?The boxes aren’t small. ?The policeman isn’t short. 4. A C B A B 5. T T F F T 期中自我测试 1. 4 6 2 3 5 1 2. ?b ?b ?b ?a ?b ?a 3. ?mine ?lift ?countries ?crying ?ducks ?pond 4. B B B C B D 5. C C A B B C A C B B 6. his; mine; hers; yours; hers There was; There are; There are; There were big; sell; from; also; Sometimes 7. ? Then people give them sweets. ?And her friends are going to go home . ?Sam wants to wear my pants . ? Does London look different? ?/ What a tall boy! ? Please help me put the bags in the car. 8. C D B A E 9. Christmas-A C G Easter-B E I Halloween-D F H 10. F T T F T 听力原文 1.?Come on, Lingling. We’re going to go to the supermarket. ?There are many sweets and fruits over there. ?Please help me put the bags in the car. This one is heavy. Let me help you. ?You are helpful children. Have an ice cream. ?What do you want, dear mother? I want meat and eggs, and fish and chicken. ?What do you want, dear daughter? I want Sweets and cakes,and fruits and biscuits. 2. ? Hi! I’m Lucy. I’m going to go to the mountain in autumn. When is Lucy going to the mountain? ?Here’s a present for you, Lingling. ?Whose pen is it? ?Does London look different now? ?What are you going to do this weekend? ?What do you want? 3. ? Whose T-shirt is it? It’s mine. ? This bag is so heavy, I can’t lift it. ? They sell food from different countries. ? Look, Tom is crying. ? I like the lake. We can feed the ducks. ? There was a small pond before. Module 6 Unit 1 1. F T F T T 2. high well true really fast basket 3. ?catch the ball ?make a cake ?play the drums ?run fast ?jump high ?row a boat 4. A B A B C 5. ?Can you run fast? ?You can play basketball well. ?Do you want to play basketball? ?You can catch the ball. ?But you can jump really high. 6. ?Yes, she can. ?No, he can’t. ?Yes, she can. 7. × ? ? × × Unit 2 1. ?played ?got points ?team ?Sam ?won were 2. yesterday 昨天 point 点 分数 twenty 二十 thirteen 十三 basketball 篮球 3.our played we fifty other thirty-six I seventeen Amy thirteen twenty Our 4. E D F B A C 5. C B C A B Module 7 Unit 1 1.?show, dogs ?blind, special, can ?help ?only, play 2. ?o ?e,e ?i ?a ?e,a ?o 3. ?A ?B ?A ?A ?C ?B 4. ?There’s a TV show about dogs. ?This dog can help him. ?This dog is very clever. ?He only wants to play. 5. ?F ?T ?F ?T ?F ?T ?T Unit 2 1.?couldn’t ?couldn’t ?could ?could 2. ?i ?e ?e ?a ?i 3. ?C ?B ?B ?B ?B ?A 4. ?There were people inside the house. ?The firemen couldn’t see the people. ?It could hear the people. ?Then the people were safe. 5. ?B ?C ?A ?D 6(?She can speak now. ?She can walk now. ?She couldn’t sing then. ?She couldn’t dance then. 7. ?fire ?jump ?paper ?can’t ?find ?119 Module 8 Unit 1 1. ?C ?E ?E ?C ?E ?C 2. ?排,列 ?围绕 ?开始 ?早操 ?结束 ?想念 3. ?A ?C ?B ?C ?B ?A ?B 4. ?They sing songs together every morning. ?We do morning exercises in China. ?School is fun here. ?But I miss my Chinese school. ?It finishes at half past 3. 6. ?The letter is from Lingling. ?No, she isn’t. ?She went to Sam and Amy’s school. ?Yes, it is. ?Yes, she does. Unit 2 1. ?????? 2. ?have fun玩得愉快 ?break time课间休息 ?do homework做作业 ?study hard努力学习 ?sit in lines坐成行 ?take photoes拍照片 3. ?C ?B ?C ?B ?B ?B 4. ?There are lots of games. ?They do homework every day. ?There are children’s paintings on all the walls. ?What time do you get up? ?What do you do at break time? 5. 略 Module 9 Unit 1 1.?????? 2. ?事情 ?无聊的 ?象棋 ?没什么 ?秘密 ?惊喜 3. ?A ?C ?B ?B ?C ?A 4. ?Do you want to play chess,?What are you thinking about? ?But it’s not a surprise now. 5. ?G ?C ?H ?F ?He’s tall and fat.And he is angry now. 6(?A ?B ?B ?B Unit 2 1.raining, couldn’t, sad, make, thirsty, hungry, stopped, play, happy 2. ?u ?i ?a ?a ?i ?i 3. ?raining ?her ?thirsty ?Are ?go 4. ?B ?C ?A ?B ?B ?A 5. ?tired ?bored ?sad ?thirsty ?hungry ?happy 6(?B ?A ?B ?B Module 10 Unit , 1. T F F F F 2.? wasn’t ? aren’t ? weren’t ?can’t ?couldn’t ?shouldn’t ? won’t ?. ? A ?, ?, ?, ?, 2 4. You shouldn’t be late.-- I’m sorry. We will help you.------- Thank you. Thanks for your help.-- You’re welcome. What is Tom doing? ----He’s making a mess. 5. ? You should tidy your toys. ?We will help you. ?You shouldn’t jump on the bed. ?You shouldn’t play with the CDs. 6. ?should ?should ?shouldn’t ?shouldn’t ?should ?shouldn’t ,. ? He shouldn’t play with the CDs. ? He shouldn’t t,k, the books off the shelf. ? He shouldn’t paint on the walls. ? He shouldn’t jump on the bed. Unit 2 1. ,,,?, ,(jump; fall; jumped; fell; head 3. kind (友善的) helpful (乐于助人的) late ( 迟的,晚的) rule(规则) 4. You should…be kind be helpful listen You shouldn’t…eat apples drink be late 5. ?helpful ?off ? What ?shouldn’t ?be 6. 例:In the library, you should be quiet. You should be helpful. You shouldn’t talk. And you shouldn’t run. Review Module 1. C B D D A A 2. ?playground ?invitation ?blind ?special ?point 3. ? C A E D B ?D A E C B 4. B A B B A B B A 5. ?for ?is ?an ?go ?lots ?an ?are ? Whose ? at ? at 6. ? You shouldn’t run in the classroom. ? She drank some water. ? What’s the matter? ? We sit in lines in China. ? She couldn’t speak then. ? You can jump really high. 7. F D I B E A J H G C 8. ?Xiaolin is going to fly a kite next Monday. ? She is going to swim next Tuesday. ? She is going to listen to the CDs next Wednesday. ? She is going to wash clothes next Thursday. ? She is going to read books next Friday. ?She is going to go shopping next Saturday. ?She is going to play football next Sunday. 9. A B C A C C 期末自我测试 1. 2 5 1 4 6 3 2. 高兴的 劳累的 难过的 饥饿的 无聊的 口渴的 3. ?B ?B ?C ?C ?B ?A 4. ?A ?A ?A ?B ?B ?B 5. ? years ? heavy ? Halloween ? great ? help ? break ? Nothing ? miss 6. ? There was ?There are ?There are ?There were ? mine ?yours ?hers ?his 7. raining; go out; sad; make a cake; hungry; thirsty; stopped; play; happy 8. B. C. A. B. C. A. B. C. B. A. 9. ? Does London look different now? ? There are many sweets over there. ?You shouldn’t take books off the shelves. ? Why do you know? Or Do you know why ? ? What are you thinking about? 10. b b a b b a 11. b c d e a f 听力原文 1. ?We sit in lines in class.? They sit around in class.? We read books in class.? We do morning exercises. ?School starts at 8 o’clock.? I go to bed at 9 o’clock. 2. ?Hi! I’m Daming. I’m happy now. ?-What’s the matter, Sam? –I’m tired. ? -What’s the matter, Lanlan? –I’m bored. ?-What’s wrong with you, Lingling? –I’m sad.?-What’s wrong with you, Amy? –I’m hungry. ?Are you hungry, Ms Smart? –No, I’m not. I’m thirsty. 3. ?I will go to school. ?You shouldn’t take the books off the shelves. ?There’re I go to the beach in May. ?-Is the bag yours? children’s paintings on the wall. ? –No, it isn’t mine. It’s hers.?You should eat more fruits. 4. ?Is she clever? ?Can you play ping-pong? ?Whose T-shirt is it? ? What did you do last night? ?What time do you get up? ?What do you want? Part 1 Listening 一、 选出你所听到的单词。 ( ) 1、A crane B capital C countryside ( ) 2、A girl B grow C change ( ) 3、A hello B happy C hand ( ) 4、A when Bwhere C what ( ) 5、A wide B ride C quiet ( ) 6、A it B live C music ( ) 7、A jump B July C jigsaw ( ) 8、A pan B paint C picnic ( ) 9 A like B yellow C letter ( ) 10 A well B help C apple ( ) 11 A mother B grandma C film ( ) 12 A green B thin C winter 二、选出划线字母读音不同的选项。 ( ) 1 A cake B fate C name D bad ( ) 2 A want B watch C cat D what ( ) 3 A kite B fite C lift D tide ( )4 A green B thin C nice D winter ( )5 A sun B nose C nurse D swimming 三、选出你所听到的句子。 ( ) 1 A It’s made of wood. B It’s made of clay. C It’s made of glass. ( ) 2 A I’ll make a hole. B I’ll water it . C I’ll plant a tree. ( ) 3 A Put some water into a pan. B Add the water to the noodles.C You can eat your noodles. ( ) 4 A I’m going to go camping . B I’m going camping .C I’m going to paint my room . ( ) 5 A We need to take a tent. B We needs to take a pan. C We need to take a torch. ( ) 6 A I want to go for a picnic . B I want to take some food .C I want to play football . 四、听音排序。 ( ) First, I’ll make a hole. ( ) It will be a big tree. ( ) Then I’ll put the seed in the hole. ( ) Then I’ll water it every day . ( ) Then I’ll cover the seed with earth. ( ) It will grow and grow . Part 2 Writing 一、 单词连线。 茶叶 capital 金属 picnic 松树 tea 野餐 pilot 种子 pine tree 飞行员 leather 聪明的 seed 皮革 nice 首都 clever 友好的 metal 坑 hole 方便面 wood 塑料 plastic 木头 instant noodles 手电筒 torch 带(东西) take 小河 river 害羞的 shy 二、 翻译下列短语。 the twelfth of march 去野餐 in the hole 种树 a bit 每天 Take a tent__________ 太棒了 三、 补全单词。 1. cl_y 2 .gla_ _ 3 .wat_ _ 4 .s_ _d 5. tor_ _ 6 . p_ nt 7. w_ _d 8. r_in 9 .b _lloon 10. ja _ _et 四、 选择填空。 ( ) 1 I’m ______ a pine tree . A planting B plant C plants ( ) 2 I’ll cover the seed _____ earth . A of B use C with ( ) 3The window is made _______ glass.A of B use C with ( ) 4 A ruler is made of _____. A leather B clay C plastic ( ) 5 Clogs _____ made of wood. A is B are C am ( ) 6 I’m going camping ____ my father ____Saturday . A with \ of B use \ on C with\on ( ) 7 My shoes____ made of leather. A am B is C are ( )8 I want to go____ a picnic. A to B in C for ( )9 She’s going to her room this weekend. A pan B paint C take ( )10 We need to food. A help B pant C take 五 选择正确的单词。 1 a monkey 2 a balloon 3 a river 4 a flower 5 a pagoda 6 China 7 a kite 8 an apple 9 first 10 third 11 second 12 fourth A 猴子 B 小河 C花 D熊猫 E 中国 F风筝 G汽球 H苹果 I 第一 J 第二 K第三 L第四 六、英汉互译 1 I want to go for a picnic. 2 We need to go to the zoo. 3 The chair is made of wood. 4 Then I’ll water it every day. 5 我想要去学校. 6 杯子是由玻璃做成的. 7 什么东西是由金属做成的? 七、把下列短文翻译成汉语 Hello, these are my friends. This is Maomao. She’s very nice, but she’s a bit shy. This is Xiaoyong. He’s very clever, but he is a bit quiet. I’ve got another friend, he is very talkative. It’s me ,your friend, Parrot!
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