首页 2013年新规驾驶证科目一考过必备模拟



2013年新规驾驶证科目一考过必备模拟2013年新规驾驶证科目一考过必备模拟 1、机动车涉及未处理完毕的道路交通违法行为或交通事故的,将不能办理转移登记。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 2、遇前方道路上有车辆掉头时,应在其停车换挡的过程中迅速超越。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 3、.驾驶车辆正常行驶时,对道路情况的处理要有预见性,在接近障碍时能_____。 A.紧急制动能停车 B.急转向迅速绕过 C.迅速躲避不发生碰撞 D.平稳停车 正确答案是:D 4、在道路上发生交通事故,仅造成轻微财产损失,并且基本事实清楚的,当事人...

2013年新规驾驶证科目一考过必备模拟 1、机动车涉及未处理完毕的道路交通违法行为或交通事故的,将不能办理转移登记。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 2、遇前方道路上有车辆掉头时,应在其停车换挡的过程中迅速超越。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 3、.驾驶车辆正常行驶时,对道路情况的处理要有预见性,在接近障碍时能_____。 A.紧急制动能停车 B.急转向迅速绕过 C.迅速躲避不发生碰撞 D.平稳停车 正确答案是:D 4、在道路上发生交通事故,仅造成轻微财产损失,并且基本事实清楚的,当事人_____。 A.不得撤离现场 B.应当迅速报警 C.应当先撤离现场再进行协商处理 D.应当将车停在原地协商赔偿 正确答案是:C 5、禁止货运机动车载客。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 6、相对白天而言,夜间行车,车辆灯光照射的范围小,驾驶人的视野受限。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 7、图中是禁止车辆临时停放标志。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 8、行车中遇到盲人和其他行动不便的行人,应该减速慢行,必要时停车。 A.正确 B.错误 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 正确答案是:A 9、.车辆发生爆胎后,驾驶人在尚未控制住车速前,不要冒险使用行车制动器停车,以避免车辆横甩发生更大的险情 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:A 10、.车辆在路边起步后,应随时注意车辆两侧道路情况,向左缓慢转向,逐渐驶入正常行驶道路。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:A 11、前轮爆胎时,危险较大,驾驶人一定要极力控制转向盘,迅速_____。 A.减速 B.抢挂低速挡 C.制动停车 D.采取紧急制动 正确答案是:B 12、行车中前方遇自行车影响通行时,可鸣喇叭提示,加速绕行。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 13、行车中遇盲人时,应当_____。 A.鸣喇叭示意其让道 B.迅速绕过 C.紧随其后行驶 D.减速、避让 正确答案是:D 14、遇有注意儿童标志时,应加速通过,以防儿童突然横穿道路。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 15、调解参加人因故不能按期参加调解的,应当在预定调解时间前通知承办的交通警察,请求变更调解时间。 A.24小时 B.18小时 C.12小时 D.6小时 正确答案是:A 16、处理伤员失血的措施可通过外部压力,使伤口流血止住,然后系上绷带。 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 17、.为发挥最大制动作用,使用驻车制动器时不可将操纵杆一次性拉紧。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:A 18、已达到国家强制报废标准的机动车,所有人应按废铁卖给废品收购站。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 19、图中是向右急弯路标志。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 20、车辆行至高速公路隧道出口或凿开的山谷出口处,容易遇到横风,驾驶人感到车辆行驶方向偏移时,应_____ A.逆风向转动转向盘 B.采取紧急制动 C.向顺风方向转向调整 D.双手稳握转向盘,适当减速 正确答案是:D 21、.车辆侧滑时,车轮往哪边侧滑,就往侧滑相反的一边转动转向盘。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:B 22、.行车中遇儿童时,应当_____。 A.鸣喇叭示意 B.减速慢行,必要时停车避让 C.迅速从一侧通过 D.加速绕行 正确答案是:B 23、车辆临时靠边停车后准备起步时,驾驶人应鸣喇叭示意左侧车道车辆让道。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 24、将机动车交由机动车驾驶证被吊销、暂扣的人驾驶的,公安交通管理部门除按照规定罚款外,还可以并处____ A.15日以下拘留 B.5年不得重新取得驾驶证 C.扣留车辆 D.吊销驾驶证 正确答案是:D 25、机动车行经交叉路口向右转弯,遇有同车道前车正在等候放行信号时,应当_____。 A.从左绕行通过路口 B.鸣喇叭示意前车让路 C.从右绕行通过路口 D.依次停车等候 正确答案是:D 26、行车中,遇非机动车抢行时,应_____。 A.鸣喇叭警告 B.加速通过 C.主动减速让行 D.临近时突然加速 正确答案是:C 27、.小型汽车准驾记录申请预约的实际道路驾驶考试(科目三)时间应在取得驾驶技能准考 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 满30日后。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:A 28、在同方向只有一条机动车道的道路上,前车遇后车发出超车信号时,应当_____,靠右让行。 A.在条件许可的情况下,降低速度 B.加速 C.及时停车 D.保持正常行驶速度 正确答案是:A 29、汽车日常维护以清洗、补给和_____为主要 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 。 A.检查 B.排故 C.试车 D.紧固 正确答案是:A 30、.车辆在高速公路发生故障需停车检查时,应在_____停车。 A.最外侧行车道上 B.内侧行车道上 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there C.紧急停车带 D.匝道口三角地带 正确答案是:C 31、非营运机动车改为营运机动车,须向运输管理部门申请,而无需向车辆管理所申请变更。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 32、移动脊柱骨折的伤员,切勿扶持伤者走动,可用软担架运送。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 33、行车中当驾驶人意识到爆胎时,应在控制住方向的情况下,轻踏制动踏板,使车辆缓慢减速,逐渐平稳地停靠 于路 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 34、.机动车在高速公路上发生故障或者交通事故,无法正常行驶的,应当由救援车、清障车拖曳、牵引。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:A 35、对违反道路交通安全法律、法规关于机动车停放、临时停车规定的,机动车驾驶人不在现场,妨碍其他车辆、 行人 A.10元以上20元以下 B.20元 C.20元以上200元以下 D.200元以上 正确答案是:C 36、.踏下离合器踏板,离合器接合;抬起离合器踏板,离合器分离。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:B 37、公安机关交通管理部门对非本辖区机动车有违法行为记录的,可以将记录违法行为的信息、证据转至_____公 A.机动车号牌核发地 B.驾驶证核发地 C.资格证核发地 D.身份证核发地 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 正确答案是:A 38、图中标志的含义是_____。 A.注意儿童 B.人行横道 C.学校 D.村庄 正确答案是:A 39、车辆在山区上坡路驾驶,减挡要及时、准确、迅速,避免拖挡行驶导致发动机动力不足。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 40、发生交通事故后,当事人拒不撤离现场的,交通警察予以_____。 A.说服 B.强制撤离 C.耐心等待 D.协商 正确答案是:B 41、绿色方向指示信号灯的箭头方向向左,表示准许车辆直行。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 42、图中标志的含义是确定主标志规定区间距离为向前100米。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 43、广场、公共停车场等用于公众通行的场所,不属于《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》中所称的“道路”。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 44、.下长坡时,车速会因为惯性而越来越快,控制车速最有效的方法是_____。 A.挂入空挡滑行 B.利用发动机制动 C.踏下离合器滑行 D.用行车制动控制车速 正确答案是:B influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 45、.车辆下长坡时要减挡行驶,以充分利用发动机的制动作用。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:A 46、停放自动挡汽车时,变速器操纵杆应_____拔下钥匙。 A.在R挡 B.在N挡 C.在D挡 D.在P挡 正确答案是:D 47、机动车驾驶人因违反交通运输管理法规,而发生重大事故,使公私财产遭受重大损失构成交通肇理罪的,处3 年以 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 48、安装防抱死制动装置(ABS)的车辆制动时,制动距离没有变化。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 49、高速公路行车,遇能见度小于100米时,车速不得超过每小时40公里,与前车保持50米以上距离。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 50、.绿色方向指示信号灯的箭头方向向左,表示准许车辆直行。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:B 51、图中警察手势为_____信号。 A.示意车辆靠边停车 B.减速慢行 C.停止 D.右转弯 正确答案是:D 52、汽车制动时,如果前轮单侧制动器起作用,将会引起汽车_____,极易发生事故。 A.侧滑 B.跑偏 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there C.溜车 D.抖动 正确答案是:B 53、.仪表板上的“如图”灯亮,表示安全带插头未插入固定扣。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:A 54、在坡道上掉头,每次停车时应用行车制动控制,不必使用驻车制动器。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 55、可以扣留机动车驾驶证的情形是_____。 A.在一个记分周期内累积记分达到12分的 B.驾车时吸烟、饮食的 C.发生轻微交通事故,未造成财产损失的 D.机动车行驶超过规定时速10%的 正确答案是:A 56、浓雾天听到对向车辆鸣喇叭,应及时鸣喇叭回应。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 57、.驾驶车辆进入环岛前,应开启右转向灯。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:B 58、图中所示白色双实线为_____标线。 A.禁止停车 B.停车 C.非机动车停车 D.停车让行 正确答案是:D 59、驶入高速公路的收费口时,应选择_____的入口。 A.车辆多 B.红灯亮 C.暂停服务 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there D.绿灯亮 正确答案是:D 60、饮酒未醉时,可以驾驶机动车。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 61、绿色方向指示信号灯的箭头方向向右,表示准许车辆右转弯。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 62、.行车中与其他车辆有迎面碰撞可能时,应先_____,并迅速踩踏制动踏板。 A.采取制动措施 B.向左侧转向 C.向右侧稍转方向,随即适量回转 D.采取保护自己的措施 正确答案是:C 63、车辆在高速公路匝道提速到每小时60公里以上时,可直接驶入行车道。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 64、汽车主要由发动机、底盘、车身和四部分组成。 A.电气设备 B.车架 C.车箱 D.驾驶室 正确答案是:A 65、.驾驶车辆汇入主干道车流时,应提前开启转向灯,_____。 A.不用观察,直接汇入车流 B.强行汇入车流 C.仔细观察,确认安全后汇入车流 D.加速汇入,连续变更车道 正确答案是:C influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 66、图中所示标志是_____。 A.旅游区标志 B.指示标志 C.指路标志 D.辅助标志 正确答案是:A 67、车辆在高速公路急转向,极易造成侧滑相撞或在离心力作用下翻滚的事故。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 68、已注册登记的机动车所有人的住所迁入公安机关交通管理部门管辖区域的,机动车所有人应当向登记该机动车 的公 A.注册 B.转移 C.注销 D.变更 正确答案是:D 69、仪表板上的“如图”灯亮,表示已开启防雾灯。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 70、换挡时_____。 A.不得低头下视 B.慢推、慢拉 C.注意看挡位 D.猛推、猛拉 正确答案是:A 71、机动车驾驶人累计记分达到12分,拒不参加公安机关交通管理部门通知的学习,也不接受考试的,由公安机关 交 A.公告其驾驶证停止使用 B.扣留其驾驶证 C.吊销其驾驶证 D.对其加倍处以罚款 正确答案是:A 72、行车中发现其他车辆有安全隐患时,应_____。 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there A.尽快离开 B.随其车后观察 C.不予理睬 D.及时提醒对方 正确答案是:D 73、.机动车可以在单行路段选择倒车。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:B 74、雨天对安全行车的主要影响是_____。 A.电器设备易受潮短路 B.路面湿滑,视线受阻 C.发动机易熄火 D.行驶阻力增大 正确答案是:B 75、图中标志是_____,表示前方有分流车道,车辆应按箭头方向直行或驶出 主车道。 A.合流诱导标 B.交叉口诱导标 C.分流诱导标 D.出口诱导标 正确答案是:C 76、冰雪道路行车,由于积雪对光线的反射,极易造成驾驶人目眩而产生错觉。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 77、图中白色标线为_____。 A.车行道边缘线 B.禁止变换车道线 C.双向两车道路面中心线 D.车行道分界线 正确答案是:D 78、车辆后轮胎爆裂,车尾会摇摆不定,驾驶人应双手紧握转向盘,控制车辆保持直线行驶,减速停车。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 79、把骨折伤员抬上担架时,要由2名救护人员把手托放在伤员身下,一起将伤员抬上担架。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 80、.在我国境内道路上行驶的机动车_____,应当依照道路交通安全法的规定投保机动车交通事故责任强制保险 A.所有人和管理人 B.担保人 C.乘坐人 D.驾驶人 正确答案是:A 81、申请变更机动车车身颜色,应当于改变后10日内填写《机动车变更登记申请表》。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 82、行车中要文明驾驶,礼让行车,做到不开英雄车、冒险车、赌气车和带病车。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 83、已持有大型货车驾驶证3年以上,并在申请前最近连续1个记分周期内没有满分记录,可以申请增加牵引车准驾车 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 84、在高速公路变更车道时,应提前开启转向灯,观察情况,确认安全后,缓转转向盘,驶入需要变更的车道。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 85、高速公路行车中遇紧急情况时,应迅速转动转向盘躲避。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 86、检查刮水器时,尽量在干燥状态下进行。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 87、.机动车在环形路口内行驶,遇有其他车辆强行驶入时,只要有优先权就可以不避让。 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there A.对 B.错 正确答案是:B 88、申领小型汽车驾驶证的人,在暂住地居住的,应当回户籍所在地进行申请。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 89、在中华人民共和国境内与道路交通活动有关的单位和个人,都必须遵守《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 90、在没有绷带急救伤员的情况下,可用毛巾、手帕、床单、长筒尼龙袜子等代替绷带包扎。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 91、驾驶的车辆正在被其他车辆超越时,应当_____。 A.继续加速行驶 B.减速,靠右侧行驶 C.靠道路中心行驶 D.加速让路 正确答案是:B 92、.图中是禁止向左转弯标志。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:A 93、.自动挡汽车变速器操纵杆在P挡以外的位置不能拔下钥匙。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:A 94、.夜间行车,遇对面来车未关闭远光灯时,应加速通过。 A.对 B.错 正确答案是:B influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 95、.图中标志的含义是_____。 A..禁止牲畜通行 B..注意牲畜 C..牲畜通行 D..畜力车 正确答案是:B 96、当驾驶车辆行经两侧有行人且有积水的路面时,应_____。 A.加速通过 B.正常行驶 C.减速慢行 D.连续鸣喇叭 正确答案是:C 97、机动车未放置检验合格标志,可以上道路行驶。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 98、车辆在拥挤路段低速行驶时,遇其他车辆强行“加塞”,应_____。 A.鸣喇叭警告,不得进入 B.加速行驶,紧跟前车,不让其进入 C.主动礼让,确保行车安全 D.挤靠“加塞”车辆,逼其离开 正确答案是:C 99、机动车在高速公路上行驶,遇雾天等气象,能见度小于50米时,车速不得超过每小时_____。 A.60公里 B.40公里 C.20公里 D.50公里 正确答案是:C 100、.前轮胎爆裂已出现转向时,驾驶人不要过度矫正,应在控制住方向的情况下,_____,使车辆缓慢减速。 A.采取紧急制动 B.使用驻车制动 C.轻踏制动踏板 D.迅速踏下制动踏板 正确答案是:C influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there
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