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人际沟通与交流教案人际沟通与交流教案 课程提纲 第一篇 人际关系与技巧 第一讲 人际关系及其重要性 第二讲 人际交往中的心理调试 第三讲 人际关系的相关原理 第四讲 人际关系的一般原则与必知技巧 第五讲 中国“江湖”人际关系艺术 第二篇 人际沟通与技巧 第六讲 沟通与人际关系 第七讲 认识沟通 第八讲 沟通的障碍及其突破 第九讲 沟通的五大实用技巧 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop demo...

人际沟通与交流教案 课程提纲 第一篇 人际关系与技巧 第一讲 人际关系及其重要性 第二讲 人际交往中的心理调试 第三讲 人际关系的相关原理 第四讲 人际关系的一般原则与必知技巧 第五讲 中国“江湖”人际关系艺术 第二篇 人际沟通与技巧 第六讲 沟通与人际关系 第七讲 认识沟通 第八讲 沟通的障碍及其突破 第九讲 沟通的五大实用技巧 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 第一篇 人际关系 第一讲 人际关系及其重要性 一、人际关系的重要性 1.我们生活在“关系”的社会 人是社会的动物~是群居的动物。 没有任何人能离开社会而独立存在。 “凡人之性~爪牙不足以自守卫~肌肤不足以捍寒暑~筋骨不足以从利避害~勇敢不足以却猛禁悍~然且犹裁万物~制禽兽~服狡虫~寒暑燥湿弗论~不唯先有其备~而以群聚邪。群之可聚也~相与之利也。” —— 《吕氏春秋.侍君》 2.人际关系与生活的成功 马斯洛需要层次理论: in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 3.人际关系与事业的成功 “故古能致功名者~众人助之以力~近者结之以成~远者誉之以名~尊者载之以势。如此~故太山之功长立于国家~而日月之名久著于天地。此尧之所以南面而守者~舜之所以背面而效”。—— 《韩非子.功名》 “君子生非异也~善假于物也。”——荀子 一个人的成功~只有百分之十五是由于他的专业技术~而百分之八十五则要靠人际关系和他的做人处世能力。 ——戴尔?卡内基 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 1 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 二、正确理解人际关系 1.人际关系= ……吗, 人际关系~就是人们在生产或生活活动过程中所建立的一种社会关系。人际关系~反映了人与人之间在活动过程中直接的心理上的关系或心理上的距离。 良好的人际关系~能让人身体更健康.心理更健康.幸福感更强。走后门.营私舞弊……是中国“江湖”社会的余弊。 2.“外国的人际关系比中国的好”吗, 因为人际关系~我们中国人活的很累。在国际交流越来越密切的今天~我们是否可以干脆放弃中国人这套人际关系~像西方人一样, 答案是否定的。一是我们做不到~二是没有必要。因为~中西方的文化是很不一样的。 西方文化:科学.法律.宗教为基础~偏重于真理的探求。崇尚“个体重于群体~个体先于群体。”“人人平等。”“真理与科学。” 中国文化:道德.艺术为基石~重视直觉.感受~和仿效。崇尚“在群体中完成个体”。“有大有小~伦理纲常”。“对也不见得有用。” — 智慧小语 — 人际关系是中性的~没有好坏之分。人际关系模式的形成~与文化有着千丝万缕的联系。而文化是自然孕育而成的~中国几千年积累下来的文化~已经内化到我们的心里~成为社会的一种符号~ in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 一种习惯。不是西方文化不好~更不能说中国文化不好。只要它适合我们~而我们去适应它~就好。在传承中扬弃。 3.人际关系的基础——你和你自己的关系 自我观念:描述一个人行为的重要概念~它指的是你在内心里是不是完全接纳你自己~喜欢你自己~爱你自己。也就是说~你自己在你心中是个什么样子~你是否百分百地认为自己有价值~你应该过什么样的生活以及应该怎样被对待。 智慧小语 人的一生都在跟自己较劲。当你内心里不能完全地接纳自己.不能百分百地认可自己的价值时~你就很难正确地跟别人交往。如果你不能摆正跟自己的关系~你就会活在自卑.愤怒里~活在与其他人的比较和冲突里。因此~想要有正确的人际关系~请先处理好你自己跟你自己的关系: “人最大的敌人就是你自己~” 第二讲 人际交往中的心理调控 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 3 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 一.正确解读“人性” 1.人性的“善”, 2.人性的“恶” “人性”的解读:“人性”~是在一定社会制度和一定历史条件下形成的人的本性, 它是从根本上决定并解释着人类行为的那些人类天性。我们经常说“人性”有善恶之分~其实~从人自身角度讲~是并无善恶可言的。但是~从社会学角度讲~人性这个词被赋予了种种行为 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ~善恶也由是否符合利益体的“利益” 而产生。 在人际交往中~要学会相信人性中的善~学会正视和看透人性中的恶。在交往中~要以真善美为本~同时学会站在他人立场想问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 二.人际交往中的角色心态平衡 1.人际交往中的3种角色心态 ,1,家长态,,2,成人态,,3,孩子态。 2.3种角色心态的不平衡及其危害 不要做固定角色者:单独发展自我的任何一种角色心态~都会使自己的性格发展不平衡~直接影响到人际关系的不和谐。 3.平衡角色心态的方法 ,1,记录一周内与人交往中的角色心态 。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 ,2,考察三种心态的比重。 ,3,有意识地降低比重最高的那种心态~提高另外两种心态。 三.人际交往中的不良心理调试 不良心理1:冷漠——正确的心理:热情主动 不良心理2:自卑/自负——正确的心理:不卑不亢 不良心理3:怯懦——正确的心理:勇于担当 不良心理4:戒备/排斥——正确的心理:宽容.欣赏 不良心理5:自私/贪婪——正确的心理:大度/懂取舍 不良心理6:嫉妒——正确的心理:奋起直追 不良心理7:猜疑——正确的心理:信任 不良心理8:虚伪——正确的心理:真诚 修炼:向本杰明.富兰克林学习 你知道100美元(1988版/1996版)上的人物头像是谁吗,那就是 Benjamin Franklin。他有一连串的头衔——作家~发明家~出版商~科学家~外交家。有评价说他是十八世纪~仅次于华盛顿的名人。 富兰克林一生只在学校读了两年书~但靠自己对宗教的虔诚~对教育的重视~生活的简朴~以及不屈的奋斗获得了在各个领域的成功。他的成功经验之一就是:“自我管理 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ”。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 5 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 第三讲 人际关系的原理 一、人际吸引原理 1.“人际吸引”的定义 人际吸引~是指个体之间在情感方面与他人相互亲密的状态~是人际关系中的一种肯定形式。按吸引的程度~人际吸引可分为亲合.喜欢和爱情。 2.人际吸引的影响因素 ,1,“仪表”因素 指外貌的吸引力。人们一般喜欢外貌美的人。 但是注意~外貌美不单单指“五官”“身材” 等条件~还应包括“仪容仪表”.“气质”。 ,2,人格特质因素 受高度喜欢的人格特质:开朗 快乐 友善心地 善良 真 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 诚 诚实 忠诚 真实 可靠 聪明 有思想 善解人意 体贴 不自私 幽默 负责任 信任别人 介于喜欢与不喜欢之间的人格特质:固执 循规蹈矩 大胆 谨慎 精力旺盛 追求完美 冲动 文静 害羞 感情丰富 内向 天真 好动 反叛 孤独 依赖 最不受喜欢的人格特质:态度不佳 不友善 敌意 不真诚 多嘴多舌 目光短浅 自傲自大 虚伪 自私 贪婪 恶毒 卑劣 粗鲁 说谎 欺骗 不值得信赖 ,3,能力因素 聪明能干的人会使人对之产生钦佩~并为能与之结交感到幸运。 ,4,“相互性”因素 指人们往往喜欢那些喜欢自己的人,不喜欢那些不喜欢自己的人。 ,5,“交往频率”因素 是指熟悉或交往频率高~能增加喜欢的程度。 ,6,“邻近”因素 指在其他条件相等时~人们倾向于喜欢地理位臵邻近的人。 ,7,“相似性”因素 指人们往往喜欢那些与自己相似的人。 ,8,“互补性”因素 指当两个人的角色作用不同时,人们会喜欢那些与自己个性品 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 7 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 质相反的人。 二、人际交往中的心理效应 1.首因效应 首因效应是指两个陌生人初次见面时~对对方的第一印象。它对以后的行为活动和评价具有重要的影响。 2.近因效应 近因即“最后的印象”。近因效应是指在人际交往过程中新获得的信息对人的印象形成有强烈的影响。 研究证明~首因效应如果因插入其他活动而中断~则后来的信息所引起的新印象比原来的印象更强~更起作用。 3.晕轮效应 晕轮效应又称光环效应~是指在人际交往中~人们常常把对方所具有的某个特征扩展到其它尚不知道的特征上~从局部信息形成一个完整的印象。 4.投射效应 投射效应~就是“由己推人”。人们常常以为别人与自己有同样的爱好.个性等~常常以为别人应该知道自己的所思所想。 三、相关原理对人际交往的启示 1.自我修养 ,1,注意你的仪容仪表 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 衣着整洁.得体。 注意言谈举止。必须锻炼和提高言谈技能~掌握适当的社交礼仪。 ,2,培养健康的人格特质 健康人格的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 :1.和谐的人际关系。 2.良好的社会适应能力。 3.正确的自我意识。 4.乐观向上的生活态度。 5.良好的情绪调控能力。 6.积极向上的人生观.价值观。 7.要快乐。 如何培养健康的人格, 1.保持开朗的心境~学会控制和调节自己的情绪~建立积极.健康的情绪状态。 2.养成良好的生活习惯~始终保持积极乐观向上的生活态度。 3 .注意性格完善~自觉检查修正自己的性格特点~培养健康的性格模式。 4.加强意志磨练~自觉主动地控制自己的行为~培养经受挫折的耐受力~不盲目冲动~不消极低沉。 5.养成良好的思维品质~培养自己独立分析问题和解决问题的能力。 6.培养良好的情操~加强思想品德修养~树立科学的世界观.人生观。注重社会实践~提高综合素质。 ,3,谨言慎行 “谨言慎行~乃君子之道” 。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 9 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 2.不要用“首因、近因、晕轮效应”评判他人 —智慧小语— 首因效应一般都只是在依据对象的一些表面的.非本质的特征基础上而形成的。 近因效应是忽略对方原有表现而形成的~最近表现极有可能需要深入探讨的原因。晕轮效应“借一斑而窥全豹”~更易发生认知偏差。 要学会以发展的眼光看待他人。 3.学会“推己及人” “推己及人”~指设身处地替别人着想。 4.学会“亲疏有别” 广交朋友,滥交, 第四讲 人际关系的原则与技巧 一.人际关系的一般原则 1.平等原则 人都有友爱和受人尊敬的需要~都希望得到别人的平等对待。人际交往作为人们之间的心理沟通~也是主动的.相互的.有来有往的。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 平等是建立人际关系的前提。 ,1,“平等”的正确含义:“平等”~指的是人格上的平等。 ,2,平等待人~要做到: ? 不以富贵贫贱智愚论他人的品质。 ? 平等地尊重他人。 2.相容原则 相容是指人际交往中的心理相容~即指人与人之间的融洽关系~与人相处时的容纳.包涵.宽容及忍让。 要做到心理相容~应该注意: ? 学会寻找自己和他人的共同点~求同存异。 ? 为人处世心胸开阔~宽以待人。 ? 要体谅他人~遇事多为别人着想。即使别人犯了错误~或冒犯了自己~也不要斤斤计较~以免因小失大~伤害相互之间的感情。 3.互利原则 建立良好的人际关系离不开互助互利。 人际关系相互依存~人们通过对物质.能量.精神.感情的交换而使各自的需要得到满足。 ,1,正确理解人际交往的“互利” 著名的社会心理学家霍曼斯提出~人际交往在本质上是一个社会交换的过程。 人们在交往中总是在交换着某些东西~并且~都是依据一定的 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 11 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 价值尺度来衡量人际交往是不是值得。 互利性越高~双方的关系越稳定和密切,互利性越低~双方的关系越容易疏远。 ,2,启示:让别人觉得与你交往值得 ? 无论怎样亲密的关系~都应该注意“投资。 a. 物质互利。“来而无往非礼也”。 b. 精神互利。支持和理解~自我表现。 c. 物质精神兼利。 ? 积极“投资”~但不要急于获得回报。 “吃亏是福”。 ? 不要过多的付出。 过多的付出~对对方来说是一笔无法偿还的债~会给对方带来巨大的心理压力。 4.信用原则 信用即指一个人诚实.不欺骗.遵守诺言~从而取得他人的信任。 交往离不开信用。以诚相待~言而有信之人~才可能取得别人的信赖。 “言而有信”~要做到: ? 以“诚”为立身之本。—— 李嘉诚:诚信就是资本 ? 不要轻易许诺。自己办不到的事情要讲清楚~以赢得对方的理解。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 ? 答应别人的事情要说到做到。 二、人际交往的常用技巧 1.学会满足和维护他人自尊 “人有脸~树有皮”~每一个人都有自尊心~都希望别人的言行不伤及自己的自尊心。自尊心的高低是以自我价值感来衡量的。自我价值感强烈~则自尊心水平较高,自我价值感不强~则自尊心较低。在同别人交往时~如果威胁了别人的自我价值感~会激起对方强烈的自我价值保护动机。 ,1,记住别人的名字和一些私人信息 记住别人的名字~会给人受尊重的感觉。因此~在交往中~记住别人的名字很容易让人对你产生好感。 记住对方的名字~而且很轻易就叫出来~等于给予别人一个巧妙而有效的赞美。 ,2,学会“正确赞美”他人 人的自我价值感主要来自于人际交往过程中他人对自己的反馈。 因此~人们对来自人际关系世界的“肯定性”和“否定性”的信息特别敏感。 ? 正确赞美有3个前提: a. 要有气度~不能“见不得别人好”。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 13 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the b. 要有辨别力~不能瞎吹乱捧。 c. 要有诚意的去欣赏别人的优点~而不是刻意或存心的~或者强求回报。 ? 赞美的七大艺术: 不要害怕面对面称赞别人。依据事实~用诚恳的态度来称赞对方~满足对方被尊重的需要。比较具体地说出对方值得称赞的地方。不同的人~称赞不同的事。最需要赞美的不是那些早已功成名就的人~而是那些自卑或身处逆境的人。人前赞赏~不如人后赞赏。学会传达第三方的赞赏。 ,3,学会“留有余地” ? 学会适当隐敛 适当隐敛~既是给自己留余地~也是对他人的宽容~给他人留余地。 ? “事不要做太绝~话不要说太满” “狗急跳墙”~“兔子急了也咬人。” —智慧小语— 知人不必言尽~留三分余地与人~留些口德与己, 责人不必苛尽~留三分余地与人~留些肚量与己, 才能不必傲尽~留三分余地与人~留些内涵与己, 锋芒不必露尽~留三分余地与人~留些深敛与己, 有功不必邀尽~留三分余地与人~留些谦让与己, in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 得理不必抢尽~留三分余地与人~留些宽和与己, 得宠不必恃尽~留三分余地与人~留些后路与己, 气势不必倚尽~留三分余地与人~留些厚道与己, 富贵不必享尽~留三分余地与人~留些福泽与己, 凡事不可做尽~留三分余地与人~留些余德与己。 2.适度“暴露自我” “山与山之间的距离是云~人与人之间的距离是心。” 人际交往中~需要对别人敞开心扉。适度的自我暴露~一方面可以保持自我心理状态的健康,另一方面可以促进双方心与心的交流~加深情谊。 “白璧微瑕更可爱”。 自我暴露不是指暴露隐私~必须适度。应该向对方主动展示你的爱好.思想和特点~使对方能更深入了解你。 3.适度“求人” 适当请别人帮些小忙~能增进你和他人之间的情谊。 第五讲 中国“江湖”人际关系艺术 一、解读中国 “江湖” 1.“江湖”的含义 推荐读书:《江湖中国:一个非正式制度在中国的起因》 作者:于 阳,出 版 社:当代中国出版社,出版时间:2006-6-1 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 15 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 2.“江湖”人际关系的特征 ,1,讲关系:由亲属.熟人结成的社会资源和信用纽带~熟人间相互帮忙~共谋生存。 ,2,讲人情:运作人际关系的不成文法律~兼有感情和利益成分的虚拟性媒介物。 ,3,讲面子:中国文化特别强调的一种价值。 3.正确看待“江湖”社会 江湖~和它的“规矩”——人身依附.结党营私.人情买卖.弄虚作假~是导致中国近代深重苦难的原因之一。 中国要“现代化”~要与世界接轨~必须反思和矫正“江湖社会”的影响。 “延续当中有变化~变化当中有延续。”这延续~就是是江湖传统,这变化~就是现代化和法制化。 二、行走“江湖”人际关系十大要诀 1.一表人才 精神饱满.仪容整洁.为人热情.随和平易。 “一表人才”主要来自于一个人的修养。 要懂得:18岁以前的相貌决定于父母~18岁以后的相貌得由自己负全部责任。 “腹有诗书气自华”,“相由心生”。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 要做到:要有很强的个人形象意识。 ?注重容貌的修饰。 发型的修饰。 ——整洁.规范~长度适中~款式适当。 面部的修饰。 ——清洁~多余毛发要清除。 口部的修饰。 ——无异味.无异物。 手部的修饰。 ——洁净~勤修指甲。 ?注意化妆 在交往应酬中~尤其是正式场合中~化妆是一种礼貌。 化妆要自然。 ——正式场合化淡妆。 化妆要协调。 ——化妆品香味.颜色要成系列~与服饰协调。 化妆要避人。 ——不要当众化妆。 ?注意举止 举止文明。 ——不要粗暴.骂脏话,不要当众挖耳剔牙。 举止大方。 ——不卑不亢~落落大方。 举止美观。 ——“站有站相~坐有坐相”。 ?注意表情 基本要求:自然友善~互动大方。 微笑: ——真诚友善~该笑才笑。 目光: ——“目中有人”。 ——注意注视的部位。,脸部“三角区”。, ——注意注视的时间。,整个过程的1/3-2/3。, in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 17 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 2.两套西装 在适当的场合穿戴适当的衣饰~不违时~不失身份。 在社交场合~人们讲究:女人看头~男人看腰,男人看表~女 人看包~等等。 ?着装的“四原则” 符合身份。 ——男女之别、身份之别、职业性质等。 扬长避短。 ——服饰应该掩饰身体的缺点。 区分场合。 ——区分工作.社交.休闲场合等。 遵守常规。 ——遵守约定俗成的规矩。 ?职业女性穿套裙的“五注意” 注意不要穿黑色皮裙。 ——皮裙是狂欢派对晚会的装扮。 注意裙子.鞋.袜子的协调。——颜色.光泽要协调。 注意袜子不要残破。注意不要光腿。——正式套裙最好穿肉色 长筒袜。 注意避免“三截腿”。 ——不要在袜子和裙子间露出小腿。 ?男士穿西装套装的“三个三” 三色原则。——全身颜色控制在三种之内。 三一定律。——鞋、腰带、公文包一个颜色~并且首选黑色。 三个错误。——袖子商标没拆,没穿西装套装但打着领带,穿 白袜子或尼龙丝袜。 ?饰物佩戴的注意事项 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 以少为佳。——一般场合下~女士配饰应控制在3种之内~且 每一种不多于2件。 同质同色。——饰物质地.色彩要相同或相近。 符合习俗规定。——例如~戒指的佩戴。 注意场合。——正式场合最好不要佩戴过于夸张和花哨的饰物。 3.三杯酒量 “三杯酒量”~不仅仅指要能饮点酒~还包括喝茶.品咖啡~等等。 “酒品即人品”。 ——酒桌上观人性。 注意桌上的礼节。—座次的礼节。,面门为上~主宾居右, ——斟酒、敬酒的礼节。 ——喝咖啡的礼节。 4.四圈麻将 “四圈麻将”~指会棋牌.球类.登山.游泳.猜谜等各种活动。 共同的社交活动是人际交往的重要媒介。要培养一些兴趣爱好~ 能拥有一帮玩得来的朋友。 此外~在社交活动中要适当处理“输赢”。 ——真正有实力~也不要 “通赢”。 ——没有实力~也不能“通输”。 ——赢~要让对方输得有面子,输~要让对方赢得有面子。 5.五方交游 五方交游~是指不要自我设限~尽量扩大交友的范围。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 19 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the ,1,“五方交游”的必要性 扩大见闻~增长知识~多一条路。 “山不转水转”。不得罪人~同时广结善缘。 ,2,“五方交游”要注意的问题 处理好家人、亲戚、邻里、上下级、同事等各方面的关系~尽 量扩大朋友的范围。 十五种人脉: 1.亲戚,2.同乡,3.世交,4.朋友,5.同学,6.校友,7.街坊,8. 邻居,9.同事,10.同伙,11.战友,12.师生,13.师徒,14.同党,13. 上下级,14.结拜,15.干亲 “亲君子~远小人”。 不要“滥交”。 6.六出祁山 “六出祁山”的启示:——交往中的人格魅力 承诺了别人的事~要尽力去做。 不折不挠~经得起挫折。 一个人可以承认过失、错误~但不要轻言失败。 7.七术“打马” 一个人要常常欣赏别人的长处~合情合理地赞美别人。 七术“打马”的艺术:人前顾全场面~人后真诚谏言。 8.八口“吹牛” in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 要学会适当地自我展现.自我推销。 八口“吹牛”的艺术:“酒香也怕巷子深”。要学会适当表现自己的长处~使大家知晓自己的能力。但不要把“牛皮吹破”。 9.九分努力 努力的人不一定成功~但不努力一定不会成功。 努力是为了锻炼能力~积累实力。今天的努力~就是明天的运气。 10.十分忍耐 一个人没有耐性~前面的9诀统统为0: “小不忍则乱大谋”: 忍耐的修炼其实就是训练自制力。能忍~才能有从容的气度去处理事情。 忍~不是消极承受各种委屈痛苦~而是积极管理情绪。 年轻气盛~社会阅历不深~遇事看不长远~一时之忿致事难收场~不可不警惕。 一表人才 一表人才 起点 两套西装 两套西装 三杯酒量 三杯酒量 媒介 四圈麻将 四圈麻将 做人 五方交游 五方交游 心态 六出祁山 六出祁山 七术打马 七术打马 技巧 八口吹牛 八口吹牛 九分努力 九分努力 修养 做事 十分忍耐 十分忍耐 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 21 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际关系的“三重”境界 一、第一重境界:务实求本 ——基础 务实求本的含义:务实求本~就是要实实在在做人~规规矩矩做事。 — 智慧小语 — ? 中国人虽然处世圆通~但始终以“务实”为修身之本~也就是做人实实在在~做事规规矩矩。这是安身立命的基本原则。 ? 做人的根本是“实在”~而求本就要务实。我们应该把实实在在做人和规规矩矩做事兼顾并重~二者缺一不可。 二、第二重境界:活用规矩不执著 规矩是死的~要加以活用~随机应变。人际关系也要随时注意调整。 要善于因人.因地.因事.因时制宜~不断寻求改善。 三、第三重境界:中庸之道求合理 中庸~就是恪守中道~坚持原则~不偏不倚~无过无不及。 1.道法自然 大自然的启发:“花未全开月未圆” 2.不走极端 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 人际交往中~要避免“非敌即友”和“从一而终”两种错误的交往 思想和态度。 3.留有余地 不把事情做绝~不把事情做到极点。于情不偏激~于理不过头。 中庸 高明 高明 ,合理, 不执著 进阶 进阶 ,能应变, 务实求本 基础 基础 ,规矩、实在, 第二篇 人际沟通 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 23 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 第六讲 沟通与人际关系 1.人际关系的关键——沟通 我们要与任何人建立任何关系~都必需透过沟通。 沟通~是指不同个体间信息的有效传递与接收。 2.沟通与人际关系相互影响 ,1, 沟通与人际关系“相生” ,2, 沟通与人际关系“相克” 沟通良好有利于改善人际关系 “相生” 良好的人际关系有利于促进沟通 互 相 影 响 沟通不良破坏人际关系 “相克” 人际关系不好增加沟通困难 —智慧小语— 越会沟通.越擅长沟通~我们与人建立的关系就越好。 若是想要与人建立良好的人际关系~先得要知道如何与人有美好的沟通。 人际关系与沟通~简称为“人际沟通”~它是我们日常生活中不可或缺的活动。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 第七讲 认识沟通 1.沟通的过程 ,1,对沟通过程的认识误区 对沟通的错误认识: ? 沟通就是“你听我说”, ? 沟通就是“我听你说” ? 沟通就是“你听我说”+“我听你说” “沟通”其实是一个比较复杂的过程。 沟通~是指不同个体间信息的有效传递与接受。 ,2,沟通模型 解读 解 读 信息 信息 传送者 接收者 传送者 接收者 信息渠道 信息渠道 反馈反 馈 “有效”是指: 第一~你能正确的/准确的把信息传递出去, in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 25 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 第二~别人能正确的/准确的接收你的信息。 真正的沟通~应该是传送正确.渠道畅通.解读正确.反馈有效的。 三大“沟通含义”: 沟通是一种交换:有“发方”也有“收方” 沟通是分享意义:不在“讲”而在“通” 沟通是双向互动:随时注意“反馈” 2.沟通的目的 —智慧小语— “沟通”不是让他人来认同我们的想法和目的~或是希望别人照着我们的意思做。 沟通的目的是达成双方的一致性~消除彼此的差异~找出共同点~建立亲和力~使双方不论在生活状态或心理状态上都能进入一个共同的频道~达成彼此的目的。 3.沟通的最佳原则 心平气和~只用心听取对方说什么~听他所说的内容道理~不计较对方是怎么说的。 —智慧小语— 每个人讲的话多多少少都有道理~不可能毫无价值。只要我们能够做到不管对方讲话的态度好不好~不管他的声音好不好听~不管他对我们是什么态度~只心平气和~用心去听他讲的内容~听他所讲的话里的道理~就会每句话都听得进去。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 第八讲 沟通的障碍及其突破 在沟通中你遇到过下列情形吗, 鸡同鸭讲,高山流水~曲高和寡,秀才遇到兵~有理讲不清, 话不投机半句多 1.沟通的主要障碍之——传递方 ,1,心理的障碍 ? 自卑与自傲 自卑: 害怕轻视和拒绝~害怕沟通,过于敏感~容易自责,过分自尊~ 外表强硬不亲和。 自傲: 妄尊自大.自吹自擂,盛气凌人~语出不善,不屑与“不如自己 的人”沟通。 ? 害羞.恐惧与孤僻 ,2,语言的障碍 ? 语义不明~辞不达意 ——故事:好难过 ? 咬文嚼字~不看对象 ——故事:秀才买柴 ? 不善言辞~口齿不清 ——故事:人口普查 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 27 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the ,3,偏见或成见的障碍 ——“我讨厌这个人~讨厌他做的事~看不惯他。所以~我就是 不认同他~不屑他~就是不想听他讲话~不想听他说什么。”,傲 慢与偏见, ,4,习俗的障碍 ——故事:青年的委屈 2.沟通的主要障碍之——沟通渠道 ,1,沟通渠道选择不当 ——故事:谁的错, ,2,沟通环境选择不当 ,3,沟通时机选择不当 ——情境:我当然介意: ,4,经过他人传递而误会 3.沟通的主要障碍之——接收方 ,1,先入为主 包括认知、情绪、心理等的先入为主。 ——笑话:有宝宝了吗, ,2,不会倾听 ? 急于表达自己的观点 ——打断别人~把自己的观点摆出来~急于纠正别人的错误。 ? 缺乏真诚和体谅 ——乔.吉拉德的失败推销 ? 对“言外之意”反应不灵敏 ——其实你不懂我的心 4.沟通障碍的突破 ,1,自我调整 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 ? 克服自卑 驱除预期焦虑和不必要的自我保护。 正确与别人相比。克服自责、完美主义。接受自己~积极地看 待自我缺点。 提高自我接受能力~肯定自己~看到自我优点。 改变某些生活观念~例如~“别人的欣赏取决于自己的表现” 是错误的。学会了解自己真实的需要~以诚待人。 振作起来~制定行动计划。提高心理承受能力。 ? 克服自傲 懂得“山外有山~天外有天”的道理~学会控制自我膨胀欲。 自我感觉过于良好的时候~冷静下来~分析一下自己的缺点和 面临的问题。 学会尊重别人~多发掘别人的优点。树立一个长远的目标。 ? 克服害羞.恐惧和孤僻 学会面对拒绝。认识新朋友~扩大社交圈。不再力求完美。 多给自己创造锻炼.练习的机会。 ? 善于控制情绪 “三秒冷静”。 “唐太宗散步”。 ? 摒弃偏见 多用阳光的心态看待他人。学会全面地思考问题。 (2)有效表达“五知道” in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 29 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 知道说什么——明确沟通的目的, 知道对谁说——明确沟通的对象, 知道什么时候说——掌握沟通的时机, 知道在什么地方说——注意沟通环境, 知道怎么说——掌握沟通方法。 第一~要用对方听得懂的语言, 第二~灵活采用合适的方式, 第三~讲话要有重点, 第四~善用比喻、幽默等语言技巧。 ,3,积极倾听 第一~全神贯注。第二~积极回应。第三~站在对方立场。第 四~不要随意打断对方的话。第五~学会察言观色。 第九讲 沟通的五大实用技巧 一、谋,准备的技巧 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 1.沟通准备的内容 明确沟通的目的,分析沟通对象的资料,决定沟通场地,准备沟通进行的程序和时间,做出沟通的计划表。——知己知彼 2.人际沟通中的“白金法则” 黄金法则:你希望别人怎么对待你~你就怎么对待别人 白金法则:别人希望你怎么对待他~你就怎么对待他 智慧小语 白金法则的精髓就在于~从研究别人的需要出发~然后调整自己行为~运用我们的智能和才能使别人过得轻松.舒畅。 在现今价值多元的社会里~大家的喜好需求也随着千变万化~莫衷一是。所以当我们在待人接物、处理人际关系的时候~如果想要达成对方100,的满意~就必须从对方的立场来考量。 3.如何“知己知彼” ,1,人的性格分类 行为心理学研究发现~人类的行为可归类为四种典型动物的基因组合~这四种动物分别是: ? 老虎,支配型/力量型,:老虎基因是控制和权力的因子。 特质的形容:有权威、有自信、主动积极、勇敢的、有决断力的、不怕竞争的、霸气、独立自主的。 ? 孔雀,表达型/活泼型,孔雀基因是浪漫和梦想的因子。 特质的形容:热心好客的、和善的、乐观的、豁达、笑容可拘、 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 31 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 喜欢交朋友、喜社交活动、口才流畅的。 ? 考拉,温和型/和平型,考拉基因是忠诚和毅力的因子。 特质的形容:容易合作、温和亲切、做事有规律、持续稳定、避免冲突、非批判性评价。 ? 猫头鹰,完美型/精确型,猫头鹰基因是理性和程序的因子。 特质的形容:理性思维.讲求精确.注意细节.有纪律性.做事条理分明.系统性思维.有责任心的.尊重传统的.重视制度规范.讲求专业性。 ?整合特质:变色龙 特质的形容:配合度高、演什么像什么、去调整自己的角色、性情中庸、立场中立、.往往没有预设立场、容易适应环境、没有敌人是他们的最高指导原则。 ,2,不同性格人的沟通策略 ?老虎型 沟通策略:讲究效率和积极务实。 承认他们是天生的领导者,表示支持他们的意愿和目标,从务实的角度考虑,开门见山.直切主题,坚持双向沟通,要具有训练有素.高效率的素质, 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 分析简洁明确~便于选择,重结果与机会.不要拘泥于过程与形式 ?孔雀型 沟通策略:表现出对他们个人有兴趣。 要热情随和.潇洒大方一些,对他们的观点和看法~甚至梦想表示支持,理解他们说话不会“三思”,容忍离经叛道.新奇的行为,要 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 懂得他们是善意的,细节琐事不让他们过多参与,协助他们提高形象 ?考拉型 沟通策略:使自己成为一个热心真诚的人。 要懂得他们需要直接的推动,主动表示对他们情感的关注,不要急于获得信任,有异见时~从感情角度去谈,放慢节奏.从拘礼节,积极地听~鼓励他们说,帮助他们订立目标并争取回报,迫使他们做决定,他们决定的方式, ?猫头鹰型 沟通策略:做事要周到精细.准备充分。 要知道他们敏感而容易受到伤害,更细致.更精确和理智,务实,具体实践诺言,不要越轨.遵循规讲制度,提出周到有条不紊的办法,整洁是非常必要的,列出任何计划的长.短处, 智慧小语 性格没有好坏~只有差异。每个人的性格~可能都比想象的要复杂。 性格分析方法: 1.学会当忠实听众、学会观察,2.首先看到积极面,3.不要急于对人下结论。 清楚与不同性格的人交往中的游戏规则。 了解自己+识别他人+适应他人=有效沟通 二、看,观察的技巧 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 33 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 要善于观察他人的言行。——察言观色 通过身体语言实现的沟通~称作非语言沟通~也可以说是身体语言沟通。 声音,言语表情的沟通 眼睛的沟通 人体空间位置的沟通 姿势,动作的沟通 穿着,服饰的沟通 手势,面部表情的沟通 1.眼睛的沟通 在非语言沟通中~眼神居首位。 成功的眼睛沟通:诚恳坚定地看着对方。眼神带着友好的情感。专注.持续看着对方。不要翻白眼.乱飘.不敢注视对方。看对方的面部三角区。 2.姿势/动作的沟通(要注意场合和人) ,1,头部动作 ,2,手势 ,3,两腿姿势 成功的姿势/动作沟通:挺着胸站立~挺着胸走路~挺着胸坐着。in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 收小腹~使其呈扁平状。体重应整个平衡的落在脚趾之间。走路要够自信。宣布重要事项~站起来说明。要留心下半身的姿势~如腿不要乱抖。 3.面部表情的沟通 4.声音/言语表情的沟通 ,1,丹田呼吸 要把声音利用到最大限度~就要用横膈膜,丹田,呼吸~而不是用胸部呼吸。 ,2,声音的素质 ? 音调:不要尖厉.刺耳~或过于低沉.凝重。 ? 音量:合适的音量取决于环境。 ? 语调:语调的变动透露出态度和感情。 ? 速度:讲话速度影响沟通对象的理解程度。 ? 停顿:给沟通对象时间和回应的机会。 成功的声音沟通: 最受欢迎的声音.语调是:带着微笑的脸说话~声音中带着笑纹。声音中带着诚恳的感情。 5.空间位置的沟通 ,1,亲密距离,约小于0.45m,, ,2,个人距离,约0.45m-1.2m, ,3,近社交距离,约1.2m-2.1m, ,4,社交距离,约2.1m-36m, in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 35 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the ,5,公开距离,大于36m,演讲 三、听:倾听的技巧 1.倾听的重要性 交谈的重点不是让你“谈”~而是让你“听”。 处世戒多言~言多必失。,《朱子家训》,要学沟通~先学做一位 好听众。 积极倾听的作用: ,1,只有倾听才能发现对方的需要, ,2,倾听使对方有被尊重的感觉, ,3,倾听是激励对方一种简单有效的方法。 “会说的不如会听的”。 2.倾听的层次 听而不闻:不做任何努力去听 假装倾听:做出倾听假象 选择性地倾听:只听感兴趣的内容 专注地倾听:认真地倾听讲话~同时与自己的亲身经历做对比 设身处地地倾听:用心和脑来倾听并做出反应~以理解讲话的 内容.目的和情感。 3.倾听的技巧 ,1,倾听准备: in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 深呼吸~从一数到二十。找一个让自己一定要注意听的理由。 ,2,以反应知会: 以适当的反应让对方知道~你正在专注地听。 倾听中的有效反应 目光接触。显露出兴趣十足的模样。 适当地微笑一下。 用言语响应.用声音参与。可以说:“哦:”“哇:”.“真的,”.“是啊:”.“对:”。 用肢体语言响应。如点头.身体向前倾.面孔朝着说话者~换个姿势……。 用说明的语句重述说话者刚谈过的话。如:“你的意思是不是说…”.“ 换句话说~就是…” 记下一些重要的内容~并适当相应。在心里回顾一下对方的话~并整理其中的重点~如:“你刚刚说的××××论点都很好~真的值得学习……”。 ,3,询问互动 说听双方有问有答~才能更一进达到双方沟通.交流互动。 在谈话中~可适时向说话者提出一两个该问的问题。 ,4,情绪控制 练习控制好你的情绪~不要情绪反应过度,如打岔.反驳,~要静心听完全部的内容。要培养“心平气和.冷静客观”的涵养。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 37 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the ,5,组织听到的信息 利用听和谈之间的速度差距~整理得到的信息。 包括:归类——整理出大纲要点。排顺序——分辨出先后缓急。 比较对照——区别事实和假设.好处和坏处.优点和缺点。 ,6,察觉非语言的信息 要察言观色~听话同时要注意方的身体语言.姿势.表情。 智慧小语 倾听用“四心”: 耐心、专心、用心、欢喜心,做一位好听众。 四、问:反馈的技巧 1.不反馈的影响 表达者:不了解倾听者是否准确的接收到了信息 倾听者:无法澄清和确认是否准确地接收了信息 2.反馈的技巧 给予反馈:明确具体,正面、建设性,对事不对人,及时,集 中~有针对性 接受反馈:倾听.不打断,避免自卫,询问实例,澄清事实,表 达态度或行动 五、说:说话的技巧 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 “鸟不会被自己的双脚绊住~人则会被自己的舌头拖累” 1.说话的基本要求 ,1,讲究“说”的方式 急事~慢慢地说,没把握的事~谨慎地说,没发生的事~不要胡说,做不到的事~别乱说,伤心的事~不要见人就说,别人的事~小心地说,尊长的事~多听少说。 ,2,讲究“说”的内容 多说商量、尊重的话,多说宽容、谅解的话, 多说关怀、体贴的话,多说赞美、鼓励的话。 ,2,选择“说”的时机 对方心情不好时不说,对方专注于其他事情时不说,对方抗拒时不说 ,3,选择“说”的环境 环境嘈杂时不说,环境于己方不利时不说 2.充分发挥语言的魅力 ,1,把“你”.“你们”变成“我”.“我们” ? 尽量少谈自己的感受,同时~也不要告诉对方~他(们)将会如何感受或反应。 ?注意不要强调你为对方做了什么~而要强调对方能获得什么~或者能做什么。 ?涉及褒义内容时~多用“你”少用“我”~或尽量使用“我们”。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 39 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 涉及贬义内容时~避免使用“你”。 智慧小语 每当我们用“我”时~总会说“我”又干了什么~我又怎么样。体现的只是自己的好~别人的差。然而当我们用“你”时~我们说的是“你”真行、你怎么样~这样体现的就是对他人的赞赏、对他人的关心。“你”更能让世界容纳自己接受自己。让世界知道自己存在的价值。 ,2,根据情况灵活地安排语言——实例:理发店师傅的好口才 3.提问的技巧 ,1,提问的作用 ?收集信息:你在选择朋友时主要考虑什么, ?展开对话:这件事我能给你帮上什么忙, ?掌控交流:你,引入期望的话题,……, ?保证理解: 按我的理解你的意思是……, ?解决问题:你有哪些顾虑可以告诉我吗, ,2,提问的两种类型 ? 封闭式提问 如:是不是,甲还是乙,同不同意, ? 开放式提问 “4W-1H”方式:Why.What.When.Who.How many/much in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 ,3,两种提问类型的使用 开放式问题:开场~打开谈话局面,搜集所有的事实资料,希望改变话题。 封闭式问题:获得对方的确认,在自己的优点上获得对方的确认,引导对方进入你想要谈的主题,缩小主题范围,不确定对方的意思时。 智慧小语 我们会用开放式问题开头,一旦谈话偏离主题~用封闭性问题进行限制, 如果发现气氛有些紧张~再改用开放式问题, 需要确定是否理解对方的意思时~用封闭式的问题。 4.说服的技巧 ,1,多建议~少主张 研究发现:“建议”被认可的可能性为42%,“主张”被认可的可能性为25%,“建议”被反对的可能性为18%,“主张”被反对的可能性为39%。 例1:主张:你去参加这么重要的会议怎么可以不打领带,快去打好领带: 建议:在重要的场合为了让自己更显得整洁.精神~打上领带会不会更好一些, 例2:主张:你的这番话漏洞很多: in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 41 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 建议:若是我们能多考虑考虑其他的可能性~是不是会更好呢, ,2,用事实和数据说话 ,3,以理服人~不强加于人 ,4,知己知彼~设身处地 ,5,步步为营~分阶段实施 ,6,间接说服效力大 ——经典案例:触龙说赵太后 5.批评的技巧 ,1,就事论事~莫论人格 即使批评选手的比赛~也不能批评他们的体格,即使批评推销 员的销售业绩~也不能批评他的推销能力,即使批评小孩的成绩~ 也不能批评他的智商,即使批评员工的表现~也不能批评他的人格。 ,2,用提问代替批评 例:批评:小李,上班的时候不准打瞌睡,公司不是你睡觉的 地方~ 小李,昨天晚上没休息好吧,要不要来杯咖啡提提神呢, 6.交谈的技巧 ,1,沟通高手从聊天开始 成功聊天法则: 尊重对方~莫唱独角戏:自己说多久~便要给对方留多少时间。 把握住彼此的心理距离:交流有深浅。 注意话题的选择:决口不提敏感的话题,谈别人感兴趣的。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 人际沟通与交流 聊天三大禁忌:沉闷.单调.冗长。 7.结束谈话的技巧 与别人的谈话~尤其是重要交谈结束时~应该站在他人立场~进行确认。 “你听明白了吗,”/“我说明白了吗,” 有效沟通的五大重点: 谋:事前准备,看:过程观察,听:倾听态度,问:确认讯息,说:表达方式。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establish第 43 页 共 45 页 ed the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the
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