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英语逗号(English comma)


英语逗号(English comma)英语逗号(English comma) 英语逗号(English comma) The comma in English has the following uses: 1. used to separate parallel elements. I, have, an, apple, an, orange, and, a, peach. 2. adjectives used to separate nouns before nouns, except when they are expressed as...

英语逗号(English comma)
英语逗号(English comma) 英语逗号(English comma) The comma in English has the following uses: 1. used to separate parallel elements. I, have, an, apple, an, orange, and, a, peach. 2. adjectives used to separate nouns before nouns, except when they are expressed as a whole. It`s, a, cold, raining, day. It`s dark blue.. It's dark blue. 3. used to separate clauses in a compound sentence, the sentences you give are the case. It is a compound sentence of causality, and uses because as relational conjunction. As in Chinese, the two clauses of a compound sentence are complete sentences. 4. add commas to the words, phrases and clauses at the beginning of the sentence. No, you, can`t. 5. used to separate parenthesis By, the, way, could, I, ask, you, a, few, questions? I'm just giving you some of the usual uses of commas, and more of you need to pay attention to your English in the future. The landlord's question is very meaningful. Many people despise the role of English punctuation. They think it is wrong to learn English just to memorize words and remember grammar. The correct use of English punctuation is one of the important manifestations of an English learner's English proficiency. Hope to be of some help to you. Landlord: Hello, I will use all the punctuation as follows, learn from each other! Punctuation An apostrophe (') S said the possessive apostrophe, for example: The dog's bone the bones of a dog The princess's smile princess's smile 查尔斯国王的王冠或国王查尔斯皇冠查理王的王冠 所有学生的 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 所有学生的书 男士夹克男人的夹克(不 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 的复数) 所有格符号用于缩略形式 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示字母或数字的省略,例如: 我是(我) 他是(=)。 他们会的。 68年的夏天(= 1968)1968年夏季 所有格符号有时与的连用构成字母、数字或省略语的复数,例如: 1960的在二十世纪六十年代期间 所有议员的所有国会议员 发音更清晰把R R的的音发得更清楚些。 二、冒号(:) 冒号用在表示一组或一类的词或连接短语(如如下,以下面的方式)之后,以介绍一系列项目,例如: 他的藏书由两本书组成:圣经和莎士比亚。 他的藏书有两部:《圣经》和莎士比亚的著作。 按以下步骤进行:打开计算机,插入磁盘并按任意键。 按如下步骤操作:打开计算机开关,插入软盘,然后按任意键。 正式用语中,冒号用在说明或解释主句的从句或短语之前,例如: 花园被忽视了很长一段时间:它长满了杂草,充满了一周的时间。 花园长期无人照料:里面植物蔓生而且长了杂草。 注: 分号或句号可代替冒号使用,但逗号不行。 三、逗号(,) 逗号用来分开一系列的词、短语或从句,例如: 如果你保持冷静,慢慢来,集中精力思考,你就会通过驾驶考试。 如果你保持镇定,不着急,集中精力注意前面,你就会通过驾驶测验。 注: 逗号一般不在和之前使用,例如: 一束红、粉红、黄、白玫瑰。 一束红的,粉红的,黄的和白的玫瑰花。 逗号经常用于状语从句或很长的短语与主句之间,例如: 当太阳照耀着,鸟儿在歌唱,世界似乎更快乐。 当阳光照耀鸟儿在歌唱的时候,这个世界似乎是一个更快乐的地方。 在这个秋天的大风,许多树木被吹倒。 今年秋天刮了一场又一场大风,许多树被风刮倒了。 逗号用于句首的非限定性动词的从句或没有动词的从句之后,例如: 为了准时到达那里,她提前一个小时离开了。 In order to get there on time, she left an hour earlier. Worn, out, by, their, experiences, the, children, soon, fell, asleep. After all this, the children were extremely tired and soon fell asleep. A word or phrase (such as therefore, however, by, the, day, instance, the, contrary, on) that separates a sentence from a guided or converted mood (e.g., for, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, etc.): Oh, so, that's, where, it, was! Oh, there it was! As, it, happens, however, I, never, saw, her, again. But unfortunately, I have never seen her since. He, is, unreliable, and, should, for, this, reason, alone, be, dismissed. He's so unreliable that he can be dismissed for one reason. A comma used to insert clauses in a sentence, for example: The, fire, although, it, had, been, burning, for, several, days, was, still, blazing, fiercely. Although it had been burning for hours, the fire was still fierce. You, should, indeed, you, must, report, this, matter, to, police., the You should, to tell the truth, you must report the matter to the police. The comma is used before and after the non restrictive attributive clause or appositive phrase of the noun in front of it, for example: The, Pennine, Hills, which, are, very, popular, with, hikers, 位于兰开夏郡和约克郡之间。 宾南山脉位于兰开夏郡和约克夏郡之间,是远足的人所喜爱的地方。 珠峰,世界上最高的山峰,在1953首次攀登。 埃佛勒斯峰(即珠穆朗玛峰)为世界最高的山峰,1953年首次有人 攀登。 注: 限定其前面的名词的定语从句前后均不用逗号,例如: 单独的兰开夏郡从约克郡被称为奔宁山。 把兰开夏郡与约克夏郡分开的山脉叫宾南山脉。 逗号有时用来分隔由一连词(如,,但是,,或)连结的(尤其长的)并列从句,例如: 他整年都盼望着我们的野营度假,但不幸的是每天都下雨。 一年来他一直在盼望着利用假日去野营,但不幸的是每天都下雨。 逗号用来把附加问句或类似的词或短语与句子的其余部分隔开,例如: 这很贵,不是吗,这东西很贵,是吧, 你住在布里斯托尔,对吗,你住在布里斯托尔,对吧, 四、会话 一般说,说话的人每换一位时都另起一段,例如: “你肯定吗,”我问。 他冷冷地点头。”我肯定。 “这一点你肯定我问道,”。 他很有把握地点点头”我肯定。” 所有的词和标点符号都放在引号内,例如: “我们希望,”他不耐烦地回答说,“一切都会好起来的。” 注: 英国常用单引号::“救命~”,美国则一般用双引号:“救命~”把一个发言人的长篇讲话分成若干段段落时,每一段的前面和讲话结束时用引号,但中间段落的末尾不用引号。 话语的标志(如他说,她告诉我,他们抱怨)与所说的话用逗号分开,除非他用了问号或感叹号,例如: “那,”Nick说,“这就是我所知道的一切。” Nick说:“这就是我所知道的一切。” “为什么,”问Nick。 引语内的引语用逗号引导,并且如外面为单引号则放在双引号内,例如: 当法官说“无罪”时,我会拥抱他。 “法官说”无罪”时,我都想拥抱他了。” 表示犹豫或被打断的话语用破折号或三个点(省略号)表示,例如: “放过我——我的意思是,请把盐递给我好吗,” 他临终遗言说:“凶手是„„” 五、破折号-- 在非正式用语中, Dashes are used instead of colons and semicolons to indicate a summary or conclusion of the preceding statement, for example: Men, were, shouting, women, were, screaming, children, were, crying - it, was, chaos. You've, admitted, that, you, lied, to, me -- how, can, I, trust, again? In informal parlance, a single or double use of dashes to separate additional descriptions, afterthought, or comments from the rest of the sentence, for example: He, knew, nothing, at, all, about, it - or, so, he, said. Winters in, the, Mediterranen - contrary to what many people think - can be very cold. However, in formal usage, parentheses or commas are used instead of dashes. Six, ellipsis... See session section. Seven exclamation point! Exclamation marks are used at the end of a sentence to express great anger, surprise, joy, or other strong feelings. Such as: What, wonderful, news! What a pleasant surprise! 'Never! 'she cried.' never! 'she exclaimed. Note: In informal, especially in joking language, sometimes two or more exclamation points are used, or a exclamation mark is used to add a question mark to two. "You, wife's, just, given, birth, triplets.','Triplets, to?" "Your wife just gave birth to triplets." "The three world!?" Eight, full stop The ending is used to indicate the end of a sentence that is neither direct nor exclamatory, for example: I, knocked, at, the, door., There, was, no, reply. Stops are sometimes used in abbreviations. Such as: Jan. Jan; e.g.; for example; a.m. a.m.. Nine, hyphen - Hyphenated characters can be used in compound words: The 1. hyphen is sometimes used to make up a compound word consisting of two different words, for example: Hard-hearted; radio-telescope; fork-lift truck 2. consecutive characters used to form compound words consisting of prefixes and special nouns, for example: Pre-Raphaelite; anti-Nazi A hyphen consisting of two words separated by 3. prepositions, for example: Mother-in-law; mother-to-be; mother-of-pearl A 4. hyphen used to alter the first part of a compound word joined by a hyphen, for example: Common, to, both, pre-, and, post-war, Europe A hyphen consisting of two or more specific nouns used as an attribute, such as, for example, 5. words: The Reagan-Gorbachev Summit Services, on, the, London-Bahrain-Hong, Kong, route The 6. hyphen is used to write compound numbers from 21 to 99, for example: Seventy-three; four, hundred, and, thirty-one. A hyphen (used especially in England) that is sometimes used to separate prefixes from words in the back. The initials of this prefix are the same vowel as the first letter of the word, for example: 协调;重新选举;杰出的 连字符用在一行之末把词断开,例如: „为了避免将来的MIS— 就拿这种„ 连字符用在两个数字或日期之间,以便包括其间的所有数字或日期, 例如: PP 106-131从106页至131页 英国经济的研究,1947-63 1947年至1963年英国经济研究 十、括号() 括号可用来将额外说明,事后的考虑或评论与句子的其余部分隔开, 例如: Mount Robson(12972英尺)是加拿大落基山脉中最高的山。 罗伯逊峰(12972英尺)是洛基山脉在加拿大境内的最高峰。 他认为现代音乐(1900年后写的东西)是垃圾。 他认为现代音乐(即1900年后创作的所有音乐)都是胡闹。 括号可用来括起相互参照的说明,例如: 这种道德模糊是莎士比亚后期作品的特色(见第八章)。 这种道德暧昧是莎士比亚晚期著作的一个特征(见第八章)。 括号也可用来括起号码和字母编号,例如: 我们的目标是(1)增加产量, (2)提高质量和(3)利润最大化。 我们的目标是(1)增加产量提高质量(2)、(3)最大限度地提高利润。 十一、问号, 问号直接用在问句末尾。 例如: 车在哪里, 你要走了, 但是,在间接问句末尾,不用问号,例如: 他问我是否要离开。 问号用在括号内表示怀疑或不确定,例如: John Marston(,1575-1634)约翰?玛斯顿(,1575,1643) 十二、引号”“” 引号用来括起直接引语的全部话语和标点,例如: “你在地球做什么,”他问。 “我不去。”她回答。 胡说~ 引号用来使人注意行文中的特殊用语(如技术词汇,俚语,或为产生讽刺的特殊效果而使用的词语),例如: 接下来,面团被“证明”,使酵母开始工作。 他毫不含糊地告诉我要“迷路”。 数以千计的人以“国家安全”的名义被监禁。 引号用于括引文章,短诗,广播电视节目的名称,例如: Keat的“秋颂” 我在看“今天的比赛”。 Quotes used to enclose short quotations or proverbs, such as, for example: 'Do, you, know, the, origin, of, the, saying, A, little, learning, is, a, dangerous, thing,...? "Do you know that shallow understanding can be dangerous?" Thirteen quotations A short quotation is separated by commas and guides and placed in quotation marks, for example: It, was, Disraeli, who, said,'Little, things, affect, little, minds'. The longer speech is separated by a colon with the guide language and separated from the rest of the article in a reduced or interlaced manner, for example: As Kenneth Morgan writes: The, truth, was, perhaps, that, Britain, in, the, years, from, 1914, to,, had,, not, changed, that, all, fundamentally. Others, however, have, challenged, this, view... A word or phrase speech ellipsis ellipsis: in speech, word or phrase (e.g., in order to maintain the correct Grammatical Ellipsis) in square brackets, for example: Challenging, Morgan's, view, that,'Britain, in, [these], years... Had, not, changed...... Fourteen, semicolon; Semicolons are used instead of commas to separate sentences that have been separated by commas, for example: She, wanted, to, be, successful, whatever, it, might, cost, to, achieve, her, goal, whoever, might,, suffer, as, a, result. She wanted to succeed no matter what the cost; she wanted to achieve her goal no matter who would suffer the pain and the difficulty. In formal usage, a semicolon is used to separate clauses, especially clauses without conjunctions, for example: The, sun, was, already, low, in, the, sky, it, would, soon, be, dark. The sun has gone; it would soon be dark. He, had, never, been, China, to, however, it, had, always, been,, one, of, his, ambitions. He has never been to China, but to China has always been his ambition. Fifteen, slash /... A choice of words or terms, such as: Take, a, mackintosh, and / or, an, umbrella. I, certify, that, I, am, married, /single/, divorced. In a few lines of poetry constantly for ligatures, slash to indicate the end of a line, for example: Wordsworth's, famous, lines,'I, wandered, lonely, as, a, cloud / That, floats, on, high, o'er, vales, and, hills,...... Wordsworth said, "I wander like clouds, mountains floating..." Sixteen, square brackets [] Square brackets are used to enclose editorial comments, for example: ... constant, references, in, her, diary, to,,'Mr, G, [ladstone]'s, visits'... Her diary mentioned "[] lattice Radstone the visit of Mr." A word or phrase added to a quotation (as in order to keep the grammar after ellipsis) in square brackets, for example: ... challenging, Morgan's, view, that,'Britain, in, [these], years... Had, not, changed.........
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