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银行卡介绍简单版银行卡介绍简单版 中国银行 1986年,中国银行发行国内第一张信用卡,推出了第一个银行卡民族品牌“长城卡”,开创了中国银行业零售金融服务的先河。25年来,以“长城卡”为代表的中国银行银行卡业务坚持创新发展,始终信守“以客户为中心”的服务理念。截至2010年末,中国银行25年累计发行银行卡1.7亿张,每天通过银行卡进行的交易(金额)达20多亿。 银行卡在中国大陆地区的出现,可以追溯到上世纪70年代。在改革开放初期,随着国际事务交往及旅游事业的发展,银行卡作为一种先进的支付方式,通过中国银行首次进入中国。 19...

银行卡介绍简单版 中国银行 1986年,中国银行发行国内第一张信用卡,推出了第一个银行卡民族品牌“长城卡”,开创了中国银行业零售金融服务的先河。25年来,以“长城卡”为代表的中国银行银行卡业务坚持创新发展,始终信守“以客户为中心”的服务理念。截至2010年末,中国银行25年累计发行银行卡1.7亿张,每天通过银行卡进行的交易(金额)达20多亿。 银行卡在中国大陆地区的出现,可以追溯到上世纪70年代。在改革开放初期,随着国际事务交往及旅游事业的发展,银行卡作为一种先进的支付方式,通过中国银行首次进入中国。 1979年,中国银行广东省分行与香港东亚银行签订代理东美信用卡业务协议书,银行卡这一新鲜事物首次出现在国人视野。随后,中国银行相继与香港南洋商业银行,美国运通公司、日本东京银行、香港汇丰银行等签定代办银行卡业务 合作协议 股东合作协议书模板免费下载合作协议下载三方合作协议下载合伙人合作协议书下载战略合作协议模板下载 ,将逐步发展成熟的国外银行卡业务全面引入中国,为中国支付领域打开了一扇大门。 1986年6月1日,中国银行北京市分行发行外汇券结算信用卡——长城卡 1985年初,中国银行珠海市分行发行了中国第一张银行卡——“中银卡”。紧接着,1986年6月,中国银行北京市分行发行了以外汇券为结算货币的“长城卡”。1986年10月,中国银行首次在全国推广银行卡业务,并统一命名为“长城卡”。自此,可以在全国范围通用的银行卡终于诞生了。“长城卡”作为中国银行业银行卡的第一品牌,成为中国银行零售服务的重要无形资产。 2004年,中国银行成为北京奥运会唯一银行合作伙伴。同年,符合国际标准的奥运信用卡成功发行。随后,中国银行白金信用卡、网络支付主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 信用卡、手机支付卡、长城环球通卡等产品相继发行,中国银行银行卡产品体系日趋丰富和完善。 of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 中国农业银行 首张中国农业银行银行卡是1990年在广东中山市分行发行的金穗卡(英文GOLDENSPIKE SAVINGCARD)。此后,金穗卡成为中国农业银行银行卡的品牌。 1989年月,为更大程度地方便客户,适应形势发展的要求,中国农业银行总行委托业务量较大、联网基础好、同业竞争激烈的广东佛山市分行开办金穗*业务。1990年12月,中国农业银行总行印发《中国农业银行*章程》。1991年2月5日,在广州举行了发卡仪式,同时在广州、中山、佛山三个城市进行发卡试点。到1994年,中国内地除西藏以外的所有省会城市行和绝大多数地市级城市行均发行了金穗*。1995年2月,成立*业务部,*业务正式从资金组织部脱离。1995年7月,中国农业银行总行召开了首次全国*工作会议。 经过近二十年的努力,金穗卡发展成为种类齐全、金融功能完善、服务周到便捷、业务规模庞大、经营效益良好的银行卡系列产品。二十年来,中国农业银行始终坚守着银行卡业务“方寸之间,容纳天地”的观念,坚持以客户为导向,以周到、细致的服务取信于客户,不断优化金穗卡软件环境和硬件环境,在发卡数量、交易金额等方面取得了快速的发展。伴随着各类联名卡、认同卡、*卡等产品的日益丰富,以及在*、保险、电信、公交、航空、旅游、学校、社保、医院等多个领域内的应用,金穗卡已成为全国各发卡机构中发卡量最大、跨行交易量名列前茅的银行卡产品,金穗卡品牌得到了社会各界和广大消费者的认同。 金穗卡包含借记卡、*两大产品体系。金穗借记卡包括金穗借记卡普通卡、金穗借记卡金卡、金穗借记卡贵宾卡、金穗星座卡和金穗校园卡等。金穗借记卡成为持卡人生活中不可或缺的金融伙伴。金穗*拥有金穗贷记卡和金穗准贷记卡两大产品系列。金穗*足以为持卡人创造全新生活体验,传递优越生活价值。 of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 中国工商银行 1987年,中国工商银行发行了红棉卡,1989年发行牡丹卡。中国工商银行发行的银行卡统一命名为牡丹卡。牡丹信用卡是中国工商银行(含中国工商银行相关分支机构,以下简称发卡机构)发行,并给予持卡人一定信用额度,持卡人可在信用额度内先支付后还款,具有消费、转账结算、存取现金等功能的信用支付工具。 名称及分类 牡丹卡按是否具有消费信用功能分为牡丹信用卡、借记卡,牡丹信用卡按照是否享有免息还款期分为牡丹贷记卡和牡丹准贷记卡;借记卡按照功能和使用范围不同分为牡丹灵通卡(牡丹灵通卡按照客户定位不同分为牡丹灵通卡/理财金账户,以下称“灵通卡”)、牡丹国际借记卡、牡丹专用卡、牡丹智能卡和牡丹纪念卡。 按照品牌分为牡丹银联卡、牡丹威士卡、牡丹万事达卡、牡丹运通卡、牡丹JCB卡和其他品牌卡。 按照发行对象分为单位(商务)卡和个人卡,其中个人卡分为主卡和副卡以及依附于主卡(副卡)的附属卡。按还款责任还可分为公司责任商务卡、公司责任个人卡、个人责任个人卡。 按照信用等级分为白金卡、金卡和普通卡。 按照账户币种分为人民币卡、双币卡和多币卡。 按照是否联名(认同)分为联名(认同)卡和非联名(认同)卡。 按照信息载体分为磁条卡、芯片卡和磁条芯片复合卡。 按照卡面是否带彩照分为彩照卡和非彩照卡。 of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 按照卡片规格分为标准卡和异型卡。 建设银行 中国建设银行是我国最主要的银行卡发卡行之一。1990年,建设银行发行了第一张信用卡,1991年在全国同业中率先推出了国内第一张借记卡——“龙卡储蓄卡”,由此拉开了建行银行卡业务发展的序幕。一直以来,建设银行高度重视银行卡业务的发展,将银行卡业务作为全行战略性业务之一,并始终围绕“以客户为中心”的经营理念,以为客户提供更高效、便捷、全面的金融服务为导向,持续优化银行卡产品业务流程,改进功能,加快创新,强化服务,不断提高客户满意度。 经过多年的努力,建设银行银行卡业务获得了稳健、快速发展,综合经营实力得到大幅提升。目前,建设银行在全国范围内已经形成了由信用卡、借记卡两大系列,包括“龙卡通”、“乐当家”理财卡、龙卡名校卡、龙卡“冠军足球卡”等等多达数百种子产品的建设银行龙卡产品系列。不仅拥有可面向全部客户发行的银行卡卡种,还有专门面向特定行业、年龄、具有特定消费需求的客户群体发行的联名卡卡种;不仅可以为持卡人提供储蓄、现金存取、消费结算、转账支付、消费信贷、投资理财、缴纳费用等功能,更提供了遍布全国的营业网点、自助设备、网上银行、电话银行等全方位交易渠道。2007年,建设银行更将原有龙卡储蓄卡升级为龙卡通,使之具备如同理财卡一样的综合理财功能,使广大龙卡借记卡持卡人享受了到不设门槛的平民综合理财服务。 现在,凭借卓越的产品和优质的客户服务,建设银行已经拥有了广泛的客户群体,也获得了广大持卡人的认可。多年来,建设银行龙卡产品荣获了多项殊荣。2006年,建设银行龙卡在由搜狐网理财频道主办的“2006年度银行网络of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 评选”中荣获“百姓最满意的银行卡”称号;2007年,建设银行龙卡获得了中国银联授予的“ 2007年度银行卡同业建设成果奖”等等。龙卡已经深入到了居民金融、理财生活的各个领域,成为百姓生活中不可缺少的一部分。 交通银行 交通银行作为全国第一家股份制商业银行,秉承创“一流的银行信誉,一流的服务质量,一流的工作效率”的宗旨,立足于科技创新,服务于群众理财,自 1993年太平洋准贷记卡首发以来,业已形成了贷记卡、准贷记卡、借记卡三大业务品种及国际卡、人民币卡两大产品系列,并发行了近百种太平洋系列联名/认同/专用卡。 太平洋卡集多种理财功能于一身,已成为国内科技含量最高、服务手段最齐全的银行卡之一,为持卡人实施家政理财与投资理财提供了有效的手段。 “太平洋卡理财通天下”是对太平洋卡强大理财功能的形象表述,太平洋卡作为集众多功能于一身的综合性理财工具,汇聚理财通、全国通、环球通、缴费通、银信通、一线通、网银通等功能。交行人凭借坚韧不拔的毅力及勇于开拓的精神,不断拓展太平洋卡功能,受到了业界及持卡人的广泛赞誉,令太平洋卡成为国内功能领先的银行卡。令持卡人能够超越时间、空间的限制,通过交行电话银行、网上银行、自助设备、客户服务中心等多种服务渠道实现轻松理财,在充分享用交通银行太平洋卡快捷、安全服务的同时,真正实现“太平洋卡理财通天下”的目标。 of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 中国银行卡发展历程 第一阶段(20世纪80年代中期--90年代初期)培育阶段。 这一阶段,中、工、建、农等银行相继发卡,开创了我国银行卡事业的先河。 1986年,中国银行发行了国内第一张信用卡--人民币长城信用卡;1987年,中国工商银行发行了红棉卡,1989年发行牡丹卡;1990年中国建设银行发行龙卡,1991年中国农业银行发行金穗卡,1992年深圳发展银发行“发展卡”,1993年交通银行发行太平洋卡。截止1993年底,全国发卡量达到400万、交易额达到2000亿元。 与此同时,各商业银行电子化建设同时起步,投资建设了大量的计算机业务处理系统,为银行卡业务的起步和发展奠定了系统和网络基础。 第二阶段(20世纪90年代中期--90年代末)初级阶段。 这一阶段,不仅国有商业银行各分支机构在大中城市独立发展银行卡业务,股份制银行也纷纷加入发卡行列,全国金卡工程开始启动。 1994年以后,各商业银行在大中城市加大银行卡业务拓展力度,发卡机构数量、发卡总量、银行卡种类、业务范围、交易金额等方面都呈现出快速增长of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 趋势。除了国有商业银行各分支机构以外,国家邮政储汇局(1994年10月)、广东发展银行(1995年3月)、招商银行(1995年6月)、浦东发展银行(1995年4月)等都加入了发卡行列,并且广东发展银行于1995年3月发行了国内第一张真正的贷记卡--广发信用卡。 1993年,国务院办公会议批准实施“金卡工程”,由中国人民银行牵头组织,在12个试点城市组建城市银行卡网络服务中心和全国总中心,实现联网通用。 截止1996年底,全国发卡量达到4170万张,比93年底增加了9倍;交易量10377亿元,比93年底增加了5倍;存款余额559亿元,共有1696个银行网点受理银行卡,ATM总量9941万台,POS10万台,初步建成了一个遍布各大、中城市的银行卡受理网络。 第三阶段:(21世纪开始)联网通用阶段。 这一阶段,我国银行卡逐步实现联网通用。 金卡工程启动后,由人民银行牵头,在各商业银行积极参与和各地政府的积极配合下,总共建立了18个城市银行卡跨行信息交换中心,基本覆盖了全国经济发达地区。 1998年12月底,全国银行卡信息交换总中心建成异地跨行信息交换系统,各城市银行卡中心逐步开始同总中心联网,也有一些城市中心开始向周边城市扩展,扩大联网范围。银行卡业务在跨行交换的基础上逐步实现跨行异地交换。 2002年3月,中国银联的成立标志着中国银行卡产业进入一个新的发展历程。在国务院和人民银行的支持下,中国银联全力推动“314” 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,截至2005年末,全国共有300多个地级以上城市和近400个县级城市实现了“联网通用”,of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 并进而实现“通用好用”。同时银行卡的功能、发行主体、发行程序等均在逐步规 范发展,借记卡和贷记卡开始进入专业化运作阶段。 of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge
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