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狗狗博客/Dog With a Blog第一季第一集中英对照剧本


狗狗博客/Dog With a Blog第一季第一集中英对照剧本狗狗博客/Dog With a Blog第一季第一集中英对照剧本 Dialogue: 我知道我是邀请你过来学习的 但是I know I invited you over to study, but... Dialogue: 我觉得咱俩都知道这试昨天就已经考过了I think we both know the test was yesterday. Dialogue: 难道不是明天考试吗Isn't the test tomorrow? Dialogue: 嘘Shh. Dialogue: 这是泰勒?詹姆斯Thi...

狗狗博客/Dog With a Blog第一季第一集中英对照剧本
狗狗博客/Dog With a Blog第一季第一集中英对照剧本 Dialogue: 我知道我是邀请你过来学习的 但是I know I invited you over to study, but... Dialogue: 我觉得咱俩都知道这试昨天就已经考过了I think we both know the test was yesterday. Dialogue: 难道不是明天考试吗Isn't the test tomorrow? Dialogue: 嘘Shh. Dialogue: 这是泰勒?詹姆斯This is Tyler James. Dialogue: 而这是让女生们都心驰荡漾的脸Now that is the face of a smooth player. Dialogue: 不 不是这张Well, not that face. Dialogue: 对了 就是这张脸Oh, yeah, there's the sugar! Dialogue: 喂 这里怎么回事Whoa. What is going on here? Dialogue: 根据我贴出来的时间表I have the family room from : to :, Dialogue: 客厅三点到六点归我使用 所以给我as per the sign up sheet I posted, so get... Dialogue: 艾芙莉?詹宁斯Avery Jennings. Dialogue: 泰勒?詹姆斯的继妹Tyler's stepsister. Dialogue: 对规矩有些病态的执着Uh, kind of a psycho about rules. Dialogue: 她甚至规定别人不能打断她She even has a rule about not interrupting her, Dialogue: 所以我们还是继续吧so let's keep it moving. Dialogue: 滚出去 否则我就告诉所有人你戴的是假发...out of here, or I'm gonna tell everyone you're wearing a wig. Dialogue: 我没戴假发I'm not wearing a wig. 我告诉你了 这个不是假发Ow! I told you, it's not a wig! Dialogue: 啊 Dialogue: 我知道 不过很疼吧I know, but that hurt, right? Dialogue: 你能不能走开Would you just get out of here? Dialogue: 这是我的家This is my house. Dialogue: 你和你妈妈才在这里待了一年左右而已You and your mom have only been here for, like, a year. Dialogue: 十一个月 十四天 六小时 十分钟Eleven months, fourteen days, six hours, ten minutes, Dialogue: 又三秒 四秒 五秒three seconds, four seconds, five seconds... Dialogue: 数字哦Ooh, numbers. Dialogue: 就像我对我的代数老师说的那样Like I told my algebra teacher, Dialogue: A加B等于“关我什么事”A plus B equals "Why should I care?" Dialogue: 你觉得刚刚那个问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 明天会考到吗Do you think that will be on the test tomorrow? Dialogue: 好吧 你们两个继续这种高智商的交流Okay, you two continue this high-level exchange of ideas... Dialogue: 我星期二用这间房间and I'll get the room on Tuesday. Dialogue: 星期二 想都别想Tuesday? No way. Dialogue: 啦啦队员们要过来参加我的节目的试镜The cheerleaders are coming over to audition for my show. Dialogue: 你知不知道我花了多大的工夫才让她们相信Do you know how hard it was to convince them that Dialogue: 我在导演一部叫“家教音乐剧”的新戏I'm directing a new play called Homeschool Musical? Dialogue: 再做一遍刚刚那个动作 我听到了海的声音Do that again! I heard the ocean! Dialogue: 真用花那么大的工夫吗Was it really that hard to convince them? Dialogue: 你有什么大事非要在下星期二做What are you doing next Tuesday that's so important anyway? Dialogue: 我的学生关爱俱乐部有一个非常重要的会议My student tolerance club has a very important meeting. Dialogue: 我们在计划召开一个集会来帮助We're planning a rally in support Dialogue: 一个脸色惨白还闻起来像比萨饼面团的小孩of the pale kid who smells like pizza dough. Dialogue: 听起来像暴风雨Sounds like a storm! Dialogue: 听着 我的会议已经定了Look, my meeting is happening. Dialogue: 而且这是自从我妈和你爸结婚 同时毁了It's the first time I'll get to have friends over Dialogue: 我的生活以来我第一次有朋友过来since my mom married your dad and ruined my life. Dialogue: 你的生活被毁了 自从你搬进来以后Your life is ruined? Since you moved in, Dialogue: 你到处贴时间表there are sign up sheets everywhere. Dialogue: 连洗手间都有时间表 谁能规定上洗手间的时间啊There's a sign up sheet in the bathroom. Who can time that? Dialogue: 每天早上八点和下午四点半 有什么难的Every day at : and :. What is so difficult? Dialogue: 我知道你说过要耐心I know you said be patient and Dialogue: 而且最终我们也组成了一个真正的家庭eventually we'd come together as a real family, Dialogue: 但是那两个孩子可没打算这么做but those two will not stop going at it! Dialogue: 我受够了 我现在就要让他们两个明白Enough is enough. I'm gonna go in there and set them straight. Dialogue: -他们要知道 -嘘- They need to know-- - Shh! Dialogue: 你是不是喜欢那根手指Are you fond of that finger? Dialogue: 亲爱的 我们已经谈过这件事了Honey, we have been over this. Dialogue: 在这个节骨眼上插进去可不是个好主意Intervening at this point would not be a good idea. Dialogue: 孩子们必须自己想出办法来自己解决矛盾Siblings must develop their own tools for conflict resolution. Dialogue: 秘诀全在这本《最佳教育指南》里It's all here in The Foremost Guide To Parenting, Dialogue: 这本 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 可是由一个written by a man referred Dialogue: 被认为是儿童心理学领域头脑最聪明的人写的to as the brightest mind in child psychology. Dialogue: 爸爸 爸爸Daddy! Daddy! Dialogue: 这是克洛伊That's Chloe. Dialogue: 人们都说心理学家的孩子让人摸不着头脑They say psychologists' kids are messed up, Dialogue: 不过她还好了but she's doing okay. Dialogue: 有个怪物在追我There's a monster chasing me! Dialogue: 我说的是还好 不是非常好I said "Okay," Not "Great." Dialogue: 克洛伊 宝贝 听着Um, Chloe, sweetie, listen... Dialogue: 我有件很重要的事情要你明白There is something very important that I need you to understand. Dialogue: 好了 她现在不会担心怪物了And now she's not worried about the monsters. Dialogue: 对于那两个As for those two, Dialogue: 我有个一样奏效的计划I have a plan that will be equally effective. Dialogue: 孩子们 我要给你们个惊喜Kids, I have a surprise for you. Dialogue: 他的名字叫斯坦His name is Stan. Dialogue: 我从动物收容所里领养的He's a rescue from the shelter. Dialogue: 嘿 看 这是我Hey, look, it's me! Dialogue: 我是狗I'm the dog! Dialogue: 就是这张脸There's the sugar! Dialogue: 谢谢 谢谢 我一直都想要只狗Thank you, thank you! I've always wanted a dog! Dialogue: 妈妈从不允许我养狗Mom would never let me get one. Dialogue: 我没有说“从不”I didn't say "Never." Dialogue: 我说的是“重不”I said "Never-wever" Because Dialogue: 而你当时才三岁 所以没把我的话当回事you were three and it took the edge off. Dialogue: 你知道我喜欢猫You know I'm a cat person. Dialogue: 艾伦?詹宁斯Ellen Jennings. Dialogue: 我想我们都知道我会第一个吃谁的拖鞋I think we all know whose slippers I'll be eating first. 这简直就是天大的惊喜Oh, this is such an awesome surprise! Dialogue: 哦 Dialogue: 是啊 对我们所有人来说都是“惊喜”Yeah. It's a surprise for all of us! Dialogue: 听着 如果你读到了我写的那本书的第九章Look, you wouldn't be so surprised Dialogue: 你就不会这么惊讶了if you just read chapter nine in my book. Dialogue: 亲爱的 没有人会读你的书读到第九章的Honey, nobody's gotten to chapter nine in your book. Dialogue: 看我的厉害Watch the genius of this. Dialogue: 好了 孩子们 这条狗是你们三个人的Now, kids, this dog is for all of you. Dialogue: 所以你们要共同肩负起照看他的责任So you guys are gonna have to work together to take care of him, Dialogue: 否则你们就不能再养他了or you can't keep him. Dialogue: 班尼特?詹宁斯Bennett James. Dialogue: 有些自以为是A little full of himself. Dialogue: 我闻过他的屁股 不过印象不深Sniffed his butt, not impressed. Dialogue: 我觉得狗应该能带来不少乐趣I guess a dog could be kind of fun. Dialogue: 接住Fetch. Dialogue: 对 等到她在追一辆车的时候就更可爱了Yeah, it's cute until she chases a car. Dialogue: 而这个故事是关于And that's the story of how... Dialogue: 孩子们如何发现我会说话的the kids found out I could talk. Dialogue: 不 等一下 我还没有把那一段写到我的博客里面去呢No, wait. I didn't get to that part of my blog yet. Dialogue: 我做了新产品评测以后再写吧I'll do that after my new product review. Dialogue: 闻起来像橡胶 尝起来像橡胶Huh, smells like rubber, tastes like rubber... Dialogue: 哇 会叫啊Whoa, it squeaks! Dialogue: 我还真没料到I did not see that coming! Dialogue: 狗狗博客 第一季第一集Dog With a Blog SE Stan of the House Dialogue: 你为什么坐在我的椅子上Why are you sitting in my chair? Dialogue: 我的三明治呢Where's my sandwich? Dialogue: 这个盘子里本来有一个火鸡三明治There was a turkey sandwich right here on this plate, Dialogue: 现在没有了and now it's gone. Dialogue: 你吃了 是吧You ate it, didn't you? Dialogue: 你这个又吃三明治又偷拖鞋You sandwich-eating, slipper-stealing, Dialogue: -又脏又讨厌的 -妈妈- dirty, rotten-- - Mom. Dialogue: 什么 没 什么What? No. What? Dialogue: 你是在和狗讲话吗Are you talking to the dog? Dialogue: 听着 我不喜欢他 而他也知道我不喜欢他Look, I don't like him, and he knows that. Dialogue: 他还偷我的东西 吃我的三明治And he's stealing from me. He ate my sandwich. Dialogue: 而且我的钱包里少了五块钱And there's five dollars missing from my purse. Dialogue: 那是新的项圈吗 他从哪里来的新项圈Is that a new collar? Where'd he get that collar? Dialogue: 他戴的一直都是那个项圈It's the same collar he's always had. Dialogue: 好吧 好吧 也许是我反应过度了Okay, okay. Maybe I overreacted. Dialogue: 你觉得你会赢是吧You think you can get the best of me? Dialogue: 可是我有大拇指你没有I have thumbs. Dialogue: 别在意 斯坦Don't worry about her, Stan. Dialogue: 谁是我的乖狗狗 谁是我的乖狗狗Who's my boy? Who's my boy? Dialogue: 我是你的乖狗狗 我是你的乖狗狗I'm your boy! I'm your boy! Dialogue: 我该怎么办 斯坦 我的会议就在今晚What am I gonna do, Stan? My meeting is tonight. Dialogue: 但是泰勒还是把啦啦队给请到家里来了And Tyler's still having his cheerleaders over. Dialogue: 拜托 你拿的是狗粮 你拿的是狗粮Oh, please be getting dog food! Please be getting dog food! Dialogue: 耶Yes! Dialogue: 在我昨天吃掉那个I've had nothing to eat Dialogue: 火鸡三明治之后我就再没吃过东西since that turkey sandwich I had yesterday-- Dialogue: 或者说是几分钟前吃掉的or a few minutes ago. Dialogue: 我没有时间概念I have no concept of time. Dialogue: 如果我取消会议 学生关爱俱乐部的成员会讨厌我的If I cancel, the Student Tolerance Club will hate me. Dialogue: 不要被俱乐部的名字给骗了 那些孩子们可恶毒着呢Don't let the name fool you. Those kids are vicious! Dialogue: 我希望我能开口问她要食物吃Well, I wish I could just ask for the food, Dialogue: 但是我讲话的这件事 不行 我每次开口说话都坏事but me talking, no, no, that doesn't always go so well. Dialogue: 别把我带走 我没疯Don't take me away! I'm not crazy! Dialogue: 我的狗真的会说话My dog can really talk! Dialogue: 狗狗 说话啊Dog, say something! Dialogue: 说给他们听你给我讲的那个笑话Oh, tell them that joke you told me! Dialogue: 对不起 我满嘴都是花生酱Sorry, I had a mouthful of peanut butter! Dialogue: 不知怎么的 每次都以我回到动物收容所而告终Somehow I always end up back at the shelter. Dialogue: 但是我希望这次会不一样But I want this time to be different. Dialogue: 我想真正成为这个家的一员I-I wanna be a full member of the family. Dialogue: 我要告诉他们一切 一切I'll tell them everything. Everything! Dialogue: 当我觉得我可以相信他们的时候When I know I can trust them. Dialogue: 你知道 我真的非常高兴你在这儿 斯坦You know, I'm really glad you're here, Stan. Dialogue: 在这个家里我终于找到一个能听我倾诉的人了I finally have somebody in the family I can actually talk to. Dialogue: 你是个好孩子Aw, you're a good kid. Dialogue: 现在就做个乖孩子 给我狗粮吧Now be a great kid and hit me with some kibble, huh? Dialogue: 好吧 艾芙莉 我为今晚想了一个折中的办法Okay, Avery, I worked out a compromise for tonight. Dialogue: 我把啦啦队带过来I get to have my cheerleaders over, Dialogue: 而你可以在你关着的房门后面and you get to hear what fun Dialogue: 听我们玩得有多开心sound like from behind your closed bedroom door. Dialogue: 不客气You're welcome. Dialogue: 你刚刚吃的是狗粮 不客气You just ate dog food. You're welcome. Dialogue: 是培根口味的调料 我爱培根口味调料Oh, the bacon-flavor spray. I love the bacon-flavor spray! Dialogue: 好吧 要挺住All right, hold it together, man. Dialogue: 不要说话 要冷静 宝贝Don't talk. Just keep it cool, baby. Dialogue: 听着 今晚客厅归我用 家庭规定里写了的Look, I get the family room. It's in the house rules. Dialogue: 而且我知道 是我写的规定And I should know, I wrote them. Dialogue: 而如果你有什么问题的话 你可以And if you have a problem with that, you can take it up Dialogue: 联系家庭规定委员会的主席with the chairman of the house rules committee-- Dialogue: 就在这儿right here. Dialogue: 把该死的食物给我 我口水都快流了一池子了Give me the stinking food! I'm drooling a pool over here! Dialogue: 他刚刚是不是说话了Did he just... talk? Dialogue: 快想想怎么掩饰过去Think fast and cover quickly. Dialogue: 没有 我是说 汪Uh, no. I mean, woof. Dialogue: 他又说话了He did it again! Dialogue: 我没说话 我说的是“汪”No, I didn't. I said "Woof." Dialogue: 是吗 还在消化Really? Still processing? Dialogue: 什么狗能说“消化”这个词啊What kind of a dog says "Processing"? Dialogue: 哪有狗会说话啊What kind of a dog says anything? Dialogue: 你怎么能说话呢How can you talk? Dialogue: 这是件怪事Ah, it's a freak thing. Dialogue: 就像第五只爪子和第九个乳头It's like a fifth paw or a-- or a ninth nipple. Dialogue: 我生来就这样 等一下I was born this way. Hold on a sec. Dialogue: 我要去做一件很重要的事情Something really important I gotta do. Dialogue: 对不起Sorry. Dialogue: 我刚刚说到哪里了 哦 对了Where was I? Oh, right. Dialogue: 我把你们弄糊涂了I was blowing your minds. Dialogue: 我本来不打算告诉你们I wasn't gonna tell you yet, Dialogue: 因为每次都会坏事'cause it always messes things up. Dialogue: 我们将查出你说话的原因We're gonna find out what makes you talk, Dialogue: 而我将变得富有and I'm gonna become rich. Dialogue: 救命 救命Help! Help! Dialogue: 等一下 我还是只狗啊Hey, wait a minute. I'm still a dog. Dialogue: 我还要把你的法国贵宾犬给一起带走Oh, and I'm taking your French poodle with me. Dialogue: 我们之间产生了些感情We have kind of a thing going. Dialogue: 潘婷 穿上你的小毛衣 在狗门那儿等我Pantene, put on your little sweater and meet me at the doggie door! Dialogue: 别担心 伙计Don't worry, buddy. Dialogue: 我们不会再让任何人在你身上做科学实验We'd never let anyone do science experiments on you. Dialogue: 我爱你I love you. Dialogue: 而我讨厌科学And I hate science. Dialogue: 我不敢相信 我一生中都在等待这种境遇I can't believe it. I've been waiting my whole life for this. Dialogue: 我终于是这个家庭的一员了I'm finally part of a family. Dialogue: 不 我们不能让爸爸妈妈知道No, but we just can't let mom and dad find out. Dialogue: 我是说 爸爸会写本书I mean, dad would write a book about it, Dialogue: 妈妈会被吓到 而爸爸会写一本关于妈妈受惊吓的书mom would freak, and dad would write a book about mom freaking. Dialogue: 到时候到处都是怪书There'd be freaking books everywhere! Dialogue: 太棒了This is awesome! Dialogue: 我们来庆祝一下 让我们埋头吃一大口狗粮吧And to celebrate, let's get snout-deep in kibble! Dialogue: 斯坦会说话Stan can talk. Dialogue: 斯坦会说话Stan can talk! Dialogue: 不不不 他不会No, no, no, no, no. No, he can't. Dialogue: 你在做梦 你在梦游 回床上去You're having a dream you're sleepwalking. Go back to bed. Dialogue: 好吧Okay. Dialogue: 真的 这你都相信Really? You're buying that? Dialogue: 斯坦会说话 斯坦会说话 斯坦会说话Stan can talk! Stan can talk! Stan can talk! Dialogue: 真可爱 不是吗 克洛伊 你的想象力真丰富Oh, isn't that cute? Chloe, you've got an active imagination! Dialogue: 不 他像人一样会讲话No, he talks like a person! Dialogue: 他说“让我们埋头吃一大口狗粮吧”He said, "Let's get snout-deep in kibble!" Dialogue: 克洛伊 说谎可不好Chloe, it is not okay to lie. Dialogue: 现在回你的房间 有个小马正等着你Now go to your room. There's a pony waiting for you. Dialogue: 现在她会明白撒谎可是会失望的Now she'll associate lying with disappointment. Dialogue: 亲爱的 我爱你 我尊敬你Honey, I love you, I respect you. Dialogue: 我作为你的夫人百分百支持你 但我要问你个问题I ask you this only as a supportive wife-- Dialogue: 你是不是在网上拿到的博士学位did you get your PhD online? Dialogue: 诶 克洛伊会说出我们的秘密的Man, Chloe almost blew it for us. Dialogue: 幸亏没人相信一个四十二岁的人Good thing no one believes a -year-old. Dialogue: 她才六岁She's six. Dialogue: 好吧 我不知道你们人类是怎么计算年龄的All right, I just don't get how you people count years. Dialogue: 听着 重要的是你的秘密仍然安全Look, the important thing is that your secret is still safe. Dialogue: 我可不能失去你 伙计Oh, I couldn't bear to lose you, buddy. Dialogue: 那真好 但是Aw, that's real nice. Oh, but Dialogue: 不要抱太紧 我刚刚喝了很多水don't squeeze too hard, I just drank a lot of water. Dialogue: 太迟了 要淹死一堆蚂蚁了Oh, too late. Gotta go drown some ants. Dialogue: 不能失去他 是吧So, couldn't bear to lose him, huh? Dialogue: 让我来告诉你I'll tell you what, Dialogue: 今晚客厅归我的啦啦队员们使用either I get the family room tonight for my cheerleaders, Dialogue: 不然我就去告诉爸爸斯坦会说话而且克洛伊并没有发疯I tell dad Stan can talk and Chloe's not a wacko. Dialogue: 我的小马呢Where's my pony?! Dialogue: 你不会告诉爸爸斯坦会说话的You wouldn't tell dad Stan can talk. Dialogue: 有十五个啦啦队员要来家里I have cheerleaders coming over. Dialogue: 你不知道我会做出什么事情You have no idea what I'm capable of. Dialogue: 你在虚张声势 你的蠢样已经写在你脸上了You're bluffing. You have that dumb look on your face. Dialogue: 我的脸证明不了什么 我一直都是一脸蠢样Proves nothing. I always have this dumb look on my face. Dialogue: 我才不买你的帐呢I'm not buying it. Dialogue: 他们会在斯坦身上做实验而我们会失去他They'll do experiments on Stan and we'll lose him. Dialogue: 你不会那么做的You wouldn't do that. Dialogue: 你想试试看吗Are you willing to take that chance? Dialogue: 那你就去吧 告诉爸爸斯坦会说话Go ahead, tell dad Stan can talk. Dialogue: 我不在乎 他只是只笨狗而已I don't care. He's just a stupid dog. Dialogue: 你骗不了我 你爱斯坦You can't fool me. You love Stan. Dialogue: 我没有要骗你I'm not trying to fool you. Dialogue: 这和我骗你相信《猩球崛起》This isn't like when I convinced you Dialogue: 是根据真实故事改编那次可是不一样的Planet of the Apes was based on a true story. Dialogue: 你知道 如果你出卖了斯坦 我就会有一条新的狗And you know, if you sell out Stan, I'll get another dog. Dialogue: 好吧All right, fine. Dialogue: 我不会告诉爸爸的I'm not gonna tell dad. Dialogue: 我就知道你是在虚张声势I knew you were bluffing. Dialogue: 我的确爱斯坦I do love Stan. Dialogue: 而我知道你说《猩球崛起》的时候也是虚张声势And I knew you were bluffing about Planet of the Apes. Dialogue: 是吗Was I? Dialogue: 我的小马不在这里My pony's not out here. Dialogue: 根本就没有小马There is no pony. Dialogue: 也没有会说话的狗And now there's no talking dog. Dialogue: 这个房子里没有一个人有关爱之心And no one in this house cares about anyone. Dialogue: 在卡通里面 会说话的动物都开心In cartoons, talking animals are happy! Dialogue: 他们跟我说我是家庭的一员They told me I was a member of the family, Dialogue: 而我竟然真的相信了and I fell for it. Dialogue: 但是他们和其他人也没什么不同 所以我离开了But they're just like all the others, so I bolted. Dialogue: 虽然我本来只是想出来冷静冷静的Originally I was just going outside to chill, Dialogue: 但是一辆车开过我就跟在后面跑了起来but a car drove by and I chased it! Dialogue: 现在我根本不知道我在哪里Now I have no idea where I am. Dialogue: 你说的是什么意思 他跑掉了What do you mean, he ran away? Dialogue: 他是这样做的He did this. Dialogue: 我不相信斯坦跑掉了I can't believe Stan ran away. Dialogue: 他肯定听见我们刚刚说的话了He must have heard what we were saying. Dialogue: 知道吗 这都是你的错You know, this is all your fault. Dialogue: 你说你要告诉爸爸的You said you were gonna tell dad. Dialogue: 你说他是只笨狗You said he was a stupid dog. Dialogue: 我那么说是因为你想让我妥协I only said that because you were trying to manipulate me. Dialogue: 我在这个家住了一年了I've lived in this house for a year now, Dialogue: 可你却从来没有像一个哥哥一样对我and you've done nothing to act like a brother to me. Dialogue: 你现在又把我最在乎的东西给赶走了And now you've driven away the one thing that I cared about most. Dialogue: 好吧 别哭 别哭 别哭Okay. No, no, no, no, don't cry. Dialogue: 我们可以把他找回来We'll get him back. Dialogue: 我去告诉爸爸让他开车载我们到处找找I'll tell dad and he can drive us around and then-- Dialogue: 不 你听到他们说的话了no, you heard what they said. Dialogue: 如果我们不能照顾好他 我们就不能养他了If we can't take care of him, we can't keep him. Dialogue: 我想我知道我们该做什么了It's obvious what we have to do. Dialogue: 找另一只看起来Find another dog that looks Dialogue: 和斯坦一模一样的狗然后教他说人话exactly like Stan and teach him how to talk. Dialogue: 不 我们要自己去找他No. We have to find him ourselves. Dialogue: 好吧 如果你非要选更麻烦的方法的话Okay, if you wanna do it the hard way. Dialogue: 一只离家出走的狗最终会到哪儿去Where would a runaway dog wind up? Dialogue: 动物收容所The shelter! Dialogue: 不要和我说一样的话搞得好像我们很同步还是怎么样Hey, don't talk at the same time like we're in sync or something. Dialogue: 因为我们不同步'Cause we're not. Dialogue: 走吧Let's go. Dialogue: 停Stop it! Dialogue: 我希望我能帮到你 但是对不起I wish I could help you, but sorry. Dialogue: 一个叫格伦的人 对他不太了解 继续Some guy named Glen. Don't really know him. Moving on. Dialogue: 除非有个成人能支付五百美元I can't release your dog until Dialogue: 来弥补他造成的损坏 我才能放了他an adult pays for the $ in damages he caused. Dialogue: 等等 什么损坏 他做了什么Wait, what damages? What'd he do? Dialogue: “收养贵宾犬”"Adopt a poodle"? Dialogue: 别担心 女士们 我来救你们出去Don't worry, ladies. I'm busting you out of here. Dialogue: 等等 回来Wait, come back! Dialogue: 我是想收养你们的I'm adopting you! Dialogue: 好吧 至少让我给他留点东西好吗Well, can I at least leave his stuff for him? Dialogue: 我们带来了他最爱的骨头玩具和培根口味喷剂调料We brought his favorite ew toy and his bacon-flavored spray. Dialogue: 是吗Aw, yeah... Dialogue: 不行No. Dialogue: 乖乖让你们父母拨打这个电话号码Just have your parents give us a call at this number, Dialogue: 然后让他们支付罚款 不好意思and they can pay the fine. Excuse me. Dialogue: 快点Come on. Dialogue: 等等 不 我们不可以这样做Wait, no, we can't! Dialogue: 牌子上清楚地写着“严禁入内”The sign clearly says "No admittance"! Dialogue: 当你申请进入大学的时候你会经常看到这个Something you'll hear a lot when you apply to college. Dialogue: 我只是想要帮你而已Hey, I'm just trying to help you. Dialogue: 我进去把斯坦带出来 如果你想要回斯坦的话就跟我一起I'm going in to get Stan. Come with me if you want. Dialogue: 要不要这样啊Seriously? Dialogue: 斯坦Stan! Dialogue: 好吧 看看是谁来了Well, well, look who it is. Dialogue: 我的前任主人My ex-people. Dialogue: 我不知道你们来这里干嘛I don't know what you're doing here, Dialogue: 因为我们之间已经结束了 我不想再见到你们because it is over and I never wanna see you again! Dialogue: 不 我们说的话并不是那个意思No, we didn't mean the things we said. Dialogue: 我们爱你 斯坦We love you, Stan. Dialogue: 胡扯Blah, blah, blah. Dialogue: 想要我回去可不是说空话就可以的It's gonna take a lot more than empty words to win me over. Dialogue: 我带了你最喜欢吃的东西I brought you your favorite treat. Dialogue: 我爱你 我们回家吧I love you! Let's go home! Dialogue: 顺便问一句 你知道怎么回家 对吧By the way, you know how to get back, right? Dialogue: 等等Wait. Dialogue: 回家Home? Dialogue: 我的学生关爱俱乐部My Student Tolerance Club? Dialogue: 我没有取消I never cancelled. Dialogue: 我也没有通知啦啦队员们不要过来I never cancelled my cheerleaders. Dialogue: 青少年在群体中会感到不自在Adolescents feel uncomfortable in group settings. Dialogue: 相信我 我可是个专家 现在该由我们来打破僵局了Trust me, I'm an expert. It's up to us to break the ice. Dialogue: 舞会开始It's a dance party happening! Dialogue: 来吧 亲爱的 过来Come on, honey! Get out here! Dialogue: -过来 -我可不这么认为 不- Get out here! - I don't think so. No. Dialogue: -谁想跳舞啊 -我不 我不知道- Who's feeling it? - I don't-- I don't know. Dialogue: 一二三四One, two, three, and four. Dialogue: 我在和啦啦队员发短信I'm texting the cheerleaders Dialogue: 告诉她们会议取消了and telling them to call off the meeting. Dialogue: 现在 我有个计划能帮斯坦离开Now, I have a plan to get Stan out of here. Dialogue: 这儿 斯坦 拨这个电话号码Here, Stan, call this number. Dialogue: 我们要打破一些规矩 你愿意做吗We're gonna have to break some more rules. Are you with us? Dialogue: 现在就做Let's do it! Dialogue: 我说打破一些规矩 不是随便什么规定都打破I said break some rules, not just, like, random rules. Dialogue: 对不起 我是个新手Oh, sorry. I'm new at this. Dialogue: 帕萨迪纳动物收容所Pasadena animal shelter. Dialogue: 我是你的老板This is your boss speaking! Dialogue: 马上释放所有的狗Release all the dogs immediately! Dialogue: 那是笼子的开关There's the cage door switch. Dialogue: 你才不是我的老板 你的声音一点都不像老板You're not my boss. That's not even what his voice sounds like. Dialogue: 好吧 试试这个Okay, how about this? Dialogue: 不No. Dialogue: 那你的老板的声音是不是听起来像海盗Does your boss be a pirate, argh? Dialogue: 不是No. Dialogue: 谢了 伙计Thanks, man. Dialogue: 我们要带我们的狗走了We'll just take our dog and be going. Dialogue: 不 等等 你们不可以这样No, wait, you can't! Dialogue: 有谁能阻止我们呢Who's gonna stop us? Dialogue: 一个闻起来像培根的人吗A man who smells like bacon? Dialogue: 走吧Come on! Dialogue: 好痒 好痒That tickles! That tickles! Dialogue: 我们成功了We did it! Dialogue: 不是我们干的We didn't do it! Dialogue: 然后你的朋友对我们念了你的短信And then your friend read us your text saying Dialogue: 说你们在动物收容所试图把你们的狗给救出来that you were at the shelter trying to get your dog. Dialogue: 我对你们两个非常失望I am very disappointed in both of you. Dialogue: 尤其是你 艾芙莉 我们对你的期望更高Especially you, Avery. We expect more from you. Dialogue: 为什么你们不对我的期望更高You don't expect more from me? Dialogue: 我只期望你能理个发I'm just hoping for a haircut out of you. Dialogue: 我也不知道你是否有资格继续养这条狗了 艾芙莉I don't even know if you deserve to keep that dog, Avery. Dialogue: 好主意 班尼特Oh, good idea, Bennett! Dialogue: 现在我们需要一些“出售狗狗”的广告传单Now all we need is some "Dog for sale" flyers. Dialogue: 看 如果不够用的话这里有一千份Oh, look, here's a thousand that might work in a pinch. Dialogue: 你不能卖那只狗 艾芙莉爱他You can't take the dog. Avery loves that dog. Dialogue: 她没做错任何事情And she didn't do anything wrong. Dialogue: 都是我的错This whole thing was my fault. Dialogue: 你在帮我辩护You're sticking up for me. Dialogue: 现在我得做得像个哥哥了Hey, it's about time I started acting like a brother. Dialogue: 谢谢Thanks. Dialogue: 你的体味儿有点浓啊A little goes a long way with the body spray. Dialogue: 看 班尼特 孩子们在拥抱 我也来Look, Bennett! The kids were hugging! I'm coming in! Dialogue: 我也来拥抱一下I'm getting in on this action! Dialogue: 如果我们是在做家庭拥抱的话 是不是该把克洛伊叫上If we're having a family hug, shouldn't somebody go get Chloe? Dialogue: 我就在这里I'm right here! Dialogue: 看吧 我跟你说过这只狗能让我们关系更加亲密See, I told you this dog would bring us closer together. Dialogue: 还不知道值不值得啊Not sure it was worth it. Dialogue: 我们都互相原谅了And we all forgave each other for everything. Dialogue: 因为是家人 所以会这么做'Cause that's what you do when you're a family. Dialogue: 所以如果So if there are any other Dialogue: 有宠物在看这个博客的话pets out there who are reading this blog, Dialogue: 我希望你的家庭会像我的新家庭I hope that your family loves you Dialogue: 爱我一样爱你as much as my new family loves me. Dialogue: 发送And send. Dialogue: 现在到我自己的欲望时刻了Now for my own little doggie treat. Dialogue: “火辣贵宾犬”"Hot poodles"? Dialogue: 班尼特 我们可不能再养第二条狗了Bennett, we are not getting another dog! Dialogue: 我得在她身上系个铃铛I'm gonna have to put a bell on her. Dialogue: 来吧 斯坦 你能行的Come on, Stan. You can do it. Dialogue: 我爱你 我爱你"I love you. I love you." Dialogue: 他做到了He did it! Dialogue: 我猜克洛伊是对的 他真的会说话I guess Chloe was right! He really can talk! Dialogue: 克洛伊人呢Where is Chloe? Dialogue: 我找到我的小马了I found him! Dialogue: 是你买的吗Did you? Dialogue: 不是I didn't. Dialogue: 那孩子想要一匹小马The kid wanted a pony. Dialogue: 难道我不该这么做吗Was I not supposed to do that? Dialogue: 孩子们 我要给你们一个惊喜Kids, I have a surprise for you. Dialogue: 他的名字叫斯坦His name is Stan. Dialogue: 我从动物收容所里领养的He's a rescue from the shelter. Dialogue: 迪士尼频道即将推出Coming soon to Disney Channel. Dialogue: 谢谢 我一直都想要只狗Thank you! I've always wanted a dog! Dialogue: 只有一个小问题There's just one little thing... Dialogue: 把该死的食物给我 我口水都快流了一池子了Give me the stinking food! I'm drooling a pool over here! Dialogue: 他刚刚是不是说话了Did he just... talk? Dialogue: 没有 我是说 汪Uh, no. I mean, woof. Dialogue: 见识一条狗Meet a dog... Dialogue: 我们不能让爸爸妈妈知道We just can't let mom and dad find out. Dialogue: 我可不能失去你 伙计Oh, I couldn't bear to lose you, buddy. Dialogue: 太棒了This is awesome. Dialogue: 会写博客的狗...who can blog. Dialogue: 我终于是这个家庭的一员了I'm finally part of a family. Dialogue: 斯坦会说话Stan can talk. Dialogue: -不不不 他不会 -好吧- No, no, no, no, no. No, he can't. - OK. Dialogue: 《狗狗博客》 迪士尼频道全新情景喜剧Dog With a Blog. Disney Channel's all new comedy Dialogue: 十月十二日星期五首播 只在迪士尼频道premieres Friday, October th, on Disney Channel.
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