首页 ece r16平安带及成人束缚系统.doc[资料]

ece r16平安带及成人束缚系统.doc[资料]


ece r16平安带及成人束缚系统.doc[资料]ece r16平安带及成人束缚系统.doc[资料] 目录 前言??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 4 1 适用范围 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 5 1 SCOPE ????????????????????...

ece r16平安带及成人束缚系统.doc[资料]
ece r16平安带及成人束缚系统.doc[资料] 目录 前言??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 4 1 适用范围 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 5 1 SCOPE ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 5 2 定义 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 5 2 DEFINITIONS ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 5 3 认证申请 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 13 3 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? 13 4 标志 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 15 4 MARKINGS ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 15 5 认证 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 16 5 APPROVAL ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 16 6 技术要求(说明书)????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 21 6 SPECIFICATIONS?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 21 7 试验 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 36 7 TESTS ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 36 8 在车辆上的安装要求????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 55 8 REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING THE INSTALLATION IN THE VEHICLE55 9 生产一致性??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 63 9 CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION ????????????????????????????????????????????????? 63 10 生产不一致性的处罚 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 63 10 PENALTIES FOR NON-CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION ???????????? 63 11 车型或安全带、约束系统的认证更改和认证扩展 ????????????????????????? 64 11 MODIFICATIONS AND EXTENSION OF APPROVAL OF THE VEHICLE TYPE OR SAFETY-BELT OR RESTRAINT SYSTEM TYPE ??????????????????????????????? 64 12 正式停产 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 65 12 PRODUCTION DEFINITELY DISCONTINUED ????????????????????????????? 65 13 技术说明书 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 65 13 INSTRUCTIONS ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 65 14 认证试验部门及行政管理部门的名称和地址 ???????????????????????????????? 65 14 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF TECHNICAL SERVICES RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING APPROVAL TESTS, AND OF ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS66 15 过渡规定 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 66 15 TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? 66 附录 1A??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 67 ANNEX 1A ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 67 附录 1B ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 72 ANNEX 1B ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 72 附录 2 认证标志的布置示例 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 74 ANNEX 2 ARRANGEMENTS OF THE APPROVAL MARKS ?????????????? 74 附录 3 测试牵引机寿命的图示卷收器齿轮电机 ???????????????????????????????? 80 ANNEX 3 DIAGRAM OF AN APPARATUS TO TEST DURABILITY OF RETRACTOR MECHANISM ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 80 附录 4 测试紧急制动牵引机锁定机构的图示 ??????????????????????????????????? 80 附录 5 防尘设备检测的图示 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 83 附录 6 货车、座椅、固定物(ANCHORAGES)、锁定装置的说明??? 84 ANNEX 6 DIAGRAM OF AN APPARATUS FOR DUST-RESISTANCE TEST84 附录 7 人体模型描述 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 94 ANNEX 7 DESCRIPTION OF MANIKIN ??????????????????????????????????????????? 94 附录 8 滑车减速度-时间曲线的描述(试验止动装置曲线) ????????????108 ANNEX 8 DESCRIPTION OF CURVE OF TROLLEY’S DECELERATION AS A FUNCTION OF TIME (CURVE FOR TESTING STOPPING DEVICES)??????????????????108 附录 9 使用说明书 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 111 ANNEX 9 INSTRUCTIONS?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 111 附录 10 双带扣试验 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 114 ANNEX 10 DUAL BUCKLE TEST ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 114 附录 11 磨损和移动量试验????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 115 ANNEX11 ABRASION AND MICROSLIP TEST???????????????????????????????? 115 附录 12 腐蚀试验??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 118 ANNEX12 CORROSION TEST????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 118 附录 13 试验顺序???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????121 ANNEX 13 ORDER OF TESTS ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????121 附录 14 生产一致性的控制?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????124 ANNEX14 CONTROL OF CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION????????????124 附录 15 乘坐位置 H 点和实际靠背角的确定程序???????????????????????????130 ANNEX15 PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING THE "H" POINT AND THE ACTUAL TORSO ANGLE FOR SEATING POSITIONS IN MOTOR VEHICLES ?????????????130 附录 15-附件 1三维“H”点装置描述(1) (3-DH 装置) ??????????????141 ANNEX 15-APPENDIX 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE THREE DIMENSIONAL 'TH'T POINT MACHINE */(3-D H MACHINE) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????141 附录 15-附件2 三维坐标系 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????144 ANNEX 15-APPENDIX 2 3-D H MACHINE ELEMENTS DESIGNATION144 附录 15-附件3 有关座椅位置的基准数据 ???????????????????????????????????????145 ANNEX 15-APPENDIX 3 REFERENCE DATA CONCERNING SEATING POSITIONS145 附录 16 安装安全带的安全带类型和卷收器类型 ?????????????????????????????146 附录 17汽车前向座椅成人安全带和约束系统的安装要求 ????????????????148 附录 17-附件 1关于包括汽车安全带的“通用”儿童约束系统的安装规定149 附录 17-附件 2随车 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 中说明不同乘坐位置儿童约束系统适宜性的表格150 前言 本 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 Q/JQ 1006.16-2007《安全带及成人约束系统》是公司技术基础性标准之一。 本标准为公司统一执行的企业标准。 本标准适用于安徽江淮汽车股份(集团)有限公司生产的乘用车。 本标准是参照欧洲ECE R16《安全带及成人约束系统》标准进行全文翻译。未对其中的内容作任何变更或修改,仅对其中的计量单位进行了标准化。并采用中英文对照形式表达。 本标准附录1—17为规范性附录。 本标准自发布之日起,同时代替ECE R16《安全带及成人约束系统》。 本标准由安徽江淮汽车股份有限公司技术中心乘用车研究院提出。 本标准由安徽江淮汽车股份有限公司技术中心标准法规部归口管理。 本标准主要起草单位:江淮汽车股份有限公司技术中心乘用车研究院、标准法规部。 本标准主要起草人:孙锁柱 本标准批准人: 本标准版本为首次发布。 1 适用范围 1 SCOPE 本法规适用于安装在三轮及三轮以上动力驱动的车辆上分开使用的安全带和约束系 统,供一个乘员使用的朝前或朝后座椅上安装安全带的车辆。 This Regulation applies to safety-belts and restraint systems for installation in power-driven vehicles with three or more wheels and intended for separate use, i.e. as individual equipment, by person occupying forward or rearward-facing seats and also to vehicles equipped with such safety-belts. 2 定义 2 DEFINITIONS 2.1 安全带 2.1. Safety-belt (seat-belt, belt) 包括织带、调整装置和锁扣装置的带状装置,能够安装在动力驱动的车辆的内部,旨 在万一发生碰撞或车辆的突然减速时通过限制佩带者身体移动来降低佩带者受伤害的 系数(程度)。这样的装置通常称作安全带总成,此术语包含相关吸能或收卷的任何设 备。 An arrangement of straps with a securing buckle, adjusting devices and attachments which is capable of being anchored to the interior of a power-driven vehicle and is designed to diminish the risk of injury to its wearer, in the event of collision or of abrupt deceleration of the vehicle, by limiting the mobility of the wearer's body. Such an arrangement is generally referred to as a "belt assembly", which term also embraces any device for absorbing energy or for retracting the belt. 2.1.1 腰带 2.1.1.Lap belt 指通过佩带者的盆骨前部分(腹部)的带子。 A belt which passes across the front of the wearer's pelvic region. 2.1.2 对角带 2.1.2.Diagonal belt 指从臀部到肩斜穿过前胸的带子。 A belt which passes diagonally across the front of the chest from the hip to the opposite shoulder. 2.1.3 三点式安全带 2.1.3.Three-point belt 指任何由腰带和对角带组成的安全带。 Any belt which is essentially a combination of a lap strap and a diagonal strap. 2.1.4 腰肩连续带 2.1.4.Harness belt 由腰带和胸带组成的安全带总成。 A belt assembly comprising a lap belt and shoulder straps. 2.2 安全带类型 2.2. Belt type 不同类型的安全带类型彼此是不同的;详述如下: Belts of different "types" are belts differing substantially from one another; the differences may relate in particular to: 2.2.1 刚性部件(带扣、附属装置、卷收器、等等); 2.2.1.rigid parts (buckle, attachments, retractor, etc.); 2.2.2 材料、织物、 尺寸、和带的颜色;或 2.2.2.the material, weave, dimensions and colour of the straps; or 2.2.3 安全带总成的几何体。 2.2.3.the geometry of the belt assembly. 2.3 织带 2.3 Strap 可伸缩的部件,设计用于握持住身体并将压力传给安全带固定装置。 A flexible component designed to hold the body and to transmit stresses to the belt anchorages. 2.4 带扣 2.4. Buckle 快放装置,使佩带者系住身体,除四点式安全带外,带扣可以合在调整装置里。 A quick-release device enabling the wearer to be held by the belt. The buckle may incorporate the adjusting device, except in the case of a harness belt buckle. 2.5 安全带调整装置 2.5.Belt adjusting device 依据个体佩带者的要求和座椅的位置来调整安全带的装置。调整装置可以是带扣的一 部分,或是卷收器,或是安全带的任何其他部件。 A device enabling the belt to be adjusted according to the requirements of the individual wearer and to the position of the seat. The adjusting device may be part of the buckle, or a retractor, or any other part of the safety-belt. 2.6 预张紧装置 2.6.Pre-loading device 辅助或集成装置,用以紧固安全带的带子,为在碰撞时降低安全带的松弛。 An additional or integrated device which tightens the seat-belt webbing in order to reduce the slack of the belt during a crash sequence. 2.7 “参考区域”指垂直的纵向平面间的空间,间隔 400mm 并与 H 点对称。由头形 仪器从垂直向水平旋转来确定,见第 21 号法规附录 1 的规定,此仪器需按第 21 号 法规附录的描述来定位并调整到最大长度 840mm。 2.7."Reference zone" means the space between two vertical longitudinal planes, 400 mm apart and symmetrical with respect to the H-point, and defined by rotation from vertical to horizontal of the head-form apparatus, described in Regulation No. 21 annex 1. The apparatus shall be positioned as described in that annex to Regulation No. 21 and set to the maximum length of 840 mm. 2.8 “安全气囊”指在动力驱动车辆上安装的用于辅助安全带和约束系统的装置,例如, 在车辆受到严重的碰撞时自动打开可伸缩结构(气袋),使人体压在充气的气袋上,以 减小车上乘员身体的一部分或多部分与车厢内饰件碰撞力的系统。 2.8."Airbag assembly" means a device installed to supplement safety-belts and restraint systems in power-driven vehicles, i.e. system which, in the event of a severe impact affecting the vehicle automatically deploys a flexible structure intended to limit, by compression of the gas contained within it, the gravity of the contacts of one or more parts of the body of an occupant of the vehicle with the interior of the passenger compartment. 2.9 “乘员的安全气囊”指在前面相撞时用来保护座椅上的乘员而不是驾驶员的安全气 囊总成。 2.9."Passenger airbag" means an airbag assembly intended to protect occupant(s) in seats other than the driver's in the event of a frontal collision. 2.10 “儿童约束系统”指第 44 号法规所述的安全装置。 2.10."Child restraint" means a safety device as defined in Regulation No. 44. 2.11 “面朝后”指面向车辆行使的相反方向。 2.11."Rearward-facing" means facing in the direction opposite to the normal direction of travel of the vehicle. 2.12 系扣装置 2.12.Attachments 指安全带总成中包括必要的安全可靠部件,以确保安全带已系在固定装置上的装置。 Parts of the belt assembly including the necessary securing components, which enable it to be attached to the belt anchorages. 2.13 吸能装置 2.13.Energy absorber 设计用于独立或与安全带总成的织带和构件联合作用来疏散能量的装置。 Device designed to disperse energy independently of or jointly with the strap and forming part of a belt assembly. 2.14 卷收器 2.14.Retractor 指储存部分或全部织带的装置。 Device to accommodate part or the whole of the strap of a safety-belt. 2.14.1 无锁式卷收器(类型 1) 2.14.1.Non-locking retractor (type 1) 用很小的外力就可以把织带全部拉出但不能调整拉出织带长度的卷收器。 A retractor from which the strap is extracted to its full length by a small external force and which provides no adjustment for the length of the extracted strap. 2.14.2 手动开锁卷收器(类型 2) 2.14.2.Manually unlocking retractor (type 2) 需要使用者手动操作的设备,打开卷收器以抽出所需的织带并当操作停止后能自动锁 止的卷收器。 A retractor requiring the manual operation of a device by the user to unlock the retractor in order to obtain the desired strap extraction and which locks automatically when the said operation ceases. 2.14.3 自锁式卷收器(类型 3) 2.14.3.Automatically locking retractor (type 3) 可拉出所需长度的织带且当带扣系上时,自动调整织带以适应佩带者。无佩带者的主 动拉取可防止织带被进一步拉出的装置。 A retractor allowing extraction of the strap to the desired length and which, when the buckle is fastened, automatically adjusts the strap to the wearer. Further extraction of the strap is prevented without voluntary intervention by the wearer. 2.14.4 紧急锁止卷收器(类型 4) 2.14.4.Emergency locking retractor (type 4) 正常驾驶情况下不限制安全带佩带者在坐位上自由活动的卷收器。此类卷收器有长度 调节装置,自动调节织带长度以适应佩带者,仅当紧急情况下才启动锁止机构: A retractor which during normal driving conditions does not restrict the freedom of movement by the wearer of the safety-belt. Such a device has length adjusting components which automatically adjust the strap to the wearer and a locking mechanism actuated in an emergency by: 车辆的减速(单一敏感式); of the vehicle (single sensitivity). 车辆的减速、织带的运动或任何其他自动方式的组合(多重敏感式)。 combination of deceleration of the vehicle, movement of the webbing or any other automatic means (multiple sensitivity). 2.14.5 更高响应极限(域)的紧急锁止卷收器(类型 5) 2.14.5.Emergency locking retractor with higher response threshold (type 4N) 如在第 2.14.4 条定义的卷收器,但它在 M2、M3、N1、N2和N3型车辆上使用有特 殊的属性(1) A retractor of the type defined in paragraph 2.14.4., but having special properties as regards its use in vehicles of categories M2, M3, N1, N2 and N3 */. 同统一规定 R.E.3,附录 7 中的定义(TRANS/WP29/78/Rev.1/Amend.2)。 2.14.6 安全带高度调整装置 2.14.6.Belt adjustment device for height 安全带肩带环在立柱上的固定点的高度可依据佩带者的要求和座椅的位置进行调节的 装置。这种装置可认为是安全带的一部分或安全带固定装置的一部分。 A device enabling the position in height of the upper pillar loop of a belt to be adjusted according to the requirements of the individual wearer and the position of the seat. Such a device may be considered as a part of the belt or a part of the anchorage of the belt. 2.15 安全带固定点 2.15.Belt anchorages 是汽车结构或座椅结构的部件或汽车的任何其他部件,用于使安全带总成安全可靠联 接点。 Parts of the vehicles structure or seat structure or any other part of the vehicle to which the safety-belt assemblies are to be secured. 2.16 关于使用安全带和约束系统的车辆类型 2.16.Vehicle type as regards safety-belts and restraint systems 动力驱动的车辆类型在关键方面是不同的如尺寸、线形和系安全带与约束系统的车辆 结构、座椅结构或车辆其他任何部件的材料。 Category of power-driven vehicles which do not differ in such essential respects as the dimensions, lines and materials of components of the vehicle structure or seat structure or any other part of the vehicle to which the safety-belts and the restraint systems are attached. 2.17 约束系统 2.17.Restraint system 包括用适宜的方式固定在车辆结构上的座椅和至少一个固定点在座椅上的安全带系 统。 A system combining a seat affixed to the structure of the vehicle by appropriate means and a safety-belt for which at least one anchorage is located on the seat structure. 2.18 座椅 2.18.Seat 与内饰件一起完全地与车辆结构整合在一起安全的与车辆结构整合在一起,或单独用 以容坐一个成人的结构。此术语包括一人座椅或长条式座椅容纳坐一人的部件。 A structure which may or may not be integral with the vehicle structure complete with trim, intended to seat one adult person. The term covers both an individual seat or part of a bench seat intended to seat one person. 2.18.1 “前乘员座椅”指该座椅 H 点的最前端,在驾驶员 R 点的垂直横截面内或之 前的任何座椅。 2.18.1. "A front passenger seat" means any seat where the "foremost H-point" of the seat in question is in or in front of the vertical transverse plane through the driver’s R-point. 2.19 组椅 2.19 Group of seats 长条座椅或并排分开的座椅(指此类座椅中任一前座椅的固定点与其余座椅的后固定 点对齐或在其余座椅固定点之间)用于乘坐一人或多名成年乘员。 Either a bench-type seat or seats which are separate but side by side (i.e. fixed so that front seat anchorages of one of these seats are in line with the front of the rear anchorages of the other or between the anchorages of the other seat) and accommodate one or more seated adult persons. 2.20 凳式座椅 2.20. Bench seat 与饰件完全整合,以供多于一个以上的成人乘座。 A structure complete with trim, intended to seat more than one adult person. 2.21 座椅调整装置 2.21. Adjustment system of the seat 座椅或座椅部件上能调整位置以适应乘员的乘坐装置;特殊情况下,允许: The complete device by which the seat or its parts can be adjusted to a position suited to the morphology of the seated occupant; this device may, in particular, permit of: 2.21.1 纵向调节; 2 .21. 1. longitudinal displacement; 2.21.2 横向调节; 2.21.2. vertical displacement; 2.21.3 角度调节。 2.21.3. angular displacement. 2.22 座椅固定装置 2.22. Seat anchorage 把座椅总成固定在车辆结构上的装置,包括车辆结构的相关部件。 The system by which the seat assembly is secured to the vehicle structure, including the affected parts of the vehicle structure. 2.23 座椅类型 2.23. Seat type 座椅的类型主要不同是在下述方面: A category of seats which do not differ in such essential respects as: 2.23.1 座椅结构的形状、尺寸和材料; 2.23.1. the shape, dimensions and materials of the seat structure; 2.23.2 座椅锁止机构调整装置、锁止系统的类型及尺寸; 2.23.2. the types and dimensions of the seat lock adjustment and lockingsystems; 2.23.3 座椅上安全带的固定装置,座椅的固定装置和车辆结构相关的部件的类型与尺 寸。 2.23.3. the type and dimensions of the belt anchorage on the seat, of the seat anchorage and of the affected parts of the vehicle structure. 2.24 座椅的调整装置 2.24. Displacement system of the seat 使座椅及其部件的角度或径向可调整,没有固定的中间位置(便于乘客的就座)。 A device enabling the seat or one of its parts to be displaced angularly or longitudinally, without a fixed intermediate position(to facilitate access by passengers). 2.25 座椅的锁止机构 2.25.Locking system of the seat 确保座椅及其部件维持在任何使用位置的装置。 A device ensuring that the seat and its parts are maintained in any position of use. 2.26 内嵌式系扣— 松开按钮 2.26.Enclosed buckle-release button 系扣— 松开按钮用直径为 40mm 的圆柱体不能松开带扣。 A buckle-release button such that it must not be possible to release the buckle using a sphere having a diameter of 40 mm. 2.27 非内嵌式系扣-松开按钮 2.27.Non-enclosed buckle-release button 系扣— 松开按钮用直径为 40mm 的圆柱体能够松开带扣。 A buckle-release button such that it must be possible to release the buckle using a sphere having a diameter of 40 mm. 3 认证申请 3 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL 3.1 车辆类型 3.1 Vehicle type 3.1.1 关于安装安全带和约束系统车辆类型的认证申请需由车辆制造厂或由其授权代 理商提交。 3.1.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to the installation of its safety-belts and restraint systems shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative. 3.1.2 申请认证的文件一式三份,详述如下: 3.1.2.It shall be accompanied by the undermentioned documents in triplicate and the following particulars: 适当比例的车辆结构总布置图,表示出安全带的位置,和详细的安全带图及其 固定位置; Drawings of the general vehicle structure on an appropriate scale,showing the positions of the safety-belts, and detailed drawings of the safety-belts and of the points to which they are attached; 使用影响安全带强度材料的规格; A specification of the materials used which may affect the strength of the safety-belts; 安全带的技术说明; technical description of the safety-belts; 安全带在座椅结构上的安装情况; the case of safety-belts affixed to the seat structure; 关于座椅、座椅固定装置和其调整与锁止装置及设计的车辆类型的详细描述; Detailed description of the vehicle type with regard to the design of the seats, of the seat anchorages and their adjustment and locking systems; 提供座椅、车辆的座椅固定装置及其调整与锁止装置的适当的和比例足够详细 的图纸。 Drawings, on an appropriate scale and in sufficient detail, of the seats, of their anchorages to the vehicle, and of their adjustment and locking systems; 3.1.3 制造厂为认证试验部门提供必要的认证样车。 3.1.3. At the opinion of the manufacturer, a vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved or the parts of the vehicle considered essential for the safety-belt tests by the technical service conducting approval tests shall be submitted to the service. 3.2 安全带类型 3.2 Safety-belt type 3.2.1 安全带类型的认证申请需由商标持有者或其授权代理商提交。就约束系统而言, 约束系统类型的认证申请需由商标持有者或其授权代理商或所安装的车辆制造厂或其 代理商提交。 3.2.1.The application for approval of a type of safety-belt shall be submitted by the holder of the trade mark or by his duly accredited representative. In the case of restraint systems, the application for approval of a type of restraint system shall be submitted by the holder of the trade mark or by his representative or by the manufacturer of the vehicle in which it is to be installed or by his representative. 3.2.2 需附带: 3.2.2.It shall be accompanied by: 安全带类型的技术说明书,指定织带和使用的刚性部件并包括构成安全带的部 件的图纸;图纸必须显示准备布置带圆圈的认证标志和认证号相关标记的位置;说明 书需提及所提交认证的模型颜色,并指定用此安全带的车辆类型;对于卷收器,应提 供关于感应装置的指导书;应提供关于预张紧装置或系统并包括感应装置构造和功能, 如有,与启动方式和避免任何无意启动的说明等一个完整的技术说明书;对于约束系 统,说明书应包括:用适当的比例足够详细在车辆结构和座椅结构,调整系统和固定 装置等的图纸上标示座椅定位,安全带定位和加强装置的位置;并附带所使用影响座 椅固定装置和安全带固定装置强度的材料说明书;座椅固定装置和安全带装置的技术 说明书;如果安全带是固定在车辆结构上通过安全带调整装置来调整高度,技术说明 书应指定此装置是否是安全带的一部分。 technical description of the belt type, specifying the straps and rigid parts used and accompanied by drawings of the parts making up the belt; the drawings must show the position intended for the approval number and the additional symbol(s) in relation to the circle of the approval mark. The description shall mention the colour of the model submitted for approval, and specify the vehicle type(s) for which this belt type is intended. In the case of retractors, installation instructions for the sensing device shall be provided; and for pre-loading devices or systems a full technical description of the construction and function including the sensing, if any, describing the method of activation and any necessary method to avoid inadvertent activation shall be provided. In the case of a restraint system the description shall include: drawings of the vehicle structure and of the seat structure, adjustment system and attachments on an appropriate scale showing the sites of the seat anchorages and belt anchorages and reinforcements in sufficient detail; together with a specification of the materials used which may affect the strength of the seat anchorages and belt anchorages; and a technical description of the seat anchorages and the belts anchorages; and a technical description of the seat anchorages and the belt anchorages. If the belt is designed to be fixed to the vehicle structure through a belt adjustment device for height, the technical description shall specify whether or not this device is considered as a part of the belt; 安全带类型六个样品,其中一个用于参考目的。 samples of the belt type, one of which is for reference purposes; 在安全带类型中使用的每类织带需 10m 长。 ten-metre length of each type of strap used in the type of belt; 进行此类认证测试的认证试验部门有权要求更多的样品。 technical service conducting the type-approval tests shall be entitled to request further samples. 3.2.3 对于约束系统,如 和 条要求可以包括两个安全带样品。从制造 厂的角度应提供车俩类型的典型样车或认证试验部门进行约束系统测试时认为是必须 的车辆部件。 3.2.3.In the case of restraint systems, two samples which may include two of the samples of belts required under paragraphs and at the option of the manufacturer, either a vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved, or the part or parts of the vehicle considered essential by the technical service conducting approval tests for testing the restraint system shall be submitted to the service. 4 标志 4 MARKINGS 上述第、、 条所述的安全带类型或约束系统类型样品上应具有清 晰不可擦除的商标和制造厂的名称标志。 The samples of a belt type or type of restraint system submitted for approval in conformity with the provisions of paragraphs, and above shall be clearly and indelibly marked with the manufacturer's name, initials or trade name or mark. 5 认证 5 APPROVAL 5.1 符合第 5.1.1 或 5.1.2 条指定模型的证书需配附此类证书。 5.1. A certificate conforming to the model specified in paragraphs 5.1.1. or 5.1.2. shall be attached to the type approval certificate: 5.1.1 附录 1A 的申请参见第 3.1 条。 5.1.1. Annex 1A for applications referred to in paragraph 3.1.; 5.1.2 附录 1B 的申请参见第 3.2 条。 5.1.2. Annex 1B for applications referred to in paragraph 3.2.; 5.2 车辆类型 5.2. Vehicle type 5.2.1 如果提交认证申请的车辆依照本法规满足下面第 8 条和本法规附录 15 和 16 的要求,应批准此类车辆的认证。 5.2.1. If the vehicle submitted for approval pursuant this Regulation meets the requirements of paragraph 8. below, and of annexes 15 and 16 to this Regulation, approval of that vehicle type shall be granted. 5.2.2 需给认证批准的类型授予一个认证号。头两个数字(现在是 04)表示在认证签 发时本法规处在最新的技术修正状态。同一缔约方不得把相同的认证号授予上述第 2.16 条确定的另一类车型。 5.2.2.An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved. Its first two digits (at present 04) shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most recent major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party shall not assign the same number to another vehicle type as defined in paragraph 2.16. above. 5.2.3 按照本法规对此类型车的认证批准、认证扩展、认证拒绝、认证撤销、正式停产 的通知应以本法规附录 1A 的模式通知采用 1958 年 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 的其他有关各方。 5.2.3.Notice of approval or of extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval or production definitely discontinued of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the 1958 Agreement which apply this Regulation by means of a form conforming to the model in annex 1A to this Regulation. 5.2.4 在每个符合按本法规认证批准的车辆上,在明显易于观察到的地方,粘贴认证表 中规定的认证标志,其构成如下: 5.2.4.There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place specified on the approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle type approved under this Regulation an international approval mark consisting of: 一个圆圈围绕着大写字母“E”紧接着是已批准认证的国家代码(1); a circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval; 1/ 后面是字母“R”,一短划线及在 条中规定的圆圈右侧的认证号。 the number of this Regulation, followed by the letter R, a dash and the approval number to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph 5 .2 .4 . 1. (1)1— 德国,2— 法国,3— 意大利,4— 荷兰,5— 瑞典,6— 比利时,7— 匈牙 利, 8— 捷克斯洛伐克共和国, 9— 西班牙, 10— 南斯拉夫, 11— 联合王国(大不列颠 及北爱尔兰), 12— 奥地利, 13— 卢森堡, 14— 瑞士, 15— (空缺),16— 挪威, 17— 芬 兰, 18— 丹麦,19— 罗马尼亚, 20— 波兰, 21— 葡萄牙, 22— 俄罗斯, 23— 希腊, 24 — 爱尔兰,25— 克罗埃西亚, 26— 斯洛文尼亚, 27— 斯洛伐克, 28— 白俄罗斯, 29— 爱沙尼亚, 30— (空缺), 31— 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那, 32— 拉脱维亚, 33— (空缺), 34— 保加利亚, 35—36— (空缺), 37— 土耳其, 38-39— (空缺),40— 前南斯拉夫, 41— (空缺), 42— 欧共体, 43— 日本, 44— (空缺), 45— 澳大利亚,46— 乌克 兰,47— 南非。随后的代号将按批准承认关于对轮式车辆安装及,或用在轮式车辆上 的装备及零部件采用统一的技术法规以及满足这些法规的认证相互认可条件的协议的 时间顺序指定给有关国家,所指定的代号将由联合国秘书长通知各协议国。 1/ 1 for Germany, 2 for France, 3 for Italy, 4 for the Netherlands, 5 for Sweden, 6 for Belgium, 7 for Hungary, 8 for the Czech Republic, 9 for Spain, 10 for Yugoslavia, 11 for the United Kingdom, 12 for Austria, 13 for Luxembourg, 14 for Switzerland, 15 (vacant), 16 for Norway, 17 for Finland, 18 for Denmark, 19 for Romania, 20 for Poland, 21 for Portugal, 22 for the Russian Federation, 23 for Greece, 24 for Ireland, 25 for Croatia, 26 for Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus, 29 for Estonia, 30 (vacant), 31 for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32 for Latvia, 33 (vacant), 34 for Bulgaria, 35-36 (vacant), 37 for Turkey, 38-39 (vacant), 40 for The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 41 (vacant), 42 for the European Community (Approvals are granted by its Member States using their respective ECE symbol), 43 for Japan, 44 (vacant), 45 for Australia and 46 for Ukraine. Subsequent numbers shall be assigned to other countries in the chronological order in which they ratify or accede to the Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, and the numbers thus assigned shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement. 5.2.5 如果车辆在一个国家根据本法规得到了认证批准,并符合协议附件中一个或多个 其他法规人证的车型,第 规定标志不用重复;这种情况下,所有的法规号和认 证批准号都应竖直排列在条规定的标志右侧。 5.2.5.If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved, under one or more other Regulations annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph need not be repeated; in such a case the additional numbers and symbols of all the Regulations under which approval has been granted in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation shall be placed in vertical columns to the right of the symbol prescribed inparagraph 5 .2 .4 . 1. 5.2.6 认证标志应清晰易认耐久。 5.2.6.The approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible. 5.2.7 认证标志应布置在靠近车辆数据标牌的地方或就在其上。 5.2.7.The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate affixed by the manufacturer. 5.3 安全带类型 5.3.Safety-belt type 5.3.1 如果提交的符合上面第 3.2 条规定的安全带类型满足本法规的第 4.5.3 和第 6 条的要求,应批准认证。 5.3.1.If the samples of a type of belt which are submitted in conformity with the provisions of paragraph 3.2. above meet the requirements of paragraphs 4, 5.3. and 6 of this Regulation, approval shall be granted. 5.3.2 需给每个认证批准的类型授予一个认证号。头两个数字(现在是 04 相应指 1985 年的修正本第 4 版)表示在认证签发时对本法规的最新技术修正本。同一个认证部门 不能把相同的认证号分配给上述第2.16 条确定的另一类车型。 5.3.2.An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved. Its first two digits (at present 04 corresponding to the 04 series of amendments which entered into force on 22 December 1985) shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most recent major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party may not assign the same number to another type of belt or restraint system. 5.3.3 按照本法规对此类型安全带或约束系统的认证批准、认证扩展、认证拒绝、认证 撤销应以本法规附录 1B 的形式通知给按 1958 年协议采用本法规的其他有关个方。 5.3.3.Notice of approval or of extension or refusal of approval of a type of belt or restraint system, pursuant to this Regulation, shall be communicated to the Parties to the 1958 Agreement which apply this Regulation by means of a form conforming to the modelin annex 1B to this Regulation. 5.3.4 除了上述第 4 条规定的标志外,按照本法规符合某类型认证的每一个安全带在 适当位置粘附下述标志: 5.3.4. In addition to the marks prescribed in paragraph 4 above, the following particulars shall be affixed in a suitable space to every belt conforming to a type approved under this Regulation: 国际认证标志包括: An international approval mark consisting of: 一个圆圈围绕着大写字母“E”紧接着已授予认证的国家代号; circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval; 2/(1) 认证号; approval number;(1) 参见第 条的脚释。 下列附加标记: following additional symbol(s): 三点式安全带字母“A”,腰带字母“B”,特殊类型的安全带字母“S”。 letter "A" for a three-point belt, the letter "B" for a lap belt and the letter "S" for special-type belts. 标记参见上面第 条增补下列标记: symbols referred to in paragraph above shall be supplemented by the following additional markings: 带吸能装置的安全带字母“e”。 letter "e" for a belt with an energy absorption device; 依据本法规第 2.14 条,与标志(1、2、3 或 4N)卷收器一体使用的安全 带为字母“r”;如所用的卷收器为多重敏感式的紧急锁止卷收器者字母为“m”。 letter "r" for a belt incorporating a retractor followed by the symbol (1, 2, 3, 4 or 4N) of the retractor used, in accordance with paragraph 2.14. of this Regulation, and the letter "m" if the retractor used is an emergency locking retractor with multiple sensitivity; 带预紧装置的安全带字母“p”。 letter "p" in the case of safety-belts with a pre-loading device; 4N 型卷收器的安全带的标记也可以M1型车外括一矩形,表示此类卷收器 严禁在此类车上使用。 fitted with a type 4N retractor shall also bear a symbol consisting of a rectangle with a vehicle of category M1 crossed out, indicating that the use of this type of retractor is prohibited in vehicles of that category. 如果遵循本法规第 条通过认证的安全带,应在矩形框内标注 “AIRBAG 安全气囊”。 the safety-belt is approved following the provisions of paragraph of this Regulation, it shall be marked with the word "AIRBAG" in a rectangle. 当安全带是约束系统的一部分时,参见上面第 条的标记前加字母 “Z”。 symbol referred to in paragraph above shall be preceded by the letter "Z" when the safety-belt is part of a restraint system. 5.3.5 附录 2 第 2 条给出了认证标志的布置示例。 5.3.5.Annex 2, paragraph 2 to this Regulation gives examples of arrangements of the approval mark. 5.3.6 按照上面第 5.3.4 条的规定,标志应清晰、易认、耐久。 5.3.6.The particulars referred to in paragraph 5.3.4. above shall be clearly legible and be indelible, and may be permanently affixed either by means of a label or by direct marking. The label or marking shall be resistant to wear. 5.3.7 参见上面第 5.3.6 条所述的认证标志应由认证权威部门或隶属于权威部门的机 构签发。 5.3.7.The labels referred to in paragraph 5.3.6. above may be issued either by the authority which has granted the approval or, subject to that authority's authorization, by the manufacturer. 6 技术要求(说明书) 6 SPECIFICATIONS 6.1 一般技术要求 6.1. General specifications 6.1.1 按上面第、 和 条提交的样品应符合本法规第 6 条规定的 技术要求。 6.1.1. Each sample submitted in conformity with paragraphs, and above shall meet the specifications set forth in paragraph 6 of this Regulation. 6.1.2 按本法规设计和生产的安全带或约束系统,应正确安装并由乘员正确使用,使其 确保舒适性操作并在碰撞事故中减少对身体的损伤程度。 6.1.2. The belt or the restraint system shall be so designed and constructed that, when correctly installed and properly used by an occupant, its satisfactory operation is assured and it reduces the risk of bodily injury in the event of an accident. 6.1.3 安全带的织带布置结构不应对佩带者产生伤害。 6.1.3.The straps of the belt shall not be liable to assume a dangerous configuration. 6.1.4 使用材料 6 聚酰胺的关于水保持性的特性,在任何机械部件都应禁止,这种情 况下操作时有不良的后果。 6.1.4. The use of materials with properties of polyamide 6 as regards water retention is prohibited in all mechanical parts for which such a phenomenon is likely to have an adverse effect on their operation. 6.2 刚性部件 6.2.Rigid parts 6.2.1 通用 6.2.1.General 安全带的刚性部件,例如带扣、调整装置、系扣装置等等不能有锋利的边,防 止对织带的磨损或是断裂。 rigid parts of the safety-belt, such as buckles, adjusting devices, attachments and the like, shall not have sharp edges liable to cause wear or breakage of the straps by chafing. 安全带总成所有易受腐蚀影响的部件应适当地防腐。在进行第 7.2 条的腐蚀试 验后,可能有削弱装置正常功能的影响或由合格的观察员目测能看得见的明显的腐蚀 迹象。 parts of the belt assembly liable to be affected by corrosion shall be suitably protected against it. After undergoing the corrosion test prescribed in paragraph 7.2., neither signs of deterioration likely to impair the proper functioning of the device nor any significant corrosion shall be visible to the unaided eye of a qualified observer. 用于吸能或隶从于受载或传递负荷的的刚性部件不能是脆性的。 Rigid parts intended to absorb energy or to be subjected to or to transmit a load shall not be fragile. 固定和安装安全带的塑料制的刚性机构和部件,在动力驱动车辆的日常使用中, 不应在可动座椅下或在车门里太受限制。如任何这样的机构或部件不符合上述条件, 则需进行下面第 7.5.4 条规定的冷冲击试验。试验后,如在刚性机构的塑料外壳或固 定器出现任何可见的裂缝,该塑料件需撤去,对剩下的总成进行继续的安全性评价。 如果剩下的总成依旧是安全的,或无任何可见的裂纹,应继续进行对第 6.2.2、6.2.3 和 6.4 条规定的测试要求进行评估。 rigid items and parts made of plastics of a safety-belt must be so located and installed that they are not liable, during every day use of a power-driven vehicle, to become trapped under a moveable seat or in a door of that vehicle. If any of these items and parts do not comply with the above conditions, they shall be subjected to the cold impact test specified in paragraph 7.5.4. below. After the test, if any visible cracks are present in any plastic cover or retainer of rigid item, the complete plastic part shall then be removed and the remaining assembly shall then be assessed against its continued security. If the remaining assembly is still secure, or no visible cracks are present, it will then be further assessed against the test requirements specified in paragraphs 6.2.2., 6.2.3. and 6.4. 6.2.2 带扣 6.2.2 Buckle 带扣的设计应排除任何不正确使用的可能性。这意味着,在任何情况下,不能 让带扣留下半闭合的状态。打开带扣的程序必须明确。带扣与佩带者的身体接触部分 应不少于 20 cm2的面积和至少 46 mm的宽度,在离接触曲面的最大距离 2.5 mm 平 面上测得。对于腰肩连续带的带扣,满足后者的要求,即如果带扣与佩带者的接触面 积在 20~40 cm2时,才视为满足。 buckle shall be so designed as to preclude any possibility of incorrect use. This means, inter alia, that it must not be possible for the buckle to be left in a partially-closed condition. The procedure for opening the buckle must be evident. The parts of the buckle likely to contact the body of the wearer shall present a section of not less than 20 cm2 and at least 46 mm in width, measured in a plane situated at a maximal distance of 2.5 mm from the contact surface. In the case of harness belt buckles, the latter requirement shall be regarded as satisfied if the contact area of the buckle with the wearer's body is comprised between 20 and 40 cm2. 即使不在张紧时,不管车辆处于何位置,带扣应依旧闭合。在不经意间,突然 受到小于 1daN 的力的情况下,不能松开带扣。带扣容易使用并且容易握住;当不受 张紧和受下面指定的张紧力时,佩带者需能够用单手单向地松开带扣。此外,外侧前 座椅如想使用安全带总成的情况时,除腰肩连续带外,也需佩带者能够用单手单向的 简单动作就能松开带扣 。需按一下按钮或简单的装置就能松开带扣。受压曲面需满足 下列尺寸要求,实际松开带扣位置的按钮与投影到平面上时应与按钮初始运动方向垂 直;对于内含式按钮,面积不少于 4.5 cm2,宽度不小于 15 mm;对于非内含式按钮, 面积不少于 2.5 cm2宽度不小于 10 mm。带扣松开区应为红色,带扣的其他部分不能 为红色。 The buckle, even when not under tension, shall remain closed whatever the position of the vehicle. It shall not be possible to release the buckle inadvertently, accidentally or with a force of less than 1 daN. The buckle shall be easy to use and to grasp; when it is not under tension and when under the tension specified in paragraph 7.8.2. below, it shall be capable of being released by the wearer with a single simple movement of one hand in one direction; in addition, in the case of belt assemblies intended to be used for the front outboard seats, except in these harness belts, it shall also be capable of being engaged by the wearer with a simple movement of one hand in one direction. The buckle shall be released by pressing either a button or a similar device. The surface to which this pressure is applied shall have the following dimensions, with the button in the actual release position and when projected into a plane perpendicular to the button's initial direction of motion: for enclosed buttons, an area of not less than 4.5 cm2 and a width of not less than 15 mm; for non-enclosed buttons, an area of not less than 2.5 cm2 and a width of not less than 10 mm. The buckle release area shall be coloured red. No other part of the buckle shall be of this colour. 依据下面第 7.5.3 条试验时,带扣需能正常操作。 The buckle, when tested in accordance with paragraph 7.5.3. below, shall operate normally. 带扣需能经受反复操作,并在前面的动力学试验中,在正常的使用条件下需进 行 5000 次开合试验,对腰肩连续带进行试验时无需达到上面要求的次数。 buckle shall be capable of withstanding repeated operation and, prior to the dynamic test specified in paragraph 7.7. shall undergo 5,000 opening and closing cycles under normal conditions of use. In the case of harness belt buckles, this test may be carried out without all the tongues being introduced. 在下面第 7.8 条的试验中,打开带扣所需的力不超过 6 daN。 force required to open the buckle in the test as prescribed in paragraph 7.8. below shall not exceed 6 daN. 带扣需进行第 7.5.1 条的实验,如适用,也可进行,7.5.5 规定的强度测试,在 规定的负荷下产生的张紧力下,带扣不能断裂、严重扭曲或是分开。 The buckle shall be tested for strength as prescribed in paragraphs 7.5.1. and, where appropriate, 7.5.5. It must not break, be seriously distorted or become detached under the tension set up by the prescribed load. 在合并成一个组件的几个带扣是为两个总成共有的情况下,属于一个总成的带 扣部分与属于另一个总成的匹配部分也需进行第 7.7 和 7.8 条的强度和松开试验,检 查带扣是否能按此装备使用。 the case of buckles which incorporate a component common to two assemblies, the strength and release tests of paragraphs 7.7. and 7.8. shall also be carried out with the part of the buckle pertaining to one assembly being engaged in the mating part pertaining to the other, if it is possible for the buckle to be so assembled in use. 6.2.3 安全带调整装置 6.2.3. Belt adjusting device 佩带者带上安全带后,需能自动调节适应佩带者或者在座的佩带者能易于接近 容易使用的手动装置。装置也允许安全带需能单手拉紧以适应佩带者的身体尺寸和座 椅位置。 The belt after being put on by the wearer, shall either adjust automatically to fit him or be such that the manually adjusting device shall be readily accessible to the seated wearer and shall be convenient and easy to use. It shall also allow the belt to be tightened with one hand to suit the wearer's body size and the position of the vehicle seat. 每种安全带调整装置依据第 7.3 条的要求需要两个样品进行试验,对于每个调 整装置的样品织带滑移不超过 25 mm 且所有调整装置的总滑移量不超过 40 mm。 samples of each belt adjusting device shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 7.3. The strap slip shall not exceed 25 mm for each sample of adjusting device and the sum of shifts for all the adjusting devices shall not exceed 40 mm. 所有的调整装置都需进行第 7.5.1 条规定的强度试验,在规定的负荷下产生的 张紧力下,不能断裂,或是分开。 All the adjustment devices shall be tested for strength as prescribed in paragraph 7.5.1. They must not break or become detached under the tension set up by the prescribed load. 当进行第 7.5.6 条的试验时,对于所有手动调整装置的操作力不应超过 5 daN。 When tested in accordance with paragraph 7.5.6. the force required to operate any manually adjusting device shall not exceed 5 daN. 6.2.4 系扣装置和安全带高度调整装置 6.2.4. Attachments and belt adjustment devices for height 系扣装置需进行如第 7.5.1 和.7.5.2 条规定的强度试验,在采用第 14 号法规(在最新 修正本里)的车辆上未进行关于安全带系扣装置的试验时,现在的安全带高度调整装 置需进行本法规第 7.5.2 条的强度实验。在规定的负荷下产生张紧力的情况下,不能 断裂或是分开。 The attachments shall be tested for strength as prescribed in paragraphs 7.5.1. and 7.5.2. The actual belt adjustment devices for height shall be tested for strength as prescribed in paragraph 7.5.2. of this Regulation where they have not been tested on the vehicle in application of Regulation No. 14 (in its last version of amendments) relative to anchorages of safety-belts. These parts must not break or become detached under the tension set up by the prescribed load. 6.2.5 卷收器 6.2.5.Retractors 卷收器需进行试验并满足下面规定的要求,包括第 7.5.1 和.7.5.2 条规定的强度试验 (这些要求不适合无锁止卷收器的要求)。 Retractors shall be subjected to tests and shall fulfil the requirements specified below, including the tests for strength prescribed in paragraphs 7.5.1. and 7.5.2. (These requirements are such that they exclude non-locking retractors.) 手动解开卷收器 Manually unlocking retractors 装备手动解开卷收器的安全带总成的织带在卷收器的锁止位置间的移动不超 过 25 mm。 strap of a safety-belt assembly equipped with a manually unlocking retractor shall not move more than 25 mm between locking positions of the reactor. 当受力在不小于 1.4 daN 但不大于 2.2 daN 时,安全带总成的织带从手动解 开卷收器拉出最大长度为6 mm。 strap of a safety-belt assembly shall extract from a manually unlocking retractor within 6 mm of its maximum length when a tension of not less than 1.4 daN and not more than 2.2 daN is applied to the strap in the normal direction of pull. 织带需能从卷收器缩回并按第 7.6.1 条规定的方法进行至少 5000 次反复抽 拉循环。卷收器需进行第7.2 条规定的腐蚀试验和第 7.6.3 条规定的防尘试验,其需 顺利地完成另 5000 次收回和拉出循环。进行上述试验后,卷收器需能够正常运转并 仍能满足上面第 和 条的要求。 strap shall be withdrawn from the retractor, and allowed to retract repeatedly by the method described in paragraph 7.6.1. until 5,000 cycles have been completed. The retractor shall then be subjected to the corrosion test given in 7.2. and to the dust test given in paragraph 7.6.3. It shall then satisfactorily complete a further 5,000 cycles of withdrawal and retraction. After the above tests, the retractor shall operate correctly and still meet the requirements of paragraphs and above. 自动锁止卷收器 locking retractors 装备自动锁止卷收器的安全带总成的织带在卷收器的锁止位置间移动不超过 30 mm。在佩带者的后倾移动之后又发生前倾移动时安全带仍能在初始位置或自动回 复到初始位置。 strap of a safety-belt assembly equipped with an automatically locking retractor shall not move more than 30 mm between locking positions of the retractor. After a rearward movement of the wearer, the belt must either remain at its initial position or return to that position automatically on subsequent forward movements of the wearer. 如果卷收器是腰带的一部分,依据第 7.6.4 条在人体模型与卷收器之间为自 由长度时,测得的织带的卷收力需不小于 0.7 daN。如果卷收器是上部约束系统中一部 分,同样测得的织带的卷收力需不小于0.2 daN 并不大于 0.7 daN。如果织带穿过导轨 或滑轮时,应在人体模型与导轨或滑轮之间为自由长度时测得织带的卷收力。如果总 成集成到一个装置中时,用手动或自动操作都应防止织带完全被抽出,但当对这些要 求做评估时不能对这一装置进行操作。 the retractor is part of a lap belt, the retracting force of the strap shall be not less than 0.7 daN when measured in the free length between the dummny and the retractor in accordance with paragraph 7.6.4. If the retractor is part of an upper torso restraint, the retracting force of the strap shall be not less than 0.2 daN and not more than 0.7 daN when similarly measured. If the strap passes through a guide or pulley, the retracting force shall be measured in the free length between dummy and guide or pulley. If the assembly incorporates a device that, upon manual or automatic operation, prevents the strap from being completely retracted, such a device shall not be operated when these requirements are assessed. 织带需能从卷收器缩回并按第 7.6.1 条规定的方法进行至少 5000 次反复抽 拉试验。卷收器需进行第7.2 条规定的腐蚀试验和第 7.6.3 条规定的防尘试验,其需 顺利地完成另 5000 次收回和拉出循环。进行上述试验后,卷收器需能够正常运转并 仍能满足上面第 和 的要求。 strap shall be withdrawn from the retractor and allowed to retract repeatedly by the method described in paragraph 7.6.1. until 5,000 cycles have been completed. The retractor shall then be subjected to the corrosion test given in paragraph 7.2. and after that to the dust test given in paragraph 7.6.3. It shall then satisfactorily complete a further 5,000 cycles of withdrawal and retraction. After the above tests the retractor shall operate correctly and still meet the requirements of paragraphs and above. 紧急锁止卷收器 locking retractors 紧急锁止卷收器,在按照第 7.6.2 条试验时需满足下列条件: 对于单一敏感式,按照第 条.,只在关于车辆减速时的规定才有效。 emergency locking retractor, when tested in accordance with paragraph 7.6.2., shall satisfy the conditions below. In the case of a single sensitivity, according to paragraph, only the specifications regarding deceleration of the vehicle are valid. 当卷收器为类型 4 时车辆减速度为 0.45 g,当为类型 4N 时减速度为 0.85 g 时,必须锁止。 locking must have occurred when the deceleration of the vehicle reaches 0.45 g 3/ in the case of type 4 or 0.85 g in the case of type 4N retractors. 对于卷收器类型 4 在织带抽出方向的减速度值小于 0.8 g 或类型 4 N 小 于 1.0 g 时,卷收器不能锁止。 must not lock for values of acceleration of the strap measured in the direction of the extraction of the strap of less than 0.8 g in the case of type 4 or less than 1.0 g in the case of type 4N retractors. 当感应装置在制造厂指定的安装位置的任何方向倾斜 12?或更少,卷收器 不能锁止。 must not lock when its sensing device is tilted 12? or less in any direction from the installation position specified by its manufacturer. 当类型4 卷收器的感应装置在制造厂指定的安装位置的任何方向倾斜大于 27? 或类型4 N 大于40?时,卷收器需锁止。 shall lock when its sensing device is tilted by more than 27? in the case of type 4 or 40? in the case of type 4N retractors in any direction from the installation position specified by its manufacturer. 在卷收器的操作依赖于外部信号或动力源时,设计应确保一旦信号源或动力 源发生故障或中断时卷收器应能自动锁止。然而,当其是多重敏感式卷收器时,不需 满足此项要求,假使只有单一敏感是依赖于外部信号源或动力源,出现信号或动力的 故障应给驾驶者视觉或听觉一个提示。 cases where the operation of a retractor depends on an external signal or power source, the design shall ensure that the retractor locks automatically upon failure or interruption of that signal or power source. However, this requirement need not be met in the case of a retractor with multiple sensitivities, provided only one sensitivity is dependent on an external signal or power source and the failure of the signal or power source is indicated to the driver by optical and/or acoustical means. 依据第 7.6.2 条多重敏感式、包括织带敏感式、紧急敏感式进行试验时,需 符合规定的要求并当织带回卷方向测得的加速度大于 2.0g 时也能锁止。 tested in accordance with paragraph 7.6.2., an emergency locking retractor with multiple sensitivity, including strap sensitivity, shall comply with the specified requirements and also lock up when strap acceleration measured in the direction of unreeling is not less than 2.0 g. 在上面提到的第 和 条的试验中卷收器锁止前织带从第 条给出的长度上总位移量不能超过 50 mm。在上面提到的第 条的 试验中,织带从第 条给出的长度上总位移量为 50 mm 时卷锁器不能锁止。 the case of the tests mentioned in paragraphs and above the amount of strap movement which may occur before the retractor locks shall not exceed 50 mm starting at the length given in paragraph In the case of the test mentioned in paragraph above locking must not occur during the 50 mm of strap movement starting at the length given in paragraph 如果卷收器是腰带的一部分,依据第 7.6.4 条在人体模型与卷收器之间为自 由长度时,测得的织带的卷收力需不小于 0.7 daN。如果卷收器是上部约束系统中一部 分,同样测得的织带的卷收力需不小于0.2 daN 并不大于 0.7 daN。如果织带穿过导轨 或滑轮时,应在人体模型与导轨或滑轮之间为自由长度时测得织带的卷收力。如果总 成集成到一个装置中时,用手动或自动操作都应防止织带完全被抽出,但对这些要求 做评估时将不能对这一装置进行操作。 the retractor is part of a lap belt, the retracting force of the strap shall be not less than 0.7 daN when measured in the free length between the dummy and the retractor in accordance with paragraph 7.6.4. If the retractor is part of an upper torso restraint, the retracting force of the strap shall be not less than 0.2 daN and not more than 0.7 daN when similarly measured. If the strap passes through a guide or pulley, the retracting force shall be measured in the free length between the dummy and the guide or pulley. If the assembly incorporates a device that upon manual or automatic operation prevents the strap from being completely retracted, such a device shall not be operated when these requirements are assessed. 织带需能从卷收器缩回并按第 7.6.1 条规定的方法进行至少完成 5000 次反 复抽拉循环试验。卷收器需进行第 7.2 条规定的腐蚀试验和第 7.6.3 条规定的防尘试 验,其需顺利地完成另 5000 次收回和拉出循环。进行上述试验后,卷收器需能够正 确运转并仍能满足上面第、、 和6. 条的要求。 strap shall be withdrawn from the retractor and allowed to retract repeatedly by the method described in paragraph 7.6.1. until 40,000 cycles have been completed. The retractor shall then be subjected to the corrosion test given in paragraph 7.2. and after that to the dust test prescribed in paragraph 7.6.3. It shall then satisfactorily complete a further 5,000 cycles (making 45,000 in all). After the above tests, the retractor shall operate correctly and still meet the requirements of paragraphs,, and above. 6.2.6 预张紧器 6.2.6.Pre-loading device 按照第 7.2 条进行防腐性试验后,预张紧器(包括用现已无任何电流通过的那 些原插头连接到装置的冲力感应器)应能正常工作。 being submitted to corrosion testing in accordance with paragraph 7.2., the pre-loading device (including the impact sensor connected to the device by the original plugs but without any current passing through them) shall operate normally. 需验证即使不经意的误操作也不会对佩带者有任何身体受伤的危险。 It shall be verified that inadvertent operation of the device does not involve any risk of bodily injury for wearer. 对于烟火式预张紧器。 the case of pyrotechnic pre-loading devices: 在按照第 7.9.2 条规定的环境试验后,预张紧器不能因温度而激发并能正常 工作。 being submitted to conditioning in accordance with paragraph 7.9.2., operation of the pre-loading device must not have been activated by temperature and the device shall operate normally. 采取预防措施以防止排出热气点燃附近的易燃材料。 shall be taken to prevent the hot gases expelled from igniting adjacent flammable materials. 6.3 织带 6.3.Straps 6.3.1 一般 6.3.1.General 织带必须具备确保佩带者在织带宽度内尽可能均匀受压性能即使张紧也不能盘 扭。织带应有吸能和耗能特性。已镶边的织带需在使用中不能缠绕在一起。 The characteristics of the straps shall be such as to ensure that their pressure on the wearer's body is distributed as evenly as possible over their width and that they do not twist even under tension. They shall have energy-absorbing and energy-dispersing capacities. The straps shall have finished selvages which shall not become unravelled in use. 在受 980 daN 的力时织带的宽度不小于 46 mm,需在进行断裂强度试验中不 停止此机器时测得该尺寸。 width of the strap under load of 980 daN shall be not less than 46 mm. This dimension shall be measured during the breaking-strength test prescribed in paragraph 7.4.2. and without stopping the machine. 6.3.2 室内环境下的强度 6.3.2.Strength after room-conditioning 按照第 条两个样品织带进行环境测试时,按下面第 7.4.2 条规定测得的织带断 裂负荷应不小于1470 daN。两试件的断裂负荷的差异不应超过测得断裂负荷最大值的 10%。 In the case of the two straps samples conditioned in conformity with paragraph the breaking load of the strap, determined as prescribed in paragraph 7.4.2. below, shall be not less than 1,470 daN. The difference between the breaking loads of the two samples shall not exceed 10 per cent of the greater of the breaking loads measured. 6.3.3 特殊环境下的强度 6.3.3.Strength after special conditioning 两个样品织带按下面第 7.4.1 条其中的一条款(除了第 条)进行环境测试,织 带的断裂负荷应不低于第 6.3.2 条测得负荷的平均值的 75%且不低于 1470 daN。 如 果使用材料的成分或相关信息已知可给予补偿试验的认证试验部门可以提供这些试验 中的一个或多个。 In the case of the two strap samples conditioned in conformity with one of the provisions of paragraph 7.4.1. (except below, the breaking load of the strap shall be not less than 75 per cent of average of the loads determined in the test referred to in paragraph 6.3.2. and not less than 1,470 daN. The technical service conducting the tests may dispense with one or more of these tests if the composition of the material used or information already available renders the test or tests superfluous. 6.4 安全带总成或约束系统 6.4. Belt assembly or restraint system 6.4.1 动态测试 6.4.1. Dynamic test 安全带总成或约束系统应按照下面第 7.7 条进行动态测试。 The belt assembly or restraint system shall be subjected to a dynamic test in conformity with paragraph 7.7. below. 动态试验需用以前未受负荷的两根安全带总成进行,除了这种情况,安全带总 成是约束系统的一部分,而且当用于一排座椅并在以前受负荷的约束系统中进行了动 态试验。安全带扣需试验满足上面第 条的要求。在带卷收器的安全带的情况下, 卷收器需已进行了第 7.6.3 条制定的防尘试验;此外,当为装有预张紧器包括烟火装 置的安全带或约束系统时此装置需已进行了第 7.9.2 条指定的环境试验。 dynamic test shall be performed on two belt assemblies which have not previously been under load, except in the case of belt assemblies forming part of restraint systems when the dynamic test shall be performed on the restraint systems intended for one group of seats which have not previously been under load. The buckles of the belt assemblies to be tested shall have met the requirements of paragraph above. In the case of safety-belts with retractors, the retractor shall have been subjected to the dust resistance test laid down in paragraph 7.6.3.; in addition, in the case of safety-belts or restraint systems equipped with a pre-loading device comprising pyrotechnic means, the device shall have been subjected to the conditioning specified in paragraph 7.9.2. 安全带需已进行了第 7.2 规定的腐蚀试验,此后,带扣需进行正常使用条件 下的另 500 次开合循环。 belts shall have undergone the corrosion test described in paragraph 7.2., after which the buckles shall be subjected to 500 additional opening and closing cycles under normal conditions of use. 带卷收器的安全带需已进行了第 条规定的试验或第 条规定 的试验。如果卷收器已按照上述的第 的条款进行腐蚀试验,不必重复此试验。 with retractors shall have been subjected either to the tests described in paragraph or to those described in paragraph If, however, a retractor has already been subjected to the corrosion test in accordance with the provisions of paragraph, above, this test need not be repeated. 当安全带与安全带高度调整装置一起使用,如上面第 2.9.6 条的规定,负责 试验的技术部门应选择最不利的条件进行试验。如果安全带的高度调整装置由安全带 的系扣装置组成,按照 14 号法规规定,负责试验的技术服务部门可依据它的判断实 施下面的第 7.7.1 条的条款。 the case of a belt intended for use with a belt adjustment device for height, as defined in paragraph 2.9.6. above, the test shall be carried out with the device adjusted in the most unfavourable position(s) chosen by the technical service responsible for testing. However, if the belt adjustment device for height is constituted by the belt anchorage, as approved in accordance with the provisions of Regulation No. 14, the technical service responsible for testing may, at its discretion, apply the provisions of paragraph 7.7.1. below. 当带有预张紧器的安全带,在第 条规定的最小偏移减半,试验的目 的,为了预张紧器的运转。 the case of safety-belt with a preloading device the minimum displacement specified in paragraph below may be reduced by half. For the purpose of this test, the preloading device shall be in operation. 试验应满足下列要求: this test, the following requirements shall be met: 影响乘员约束的安全带总成或约束系统的任何部件不能断裂,而且带扣或锁 止系统或位移装置不能松开或断开。 part of the belt assembly or a restraint system affecting the restraint of the occupant shall break and no buckles or locking system or displacement system shall release or unlock; and 对于腰带,人体模型在盆骨平面的位移需在 80 mm 与 200 mm 之间。对其 他类型的安全带在盆骨平面的前位移需在 80 mm 与 200 mm 之间,对胸平面的位移 需在 100 mm 与 300 mm 之间。这些偏移值见本法规附录 7 图 6 相关的测量点的偏 移。 forward displacement of the manikin shall be between 80 and 200 mm at pelvic level in the case of lap belts. In the case of other types of belts, the forward displacement shall be between 80 and 200 mm at pelvic level and between 100 and 300 mm at chest level. These displacements are the displacements in relation to the measurement points shown in annex 7, figure 6 to this Regulation. 安全带是用于前外侧乘坐位置在前面有安全气囊保护时,如果在速度不超过 24 km/h 胸部参考点的偏移值可超过上面第 条指定的值。 In the case of a safety-belt intended to be used in an outboard front seating position protected by an airbag in front of it, the displacement of the chest reference point may exceed that specified in paragraph above if its speed at this value does not exceed 24 km/h. 对于约束系统: In the case of a restraint system: 胸部参考点的位移可按上面第 条规定的值。如果可通过计算或进一 步试验求得。除了胸部与方向盘接触外,在动态试验使用的人体模型躯干或头部的任 何部分不能与车辆前面刚性部件相触,若后者满足第 12 号法规的要求并假设在速度 24km/h 以上不发生碰撞,该评估座椅应认为是在下面第 条规定的位置。 movement of the chest reference point may exceed that specified in paragraph above if it can be shown either by calculation or a further test that no part of the torso or the head of the manikin used in the dynamic test would have come into contact with any forward rigid part of the vehicle other than the chest with the steering assembly, if the latter meets the requirements of Regulation No. 12 and provided contact does not occur at a speed higher than 24 km/h. For this assessment the seat shall be considered to be in the position specified in paragraph below. 在装有这些装置的车辆上,在动态试验后位移和锁止系统能手动操作以使所 有座椅乘员离开车子辆。 vehicles where such devices are used, the displacement and locking systems enabling the occupants of all seats to leave the vehicle shall still be operable by hand after the dynamic test. 通过磨损,对于约束系统,位移值可以大于第 条规定的值。对于装在 座椅的上部系扣装置满足于第 14 号法规第 7.4 条的磨损。 way of derogation, in case of a restraint system, the displacements may be greater than those specified in paragraph in the case where the upper anchorage fitted to the seat profits from the derogation provided in Regulation No. 14, paragraph 7.4. 6.4.2 磨损环境下的强度。 6.4.2. Strength after abrasion conditioning 按照下面第 条的环境下的两样品,断裂强度需按下面第 7.4.2 和 7.5 条的规定进行评价,必须至少等于在没刮磨织带试验时测得的断裂强度的 75%,并不小 于此项测得得最小值。两样品断裂强度的差额不超过最大值的 20%,对于类型 2 的 步骤,只需对一个样品进行断裂强度试验(第 7.4.2 条)。对于类型 3 的步骤,需和 金属部件一起进行断裂强度试验(第 7.5 条)。 For both samples conditioned in compliance with paragraph below, the breaking strength shall be assessed as prescribed in paragraphs 7.4.2. and 7.5. below. It must be at least equal to 75 per cent of the breaking strength average determined during tests on unabraded straps and not less than the minimum load specified for the item being tested. Difference between breaking strength of the two samples must not exceed 20 per cent of the highest measured breaking strength. For type 1 and type 2 procedures, the breaking strength test shall be be carried out on strap samples only (para. 7.4.2.). For type 3 procedure, the breaking strength test shall be carried out on the strap in combination with the metal component involved (para. 7.5.). 安全带总成的部件所需进行的磨损试验步骤在下表给出,步骤类型是适合他们 的则用“x”表示,对于每个步骤应使用一个新的样品。 The parts of the belt assembly to be subjected to an abrasion procedure are given in the following table and the procedure types which may be appropriate for them are indicated by 11x11. A new sample shall be used for each procedure. 步骤 3 步骤 1 步骤 2 系扣装置 导向轮 - - - x - x - - x x - - 带扣-环 调节装置 缝于织带部件 x - x x x Procedure 1 Procedure 2 Procedure 3 Attachment Guide or Pulley - - - x - x - - x x - - Buckle-loop Adjusting device Parts sewn to the strap x - x x x 7 试验 7 TESTS 7.1 提交认证的安全带或约束系统类型样品的使用(见本法规附录 13) 7.1.Use of samples submitted for approval of a type of belt or restraint system (see annex 13 to this Regulation) 7.1.1 对两条安全带或约束系统需进行下面第 7.5.4 条规定的带扣检查,低温带扣试 验、低温试验,若允许,进行带扣耐久性试验、安全带腐蚀试验、卷收器操作试验、 动态试验和在动态试验后带扣打开试验。两条中的一条需进行安全带或约束系统检查。 7.1.1. Two belts or restraint systems are required for the buckle inspection, the low-temperature buckle test, the low-temperature test described in paragraph 7.5.4. below where necessary, the buckle durability test, the belt corrosion test, the retractor operating tests, the dynamic test and the buckle-opening test after the dynamic test. One of these two samples shall be used for the inspection of the belt or restraint system. 7.1.2 一条安全带或约束系统需进行带扣检查和带扣、系扣装置、安全带调整装置及包 括卷收器的强度试验。 7.1.2. One belt or restraint system is required for the inspection of the buckle and the strength test on the buckle, the attachment mountings, the belt adjusting devices and, where necessary, the retractors. 7.1.3 两条安全带或约束系统需进行带扣检查、微滑移试验和磨损试验。两样品的其中 之一需进行安全带调整装置的操作试验。 7.1.3.Two belts or restraint systems are required for the inspection of the buckle, the micro-slip test and the abrasion test. The belt adjusting device operating test shall be conducted on one of these two samples. 7.1.4 织带的样品需进行织带的断裂强度试验。只要认证一条有效需保存此样品。 7.1.4. The sample of strap shall be used for testing the breaking strength of the strap. Part of this sample shall be preserved so long as the approval remains valid. 7.2 腐蚀试验 7.2. Corrosion test 7.2.1 一条完整的安全带装置应放在本法规附录 12 规定的试验室里。对集成卷收器的 安全带,卷开的总长小于 300?3 mm。试验中,除了需要的短暂中断,例如检查和补 充盐浓度,暴露试验需持续进行 50h。 7.2.1. A complete safety-belt assembly shall be positioned in a test chamber as prescribed in annex 12 to this Regulation. In the case of an assembly incorporating a retractor, the strap shall be unwound to full length less 300 + 3 mm. Except for short interruptions that may be necessary, for example, to check and replenish the salt solution, the exposure test shall proceed continuously for a period of 50 hours. 7.2.2 完成暴露试验后,总成需轻轻冲洗,或浸在水温不高于 38?的洁净自来水里, 以去除形成的盐积物。然后在依据上面第 条的规定,检查前在室温下晾 24h。 7.2.2.On completion of the exposure test the assembly shall be gently washed, or dipped in clean running water with a temperature not higher than 38 ?C to remove any salt deposit that may have formed and then allowed to dry at room temperature for 24 hours before inspection in accordance with paragraph above. 7.3 微滑移试验(见本法规附录 11,图 3) 7.3.Micro-slip test (see annex 11, figure 3 to this Regulation) 7.3.1 提交进行微滑移试验的样品需在 20?5?和相对湿度 65?5%的环境里至少存 放 24h。试验需在 15到 30? 的温度下进行。 7.3.1.The samples to be submitted to the micro-slip test shall be kept for a minimum of 24 hours in an atmosphere having a temperature of 20 + 5 ?C and a relative humidity of 65 + 5 per cent. The test shall be carried out at a temperature between 15 and 30 ?C. 7.3.2 应确保调整装置的自由部分安装在试验椅的上面或下面,如装在车里一样。 7.3.2. It shall be ensured that the free section of the adjusting device points either up or down on the test bench, as in the vehicle. 7.3.3 用 5 daN 的力系在织带的下末端,另一端可进行来回运动,总幅度为 300?20 mm(见图)。 7.3.3. A 5 daN load shall be attached to the lower end of the section of strap. The other end shall be subjected to a back and forth motion, the total amplitude being 300 + 20 mm (see figure). 7.3.4 如有一自由端用以存储织带,那在负荷时对于这部分不能系上或夹住。 7.3.4. If there is a free end serving as reserve strap, it must in no way be fastened or clipped to the section under load. 7.3.5 应确保在试验时织带在松弛位置上从调整装置沿凹曲线下降,如在车里一样。在 试验椅上施加垂直 5daN 的力,这样以防止负荷摆动和安全带打扭。固定系扣装置在 车里时用 5 daN 的力。 7.3.5.It shall be ensured that on the test bench the strap, in the slack position, descends in a concave curve from the adjusting device, as in the vehicle. The 5 daN load applied on the test bench shall be guided vertically in such a way as to prevent the load swaying and the belt twisting. The attachment shall be fixed to the 5 daN load as in the vehicle. 7.3.6 在实际试验前,自锁紧系统需正确连续进行 20 次的操作。 7.3.6. Before the actual start of the test, a series of 20 cycles shall be completed so that the self-tightening system settles properly. 7.3.7 以每秒 0.5 次的频率进行 1000 次,总幅度在 300?20 mm。期间只施加 5daN 的力,每半周期交替 100?20 mm。 7.3.7. 1,000 cycles shall be completed at a frequency of 0.5 cycles per second, the total amplitude being 300 + 20 mm. The 5 daN load shall be applied only during the time corresponding to a shift of 100 + 20 mm for each half period. 7.4 织带和断裂强度的试验条件(静态) 7.4.Conditioning of straps and breaking-strength test (static) 7.4.1 织带断裂强度的试验条件 7.4.1.Conditioning of straps for the breaking-strength test 要求如下: Samples cut from the strap referred to in paragraph 3.2.4. above shall be conditioned as follows: 温度条件和烟火 Temperature-conditioning and hygrometrics 织带需在20?5?和相对湿度65?5%的环境里至少存放24 h。如果试验不是在满足条 件后立即进行,在试验前应把样品放在密封的容器里。在从室内环境或从容器里拿出 5 min 内进行断裂加载。 The strap shall be kept for at least 24 hours in an atmosphere having a temperature of 20 + 5 ?C and a relative humidity of 65 ? 5 per cent. If the test is not carried out immediately after conditioning, the specimen shall be placed in a hermetically-closed receptacle until the test begins. The breaking load shall be determined within five minutes after removal of the strap from the conditioning atmosphere or from the receptacle. 光(环境)条件 Light-conditioning 实施 ISO105-B02(1978)推荐的条款 ,按所需时间把织带暴露在光中,以产 生一个对比。相当于在第7 标准蓝色料灰度级的 4 级灰度。 provisions of Recommendation ISO 105-BO2 (1978) shall apply. The strap shall be exposed to light for the time necessary to produce a contrast equal to grade 4 on the grey scale on Standard Blue Dye No. 7. 暴露后织带需在 20?5?和相对湿度 65?5%的环境里至少存放 24 h,如果 不立即进行试验,应把实验样品放在密封容器里以保持试验条件。再从环境室内或容 器里拿出 5min 内进行断裂加载。 exposure the strap shall be kept for a minimum of 24 hours in an atmosphere having a temperature of 20 + 5 ?C and a relative humidity of 65 + 5 per cent. If the test is not carried out immediately after conditioning the specimen shall be placed in a hermetically-closed receptacle until the test begins. The breaking load shall be determined within five minutes after removal of the strap from the conditioning installation. 冷,环境 Cold-conditioning 织带需在 20?5?和相对湿度 65?5%的环境里至少存放 24 h。 strap shall be kept for a minimum of 24 hours in an atmosphere having a temperature of 20 + 5 ?C and a relative humidity of 65 + 5 per cent. 在,30?5? 的低温室里将 2 kg 的重块存放 12 h。在同一温度下,将试样 折叠放入低温室内,并用重块压住,存放 30 min。重块移去后织带从低温室里取出。 strap shall then be kept for one and a half hours on a plane surface in a low-temperature chamber in which the air temperature is -30 + 5 ?C. It shall then be folded and the fold shall be loaded with a mass of 2 kg previously cooled to -30 + 5 ?C. When the strap has been kept under load for 30 minutes in the same low-temperature chamber, the mass shall be removed and the breaking load shall be measured within 5 minutes after removal of the strap from the low-temperature chamber. 热--环境 Heat-conditioning 织带须在加热室内持续受热 3 h,加热室内温度 60?5?相对湿度 65?5,。 strap shall be kept for three hours in a heating cabinet in an atmosphere having a temperature of 60 + 5 ?C and a relative humidity of 65 + 5 per cent. 从热环境室里取出,在 5 min 内进行断裂加载测试。 breaking load shall be determined within five minutes after removal of the strap from the heating cabinet. 水侵蚀试验 to water 织带完全浸在蒸馏水里 3 h,温度 20?5 ?C,添加少量润湿剂,可使用任何 一种适于纤维的润湿剂。 strap shall be kept fully immersed for three hours in distilled water, at a temperature of 20 + 5 ?C, to which a trace of a wetting agent has been added. Any wetting agent suitable for the fibre under test may be used. 织带从水中取出,在 10 min 内进行断裂加载测试。 breaking load shall be determined within 10 minutes after removal of the strap from the water. 磨损环境(条件)试验 conditioning 织带与安全带刚性部件接触的任何装置需进行磨损试验,除非调整装置微滑 移试验(7.3)显示织带的滑移值小于规定值的一半,这种情况下,步骤一的磨损试验 ( 条)是不必要的。环境试验装置的安置需能近似维持织带和接触区域的相 对位置。 abrasion conditioning will be performed on every device in which the strap is in contact with a rigid part of the belt, with the exception of all adjusting devices where the micro-slip test (7.3.) shows that the strap slips by less than half the prescribed value, in which case, the procedure 1 abrasion conditioning ( will not be necessary. The setting on the conditioning device will approximately maintain the relative position of strap and contact area. 样品需在气温 20??C 和相对湿度 65?5%的环境里至少存放 24 h。在磨损 试验时的周围温度应在15~30?C 之间。 samples shall be kept for a minimum of 24 hours in an atmosphere having a temperature of 20 + 5 ?C and relative humidity of 65 + 5 per cent. The ambient temperature during the abrasion procedure shall be between 15 and 30 ?C. 下表列出每一磨损步骤的大致条件: the table below are listed the general conditions for each abrasion procedure. 负荷 频率 移位 循环数 daN Hz mm 步骤 1 2.5 0.5 5,000 300 ? 20 步骤 2 0.5 0.5 45,000 300 ? 20 步骤 3 - 0 to 5 0.5 45,000 Load Frequency Shift daN Hz Cycles Numbers mm Procedure 1 2.5 0.5 5,000 300 ? 20 Procedure 2 0.5 0.5 45,000 300 ? 20 - Procedure 3 */ 0 to 5 0.5 45,000 注:表 5 列的移位位置表示织带来回运动的幅度。 The shift given in the fifth column of this table represents the amplitude of a back and forth motion applied to the strap. (1) 见 条。 特殊条件(环境)试验步骤。 conditioning procedures 步骤 1:对于织带滑过调节装置的情况。 垂直的恒定负荷2.5 daN 需持续作用在织带末端-织带的另一端需系在能产生水平 来回运动的装置上。 调节装置需放在水平织带上让织带张紧。(按照法规附录 11,图 1 )。 Procedure 1: for cases where the strap slides through an adjusting device. A vertical steady load of 2.5 daN shall be maintained on one end of the strap - the other end of the strap shall be attached to a device giving the strap a horizontal back and forth motion. The adjusting device shall be placed on the horizontal strap so that the strap remains under tension (see annex 11, figure 1 to this Regulation). 步骤 2:对于织带穿过刚性部件并改向的情况。 试验时,维持的织带角度见本法规附录 11、图 2 。 试验时 0.5 daN 的恒定负荷需持续作用。对于织带穿过刚性部件并多次改变方向 的情况下,需增加 0.5 daN 以实现规定的穿过刚性部件 300mm 的运动。 Procedure 2: for cases where the strap changes direction inpassing through a rigid part. During this test, the angles of the straps shall be maintained as shown in annex 11, figure 2, to this Regulation. The steady load of 0.5 daN shall be maintained during the test. For cases where the strap changes direction more than once in passing through a rigid part, the load of 0.5 daN may be increased so as to achieve the prescribed strap movement of 300 mm through that rigid part. 步骤 3:对于织带通过缝或相似的方法固定在刚性部件上。 总的来回运动需 300?20 mm,但是 5adN 的负荷只在每半周期的 100?20 mm 的切换时加载(见本法规的附录 11、图 3)。 Procedure 3: for cases where the strap is fixed to a rigid part by sewing or similar means. The total back and forth motion shall be 300 + 20 mm but the 5 daN load shall only be applied during a shift of 100 + 20 mm for each half period (see annex 11, figure 3, to this Regulation). 7.4.2 织带的断裂强度试验(静态) 7.4.2 Test of breaking strength of strap (static test) 需对两个新的足够长的织带样品进行试验,遵循第 7.4.1 条的要求。 The test shall be carried out each time on two new samples of strap, of sufficient length, conditioned in conformity with the provisions of paragraph 7.4.1. 织带在拉力测试装置的夹具上夹紧。夹具应设计成避免织带在末端或夹紧 装置附近断裂。加载速度大约在 100 mm/min,试验时开始在试验夹具间的样品的 自由长度应为 200?40 mm。 Each strap shall be gripped between the clamps of a tensile- testing machine. The clamps shall be so designed as to avoid breakage of the strap at or near them. The speed of traverse shall be about 100 mm/min. The free length of the specimen between the clamps of the machine at the start of the test shall be 200 mm + 40 mm. 当负荷达到 980 daN 时,在不停机的情况下测得织带宽度。 When the load reaches 980 daN, the width of the strap shall be measured without stopping the machine. 继续加载直至织带断裂,并记下断裂负荷的大小。 tension shall be increased until the strap breaks, and the breaking load shall be noted. 如果织带滑动或在夹具 10 mm 附近断裂,则试验无效,并重新开始另一 样品的试验。 If the strap slips or breaks at or within 10 mm of either of the clamps the test shall be invalid and a new test shall be carried out on another specimen. 国家:欧洲经济委员会(E.C.E.) 源于:联合国 1970 年 8 月 14 日协议 标 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 :安全带及成人约束系统 第 1 版 2000 年 10 月 法规号:16 第21页 7.5 集成刚性部件的安全带总成 7.5. Test of belt assembly components incorporating rigid parts 7.5.1 带扣和调整装置及安全带总成上的部件按使用状态,安装到拉力试验装置上, 负荷逐渐加到 980adN。对于腰肩连续带,带扣通过系着带扣的织带和一个或两个 近似对称位于带扣几何中心的锁舌联到试验设备上。如果带扣或者是三点式安全带 中共用的一部分,这需依据下面第 7.5.2 条带扣或调整装置需与系扣装置一起进行 试验,除非在安全带的上部固定装置的卷收器带有滑轮或织带导轨,当负荷达到 980adN 且织带的卷着的长度为锁止的长度时尽可能接近于从织带的末端算起有 450mm。 7.5.1. The buckle and the adjusting device shall be connected to the tensile-testing apparatus by the parts of the belt assembly to which they are normally attached, and the load shall then build up to 980 daN. In the case of harness belts, the buckle shall be connected to the testing apparatus by the straps which are attached to the buckle and the tongue or two tongues located in an approximately symmetrical way to the geometric centre of the buckle. If the buckle, or the adjusting device, is part of the attachment or of the common part of a three-point belt, the buckle or adjusting device shall be tested with the attachment, in conformity with paragraph 7.5.2. below, except in the case of retractors having a pulley or strap guide at the upper belt anchorage, when the load will be 980 daN and the length of strap remaining wound on the reel shall be the length resulting from locking as close as possible to 450 mm from the end of the strap. 7.5.2 系扣装置和任何安全带的高度调节装置应以第 7.5.1 条的方法进行试验,负 荷为 1470adN,依据下面第 7.7.1 条第二句的条款,安全带正确安装在车辆上按 可能发生的最不利的条件进行试验。对于卷收器与完全卷在卷轴上的织带一起进行 试验。 7.5.2. The attachments and any belt adjustment devices for height shall be tested in the manner indicated in paragraph 7.5.1., but the load shall be 1,470 daN and shall, subject to the provisions of the second sentence of paragraph 7.7.1. below, be applied in the least favourable conditions likely to occur in a vehicle in which the belt is correctly installed. In the case of retractors the test is performed with the strap completely unwound from the reel. 7.5.3 两个完整的安全带的样品需放在-10?1oC 冷冻室里 2h。从冷冻室里取出应 立即手动把与带扣匹配的部件装在一起。 7.5.3.Two samples of the complete belt assembly shall be placed in a refrigerated cabinet at -10? + 1 ?C for two hours. The mating parts of the buckle shall be coupled together manually immediately after being removed from the refrigerated cabinet. 7.5.4 两个完整的安全带的样品放在-10?1oC 冷冻室里 2h。塑料制的刚性零部件 依次放在平面钢性的钢面板上(用于存放质量至少 100kg 的样品)并在从冷冻室 取出 30s 内,允许一个 18kg 的质量体从 300mm的高度自由落在试样上。18kg 的质量体的撞击面需是凸面,其硬度至少为 45HRC,沿质量体的中心线横向半径 为 10mm 纵向半径为 150mm。其中一个试验样品在轴向与织带方向一致的弯曲 横木上进行试验,另一样品在 90?方向进行试验。 7.5.4. Two samples of complete belt assembly shall be placed in a refrigerated cabinet at -10 ?C + 1 ?C for two hours. The rigid items and parts made of plastics under test shall then be laid in turn upon a flat rigid steel surface (which has been kept with the samples in the refrigerated cabinet) placed on the horizontal surface of a compact rigid block with a mass of at least 100 kg and within 30 seconds of being removed from the refrigerated cabinet, an 18 kg steel mass shall be allowed to fall under gravity through 300 mm on to the test sample. The impact face of the 18 kg mass shall take the form of a convex surface with a hardness of at least 45 HRC having a transverse radius of 10 mm and a longitudinal radius of 150 mm placed along the centre line of the mass. One test sample shall be tested with the axis of the curved bar in line with the strap and the other sample shall be tested at 90? to the strap.7.5.5 带扣的两安全带共用的部件像这样安装来仿真座椅在他们能调节的中间位置 使用情况 。同时施加在每条织带上 1470adN 的负荷,负荷的作用方向依据下面 第 7.7.1 条的要求。用于试验的相配的设备见本法规的附录 10。 7.5.5 Buckles having parts common to two safety-belts shall be loaded in such a way as to simulate the conditions of use in the vehicle with seats in the mid position of their adjustment. A load of 1,470 daN shall be applied sumultaneously to each strap. The direction of the application of load shall be established according to paragraph 7.7.1. below. A suitable device for the test is shown in annex 10 to this Regulation. 7.5.6 测试手动调节装置时织带须用调节装置拉紧,并参照正常使用条件,速度约 100mm/s,织带移动 25mm后所测得的最大力约 0.1daN。试验须在织带两个移动 方向上都进行,并在测试前进行 10 次循环。 7.5.6. When testing a manually adjusting device, the strap shall be drawn steadily through the adjusting device, having regard for the normal conditions of use, at a rate of approximately 100 mm/s and the maximum force measured to the nearest 0.1 daN after the first 25 mm of strap movement. The test shall be carried out in both directions of strap travel through the device, the strap being cycled 10 times prior to the measurement. 国家:欧洲经济委员会(E.C.E.) 源于:联合国 1970 年 8 月 14 日协议 法规号:16 第22页 第 1 版 2000 年 10 月 标题:安全带及成人约束系统 7.6 带卷收器的安全带的其它试验 7.6.Additional tests for safety-belts with retractors 7.6.1 卷收器机构耐久试验 7.6.1.Durability of retractor mechanism 织带需缩回和允许以不小于 30,min 的速度抽出所需循环次数,对于紧急 锁止卷收器,每 5 次进行锁止卷收器的锁止一次。在不同的织带抽出长度上,依此 为总带长度的 90、80、75、70 和 65%位置时进行锁上。 strap shall be withdrawn and allowed to retract for the required number of cycles at a rate of not more than 30 cycles per minute. In the case of emergency locking retractors, a snatch to lock the retractor shall be introduced at each fifth cycle. The snatches shall occur in equal numbers at each of five different extractions, namely, 90, 80, 75, 70 and 65 per cent of the total length of the strap remaining wound on the retractor. However, where more than 900 mm is provided the above percentages shall be related to the final 900 mm of strap which can be withdrawn from the retractor. 上面第 条规定的相匹配的实验设备见本法规的附录 3。 suitable apparatus for the tests specified in paragraph above is shown in annex 3 to this Regulation. 7.6.2 紧急锁止卷收器的锁止 7.6.2. Locking of emergency locking retractors 当织带展开的全长小于 300?3mm 时,卷收器锁止试验只进行一次。 The retractor shall be tested once for locking when the straphas been unwound to full length less 300 + 3 mm. 对于由织带的运动启动的卷收器,当卷收器安装在车上时,抽出方向上 能正常地进行抽取。 In the case of a retractor actuated by strap movement, the extraction shall be in the direction in which it normally occurs when the retractor is installed in a vehicle. 当卷收器对车减速敏感性试验时需沿两正交轴进行上述的抽取试验,如 果卷收器是按制造厂的规定安装的这两轴应是水平的。其中一轴须在认证试验的技 术服务部门选定的方向上对于启动锁止机构给于最苛刻的条件。 When retractors are being tested for sensitivity to vehicle deceleration they shall be tested at the above extraction along two perpendicular axes, which are horizontal if the retractor is installed in a vehicle as specified by the safety-belt manufacturer. When this position is not specified, the testing authority shall consult the safety-belt manufacturer. One of these axes shall be in the direction chosen by the technical service conducting the approval test to give the most adverse conditions with respect to actuation of the locking mechanism. 上面第 条指定的相匹配的实验设备在本法规附录 4 中规定。任何 实验设备的设计应确保在织带从卷收器中抽出 5mm 前实现所需的减速度并且平 均至少以 25 g/s(1)但小于 150 g /s(1)的速率增加。 suitable apparatus for the tests specified in paragraph above is described in annex 4 to this Regulation. The design of any such test apparatus shall ensure that the required acceleration is given before the webbing is withdrawn out of the retractor by more than 5 mm and that the withdrawal takes place at an average rate of increase of acceleration of at least 25 g/s 4/ and not more than 150 g/s. 4/ 校验符合第 和 条的要求,直到锁止时,卷收器安装 在水平的桌面上且桌面速度不超过 2o,s。其他方向倾斜后确保满足要求并重复试 验。(1)g=9.8 m/s?。 check conformity with the requirements of paragraphs and, the retractor shall be mounted on a horizontal table and the table tilted with a speed not exceeding 2? per second until locking has occurred. The test shall be repeated with tilting in other directions to ensure that the requirements are fulfilled. 国家:欧洲经济委员会(E.C.E.) 源于:联合国 1970 年 8 月 14 日协议 标题:安全带及成人约束系统 第 1 版 2000 年 10 月 法规号:16 第23页 7.6.3 防尘试验 7.6.3.Dust resistance 卷收器按本法规附录 5 的规定固定在试验台内,其方位近似于在车上的安 放方位。试验室含尘如下面第 条的规定。500mm 长的织带从卷收器抽出 且保持其状况,但是在每次灰尘搅动后 1 min或 2min 内进行 10 次完整的抽出5 5与缩回。进行 5h 试验时,无油和无水的压缩空气以表压为5.5 ? 10 + 0.5 ? 10 的 压力通过直径 1.5?0.1mm 的通口,吹入试验台灰尘每 20min 搅动 5s。 retractor shall be positioned in a test chamber as described in annex 5 to this Regulation. It shall be mounted in an orientation similar to that in which it is mounted in the vehicle. The test chamber shall contain dust as specified in paragraph below. A length of 500 mm of the strap shall be extracted from the retractor and kept extracted, except that it shall be subjected to 10 complete cycles of retraction and withdrawal within one or two minutes after each agitation of the dust. For a period of five hours, the dust shall be agitated every 20 minutes for five seconds by compressed air free of oil 5 5and moisture at a gauge pressure of 5.5 ? 10 + 0.5 ? 10 Pa entering through an orifice, 1.5 + 0.1 mm in diameter. 上面第 条规定试验使用的灰尘包括大约 1kg 的干细纱。其尺寸分 布如下: a) 通过 150µm 的缝隙,直径 104µm 的丝网:99,100%; b) 通过 105µm 的缝隙,直径 64µm 的丝网:76,86%; c) 通过 75µm 的缝隙,直径 52µm 的丝网:60,70%。 dust used in the test described in paragraph above shall consist of about 1 kg of dry quartz. The particle size distribution is as follows: (a)passing 150 1.lm aperture,99 to 100 per cent; (b)passing 105 1.lm aperture,76 to 86 per cent (c)passing 75 1.lm aperture,60 to 70 per cent. 7.6.4 卷收力 7.6.4.Retracting forces 第 7.7 条规定的动态试验中测得安在人体模型上的安全带总成的卷收力, 当织带抽取速度接近0.6m/min 的时候应在与人体模型的接触点(但仅仅扫清过人 体模型)测得织带张力。 retracting forces shall be measured with the safety-belt assembly fitted to a dummy as for the dynamic test prescribed in paragraph The strap tension shall be measured at the point of contact with (but just clear of) the dummy while the strap is being retracted at the approximate rate of 0.6 m/min. 7.7 安全带总成或约束系统的动态试验 7.7.Dynamic test of belt assembly or of the restraint system 7.7.1 安全带总成安置在与座椅和固定装置装配在一起的滑车上的条件由本法规附 录 6 确定。如安全带用于特殊车辆或特殊类型的车辆,人体模型与固定装置的距 离由进行认证试验的技术部门确定,符合安全带提供的安装指导书或符合车辆制造 厂提供的数据。如果安全带安装了上面第 2.14.6 条确定的安全带高度调节装置, 该装置的位置和安全措施应该与车辆设计的要求一致。 在某种情况下,对于某类车辆进行动态试验时,不必重复其他类型的车辆认证,每 个固定点与相应的被试验的安全带的固定点的距离小于 50mm 时。作为选择之 一,制造厂可以决定假定的固定点以代替实际最大数目的固定点来进行试验。 *原文为 5.5 10 5 ?0.5 10 5 7.7.1.The belt assembly shall be mounted on a trolley equipped with the seat and the anchorage defined in annex 6 to this Regulation. However, if the belt assembly is intended for a specific vehicle or for specific types of vehicle, the distances between the manikin and the anchorages shall be determined by the service conducting the tests, either in conformity with the instructions for fitting supplied with the belt or in conformity with the data supplied by the manufacturer of the vehicle. If the belt is equipped with a belt adjustment device for height such as defined in paragraph 2.9.6. above, the position of the device and the means of securing it shall be the same as those of the vehicle design. In that case, when the dynamic test has been carried out for a type of vehicle it need not be repeated for other types of vehicle where each anchorage point is less than 50 mm distant from the corresponding anchorage point of the tested belt. Alternatively, manufacturers may determine hypothetical anchorage positions for testing in order to enclose the maximum number of real anchorage points. 将安全带总成和约束系统,作为一个约束系统进行类型认证,安全带和约 束系统正确安装在车辆结构上,并且此部件已经按、 条规定的方法 刚性地系在试验台架上。 对于带预张紧器的安全带或约束系统依赖于构成件而不是那些集成在安全带总成 的部件。按照7.7.1.2 条到 条的规定方式把安全带总成与相关联所需要的 其他车辆部件安装在试验台架上。 作为选择之一,但这些设备不能在试验台架上试验时,制造厂可以遵循 ISO3560 (1975)的步骤用正面 50km/h 碰撞试验来证明设备符合法规的要求。 the case of a safety-belt or restraint system forming part of an assembly for which type approval is requested as a restraint system, the safety-belt shall be mounted on the part of the vehicle structure to which the restraint system is normally fitted and this part shall be rigidly attached to the test trolley in the way prescribed in paragraphs to In the case of a safety-belt or restraint system with pre-loading devices relying on component parts other than those incorporated in the belt assembly itself, the belt assembly shall be mounted in conjunction with the necessary additional vehicle parts on the test trolley in the manner prescribed in paragraphs to Alternatively, in the case where those devices cannot be tested on the test trolley, the manufacturer may demonstrate by a conventional frontal impact test at 50 km/h in conformity with the procedure ISO 3560 (1975) that the device complies with the requirements of the Regulation. 在试验中用于固定车辆的方法不应加强座椅或安全带的固定装置或减少正 常的变形,除脚外由于限制人体模型的前倾运动车辆的前面部件不能出现,在试验 中将降低对约束系统的冲击。除去的结构件如果不妨碍人体模型的向前运动可以用 等强度的部件来代替。 method used to secure the vehicle during the test shall not be such as to strengthen the anchorages of the seats or safety-belts or to lessen the normal deformation of the structure. No forward part of the vehicle shall be present which by limiting the forward movement of the manikin excepting the foot, would reduce the load imposed on the restraint system during the test. The parts of the structure eliminated can be replaced by parts of equivalent strength provided they do not hinder the forward movement of the manikin. 如果对结构的沿整个宽度的区域内不产生影响并且如果车辆或结构在离约 束系统不少于500mm 的距离被阻碍或固定,固定设备认为是令人满意的其后面的 结构需固定在离固定装置的后面足够的距离,以确保满足上面第 条的要 求。 securing device shall be regarded as satisfactory if it produces no effect on an area extending over the whole width of the structure and if the vehicle or the structure is blocked or fixed in front at a distance of not less than 500 mm from the anchorage of the restraint system. At the rear the structure shall be secured at a sufficient distance rearwards of the anchorages to ensure that the requirements of paragraph above are fulfilled. 座椅需固定在由进行认证试验的技术服务部门选取的驾驶使用位置,对于 强度最不利的情况,而且与车上安装的人体模型相协调。座椅位置需在 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 中记录。 座椅靠背,如倾角可调,需按制造厂指定的方法锁止,在没有说明书的情况下,对 于 M1和 N1型车实际座椅靠背角度应尽可能接近 25?,对于其他车辆尽可能接 近于 15?。 seats shall be fitted and shall be placed in the position for driving use chosen by the technical service conducting approval tests to give the most adverse conditions with respect to strength, compatible with installing the manikin in the vehicle. The positions of the seats shall be stated in the report. The seat back, if adjustable for inclination, shall be locked as specified by the manufacturer or, in the absence of any specification, to an actual seat back angle as near as possible to 25? in the case of vehicles of categories M1 and N1 as near as possible to 15? in the case of vehicles of all other categories. 按 条要求进行评估,应考虑座椅在最大前行或滑动的位置对于人 体模型的尺寸是否适当。 the assessment of the requirements in paragraph the seat shall be regarded in its most forward driving or travelling position appropriate to the dimensions of themanikin. 任何组式座椅需同时进行试验。 the seats of any group of seats shall be tested simultaneously. 7.7.2 安全带需按本法规附录 7 按照如下方式系在人体模型上按照下面: 把一块 25mm 厚的木板放在人体模型后背与座椅后背之间。安全带紧紧地顺应着 人体模型,然后把木板移去使人体模型的后背的整个长度与座椅后背接触。检查以 确保带扣两部件结合模式不会造成降低锁止的可靠性。 7.7.2.The belt assembly shall be attached to the manikin in annex 7 to this Regulation as follows: a board 25 mm thick shall be placed between the back of the manikin and the seat back. The belt shall be firmly adjusted to the manikin. The board shall then be removed so that the entire length of its back is in contact with the seat back. A check shall be made to ensure that the mode of engagement of the two parts of the buckle entails no risk of reducing the reliability of locking. 7.7.3 织带的自由末端需足够长,应大于调整装置所允许滑移的外延。 7.7.3.The free ends of the straps shall extend sufficiently far beyond the adjusting devices to allow for slip. 国家:欧洲经济委员会(E.C.E.) 源于:联合国 1970 年 8 月 14 日协议 标题:安全带及成人约束系统 第 1 版 2000 年 10 月 法规号:16 第25页 7.7.4 推车需能正确推动,这样在受冲击时才能保证自由运动速度是 500?1 km/h, 而且人体模型依然稳定。推车的停止距离是 40?5 cm。减速过程中推车依旧水平。 推车的减速是通过本法规附录 6 规定的设备实现或者可以用其他等效的设备来实 现。设备需满足本法规附录 8 规定的性能。 7.7.4.The trolley shall then be so propelled that at the moment of impact its free running speed is 50 km/h + 1 km/h and the manikin remains stable. The stopping distance of the trolley shall be 40 cm + 5 cm. The trolley shall remain horizontal throughout deceleration. The deceleration of the trolley shall be achieved by using the apparatus described in annex 6 to this Regulation or any other device giving equivalent results. This apparatus shall comply with the performance specified in annex 8 to this Regulation. 7.7.5 推车在碰撞前立即加速,测得人体模型的前移量和胸部在 300mm 位移时的 速度。 7.7.5.The trolley speed immediately before impact, the forward displacement of the manikin and the speed of the chest at a 300 mm displacement of the chest shall be measured. 7.7.6 碰撞后,对安全带或约束系统和其刚性部件进行目视检查,不打开带扣,以 确定是否有故障或断裂。如有任何扭曲都应参考 条的要求。 7.7.6.After impact, the belt assembly or restraint system and its rigid parts shall be inspected visually, without opening the buckle, to determine whether there has been any failure or breakage. In the case of restraint systems it shall also be ascertained, after the test, whether the parts of the vehicle structure which are attached to the trolley have undergone any visible permanent deformation. If there is any such deformation this shall be taken into account in any calculation made in accordance with paragraph 7.8 带扣开启试验 7.8.Buckle-opening test 7.8.1 对于该试验,安全带或约束系统已经按照上面 7.7 条的进行了动态试验。 7.8.1.For this test, belt assemblies or restraint devices which have already undergone the dynamic test in conformity with paragraph 7.7. above shall be used. 7.8.2 不打开带扣从推车上取下安全带。通过系在此上的织带,经直接牵引对带扣 施加一负荷,使所有的织带受 60/n 的力(n 可以理解为当锁止位置时联在带扣上 的织带数)。当带扣连接到刚性部件时,在同样角度如在动态试验中带扣与刚性端 形成的角度施加负荷。以 400?20mm,min 的速度施加负荷沿平行于按钮的初始 运动方向的固定轴到带扣-松开装置的几何中心。在施力期间如需打开带扣,应需 刚性支架握持。上述的负荷大小不应超过上面第 条指定的限定值。试验设 备的接触点应为半径 2.5?0.1mm 的球面。金属表面需进行清洁。 7.8.2.The belt assembly shall be removed from the test trolley without the buckle being opened. A load shall be applied to the buckle by direct traction via the straps tied to it so that all the 60 straps are subjected to the force of daN. (It is understood)that is the number of straps linked to the buckle when it is in a locked position.) In the case where the buckle is connected to a rigid part, the load shall be applied at the same angle as the one formed by the buckle and the rigid end during the dynamic test. A load shall be applied at a speed of 400 ? 20 mm/min to the geometric centre of the buckle-release button along a fixed axis running parallel to the initial direction of motion of the button. During the application of the force needed to open the buckle, the buckle shall be held by a rigid support. The load quoted above shall not exceed the limit indicated in paragraph above. The point of contact of the test equipment shall be spherical in form with a radius of 2.5 mm + 0.1 mm. It shall have a polished metal surface. 7.8.3 测得带扣的开启力并纪录任何故障。 7.8.3.The buckle-opening force shall be measured and any failure of the buckle noted. 7.8.4 在带扣的开启试验后,安全带或约束系统的部件需应进行了上面第 7.7 条规 定的试验,检查在使用了安全带或约束系统保护后动态试验的损坏程度应记录在实 验报告中。 7.8.4.After the buckle-opening test, the components of the belt assembly or of the restraint device which have undergone the tests prescribed in paragraph 7.7. above shall be inspected and the extent of the damage sustained by the belt assembly or restraint device during the dynamic test shall be recorded in the test report. 7.9 带预张紧器安全带的其他试验 7.9.Additional tests on safety-belts with pre-loading devices 7.9.1 试验条件 7 .9.1.Conditioning 对要进行试验的预张紧器应从安全带上拆下来并在 60?C?5?C 的温度下存放 24h。升高温度到 100?C?5?C 两个 h。随后在-30?C?5?C 的温度下保存 24h。从条件室里取出,把装置预热到周围温度,如果预张紧器已拆下不需重新装 到安全带上。 The pre-loading device may be separated from the safety-belt to be tested and kept for 24 hours at a temperature of 60? + 5 ?C. The temperature shall then be raised to 100? + 5 ?C for two hours. Subsequently it shall be kept for 24 hours at a temperature of -30? + 5 ?C. After being removed from conditioning, the device shall warm up to ambient temperature. If it has been separated it shall be fitted again to the safety-belt. 7.10 实验报告 7.10.Test report 7.10.1 试验报告应纪录上面第 7 条的所有试验结果尤其试验中的推车速度、人体 模型的最大向前移动值、带扣(如果变化的话)所占的位置。如果按照本法规 7.7.1 条附录 6 规定的固定装置则不做考虑,实验报告需规定安全带或约束系统如何安 装并确定重要的角度和尺寸,报告应记录在试验过程中带扣发生的任何扭曲或断 裂。对于约束系统,实验报告应指明车辆结构安装在推车上的方法,座椅的位置, 座椅靠背的倾角。如果人体模型的前倾位移超过了上面第 条的规定值, 报告应说明是否已满足第 条的要求。 7.10.1.The test report shall record the results of all the tests in paragraph 7 above and in particular the trolley speed, the maximum forward displacement of the manikin, the place - if it can be varied - occupied by the buckle during the test, the buckle-opening force, and any failure or breakage. If by virtue of paragraph 7.7.1. the anchorages prescribed in annex 6 to this Regulation have not been respected, the test report shall describe how the belt assembly or the restraint system was installed and shall specify important angles and dimensions. The report shall also mention any distortion or breakage of the buckle that has occurred during the test. In the case of a restraint system the test report shall also specify the manner of attaching the vehicle structure to the trolley, the position of the seats, and the inclination of the seat backs. If the forward displacement of the manikin has exceeded the values prescribed in paragraph above, the report shall state whether the requirements of paragraph have been met. 8 在车辆上的安装要求 8 REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING THE INSTALLATION IN THE VEHICLE 8.1 测量设备 8.1. Vehicle equipment 8.1.1 除了折叠座椅(14 号法规规定)和只在车辆静止时使用的座椅外,M 和N 型 车辆的座椅在增强解决方案(R.C.3)附录 7(除了设计旨在城市使用和固定乘员 的 M2和M3型车辆的座椅外)必须装备满足法规要求的安全带或约束系统。 8.1.1. With the exception of folding seats (as defined in Regulation No. 14) and seating intended solely for use when the vehicle is stationary, the seats of vehicles of categories M and N as defined in annex 7 to the Consolidated Resolution (R.E.3) */ (except those vehicles in categories M and M which are designed for both 23 urban use and standing passengers) must be equipped with safety-belts or restraint systems which satisfy the requirements of this Regulation. 8.1.2 对于每个座椅位置需要安装的安全带或约束系统的类型是在附录 16 规定的 那些类型(使用的既不是非锁止卷收器(第 2.14.1 条)也不是手动开启式卷收器 (第 2.14.2 条))。对于在附录 16 腰带类型Br3 规定的 B 类型腰带的所有座椅 位置是允许的,除了在使用中,在正常的扣上后腰带收回明显地降低舒适性。 8.1.2. The types of safety-belts or restraint systems for each seating position where installation is required shall be those specified in annex 16 (with which neither non-locking retractors (para. 2.14.1.) nor manually unlocking retractor (para. 2.14.2.) can be used). For all seating positions where lap belts type B are specified in annex 16 lap belts type Br3 are permitted except in the case that, in use, they retract to such an extent as to reduce comfort in a notable way after normal buckling up. 8.1.3 然而,M1类型车辆的外侧座椅,不是前部位置时,见附录 16 并标有φ标 志,允许安装 Br4 类型的腰带,并在座椅和靠近车侧壁通道的地方安装,以允许 乘员触及车辆的其他部件。如果把所有车门关上,侧壁与通过相关座椅中心线的垂 直的纵向平面的距离-在 R 点位置和车辆中部的纵向平面间测得-是大于 500mm, 座椅和车辆侧壁之间的空间认为是一个通道。 8.1.3.However, for outboard seating positions, other than front, of vehicles of the category M shown in annex 16 and marked with the symbol Ø, the 1 installation of a lap belt of type Br4m is allowed, where there exists a passage between a seat and the nearest side wall of the vehicle intended to permit access of passengers to other parts of the vehicle. A space between a seat and the side wall is considered as a passage, if the distance between that side wall, with all doors closed, and a vertical longitudinal plane passing through the center line of the seat concerned - measured at the R-point position and perpendicularly to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle - is more than 500 mm. 8.1.4 不需要任何安全带的车辆,可以选择制造厂提供的按本法规设计生产的的任 何类型的安全带或约束系统。可以用附录 16 中允许的类型 A 安全带来替代附录 16 规定的安装腰带的座椅位置的腰带。 8.1.4.Where no safety-belts are required any type of safety-belt or restraint system conforming to this Regulation may be provided at the choice of the manufacturer. A-type belts of the types permitted in annex 16 may be provided as an alternative to lap belts for those seating positions where lap belts are specified in annex 16. 8.1.5 装有卷收器的三点式安全带,可以用于对胸带的卷收器进行操作。 8.1.5.On three point belts fitted with retractors, one retractor must operate at least on the diagonal strap. 8.1.6 除了 M1 型车,负责试验的技术部门认为安装类型 4 的卷收器不适用的地 方而且使用效果满意,可以用类型 4N(第 2.14.5 条)的紧急收紧装置用来代替 类型 4 的卷收器。 8.1.6. Except for vehicles of category M an emergency locking retractor 1 of type 4N (para. 2.14.5.) may be permitted instead of a retractor of type 4 (para. 2.14.4.) where it has been shown to the satisfaction of the services responsible for the tests that the fitting of a type 4 retractor would not be practical. 8.1.7 对于前外侧和前中心座椅位置,见附录 16,且带有*标记,当风窗位于 21 号 法规附录 1 定义的参考区域外侧时,附录所指定的腰带类型应认为是适当的。 关于安全带,依据 21 号法规附录 1 规定的方法,风窗能与试验设备静态的接触, 则认为风窗是参考区域的一部分。 8.1.7.For the front outboard and the front centre seating positions shown in annex 16 and marked with the symbol r, lap belts of the type specified on that annex shall be considered adequate where the windscreen is located outside the reference zone defined in annex 1 to Regulation No. 21. As regards safety-belts, the windscreen is considered as part of the reference zone when it is capable of entering into static contact with the test apparatus according to the method described in annex 1 of Regulation No. 21. 8.1.8 对于标有#标记的所有座椅位置,附录 16 指定的腰带类型必须提供第 8.19 条定义的外露安装位置点。 8.1.8.For all seating positions in annex 16 marked with the symbol #, lap belts of the 1111types specified in annex 16 must be provided where an exposed seating position as defined in paragraph 8.1.9. exists. 8.1.9 外露安装位置点指的是在座椅前面的下面定义的空间内没有保护屏。 111111118.1.9.An exposed seating position is one where there is no protective screen in front of the seat within the following defined space: 在两个水平平面之间。一个通过 H 点另一个在此点上 400mm。 two horizontal planes, one through the H-point and the other 400 mm above it, 在两个纵向垂直的平面关于 H 点对称,相距 400mm。 Between two vertical longitudinal planes which are symmetrical in relation to the H-point and are 400 mm apart, 在 H 点 1.30m 后的横向垂直面。 对保护屏要求的目的是指如果直径 165mm 的球沿穿过上面确定空间的所有点, 并通过球心纵向水平面方向进行投影得到的相应强度的曲面而且显示没有断点。在 保护屏内没有任何可以穿过球的几何投影缝隙。如果保护屏在上述确定的面积小于 800cm2的包合面内,则座椅应考虑在外露座椅位置。 a transverse vertical plane 1.30 m from the H-point. 1111For the purposes of this requirement protective screen means a surface of suitable strength and showing no discontinuities such that, if a sphere of 165 mm diameter is geometrically projected in a longitudinal horizontal direction through any point of the space defined above and through the centre of the sphere, nowhere in the protective screen is there any aperture through which the geometrical projection of the sphere 11 11could be passed. A seat is considered to be anexposed seating position, if the protective screens within the space defined above have a combined surface area of less 2than 800 cm. 8.1.10 附录 16 标有*标记的每个座椅位置,在规定两点式安全带类型的地方除非 满足下列一个条件,才能提供附录 16 指定的三点式安全带类型。 8.1.10. Every seating position in annex 16 marked with the symbol i,three-point belts of a type specified in annex 16 shall be provided unless one of the following conditions is fullfilled, in which case two-point belts of a type specified in annex 16 may be provided. 按照 80 号法规附录 1 第 3.5 条规定有一个座椅或其他车辆部件,或 is a seat or other vehicle parts conforming to paragraph 3.5. of appendix 1 to Regulation No. 80 directly in front, or 当车辆运动时,车辆的任何部件都不能够在参考区域内,或 part of the vehicle is in or, when the vehicle is in motion, capable of being in the reference zone, or 在所说的参考区域内车辆部件应符合 80 号法规附录 6 规定的吸能要 求。 Parts of the vehicle within the said reference zone comply with the energy absorbing requirements set out in appendix 6 of Regulation No. 80. 8.1.11 除了第 8.1.12 条包括的情况,需给每个安装安全气囊的乘员座椅位置及使 用在此座椅位置的后向儿童约束系统提供警告。警告标记,以包括解释性文字的形 象标志持久地固定在座椅位置安装儿童约束系统的乘员前面的明显位置上,图标的 例子见图 1 。永久性标志需任何时候均可见,以免关门后看不见。 图 1 颜色: l 图标是红色 l 座椅,儿童座椅及安全气囊轮廓为黑色 l 安全气囊文字与安全气囊为白色 8.1.11. With the exception of the case covered by paragraph 8.1.12., every passenger seating position which is fitted with an airbag shall be provided with a warning against the use of a rearward-facing child restraint in that seating position. The warning label, in the form of a pictogram which may include explanatory text, shall be durably affixed and located such that it is easily visible in front of a person about to install a rearward-facing child restraint on the seat in question. An example of a possible design of a pictogram is shown in Figure 1. A permanent reference should be visible at all times, in case the warning is not visible when the door is closed. Figure 1 , Colours: , the pictogram is red , seat, child seat and contour line of the airbag are black , the word airbag as well as the airbag are white. 8.1.12 如果有自动识别是否有向后儿童约束系统存在的装置,不实施第 8.1.11 条 的要求,并确保在装上这样的儿童约束系统后不再配置安全气囊。 8.1.12.The requirements of paragraph 8.1.11. shall not apply if the vehicle is fitted with a mechanism which senses automatically the presence of any rearward-facing child restraint, and ensures that the airbag will not be deployed when such a child restraint system is fitted. 8.1.13 对于能够翻转或移动到不同方位的座椅,设计旨在车辆是静止时使用,依据 本法规第 8.1.1 条的要求只适用于车辆在路面上正常使用的座椅方向的情况。 8.1.13.In the case of seats capable of being turned to or placed in other orientations, designed for use when the vehicle is stationary, the requirements of paragraph 8.1.1. shall only apply to those orientations designated for normal use when the vehicle is travelling on a road, in accordance with this Regulation. 8.2 一般要求 8.2.General requirements 8.2.1 按照 14 号法规的规定应将安全带和约束系统固定在固定装置上。 8.2.1.Safety-belts and restraint systems shall be fixed to anchorages conforming to the specifications of Regulation No. 14. 8.2.2 安全带和约束系统安装后,需正确佩带,满意使用并在万一的事故中降低对 身体伤害的危害程度,尤其应按下面要求安装以确保: 8.2.2. The safety-belts and the restraint systems shall be so installed that, when properly worn, they will work satisfactorily and reduce the risk of bodily injury in the event of an accident. In particular they shall be so installed that: 织带不可能有危险的结构。 straps are not liable to assume a dangerous configuration; 由于前倾运动正确安装的安全带从佩带者的胸部往下滑移时把危害降低到 最小。 the danger of a correctly positioned belt slipping from the shoulder of a wearer as a result of his/her forward movement is reduced to a minimum 把与车体或座椅的锋利部件的接触而使织带受损的危险降到最小。 risk of the strap deteriorating through contact with sharp parts of the vehicle or seat structure is reduced to a minimum. 对于每个座椅位置提供的每个安全带的设计与安装应便于使用。此外,整 个座椅或座垫或靠背能够折叠的以方便接近车辆的后厢、货箱或行李厢。在折叠和 翻转座椅到乘坐位置,依据车辆的用户使用说明书,无需练习或训练,给这些座椅 安装的安全带应一人就能方便使用,或从座椅下面或后面方便进行抽取。 The design and installation of every safety-belt provided for each seating position shall be such as to be readily available for use. Furthermore, where the complete seat or the seat cushion and/or the seat back can be folded to permit access to rear of the vehicle or to goods or luggage compartment, after folding and restoring those seats to the seating position, the safety-belts provided for those seats shall be accessible for use or can be easily recovered from under or behind the seat, by one person, according to instructions in the vehicle users handbook, without the need for that person to have training or practice. 试验部门需验证带扣锁舌已扣合并且无乘员在座椅上。 The technical service shall verify that, with the buckle tongue engaged in the buckle and no occupant in the seat: 安全带的松弛并不能影响对儿童约束系统的制造厂推荐的方法进行正确 安装。并且: possible slack in the belt does not prevent the correct installation of child restraint systems recommended by the manufacturer, and 对于三点式安全带,在安全带的胸带外部施加可对安全带的腰带产生至少 50daN 的张紧力。 the case of three-point belts, a tension of at least 50 N can be established in the lap section of the belt by external application of tension in the diagonal section of the belt. 8.3 对集成到安全带或约束系统的刚性部件的特殊要求 8.3.Special requirements for rigid parts incorporated in safety-belts or restraint systems 8.3.1 刚性部件,如带扣、调节装置和系扣装置在事故中不能对佩带者或其他乘员 增加身体伤害的危险。 8.3.1. Rigid parts, such as the buckles, adjusting devices and attachments, shall not increase the risk of bodily injury to the wearer or to other occupants of the vehicle in the event of an accident 8.3.2 解开带扣的装置应清晰可见并能容易触及,设计上应能保证避免被无意间打 开。带扣需位于拯救者易于触及的地方,在紧急时以解救佩带者。带扣应这样安装, 以让佩带者用单手用简单的动作就能解开。对于前座外侧的座椅位置的安全带或约 束系统,除了腰肩连续带、带扣应能用简单的方式锁止。如果带扣与佩带者接触, 应进行检查。接触面应满足本法规第 条的要求。 8.3.2.The device for releasing the buckle shall be clearly visible to the wearer and within his easy reach and shall be so designed that it cannot be opened inadvertently or accidentally. The buckle shall also be located in such a position that it is readily accessible to a rescuer needing to release the wearer in an emergency. The buckle shall be so installed that, both when not under load and when sustaining the wearer's mass, it is capable of being released by the wearer with a single simple movement of either hand in one direction. In the case of a safety-belts or restraint systems for front outboard seating positions, except if these are harness belts, the buckle shall also be capable of being locked in the same manner. A check shall be made to ensure that, if the buckle is in contact with the wearer, the width of the contact surface is not less than 46 mm. A check shall be made to ensure that, if the buckle is in contact with the wearer, the contact surface satisfies the requirements of paragraph of this Regulation. 8.3.3 带上安全带时,安全带应自动调节以适应佩带者对手动调节装置便利触及与 方便操作,也可用手拉紧以适应佩带者和车辆座椅位置的形状。 8.3.3.When the belt is being worn, it shall either adjust automatically to fit the wearer or be so designed that the manual adjusting device is readily accessible to the wearer when seated and is convenient and easy to use. It shall also be possible for it to be tightened with one hand to suit the build of the wearer and the position of the vehicle seat. 8.3.4 集成至卷收器的安全带或约束系统应如此安装以让卷收器能正确运作与有效 地装载织带。 8.3.4. Safety-belts or restraint systems incorporating retractors shall be so installed that the retractors are able to operate correctly and stow the strap efficiently. 8.3.5 为了告知车辆用户对儿童乘员而制定的条款,M1和N1型车辆需满足附录 7 的要求。 8.3.5.In order to inform vehicle user(s) of the provisions made for the transport of children, vehicles of categories M and N shall meet the information requirements of 11 annex 17. 9 生产一致性 9 CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION 生产一致性的控制程序见附录 2(E/ECE/TRANS/505/REV.2),应满足下列要求: The conformity of production procedures shall comply with those set out in the Agreement, appendix 2 (E/ECE/324- E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2), with the following requirements: 9.1 按照本法规认证申请的每个车型或安全带或约束系统应如此制造以满足上面 第 6、7 和 8 条的要求才能获得认证批准。 9.1.Every vehicle type or safety-belt or restraint system approved under this Regulation shall be so manufactured as to conform to the type approved by meeting the requirements set forth in paragraphs 6, 7 and 8 above. 9.2 按照本法规附录 14 规定的条件,对生产一致性控制程序的最低要求。 9.2.The minimum requirements for conformity of production control procedures set forth in annex 14 to this Regulation shall be complied with. 9.3 认证试验部门可在任何时候检验生产一致性的控制方法,这些检验的正常频率 是一年两次。 9.3.The authority which has granted type-approval may at any time verify the conformity control methods applied in each production facility. The normal frequency of these verifications shall be twice a year. 10 生产不一致性的处罚 10 PENALTIES FOR NON-CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION 10.1 如果不满足上面第 9.1 条规定的要求,或者所选的安全带或约束系统未能通 过上面第 9.2 条的检验,相关车辆或安全带或约束系统的类型所授予的认证批准 可以撤销。 10.1.The approval granted in respect of a vehicle or a type of belt or restraint system may be withdrawn if the requirement laid down in paragraph 9.1. above is not complied with, or if the safety-belt(s) or restraint system(s) selected have failed to pass the checks prescribed in paragraph 9.2. above. 10.2 如果采用本法规的协议方撤销它先前授予的认证,应立刻通知实施本法规的 其他有关各方,通知形式应遵从本法规附录 1A 或附录 1B(如适当)的格式。 10.2.If a Contracting Party to the Agreement applying this Regulation withdraws an approval it has previously granted, it shall forthwith so notify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in annex 1A or annex 1B to this Regulation (as appropriate). 11 车型或安全带、约束系统的认证更改和认证扩展 11 MODIFICATIONS AND EXTENSION OF APPROVAL OF THE VEHICLE TYPE OR SAFETY-BELT OR RESTRAINT SYSTEM TYPE 11.1 对车型或安全带类型或约束系统的类型的每项更改应通知给车型或安全带类 型或约束系统的类型认证批准的管理部门。此管理部门则可以: 11.1.Every modification of the vehicle type or the belt or restraint system or both shall be notified to the administrative department which approved the vehicle type or safety-belt or restraint system type. The department may then either: 11.1.1 考虑所做的更改不会造成太大的的不良的影响并且无论如何车型或安全带 类型或约束系统依然满足要求;或者 11.1.1.Consider that the modifications made are unlikely to have an appreciable adverse effect and that in any case the vehicle or safety-belt or restraint system still complies with the requirements; or 11.1.2 需要负责进行试验的技术部门提供进一步的实验报告。 11.1.2.Require a further test report from the technical service responsible for conducting the tests. 11.2 如果没有违反上面第 11.1 条的规定,运行状况良好的车辆其质量小于认证批 准的改型车不视为车型的更改。 11.2.Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 11.1. above, a variant of the vehicle whose mass in the running order is less than that of the vehicle subjected to the approval test shall not be regarded as a modification of the vehicle type. 11.3 认证的批准或拒绝,具体变更,应按第 5.2.3.或 5.3.3 条规定的程序通知采用 本法规的缔约方。 11.3.Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alterations,shall be communicated by the procedure specified in paragraph 5.2.3. or 5.3.3. above to the Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation. 11.4 权威的部门对其认证扩展应授予一个系列号并应立即通知采用 1958 年本法 规的缔约方,通知的形式应遵从本法规附录 1A 或附录 1B 给出的形式。 11.4.The competent authority issuing the extension of approval shall assign a series number for such an extension and inform thereof the other parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in annex 1A or 1B to this Regulation. 12 正式停产 12 PRODUCTION DEFINITELY DISCONTINUED 如果认证书持有者完全停止生产按照本法规通过认证的设备,他应立即通知授予认 证的权威部门。权威部门一旦收到这样的通知应立即通知采用 1958 年本法规协议 的其它有关各方,通知的形式应遵从本法规附录 1A 或附录 1B 的要求。 If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a device approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the authority which granted the approval. Upon receiving the relevant communication that authority shall inform thereof the other Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in annex 1A or 1B to this Regulation. 13 技术说明书 13 INSTRUCTIONS 安全带对于车辆来说是单独提供的,它的布置和安装说明书规定了所安装的车型。 In the case of safety-belt type supplied separately from vehicle, the packaging and installation instructions must clearly state the vehicle type(s) for which it is intended. 14 认证试验部门及行政管理部门的名称和地址 采用本法规的缔约方,应该将试验部门及行政管理部门的名称及地址通知给联合国 秘书处。该试验部门负责进行认证试验,行政管理部门负责授予认证并授理在其他 国家发行的认证批准、认证扩展、认证拒绝或认证撤销的书面通知。 14 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF TECHNICAL SERVICES RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING APPROVAL TESTS, AND OF ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS The Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation shall communicate to the United Nations Secretariat the names and addresses of the technical services responsible for conducting approval tests and of the administrative departments which grant approval and to which forms certifying approval or refusal or extension or withdrawal of approval, issued in other countries, are to be sent. 15 过渡规定 15 TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS 15.1 认证车型 15.1.Approvals of vehicle type 15.1.1 从 04 系列修正本正式生效之日起,采用本法规的缔约方不得拒绝按照 04 系列修正本的 8 号法规的补充规定批准的 ECE 认证。 15.1.1.As from the official date of entry into force of Supplement 8 to the 04 series of amendments, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse to grant ECE approvals under this Regulation as modified by Supplement 8 to the 04 series of amendments. 15.1.2 从 1999 年 10 月 1 日起,采用本法规的缔约方只有在满足本法规的要求 时,才能授予 ECE 认证。 15.1.2.As from 1 October 1999, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall grant ECE approvals only if the requirements of this Regulation, as amended by Supplement 8 to the 04 series of amendments, are satisfied. 15.1.3 从 2001 年 10 月 1 日起,实施本法规的缔约方可以拒绝没有满足 04 系 列修正本 8 号法规的补充规定要求的一种车型的首次国家认证。 15.1.3.As from 1 October 2001, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation may refuse to recognize approvals which were not granted in accordance with Supplement 8 to the 04 series of amendments to this Regulation. 然而,从 2000 年 10 月 1 日起,对于 M1和 N1型车,如果不满足 8.3.5 条和附录 17 的要求,实施本法规的缔约方可以拒绝承认没有按照 04 系列修正本 8 号法规的补充规定而批准的认证。, as from 1 October 2000, for vehicles of categories M and N, 11 Contracting Parties applying this Regulation may refuse to recognize ECE approvals which were not granted in accordance with Supplement 8 to the 04 series of amendments to this Regulation, if the information requirements of paragraph 8.3.5. and annex 17 are not met. 附录 1A Annex 1A (最大规格 A4(210x297mm) 通知书 签发机构:行政管理部门名称 (1) 按照 16 号法规关于安全带给予: 认证批准 认证扩展 认证拒绝 认证撤销 正式停产 的通知 认证号 扩展号 (maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm)) COMMUNICATION issued by: Name of administration: oncerning: 2/ APPROVAL GRANTED APPROVAL EXTENDED APPROVAL REFUSED APPROVAL WITHDRAWN PRODUCTION DEFINITELY DISCONTINUED of a vehicle type with regard to safety-belt pursuant to Regulation No. 16 Approval No:...Extension No: 1 常规 1.General 1.1 制造厂的商标和名称 1.1.Make (trade name of manufacturer): 1.2 类型和通用商业规定 1.2.Type and general commercial description(s): 1.3 类型的确认(如有,在车上标记) 1.3.Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle: 1.3.1 标志的位置 1.3.1.Location of that marking: 1.4 车辆类型 1.4.Category of vehicle: 1.5 制造厂的名称和地址 1.5.Name and address of manufacturer: 1.6 装备厂地址 1.6.Address(es) of assembly plant(s): 2 车辆的常规特性 2.General construction characteristics of the vehicle 2.1 典型车辆图片和/或图纸 2.1.Photographs and/or drawings of a representative vehicle: (1) 已经授予认证批准、 认证扩展、认证拒绝、认证撤销的国家代号(见本法规中的认证规定)。 (2) 划掉不适用的部分。 3 车体 3.Bodywork 3.1 座椅 3.1.Seats 3.1.1 序号 3.1.1 Number: 3.1.2 位置与布置 3.1.2 Position and arrangement: 在车辆静止时指定的座椅位置 position(s) designated for use only when the vehicle is stationary: 3.1.3 特性:有下列描述与图纸 3.1.3.Characteristics: description and drawings of Annex 1A 座椅和其固定装置 seats and their anchorages: 调整机构 adjustment system: 位移与锁止机构 displacement and locking systems: 如集成到座椅结构,座椅安全带固定装置 seat belt ancorages if incorporated in the seat structure: 3.2 安全带和/或其他约束系统 3.2.Safety-belts and/or other restraint systems 3.2.1 安全带与约束系统及安装使用它们的座椅的序号和位置 3.2.1.Number and position of safety-belts and restraint systems and seats on which they can be used: 完整的 ECE 认证标志 安全带高度调节装类型 变型车(如果使置 用) (指出是/否/可选) 第一列座椅 R C L 第二列座椅 R C L (R=右侧座椅,C=中间座(R=右侧座椅,C=中间座椅,L=左侧座椅) 椅, Complete ECE Variant (if Belt adjustment device for type- approval applicable) height (indicate mark yes/no/optional) First row of seat R C L Second row of R seat C L (R=right-hand seat, C=centre seat, L=left hand seat) 国家:欧洲经济委员会(E.C.E.) 源于:联合国 1970 年 8 月 14 日协议 标题:安全带及成人约束系统 第 1 版 2000 年 10 月 法规号:16 第35页 3.2.2 补充约束系统的特性和位置(指出是/否/可选) 前安全气囊 侧安全气囊 安全带预张紧器 第一列座椅 R C L 第二列座椅 R C L (R=右侧座椅,C=中间座椅,L=左侧座椅) 3.2.2.Nature and position of supplementary restraint systems (indicate yes/no/optional). Front Side airbag Belt preloading airbag device First row of seat R C L Second row of seat R C L (R=right-hand seat, C=centre seat, L=left hand seat) 3.2.3 安全带固定装置的编号和位置与按照 14 号法规的证明(如 ECE 类-认证号和试验报告) 3.2.3.Number and position of safety-belt anchorages and proof of compliance with Regulation No. 14 (i.e. ECE type-approval number or test report). 4 地点 4 place 5 日期 5 date 6 签署 6 signature 附录 1B 通知书 (最大规格 A4(210x297mm) 签发机构:行政管理部门名称 (1)按照 16 号法规关于动力驱动车辆安全带及成人乘员约束系统给予 (2):认证批准 认证扩展 认证拒绝 认证撤销 正式停产 的通知 认证号 扩展号 附录 1B Annex 1B (maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm)) COMMUNICATION issued by: Name of administration: concerning: 2/ APPROVAL GRANTED APPROVAL EXTENDED APPROVAL REFUSED APPROVAL WITHDRAWN PRODUCTION DEFINITELY DISCONTINUED of a type of safety-belt or restraint system for adult occupants of power-driven vehicles pursuant to Regulation No. 16 Approval No. Extension No 1 约束系统(与)/三点式安全带/特殊类型的安全带/装备的吸能器/卷收器/上支柱环的高度调节装置 2 品牌名称与商标 3 安全带或约束系统的类型 4 制造厂名称 5 如可能,制造厂代理人的姓名 6 地址. 7 认证的呈报 8 负责进行认证试验的技术服务部门 9 技术服务部门签发的认证报告的日期 10 技术服务部门颁发的认证报告编号 11 一般使用的认证批准/认证拒绝(1)/特殊使用的车辆或车辆的特殊类型(1)(2) 12 标志的布置示例 13 地址 14 日期 15 签署 16 存放在认证管理部门文件清单作为附件列在本通知书后,以备查询 (1) 划去不适用部分。 (2) 如果安全带满足 条的各项相关规定,那么这个安全带将只能安装在通过前方的安全气囊保护的座位的外前方,在这种情况下,相关车辆应满足第 94.01 修正本的规定或者其后的各种相关版本,以及欧洲委员会的修正本 96,79,EC。 1. Restraint system (with)/three-point belt/lap belt/special type belt/fitted (with) energy absorber/retractor/device for height adjustment of the upper pillar loop 3/ 2. Trade name or mark 3. Manufacturer's designation of the type of belt or restraining system 4. Manufacturer's name 5. If applicable, name of his representative 6. Address 7. Submitted for approval on 8. Technical service responsible for conducting approval tests 9. Date of test report issued by that service 10. Number of test report issued by that service 11. Approval granted/refused/extended/withdrawn 2/ for general use/for use in a particular vehicle or in particular types of vehicles 2/ 4/ 12. Position and nature of the marking 13. Place 14. Date 15. Signature Annex 1B 16.Annexed to this communication is a list of documents in the approval file deposited at the administration services having delivered the approval and which can be obtained upon request. 1/ Distinguishing number of the country which has granted/extended/refused/withdrawn approval (see approval provisions in the Regulation). 2/ Strike out what does not apply. 3/ Indicate which type. 4/ If a safety-belt is approved following the provisions of paragraph of this Regulation, this safety-belt shall only be installed in an outboard front seating position protected by an airbag in front of it, under the condition that the vehicle concerned is approved to Regulation No. 94, 01 series of amendments or its any later version in force. 附录 2 认证标志的布置示例 Annex 2 ARRANGEMENTS OF THE APPROVAL MARKS 1 车辆认证标志的布置与安全带的安装 1.Arrangements of the vehicle approval marks concerning the installation of safety-belts 例 A (见本法规的 5.2.4 条) a = 8 mm min. 对于某一车辆,上述认证标志表明,该车辆关于安全带的类型按照 16 号法规在荷 兰(E4)已经获得批准认证。上述认证号说明该认证是按照 16 号法规 04 系列 修正本的要求批准认证的。 The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle type concerned has, with regard to safety-belts, been approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 16. The approval number indicates that the approval was granted according to the requirements of Regulation No. 16 as amended by the 04 series of amendments. 例 B(见本法规的 5.2.5 条) Model B (See paragraph 5.2.5. of this Regulation) a = 8 mm min. 上述认证标志表明该车辆关于安全带的类型按照 16 号法规和 52 号法规在荷兰 (E4)已经获得认证批准。上述 认证号说明该认证是按照 16 号法规 04 系列修正本的要求批准认证的,而 52 号 法规属于 01 系列的最新修正状态。 The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle type concerned has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulations Nos. 16 and 52. 1/ The approval numbers indicate that, at the dates when the respective approvals were given, Regulation No. 16 included the 04 series of amendments and Regulation No. 52 the 01 series of amendments. 2 安全带认证标志的布置示例(见本法规 5.3.5 条) 2 Arrangements of the safety-belt approval marks (See paragraph 5.3.5. of this Regulation 具有上述认证标志的安全带属于三点式安全带(“ A”),安装有能量减振器(“ e”), 已在荷兰(E4)认证批准,认证号为 042439,说明该认证是按照 16 号法规 04 系 列修正本的要求批准认证的。 The belt bearing the above approval mark is a three-point belt ("A"), fitted with an energy absorber ("e") and approved in the Netherlands (E4) under the number 042439, the Regulation already incorporating the 04 series of amendments at the time of approval. The belt bearing the above approval mark is a lap belt ("B"), fitted with a retractor, type 4, with multiple sensitivity (m) and approved in the Netherlands (E4) under the number 042489, the Regulation already incorporating the 04 series of amendments at the time of approval. 注意: 上述认证标志以及附加符号的布置必须在圆圈附近,或者在“E”字上边或下边, 或者在左侧或者是右侧。其它号码必须与“E”在同一侧,并且朝向相同。应该尽 量避免使用罗马数字作为认证号,以避免与其它记号相混淆。 NOTE:The approval number and additional symbol(s) must be placed close to the circle and either above or below the "E" or to left or right of that letter. The digits of the approval number must be on the same side of the "E" and orientated in the same direction. The additional symbol(s) must be diametrically opposite the approval number. The use of roman numerals as approval numbers should be avoided so as to prevent any confusion with other symbols. a=8 mm min 具有以上认证标志的安全带是一种特殊类型(“ S”)的安全带,它安装有能量减 振器(“ e”),并且在荷兰(E4)批准认证,认证号为 0422439,该认证是在 16 号 法规 04 系列最新修正本的要求下批准认证的。 The belt bearing the above approval mark is a special type belt ("S"), fitted with an energy absorber ("e") and approved in the Netherlands (E4) under the number 0422439, the Regulation already incorporating the 04 series of amendments at the time of approval 具有以上认证标志的安全带是约束系统的一部分(“ Z”),它是安装有能量减振器 (“ e”)的一种特殊类型的安全带(“ S”).,并且在荷兰(E4)批准认证,认证号 为 0424391,说明在认证时是按本法规 04 系列修正本的要求条件下认证批准的。 The belt bearing the above approval mark is part of a restraint system ("Z"), it is a special type belt ("S") fitted with an energy absorber ("e"). It has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) under the number 0424391, the Regulation already incorporating the 04 series of amendments at the time of approval. a/3 ù Ar4Nm a $ 8 mm a = 8 mm min. 具有上述认证标志的安全带是带有多倍灵敏度(“ m”) 4N 型(“r4n”)的收缩装 置的三点式(“ A”)安全带,已经在荷兰获得认证批准。在它以后的认证批准, 将按本法规 04 系列修正本和最新技术修正的补充规定相参照。本认证标志不可以 安装在 M1类型的车辆上。 1T1T The belt bearing this type-approval mark is a three-point belt (A)with a 1T1T 1T1T multiple-sensivity (m)type 4N (r4N)retractor, in respect of which type-approval 1T1T was granted in the Netherlands (E4)under number 042439, the Regulation already incorporating the 04 series of amendments at the time of approval. This belt shall not be fitted to vehicles of category M1. 具有上述认证标志的安全带应属于安装有能量减振器(”e”)三点式安全带(“ A”), 并且带有多倍灵敏度(“ m”)4N 型(“r4n”)的收缩装置已在荷兰(E4)获得认 证批准,认证号为 042439。认证号前两位数字表明该认证是按照16 号法规 04 系 列最新修正本的规定批准认证的,这以后的认证申请应满足本法规 条的 要求。这种类型的安全带必须安装在特定座椅上,并且装配有安全气囊的汽车上。 The safety-belt bearing this type-approval mark is a three-point belt ("A") fitted with an energy absorber ("e"), approved as meeting the specific requirements of paragraph of this Regulation, and with a multiple-sensitivity ("m") type 4 ("r4") retractor, in respect of which type approval was granted in the Netherlands ("E4") under the approval number 042439. The first two digits indicate that the Regulation already incorporated the 04 series of amendments at the time of the approval. This safety-belt has to be fitted to a vehicle equipped with an airbag in the given seating position. 附录 3 测试牵引机寿命的图示卷收器齿轮电机 Annex 3 DIAGRAM OF AN APPARATUS TO TEST DURABILITY OF RETRACTOR MECHANISM 附录 4 测试紧急制动牵引机锁定机构的图示 下列图示举例说明了一种合适的设备,它包括一个有发电机驱动的凸轮,从动轮通 过金属线与一个安放在轨道上的推车相连接。,此规则在 条中指定了加速 度应以一定的比率增加,像这样的凸轮设计以及发电机转速的组合,就是为了提供 要求的加速度,并且此行程在锁定之前被调整大于允许的最大边带移动量。 A suitable apparatus is illustrated in the figure and consists of a motor-driven cam, the follower of which is attached by wires to a small trolley mounted on a track. The cam design and motor speed combination is such as to give the required acceleration at a rate of increase of acceleration as specified in paragraph of this Regulation and the stroke is arranged to be in excess of the maximum permitted webbing movement before locking. 在推车上安装有一个可以旋转的托架,用来可以使牵引器安装在与推车运动方向有 关的不同的位置。 On the trolley a carrier is mounted which can be swivelled to enable the retractor to be mounted in varying positions relative to the direction of movement of the trolley. 当检测牵引器对皮带运动的灵敏度时,牵引器被安装在一个适当的固定支架上,并 且皮带与推车连结。 When testing retractors for sensitivity to strap movement the retractor is mounted on a suitable fixed bracket and the strap is attached to the trolley. 当实施上述测试时,由制造厂所提供或者是由他们指定的代理商指定的任何支架 等,应该与测试装置结为一体,以用来尽可能精确的模拟在一车辆上试图安装的装 置。 When carrying out the above tests any brackets, etc. supplied by the manufacturer or his accredited representative shall be incorporated in the test installation to simulate as closely as possible the intended installation in a vehicle. 为了用来模拟车辆上试图安装的装置,可能会要求安装任何额外的支架等,这些需 要由制造厂或者是代理商提供。 Any additional brackets, etc. that may be required to simulate the installation as intended in the vehicle shall be provided by the manufacturer or his accredited representative. 卷收器 附录 5 防尘设备检测的图示 卷收器 循环连接位置 灰尘收集器 卷收器 通气口 灰尘 阀门与过滤器 ( 空气 附录 6 货车、座椅、固定物(anchorages)、锁定装置的说明 Annex 6 DIAGRAM OF AN APPARATUS FOR DUST-RESISTANCE TEST (dimensions in millimetres) 1 货车 货车为了测试安全带的安全性,仅仅携带座椅,这种情况下,它的总重量将有 400 ?20kg。为了测试货车以及拖车的制动系统,整个结构的总重量应有 800kg。然而, 如果必要的话,货车和拖车的结构重量可能需要增加 200kg。总重量值绝不可以超 出?40kg 的偏差。 1.TROLLEY For tests on safety-belts the trolley, carrying the seat only, shall have a mass of 400 + 20 kg. For tests on restraint systems the trolley with the attached vehicle structure shall have a mass of 800 kg. However, if necessary, the total mass of the trolley and vehicle structure may be increased by increments of 200 kg. In no case shall the total mass differ from the nominal value by more than + 40 kg. 2 座椅 除了在测试制动系统这一情况下,座椅都应该是刚性结构的并且在同一平面上。在 此附录中图 1 给出的特例应当注意,观察到没有金属部分与安全带相接触。 2.SEAT Except in the case of tests on restraint systems, the seat shall be of rigid construction and present a smooth surface. The particulars given in figure 1 to this annex shall be respected, care being taken that no metal part can come into contact with the belt. 3 固定物 3.ANCHORAGES 3.1 在安全带安装有高度调节装置的情况下,此装置在本法规的 2.14.6 条中定义, 并且它应该既对刚性车架又对它所安装在其上的这一部分车体来说是安全的,而此 装置的固定物也应该是可靠的安装在实验货车上的。 3.1.In the case of a belt equipped with a belt adjustment device for height as defined in paragraph 29.6. of this Regulation, this device shall be secured either to a rigid frame, or to a part of the vehicle on which it is normally mounted which shall be securely fixed on the test trolley. 3.2 此固定物应该如图 1 所示安置。与固定物的布置相一致的标记表明了哪里是 安全带的末端,以及表明了此末端与货车或者是装载传感器相关,但也需要根据具 体情况而定。在通常情况下,如果带子在从上端带扣边缘到固定物用来固定安全带 的洞之间的长度提供至多 250mm 时,使用的固定物是点A、B 以及 K。此外, 点 A1、B1应当被使用。固定点的位置公差是指每一个固定点应该位于离相应点 A、B 以及 K 至多不超过 50mm 的范围,同时也暗示了如果是图 1 A1、B1和 K 的情形,需要根据具体情况而定。 3.2.The anchorages shall be positioned as shown in figure 1. The marks which correspond to the arrangement of the anchorages show where the ends of the belt are to be connected to the trolley or to the load transducer, as the case may be. The anchorages for normal use are the points A, B and K if the strap length between the upper edge of the buckle and the hole for attachment of the strap support is not more than 250 mm. Otherwise, the points A1 and B1 shall be used. The tolerance on the position of the anchorage points is such that each anchorage point shall be situated at most at 50 mm from corresponding points A, B and K indicated in figure 1 or A1, B1 and K, as the case may be. 3.3 安装固定装置的结构应该是刚性的。当在纵向方向施加 98 daN 的负荷时,上 部的固定物在此方向上的偏移一定不要超过 0.2mm。货车的这种应有的结构可以 避免将在测试过程中固定物支撑架上发生的永久变形。 3.3.The structure carrying the anchorages shall be rigid. The upper anchorage must not be displaced by more than 0.2 mm in the longitudinal direction when a load of 98 daN is applied to it in that direction. The trolley shall be so constructed that no permanent deformation shall occur in the parts bearing the anchorages during the test. 3.4 如果有必要对牵引器使用四点式固定物,那么此固定物: 应该布置在通过点 K 垂直的纵向平面内。 应该使牵引器按制造厂指定的角度倾斜。 如果从带子上端的导杆到带子牵引器端的出口之间的长度不足 540mm,它应该布 置在以半径KB1=790mm 的圆弧上,在其他情况之下,应该布置在以 K 为圆心、 半径为 350mm 的圆弧上。 3.4.If a fourth anchorage is necessary to attach the retractor, this anchorage: Shall be located in the vertical longitudinal plane passing through K; Shall enable the retractor to be tilted to the angle prescribed by the manufacturer; Shall be located on the arc of a circle with radius KB1 = 790 mm if the length between the upper strap guide and the strap outlet at the retractor is not less than 540 mm or, in all other cases, on the arc of a circle with centre K and radius 350 mm. 国家:欧洲经济委员会(E.C.E.) 源于:联合国 1970 年 8 月 14 日协议 标题:安全带及成人约束系统 第 1 版 2000 年 10 月 法规号:16 第47页 4 锁定装置 4.STOPPING DEVICE 4.1 此装置包括两个平行安置的一样的减振器(absorber),只有当标记重量为 800kg 时在约束系统上将使用四个减振器。如果必要的话,标记重量每增加 200kg, 将会增加使用一个减振器。每一个减振器包括:——由钢管构成的外壳;一个聚氨 酯能量吸收管;一个深入减振器的磨光的钢质的橄榄形状的突起,以及一根轴和一 个压盘。 4.1.The device consists of two identical absorbers mounted in parallel, except in the case of restraint systems when four absorbers shall be used for a nominal mass of 800 kg. If necessary, an additional absorber shall be used for each 200 kg increase of nominal mass. Each absorber comprises: an outer casing formed from a steel tube; a polyurethane energy-absorber tube; a polished-steel olive-shaped knob penetrating into the absorber; and a shaft and an impact plate. 4.2 减振器的各个不同部分的尺寸在附表 2、3 和 4 中给出。 4.2.The dimensions of the various parts of this absorber are shown in the diagrams reproduced in figures 2, 3 and 4. 4.3 减振器的材料特性在此附录的表格 1 中给出。在每一次测试结束之后,马上 将管子放在温度在 15?C与 25?之间的环境下至少 12h 而不被使用。在这个测 试安全带约束系统的动态过程之中,锁定装置应该像标准测试一样处在相同的温度 下,最大温差不可超过?2?C 。锁定装置应该满足的条件在本法规附录 8 中给 出。任何其他装置的等效结果可以被使用。 4.3.The characteristics of the absorbing material are given in table 1 of this annex. Immediately before each test the tubes shall be conditioned at a temperature between 15? and 25 ?C for at least 12 hours without being used. During the dynamic testing of safety-belts or restraint systems, the stopping device shall be at the same temperature as during the calibration test, with a tolerance of + 2 ?C. The requirements to be met by the stopping device are given in annex 8 to this Regulation. Any other device giving equivalent results may be used. 图表 1 减振器的特性 (美国材料实验协会(ASTM )在不同状况下的方法 D 735) Table 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ABSORBING MATERIAL (ASTM Method D 735 unless otherwise stated) 支撑硬度 A: 95?2 在 20?5? Shore hardness A: 95 + 2 at 20 + 5 ?C temperature 2破坏力: R0 > 343 daN/cm 2Breaking strength:R > 343 daN/cm o 最小伸长率: A0 > 400% Minimum elongation: A > 400 per cent o 2模数: 在 100%伸长率下 > 108 daN / cm 2在 300%伸长率下 > 235 daN / cm 2Module at 100 per cent elongation: > 108 daN/cm 2at 300 per cent elongation: > 235 daN/cm 低温下脆度 (ASTM 方法 D h):在 -55? 条件下 5h Low-temperature brittleness (ASTM Method D 736): 5 hours at -55 ?C 压缩趋势(方法 B): 在 70? 条件下 22h 后 < 45% Compression set (Method B): 22 hours at 70 ?C < 45 per cent 在 25?时的密度:在 1.05 与 1.10 之间 Density at 25 ?C: between 1.05 and 1.10 在空气中的寿命(ASTM 方法 D 573): 在 100 ?条件下 70h 后 ——支撑硬度 A:最大变化范围?3 ——破坏力:R0 的减少量 < 10% ——伸长率:A0 的减少量 < 10% ——容积:膨胀量 < 1% Ageing in air (ASTM Method D 573) 70 hours at 100 ?C - Shore-A-hardness: max variation + 3 , breaking strength: decrease < 10 per cent of Ro , elongation: decrease < 10 per cent of Ao , mass: decrease < 1 per cent 在油中浸泡(ASTM 方法 No.1 加润滑油的情况下): 在 100 ?条件下 70h 后 ——支撑硬度 A:最大变化范围?4 ——破坏力:R0 的减少量 < 15% ——伸长率:A0 的减少量 < 10% ——容积:膨胀量 < 5% 国家:欧洲经济委员会(E.C.E.) 源于:联合国 1970 年 8 月 14 日协议 标题:安全带及成人约束系统 第 1 版 2000 年 10 月 法规号:16 第49页 Immersion in oil (ASTM Method No. 1 Oil): 70 hours at 100 ?C - Shore-A-hardness: max variation + 4 , breaking strength: decrease < 15 per cent of Ro , elongation: decrease < 10 per cent of Ao , volume: swelling < 5 per cent 在油中浸泡(ASTM 方法 No.3 加润滑油的情况下): 在 100 ?条件下 70h 后 ——破坏力:R0 的减少量 < 15% ——伸长率:A0 的减少量 < 15% ——容积:膨胀量 < 20% Immersion in oil (ASTM Method No. 3 Oil): 70 hours at 100 ?C - breaking strength: decrease < 15 per cent of R o, elongation: decrease < 15 per cent of Ao , volume: swelling < 20 per cent 在蒸馏水中浸泡: 在 70 ?条件下一周后 ——破坏力:R0 的减少量 < 35% ——伸长率:A0 的增加量 < 20% Immersion in distilled water: 1 week at 70 ?C - breaking strength: decrease < 35 per cent of R - elongation: increase o < 20 per cent of Ao 图 1 台车、座椅、固定点 Figure 1 TROLLEY, SEAT, ANCHORAGE 国家:欧洲经济委 第51页 图 2 止动装置(装配图) Figure 2 STOPPING DEVICE (Assembled) 图 3 止动装置(聚氨酯套管) Figure 3 STOPPING DEVICE (Polyurethane tube) 材料 A 国家:欧洲经济委员会(E.C.E.) 尺寸可在 43 到 49 之间变动 尺寸:mm 尺寸:mm 表面粗糙度 过盈公差?0.1 图 4 止动装置(橄榄型把手) 国家:欧洲经济委员会(E.C.E.) 附录 7 人体模型描述 Annex 7 DESCRIPTION OF MANIKIN 1 人体模型的技术要求 1.Specifications of the manikin 1.1 一般要求 在以下的图表中给出了人体模型的主要参数: 图 1 头部、颈部和躯干的侧视图 图 2 头部、颈部和躯干的前视图 图 3 臀部、大腿和小腿的侧视图 图 4 臀部、大腿和小腿的前视图 图 5 理论尺寸 图 6 座姿人体模型,描述: 重心位置; 位移测量点的位置;肩部高度 表 1 序号、名称、材料和人体模型各部分的理论尺寸 表 2 头部、颈部和躯干、大腿和小腿的质量 1.1.General The main characteristics of the manikin are illustrated in the following figures and tables: Figure 1 Side view of head, neck and torso; Figure 2 Front view of head, neck and torso; Figure 3 Side view of hip, thighs and lower leg; Figure 4 Front view of hip, thighs and lower leg; Figure 5 Principal dimensions; Figure 6 Manikin in sitting position, showing: location of the centre of gravity; location of points at which displacement shall be measured; and shoulder height. Table 1 References, names, materials and principal dimensions of components of the manikin; and Table 2 Masses of head, neck, torso, thighs and lower leg. 1.2 人体模型描述 1.2.Description of the manikin 1.2.1 小腿结构(参见图 3 和图 4) 小腿由三部分结构组成: 脚底板(30) 胫骨管件(29) 膝部管件(26) 膝部管件有两个凸缘限制小腿相对于大腿的移动 小腿可以从直立方向向后转动 120o 1.2.1.Structure of the lower leg (see Figures 3 and 4) The structure of the lower leg consists of three components: a sole plate (30); a shin tube (29); and a knee tube (26). The knee tube has two lugs which limit the movement of the lower leg in relation to the thigh. The lower leg can be rotated rearwards 120? from the straight position. 1.2.2 大腿结构(参见图 3 和图 4) 大腿由三部分结构组成: 膝部管件(22) 大腿杆(21) 臀部管件(20) 膝部的运动由与小腿凸缘配合的切槽限制。 1.2.2.Structure of the thigh (see Figures 3 and 4) The structure of the thigh consists of three components: knee tube (22); a thigh bar (21); and a hip tube (20). Movement of the knee is limited by two cut-outs in the knee tube (22) which engage with the lugs of the lower leg. 1.2.3 躯干结构(参见图 1 和图 2) 躯干由下列结构组成: 臀部管件(2) 滚动钢索(4) 肋骨(6)和(7) 胸骨(8) 钢索连接件(3)和零件(7)和(8)。 1.2.3.Structure of the torso (see Figures 1 and 2) The structure of the torso consists of: a hip tube (2); a roller chain (4); ribs (6) and (7); a sternum (8); and chain attachments (3) and at parts (7) and (8). 1.2.4 颈部结构(参见图 1 和图 2) 颈部由 7 个聚氨酯圆盘组成(9)。颈部刚度可由钢索张紧器调节。 1.2.4.Neck (see Figures 1 and 2) The neck consists of seven polyurethane discs (9) . The stiffness of the neck can be adjusted by means of a chain tensioner. 1.2.5 头部结构(参见图 1 和图 2)头部件(15)是空心的。聚氨酯结构由钢板(17) 加强。调节颈部的张紧器包括一个聚酰胺块(10),一个管套(11)、和张紧杆(12) 和(13)。头部可以绕颈椎柱铰转动,此铰由调节器总成(14)和(18)、隔套(16)、 和聚酰胺块(10)组成。 1.2.5.Head (see Figures 1 and 2) The head (15) itself is hollow; the polyurethane form is reinforced by steel plate (17). The chain tensioner by which the neck can be adjusted consists of a polyamide block (10), a tubular spacer (11), and tensioning members (12) and (13). The head can be turned about the Atlas-Axis joint, which consists of the adjuster assembly (14) and (18), the spacer (16), and polyamide block (10). 1.2.6 膝部铰链(参见图 4) 小腿和大腿由管件(27)和张紧器(28)连接。 1.2.6.Knee joint (see Figure 4) The lower leg and thighs are connected by a tube (27) and a tensioner (28). 1.2.7 臀部铰链(参见图 4) 大腿和躯干由管件(23)、摩擦盘(24)和张紧器总成(25)连接。 1.2.7.Hip joint (see Figure 4) The thighs and torso are connected by a tube (23), friction plates (24), and tensioner assembly (25). 1.2.8 聚氨酯 类型:PU123CH 复合 硬度:50-60 shore(绍氏)A 1 .2 .8.Polyurethane Type: PU 123 CH Compound Hardness: 50-60 Shore A 1.2.9 外套 人体模型穿有专门的工作外套(参见表 1)。 1.2.9.Overalls The manikin is covered by a special overall (see table 1). 2 修正设备 2.Correction devices 2.1 一般要求 为按照指定值标定人体模型,人体模型的总质量和质量分布通过使用六个 1kg 的钢质重块来调节, 这些重块应安装到臀部铰链上。躯干背部可以安装六个 1kg 的聚氨酯重块。 2.1.General In order to calibrate the manikin to certain values and its total mass, the mass distribution are adjusted by the use of six correction steel masses of 1 kg each, which can be mounted at the hip joint. Six polyurethane weights each of 1 kg mass can be mounted in the back of the torso. 3 衬垫 人体模型胸部和外套之间装有衬垫。衬垫材料为聚苯乙烯泡沫规格如下: 硬度:7-10 shore(绍氏)A;厚度:25mm?5;必须可以更换。 3.Cushion A cushion must be positioned between the chest of the manikin and the overall. This cushion shall be made of polyethylene foam of the following specification: Hardness: 7-10 shore A Thickness: 25 mm + 5 It shall be replaceable. 4 铰链的调节 4.Adjustment of the joints 4.1 一般要求 每一个铰链的摩擦力都需指定和控制,使之获得可重复的结果。 4.1.General In order to achieve reproducible results, it is necessary to specify and control the friction at each joint. 4.2 膝部铰链 紧固膝部铰链。 使大腿和小腿垂直。 转动小腿 30o。 缓慢放松张紧器(28),直到小腿开始在自身重力作用下落。 在此位置锁止张紧器。 4.2.Knee joint Tighten the knee joint. Set the thigh and lower leg vertical. Rotate the lower leg through 30?. Gradually slacken the tensioner (28) until the lower leg starts to fall under its own mass. Lock the tensioner in this position. 4.3 臀部铰链 紧固臀部铰链。 使大腿水平放置并且躯干垂直。 向前转动躯干,使躯干与大腿夹角为 60o。 缓慢放松张紧器,直到躯干开始在自身重力作用下落。 在此位置锁止张紧器。 4.3.Hip joint Tighten the hip joint. Place the thigh in a horizontal position and the torso in a vertical position. Rotate the torso in a forward direction until the angle between the torso and the thigh is 60?. Gradually slacken the tensioner until the torso starts to fall under its own mass. Lock the tensioner in this position. 4.4 颈椎柱铰链 调节颈椎柱铰链使之刚好在前后方向与自身重力平衡。 4.4.Atlas-Axis joint Adjust the Atlas-Axis joint so that it just resists its own weight in the fore and aft directions. 4.5 颈部 颈部通过钢索(13)来调节。调节颈部后,张紧器上端受 10daN 力时位移应在 4~6cm 之间。 4.5Neck The neck can be adjusted by means of the chain tensioner (13). When the neck is adjusted, the upper end of the tensioner shall displace between 4-6 cm when subjected to a horizontal load of 10 daN. 表 1 Table 1 名称 材料 尺寸 序号 Name Material Dimensions Reference number 身体材料 Body 聚氨酯 1 -- material Polyurethane 钢 Steel 2 76 x 70 x 100 mm 臀部管件 Hip tube 钢索连接件 钢 Steel 3 25 x 10 x 70 mm Chain attachments 滚动钢索 Roller chain 钢 Steel 4 3/4 5 -- 肩部件 Shoulder plate 聚氨酯 Polyurethane 滚动部件 Rolled section 钢 Steel 6 30 x 30 x 3 x 250 mm 环状钢盘 肋骨 Ribs 7 400 x 85 x 1.5 mm Perforated steel plate 环状钢盘 胸骨 Sternum 8 250 x 90 x 1.5 mm Perforated steel plate 圆盘(六块) 聚氨酯 9 ø 90 x 20 mm Polyurethane ø 80 x 20 mm Discs (six) ø 75 x 20 mm ø 70 x 20 mm ø 65 x 20 mm ø 60 x 20 mm 重块 Block 10 60 x 60 x 25 mm 聚酰胺 Polyamide 钢 Steel 11 40 x 40 x 2 x 50 mm 管套 Tubular spacer 张紧螺栓 钢 Steel 12 M16 x 90 mm Tensioning bolt 张紧螺母 钢 Steel 13 M16 Tensioner nut 钢 Steel 14 ø 12 x 130 mm (M12) 颈椎铰链张紧器 Tensionerfor Atlas-Axis joint 头 Head 15 -- 聚氨酯 Polyurethane 钢Steel 16 ø 18 x 13 x 17 mm 管套 Tubular spacer 加强板 钢Steel 17 30 x 3 x 500 mm Reinforcement plate 钢Steel 张紧螺母Tensioner nut 18 M12 mm 19 -- 大腿Thighs 聚氨酯Polyurethane Steel 钢Steel 20 76 x 70 x 80 mm 臀部管件Hip tube 钢Steel 大腿杆Thigh bar 21 30 x 30 x 440 mm Steel 钢Steel 膝部管件Knee tube 22 52 x 46 x 40 mm Steel 臀部连接管 钢Steel 23 Hip connection tube 70 x 64 x 250 mm 摩擦盘(四块) 钢Steel 24 160 x 75 x 1 mm Friction plates (four) 张紧器总成 钢Steel 25 Tensioner assembly M12 x 320 mm+ 膝部管件 钢Steel Plates and nuts 板及螺母 26 Knee tube 52 x 46 x 160 mm 膝部连接管 钢Steel 27 Knee connection tube 44 x 39 x 190 mm 张紧器盘 钢Steel 28 Tensioner plate ø 70 x 4 mm 钢Steel 胫骨管件Shin tube 29 50 x 50 x 2 x 460 mm Steel 钢Steel 脚底板Sole plate 30 100 x 170 x 3 mm Steel 躯干修正重块(六块) 聚氨酯 Each mass每个质量 Torso correction mass 31 Polyurethane 1 kg (six) 聚苯乙烯泡沫 衬垫Cushion 32 350 x 250 x 25 mm Polystyrene foam 棉布和聚酰胺带 外套Overall 33 -- Cotton and polyamide 臀部修正重块(六块) 钢 Each mass 每个质量 straps 34 Hip correction masses Steel 1 kg (six) 表2 Table 2 人体模型部件 质量 Components of manikin Mass in kg 头和颈部 Head and neck 4.6 + 0.3 躯干和手臂 40.3+ 1.0 Torso and arms 大腿Thighs 16.2+ 0.5 小腿和脚 9.0+ 0.5 Lower leg and foot 总质量(包括修正重块) Total 75.5+ 1.0 mass including correction weights 图 1 Figure 1 图 2 Figure 2 图 3 图 4 Figure3 Figure4 图 5 Figure5 图6 Figure6 G = 重心 G = centre of gravity T = 躯干基准点(位于人体模型中心线后部)T = torso reference point (at the rear on the centre line of the manikin) P = 骨盆基准点(位于人体模型中心线后部)P = pelvis reference point (at the rear on the centre line of the manik) 尺寸:mm All dimensions in mm 附录 8 滑车减速度-时间曲线的描述(试验止动装置曲线) Annex 8 DESCRIPTION OF CURVE OF TROLLEY’S DECELERATION AS A FUNCTION OF TIME (Curve for testing stopping devices) 滑车及车身结构公称质量为 800kg,对于安全带试验滑车配重到总质量 455? 20kg,约束系统试验配重到总质量910?40kg,配重后的滑车减速度曲线必须在 图中阴影区域内。如必要,滑车及车身结构的公称质量可以按照200kg递增,此 时,每增加 200kg 滑车配重增加 28kg。进行标定试验时,滑车、车身结构和配 重的总质量应在公称质量的?40kg 范围内。止动装置标定时,滑车速度为 50? 1km/h,制动距离为40?2cm。上述两种情形中的标定和测量过 程应满足国际标准 ISO6487(1980)规定;测量设备应满足(CFC)60 数字通道 的规定。 The deceleration curve of the trolley weighted with inert mass to produce a total mass of 455 kg + 20 kg for safety-belt tests and 910 + 40 kg for restraining system tests where the nominal mass of the trolley and vehicle structure is 800 kg must remain within the hatched area above. If necessary, the nominal mass of the trolley and attached vehicle structure can be increased by increments of 200 kg, in which case, an additional inert mass of 28 kg per increment shall be added. In no case shall the total mass of the trolley and vehicle structure and inert masses differ from the nominal value for calibration tests bymore than + 40 kg. During calibration of the stopping device, the speed of the trolley shall be 50 km/h + 1 km/h and the stopping distance shall be 40 cm + 2 cm. In both the above cases the calibration and measuring procedures shall correspond to those defined in the International Standard ISO 6487:1980; the measuring equipment shall correspond to the specification of a data channel with a channel frequency class (CFC) 60. 附录 9 使用说明书 Annex 9 INSTRUCTIONS 所有安全带应附带包括以下内容的使用,说明书应使用所安装产品和销售的国家 语言: Every safety-belt shall be accompanied by instructions of the following content or kind in the language or languages of the country in which it is to be placed on sale: 1 安装说明书,内容包括安全带总成适用车型以及将其正确安装于车辆上的方法 (若由车辆制造厂安装,则不需要) 1. Installation instructions (not required if the vehicle manufacturer is to install the safety-belt) which specify for which vehicle models the assembly is suitable and the correct method of attachment of the assembly to the vehicle, including a warning to guard against chafing of the straps. 2 用户指导书,内容包括用户如何使用安全带,确保用户得到最大益处的指导说 明。此说明书中应涉及到: 2. User instructions (may be included in the vehicle user's handbook if the safety-belt is installed by the vehicle manufacturer) which specify the instructions to ensure that the user obtains the greatest benefit from the safety-belt. In these instructions reference shall be made to: a) 任何情况下佩戴安全带的重要性。 the importance of wearing the assembly on all journeys; b) 安全带正确佩戴方法,尤其是: 指定的带扣位置; 佩戴安全带的松紧要求; 织带的正确位置以及避免织带的扭曲; 每个安全带只用于一名乘员的重要性,尤其不要抱着小孩用一条安全带。 the correct manner of wearing the belt and in particular to: the intended location of the buckle; the desirability of wearing belts tightly; the correct positioning of the straps and the need to avoid twisting them; the importance of each belt being used by one occupant only, and especially of not putting a belt around a child seated on the occupant's lap; c) 带扣操作方法。 the method of operating the buckle; d) 调节装置操作方法。 the method of operating the adjuster; e) 操作卷收器的方法以及检查其是否锁止的方法。 the method of operating any retractor which may be incorporated in the assembly and the method of checking that it locks; f) 清洗安全带的方法以及清洗后重新组装的推荐方法。 the recommended methods of cleaning the belt and reassembling it after cleaning where appropriate; g) 如果安全带在严重事故中使用过,或表现出了严重磨损的迹象,或被切割、或 可视负荷仪表显示安全带已经不可用时,则需要更换。 the need to replace the safety-belt when it has been used in a severe accident or shows signs of severe fraying or having been cut, or when, with a belt fitted with a visual overload indicator, it indicates the belt's unsuitability for further use or when a seat-belt is equipped with a pre-loading device, when the latter has been activated; h) 任何有可能使安全带失效的更换和改动都不允许,尤其是设计上允许拆卸的部 件,一定要有重新正确组装的说明。 the fact that the belt must not be altered or modified in any way since such changes may render the belt ineffective, and in particular where the design permits part to be disassembled, instructions or ensure correct reassembly; i) 适用于成人使用安全带的说明。 the fact that the belt is intended for use by adult-sized occupants; j) 安全带不使用时的保存方法。 the stowage of the belt when not in use. 3 如果安全带装有 4N 的卷收器,应说明安装方法,以及说明对于乘坐不超过 9 人的汽车(包括驾驶员)、此安全带不适合任何布置形式安装。 3.In the case of safety-belts fitted with a type 4N retractor, it shall be indicated in the installation instructions and on any packaging that this belt is not suitable for installation in motor vehicles used for the carriage of passengers having not more than nine seats, including that of the driver. 附录 10 双带扣试验 Annex 10 DUAL BUCKLE TEST 第7.5.5 和7.7.1 条中所述试验过程中的安装角度 附录 11 磨损和移动量试验 Annex11 ABRASION AND MICROSLIP TEST 与调节装置类型相适应的试验布置示例 图1 程序类型1 单位mm 图 2 测试方法 2 单位 mm 图 3 类型 3 程序和移动量试验 单位 mm 试验装置加载 5daN 的力,加载力应垂直以免织带摆动受力或扭曲。 连接件应按照与车辆上相同的方式加载 5daN 的力。 as to avoid load-swing and twisting of the strap.The attaching device shall be fixed to the load of 5 daN in the same manner as in a vehicle. 附录 12 腐蚀试验 Annex12 CORROSION TEST 1 试验仪器 Test apparatus 1.1 试验仪器包括雾气室、盐溶解池及适当条件的压缩气体供给装置,一个或多 个雾化喷嘴、样品支撑装置、加热装置、以及必要的控制措施。只要满足试验条 件,仪器的大小和具体结构可以自己选择。 The apparatus shall consist of a mist chamber, a salt solution reservoir,a supply of suitably conditioned compressed air, one or more atomizing nozzles, sample supports, provision for heating the chamber, and necessary means of control. The size and detail construction of the apparatus shall be optional, provided that the test conditions are met. 1.2 一定要确保雾气室顶部或盖子中凝结的溶液不滴落到试验样品上。 It is important to ensure that drops of solution accumulated on the ceiling or cover of the chamber do not fall on test samples. 1.3 溶液液滴如果滴落到试验样品上则不能再放回溶解池中使用。 Drops of solution which fall from test samples shall not return to the reservoir for respraying. 1.4 试验仪器不能使用影响雾气腐蚀性的材料。 The apparatus shall not be constructed of materials that will affect the corrosiveness of the mist. 2 试验样品在雾气室的放置 Location of test samples in the mist cabinet 2.1 除了卷收器,样品应支撑或悬挂在主要受试表面上,与垂直方向夹角在 15o~30o之间,并且最好与从雾气室出来的气流理论水平方向平行。 Samples, except retractors, shall be supported or suspended between 15? and 30? from the vertical and preferably parallel to the principal direction of horizontal flow of mist through the chamber, based upon the dominant surface being tested. 2.2 卷收器的卷轴方向与从雾气室出来的气流理论水平方向垂直。卷收器内露出 的织带也应与此方向垂直。 Retractors shall be supported or suspended so that the axes of the reel for storing the strap shall be normal to the principal direction of horizontal flow of mist through the chamber. The strap opening in the retractor shall also be facing in this principal direction. 2.3 每个样品的摆放应使雾气能自由降落到所有样品上。 Each sample shall be placed so as to permit free setting of mist on all samples. 2.4 每个样品的摆放应防止盐溶液从一个样品滴落到另一个样品上。 Each sample shall be so placed as to prevent salt solution from one sample dripping on to any other sample. 3 盐溶液 Salt solution 3.1 盐溶液应按质量每 95 份蒸馏水溶解 5?1 份氯化钠。盐应是不含有镍和铜 的氯化钠,并且干燥时,碘化钠不超过 0.1%,总的杂质不超过 0.3%。 The salt solution shall be prepared by dissolving 5 + 1 parts by mass of sodium chloride in 95 parts of distilled water. The salt shall be sodium chloride substantially free of nickel and copper and containing on the dry basis not more than 0.1 per cent of sodium iodide and not more than 0.3 per cent of total impurities. 3.2 溶液在 35oC 雾化时,收集的溶液 pH 值应在 6.5~7.2 之间。 The solution shall be such that when atomized at 35 ?C the collected solution is in the pH range of 6.5 to 7.2. 4. 气体供给 压缩气体供给到喷嘴雾化盐溶液,气体应不含油和灰尘,并且保持 70~170 kN/m2 5 雾气室的条件 Conditions in the mist chamber 5.1 雾气室暴露区域温度应保持在 35?5oC。暴露区域应至少布置两个干净收集器,保证试验样品和其它地方的液滴不被收集。收集器应在靠近试验样品的地方布置。一个尽可能接近喷嘴一个尽可能远离喷嘴。雾气被测量至少 16h,应满足每 80cm2水平收集区域内,每个收集器 1h 平均收集 1.0,2.0mL溶液。 The exposure zone of the mist chamber shall be maintained at 35 + 5? C. At least two clean mist collectors shall be placed within the exposure zone so that no drops of solution from the test samples or any other sources are collected. The collectors shall be placed near the test samples, one nearest to any nozzle and one furthest 2from all nozzles. The mist shall be such that for each 80 cm of horizontal collecting areas, there is collected in each collector from 1.0 to 2.0 ml of solution per hour when measured over an average of at least 16 hours. 5.2 喷嘴应有导向或导流装置,保证飞溅的液体不直接撞击试验样品。 The nozzle or nozzles shall be directed or baffled so that the spray does not impinge directly on test samples. 附录 13 试验顺序 Annex 13 ORDER OF TESTS 样品SAMPLES 安全带或织带序号 条款 试验 约束系 Strap No. PARAGRAPHS TEST 统序号 Belt or restraint 11 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 system 1 安全带或约束系统 No. 的检查 4/6.1.2./6.1.3/ X Inspection of belt or ./6.2.2./ 6.2.3. restraint system 1./6.3. 1.1. X X X X X 带扣检查 2.21./2.22./ Inspection of buckle 带扣强度试验 X 7.5.1 ./7.5.5. Buckle strength test 6.2 .3 .3 ./7.5.1. 调节装置强度试验 (以及必要的卷收 器强度试验) X Strength test on adjusting device (and where necessary 6.2.4./7.5.2. X retractors)连接件强度试验(以 及必要 的卷收器强度试验) Strength test on attachments (and where necessary on retractors) X X 带扣低温试验 Low-temperature test on buckle 刚性部件低温冲击X X 试验 Low-temperature impact test on rigid parts 7.5.6. 调节装置灵活性试 X 验 Ease of adjustment 安全带或约束系统 动态试验 前的调节/试验 Conditioning/test-in g of belt or restraint system before dynamic test: 带扣耐久性试验 Durability of buckle X X X X 刚性部件的耐腐蚀 试验 Corrosion resistance of rigid parts 调节卷收器 Conditioning of retractors: 锁止性能试验 Locking threshold X X 卷收力试验 X X Retracting force 7.6.4 耐久性试验 X X 7.6.1. Durability 耐腐蚀试验 X X 7.2. Corrosion 耐粉尘试验 X X 7.6.3. Dust X X 织带宽度试验 Testing of strap width 织带强度试验后 Strap strength test after: 空间 6.3.2./ Room conditioning X X 光照 6.3.3./ Light conditioning X X 6.3.3./ X X 低温 Low -temperature conditioning 热 6.3.3./ Heat conditioning X X 水 6.3 .3 ./7.4.1 .5 ./7.4 .2. Water conditioning X X 移动量试验 Microslip test X X 磨损试验 6.4.2./ Abrasion test X X 动态试验 6.4.1./7.7. Dynamic test X X 带扣开启试验 Buckle-opening test X X 7.1.4. X 织带样品保持力 Retention of strap sample 附录 14 生产一致性的控制 Annex14 CONTROL OF CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION 1 试验 TESTS 应证明安全带生产一致性并满足以下试验条件: Safety-belts shall be required to demonstrate compliance with the requirements on which the following tests are based: 1.1紧急锁止卷收器的耐久性和锁止条件的检验 Verification of the locking threshold and durability of emergency locking retractors 按照第 7.6.2 条规定,经受第 7.6.1、7.2 和 7.6.3 条的耐久性试验后,在大多数 不利的方向上,符合本法规第 条要求。 According to the provisions of paragraph 7.6.2. in the most unfavourable direction as appropriate after having undergone the durability testing detailed in paragraphs 7.6.1., 7.2., and 7.6.3. as a requirement of paragraph of this Regulation. 1.2 自动锁止卷收器的耐久性检验 Verification of the durability of automatically-locking retractors 按照第 7.6.1 条规定,经受第 7.2 和 7.6.3 条试验,应满足本法规第 条 的要求。 According to the provisions of paragraph 7.6.1. supplemented by the tests in paragraphs 7.2. and 7.6.3. as a requirement of paragraph of this Regulation. 1.3 经受环境条件以后的织带强度试验 Test for strength of straps after conditioning 按照第 7.4.2 条规定的程序,经受环境条件后满足本法规第 到 条 的要求。 According to the procedure described in paragraph 7.4.2. after conditioning according to the requirements of paragraph to of this Regulation. 1.3.1 经受磨损以后的织带强度试验 Test for strength of straps after abrasion 按照第 7.4.2 条规定的程序,经受条件后应满足本法规第 条的要求。 According to the procedure described in paragraph 7.4.2. after conditioning according to the requirements described in paragraph of this Regulation. 1.4 移动量试验 Microslip test 按照本法规第 7. 3 条规定的程序。 According to the procedure described in paragraph 7.3. of this Regulation. 1.5 刚性部件试验 Test of the rigid parts 按照本法规第 7.5 条规定的程序。 According to the procedure described in paragraph 7.5. of this Regulation. 1.6 安全带或约束系统经受动态试验的性能要求检查 Verification of the performance requirements of the safety-belt or restraint system when subjected to the dynamic test 1.6.1 有条件下的试验 Tests with conditioning 对于带紧急锁止卷收器的安全带或约束系统:按照本法规第 7.7 和 7.8 条规定,使用经受本法规 7.6.1条所述 45000 个循环耐久试验后的安全带,进行 本法规第、7.2 和 7.6.3 条要求的试验。 Belts or restraint systems fitted with an emergency locking retractor according to the provisions set out in paragraphs 7.7. and 7.8. of this Regulation, using a belt which has previously been subjected to 45,000 cycles of the endurance test of the retractor prescribed in paragraph 7.6.1. of this Regulation and to the tests defined in paragraphs, 7.2. and 7.6.3. of this Regulation. 对于带自动锁止卷收器的安全带或约束系统:按照本法规第 7.7 和 7.8 条规定,使用经受本法规 7.6.1条所述 10000 个循环耐久试验后的安全带,进行 本法规第、7.2 和 7.6.3 条的试验。 Belts or restraint systems fitted with an automatically-locking retractor: according to the provisions set out in paragraphs 7.7. and 7.8. of this Regulation, using a belt which has previously been subjected to 10,000 cycles of the endurance test of the retractor prescribed in paragraph 7.6.1. and also to the tests prescribed in paragraphs, 7.2. and 7.6.3. of this Regulation. 静态安全带:按照本法规第 7.7 和 7.8 条规定,使用经受本法规、 7.2 条所述试验后的安全带 Static belts: according to the provisions set out in paragraphs 7.7. and 7.8. of this Regulation, on a safety-belt which has been subjected to the test prescribed in paragraphs and 7.2. of this Regulation. 1.6.2 没有条件下的试验。 Test without any conditioning 按照本法规第 7.7 和 7.8 条的规定。 According to the provisions set out in paragraphs 7.7. and 7.8. of this Regulation. 2 试验频率和结果 TEST FREQUENCY AND RESULTS 2.1 本附件第 1.1 和 1.5 条要求的试验频率,应按照定期的质量保证程序,以统 计控制和随机规律为基础进行。 The frequency of testing to the requirements of paragraphs 1.1. to 1.5. of this annex shall be on a statistically controlled and random basis in accordance with one of the regular quality assurance procedures. 2.1.1 另外,若由紧急锁止卷收器,所有总成都应被检查: Furthermore, in the case of emergency locking retractors, all assemblies shall be checked: 按照本法规第 和 条的规定,在第 条规定的大多 数不利的方向上,符合法规第6. 和 条的要求。 Either according to the provisions set out in paragraphs and of this Regulation, in the most unfavourable direction as specified in paragraph Test results shall meet the requirements of paragraphs and of this Regulation. 或者按照本法规第 条规定,不过,若倾斜速度不影响试验结果可 以大于规定速度,试验结果在大多数不利的方向上,符合法规第 条要 求 Or according to the provisions set out in paragraph of this Regulation, in the most unfavourable direction. Nevertheless, the speed of inclination can be more than the prescribed speed insofar as it does not affect the test results. Test results shall meet the requirements of paragraph of this Regulation. 2.2 满足本附录第 1.6 条规定的动态试验时,应进行最小频率的检验。 In the case of compliance with the dynamic test according to paragraph 1.6. of this annex, this shall be carried out with a minimum frequency of: 2.2.1 有条件下的试验 Tests with conditioning 安全带有紧急锁止卷收器,安全带日产量大于 1000 条: 100000 条中选 1 条,最少每两周一次; 如果安全带日产量小于或等于 1000 条: 10000 条中选 1 条,最少每年、每类锁止机构一次(1); 按照本附件第 条的规定进行试验。 --------------------------------------------------------- (1)就本附录而言,“锁止机构类型”指锁止机构的敏感装置方向在车身坐标系下 有区别的一类紧急锁止卷收器。 In the case of belts fitted with an emergency locking retractor,where the daily production is greater than 1,000 belts: one in 100,000 belts produced, with a minimum frequency of one every two weeks,where the daily production is smaller than or equal to 1,000 belts: one in 10,000 belts produced, with a minimum frequency of one per year, per sort of locking mechanism 1/,shall be subjected to the test prescribed in paragraph of this annex. 安全带有自动锁止卷收器以及静态安全带,安全带日产量大于 1000 条: 100000 条中选 1 条,最少每两周; 如果安全带日产量小于或等于 1000 条: 10000 条中选 1 条,最少每年一次; 按照本附件第 和 条的规定进行试验。 In the case of belts fitted with an automatically-locking retractor and of static belts,where the daily production is greater than 1,000 belts: one in 100,000 belts produced, with a minimum frequency of one every two weeks,where the daily production is smaller than or equal to 1,000 belts: one in 10,000 belts produced, with a minimum frequency of one per year,shall be subjected to the test prescribed in paragraphs or of this annex respectively. 2.2.2 无条件下的试验 Tests without conditioning 对于有紧急锁止卷收器的安全带,以下数目的样品应进行第 1.6.2 条规定 的试验: In the case of belts fitted with an emergency locking retractor, the following number of samples shall be subject to the test prescribed in paragraph 1.6.2. above: 安全带日产量不少于 5000 条,25000 条中选 2 条,最少每天、每类锁 止机构一次; for a production of not less than 5,000 belts per day, two belts per 25,000 produced with a minimum frequency of one per day, per sort of locking mechanism; 安全带日产量少于 5000 条, 5000 条中选 2 条,最少每年、每类锁止 机构一次。 for a production of less than 5,000 belts per day, one belt per 5,000 produced with a minimum frequency of one per year, per sort of locking mechanism; 对于有自动锁止卷收器安全带以及静态安全带,以下数目的样品应进行第 1.6.2 条规定的试验: In the case of belts fitted with an automatically-locking retractor and of static belts, the following number of samples shall be subjected to the test prescribed in paragraph 1.6.2. above; 安全带日产量不少于 5000 条, 25000 条中选 2 条,最少每天、每一 认证类型一次。 for a production of not less than 5,000 belts per day, two belts per 25,000 produced with a minimum of one per day, per approved type; 安全带日产量少于 5000 条, 5000 条中选 2 条,最少每年、每一认证 类型一次。 for a production of less than 5,000 belts per day, one belt per 5,000 produced with a minimum frequency of one per year, per approved type; 2.2.3 结果 Results 试验结果应满足本法规第 条的要求。 按照本附录第 1.6.1 条进行试验时,通过简化的合适的方法按照本法规第 条(或 条)。控制人体模型向前的移动量。 Test results shall meet the requirements set out in paragraph of this Regulation. The forward displacement of the manikin may be controlled with regard to paragraph of this Regulation (or where applicable) during a test performed with conditioning according to paragraph 1.6.1. of this annex by means of a simplified adapted method. 按照本法规 条和本附件 1.6.1 条进行认证时,仅规定没有部件 被损坏或脱落,以及胸部基准点 300mm 位移的速度不超过 24km/h。 In the case of approval following paragraph of this Regulation and paragraph 1.6.1. of this annex, it is only specified that no part of the belt shall be destructed or disengaged, and that a speed of 24 km/h of the chest reference point at 300 mm displacement shall not be exceeded. 2.3 如果样品在规定的试验中失效,至少对其它三个样品再进行同样要求的试验。 对于动态试验,若后进行试验的样品中又有一个失效,认证持有者或其授权代理 人应通知授予其认证的机构,并说明已经采取了哪些措施重新确保生产的一致性。 Where a test sample fails a particular test to which it has been subjected, a further test to the same requirements shall be carried out on at least three other samples. In the case of dynamic tests, if one of the latter fails the test, the holder of the approval or his duly accredited representative shall notify the competent authority which has granted type approval indicating what steps have been taken to re-establish the conformity of production. 附录 15 乘坐位置 H 点和实际靠背角的确定程序 Annex15 PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING THE "H" POINT AND THE ACTUAL TORSO ANGLE FOR SEATING POSITIONS IN MOTOR VEHICLES 1 目的 PURPOSE 本附件所述程序用于确定车辆中一个或几个乘坐位置的“H”点和实际靠背角、 以及检测测量数据与车辆制造厂给定的设计技术要求之间的关系。(1) The procedure described in this annex is used to establish the "H" point location and the actual torso angle for one or several seating positions in a motor vehicle and to verify the relationship of measured data to design specifications given by the vehicle manufacturer. 1/ 2 定义 DEFINITIONS 就本附录而言。 For the purposes of this annex: 2.1 “基准数据”指某一乘坐位置的下列一个或几个特征。 "Reference data" means one or several of the following characteristics of a seating position: 2.1.1 “H”点和“R”点以及他们的关系。 the "H" point and the "R" point and their relationship, 2.1.2 实际靠背角和设计靠背角以及他们的关系。 the actual torso angle and the design torso angle and their relationship. 2.2 三维“H”点装置(3-DH 装置):只用于确定“H”点和实际靠背角的装置。 该装置的描述见本附录附件 1。 "Three-dimensional 'H' point machine" (3-D H machine) means the device used for the determination of "H" points and actual torso angles. This device is described in appendix 1 to this annex; 2.3 “H”点:指按下面第 4 条的规定安放在车辆座椅中的 3-DH 装置的躯干和 大腿的铰接中心。“ H”点位于该装置两侧“H”点标记钮中心线的中点上。在理 论上“H”点和“R”点一致(允差见下面第3.2.2 条)。一旦按第 4 条规定的程 序确定,即认为“H”点相对于座椅垫结构是固定的,且随座椅调节而移动。 "'H' point" means the pivot centre of the torso and the thigh of the 3-D H machine installed in the vehicle seat in accordance with paragraph 4 below. The "H" point is located in the centre of the centreline of the device which is between the "H" point sight buttons on either side of the 3-D H machine. The "H" point corresponds theoretically to the "R" point (for tolerances see paragraph 3.2.2. below). Once determined in accordance with the procedure described in paragraph 4, the "H" point is considered fixed in relation to the seat-cushion structure and to move with it when the seat is adjusted; 2.4 “R”点或乘坐基准点:指由车辆制造厂为每一乘坐位置规定的设计点,相对 于三维坐标系来确定。 "'R' point" or "seating reference point" means a design point defined by the vehicle manufacturer for each seating position and established with respect to the three-dimensional reference system; 2.5 “躯干线”指 3-DH 装置的探测杆处于最后位置时探测杆的中心线。 "Torso-line" means the centreline of the probe of the 3-D H machine with the probe in the fully rearward position; 2.6 “实际靠背角”:指过“H”点的铅垂线与躯干线之间的夹角,用 3-DH 装置 的背部角量角器测量。理论上实际靠背角与设计靠背角相一致(允差见下面第 3.2.2 条)。 "Actual torso angle" means the angle measured between a vertical line through the "H" point and the torso line using the back angle quadrant on the 3-D H machine. The actual torso angle corresponds theoretically to the design torso angle (for tolerances see paragraph 3.2.2. below): 2.7 “设计靠背角” 指过“R”点的铅垂线与车辆制造厂规定的座椅靠背设计位 置所对应的躯干线之间的夹角。(1)在任一非前排座椅的乘坐位置,若“H”点不 能用“三维 H 点装置”或程序确定,只要认证部门认可,可采用制造厂标明的 “R”点作为基准。 "Design torso angle" means the angle measures between a vertical line through the "R" point and the torso line in a position which corresponds to the design position of the seat-back established by the vehicle manufacturer; 2.8 “乘员中心面”( C/LO) 指放置在每一指定乘坐位置上的 3-DH 装置的中 心面,用“H”点在“Y”轴上的坐标表示。对于单人座椅,座椅中心面即为乘员 中心面;对于其它座椅,乘员中心面由制造厂规定。 "Centreplane of occupant" (C/LO) means the median plane of3-D H machine positioned in each designated seating position; it is represented by the co-ordinate of TTTTthe 'H' point on the 'Y' axis. For individual seats, the centreplane of the seat coincides with the centreplane of the occupant. For other seats, the centreplane of the occupant is specified by the manufacturer; 2.9 “三维坐标系”指本附录附件 2 描述的系统。 TT'Three-dimensional reference system' means a system as described in appendix 2 to this annex; 2.10 “基准标记”是由车辆制造厂在车身上确定的点(孔、面、标记或压痕)。 TT'Fiducial marks' are physical points (holes, surfaces, marks or indentations) on the vehicle body as defined by the manufacturer; 2.11 “车辆测量位置”指由基准标记在三维坐标系中的坐标中所确定的车辆位置。 TT'Vehicle measuring attitude' means the position of the vehicle as defined by the co-ordinates of fiducial marks in the three-dimensional reference system. 3 要求 REQUIREMENTS 3.1 数据的提供Data presentation 为表明符合本法规的要求,对要求提供基准数据的每一乘坐位置,应按本附录附 件 3 规定的格式提供下述全部或适当选择的数据: For each seating position where reference data are required in order to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of the present Regulation, all or an appropriate selection of the following data shall be presented in the form indicated in appendix 3 to this annex: 3.1.1 “R”点在三维坐标系中的坐标; TTthe co-ordinates of the 'R' point relative to the three-dimensional reference system; 3.1.2 设计靠背角 the design torso angle; 3.1.3 将座椅调节到(如可调的话)下面第 4.3 条规定的测量位置而需要的全部 数据。 all indications necessary to adjust the seat (if it is adjustable) to the measuring position set out in paragraph 4.3. below. 3.2 测量数据与设计要求之间的关系 Relationship between measured data and design specifications 3.2.1 通过本附件第 4 条规定的程序所获得的“H”点坐标和实际靠背角值应分 别同制造厂给出的“R”点坐标和设计靠背角值进行比较。 TTThe co-ordinates of the 'H' point and the value of the actual torso angle obtained by the procedure set out in paragraph 4. below shall be compared, respectively, with the TTco-ordinates of the 'R' point and the value of the design torso angle indicated by the vehicle manufacturer. 3.2.2 如果由坐标确定的“H”点位于水平与铅垂方向边长均为 50mm 且对交线 交于“R”点的正方形内,并且实际靠背角偏离设计靠背角小于 5?,对于上述 乘坐位置,应认为“R”点和“H”点相对位置以及设计靠背角与实际靠背角相对 关系满足要求。 TTTTThe relative positions of the 'R' point and the 'H' point and the relationship between the design torso angle and the actual torso angle shall be considered satisfactory for the TTseating position in question if the 'H' point, as defined by its co-ordinates, lies within a square of 50 mm side length with horizontal and vertical sides whose diagonals TTintersect at the 'R' point, and if the actual torso angle is within 5? of the design torso angle. 3.2.3 如符合上述条件,则应该采用该“R”点和设计靠背角来证明符合本法规的 规定。 TTIf these conditions are met, the 'R' point and the design torso angle, shall be used to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this Regulation. 3.2.4 如果“H”点或实际靠背角不符合上述第 3.2.2 条的要求,则再重新确定两 次(共三次)。如果这两次结果符合要求,则上述第 3.2.3 条规定的条件适用。 TTIf the 'H' point or the actual torso angle does not satisfy the requirements of TTparagraph 3.2.2. above, the 'H' point and the actual torso angle shall be determined twice more (three times in all). If the results of two of these three operations satisfy the requirements, the conditions of paragraph 3.2.3. above shall apply 3.2.5 如果上述第 3.2.4 条所描述的三次操作中至少有两次结果不符合第 3.2.2 条的要求,或由于车辆制造厂为提供有关“R”点位置或设计靠背角的数据,二是 检验无法进行时,则应取三次测量点形心或三次测量角的平均值用于本法规涉及 “R”点或设计靠背角的所有场合。 If the results of at least two of the three operations described in paragraph 3.2.4. above do not satisfy the requirements of paragraph 3.2.2. above, or if the verification cannot take place because the vehicle manufacturer has failed to supply information regarding the position of the "R" point or regarding the design torso angle, the centroid of the three measured points or the average of the three measured angles shall be used and be regarded as applicable in all cases where the "R" point or the design torso angle is referred to in this Regulation. 4 “H”点和实际靠背角的确定程序 PROCEDURE FOR "H" POINT AND ACTUAL TORSO ANGLE DETERMINATION 4.1 按制造厂的要求,车辆应在 20?10oC 条件下进行预处理,以确保座椅材料 达到室温。如果被检测的座椅从未有人座过,则应让 70,80kg 的人或装置在座 椅上试座两次,每次 1min,使座椅垫和靠背产生应有的变形。如果制造厂要求, 在安放 3-DH 装置前,所有座椅总成应保持空载至少 30min。 The vehicle shall be preconditioned at the manufacturer's discretion, at a temperature of 20 + 10 ?C to ensure that the seat material reached room temperature. If the seat to be checked has never been sat upon, a 70 to 80 kg person or device shall sit on the seat twice for one minute to flex the cushion and back. At the manufacturer's request, all seat assemblies shall remain unloaded for a minimum period of 30 minutes prior to installation of the 3-D H machine. 4.2 车辆应处于上述 2.11 条所定义的测量姿态。 The vehicle shall be at the measuring attitude defined in paragraph 2.11. above. 4.3 首先应将座椅调节到(如果可调的话)车辆制造厂规定的最后正常驾驶位置 或乘坐位置,仅考虑座椅的纵向调节,不包括用于正常驾驶或乘坐位置以外目的 的座椅行程。若存在其它座椅调节方式(如垂直、角度、座椅靠背等),应将他们 调节到车辆制造厂规定的位置。对于悬挂式座椅,则应将竖向位置刚性地固定在 制造厂规定的正常驾驶位置。 The seat, if it is adjustable, shall be adjusted first to the rearmost normal driving or riding position, as indicated by the vehicle manufacturer, taking into consideration only the longitudinal adjustment of the seat, excluding seat travel used for purposes other than normal driving or riding positions. Where other modes of seat adjustment exist (vertical, angular, seat-back, etc.) these will then be adjusted to the position specified by the vehicle manufacturer. For suspension seats, the vertical position shall be rigidly fixed corresponding to a normal driving position as specified by the manufacturer. 4.4 3-DH 装置接触的乘坐位置区应铺一块尺寸足够、质地合适的细棉布,如可用 18.9 根纱/cm2且密度为0.228kg/m2的素棉布或者相同特性的针织或无纺布。如 果在车外进行座椅试验,放置座椅的地板与车辆内放座椅的地板有相同的基本特 性。(1) The area of the seating position contacted by the 3-D H machine shall be covered by a muslin cotton, of sufficient size and appropriate texture, described as a plain cotton 22fabric having 18.9 threads per cm and weighing 0.228 kg/m or knitted or non-woven fabric having equivalent characteristics. If the test is run on a seat outside the vehicle, the floor on which the seat is placed shall have the same essential characteristics 2/ as the floor of the vehicle in which the seat is intended to be used. 4.5 放置 3-DH 装置的座椅和背板总成,使乘员中心面(C/LO)与 3-DH 装置 中心面重合。如果 3-DH 装置放的太靠外,以致处于座椅边缘而使 3-DH 装置 不能水平时,应制造厂要求,可以将 3-DH 装置向对于 C/LO 向内移动。 Place the seat and back assembly of the 3-D H machine so that the centreplane of the occupant (C/LO) coincides with the centreplane of the 3-D H machine. At the manufacturer's request, the 3-D H machine may be moved inboard with respect to the C/LO if the 3-D H machine is located so far outboard that the seat edge will not permit levelling of the 3-D H machine. 4.6 把脚和小腿总成安装到地板总成上,可单独的装,也可利用 T 形杆和小腿总 成装。通过两“H”点标记钮的直线应平行于地面并垂直于座椅的纵向中心面。 Attach the foot and lower leg assemblies to the seat pan assembly, either individually TTor by using the T-bar and lower leg assembly. A line through the 'H' point sight buttons shall be parallel to the ground and perpendicular to the longitudinal centreplane of the seat. 4.7 调节 3-DH 装置双脚和腿的位置如下: Adjust the feet and leg positions of the 3-D H machine as follows: 4.7.1 指定的乘坐位置:驾驶员和前排外侧乘客。 Designated seating position: driver and outside front passenger 向前移动双脚和腿总成,使双脚自然平放在地板上,必要时放在各操纵踏 板之间。如果可能的话,使左、右脚至 3-DH 装置中心面的距离大致相等。必要 时重新调整座板和向后调整腿和脚总成。使检验 3-DH 装置横向定位的水准仪水 平。通过 “H”点标记钮的直线应与座椅纵向中心面保持垂直。 Both feet and leg assemblies shall be moved forward in such a way that the feet take up natural positions on the floor, between the operating pedals if necessary. Where possible the left foot shall be located approximately the same distance to the left of the centreplane of the 3-D H machine as the right foot is to the right. The spirit level verifying the transverse orientation of the 3-D H machine is brought to the horizontal by readjustment of the seat pan if necessary, or by adjusting TTthe leg and foot assemblies towards the rear. The line passing through the 'H' point sight buttons shall be maintained perpendicular to the longitudinal centreplane of the seat. 如果左腿和右腿不能保持平行,并且左脚不能落地,则应移动左脚使之 落地。通过两标记钮的直线应仍与座椅纵向中心面保持垂直。(1)倾斜角、与座 椅安装架的高度差、表面质地等。 If the left leg cannot be kept parallel to the right leg and the left foot cannot be supported by the structure, move the left foot until it is supported. The alignment of the sight buttons shall be maintained. 4.7.2 指定的乘坐位置:后排外侧。对于后排座椅或辅助座椅,双腿位置按制造厂 的规定调整。如果两脚落在地板上高度不同的部位上,应以先于前排座椅接触的 脚作为基准来放置另一只脚,使该装置座板上的横向水平仪指示水平。 Designated seating position: outboard rear For rear seats or auxiliary seats, the legs are located as specified by the manufacturer. If the feet then rest on parts of the floor which are at different levels, the foot which first comes into contact with the front seat shall serve as a reference and the other foot shall be so arranged that the spirit level giving the transverse orientation of the seat of the device indicates the horizontal. 4.7.3 其它指定乘坐位置。 应遵循上述第 4.7.1 条规定的一般程序,但脚的放置应按车辆制造厂的规定进行。 Other designated seating positions: The general procedure indicated in paragraph 4.7.1. above shall be followed except that the feet shall be placed as specified by the vehicle manufacturer. 4.8 装上小腿和大腿重块并调平 3-DH 装置。 Apply lower leg and thigh weights and level the 3-D H machine. 4.9 将背板前倾到前限位块,用 T 形杆将 3-DH 装置拉离座椅靠背,然后再用 下列方法之一,将 3-DH 装置重新放在座椅上。 Tilt the back pan forward against the forward stop and draw the 3-D H machine away from the seat-back using the T-bar. Reposition the 3-D H machine on the seat by one of the following methods: 4.9.1 如果 3-DH 装置有向后滑动趋势,则使用下列程序:允许 3-DH 装置向后 滑动,直到不需要在T 形杆上施加水平向前的保持力为止(即直到背板接触到靠 背为止)。必要时,重新放置小腿。 If the 3-D H machine tends to slide rearward, use the following procedure. Allow the 3-D H machine to slide rearward until a forward horizontal restraining load on the T-bar is no longer required i.e. until the seat pan contacts the seat-back. If necessary, reposition the lower leg. 4.9.2 如果 3-DH 装置无向后滑动趋势,则使用下列程序:在 T 形杆上施加水平 向后的力使 3-DH 装置向后滑动,直到背板接触到靠背为止(见本附录附件 1 图 2)。 If the 3-D H machine does not tend to slide rearward, use the following procedure. Slide the 3-D H machine rearwards by applying a horizontal rearward load to the T-bar until the seat pan contacts the seat-back (see figure 2 of appendix 1 to this annex). 4.10 在臀部角度量角器和 T 形杆外壳相交处,对 3-DH 装置的背板和底板总成 施加 100?10N 的力。力的施加方向应沿一条通过上述交点到大腿杆外壳上面的 直线(见本附录附件 1 图 2)。然后将背板小心地放回靠背上。在下述操作步骤 中要处处小心,以防止 3-DH 装置向前滑动。 Apply a 100 + 10 N load to the back and pan assembly of the 3-D H machine at the intersection of the hip angle quadrant and the T-bar housing. The direction of load application shall be maintained along a line passing by the above intersection to a point just above the thigh bar housing (see figure 2 of appendix 1 to this annex). Then carefully return the back pan to the seat-back. Care must be exercised throughout the remainder of the procedure to prevent the 3-D H machine from sliding forward. 4.11 装上左右臀部重块,然后交替加上八块躯干重块,保持 3-DH 装置水平。 Install the right and left buttock weights and then, alternately, the eight torso weights. Maintain the 3-D H machine level. 4.12 将背板前倾以消除对座椅靠背的张力。在 10o角(自铅垂中心面向两侧各 5o)的范围内,左右摇动3-DH 装置三个来回,以消除 3-DH 装置与座椅之间聚 集的摩擦。 Tilt the back pan forward to release the tension on the seat-back. Rock the 3-D H machine from side to side through a 10? arc (5? to each side of the vertical centreplane) for three complete cycles to release any accumulated friction between the 3-D H machine and the seat. 在摇动过程中,3-DH 装置的 T 形杆可能离开规定的水平和垂直基准位置,所以, 在摇动期间必须对T 形杆施加适当的侧向力。在握住 T 形杆摆动 3-DH 装置 时,应小心谨慎,以避免在垂直和前后方向施加意外的力。 During the rocking action, the T-bar of the 3-D H machine may tend to diverge from the specified horizontal and vertical alignment. The T-bar must therefore be restrained by applying an appropriate lateral load during the rocking motions. Care shall be exercised in holding the T-bar and rocking the 3-D H machine to ensure that no inadvertent exterior loads are applied in a vertical or fore and aft direction. 进行上述操作时,3-DH 装置的双脚不应受任何约束。如果双脚变动位置,可暂 时不必调整。 将背板放回座椅靠背上,检查两个水准仪是否水平。在摇动 3-DH 装置的过程中, 如果双脚移动了位置,必须重新调整如下: 将左右脚轮流抬离地板到最小的必要高度,直至两脚不再产生附加的牵动。在抬 脚的过程中,两脚要能自由转动;不施加任何向前或侧向的负荷。当每只脚放回 到放下位置时,装置踵部应接触为之设计的支撑结构上。检查横向水准仪是否水 平:如果必要,在背板顶部施加一侧向力使 3-DH 装置座板在座椅上保持水平。 The feet of the 3-D H machine are not to be restrained or held during this step. If the feet change position, they should be allowed to remain in that attitude for the moment. Carefully return the back pan to the seat-back and check the two spirit levels for zero position. If any movement of the feet has occurred during the rocking operation of the 3-D H machine, they must be repositioned as follows: Alternately, lift each foot off the floor the minimum necessary amount until no additional foot movement is obtained. During this lifting, the feet are to be free to rotate; and no forward or lateral loads are to be applied. When each foot is placed back in the down position, the heel is to be in contact with the structure designed for this. Check the lateral spirit level for zero position; if necessary, apply a lateral load to the top of the back pan sufficient to level the 3-D H machine's seat pan on the seat. 4.13 拉住 T 形杆,使 3-DH 装置在坐垫上不能向前滑移,继续操作如下: (a) 将背板放回到座椅靠背上; (b) 大约在 3-DH 装置躯干重块中心高度处,对靠背角杆(头部空间探测杆)交 替施加和撤去不大于 25N 的向后水平力,直至力撤去后臀部角度量角器指示达 到稳定位置为止。此时应确保无外来向下或横向力加在 3-DH 装置上。如果 3-DH 装置需要再次调平,则应向前转动背板,并重复第 4.12 条其所述步骤。 Holding the T-bar to prevent the 3-D H machine from sliding forward on the seat cushion, proceed as follows: (a) return the back pan to the seat-back; (b) alternately apply and release a horizontal rearward load, not to exceed 25 N, to the back angle bar at a height approximately at the centre of the torso weights until the hip angle quadrant indicates that a stable position has been reached after load release. Care shall be exercised to ensure that no exterior downward or lateral loads are applied to the 3-D H machine. If another level adjustment of the 3-D H machine is necessary, rotate the back pan forward, re-level, and repeat the procedure from paragraph 4 .12. 4.14 测量 Take all measurements: 4.14.1 在三维坐标系内测量“H”点坐标; The co-ordinates of the "H" point are measured with respect to the three-dimensional reference system. 4.14.2 当探测杆处于最后位置时,在 3-DH 装置的背部角量角器上读出实际靠背 角的值。 The actual torso angle is read at the back angle quadrant of the 3-D H machine with the probe in its fully rearward position. 4.15 如果需要重新安装 3-DH 装置,则在重新操作前,座椅总成应保持至少 30min 的空在状态。 If a re-run of the installation of the 3-D H machine is desired the seat assembly should remain unloaded for a minimum period of 30 minutes prior to the re-run. The 3-D H machine should not be left loaded on the seat assembly longer than the time required to perform the test. 4.16 如果认为同一排座椅是一样的(如长条座椅、相同座椅等),每排只需确定 一个“H”点和一个实际靠背角。将本附录附件 1 所描述的 3-DH 装置安放在该 排有代理商性的位置上,该位置应是: If the seats in the same row can be regarded as similar (bench seat, identical seats, etc.) only one "H" point and one "actual torso angle" shall be determined for each row of seats, the 3-D H machine described in appendix 1 to this annex being seated in a place regarded as representative for the row. This place shall be: 4.16.1 对于第一排:驾驶员座椅。 in the case of the front row, the driver's seat; 4.16.2.in the case of the rear row or rows, an outer seat. 4.16.2 对于其它排:某一外侧座椅。 附录 15-附件 1三维“H”点装置描述(1) (3-DH 装置) Annex 15-Appendix 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE THREE DIMENSIONAL 'TH'T POINT MACHINE */(3-D H machine) 1 背板和座板 Back and seat pans 背板和座板用增强塑料和金属制成;他们模拟人体的躯干和大腿,两者机械地铰 接于“H”点处。一个量角器固定在铰接于“H”点的探测杆上,用于测量实际靠 背角。固定在座板上的可调节大腿杆确定大腿中心线,并作为臀部量角器的基准 线。 The back and seat pans are constructed of reinforced plastic and metal; they simulate TTthe human torso and thigh and are mechanically hinged at the 'H' point. A quadrant is TTfastened to the probe hinged at the 'H' point to measure the actual torso angle. An adjustable thigh bar, attached to the seat pan, establishes the thigh centreline and serves as a baseline for the hip angle quadrant. 2 躯干和小腿部件 Body and leg elements 小腿杆件在连接膝部的 T 形杆处与座板总成相连,该 T 形杆是可调大腿杆的横 向延伸。在小腿杆上装有量角器,以便测量膝部角。鞋和脚总成上刻有度数,用 来测量脚部角。两个水平仪确定装置的空间位置,躯干各重块放在对应部位重心 处,用以提供 76kg 男子对座椅相同的压力。应检查 3-DH装置的所有关节是否 活动自如无明显的摩擦阻力。(1) Lower leg segments are connected to the seat pan assembly at the T-bar joining the knees, which is a lateral extension of the adjustable thigh bar. Quadrants are incorporated in the lower leg segments to measure knee angles. Shoe and foot assemblies are calibrated to measure the foot angle. Two spirit levels orient the device in space. Body element weights are placed at the corresponding centres of gravity to provide seat penetration equivalent to a 76 kg male. All joints of the 3-D H machine should be checked for free movement without encountering noticeable friction. For details of the construction of the 3-D H machine refer to Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, Pennsylvania 15096, United States of America. 图 1 3-DH 装置构件名称 图 2 3-DH 装置构件尺寸和负荷分布 附录 15-附件2 三维坐标系 Annex 15-Appendix 2 3-D H machine elements designation 1 三维坐标系用车辆制造厂设立的三个正交平面来定义(见图)(1)。 The three-dimensional reference system is defined by three orthogonal planes established by the vehicle manufacturer (see figure) 2 车辆测量姿态由车辆在支撑面上的放置位置确定,放置车辆时应使基准标记的 坐标与制造厂给定的值一致。 The vehicle measuring attitude is established by positioning the vehicle on the supporting surface such that the co-ordinates of the fiducial marks correspond to the values indicated by the manufacturer. 3 确定“R”点和“H”点相对于车辆制造厂给定的基准标记坐标。(1)本基准系符 合 ISO4130-1978 标准规定。 The co-ordinates of the 'TR'T point and the 'TH'T point are established in relation to the fiducial marks defined by the vehicle manufacturer. 图1 附录 15-附件3 有关座椅位置的基准数据 Annex 15-Appendix 3 REFERENCE DATA CONCERNING SEATING POSITIONS 1 基准数据代码 Coding of reference data 按顺序列出每一乘坐位置的基准数据。乘坐位置用两位代码表示。第一位是指明从前向后计数座椅排数的阿拉伯数字。第二位是指明该乘坐位置在某一排内位置的大写字母。当沿车辆向前行驶方向观察时,用下列字母表示: L:左侧 C:中间 R:右侧 Reference data are listed consecutively for each seating position. Seating positions are identified by a two-digit code. The first digit is an Arabic numeral and designates the row of seats, counting from the front to the rear of the vehicle. The second digit is a capital letter which designates the location of the seating position in a row, as viewed in the direction of forward motion of the vehicle; the following letters shall be used: L = left c=center r=right 2 车辆测量姿态的描述 Description of vehicle measuring attitude 2.1 各基准标记的坐标 X Y Z Co-ordinates of fiducial marks X YZ 3 基准数据表 List of reference data 3.1 乘坐位置: Seating position: 3.1.1 “R”点坐标 X Y Z Co-ordinates of 'TR'T point X YZ 3.1.2 设计靠背角 Design torso angle: 3.1.3 座椅调节技术要求:(1) 水 平: 铅 垂: 角 度: 靠背角: Specifications for seat adjustment horizontal : vertical angular torso angle: 注:其余乘坐位置基准数据可列于本附件 3.2、3.3 等条。 Note:List reference data for further seating positions under paragraphs 3.2., 3.3., etc. 附录 16 安装安全带的安全带类型和卷收器类型 对于安全带和卷收器的最少要求 前向乘坐位置 外侧乘坐位置 中间乘坐位置 车辆类型 前排 其它 前排 其它 后向乘坐位置 M1 Ar4m Ar4m Br4m Ø B,Br3,Br4m 或 A, Ar4m* B,Br3,Br4m B,Br3,Br4m 参见第 8.1.3 条,如座椅位于走廊一侧允许使用腰带 参见第 8.1.7 条,如风窗在基准区以外,允许使用腰带 M2<=3.5T Ar4m,Ar4Nm Ar4m,Ar4Nm Ar4m,Ar4Nm Ar4m,Ar4Nm Br3,Br4m, Br4Nm Br3,Br4m, Br4Nm 或 Ar4m, Ar4Nm? Br3,Br4m, Br4Nm 或 Ar4m, Ar4Nm? Br3,Br4m, Br4Nm 或 Ar4m, Ar4Nm? Br3,Br4m, Br4Nm 或 Ar4m, Ar4Nm? Br3,Br4m, Br4Nm M2>3.5T M3 允许使用腰带时,参见第8.1.10 条 允许使用腰带时,参见第8.1.10 条 允许使用腰带时,参见第8.1.10 条 允许使用腰带时,参见第8.1.10 条 A:三点式安全带(腰带和肩带) B:两点式安全带(腰带) r:卷收器 3:自动锁止卷收器 4:紧急锁止卷收器 N:较高响应阈值 m:复合敏感紧急锁止卷收器(参见R16,第 2.14.3 和 2.14.5 条) *:参考本附件第 8.1.7 条 #:参考本附件第 8.1.8 和 8.1.9 条 Ø: 参考本附件第 8.1.3 条? : 参考本附件第 8.1.10 条 注:如果安装固定点满足第 14 号法规,应用 S 型安全带替换 A 型和 B 型安 全带 国家:欧洲经济委员会(E.C.E.) 源于:联合国 1970 年 8 月 14 日协议 法规号:16 第90页 第 1 版 2000 年 10 月 标题:安全带及成人约束系统 附录 16(续前) 安装安全带的安全带类型和卷收器类型 对于安全带和卷收器的最少要求 前向乘坐位置 外侧乘坐位置 中间乘坐位置 车辆类型 前排 其它 前排 其它 后向乘坐位置 N1 Ar4m,Ar4Nm B,Br3,Br4m, Br4Nm 或没有# B,Br3,Br4m, Br4Nm 或 A, Ar4m,Ar4Nm * B,Br3,Br4m,Br4Nm 或没有# 没有 参见第 8.1.8,8.1.9 条,对于暴露的乘坐位置要求使用腰带 参见第 8.1.7 条,如风窗在基准区以外,允许使用腰带 参见第 8.1.8,8.1.9 条,对于暴露的乘坐位置要求使用腰带 Br3,Br4m, Br4Nm 或 A,Ar4m,Ar4Nm? B,Br3,Br4m, Br4Nm 或没有# B,Br3,Br4m, Br4Nm 或 A,Ar4m,Ar4Nm? B,Br3,Br4m, Br4Nm 或没有# 没有 N2 N3 参见第 8.1.7 条,如风窗在基准区以外,对于驾驶员座椅允许使用腰带 参见第 8.1.8、8.1.9 条,对于暴露的乘坐位置要求使用腰带 参见第 8.1.7 条,如风窗在基准区以外,允许使用腰带 参见第 8.1.8、8.1.9 条,对于暴露的乘坐位置要求使用腰带 A:三点式安全带(腰带和肩带) B:两点式安全带(腰带) r:卷收器 3:自动锁止卷收器 4:紧急锁止卷收器 N:较高响应阈值 m:复合敏感紧急锁止卷收器(参见 R16, 第 2.14.3 和 2.14.5 条) *:参考本附件第 8.1.7 条 #:参考本附件第 8.1.8 和 8.1.9 条 Ø: 参考本附件第 8.1.3 条?: 参考本附件第 8.1.10 条 注:如果安装固定点满足第 14 号法规,应用 S 型安全带替换 A 型和 B 型安全带 附录 17汽车前向座椅成人安全带和约束系统的安装要求 1 与儿童约束系统的相容性 1.1 车辆制造厂应在随车手册中说明乘坐儿童( 12 岁或 1.5m 以下)的每一座椅的适用性或儿童约束系统 的调节方法。此项说明应使用车辆销售地的本地语言,至少使用一种本地语言。 对于每一前向乘员座椅,制造厂应做到以下几项之一: a) 指明座椅位置适用于“通用”型儿童约束系统; b) 提供适合于“半通用”、“限制”、“特殊车辆” 型座椅位置列表,指明欲使用约束系统的质量组; c) 提供内部儿童约束系统,指明欲使用此约束系统的质量组以及相应的配置; d) 提供任何 a)、b)和 c)项目的组合; e) 指明该座椅位置不适用的儿童质量组。 如果座椅位置仅仅适用于前向儿童约束系统,应予以说明。 本附录附件 2 提供了上述项目的表格格式。 1.2 “通用”儿童约束系统指根据 ECE 第 44 号法规,第 3 修订系列“通用”类型认证的儿童约束系统。制造厂家所指明的安装儿童约束系统的座椅位置应满足本附录附件 1 中的规定。 附录 17-附件 1关于包括汽车安全带的“通用”儿童约束系统的安装规定 1. 一般要求 1.1 本附件中的试验程序和要求用于判断安装“通用” 型儿童约束系统的座椅位置的适宜性。 1.2 试验可在整车内或有代理商性的部件中进行。 2. 试验程序 2.1 调整座椅到最后最下的位置。 2.2 调整靠背角到厂家设计角度。如缺少相关资料,此角度取与垂直方向成 25o或取最近的靠背固定位置。 2.3 将肩部安装固定点调到最低位置。 2.4 在靠背和坐垫上放一块棉布。 2.5 在座椅上放置夹具(如本附件中图 1 所示)。 2.6 如果乘坐位置用于前向或后向通用约束系统,按照第 2.6.1、2.7、2.8、2.9 和 2.10 条进行;如果乘坐 位置仅用于前向通用约束系统,按照第 2.6.2、2.7、2.8、2.9 和 2.10 条进行。 2.6.1 将安全带织带布置到如图 2 和图 3 所示大约正确的位置,然后闭合带扣。 2.6.2 将安全带腰带织带布置到半径为 150mm 的夹具下端,如图 3 所示大约正确的位置,然后闭合带扣。 2.7 保证夹具中心线位于乘坐位置中心线?25mm 处并与汽车中心线平行。 2.8 保证所有的织带间隙被消除。使用足够的力消除织带间隙,但不要把织带拉紧。 2.9 在夹具前部中间位置向后施加 100N?10daN 的力,力的方向与夹具下表面平行,然后将力撤去。 2.10 在夹具上表面中间位置垂直向下施加 100N?10daN 的力,力的方向与夹具下表面平行,然后将力撤去。 3 要求 3.1 夹具底座应与座椅垫部件前后表面接触。如果由于安全带与夹具的接近间隙,不能达到接触要求,此间隙可以被掩盖并符合夹具下底面。 3.2 安全带腰带部分在腰带路径后部两侧都要与夹具接触(如图 3)。 3.3 如果按照第 2.1、2.2、2.3 条的调节位置,上述要求不能满足,座椅、靠背和安全带安装固定点可以调节到制造厂家指定的正常使用位置,此时重复上述安装过程并检查以满足该要求。 图 1 夹具规格 图 2 夹具的安装 (见第 2.6.1 条) 舌状物 带扣 注:安全带织带必须与夹具两侧曲边接触 图 3 仅表示腰带 相容性检查 (见第 2.6.1 和 3.2 条) 附录 17-附件 2随车手册中说明不同乘坐位置儿童约束系统适宜性的表格 乘坐位置 质量组别 前排乘员 后排外侧 后排中间 中排外侧 中排中间 0-10kg (0-9 个月) 0-13kg (0-2 年) I-9-18kg (9 个月-4 年) I&II-15-36kg (4-12 年) 表格中字母的含义: U , 本质量组适于使用“通用”型约束系统。 UF , 本质量组适于使用前向“通用”型约束系统。 L , 适于使用附表中指定的儿童约束系统。这类约束系统可以是“专用车辆”、 “限制”、“半通用”型。 B , 本质量组适于使用内插型约束系统。
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