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新视角研究生英语读说写2课后答案详解Unit 1 Part A 1. His heart attack was _triggered_ by the physical and emotional pressures suffered under interrogation. 2. We are all under the illusion that the country is doing well _economically _, but in fact it is in serious difficulty. 3. He couldn’...

Unit 1 Part A 1. His heart attack was _triggered_ by the physical and emotional pressures suffered under interrogation. 2. We are all under the illusion that the country is doing well _economically _, but in fact it is in serious difficulty. 3. He couldn’t join the police because he was below the _minimum_ height allowed by the rule. 4. We hope to see stronger _commitment_ from the world community For international working together in the fight to protect our common natural surroundings 5. The professor felt grateful and _relieved_ that the debate hadn’t degenerated into something absurd and degrading 6. Tiger populations have stopped _shrinking_, and working to protect them is now a way of life in nations where they roam. 7. Our efForts result in a great rise in _enrollments_ in our universities, coupled with a radical shift in higher education from the private to the public sector 8. It was such a funny and wonderful show; I could _scarcely_ keep from laughing with delight. 9. Details are often organized according to time _sequence _ or from One place to another. These are two very important means of descriptive writing. 10. Many how-to books advise you to _stride_ into a room and impress others with your qualities. Part B 1. Even without knowing all the details, the reader can often be able to predict the general direction the author is going to. A. anticipate B. expect C. capture D. nurture 2. In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives play vital roles in raising children. A. intolerable B. impassiOned C. intellectual D. indispensable 3. Eat these foods with plentiful Vitamin C, For example, drink orange juice with cereal (谷类食品) or put a tomato on a sandwich, to increase the amount of iron absorbed. A. intensify B. enhance C. strengthen D. reinforce 4. Believing that he was fully qualified, he submitted his application instantly, but a week later he was crushed to learn that it had been turned down. A. ultimately B. hesitantly C. promptly D. attentively 5. The rule for the competition is somewhat vague. I can’t get it and I require an explanation. A. distinct B. obscure C. clumsy D. imaginary 6. The diseases thrive in conditions where freshwater is insufficient and sanitation is poor. A. scarce B. plentiful C. fruitful D. inexhaustible 7. After the scandal, public confidence in the economic recovery has fallen dramatically, according to a post-election survey. A. gradually B. frequently C. surprisingly D. analytically 8.The tutorial system is considered so important at Oxford and Cambridge that students are not even forced to attend general lectures. A. compelled B. insulated C. memorized D. challenged 9. They must know how to keep and make use of and when necessary abandon the old and outdated conventional rules. A. skim B. clarify C. discard D. insulate 10. They believe that identity theft is caused by issuing too many instant credit cards, deficient checking of identity, and too few legal protections for consumers’ personal information. A. sufficient B. overdue C. naive D. inadequate Translation 1.The professor might probably have delivered his lecture to the empty classroom in the absence of his solitary student. 2.The present educational system has been under attack from the public, who have begun to realize the harm the system has dOne to students. 3.The professor told those seniors that he would take attendance every time because attendance at this course was compulsory. 4.I’d love to go to your housewarming party, but I’m sorry I can’t make it because I’ve got a stack of things to do. 5.Youths who dropped out of middle school can resume their studies at night school or through television and correspondence courses. 6.She didn’t like the famous writer’s lecture, but she stuck it out to get the writer’s autograph after the lecture. 7.I was disappointed at the impersonality of the lecture system, but eventually I grew resigned to the system and waited patiently to become a junior. 8.We have to admit that the lecture system insulates a teacher from students’ naive questions, which could have triggered a line of useful thought. 9.I don’t agree with those critics’ opinions. Your conclusions are far from worthless; they make a good deal of sense to me. 10.For the sake of the students, they should be told on the first class about the objective and content of the course and the requirements to pass the course. 英译汉 1.听讲课存在的一个问题是:会听是很难的事。阅读课本中的相同内容是更有效的学习方法,因为学生可以根据 其需要慢慢阅读直到他们理解这些内容。 2.有时甚至仅仅做到专心听讲都很难。人们可以以每分钟400-600个字的速度听,而最富有激情的教授说话的速 度也很难达到这个速度的1/3。讲话和理解之间的时间差导致开小差。 3.很多学生认为多年来看电视已经削弱了他们保持注意力的能力。但是他们真正的问题是专心听课比他们认为的 要难得多。 4.讲课这一方式不会完全从大学消失。一是因为讲课似乎从经济上是必需的,二是讲课起源于悠久的传统,而且 人们又把传统本身看得很重。但是,讲课通常出现在学生接受教育生涯的错误的那一端——在大学的第一和第二年,那时他们最需要密切的、甚至是针对个体需要的指导。 5.如果讲课这一形式局限于三、四年级的学生,则对学生的兴趣和热情的破坏力会比目前的 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 小得多,因为三、 四年级的学生不太需要学科上的指导与帮助,而且更有能力自己制定学习 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。毕竟,学生在能够从听讲课中学到知识之前必须先要学会去听。 Unit 2 Part A 1. The crown is made out of quality gold, and studded with pearls and precious stOnes. 2. With the summer break looming once again, parents everywhere begin to question how they are going to keep their children out of mischief For the next two months! 3. The three years’ study widened my knowledge about business science. My interest towards business management was evoked and strongly enhanced 4. We will never again allow ourselves to live under tyranny and without dignity. 5. The book tells the story of a sensitive young boy who l eaves behind a humdrum life on his father’s farm to fulfill his dream of becoming a star of the skates. 6. When the spring is yet to fade away, the shining greenness b rings us a prelude to the summer. 7. Being frugal is a way of life that we all need to aspire. Wise people share tips and hints to become a bit more conscious about their spending. 8. As people become frail , access to food becomes a problem at all levels, from obtaining the food, to preparing it, to eating it. 9. The rescue team will continue to assist the residents in the flood-struck area, providing the shelter and support necessary to endure the treacherous weather. 10. Local Forays , scheduled from September to May, are half-day and full-day field trips led by experienced members of the club. Part B 1. Mobile gossip restores our sense of connection and community, and provides an __________ to the pressures and alienation of modern life. A. anchor B. antidote C. amenity D. apathy 2. His farm contains 120 acres of valuable land, good buildings, and an orchard of 300 trees, of a __________ variety of fruits. A. well-attended B. well-defined C. well-assorted D. well-grounded 3. Public __________ refers to the body of creative works that is not protected by intellectual property laws such as copyright, trademark or patent laws. The public owns these works, not an individual author or artist. A. agenda B. community C. domain D. security 4. The most __________ memory For her was the day she went back to the town, only to find that the school and the beautiful grounds she remembered had all vanished. A. poignant B. contrapuntal C. miniature D. disordered 5. I wish I could share with you some better news, but somehow I am caught within a __________ of troubles at present. A. bunch B. batch C. thicket D. tangle 6. We travel together, __________ together, and eat together. Six whole days gives us a chance to accomplish something real. A. bunk B. bump C. buzz D. boom 7. This row of shops previously stood here in this street, b ut they were __________ in the 1970s and then re- erected in the 1980s. A. striped B. engraved C. dismantled D. shingled 8. Thanks to a new __________ that records and replicates the world’s odors, people stopping to smell the roses can now take that sweet floral fragrance home with them or even send it to a faraway friend. A. prelude B. gadget C. sting D. Foray 9. In his Forty-six short years, he had been fighting against destiny to achieve some __________ of independence, only to face a lifetime of misfortunes. A. semblance B. renovation C. slenderness D. frugality 10. Living in a neighborhood with such naughty kids, One should always keep an eye out for __________. A. tyranny B. snapshot C. desperado D. mischief Translation 1.Every nook and corner of the region would be provided with electricity in five years. This was the pledge that the minister of electricity had taken two years ago. 2.In order to do field work at different places, he moved four times last year, though each time he did it with an ill grace. 3.Before leaving this disordered, drug-ridden small town, he gathered together in One place all his valuable possessions and introduced some semblance of order among them. 4.Her family was poor when she was a child. The things that mattered a great deal to her were very few. Therefore, every toy she had played with could evoke a rush of memories. 5.For an hour, policemen threaded their way through the crowded buildings, looking for an elusive gunman who had shot five people. 6.For many people, traveling or staying away from home for some time is an effective antidote to the humdrum activities of everyday life. 7.Women today enjoy a freer, more independent position than ever before, and are accordingly less and less willing to submit to the tyranny of their husbands. 8.Angina pectoris is often a prelude to a heart attack and requires special treatment, primarily with drugs. 9.We decide to hollow out the great logs so that more men could sit inside them and ride in them down the river. 10.The fire destroyed everything in the palace. Nothing of the magnificent furniture, studded with gold and silver, has survived. 英译汉 1.我们大多数人都把自己同自己的出生地或我们称之为家的地方紧密相联。不能回家以获得安全感是令人痛苦 的。 2.别的学生一开始很兴奋,几周后却发现自己开始想念所熟知的事物,并希望见到朋友和家人。 3.当我们搬迁到新的环境,需要以不同方式与不同的人交往以满足自己的需要的时候, 我们每个人都会有想家的 感觉。 4.有时, 如果这个人开始对爱的需要不能得到满足,想融入新群体的愿望又不能实现, 那么想家就可能会导致更 严重的忧郁症。 5.有时, 如果这个人开始对爱的需要不能得到满足,想融入新群体的愿望又不能实现, 那么想家就可能会导致更 严重的忧郁症。 Unit 3 Part A 1. The passenger pigeon was a prime example of a species that was made extinct by overhunting. 2. Climate, soil, water, and air are nonliving compOnents of an ecosystem. 3. As a language, English is derived from the Anglo-Saxon, a West Germanic variety, although its current vocabulary includes words from many languages. 4. Stopping the loss of biodiversity and limiting climate change are the two most important challenges facing our planet. 5. A recent report claims that Microsoft products, with their market dominance, are creating a computing monoculture that’s dangerously susceptible to worms and other attacks. 6. The December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was reported to have killed more than 225,000 people, and with uncounted others missing or losing their homes. 7. With the invention of blogs, the number of websites that would be interesting to follow each day has multiplied several times over. 8. The movie Two Brothers tells the story that two tigers are separated as cubs and taken intocaptivity only to be reunited years later as enemies 9. In 2000 and again in 2002, the US congress considered legislation to limit violent content and more tightly regulate the video games industry in America. 10. These conservation projects and educational activities have contributed to wildlife habitat improvement, watershed protection, and Forest health. Part B 1. The environmental changes might have caused the disappearance of many species by eliminating food sources, or exposing animals to climatic conditions to which they were not adapted. A. extinction B. distinction C. punctuation D. destruction 2. The study showed that increasing amounts of bird flu virus were contaminating the birds’ surroundings without the farmers’ realizing of it. A. conditions B. climates C. habitats D. ecosystems 3. While recently becoming the tenth most crowded city in the USA, San Jose has also held the title of The Safest Big City in America For the past several years. A. diverse B. popular C. disappointing D. populous 4. An internal inquiry has begun into whether soccer players received improper housing benefits under the Former coaches. A. examination B. investigation C. invasion D. invitation 5. It’s our job to prepare bright, ambitious young people for the opportunities offered by what will continue to be the main sectors for the 21st century. A. principle B. extinguished C. global D. keystOne 6. The teenager who made a dramatic escape after eight years of confinement in a windowless cell has agreed to a televised interview this week. A. captivity B. prevention C. preservation D. limitation 7. The little group so imperfectly known to us is counterbalanced by multitudes of species, of which there are numberless varieties. A. uncommon B. prime C. uncounted D. rare 8. The protection of tropical rainforests as public good will require cooperation between all countries in the world. A. institution B. conservation C. precaution D. construction 9. Taken beFore or While drinking, many medications will increase the effects of alcohol on your body. A. expand B. multiply C. enlarge D. extend 10. The Chicago History Museum has One of America’s largest collections of architectural working drawings, as well as manuscript materials, photographs, architectural models, and building fragments. A. compOnents B. substances C. monocultures D. debris Translation 1.The threat to humanity and the planet posed by biodiversity loss is as great as the dangers presented by climate change. 2.We are always happy to hear from young readers expressing concern For animals in captivity and asking what they can do to help. 3.The two most popular theories both say that dinosaurs died out because of changes in the earth’s atmosphere and temperature. 4.The Forest fire was finally brought under control by the fire-fighting crews at a cost of nearly half a million dollars. 5.Plant roots can hold the soil in position and prevent it from being washed away by the rain water. 6.Healthy ecosystems are characterized by sustainable turnovers of energy, nutrients, organic matter and water. 7.In a new report by the WWF, scientists have warned that global warming could kill off polar bears within the next 20 years. 8.Plowed fields don’t have any protection against running water, and often the valuable to psoil is carried away during heavy rains or floods. 9.The garden was considerably quieter than it had been the previous two days, but there were still a good variety of birds around. 10.While estimates differ, it is generally believed that around 30%–40% of the active ingredients used in modern medicines are derived from, or related to, plants. 英译汉 1.理由之一是, 每个物种在它所处的由所有动植物和无生命的气候、土壤、水和空气等组成的生态系统中都占有 一个特殊的地位。 2.理由之一是, 每个物种在它所处的由所有动植物和无生命的气候、土壤、水和空气等组成的生态系统中都占有 一个特殊的地位。 3.无论是活树还是枯树都可以为动物和鸟提供栖息地,为昆虫提供食物。枯树腐烂以后还可以肥沃森林的土壤, 得以使其它植物从原处拔地而出。 4.这样的大树就是我们所说的主要物种; 如果它们从生态系统中消失,其后果会遍及所有居住在森林的其它物种。 哈佛大学的生物学家爱德华·威尔逊说:―一个主要物种的消失就像钻头意外地钻断电线,导致四处断电。‖ 5.在当前第六次―大灭绝‖时期, 每小时平均有三个物种灭绝,也就是每天有74 个物种灭绝, 每年合计达27,000 个。其中有些物种——虽然我们不确定是哪些——毫无疑问是主要物种。 Unit 4 V ocabulary Part A 1. The Our company is One of the leading manufacturers of commercial and institutional kitchen equipment, such as ovens, freezers, refrigerators, blenders, etc. 2. An annual increase of 1.3% in food production is necessary at the present time to feed the burgeoning human population, assuming present diets remain invariant. 3. You can envision the joy of your beloved ones when they receive the DVD shows made by your own hands as a special gift. 4. This book depicts the cultural history of race and the complicated relationship between marginal and mainstream culture in early twentieth-century America. 5. These sorts of jobs are available between late May and late August and often encompass a wide range of work. 6. There is currently a trend for companies to outsource much of their IT to third-parties, in some cases to overseas third-parties. 7. In ancient China, women would compete to show off their prowess in needlecraft on Qixi, the most important way of celebrating the festival. 8. Morgan shunned publicity of any kind, and never permitted signs bearing her name at construction sites. 9. Immigrants need time to overcome difficulties when they are assimilating into new cultures. 10. Electronics chain stores are sometimes willing to Forgo profits For a period of time in order to gain market share. Part B 1. ________ leaders are those courageous individuals who throughout history have refused to accept the status quo. A. Scornful B. Visionary C. Impersonal D. Respectful 2. The thick soap won’t foam properly, so it is necessary and economical to ________ it with water. A. pierce B. dip C. dilute D. balance 3. I’ve been on suspension for over 2 weeks because I stood up to a rude, ________ boss. A. arrogant B. disloyal C. corporate D. uncommitted 4. The successful candidates are all creative in solving problems and ________ at learning new technologies and skills. A. capable B. marginal C. adequate D. adept 5. She ________ as she talked about the messy young boys who had drunk up all her milk and eaten up all her chocolates. A. bristled B. disdained C. downsized D. shunned 6. Not only does he have One of those distinctive radio voices that sets him apart, he also brings a fun and a slightly ________ attitude to his show. A. irrelevant B. irreverent C. burgeoning D. mentoring 7. ________ assets comprise items such as land, buildings, plants, machinery, fixtures and fittings, IT equipment and vehicles. A. Diverse B. Massive C. Classical D. Tangible 8. These few old-style wooden shops are soon to be demolished. With them will go the last ________ of the town’s original look. A. prowess B. moniker C. vestige D. portfolio 9. Our way to stay ahead of the competition is by continually creating ________ products and services While building new value in existing product lines. A. unmanageable B. deliverable C. innovative D. institutional 10. He always smiled and never had a negative comment about anyOne or a _________ remark about any situation. A. cynical B. skeptical C. hierarchical D. prototypical Translation 1.Having practiced for about 5 years,he is now adept at legal issues relating to international investment and trade. 2.According to a survey, Gen Xers are skeptical about relying on Social Security when they retire. They began saving for retirement early compared with their predecessors. 3.All the cares and stresses of your day seem to fade away under the relaxing and comfortable treatment of foot massage. 4.Studies show that most employees place a high value on being recognized or being complemented for a job well done. 5.Emergency rooms were clogged with patients who came for treatment of relatively routine medical problems because they didn’t have a regular doctor. 6.Anyone trying to coach or help a new technical manager make the transition to a leadership role can get useful ideas from this book. 7.Most of the time when you take a short cut for completing a project you will end up doing some repair work later that will take double the time you saved by the short cut. 8.Employees who fail to set appropriate boundaries between their personal and professional lives will not be able to understand the meaning of life and work. 9.The purpose of the exercise was to train staff to react in a disciplined and professional manner when in the presence of danger. 10.Most Gen Xers have the desire to forgo career advancement for more time with their wife and children, especially in the earl y years of their children’s lives. 英译汉 1.然而,X一代人目睹了他们的父母为了职业晋升而做出牺牲,结果却遭遇了美国公司的大量裁员。 2.这些不同的观点视角常常导致工作中的冲突。他们彼此都易于把对方概念化。 3.X一代人认为自己没有理由要尽职苦干,因为他们能把工作做得又好又快,而且仍有时间来休闲和陪伴家人。 4.有人会说唯一的解决办法是通过司法体系,因为随着婴儿潮时期的人不断变老,与年龄歧视有关的诉讼可能会 增加。 5.但是,历史就是如此循还往复—随着婴儿潮时期出生的人开始退休,X一代开始掌权,Y一代开始步入社会。Unit 5 V ocabulary 1. The fate of the giant panda is a worldwide concern. It is hoped that sophisticated reproduction technology can help prevent it from extinction. 2. A rising number of school age children are seeking medical help For varied psychological problems resulting mainly from improper parenting— such as excessive care and intervention, indifference or physical punishment. 3. Due to selling pressure from speculators as well as public investors, today technology stocks suffered another sharp setback on the Bombay Stock Exchange. 4. A firm which dismisses an employee on the grounds of redundancy is obliged to compensate him For loss of employment. 5. According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, China will soon establish in the countryside, as it has already dOne in urban areas, the system to give minimum living subsidy to the poorest people. 6. Rugao is recognized for the longevity of its residents. Experts from home and abroad are trying to figure out what makes people live longer in that region with rapid economic growth. 7. Many Chinese cities will raise taxi fares by 25 percent to offset an increase in fuel costs. 8. Many multinationals have set up business headquarters in Shanghai, hoping to avail themselves of the city’s comprehensive advantages in geography, investment environment and human resources . 9. Beijing Municipal Education Committee set new regulations on behavioral norms of primary and middle school students, introducing modern ethics and doing away with outdated content such as ―fight criminals courageously.‖ 10. Corruption and unreliable electricity supply are listed as major constraints on the business operation and growth of firms in South Asia, said a World Bank survey report. Part B 1. Delegates from 27 news agencies declared commitment to holding steadfastly to the ethics and basic principles of the journalistic profession. A. tenets B. origins C. talents D. values 2. Because of the SARS crisis, there was a temporary decrease in the number of Chinese tourists abroad. A. sacrifice B. scarcity C. deduction D. diminution 3. The President’s visit to Cuba was expected to add new push to bilateral cooperation of the two countries in economic, political and other fields. A. impact B. impulse C. advance D. advantage 4. Financial constraints and the selfish values of the younger generation probably constitute major factors for the steady decline in Canada’s fertility rate. A. alternatively B. eventually C. presumably D. virtually 5. Fuelled by wider opening of the automobile industry to the outside world, and rising wealth of local people, China’s car market will boom in the coming years. A. affluence B. allowance C. priority D. property 6. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) called for forging a common understanding among its member countries and making more effective efforts in combating transnational crime in the region. A. endeavors B. fulfillments C. investments D. proposals 7.Pakistan must control high population growth rate and relieve the heavy pressure exerted by large population on the economic development. A. conform B. curtail C. suspend D. manipulate 8. China’s rapid economic development has been helpful in promoting global economic growth and brought important opportunities for development in Latin American countries. A.dominant B.auxiliary C.functional D.instrumental 9. The financial minister has already altered several of the proposals in the economic plan to consider demands of special interest groups. A.adapt B.adjust C.accommodate D.acknowledge 10. Chinese Finance Minister said that China will eliminate all agricultural taxes, putting an end to a levy that has burdened China’s farmers For 2,600 years. A. exhaust B. expire C. scrap D. erase Translation 1.It is considered desirable For young people to get married and settle down only after they are established in their jobs. 2.Her husband is a very domestic person, spending a lot of time everyday in cooking, cleaning and caring for their three school-age children. 3.Today’s young people have completely different values and expectations from their parents, giving higher priority to personal pleasure over family obligations. 4.From society’s viewpoint, it does not make sense for women, much less well educated women, to be full-time homemakers for a lifetime. 5.Singles in their twenties see cohabitation as a way to investigate a prospective partner’s character and habits before marriage. But premarital cohabitation has proven to be associated with a higher divorce risk. 6.In the interest of child welfare, government should institute policies to provide part-time, temporary and flextime job opportunities and paid parental leave for parents. 7.With an eye toward forming strong and lasting marital unions, couples should make allowances for each other, when there is friction between them. 8.Given the high divorce rate, married mothers leave the labor market for an extended period of time at their own peril — they will suffer severe economic loss if their marriage ends in divorce. 9.The bond between child and parent is a very special One. MOney can not make up for the sacrifices parents have made for their children. 10.Increasing gender equality in the work force provides women historically unprecedented opportunities for personal fulfillment in their careers. 英译汉 1.男人挣钱养家、女人生儿育女是有史以来天经地义的社会生活模式,虽然这种模式并不总如过去一个半世纪现 代社会中 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现得那样极端。 2.也许除了在没有年幼儿童的成人伴侣中可以进行很多社会实验,认为核心家庭可以或者应该被完全抛弃是极其 鲁莽的。 3.当孩子成为综合考虑因素的一部分时,基本的生理和社会限制就开始发挥作用——比如母亲对幼小儿童的重要 性——如果抛弃核心家庭的中心元素,社会将会承担极大的风险。 4.与其努力同时承担男性挣钱养家和女性生儿育女的双重责任,并为自己不能达到目的而不断地感到失望和不 安,不如我们更坦然地承认、考虑、并欣赏不同性别的截然不同的需求、性兴趣、价值观和目标,这样我们会做得更好。 5.与其不分男女都追求―具有男性偏向的自由‖,我们应该做更多的工作来促进一种社会文化:给予注重家庭亲情 关系和养育子女的传统女性价值观更多的重视和尊重。 6.因此,如果要推进社会以及个人的利益,经过改良的传统婚姻性别角色是必要的。 Unit 6 1. The United Nations firmly deplored the violent bomb attack launched by terrorists which killed 23 civilians. 2. As more and more people prefer environmentally friendly cars, houses, food, household appliances and tourism, the use of ―green‖ products pervades in China like a ―greenwave.‖ 3. To spur employee productivity and improve efficiency is not an option but a requisite for companies committed to growth in the fast-changing new economy. 4. Many workaholics work long hours with little rest, but researchers have found a short afternoon nap at work can significantly improve workers’ alertness and p roductivity. 5. Due to the falling percentage of couples getting premarital medical check-ups, the number of hereditary and infectious diseases among infants is rising. 6. Economizing on water use is the best way to protect water resources, but extravagant use of water is common along the Yangtze as many people hold that the river water is so abundant that they do not need to save water at all. 7. In the times of great changes in the global situation, what people crave For is peace and economic prosperity. 8. Cartoon mania is sweeping the country as bookstores are packed with Japanes and Korean comic books. 9. The systematic and conscious practice of making One’s friends or competitors feel inferior and thereby gaining the status of being ―One jump ahead‖ of them is called one-upmanship. 10. China and the United States cooperate in safeguarding world peace and stability, promoting global economic growth, and dealing with terrorism, transnational crimes and diseases. Their common interests overwhelm their differences. Part B 1. In response to the __________ threat of attack, the country was compelled to institute new security measures For airports and air travel. A. earnest B. elaborate C. unrelenting D. risky 2. Three medical organizations concluded that doctors should not be required to perform life-saving procedures when life support is __________ for patients who are irreversibly unconscious. A. nifty B. futile C. costly D. essential 3. According to the latest figures, the housing market will continue to __________ but won't collapse amid the gloomy economy. A. flourish B. expand C. crumble D. stagnate 4. Widespread pollution of the environment by companies may come to an end as a bill has been drafted which proposes to __________ any offending firms. A. subsidize B. penalize C. outdo D. oppress 5. Despite many current threats to peace and order, the Indonesian government is striving to __________ national unity and protect its territorial integrity. A. sustain B. remain C. endure D. adjust 6. In ancient China, influential military and religious individuals were __________ as ancestors and continuously received ritual offerings for many years. A. distained B. abandoned C.estimated D. venerated 7. With efforts made on both sides, the friendly cooperative relations between the two countries are full of vigor and __________ and will be advancing continuously. A. pressure B. triumph C. vitality D. rivalry 8. The Prime Minister promised that the government would continue its __________ fight against terrorism and he would not negotiate under any condition. A. faithful B. ruthless C. legalized D. progressive 9. Stricter control is needed over imports of __________ species of plants and animals, since many of them have already damaged the native environment. A. exotic B. scarce C. endangered D. enormous 10. One truly unique thing that makes Hawaii such a special vacation destination is the islands’ rich culture, which still __________ the modern Hawaii of today. A. perceives B. promotes C. permeates D. perplexes Translation 1.People are preordained to suffer many frustrations in their quest for happiness. 2.American is an ambitious nation. People from every walk of life face the pressure of fierce competition to excel. 3.Day trading is a dangerous way of trying to make a fortune. 4.Millions of people have a fantasy about getting rich quick and spend money on lotteries. 5.There is a fear that if the arms race gets out of hand, the world situation will be worse off. 6.It is not sensible to give up one’s own ambition in order to shield oneself from the bitterness of failure. 7.Many people strain to earn money because money can buy big houses, cars, big-screen TVs and other consumer products which are considered symbols of status and identity. 8.It pays to exert ourselves to fulfill our own ambitions. 9.The cell phOne, which was beyond the reach of the majority of the Chinese people a decade ago, has now become a widely owned daily necessity. 10.She acts as if she were someOne since she was promoted. But to me, she is a mere nobody. 英译汉 1.即使是最中立的著作《韦伯斯特词典》也暴露了它自己的追求目标,它在其新大学版第七版中将雄心首先定义 为―一种追求地位、荣誉或权利的热切欲望‖。 2.―热切‖这个词立刻呈现出与理智的判断和沉稳的心态所不相称的热烈情绪,而地位、荣誉和权利也在至少长达 一个世纪的时间里一直受到相当猛烈的抨击。 3.然而毕竟一个人可以立志于促进公共的利益,减轻人们的痛苦,或是启迪人类的思想。 4.家庭将成为多余的社会单位,不再具有以前能够带给人们焦虑和恐惧的力量。 5.人们的寿命将会延长,因为越来越少的人会死于由拼命工作而引起的心脏病和中风。 Unit 7 V ocabulary Part A 1. The organizer of the exhibition used the metaphor of a cocktail party to describe the fascinating interaction of the selected works of the five contemporary architects introduced in the exhibition. 2. According to the revised regulations on the protection of consumer rights and interests, disclosing consumers’ private inFormation to anyone else without their permission is an intrusion upon consumer privacy. 3. Vietnam has been intensifying its crackdown on fake goods production and trafficking following complaints about the prevalence of fake goods in city communities. 4. A farmer in Zhejiang Province has filed a lawsuit against two paper mills whose industrial waste has killed over 10,000 crabs he raised in a local river. 5. Many mobile phone users intend to change their service providers in order to enjoy lower monthly subscription fees, free incoming calls and per second billing. 6. It is believed that every nation should increase its efForts to preserve its unique culture, which would otherwise wither away in the face of globalization. 7. In accordance with the international law and norms governing international relations, the court of one country is not entitled to exercise jurisdiction over another sovereign country and its state institutions. 8. A snowstorm in Central Japan forced airlines to cancel at least 252 flights, While 73 bullet train services were also significantly delayed due to the nasty weather. 9. Restaurants across the country will band together in a ―Dine for America‖ day, a national fund raising effort to support the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund and help those affected by Hurricane Katrina. 10. Indonesian President is scheduled to preside over the unveiling of a ―Brotherhood Monument‖ to commemorate the May 1998 riots in the area of Chinatown here that left hundreds people dead and many shops burned down. Part B 1. TV stations have been warned to cut down on the amount of violence they show and to avoid promoting a worship of violence and cruelty among children. A. cult B. psyche C. furor D. forum 2. Capital goes where there are potential returns. Offering great opportunities, China is the most attractive Asian market for big foreign investors. A. alluring B. flourishing C. passionate D. prevalent 3. The Ministry of Culture has established an imported game products screening committee in an effort to strengthen examination of imported online games. A. tyranny B. censorship C. territory D. analysis 4.One of the Zimbabwe’s leading household goods manufacturers is operating at 25 percent capacity because the company was failing to obtain adequate raw materials due to foreign currency constraints. A. embrace B. possess C. procure D. maintain 5.It was an exciting moment when Shanghai, China, was chosen to host the 2010 World Exposition. A. charming B. consensual C. exhilarating D. flirtatious 6. A survey disclosed that 60 percent of the interviewees regret the decline in traditional celebrations and consider it necessary to continue the practice of hosting a family dinner on the lunar New Year’s Eve. A. deem B. estimate C. enhance D. sustain 7. To boost tourism, the measure is enForced in Cyprus that plainclothes policemen patrol the streets, making sure taxi drivers keep their taxi meters running and do not cheat unguarded tourists. A. undoubted B. unconscious C. unconventional D. unsuspecting 8.Some safety inspectors and experts have been assigned to direct the ongoing construction of facilities specially designed for the upcoming opening ceremony of the Fortune Global Forum. A. enforce B. impose C. instruct D. supervise 9. A survey showed that people’s wish for conventional reading has been declining dramatically, as they spend more time scanning the web media. A. sensation B. inclination C. liability D. sentiment 10.In UK, science investigation and experiments in schools are being overlooked, threatening the country’s economic competitiveness and future capacity for innovation. A. left behind B. signed off C. banded together D. squeezed out Translation 1.Americans hanker after new frontiers where they can be free of any constraints and be themselves. 2.What captures young people’s imagination is precisely the sense of freedom they get While surfing the Internet. 3.Regardless of their race, culture and socioeconomic status, everyOne can find a community of likeminded people in cyberspace. 4.Virtual communities prefer to set and enforce community standards by themselves rather than by the terrestrial government. 5.Cyberspace is akin to the terrestrial world, which includes various places ranging from shopping malls, school districts to red-light zones. 6.Only cyberspace communities that cater to the needs of their members will prosper. 7.With the development of telecommunications technology, the union of the world into a global village is at hand. 8.It is prevalent among Internet users to download intellectual properties for free. 9.The job of the moderator of a discussion group on the Internet is to keep out advertisements and unrelated materials of the forum. 10.Advocates of free speech tend to jump to the conclusion that any form of government regulation will interfere with their freedom. 英译汉 1.网络空间的特别之处在于,它把我们从必须按照大多数人制定的规则而生活的政府专制中解放出来。在民主国 家中,少数派和少数人的偏好往往会遭到排挤,无论他们是少数民族和文化还是少数人拥有的个人爱好。 2.但是在网络空间,任何大小和类别的社区都能繁荣发展;在网络空间,用户自由选择自己的社区,而不是依据 地域的偶然因素将社区强加给用户。这种选择的自由赋予主持网络空间的规章制度以一种道德权威,而这种权威是陆地环境中的规章制度所不具备的。 3.大多数人被困于自己出生的国家无法脱身。然而如果你不喜欢某个网络社区的规章,你可以退出。要么喜欢它, 要么离开它。同样的,如果父母们不喜欢某个网络社区的规章,他们可以限制自己孩子与它接触。 4.社区管理方式的真正市场化演变即将成为可能。在网络空间,我们将能够通过试验和改进规章制度来管理那些 需要管理的——知识财产、内容和使用限制、关于隐私和言论自由的规则。有些社区将允许任何人加入,有些将只允许符合这种或那种条件的成员加入。 5.那些能够自我维持、自我完善的社区将会昌盛起来(而且也许会壮大并分裂为一个个依据更加具体的兴趣和身 份而建立的分社区)。而那些不能生存的社区——或是因为人们对它们失去了兴趣或是因为人们被吓跑了——则将渐渐萎缩并消失。 Unit 8 V ocabulary Part A 1. The lack of military action from other countries has contributed to the perpetuation of the civil war. 2. His mind is impoverished after prolonged spell of idling outside in between the so-called ―friends‖ of m ahjiang. 3. When asked about the earthquake of 20 years ago, her mind conjured up a blurred vision of fire and falling buildings. 4. You must judge each film on its own merits, without any preconceptions about what it’s like. 5. Gas-fired power stations will soon substitute For less efficient coal-fired equipment. 6. I’m a bit chary of using a travel agency that doesn’t enjoy a high reputation, let alOne one that even doesn’t have official registration. 7. The small church in the community was prominently involved in the struggle that toppled the dictatorship. 8. As a young man, you could economize on food by not eating in restaurants all the time. 9. In the movie, the boundary between reality and fantasy went blurry. 10. Let’s not prejudge the situation — we need to hear both sides of the story first. Part B 1. Some Senators argue that increasing the supply of weapons will only ___________ the violence and anarchy in that area. A. extinguish B. demolish C. devastate D. perpetuate 2.Children complained that parents were always ___________ into the ears of them the importance of hard work. A. dinning B. clamoring C. delving D. deafening 3. She’s in her eighties now and ___________ to be a bit forgetful. A. adept B. apt C. inapplicable D. impertinent 4.The Bush Administration is determined to ___________ deeper into the scandal of the special agents. A. fill B. scoop C. delve D. explore 5. We’d better ___________ our watches if we all want to be there at the same time. A. synchronize B. harmonize C. symbolize D. systematize 6. He was demonstrating, in his own particular and ___________ style, how to write a bestselling novel. A. imitable B. comparable C. equaled D. inimitable 7. In an interview with the Newsweek, he dismissed recent rumours about his private life as ___________. A. factual B. authentic C. fictitious D. valid 8.The son of the president emerged ___________ from the court after all the charges against her were dropped because of a lack of evidence. A. downhearted B. unfavorable C. triumphant D. despicable 9. The decision to welcome Tony in the institute was completely ___________ when he proved himself an excellent researcher with the scientific experiment. A. indicated B. vindicated C. announced D. tolerated 10. The association needs to win back former members who have allowed their subscriptions to ___________. A. resume B. recover C. lapse D. extend Translation 1. A lazy person is apt to get his mind impoverished because he doesn’t make use of his intelligence all the time. 2.This photo conjures up memories of my carefree school days. 3.He realizes now he’s been typecast as an executive errand boy. 4.The goal of the association is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design. 5.Stereotypes economize on our mental effort by covering up the blooming, buzzing confusion with big recognizable cutouts. 6.Stereotypes economize on our mental effort by covering up the blooming, buzzing confusion with big recognizable cutouts. 7.The famous actress said to the reporter that she was perfectly happy until fame was thrust upon her. 8.One of his intimate friends warns him that he is in danger of losing all his money if he continues to buy useless items. 9.Having delved deeply into all aspects of the project, they find that there is every prospect of success. 10.It was the unpopular members of the class —the ―bad guys‖ — they remembered as being out of step. 英译汉 1.当我们以偏见和成见来判断一个人或一群人并因此采取不同的对待方式,我们就是歧视。 2.我们可能或明或暗地制造一些压力,使某些少数民族的居民失去居住在我们邻里的勇气。 3.我们可能会回避那些有精神病史的人,因为我们害怕他们会伤害我们。 4.在有些情况下,民事和刑事制度因歧视而没有平等地应用于每个人。 5.市议会、州立法机关和美国国会并没有按人口比例给少数民族和其他族群相应的代表席位。 Unit 9 V ocabulary Part A 1. To our great surprise, Mary put Forward a ludicrous suggestion after her long-time thought. 2. John is very happy these days for he will soon be married to Diana, whose beauty has made her the envy of many less lavishly endowed. 3. Though he was removed from office a year ago, the company now suffers the consequences of his mismanagement. 4. I don’t know what proper action we should take, for they gave conflicting accounts of what has happened. 5. The captain of a big liner has the safety of thousands of lives in his keeping. 6. Proper clothes count for much in business. That’s why you see most business people dress formally. 7. When she was stopped by the police for speeding, she gave them a certificate which has clearly been falsified. 8. On hearing the news that the enemy troops would come soon, all the families hurriedly fortified the village with barricades of carts, tree trunks and whatever came to hand. 9. Our football coach has worked hard to inculcate a team spirit into the players. 10. This settlement will resolve One of the most vexing problems in the field of industrial relations. Part B 1. We are a moral, high-principled people and therefore we do not approve of their activities. A. noble B. upright C. conscientious D. ethical 2. Unemployment and inner city decay are undividable issues which must be tackled together. A. indwelling B. innate C. inseparable D. unchanged 3. The airline requires children traveling alone to have a(n) official letter of consent from one or both parents. A. attestation B. notarized C. oath D. deposition 3. The airline requires children traveling alone to have a(n) official letter of consent from one or both parents. A. attestation B. notarized C. oath D. deposition 4. Polly and Susie were having a(n) argument about who was going to hold the dog’s lead A. controversy B. claim C. dissatisfaction D. squabble 5. If you compare the two books side by side, it is clear that the author of the second has cribbed from the first. A. plagiarized B. developed C. originated D. appropriated 6. A few workers have disregarded the majority decision and gone into work despite the strike. A. deserted B. disproved C. defied D. distributed 7. If the authority is to accomplish its legal duty to house the homeless, it needs government support. A. achieve B. accuse C. acclaim D. discharge 8.The new President said she would devote herself to protecting the rights of the old, the sick and the homeless. A. dedicate B. donate C. entrust D. present 9. The pictures on the show were a(n) vivid reminder of the power of the volcano. A. visual B. eloquent C. example D. expressive 10.The underlying message of the film is that love surpasses everything else. A. exceeds B. transcends C. excels D. outstrips Translation 1.Let me urge at the outset that all of us in management look at both these words — ethics and competitiveness — with a wide angle of vision. 2.All human beings are endowed with a moral sense that does not come out of nowhere or perpetuate itself automatically. 3.Scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930s. 4.We have all heard shortsighted businesspeople attribute a quotation to that great figure in history, that is, moral ethic education is not necessary to begin at an early age. 5.To my uncle I dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude. 6.The time has come to take a hard look at ethical teaching in our schools from kindergarten to the twelfth grade. 7.In the final exam, people can always see those proctors paid by the university to pad up and down the aisles to make sure that nobody is looking at crib notes or copying from a neighbor. 8.She said she would consider my proposal if nothing went wrong. I find it hard to spell out her meaning. 9.And the more we know of that past, the more sure-footedly we can inculcate ethical conduct in the future. 10.The moral order of the world transcends any single nation-state. And One cannot be a good business leader without understanding the place of business in the greater scheme of things. 英译汉 1.投资时需要慎重对待的一个问题,就是道德 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 在你选择股票时应该占多大分量。人们是否应投资于生产武器 的公司?或者投资于核动力、酒类、赌博、烟草类公司?这是有道德争议的―五大‖领域,容易激起人们最强烈的爱憎之情,最常引发投资道德的讨论。 2.现实世界就是这样,如果用太细的道德过滤器去筛选,那么几乎每一个大公司和许多小公司很快都得从投资的 名单中筛出去。 3.我倾向于容忍生活中的大部分不道德行为,在投资方面也是如此。我现在正在挑选一些国防类的股票。我至少 正在关注一种核动力的股票,还看好博彩类的股票。我不想买酒类股,但如果价位有吸引力的话,我还是会买一种的。 4.盖普公司的问题:举个例子,派克斯世界基金,总部设在新罕不什尔州的朴次茅斯,说它只投资于那些―尊重 员工,尊重环保,尊重社区‖的公司。相信它是尽力这样做的,但在一个不完美的社会里,这些决策是非常困难的。 5.派克斯世界基金所持有的最多的股票是盖普公司的股票。周五,盖普(及其他一些零售商)输了一场官司,他 们本想驳回被指控销售美国塞班地区血汗工厂生产的衣物的诉讼案。8月,包括诺德斯道姆公司、J克鲁集团公司在内的其他四个被告同意出资125万美元设立基金来监督塞班工厂的工作条件,以此解决对方提出的索赔要求。 6.这都不意味着盖普是个差劲的公司,或者在塞班事件中是有罪的。但它确实说明了投资道德决策的困难。Unit 10 V ocabulary Part A 1. In Sabbatical year, she traveled widely in universities of North America, lecturing on women’s rights. 2. Though retired, Nelson Mandela, the first president of South Africa, is still revered For his brave fight against apartheid (种族隔离). 3. At the meeting of the board of directors, his strongest criticism is reserved for his father, whom he disliked intensely. 4. The senator worked hard, always talking to the people in his constituencies and hearing their problems. 5. We were horrified at the size of the bill after we enjoyed ourselves in the so-called ―home-made dishes‖ restaurant fo r 2 hours. 6. After the play had finished, we lingered for a While in the bar hoping to catch sight of the actors we have long admired. 7. We are faced with a(n) agonizing dilemma between going to pursue an MA in Great Britain and beginning a career in the mainland China. 8. Admittedly, I could have tried harder but I still don’t think all this criticism is fair. 9. Financial problems have been plaguing their new business partners due to the global economic recession. 10. Why be plaguing about that old coa t? There’s no point in keeping it just because you were wearing it when you first met me. Part B 1.Mrs. Deborah could not help exclaiming against the ___________ of her master, and especially against his suffering her to conceal the father of the child. A. bias B. mildness C. clemency D. justice 2.The maidens, ___________ by such excessive labor, resolved to kill the cock who roused their mistress so early. A. abridged B. shrank C. contracted D. aggravated 3.The young wom an’s heart revolted against so ___________ a charge, and when she saw that she could attempt to do nothing to save her protector, she wept bitterly. A. heinous B. monstrous C. blessed D. grievous 4.The usurpations of the legislature might be so ___________ and so sudden, as to admit of no specious coloring. A. reprehensible B. favored C. affected D. flagrant 5.The investigation ___________ her complaint about the newspaper report last Sunday. A. accused B. vindicated C. established D. upheld 6. The terrorist action has been ___________ universally as an act of barbarism and cowardice. A. condemned B. cleared C. Absolved D. pardOned 7.A farmer who had a deadly and ___________ hatred against a certain Fox, caught him and tied some tow to his tail; then carrying him to the centre of his own grain-field, set the tow on fire and let the animal go. A. released B. heinous C. implacable D. convicted 8.Russian authors are still fonder of telling us that from the commencement of the campaign a Scythian war plan was adopted to ___________ Napoleon into the depths of Russia. A. conquer B. fight C. lure D. win 9.Though Mary has been married For 5 years, she was still ___________ about having children. A. ambivalent B. meek C. timid D. daunted 10.SIR, — I have duly received your note, in which you claim to ___________ my views. A. contrast B. strangle C. exact D. endorse Translation 1.If no one has the courage to speak out against the operating system, things will never improve. 2.The prediction of 4 million unemployed by the year 2008 in that rich European country now looks horrifyingly realistic. 3.It’s impossible to forget such unpleasant exp erience — they linger (on) in the memory forever. 4.The wealthy country of East Asia has been plagued by financial problems. 5.These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been done away with years ago. 6.Had the death penalty been a real possibility in the minds of these murderers, they might well have stayed their hand. 7.If there were no death penalty, it would cheapen their horrible experience, and expose them to an increase danger of recurrence. 8.Psychological research discovers that mental problems of adults largely stem from their difficult childhood. 9.Philosophers all agree that natural law property authorizes the sovereign to take life in order to vindicate justice. 10.According to Mr. Bedau, one of the most implacable foes of capital punishment in the U.S., it is false sentimentality to argue that the death penalty should be abolished because of the abstract possibility that an innocent person might be executed. 英译汉 1.无论你对死刑怎么看,在美国大多数州里,它都是一个法律事实。谈话中一旦提及,往往导致激烈辩论。 2.在弗曼诉佐治亚一案中,最高法院的裁决结果是5 ∶ 4。最高法院发现,当时在许多州都施行的死刑违背了(宪 法)第8 修正案禁止残酷和异常惩罚的规定。 3.按照弗曼一案,州法律是不合宪法的,这就给州法院带来了许多困难。为适用于弗曼一案,州立法就得重新起 草和制定死刑法规,这就给州立法带来了问题。 4.四年后,在格里格一案中,最高法院裁定,死刑惩罚本质上不属于残酷和异常惩罚。 5.然而,法院在其正式意见中写道,考虑到它的终结性,对非杀人罪处死刑的可能性很小。
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