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中铁一局集团工程施工类公司经营者中铁一局集团工程施工类公司经营者 附件: 中铁一局集团工程施工类公司经营者 绩效考核办法 1(总则 1.1为了全面评价施工类子,分,公司经营者经营绩效~鼓励经营者以市场为导向~以效益为中心~全面兼顾企业长期发展与短期经营效果~兼顾社会信誉与经济效益~兼顾企业、员工和经营者三者利益关系~重视企业的资本运营效率、经济效益与全面发展~形成有效的激励与约束机制~配合集团公司《领导人员管理办法》和《企业负责人薪酬管理办法》的实施~制定本办法。 1.2本办法旨在运用科学、规范、量化的指标体系~对各企业一定经营期间经...

中铁一局集团 工程施工 建筑工程施工承包1园林工程施工准备消防工程安全技术交底水电安装文明施工建筑工程施工成本控制 类公司经营者 附件: 中铁一局集团工程施工类公司经营者 绩效考核办法 1(总则 1.1为了全面评价施工类子,分,公司经营者经营绩效~鼓励经营者以市场为导向~以效益为中心~全面兼顾企业长期发展与短期经营效果~兼顾社会信誉与经济效益~兼顾企业、员工和经营者三者利益关系~重视企业的资本运营效率、经济效益与全面发展~形成有效的激励与约束机制~配合集团公司《领导人员 管理办法 关于高温津贴发放的管理办法稽核管理办法下载并购贷款管理办法下载商业信用卡管理办法下载处方管理办法word下载 》和《企业负责人薪酬管理办法》的实施~制定本办法。 1.2本办法旨在运用科学、 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、量化的指标体系~对各企业一定经营期间经营业绩做出客观、公正和准确的测评~以期成为衡量经营者经营绩效、计量薪酬以及编制生产经营计划和企业自我评价的依据与参考标准。 1.3绩效考核指标设置以可量化的经营规模、经济效益、资产运行效率指标为主~以产品及服务实现质量与员工评价指标为辅~不同经营性质的企业或单位分别设立考核指标体系,不同经济基础的单位~以考核当期相对业绩为主~体现客观公正~鼓励持续发展进步的原则。 1.4本办法按以下单位性质分类考核其经营者的经营绩效: development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion ?、综合施工子,分,公司:一公司、二公司、三公司、四公司、五公司、桥梁公司、新运分公司、建安公司、电务公司、市政环保公司; ?、辅助性生产经营公司:物资工贸公司、建工机械公司, ?、专业及区域性施工子,分,公司:深圳分公司、城轨分公司、房建分公司、天津公司、厦门分公司、重庆分公司。 2(绩效考核指标体系设置 2.1考核指标设置依据 2.1.1为衡量企业市场开发能力和效率~设置了依据人均新签合同额和净资产新签合同额“基准值”加权平均测定的新签合同额指标, 2.1.2为衡量企业扩大经营规模和提高经营效率能力~设置了依据净资产产值率和全员劳动生产率“基准值”加权平均测定的企业营业额指标, 2.1.3为衡量企业经济效益水平及可实现性~设置了依据净资产收益率和产值利润率“基准值”加权平均测定的年度目标利润总额~并设置了制造成本降低率和盈余现金保障倍数等指标, 2.1.4为衡量企业财务运行效率与资产质量~设置了应收账款周转率、预付账款周转率、存货周转率、主营收入盘点率、资产负债率等指标, 2.1.5为提高企业信誉、控制危机和防范重大风险能力~设置了合同兑现率、安全质量环保目标兑现率、治安稳定综合治理 prove echnical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and imal of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and tsurvivand advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the eas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning ect arr content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority projainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean watens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rtime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-. 3, nightdevelopment of freezing plans and emergency precautions—torage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water s-improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -survival. (1) ABT2— 目标兑现率~并设置了约束扣分条件, 2.1.6为衡量企业履行社会责任~保护员工合法权益~依靠员工办企业~尊重员工参与企业管理~提高员工满意度的水平和效果~根据中铁一人《集团公司经营单位领导成员和机关本部中层领导人员末位淘汰暂行办法》测评结果~设置了员工评价指标。 以上指标根据不同单位经营性质和业务特点分类组合~对新业务和多元化附营单位~另由财务部依照具体特点分单位单独设置考核指标。 2.2 考核指标确定原则 2.2.1本考核办法经济指标以同行业“标准值”和各单位“基准值”作为参照系确定“目标值”。 2.2.2各项经济指标的“标准值”为集团公司采集并发布的国内同规模建筑业企业在一定时期内的平均先进指标~作为衡量各单位经营发展质量和确定各项指标“目标值”增长幅度的参考依据。 2.2.3集团公司内有可比性的单位,“基准值”依据该单位考核期上一年完成值,以下简称 “基期值”,和同类单位基期值加权平均确定:“基准值”,,2/3×该单位基期值+1/3×同类单位平均基期值,,无可比性的单位的“基准值”采用本单位“基期值”。 2.2.4“基期值”原则上采用考核期上年实际完成指标~对于被考核单位可能出现峰谷极值的偶然性因素~当“基期值”较前一年出现负增长或高于集团公司平均增长率一倍及以上时~在满 -the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTe with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, ordancent, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict acconstruction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipmmal cwinter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure norshould be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the oncho,ons. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a pnd on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather condititime attendant to ensure someone on duty a-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night—n manure. High temperature expansionof puffing chicke 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-en coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergre3— 足发展战略规划的前提下~可采用前三年平均增长率在基期前一或前二年指标的基础上调整“基期值”~但调整后的指标原则上不低于上年实际完成值的90%。 2.2.5“目标值”是在“基准值”基础上~根据实现集团公司战略目标的需要及各单位现实水平~考虑适度增长率确定的预期指标值。对同类企业现状差异敏感的指标采用“目标值=基准值×,1+增长率,”分别确定~不敏感的指标采用同一增长率或者同一“目标值”。对于新成立无历史数据的单位~“目标值”由集团公司在与被考核单位沟通的基础上确定。当“目标值”超过本单位“基期值”的30%时~除集团公司根据发展战略 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 鼓励发展的领域和单位之外~按照“基期值”的1.3倍确定。当“目标值”低于上年“完成值”时,经营规模指标除集团公司限制发展的单位外,按不低于上年“完成值”的95%确定,其余指标按照不低于上年完成值或不低于“基期值”确定。 2.2.6“完成值”为考核期实际实现的经审计核实的财务、统计和相关指标值。 3(绩效考核评分办法与指标“目标值”设定 3.1本绩效考核实行百分制~各类指标内容、权重、计算公式、计分标准及主责部门见附表。 improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -survival. (1) ABTprove echnical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and imal of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and tsurvivand advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the eas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning ect arr content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority projainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean watens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rtime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-. 3, nightdevelopment of freezing plans and emergency precautions—torage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water s-4— 3.2绩效考核“目标值”设置 3.2.1企业经营效率及规模“目标值”新签合同额:依据各单位人均新签合同额和净资产新签合同额 “基准值”分别计算的新签合同额各50%加权平均后~按照战略规划的要求考虑一定的增长率确定。为处理好子,分,公司参与集团公司组织的投标工作和项目施工所耗资源对自身业务的影响~各单位当年完成集团公司直管项目分包施工或委托管理的本专业工程项目投资额计入新签合同额完成指标。企业营业额:依据各单位净资产产值率、全员劳动生产率“基准值”分别计算的企业营业额各50%加权平均后~按照战略规划的要求考虑一定的增长率确定。 3.2.2经济效益目标值:利润总额:根据集团公司当年利润目标和费用收支平衡预算, 在各单位净资产收益率和产值利润率“基准值”基础上考虑适当增长幅度后的“目标值”分别乘以净资产总额和企业目标营业额各50%确定~净资产收益率“目标值”应高于银行同期贷款利率2.5个百分点。制造成本降低率:各类单位按照在各自“基准值”基础上采取分类适度增长的原则确定。盈余现金保障倍数:等于考核期经营性现金净流量除以净利润额~目标值设为3.0~年度目标利润额未得分的单位本项不得分。 en coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergre-the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTe with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, ordancent, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict acconstruction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipmmal cwinter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure norshould be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the oncho,ons. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a pnd on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather condititime attendant to ensure someone on duty a-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night—n manure. High temperature expansionof puffing chicke 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-5— 3.2.3财务运行效率与资产质量目标值应收账款周转率、预付账款周转率和存货周转率:在“基准值”基础上增长10%以上确定“目标值”。主营收入盘点率:按照在“基准值”的基础上降低10%以上确定“目标值” (当“基期值”小于1%时~“目标值”按1%计 )。资产负债率:按照“基期值”适当降低的原则确定“目标值”。 3.2.4工程产品及服务实现质量合同兑现率=(按照合同工期竣工项目数/竣工项目总数)×100%~合同兑现率小于90%不得分~90%至100%时按比例计分。 当发生重大违约损失事件时~按以下原则扣分: a.限制投标处分:影响一个省或一个系统投标的~每影响一个月集团公司投标扣5分~影响子公司投标扣3分, b.降低资质处分:项目经理降级每人次扣2分,企业资质降级:子公司主项资质降级每项扣10分~增项资质降级每项扣5分,集团公司主项资质降级扣16分~增项资质降级每项扣8分~其他对资质有影响的事件根据情节轻重予以扣分。 c.罚没履约保证金:被罚没100万元以下扣2分~100万元以上每100万元增扣2分。 d.在建工程发生责任工期严重滞后~受到业主或政府主管部 —torage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water s-improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -survival. (1) ABTprove echnical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and imal of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and tsurvivand advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the eas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning ect arr content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority projainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean watens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rtime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-. 3, nightdevelopment of freezing plans and emergency precautions6— 门在辖区内通报批评的~每件次扣1分。质量、安全、环保目标实现率:目标值为100%,一般项目按照安全、质量及环保保证金返还率考核。 质量安全环保得分=返还率×本项权重分 返还率=返还金额/上缴金额。 发生严重非预期事件时~按以下原则扣分: a.发生各类三级事故:全责扣6分~主责扣4分~次要责任扣2分。 b.发生各类二级及以上事故:二级次要责任扣8分,二级主责及以上扣16分。 c.发生严重的质量、安全、环保不良行为:受到业主,或监理,、政府主管部门正式行文通报批评每件次扣1分。治安稳定综合治理目标:杜绝各类不良事件发生~争当综合治理先进单位。年终治安稳定综合治理未发生受处罚事件的单位得满分,发生造成重大不良影响事件的按以下原则扣分: 发生违法违纪、综合治理案件被主管部门及新闻媒体曝光~造成一个城市等局部地区性不良影响的扣3分,一个省份等较大地区性不良影响的扣8分~全国性不良影响的扣16分。发生以上各类事件~能够积极采取整改 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ~扭转局面并挽回影响的可酌情减少扣分~对隐瞒不报一经发现加倍扣分~各项累计扣分以扣完本项权重分为限。 3.2.5员工评价: of puffing chicke 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-en coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergre-the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTe with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, ordancent, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict acconstruction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipmmal cwinter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure norshould be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the oncho,ons. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a pnd on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather condititime attendant to ensure someone on duty a-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night—n manure. High temperature expansion7— 根据《集团公司经营单位领导成员和机关本部中层领导人员末位淘汰暂行办法》和职代会对领导班子的测评平均得分结果~小于60分时本项不得分~60至100分之间按以下公式计分: 1/2员工评价分=[,测评平均得分-60,/10]?2×员工评价权重分。 被考核单位班子建设不力~发生侵害企业、员工合法利益或严重违纪案件~领导班子成员受到党纪、政纪处分~每人次酌情扣减3-5分,受到法律追究给企业造成严重不良影响和损失的给予每人次10分扣分~直至扣完本项分~并按党风廉政责任制规定追究相关领导工作责任。 3.3为鼓励技术创新~凡在高新技术领域承担的项目技术难度大、被列为集团公司内首次承担且有助于集团公司积累业绩和经验的项目~考核期内完成高难新工程价值占当年总产值10%以上的每高于1,增加0.3分~最高加3分。 3.4根据《加强工程项目成本控制的有关规定》~为了有效监控项目经营管理~遏制项目亏损~对于2006年元月1日以后中标的项目~由于管理不善造成成本失控~按以下原则扣分: 3.4.1当年在建项目发生亏损的按亏损面每1%扣0.5分; 3.4.2发生亏损率5%及亏损额200万元以上的严重亏损项目,每个项目亏损率每5%或者亏损额每200万元扣5分。 3.5在考核期内~被考核单位发生严重违约、信誉损失、重大安全质量、环保事故及治安稳定事件~给企业造成严重损失的~ —torage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water s-improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -survival. (1) ABTprove echnical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and imal of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and tsurvivand advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the eas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning ect arr content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority projainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean watens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rtime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-. 3, nightdevelopment of freezing plans and emergency precautions8— 除按本办法处理外~同时启动领导干部责任追究程序~追究相关人员的责任。 3.6各单位绩效考核评分依据以上规定和经核实的决算、统计、各类内外部有关奖惩文件、民主测评结果及加减分原则~计算出各单位综合考核总分。 3.7鉴于本绩效考核办法尚处于试行阶段~各项指标不科学之处可能在某一单位累积~经考核领导小组论证~党政联席会议或总经理办公会核准~参考企业实际经营状况、员工评价、业主投诉、行业及政府等表扬奖励~对个别偏差较大的单位~给予,分以内的加减分调整。 3.8确保利费上缴是子,分,公司经营者的基本义务~本办法以上缴款解缴率作为修正系数对绩效考核结果挂钩修正:解缴率小于70%系数为零~70%-100%按解缴率作为系数~大于100%时系数为1。各单位最终绩效考核总分乘以上缴款修正系数。 4(年度绩效考核程序与组织 4.1绩效指标的设定流程: 发展规划部会同财务等部门依据上年度决算、统计资料计算并提出各单位基准值和目标值~各主管业务部门根据相关考核指标~核定各项指标基准值和目标值,经与各经营单位核对无误~由考评领导小组汇总提交集团公司总经理办公会议研究决定~公布执行。 4.2绩效考核工作流程: -the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTe with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, ordancent, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict acconstruction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipmmal cwinter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure norshould be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the oncho,ons. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a pnd on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather condititime attendant to ensure someone on duty a-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night—n manure. High temperature expansionof puffing chicke 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-en coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergre9— 4.2.1年度终了~各单位依据各项指标目标值和经核实的完成值~按照本办法规定自行考评计分~并提出相关证据~上报集团公司发展规划部。 4.2.2发展规划部将有关内容分送给主管部门予以审核~出入较大的由主管部门组织核实~限期将审核结果报送发展规划部汇总上报考评领导小组。 4.2.3考评领导小组讨论并提出考评得分意见~财务部提供各单位上缴款解缴率指标及相应的修正系数~提交总经理办公会认定~形成最终绩效考核结果予以公布~考评总分超出100分的单位按100分计。 4.3绩效考评领导小组由总经理任组长~相关分管领导和各有关部门参加~负责绩效考核的组织、监督和实施~领导小组办公室设在发展规划部。 5. 主要经营者任期绩效考核 5.1主要经营者任期内的经营绩效~在任内各年度考核得分的基础上~按照“重近期~轻远期”的原则~加权平均计算~根据各年得分由近及远分别按,任期四年,4:3:2:1、,任期三年,5:3:2、,任期两年,6:4的权数计算。当任初年或任末年不足半年者不计~超过半年按一年考评分计入。 5.2主要经营者任期绩效考核结果作为对领导干部动态考核、奖惩、任免和绩效薪酬兑现的定量化参考依据。 6(其他 -improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -survival. (1) ABTprove echnical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and imal of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and tsurvivand advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the eas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning ect arr content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority projainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean watens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rtime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-. 3, nightdevelopment of freezing plans and emergency precautions—torage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water s10— 6.1由于历史原因或特殊情况造成个别企业不能按本办法考核其经营结果和财务效益运行指标者~经集团公司总经理办公会议研究决定~由财务部会同有关部门另行制订相应指标和考核办法下达执行。 6.2同时负有地区市场开发的区域性子,分,公司~其主要经营者绩效考核结果为:按本办法考核与经营开发绩效考核两者加权平均计算得分。 6.3集团公司以前发布有关文件与本办法相抵触的~以本办法为准。 6.4本办法由发展规划部负责解释~涉及有关业务由相关部门解释。 6.5本办法自2006年1月1日起执行。 —n manure. High temperature expansionof puffing chicke 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-en coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergre-the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTe with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, ordancent, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict acconstruction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipmmal cwinter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure norshould be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the oncho,ons. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a pnd on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather condititime attendant to ensure someone on duty a-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night11— 附表: 考核指标内容及权重(一) 基准增长考评主 指标内容 权重 目标值 完成值 完成率 得分 值 系数 责部门 限制条件 代表字母 Q J R M W A V 一(企业经营规模与效率 20 发展部 新签合同额 8 J×(1+R) W/M A?0.75 Q×A 发展部 企业营业额 12 J×(1+R) W/M A?0.75 Q×A 发展部 二(经济效益 32 财务部 利润总额 18 J×(1+R) W/M A?0.75 Q×A 财务部 制造成本降低率 6 J×(1+R) W-M A?0.75 财务部 盈余现金保障倍数 8 J×(1+R) W/M A?0.75 Q×A 财务部 三(财务运行与资产质量 24 财务部 应收账款周转率 5 J×(1+R) W/M A?0.6 Q×A 财务部 预付账款周转率 5 J×(1+R) W/M A?0.6 Q×A 财务部 存货周转率 4 J×(1+R) W/M A?0.6 Q×A 财务部 (W-M)A?0得满分, 其中主营收入盘点率 5 J×(1+R) 财务部 /M(%) A,0每1%扣0.5分 (W-M)A?0得满分, 资产负债率 5 J 财务部 /M(%) A,0每增1%扣1分 四(产品及服务实现质量 16 竣工项目按合同合同兑现率 6 W/M 1?A?0.9 Q×A 施技部 总数 竣工数 安全质量与环保 6 安质部 治安稳定综合治理 4 两 办 工会及五(员工评价 8 人力部 小计 100 技术创新加分 施技部 财务部 项目亏损扣分 领导小组调整分 合计 —torage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water s-improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -survival. (1) ABTprove echnical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and imal of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and tsurvivand advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the eas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning ect arr content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority projainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean watens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rtime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-. 3, nightdevelopment of freezing plans and emergency precautions12— 考核指标内容及权重(二) 深圳、城轨、房建、厦门、重庆分公物资工贸公司 建工机械公司 司、天津公司 指标名称 权重Q 指标名称 权重Q 指标名称 权重Q 一)经营规模 20 一)经营规模 20 一)经营规模 20 新签合同额 8 新签合同额 8 新签合同额 10 (桥建、物贸) 企业营业额 12 企业营业额 12 企业营业额 10 (桥建、物贸) 二)经营效益 32 二)经营效益 32 二)经营效益 32 利润总额 18 利润总额 18 利润总额 18 制造成本降低率 制造成本降低率 制造成本降低率 6 6 6 盈余现金保障倍数 盈余现金保障倍数 盈余现金保障倍数 8 8 8 三)资产运行 24 三)资产运行 24 三)资产运行 24 应收账款周转率 6 应收账款周转率 6 应收账款周转率 5 预付账款周转率 6 预付账款周转率 6 预付帐歀周转率 5 存货周转率 6 存货周转率 6 存货周转率 5 主营收入盘点率 5 资产负债率 6 资产负债率 6 资产负债率 4 四)产品及服务 16 四)产品及服务 16 四)产品及服务 16 合同兑现率 7 合同兑现率 7 合同兑现率 6 安全质量与环保 5 安全质量与环保 5 安全质量与环保 6 综合治理 4 综合治理 4 综合治理 4 五)员工评价 8 五)员工评价 8 五)员工评价 8 100 100 100 the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTe with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, ordancent, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict acconstruction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipmmal cwinter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure norshould be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the oncho,ons. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a pnd on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather condititime attendant to ensure someone on duty a-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night—n manure. High temperature expansionof puffing chicke 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-en coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergre-13—
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