首页 电脑设置wifi热点教程



电脑设置wifi热点教程电脑设置wifi热点教程 开启windows7隐藏虚拟WiFi无线路由功能 本教程素材为网上找来,是所发现的最为详细直观的WLAN共享免费上网教程,拿来分享给大家.希望对需要的朋友有所帮助. 家庭里有宽带应该是平常的事情了,工作单位更是没有电脑不转,但许多米粉还在为没有WLAN热点痛苦,其实自己手头的(家庭里\单位里)电脑就可以做一个热点,这是windows 7的一项隐藏功能,这样您无论在家里还是工作单位都可以在不影响原来电脑使用的情况下用小米来上网了,而且还是免费的哟! 注意:1,前提是您的电脑有两个网卡,即...

电脑设置wifi热点教程 开启windows7隐藏虚拟WiFi无线路由功能 本教程素材为网上找来,是所发现的最为详细直观的WLAN共享免费上网教程,拿来分享给大家.希望对需要的朋友有所帮助. 家庭里有宽带应该是平常的事情了,工作单位更是没有电脑不转,但许多米粉还在为没有WLAN热点痛苦,其实自己手头的(家庭里\单位里)电脑就可以做一个热点,这是windows 7的一项隐藏功能,这样您无论在家里还是工作单位都可以在不影响原来电脑使用的情况下用小米来上网了,而且还是免费的哟! 注意:1,前提是您的电脑有两个网卡,即网络接入的有线或无线网卡和另外一个无线网卡,如果您使用笔记本,那就符合条件了;如果您使用台式机,请另备一个无线网卡(都白菜价了). 2,以下步骤不能弄错! 开始了.......... 开启windows 7的隐藏功能:虚拟WiFi和SoftAP(即虚拟无线AP),就可以让电脑变成无线路由器,实现共享上网,节省网费和路由器购买费。以操作系统为win7的笔记本或装有无线网卡的台式机作为主机。 主机设置如下: 1、以管理员身份运行命令提示符: “开始”---在搜索栏输入“cmd”----右键以“管理员身份运行” candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 2启用并设定虚拟WiFi网卡: 运行命令:netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MyWiFi key=l6869467 (注意:上边命令"ssid"后红字为网络名称,自己随便命名,比如wuminPC可改为MyWiFi等等,自己喜欢怎么命名都行 "Key"后边红字为密码,自己随便命名,比如wuminWiFi 可以改为12345678,总之自己命名就可以了,不一定非得这个网络名称,这个密码,密码8位以上最好 ) 此命令有三个参数,mode:是否启用虚拟WiFi网卡,改为disallow则为禁用。 ssid:无线网名称,最好用英文(以wuminPC为例),即要设定的wifi名称。 key:无线网密码,八个以上字符(以wuminWiFi为例),即你要设定的wifi密码。 以上三个参数可以单独使用,例如只使用mode=disallow可以直接禁用虚拟Wifi网卡。 相信以前用过DOS的人都知道怎么运行命令了,那就是输入按回车 netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=wuminPC key=wuminWiFi 运行之后看到以下内容: candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 然后再打开“网络和共享中心”--“更改适配器设置”看看是不是多了一项,若果有多出的这 一项“Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter”,那么说明你前边的设置是真确的。 开启成功,网络连接中会多出一个网卡为“Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter”的无线。 为方便起见,将其重命名为虚拟WiFi。若没有,只需更新无线网卡驱动就OK 了。 3、设置Internet连接共享: 本帖隐藏的内容 在“网络连接”窗口中,右键单击已连接到Internet的网络连接,选择“属 性”?“共享”,勾上“允许其他??????连接(N)”并选择“虚拟WiFi”。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 确定之后,提供共享的网卡图标旁会出现“共享的”字样, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示“宽带连接”已 共享至“虚拟WiFi。 4、开启无线网络: 继续在命令提示符中运行:netsh wlan start hostednetwork 当然可以新建一个记事本文件复制:netsh wlan start hostednetwork 然后另存 为:启动WIFI热点.bat candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 下次开机的时候只需要以“管理员身份运行”就启动了。(注意:必须要以管理员身份运行才能启动) 至此,虚拟WiFi的红叉叉消失,WiFi基站已组建好,主机设置完毕。xiaomi手机,iphone,touch,笔记本,带WiFi模块的手机等子机搜索到无线网络wuminPC,输入密码wuminWiFi,就能共享上网啦。 网络名称和密码可以按照自己喜欢的写。 1、以管理员身份运行命令提示符: 快捷键win+R?输入cmd?回车 2、启用并设定虚拟WiFi网卡: 运行命令:netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MyWiFi key=l6869467 netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow ssid=MyWiFi key=l6869467 此命令有三个参数,mode:是否启用虚拟WiFi网卡,改为disallow则为禁用。 ssid:无线网名称,最好用英文(以mywifi为例)。 key:无线网密码,八个以上字符(以12345678为例)。 以上三个参数可以单独使用,例如只使用mode=disallow可以直接禁用虚拟Wifi网卡。 2,开启成功后,网络连接中会多出一个网卡为“Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter”的无线连接。若没有,只需更新无线网卡驱动就OK了。 3、设置Internet连接共享: 在“网络连接”窗口中,右键单击已连接到Internet的网络连接,选择“属性”?“共享”,勾上“允许其他??????连接(N)”并选择“虚拟WiFi”。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 确定之后,提供共享的网卡图标旁会出现“共享的”字样,表示“宽带连接”已共享 至“虚拟WiFi”。 4、开启无线网络: 继续在命令提示符中运行:netsh wlan start hostednetwork (将start改为stop即可关闭该无线网,以后开机后要启用该无线网只需再次运行此命令即可) 至此,虚拟WiFi的红叉叉消失,WiFi基站已组建好。笔记本、带WiFi模块的 手机等子机搜索到无线网络mywifi,输入密码12345678,就能共享上网啦~ candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong
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