首页 12生肖新年春节对联集锦



12生肖新年春节对联集锦12生肖新年春节对联集锦 子鼠年联 子时岁交替 鼠节春更新 春潮传喜讯 鼠岁报隹音 春燕鸣暖树 金鼠跳青松 黄山松鼠跳 子夜阳春来 一日时辰子为首 十二生肖鼠占头 鹊喳梅放春入户 鼠至年来喜满门 灵鼠跳枝月影晃 春牛耕地谷香飘 丑牛年联 亥时看入户 牛岁喜盈门 人勤春来早 草发牛更肥 紫燕寻旧主 金牛舞新春 鼠去牛来辞旧岁 龙飞凤舞庆新春 人寿年丰农家乐 地肥水美春牛歌 春临门户白雪化 福降人间黄牛忙 新春喜作黄牛颂 旭日高悬致富门 神州无处不放彩 农户有牛喜迎春 喜看大地莺歌燕舞 笑迎农家马壮牛...

12生肖新年春节对联集锦 子鼠年联 子时岁交替 鼠节春更新 春潮传喜讯 鼠岁报隹音 春燕鸣暖树 金鼠跳青松 黄山松鼠跳 子夜阳春来 一日时辰子为首 十二生肖鼠占头 鹊喳梅放春入户 鼠至年来喜满门 灵鼠跳枝月影晃 春牛耕地谷香飘 丑牛年联 亥时看入户 牛岁喜盈门 人勤春来早 草发牛更肥 紫燕寻旧主 金牛舞新春 鼠去牛来辞旧岁 龙飞凤舞庆新春 人寿年丰农家乐 地肥水美春牛歌 春临门户白雪化 福降人间黄牛忙 新春喜作黄牛颂 旭日高悬致富门 神州无处不放彩 农户有牛喜迎春 喜看大地莺歌燕舞 笑迎农家马壮牛欢 人逢盛世情无限,牛拱华门岁有余。 人增福寿年增岁,鱼满池塘牛满栏。 天好地好春更好,牛多粮多福愈多。 牛马成群勤致富,牛羊满圈乐生财。 巧剪窗花牛拱户,妙裁锦绣燕迎春。 吉日生财牛拱户,新春纳福鹊登梅。 丰稔岁中牛领赏,新台阶上步登高。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation partyand appointment, focusing on discovering and developing talent from the actual, constantly strengthening the work of selecting and appointing cadres scientific. Strengthen and improve the responsibility examination mechanism and incentive mechanism of rewards and punishments, and 名题雁塔登金榜,牛拱华门报吉祥。 花香鸟语春无限,沃土肥田牛有功 天好地好春更好 牛多粮多福愈多 戌岁乘龙立宏志,牛肥万户示丰年。 寅虎年联 春日春起色 虎年虎生威 燕飞水花俏 虎跃山势雄 丑旧寅新宏图展 牛归虎跃春意浓 丑去寅来人益健 牛奔虎跃春愈新 人入虎年鼓虎劲 景添春色扬春辉 虎跃龙腾碧海黄山妆玉宇 莺歌燕舞春风旭日蔚神州 卯兔年联 卯门生喜气 兔岁报新春 红梅迎春笑 玉兔出月欢 丁帘卷雨饶春意 卯酒盈杯祝丰年 虎岁刚饮祝捷酒 兔年又放报春花 卯时美景花方艳 兔岁良辰酒更醇 门户临风迎春入 高楼触月接兔归 庆玉兔今年奋起 祝金龙明岁腾飞 爆竹辞旧岁玉兔毫毛生紫气 华灯迎新春金龙捷足入青云 辰龙年联 龙吟虎啸 腊尽春归 寿鹤云山伫 老龙沧海游 龙吟春正好 燕语日初长 一联壮我楹间色 万国腾龙海内春 龙腾瑞气 燕舞春风 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation partyand appointment, focusing on discovering and developing talent from the actual, constantly strengthening the work of selecting and appointing cadres scientific. Strengthen and improve the responsibility examination mechanism and incentive mechanism of rewards and punishments, and 刚唱兔岁歌一曲 又饮龙年酒三杯 砚生云海 笔舞龙蛇 梅为春意赋新意 雪向龙年报丰年 喜庆爆竹送玉兔 吉祥梅花迎金龙 龙启吉祥云蒸霞蔚 花开富贵人寿年丰 龙口吐春水 农家敛福音 巨龙凌空雄狮拜地爆竹声声辞旧岁 紫燕展翅绿柳吐丝梅花朵朵迎新春 巳蛇年联 龙腾丰稔岁 蛇舞吉庆年 龙含宝珠辞旧岁 蛇吐瑞气贺新春 爆竹欣祝福 银蛇喜迎春 晴点龙飞去 珠还蛇舞来 巳岁迎春花开早 蛇年纳福喜报多 金蛇狂舞春添彩 玉树临风喜满门 祥龙兆祥蛇兆福 喜鹊报喜梅报春 龙留喜气喜盈门户 蛇闹春光春满山川 戊辰传捷龙辞旧 己巳报春蛇迎新 喜炮闹元春千家接喜 春风荣蛇岁万户迎春 丰年龙腾盈喜气 新岁蛇跃涌春潮 爆竹声声龙吟随腊去 欢歌阵阵蛇舞伴春来 龙腾祥云门接福 蛇吐瑞气户迎春 大地迎春柳伴梅香招蜂蝶 文坛焕彩笔掀墨浪舞龙蛇 蛇岁纳千祥花开梅绽添秀色 春光迎百福鹊啭城乡报佳音 银蛇舞江城美千帆竞发辞旧岁 黄鹤飞楚地阔万物峥嵘迎新春 午马年联 百花齐放 万马奔腾 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation partyand appointment, focusing on discovering and developing talent from the actual, constantly strengthening the work of selecting and appointing cadres scientific. Strengthen and improve the responsibility examination mechanism and incentive mechanism of rewards and punishments, and 人饮春节酒 马渡风月关 彩云追月 骏马迎春 风度竹流韵 马驰春作声 一堂开淑景 万马会新春 凯歌送旧岁 骏马迎新春 万马奔腾日 千门幸福春 日丽风和景艳 人欢马叫春新 花开天下福 马跃人间春 飞雪片片凝瑞 马蹄声声报春 竹梅品格 龙马精神 马蹄捷报映晓日 燕语茑歌迎新年 旗开得胜 马到成功 车水马龙农家乐 花香鸟语大地春 春寓枝头迎佳节 福在心里接马年 捷报随雪飞梅上 蹄花染香到春头 留下小龙胜景 迎来骏马新春 新岁新春新景象 好人好马好前程 一年吉庆畅春意 四化凯歌催马蹄 新春贴留吉祥草 骏马图挂墨韵斋 门畔春色迎年秀 马前征途映眼新 跃马迎春春风扑面 抬头见喜喜气盈门 冬去蛇留诗意里 春来马入画图中 喜盈门天乐人亦乐 春及第马驰志也驰 莺歌燕舞芳菲节 马叫人欢艳阳春 老骥伏枥退休续谱夕阳曲 苍松傲雪余生再唱春牛歌 月圆花好鸟飞鱼跃 雨顺风调马壮人欢 神州呈瑞彩满天捷报迎旭日 大地迎马年一路凯歌壮春风 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation partyand appointment, focusing on discovering and developing talent from the actual, constantly strengthening the work of selecting and appointing cadres scientific. Strengthen and improve the responsibility examination mechanism and incentive mechanism of rewards and punishments, and 未羊年联 未时骄阳艳 羊岁淑景新 万家腾笑语 四海庆阳春,阳谐音"羊", 马岁事事如人意 羊年时时洽春风 喜看阳春花千树 笑饮新岁酒一杯 送马年春花融白雪 迎羊岁喜鹊闹红梅 张灯结彩欢庆丰收岁 跑马耍羊喜迎艳阳春 申猴年联 申年梅献瑞 猴岁雪兆丰 金猴玉兔弄春色 紫燕黄莺弹妙音 玉兔探月观新岁 金猴捧挑笑丰年 紫燕展翅腾柳浪 金猴攀援上春山 满园春色关不住 两岸猿声报喜来 鸟语喧花果 猴声啼水帘 猴喜满园桃李艳 岁迁遍地春光明 花果飘香美哉乐土 猴年增色岂换人间 雪消门外千山绿 猴到人间万户春 酉鸡年联 鸡鸣晓旦 燕舞阳春 鹊送喜报 鸡传佳音 金鸡日独立 紫燕春双飞 鸡声窗前月 人笑福里春 喜爆千声歌盛世 金鸡三遍报新春 喜鹊登枝迎新岁 金鸡起舞报福音 戍狗年联 犬守平安日 梅开如意春 戍日耀吉瑞 狗年臻福祥 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation partyand appointment, focusing on discovering and developing talent from the actual, constantly strengthening the work of selecting and appointing cadres scientific. Strengthen and improve the responsibility examination mechanism and incentive mechanism of rewards and punishments, and 日新月异鸡报晓 岁吉年祥狗看门 戍岁祝福万事顺 狗年兆丰五谷香 狗护一门喜无恙 人勤四季庆有余 瑞雪翩翩丰收景 犬蹄朵朵报春花 亥猪年联 亥时看入户 猪岁喜盈门 狗守家门旧主喜 猪增财富新春欢 天好地好春更好 猪多粮多福愈多 爆竹传吉语 腊梅报新春 大圣除妖天佛路,天蓬值岁兆丰年。 巳有长风千里志,亥为二首六身形。 犬过千秋留胜迹,亥年跃马奔小康。 朱门北启新春色,紫气东来大吉祥。 朱红春帖千门瑞,翠绿柳风万户新。 朱笔题名于雁塔,绿风摇柳动莺声。 衣丰食足戌年乐,国泰民安亥岁欢。 戌年引导小康路,亥岁迎来锦绣春。 两年半夜分新旧,万众齐欢接亥春。 孟春之月方营室,宝盖进豕恰是家。 国泰民安戌岁乐 粮丰财茂亥春兴 大圣除妖天佛路 天蓬值岁兆丰年 五谷丰登 六畜兴旺 吉庆有余 惠风和畅 发家致富 日度小康 牛年大吉 万事遂心 利国利民 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation partyand appointment, focusing on discovering and developing talent from the actual, constantly strengthening the work of selecting and appointing cadres scientific. Strengthen and improve the responsibility examination mechanism and incentive mechanism of rewards and punishments, and 一往无前 四海皆春 普天同庆 十二生肖成语:我们日常使用和接触到的有关十二生肖的成语很多。如:投鼠忌器、对牛弹琴、虎踞龙盘、兔死狗烹、龙争虎斗、蛇影杯弓、老马识途、亡羊补牢、沐猴而冠、指鸡骂狗、跖狗吠尧、狗彘不如等等~信手可写出一百余条。其中还有不少生肖成语小接龙~如胆小如(鼠)目寸光,归马放(牛)刀小试,徒手搏(虎)口余生,守株待(兔)死狐悲,叶公好(龙)飞凤舞,打草惊(蛇)头虎尾,指鹿为(马)齿徒增,歧路亡(羊)质虎皮,杀鸡惊(猴)跳鸡飞,呆若木(鸡)犬相闻,画虎类(狗)尾续貂,一龙一(猪)狗不如。 十二生肖对联:浙江省的莫干山开辟有一处十二生肖石雕公园~在公园进口处石牌坊左右立柱上刻有一副对联。上联为:“子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥,下联为:”鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪。“横批是:“生生不息”。 十二生肖诗:最早的一首生肖诗~是南北朝时诗人沈炯的《十二属》诗~至今已有1500年:“鼠迹生尘案~牛羊暮下来。虎啸生空谷~兔月向窗开。龙隰远青翠~蛇柳近徘徊。马兰方远摘~羊负始春栽。猴栗生芳果~鸡跖饮青杯。狗其怀物外~猪蠡窅优哉。”作者在一首诗中特意写到十二种动物是难得的。十二生肖诗还有很多~如:南宋理学大师朱熹、元代著名诗人刘因、明代胡俨、清代贾云洲都写有十二生肖诗~并写得生动有趣。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation partyand appointment, focusing on discovering and developing talent from the actual, constantly strengthening the work of selecting and appointing cadres scientific. Strengthen and improve the responsibility examination mechanism and incentive mechanism of rewards and punishments, and
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