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海上钢琴师 英文观后感


海上钢琴师 英文观后感The Legend of 1900 The story about a man named 1900 who born in the ship, grew up in the ship, died in the boat, he was just born for the piano. His life is short, but it is also pathos 1900 for this ship love; the ship also gave him all of life value and emot...

海上钢琴师 英文观后感
The Legend of 1900 The story about a man named 1900 who born in the ship, grew up in the ship, died in the boat, he was just born for the piano. His life is short, but it is also pathos 1900 for this ship love; the ship also gave him all of life value and emotion. To 1900, an orphan, his whole world is this ship; here is his home, all of his happiness, sorrow and dream. So he has the deepest emotional for this ship, beyond all the people. So even the last moment, he still won't choose to leave. In the last paragraph, there is a monologue of the hero; he said “all that city. You just couldn't see the end of it. the piano keyboard is limited, he can use the limited keyboard playing the infinite music, and he can manage this "limited", But this world, No beginning, no end, intricate streets, many tall buildings, there are too many options, he can’t control his life, his emotion, his music. He can only choose what he can choose. If he cannot control his lifestyle, he'd rather not to choose! His heart is lonely; music is just like his language.  He said his music and his people won't separate, so he refused to publish his music. Maybe some people think it’s a tragedy. I don’t think so, because we can’t imagine this genius leave the ship and begin his ordinary life, become tasteless and go after fame and money. We can't bear to see here. In real life, we may puzzled with others’ choices, But I want to say, no matter who make a choice which is absurd, this is his own choice. He must have his own reasons, you are not him or her, and you didn’t experience what he had experienced, so you don’t understand his thoughts. It’s not the time to declare our incomprehension, we just need to hold his hands and say “good luck” to him or her with smile.
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