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哈佛论文格式哈佛论文格式 篇一:哈佛文献注释规范及论文一般性要求 导言 参考资料还是参考文献, 参考文献或参考资料目录是任何一份学术作品的必要和重要部分。在每一作业的末尾,你都应该以有顺序的和连贯一致的方式列出你所参考过的全部来源(书面的或电子的)但是如何确定这个目录是叫参考资料(References)还是参考文献(Bibliography)呢, 参考资料有时被称为“引用的作品”、“引用的文献”或 “引用来源”,它包括在你的文章中明确引用的书籍、期刊文章和论文。 参考文献比这更广,它包括那些有价值的但是在你的文章内容中...

哈佛论文格式 篇一:哈佛文献注释 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 及论文一般性要求 导言 参考资料还是参考文献, 参考文献或参考资料目录是任何一份学术作品的必要和重要部分。在每一作业的末尾,你都应该以有顺序的和连贯一致的方式列出你所参考过的全部来源(书面的或电子的)但是如何确定这个目录是叫参考资料(References)还是参考文献(Bibliography)呢, 参考资料有时被称为“引用的作品”、“引用的文献”或 “引用来源”,它包括在你的文章中明确引用的书籍、期刊文章和论文。 参考文献比这更广,它包括那些有价值的但是在你的文章内容中没有具体引用的作品。 无论你是在写普通论文,毕业论文,论述文或只是对你的阅读作记录,你都应当始终记录下能够 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 你使用过的书籍或文章的足够的细节,用于文章末尾的参考文献或参考资料一节。 哈佛文献注明系统 建议使用哈佛文献注明系统,或作者/日期注明系统 这意味着当你在你的作品的文本中参照了别人的东西时,你需要提供作者/编辑/单位作者的姓氏和出版日期。 例如 “(伯格斯, 1992),”或者如果伯格斯在一个句子中自然出现,则为“伯格斯 (1992)”。 或者如果该作者在一年中被引述一 次以上,则在日期后面加上小写字母,例如“伯格斯(1998a) 指出?” 和 “伯格斯继续发现 (1998b)?” 所参考过的全部书籍、期刊文章等,应该按照作者姓氏的字母顺序列在作品的结尾。读者将看到你对于参考伯格斯 (1992)的注明,并且能够利用该参考资料或参考文献找出全部细节内容。 参考资料或参考文献--—格式 a. b. c. 标点使用与常规方式相同。见示例。 作者/编辑的姓氏应在其名的缩写之前,且应大写。 如果你对文件进行字处理,书籍、期刊和论文的标题要斜体,但书中的各章标题、期刊内 的文章题目或录音的乐曲名称不要斜体。如果你使用打字机,或者手写,可以在标题下划线,而不是用斜体 。 出版地放在出版者名称之前 在有三个或以上的作者的情况下,在文章中用“等”。如(托马斯 等)。但在参考文献中全部名字都要列出,如托马斯 W, 比比 C E和奥拉姆 MH,后面为日期 如果是未发 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 作品,应明确说明。 如果包含同一作者的几个作品,它们应该以日期为序。如果同一年发表一个以上的作品,它们应该使用 a, b, c, d, 等。例如 托马斯 W 1992a ,托马斯 W 1992 b d. e. f. g. h. 因特网网址可以折为几行,但是在可能的情况下,在标点分隔处折分。(不是在连接符处折分) i. pp. 是英文页码的缩写(一页以上)。 j. 对于期刊文章,你需要用粗体给出期刊的卷号并用扩符给出期号,如 10(3). 下面是一些注释范例,按照作者的姓氏的字母顺序排列如下: 1. 印刷参考资料 1.1 注明一本书 J.May 作者、编辑等 2001 发表年份 威尔士参考书目 标题 第二版 版本 如果不是第一版) 卡地夫 出版地点 威尔士大学出版社 出版者 其格式应为: MAY, J. 2001. 威尔士参考书目. 第二版.卡地夫:威尔士大学出版社. 1.2 注明一本书中的某篇文章 文章/论文作者 出版年份 文章/论文标题 收录于 作者/编辑 标题 出版地 出版者 文章/论文页码 E.Giroult 和 S.T. Moore 1999 世界卫生组织对环境健康影响的评估 P. Wathern 编辑. 环境影响评估 伦敦 Routledge 第 35 – 56页 其格式应为:GIROULT, E. 和MOORE, S.T. 1999. 世界卫生组织对环境健康影响的评估. 收录于: P.WATHERN 编辑. 环境影响评估. 伦敦: Routledge, 第 35 – 56页. 1.3 注明一本展览目录 作者/单位作者 出版年份 展览题目 形式 [ ] 出版地 出版者 Saatchi 艺术馆 2001 我是一架相机 [展览目录] 伦敦 Booth-Clibborn 1.4 其格式应为: SAATCHI艺术馆. 2001. 我是一架相机 [展览目录]. 伦敦: Booth-Clibborn. 注明一篇期刊/报纸文章 作者/编辑等 出版年份 文章标题 期刊名称 卷号期号 C. Propper 2000 新的英国保健市场中的动力 经济评论 第10卷第3期 47 页码 第15 – 18页 其格式应为: PROPPER, C. 2000. 新的英国保健市场中的动力. 经济评论10 (3), 第15 – 18页. 对于报纸,提供的不是卷号而是日期和版次号。其格式应为: BLACK, E. 2002. 布朗否决恢复学生奖学金计划.星期日太泰晤士报. 6月9 日, 第 2 版. 1.5 1.6 注明无名作品 标题 道茨议会之友 1999 出版年份 第179版 版次 伦敦 出版地 道茨议会之友有限公司 出版者其格式应为: 道茨议会之友. 1999. 第179版. 伦敦: 道茨议会之友有限公司 注明会 议论文 议论文格式议论文递进式结构议论文框架结构议论文文体知识ppt议论文并列式结构 作者 电力电子工程师协会 标题 第5届电力机械与驱动国际大会 会议地点 伦敦 会议日期 1991年4月12-14 日 1991 出版年份 纽约 出版地点 电力电子工程师协会 出版者 其格式应为:电力电子工程师协会. 第5届电力机械与驱动国际大会. 伦敦, 1991年4月 12-14 日. 1991. 纽约: 电力电子工程师协会. 2. 注明视图来源 2.1 注明地图 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 /地图 单位作者 地理测绘局 1991 出版年份 卡地夫、纽波特及邻近地区 标题 1:50 000 比例尺 南安普敦: 地理测绘局 出版者 (Landranger; 第171页) 系列名称;页码 ( ) 其格式应为: 地理测绘局. 1991. 卡地夫、纽波特及邻近地区. 1:50 000. 南安普敦: 地理测绘局. (Landranger; 第171页) . 注明一份插图或图表 所有的插图、照片、地图或示意图都必须注明来源. 2.2 艺术家 年份 作品标题 Albrecht Durer 1515 犀牛 48 媒体 [ ] [雕刻] 地点 牛津: Ashmolean 博物馆印刷绘画部登记号 1915-27-41 其格式应为: DURER, Albrecht. 1515. 犀牛. [雕刻]. 牛津: Ashmolean 博物馆印刷绘画部登记号r 1915-27-41 插图、照片、地图或示意图都应该作为图形予以注明。毕业论文/论述文前面应有一个图形清单,紧随目录页之后。清单应(按顺序)列出图形 编号、图形标题以及其所在的页码。. 毕业论文中图形清单页的布置如下: 图形和表格应尽量靠近文本中相关的文字部分. 3. 注明视听来源 3.1 图形 1 犀牛 注明一个录音 作者 (如果已知) Rosey E. Pool 录音/版权或制作年份 1973 标题 十月的旅行 收入: 超越布鲁斯美国黑人诗歌 媒体形式 [ ] [录音: 单声道碟] 制作/发行地点 伦敦 制作者/发行者 Decca 唱片有限公司 其格式应为:POOL, Rosey E. 1973. 十月的旅行 收入: 超越布鲁斯美国黑人诗歌[录音: 单声道碟] 伦敦:Decca 唱片有限公司发行 3.2. 注明一部影片或商业录制品 标题 录制/版权或制作年份 媒体:形式 [ ] 辅助制作人, 导演 制作/发行地点 制作者/发行者 Nosferatu 1922 [DVD: 2区 加密] F. W. Murnau 伦敦 Eureka 录 像公司 其格式应为:Nosferatu.1922.[DVD: 2区 加密].MURNAU,F.W.伦 敦: Eureka 录像公司 .(90 分钟) 3.3 3.4 电视广播录像 单位作者 播送年份 节目名称 媒体:形式 [ ] BBC第2台 2001 大卫的圣歌 [电视广播录 像:VHS制式] 震动世界的艺术 49 5 系列名称 伦敦 系列号 BBC第2台 播送地点 5月5日 播送公司 传送日期 格式应该如此:BBC第2台. 2001. 大卫的圣歌. [电视广播录像:VHS制式]. 震动世界的艺 术,5伦敦:BBC第2台. 5月5日 4. 注明口头来源 4.1 注明谈话或评论 J.A.D. Watson 人物 1996年12月7日 日期 其格式应为: WATSON, J.A.D. 1996年12月7日. 个人交流 4.2 正式授课或演讲 教师姓名 Carl Peters博士 2001 年份 环保问题:绿色办公室 讲课名称 图书与学习资源馆, 威尔士大学新港学院 地点/单位 2001年5月11日 日期 其格式应为:PETERS, C. 2001. 环保问题:绿色办公室.图书与学 习资源馆, 威尔士大学新港 学院2001年5月11日 4.3 正式面试及电话交谈 被试者姓名 米开朗基罗 1508 年份 雕刻家/画家 被试者工作头衔 委任西斯廷教堂绘画工作,教皇尤利斯二世 面试名称及面试者 姓名I 罗马 面谈地点 1508年7月17日 日期 其格式应为:米开朗基罗. 1508. 雕刻家/画家. 委任西斯廷教 堂绘画工作,教皇尤利斯二世 罗马1508年7月17日 5. 注明现场临时来源 5.1 注明现场表演 作者 演出年份 剧目 辅助制作, 导演 演出 地点 威廉?莎士比亚 1995 威尼斯商人 T. Nunn 皇家莎士比亚公司 斯特拉福德: 天鹅剧场 50 篇二:哈佛 论文引用格式 A brief guide to the Harvard System ? ? ? ? ? A bibliographical reference should contain sufficient information for you or someone else to trace the information sources you have used. It indicates that you have considered appropriate authorities and evidence in your work It acknowledges the work of others in contributing to your work. The same set of rules and grammar (colons and commas) should be followed every time you cite a reference (consistency). Note – you ought to follow the convention of referencing dictated by your school or tutor, normally the Harvard system. The Harvard system has two main components. Firstly there is the in-text reference. Fore each item of evidence that you use from an external source (a book, a journal article etc.) there is an entry that includes the author?s family name and the year of the publication (source) that the information comes from. Note that for a quotation there will also be the page number for the page that the quotation came from. This works in conjunction with the second element which is known as a reference list (sometimes known as a Bibliography). This is an alphabetical list (by the author?s last name) which includes the full bibliographical details of the book which would enable the reader to find that source if they so wished. The in-text reference to the author?s last name can be looked up in this list and the full detail found. As you can see then, the system requires both element of in-text reference and reference list to work. Examples of how to do both elements are shown below. ? All material taken from another writer?s work should be acknowledged, whether the work is directly quoted, paraphrased or summarised. ? Not referencing = Plagiarism ? Plagiarism = a fancy word for stealing Citations in the text should give the author?s name with the year of publication, then all references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper/dissertation as laid out below. For a single author In a study by Murthoo (1999) treatment compliance was examined„.. In a study (Seedhouse, 1997) treatment compliance was examined „. When an author has published more than one cited document in the same year these are differentiated by adding lower cased letters after the year within the brackets. Beattie (2000a) argued that public health issues were ignored„ Two authors: In the book by Kearney and Rainwater (2001) „. More than two authors: Singer et al (1996) contend that „. If more than one citation is referred to within a sentence, list them all in the following form, by date and then alphabetically: There are indications that childhood poverty is a strong predictor of later morbidity (Wybourn and Hudson, 2002; Acheson, 1998; Lewis 1998) Online sources: When referencing a web page in your text it should be the Author and Year that you put in brackets and not the web page address or URL. Sometimes the author may be the organisation that publishes the web page, for example the Department of Health: According to the Department of Health (2006) the quality of access to health care is one of their fundamental responsibilities. Use quotation marks and acknowledge the author?s name, year of publication and page number of the quote in brackets. Short quotations (up to 2 lines) can be included in the body of the text:- Wybourn (1999) states that “being an undergraduate can be a pain” (p.19). Longer quotations should be indented in a separate paragraph:- Smaje (1995) when commenting on transcultural care comments that: “Whereas multiculturalism tends to emphasise the existence of different cultural traditions in contemporary Britain and promotes tolerance and understanding, anti- racism places a more political emphasis on the forces that structure and determine access to power in society” If part of the quotation is omitted then this can be indicated using three dots:- Smaje (1995) states “„the existence of different cultural traditions in contemporary Britain and promotes tolerance and understanding„” (p.17) Secondary referencing Where one author is referring to the work of another and the primary source is not available. You should cite the primary source and the source you have read eg Vygotsky and Piaget, 2002, cited in Wybourn, 2003. ? Secondary referencing should be avoided where possible. Find the original if you can. ? List in alphabetical order by author?s name and then by date (earliest first), ? If more than one item has been published during a specific year by letter (1995a, 1995b etc.) ? Take information from the title page of a publication and not from the front cover, which may be different. ? Include the elements and punctuation given in the examples below. ? Author?s forenames can be included if given on the title page but this is not necessary. ? The title of the publication should either be in italics or underlined. A book by a single author: Baggini, J (2002) Making Sense: Philosophy behind the headlines. Oxford: Oxford University Press. A book by two authors: Searle, John and Chomsky, N (1997) The meaning of sense: critique & arguments. 105th edn. London: Wybourn. A book by more than two authors Singer, Mandela et al. (1995) Health care in a multiracial society. London: Open University Press A book by a corporate author (eg a government department or other organisation): Nursing and Midwifery Council (2003) Patient-centred care: a NMC position statement on patient involvement. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. An edited book: Baumeister, R. (ed.) (1999) The self in Social Psychology: Key readings in social psychology. Hove: Taylor and Francis. A chapter in a book Burnard, P. (1997) ?The self and self awareness.? In: K. Burns et al. (eds.) The Self in Society. London: Stanley Thornes. pp.17-28. An article in a journal: Valkimaki, A. (1993) ?Patient information systems.? British Journal of Nursing, 13(1), pp.43-5. An article in a newspaper: Sabo, M. (2003) ?Fear of gun crime rising.? Guardian, 26 October 2003, p.10. If no author name is given then the publisher should be used instead. Guardian (2003) Public health in decline. Guardian, 24 October 2003, p11. An online source: Department of Health (2006) Equality and human rights. Available at: (Accessed: 15 May 2006). A television programme Julie through the looking glass. (1992). BBC 2, 4 July A video 12 Angry Men. (1957) Directed by Sidney Lumet [Videocassette]. Hollywood: MGM Entertainment CD ROMS Institute of Cancer Research (2000) A breath of fresh air: an interactive guide to managing breathlessness in patients with lung cancer. [CD Rom]. Sutton: Institute of Cancer Research Government publications ? White Papers contain statements of Government policy ? Green Papers put forward proposals for consideration and public discussion. ? They are cited in the same way. A White paper Department for Education and Skills (2002) 14-19 next steps: the future. Cm.3390. London: Stationery Office A Green paper Department for Education and Skills (2003) Extending Opportunities: raising standards. Cm 3854. London: Stationery Office. An Act of Parliament Great Britain. Education Act 2002: Elizabeth II. Chapter 25. London: The Stationary Office. 篇三:哈佛_论文引用格式 A brief guide to the Harvard System ? ? ? ? ? A bibliographical reference should contain sufficient information for you or someone else to trace the information sources you have used. It indicates that you have considered appropriate authorities and evidence in your work It acknowledges the work of others in contributing to your work. The same set of rules and grammar (colons and commas) should be followed every time you cite a reference (consistency). Note – you ought to follow the convention of referencing dictated by your school or tutor, normally the Harvard system. The Harvard system has two main components. Firstly there is the in-text reference. Fore each item of evidence that you use from an external source (a book, a journal article etc.) there is an entry that includes the author?s family name and the year of the publication (source) that the information comes from. Note that for a quotation there will also be the page number for the page that the quotation came from. This works in conjunction with the second element which is known as a reference list (sometimes known as a Bibliography). This is an alphabetical list (by the author?s last name) which includes the full bibliographical details of the book which would enable the reader to find that source if they so wished. The in-text reference to the author?s last name can be looked up in this list and the full detail found. As you can see then, the system requires both element of in-text reference and reference list to work. Examples of how to do both elements are shown below. ? All material taken from another writer?s work should be acknowledged, whether the work is directly quoted, paraphrased or summarised. ? Not referencing = Plagiarism ? Plagiarism = a fancy word for stealing Citations in the text should give the author?s name with the year of publication, then all references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper/dissertation as laid out below. For a single author In a study by Murthoo (1999) treatment compliance was examined„.. In a study (Seedhouse, 1997) treatment compliance was examined „. When an author has published more than one cited document in the same year these are differentiated by adding lower cased letters after the year within the brackets. Beattie (2000a) argued that public health issues were ignored„ Two authors: In the book by Kearney and Rainwater (2001) „. More than two authors: Singer et al (1996) contend that „.只写一个作者,其余省略 If more than one citation is referred to within a sentence, list them all in the following form, by date and then alphabetically: There are indications that childhood poverty is a strong predictor of later morbidity (Wybourn and Hudson, 2002; Acheson, 1998; Lewis 1998) Online sources: When referencing a web page in your text it should be the Author and Year that you put in brackets and not the web page address or URL. Sometimes the author may be the organisation that publishes the web page, for example the Department of Health: According to the Department of Health (2006) the quality of access to health care is one of their fundamental responsibilities. Use quotation marks and acknowledge the author?s name, year of publication and page number of the quote in brackets. Short quotations (up to 2 lines) can be included in the body of the text:- Wybourn (1999) states that “being an undergraduate can be a pain” (p.19). Longer quotations should be indented in a separate paragraph:- Smaje (1995) when commenting on transcultural care comments that: “Whereas multiculturalism tends to emphasise the existence of different cultural traditions in contemporary Britain and promotes tolerance and understanding, anti- racism places a more political emphasis on the forces that structure and determine access to power in society” If part of the quotation is omitted then this can be indicated using three dots:- Smaje (1995) states “„the existence of different cultural traditions in contemporary Britain and promotes tolerance and understanding„” (p.17) Secondary referencing Where one author is referring to the work of another and the primary source is not available. You should cite the primary source and the source you have read eg Vygotsky and Piaget, 2002, cited in Wybourn, 2003. ? Secondary referencing should be avoided where possible. Find the original if you can. ? List in alphabetical order by author?s name and then by date (earliest first), ? If more than one item has been published during a specific year by letter (1995a, 1995b etc.) ? Take information from the title page of a publication and not from the front cover, which may be different. ? Include the elements and punctuation given in the examples below. ? Author?s forenames can be included if given on the title page but this is not necessary. ? The title of the publication should either be in italics or underlined. A book by a single author: Baggini, J (2002) Making Sense: Philosophy behind the headlines. Oxford: Oxford University Press. A book by two authors: Searle, John and Chomsky, N (1997) The meaning of sense: critique & arguments. 105th edn. London: Wybourn. A book by more than two authors Singer, Mandela et al. (1995) Health care in a multiracial society. London: Open University Press A book by a corporate author (eg a government department or other organisation): Nursing and Midwifery Council (2003) Patient-centred care: a NMC position statement on patient involvement. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. An edited book: Baumeister, R. (ed.) (1999) The self in Social Psychology: Key readings in social psychology. Hove: Taylor and Francis. A chapter in a book Burnard, P. (1997) ?The self and self awareness.? In: K. Burns et al. (eds.) The Self in Society. London: Stanley Thornes. pp.17-28. An article in a journal: Valkimaki, A. (1993) ?Patient information systems.? British Journal of Nursing, 13(1), pp.43-5. An article in a newspaper: Sabo, M. (2003) ?Fear of gun crime rising.? Guardian, 26 October 2003, p.10. If no author name is given then the publisher should be used instead. Guardian (2003) Public health in decline. Guardian, 24 October 2003, p11. An online source: Department of Health (2006) Equality and human rights. Available at: (Accessed: 15 May 2006). A television programme Julie through the looking glass. (1992). BBC 2, 4 July A video 12 Angry Men. (1957) Directed by Sidney Lumet [Videocassette]. Hollywood: MGM Entertainment CD ROMS Institute of Cancer Research (2000) A breath of fresh air: an interactive guide to managing breathlessness in patients with lung cancer. [CD Rom]. Sutton: Institute of Cancer Research Government publications ? White Papers contain statements of Government policy ? Green Papers put forward proposals for consideration and public discussion. ? They are cited in the same way. A White paper Department for Education and Skills (2002) 14-19 next steps: the future. Cm.3390. London: Stationery Office A Green paper Department for Education and Skills (2003) Extending Opportunities: raising standards. Cm 3854. London: Stationery Office. An Act of Parliament Great Britain. Education Act 2002: Elizabeth II. Chapter 25. London: The Stationary Office.
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