首页 孝敬公婆的好儿媳



孝敬公婆的好儿媳孝敬公婆的好儿媳 俗话说“百善孝为先,孝为德之本”, 在山西省长治市襄垣县古韩镇阳泽河村有这么一位普普通通的农家妇女,多少年来无怨无悔悉心照料公公、服侍婆婆,她用执着和坚韧,善良和勤劳,诠释了中华儿女孝敬父母的美德。她就是李风英,是一位有口皆碑的孝亲敬老的好儿媳,她的可敬可爱和高尚情操广为传颂。 一;大爱之心从自己做起 聪明漂亮的她,总是和蔼可亲,面带微笑,在学校是班里的班长,学校的校花,学雷锋积极分子,模范学生,70年代初和同班级的男班长申振华结为夫妻,当时婆家弟妹多,家庭非常困难,仅有一个窑洞和五间破房,...

孝敬公婆的好儿媳 俗话说“百善孝为先,孝为德之本”, 在山西省长治市襄垣县古韩镇阳泽河村有这么一位普普通通的农家妇女,多少年来无怨无悔悉心照料公公、服侍婆婆,她用执着和坚韧,善良和勤劳,诠释了中华儿女孝敬父母的美德。她就是李风英,是一位有口皆碑的孝亲敬老的好儿媳,她的可敬可爱和高尚情操广为传颂。 一;大爱之心从自己做起 聪明漂亮的她,总是和蔼可亲,面带微笑,在学校是班里的班长,学校的校花,学雷锋积极分子,模范学生,70年代初和同班级的男班长申振华结为夫妻,当时婆家弟妹多,家庭非常困难,仅有一个窑洞和五间破房,在娘家排行最小的她来婆家成了老大,下地干活,洗衣做饭,打扫卫生,照顾弟妹,婚后几十年来没分过小家,她与两位老人,弟妹们朝夕相处。弟妹们结婚后,产床前每次都有嫂嫂的身影,大人的血裤,小孩的尿布,都要收拾干净,“嫂子比母”这话用在她身上一点都不过。在教育孩子上,她本着为国教子,以德育人的原则,身体力行做榜样。孩子们走向社会,不管在做人,做事,特别是品行方面都是佼佼者,邻里乡亲都夸风英有两个可爱、懂事、孝敬老人的娃。人常说;“人生最难找到的是知音,人生最难教育的是孩子。”她以身作则,影响孩子,感染孩子,在法治健全的社会中,以德育人显得upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support 多么重要啊~她诚信热情,敬老爱幼,乐于助人,不仅对家人这样,对亲戚邻居也是如此。人人都说她品德高尚,有教养,村里谁家有事都要主动帮忙,有老人到家串门,她总要把好吃的东西送给老人,冷的食品在炉子上烤烤,再倒杯开水。有人问她;“你这样做是为什么,”她淡淡一笑,“道理我也说不出来,但我只知道,作为一个人,应该多做好事,多做善事。看见可怜的人,看见需要帮助的人我心就发软,不帮,良心不允许,这就是我做人的起码 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 。”几十年就这样一晃而过。 二;点点滴滴从细微之处做起 人常说闺女是妈的贴身小棉袄,李风英却是婆婆公公的贴身小棉袄。 提起她,邻里乡亲无人不晓。大家都知道,她对公公婆婆细心呵护,百般照顾。家里弟弟,弟媳在北京,丈夫要工作,因此照顾婆婆公公成了她生命的主题。她要经常亲手帮婆婆擦身、洗脸、洗脚,虽为媳妇,胜过亲女。每顿饭她总是先要问问婆婆公公想吃什么,挑他们最喜欢吃的去做,因此,多少年来她一直是吃着适合老年人口味的饭菜。婆婆患十几种慢性疾病,个性强,脾气急,心里烦,不好受,看什么都不顺眼,经常喜欢唠叨,她能理解这是病魔带给老人的一种痛苦发泄,她都默默地听着,心平气和的和老人谈心,化解老人的不平和郁闷。常常跟公公婆婆拉家常,说开心事,聊弟妹们的成长成功的经历逗老人乐,公公婆婆很开upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support 心。邻里的婚丧嫁娶,亲朋好友办事上礼金,都要先听听公婆的意见,让他们感到在这个家还有地位、还有权、说话还算数。在日常生活中,她经常主动给老人买这买那,每当乡下赶集时,老太太一手拄拐杖,她一手搀着婆婆的腋下,迈着碎步陪伴左右,让老人的心不再孤独,知道的是媳妇,不知道的还以为是闺女呢~多少年来婆媳关系一直非常融洽,从未发生过不愉快,是邻里羡慕的和谐之家。 老人上了年纪,经常发生便秘、小便失禁、咳嗽之类的老年病,她总忘不了按时喂老人服药。公公年老体弱,瘫痪在床,长时间把身上都黏的红肿,她发现后及时让儿子买好褥疮垫,解决了老人的后顾之忧。她不嫌脏不怕累,一天天,一年年,始终让老人的家里保持着洁净舒适。她端屎接尿,洗衣喂饭,翻身子,换被褥,帮公公洗脸、擦身、换衣服、喂药、喂水。公公胃口差,需少食多餐,别人三餐他要六餐,每餐都要亲自端到手中,甚至喂到口中,老人不能自理的,全由其媳妇为其服务。说实话,一个中年妇女为其公公擦洗身子,难免有羞涩之处,可为了尽孝,她无怨无悔,实在难能可贵。 三、善解人意,于无声之处做起 婆婆去世后, 瘫痪在床80多岁的公公精神受到严重打击,她看在眼里,急在心中。为了解除老人的寂寞,照顾更加方便,她打破了世俗陈旧的观念,主动和公公住在一屋, 3 upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support 在公公最孤独痛苦的时候给他精神上带来了极大的安慰。一个年近六十岁的女人,患有高血压,腰椎、颈椎增生,严重失眠,眼底出血,双手皲裂症,尽管这样也没有影响到她对老人的照顾。公公大小便失禁,经常拉尿在被褥上,满手裂口的她,每次清洗都钻心的疼痛,到冬天更可想而知,但她从不叫苦叫累,从不嫌脏怕臭,不厌其烦地将床上用品和衣服搓洗干净,有时一天要换好几次。每天一边给公公刮脸,一边和他谈心,一边按摩,一边拉家常,始终让老人开心。为了照顾老人,直到今天她都不会打牌摸麻将,她在默默的学丈夫怎样给公公抠干粪便,以便丈夫不在家时担当这份工作。公公去厕所是件大事,也许是常人能做到的,可别忘了她是一个儿媳,刚一开始双方都难为情。一次,公公多日没解大便,憋得满头大汗,疼痛难忍,急的喊救命,她没想那么多,边做思想工作边用手抠着干粪便,她那么认真,耐心,细致,经过一个多小时的操作,终于解除了干结大便带来的痛苦,公公当场放声大哭:“你救了我一命,孩子,你不是儿媳妇,你是我的亲闺女”。 李风英说:“人生最难做好的是细节,人生最难处理好的是关系,特别是婆媳关系。人人都会老,家家有老人,我也会老,敬老养老是中华民族的传统美德,是每个人应尽的法律义务,也是做人的起码道德。当今中央倡导和谐社会,每个家庭都是社会的一个细胞,家庭的幸福和睦是社会的重要upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support 组成部分,家庭和谐,社会才和谐,家和万事兴,国强民才富。” 这就是她多少年辛勤劳动,用自己的爱心对长辈尽显晚辈孝心的感人事迹。这是一个有血有肉、活生生的感人故事。试想一下,如果没有像她贤惠、仁慈的媳妇,多少年瘫痪在床的公公能否活过这么开心的80春,一个人做一件好事并不难,难的是一辈子做好事;一个人孝敬一下长辈并不难,难的是多少年如一日的孝敬长辈。俗话说的好“久病床前无孝子”,而她几十年细心照顾公公、婆婆的感人事迹,使我们为之震撼,为之感动。 多少年来,她就是这样承传着这个优秀的民族传统,从生活中的小事做起,从细微之处关心婆婆,孝敬公公,尽一切努力让老人开心,让老人感受到生活的快乐。如今,公公已经84岁高龄,由于她的悉心关爱,老人对晚年充满着更多的期望和憧憬。中华民族的传统美德在这位朴实无华的普通农家妇女身上散发着沁人的芳香。 5 upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support
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