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医学生面试英语口语自我介绍范文医学生面试英语口语自我介绍范文 Dear Sir: Thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. My name is…., born in ...., ….city, ….province. I major in ……and I will graduate from the…….. Medical University in July, 2010. Hope a...

医学生面试英语口语自我介绍范文 Dear Sir: Thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. My name is…., born in ...., ….city, ….province. I major in ……and I will graduate from the…….. Medical University in July, 2010. Hope a chance to work and develop in your department. During the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, professor ……in college of ………, I have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about …….. With the help of my supervisor, I have successfully finished the subject “……… ” and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, DNA extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, ….. .. I passed the CET band 4 test in2006, after that, I tried my best to learn Medical English and mastered a lot of professional vocabulary. I am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing.. I can manipulate computer proficiently and master Microsoft Office software, also be familiar with SPSS and Photoshop, etc. During three-year study in research, I studied hard and strived for excellence in our field. I benefit from working together with excellent colleague. I developed quality of diligence, responsibility, kindness and honesty. My internship in college of ….. could qualify me for this job, and I believe I can be fit for the position quickly. I am looking forward to working in your department. If I am admitted, I will be thankful and try my best to work for you. Thank you very much. 简单一点的 Hello, everyone, my name is Alice, I am from Medical college of Xi’an Jiaotong University. My hometown is Xi’an, Shanxi province. I am so lucky to be here for this interview. At the very beginning, I would like to talk about my major. When I was an undergraduate student, I studied clinical medicine for five years in Jiaotong University. During my graduating education, my major is internal medicine, specifically, it’s about digestive diseases, like HBV, immune gastroenteritic diseases, and so on. I worked very hard on my study and clinical practice all through the past 8 years, and gradually, I have mastered a lot of useful knowledge and skills about my major. Em, as for my English, I have passed the CET-6 college English test, besides, in order to keep my interest of English,I also studied Advanced Oral English for one year,and now I am good at speaking and writing English. Well, next, I want to say something about my hobbies and personal attitude about life. I am an optimistic person, you know, open minded, easygoing, and diligent. So, I like taking part in some activities in university, like sporting games, singing, dancing, and so on. I believe it’s very important to keep a healthy habit in one’s daily life. Ok, that’s all about myself. Good morning !Everyone! /Hello, everyone! I'd like to thank you first for giving me this opportunity! Appreciations for your consideration on me as your future colleague/comrade! I sincerely wish you will be persuaded by my good background and excellent capability to take the position of XXXX! I'm a Ph.D holder from XXXX medical school. My research interest is about XXXX. Thanks to the kindness of my supervisor, Prof.XX, I’ve built up a rich experience in the field of XXXX in my past 6 years study as a post-graduated student in XXXX hospital. Now, I’m going to give a brief introduction to my past. It consists of three parts: my research work, my medical training, and my in-situ career record. The first one is about the successful application of a National Science Foundation project in 2005/2006, which is about XXXX. I was asked to prepare the kernel part of our manuscript because of my good understanding and attractive ideas in the latest development of XXXX. I played an important role in our team, and by our endless efforts, we succeeded in obtaining the financial support from NSF. My research is supported by this project, and I’m going to get my diploma in 2008. Moreover, I’ve published X papers in the past 3 years, mainly on the well-known publications. The second part is about the medical training in diagnosis and operation skills. In my past 6 years, usually I spent more than half of my time in the hospital and sickrooms. A rich experience has been built up in the field of XXXX. For example, I successfully handled a difficult XXXX case in 2006/early this year/recently. If you feel like to, I would be very happy to explain the detail a little bit later. Furthermore, I’m not so simple a medical student from school to school. I had one year’s practical experience working as a doctor in XXXX hospital. In 2004, I got my [执业医师执照的 缩写] certification. I was an in-situ doctor in the SARS crisis in 2004. Thanks to this period, I learned how to communicate with so many kinds of patients and how to handle difficult situations. In the end, I sincerely wish, you may be persuaded by my excellent background and capability! Thank you again for your kindness! I promise that I will be a good doctor here in your hospital and I will do my best! Good afternoon professors. my name is xxxxx. I am from XXXX, a small city in XXXXX province. Last year I was graduated from XXXXX University . I majored in the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine during my undergraduate study. Now I would like to choose Otolaryngology as my new major for the graduate study. The former emphasizes the concept of holism and prevention,and it has some advantages in Chronic diseases.such as XXXX and so on 。 so i Think the experience will be helpful in my future study and work。 I am an optimistic and hardworking girl. When faced with difficulties, I never get frustrated easily since I deeply believe one of the old saying “where there is a will, there is a way”. Given the opportunity to study in this hospital, I believe, my hard working will drive me to realize my dream, which is to become an expert in Otolaryngology and make my own contributions to this area. Besides my study, in my spare time, I like sports, reading newspapers and surfing the Internet. I enjoy playing badminton, table tennis and jogging. Sport is a good way to help me relieve my pressure and cultivate my patience. Every time I feel stressed, I just go outside and do some exercise, in this way i can cheer up Thanks a lot for your time and attention. 各位老师好~ 我叫***,是**大学医学院07届的七年制硕士研究生,专业是心内科。 七年的学习生活充实而又丰富多彩,大一在学校主校区系统学习了数、理、化等基础课及多门实验课, 不仅为今后的学习打下了扎实的基础,更开阔了我们的视野。在医学院的4年中,我努力学习,专业 课均分达到80分以上。 进入**医院实习是我学习生涯中的一个飞跃,在第一年的轮转实习中,我将理论结合实际,积极投入 到临床实践中,不仅对各科常见病的诊治有了更为深入的理解和亲身体验,也使自己很快掌握了问病史、查体等临床基本功。 选定专业后,在病房分管床位并辅助值班,同时积极参加各种介入手术如:经皮冠状动脉支架置入术、心律失常射频消融术、起搏器植入术等,熟练掌握了股动脉及股静脉穿刺术,冠状动脉造影术及心电生理检查术等,在此我特别想感谢我导师和带教老师给我的悉心指导和独立操作的机会。 在学好专业知识的前提下,我对英语和计算机也有很大的兴趣,先后通过了大学英语4、6级考试、全国计算机等级二级考试,读研期间,阅读并翻译了数十篇本专业英文指南。 最后我由衷的希望您能够给我一次展现才华的机会,能让我加入贵单位。相信您的信任和我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功~谢谢~ 文 - 汉语汉字 编辑词条 文,wen,从玄从爻。天地万物的信息产生出来的现象、纹路、轨迹,描绘出了阴阳二气在事物中的运行轨迹和原理。 故文即为符。上古之时,符文一体。 古者伏羲氏之王天下也,始画八卦,造书契,以代结绳(爻)之政,由是文籍生焉。--《尚书序》 依类象形,故谓之文。其后形声相益,即谓之字。--《说文》序》 仓颉造书,形立谓之文,声具谓之字。--《古今通论》 (1) 象形。甲骨文此字象纹理纵横交错形。"文"是汉字的一个部首。本义:花纹;纹理。 (2) 同本义 [figure;veins] 文,英语念为:text、article等,从字面意思上就可以理解为文章、文字,与古今中外的各个文学著作中出现的各种文字字形密不可分。古有甲骨文、金文、小篆等,今有宋体、楷体等,都在这一方面突出了"文"的重要性。古今中外,人们对于"文"都有自己不同的认知,从大的方面来讲,它可以用于表示一个民族的文化历史,从小的方面来说它可用于用于表示单独的一个"文"字,可用于表示一段话,也可用于人物的姓氏。 折叠编辑本段基本字义 1(事物错综所造成的纹理或形象:灿若,锦。 2.刺画花纹:,身。 3( 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 语言的符号:,字。,盲。以,害辞。 4(用文字记下来以及与之有关的:,凭。,艺。,体。,典。,苑。,献(指有历史价值和参考价值的图书 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 )。,采(a(文辞、文艺方面的才华;b(错杂艳丽的色彩)。 5(人类劳动成果的总结:,化。,物。 6(自然界的某些现象:天,。水,。 7(旧时指礼节仪式:虚,。繁,缛节(过多的礼节仪式)。 8(文华辞采,与“质”、“情”相对:,质彬彬。 9(温和:,火。,静。,雅。 10(指非军事的:,职。,治武功(指礼乐教化和军事功绩)。 11(指以古汉语为基础的书面语:552,言。,白间杂。 12(专指社会科学:,科。 13(掩饰:,过饰非。 14(量词,指旧时小铜钱:一,不名。 15(姓。 16( 皇帝谥号,经纬天地曰文;道德博闻曰文;慈惠爱民曰文;愍民惠礼曰文;赐民爵位曰文;勤学好问曰文;博闻多见曰文;忠信接礼曰文;能定典礼曰文;经邦定誉曰文;敏而好学曰文;施而中礼曰文;修德来远曰文;刚柔相济曰文;修治班制曰文;德美才秀曰文;万邦为宪、帝德运广曰文;坚强不暴曰文;徽柔懿恭曰文;圣谟丕显曰文;化成天下曰文;纯穆不已曰文;克嗣徽音曰文;敬直慈惠曰文;与贤同升曰文;绍修圣绪曰文;声教四讫曰文。如汉文帝。 折叠编辑本段字源字形 字源演变与字形比较 折叠编辑本段详细字义 〈名〉 1(右图是 “文”字的甲骨文图片,资料来源:徐无闻主编:《甲金篆隶大字典》,四川辞书出版社。1991年7月第一版。 “文”字的甲骨文字绘画的像一个正面的“大人”,寓意“大象有形”、“象形”;特别放大了 胸部,并在胸部画了“心”,含义是“外界客体在心里面的整体影像、整体写真、整体素描、整体速写”。 许慎《说文解字》把“文”解释为“错画也”,意思是“对事物形象进行整体素描,笔画交错,相联相络,不可解构”,这与他说的独体为文、合体为字的话的意思是一致的。“说文解字”这个书名就表示了“文”只能“说”,而“字”则可“解”的意思。“文”是客观事物外在形象的速写,是人类进一步了解事物内在性质的基础,所以它是“字”的父母,“字”是“文”的孩子。“文”生“字”举例(以“哲”为例):先对人手摩画,其文为“手”;又对斧子摩画,其文为“斤”。以手、斤为父母,结合、生子,其子就是“折”(手和斤各代表父母的基因)。这个“折”就是许慎所谓的“字”。“字”从宀从子,“宀”表示“独立的房子”,子在其中,有“自立门户”的意思。故“字”还能与“文”或其他“字”结合,生出新“字”来。在本例,作为字的“折”与作为文的“口”结合,就生出了新的字“哲”。 2( 同本义 [figure;veins] 文,错画也。象交文。今字作纹。——东汉?许慎《说文》 五章以奉五色。——春秋?左丘明《左传?昭公二十五年》。注:“青与赤谓之文,赤与白谓之章,白与黑谓之黼,黑与青谓之黻。” 美于黼黼文章。——《荀子?非相》 茵席雕文。——《韩非子?十过》 织文鸟章,白旆央央。——《诗?小雅?六月》 斑文小鱼。——明? 刘基《诚意伯刘文成公文集》 3(又如:文驾(彩车);文斑(杂色的斑纹);文旆(有文彩的旗帜);文绣(绣有彩色花纹的丝织品;刺花图案);文织(有彩色花纹的丝织品);文鳞(鱼鳞形花纹)。 4(字,文字(“文”,在先秦时期就有文字的意思,“字”,到了秦朝才有此意。分别讲,“文”指独体字;“字”指合体字。笼统地说,都泛指文字。) [character] 饰以篆文。——南朝宋?范晔《后汉书?张衡传》 分文析字。——东汉?班固《汉书?刘歆传》 夫文,止戈为武。——《左传?宣公十二年》 距洞数百步,有碑仆道,其文漫灭。——王安石《游褒禅山记》 文曰“天启壬戌秋日”。——明? 魏学洢《核舟记》 文曰“初平山尺”。 5(又如:甲骨文;金文;汉文;英文;文迹(文字所记载的事迹);文书爻(有关文字、文凭之类的卦象);文异(文字相异);文轨(文字和车轨);文狱(文字狱);文钱(钱。因钱有文字,故称);文状(字据,军令状);文引(通行证;路凭);文定(定婚)。 6(文章(遣造的词句叫做“文”,结构段落叫做 “章”。) [literary composition] 故说诗者不以文害辞。——《孟子?万章上》 好古文。——唐? 韩愈《师说》 属予作文以记之。——宋? 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》 能述以文。——宋? 欧阳修《醉翁亭记》 摘其诗文。——清? 纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》 (又如:文价(文章的声誉);文魔(书呆子);文会(旧时读书人为了准备应试,在一起7 写文章、互相观摩的集会);文移(旧时官府文书的代称);文雄(擅长写文章的大作家);文意(文章的旨趣);文义(文章的义理);文情(文章的词句和情思);本文(所指的这篇文章);作文(写文章;学习练习所写的文章);文魁(文章魁首);文价(文章的声价);文什(文章与诗篇)。 8(美德;文德 [virtue] 圣云继之神,神乃用文治。——杜牧《感怀诗一首》 9(又如:文丈(对才高德韶的老者的敬称);文母(文德之母);文武(文德与武功);文命(文德教命);文惠(文德恩惠);文德(写文章的道德);文薄(谓文德浅薄);文昭(文德昭著)。 10.文才;才华。亦谓有文才,有才华 [literary talent] 而文采不表于后世也。——汉? 司马迁《报任安书》 11(又如:文业(才学);文英(文才出众的人);文采风流(横溢的才华与潇洒的风度);文郎(有才华的青少年);文彦(有文才德行的人);文通残锦(比喻剩下不多的才华)。 12(文献,经典;韵文 [document;classics;verse] 儒以文乱法。——《韩非子?五蠹》 言必遵修旧文而不穿凿。——《说文解字?叙》 13(辞词句。亦指文字记载 [writings;record]。如:文几(旧时书信中开头常用的套语。意为将书信呈献于几前);文倒(文句颠倒);文过其实(文辞浮夸,不切实际);文义(文辞);文辞(言词动听的辞令);文绣(辞藻华丽)。 14(自然界的某些现象 [natural phenomenon] 经纬天地曰文。——《左传?昭公二十八年》 15(又如:天文;地文;水文;文象(日月星辰变化的迹象);文曜(指日月星辰;文星);文昌(星座名)。 16(文治;文事;文职。与“武”相对。 [achievements in culture and education;civilian post] 文能取胜。——《史记?平原君虞卿列传》 文不能取胜。 文武并用。——唐? 魏征《谏太宗十思疏》 精神折冲于千里,文武为宪于万邦。――明《袁可立晋秩兵部右侍郎诰》 17(又如:文臣,文吏(文职官吏);文席(教书先生的几席);文品(文官的品阶);文帅(文职官员出任或兼领统帅);文烈(文治显赫);文员(文职吏员);文阶(文职官阶);文道(文治之道);文业(文事);文僚(文职官吏)。 18(法令条文 [articles of decree] 而刀笔吏专深文巧诋,陷人于罪。——《史记?汲黯列传》 19(又如:文劾(根据律令弹劾);文法吏(通晓法令、执法严峻的官吏);文丈(规矩; 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 );文移(官府文书);文牓(布告;文告);文宪(礼法;法制)。 20(文言。古代散文文体之一;别于白话的古汉语书面语 [literary language]。如:半文半白;文语;文白(文言文和白话文)。 21(文教;礼节仪式 [rites] 则修文德。——《论语?季氏》 22(又如:文丈(崇尚礼文仪节);文俗(拘守礼法而安于习俗);文致(指礼乐);文貌(礼文仪节);文绪(文教礼乐之事);文仪(礼节仪式) 23(指表现形式;外表 [form;appearance]。如:文服(表面服从);文榜(告示、布告之类);文诰(诰令) 24(指鼓乐,泛指曲调 [music;tune]。如:文曲(指乐曲);文始(舞乐名) 25(谥号,谥法:勤学好问叫文 [study deligently] 何以谓之文。——《论语》 是以谓之文。 26(姓 〈动〉 1(在肌肤上刺画花纹或图案 [tatto (the skin)] 被发文身。——《礼记?王制》。注:“谓其肌,以丹青涅之。” 文绣有恒。——《礼记?月令》 2(又如:文笔匠(在人身上刺花的艺人);文身断发(古代荆楚、南越一带的习俗。身刺花纹, 截短头发,以为可避水中蛟龙的伤害。后常以指落后地区的民俗);文木(刻镂以文采之木) 3(修饰;文饰 [cover up] 身将隐,焉用文之?——《左传?僖公二十三年》 饰邪说,文奸言,以枭乱天下。——《荀子?非十二子》 4(又如:文过饰非;文致(粉饰;掩饰);文冢(埋葬文稿之处) 5(装饰 [decorate] 舍其文轩。——《墨子?公输》 此犹文奸。 文车二驷。——明? 归有光《项脊轩志》 文马四百匹。——《史记?宋世家》 若将比予文木邪。——《庄子?人间世》 6(又如:文巧(文饰巧辩);文竿(以翠羽为饰之竿);文舫(装饰华丽的游艇);文饰(彩饰);文榭(饰以彩画的台榭);文舟,文艘(装饰华丽的船);文剑(装饰华丽的剑);文舆(饰以彩绘的车) 7(撰写文章 [write]。如:文匠(写文章的大家);文祸(因写文章而招来的灾祸);文雄,文杰(指文豪) 〈形〉 1(有文采,华丽。与“质”或“野”相对 [magnificent;gorgeous] 其旨远,其辞文。——《易?系辞下》 晋公子广而俭,文而有礼。——《左传?僖公二十三年》 2(又如:文巧(华丽奇巧);文朴(文华与质朴);文服(华美的衣服);文砌(华美的石阶);文背(不文雅,粗俗);文轩(华美的车子);文质(文华与质朴) 3.柔和,不猛烈 [mild;gentle]。如:文烈(指火候温猛) 4(美,善 [fine;good]。如:文徽(华美);文鸳(即鸳鸯。以其羽毛华美,故称);文衣(华美的服装) 5(通“紊”。紊乱的 [disordered] 惇宗将礼,称秩元祀,咸秩无文。——《书?洛诰》 天子祭天下名山大川,怀柔百神,咸秩无文。——《汉书?郊祀志上》 王者报功,以次秩之,无有文也。——庆劭《风俗通义?山泽》 〈量〉 1(用于旧时的铜钱。如:一文钱 2(用于计算纺织物 五扶为一首,五首成一文。——《后汉书》
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