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职称英语考试资料——阅读理解阅读理解 New US Plan for Disease Prevention (为预防疾病的新美国计划) 1. Which of the following is NOT true of chronic diseases in the US? They often result in unhealthy lifestyles.(1)下面关于美国的慢性病哪个选项是错误的他们经常会导致不健康的生活方式 2.The author mentions all the following as ways of di...

阅读理解 New US Plan for Disease Prevention (为预防疾病的新美国 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ) 1. Which of the following is NOT true of chronic diseases in the US? They often result in unhealthy lifestyles.(1)下面关于美国的慢性病哪个选项是错误的他们经常会导致不健康的生活方式 2.The author mentions all the following as ways of disease prevention EXCEPT higher survival rate for cancer.(作者没有提到预防疾病的方法是更高的癌症存活率) 3.The article indicates that more money spent on disease prevention will mean much less money needed for disease treatment.3)这篇文章表明更多的金钱用于预防疾病将意味着更少的钱用于治病上 4.The $15 million program is aimed at A)promoting disease prevention.4)一千五百万的项目的目标是促进预防疾病 5. Early cancer screening can help reduce significantly D)cancer death rate.早期癌症的屏蔽可以帮助减少癌症的死亡率) Eat to Live(为了活着吃饭) 1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? We have to begin dieting from childhood. 2. Why does the author mention an elderly mouse in paragraph 2? To illustrate the effect of meager food on mice. 3. What can be inferred about completely normally fed mice mentioned in the passage? They are more likely to suffer from inflammation. 4. According to the author, which of the following most interested the researchers?The mice that started dieting in old age. 5. According to the last two paragraphs, Spindler believes that:dieting is not a good method to give us health and a long life. ①童年时代就开始减肥是不正确的。②作者提到老老鼠的目的是证明节食对老鼠的影响。③从正常喂养的老鼠中可以看出它们更可能得炎症。④研究者最感兴趣的是老年开始节食的老鼠。⑤Spindler认为节食并不是带来健康与长寿的方法。 Excessive Demands on Young People (对年轻人过高期望) 1. According to a recent study, what is probably true about the multitasking Generation M? They waste more time than they should save. contrary to common assumptions. 2. With the advent of new gadgets, what will happen to Generation M's present e-devices? They become part of the ever increasing collection of novelties. 3. How will multitasking affect Generation M adversely? It makes them aloof and elusive to family and friends. 4.What is the biggest problem for multitasking undergraduates in universities? They should try harder to focus on one task before moving on to the next. 5. In dealing with today's youth, what approach should parents take? Be supportive and understanding.许多人对能同时兼顾几样工作的本领赞誉有加。然而最近研究却发现,八岁到十八岁,被称为“多媒体时代”的年轻人在同时进行多种任务的过程中常常事倍功半、了无成果。研究认为,正像依次完成各个任务一样,这些年轻人仍旧浪费了一半时间。有些年轻人在学习时还同时使用着很多电子产品。在学习的同时,他们还在上网、给朋友发邮件、打电话、听MP3或者另一台电脑上的歌。随着新产品的出现,他们的电子设备的数量还会不断增加。 另一项调查还显示:封闭的自身孤立世界里的年轻人,他们与周围人越发疏于交流。这种“兼顾”甚至影响了正常的家庭生活——年轻人到家后不再向家人问号,吃饭时也不同家人坐在一起。 人们认为在电子产品中的如鱼得水还严重影响了年轻人的在学业和工作上的表现。但当被问及现代科技产品对于他们工作表现的影响,绝大多数都认为是都是正面的。 然而不论学校公司都对此去没有好感。前者认为同时使用多种电子设备会影响儿童日后学习能力的发展,比如由缺乏完成任务的集中力而导致的写作水平下降。他们认为许多本科生都需要恶补学习技能这一课。与此相似,雇主也认为作为职场新人的年轻一代因为能力欠缺需要重新培训。 即使以上都是现实情况,也必须承认今天的年轻人被寄予越来越高的期望,实际上是太高了。他们能够应对老一辈对他们的任何要求,对此我们更应该赞许而非批评。 Who wants to live forever?(谁想永生) 1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the things that living longer might enable an individual to do?Having more education. 2. Which of the following is implied in the sixth paragraph? Marriages in the US today are quite unstable. 3. All of the following are possible effects living longer might have on working life EXCEPT More money would be used by employees in payment of their employees. 4. An important feature of a society in which people live a long life is that it lacks the curiosity to experiment what is new. 5. Which of the following best describes Callahan’s attitude to anti-ageing technology?Reserved. ①人活的长可以单独去做的事情,下面没提及的是更多地接受教育②第六段暗示了婚姻在今天的美国十分不稳定③下列哪个选项说人们的长命不会影响到工作生活雇佣者需要更多的钱来支付员工的工资。 ④一个长命社会的重要特征是对所有新事物缺乏好 奇心⑤Callahan对抗衰老技术的看法是保留的。 A Tale of Scottish Rural Life 1) What is Sunset Song mainly about?The lives of rural Scottish farmers. 2) Which statement is NOT true of Chris?She married only once. 3) What is the opening section of the novel mainly concerned with? The history of Kinraddie. 4) Who are responsible for Evan's death, according to Chris?The Germans. 5) The word sunset occurring in the title of the novel most probably means the end of traditional life.一个关于苏格兰乡村的故事(综B) ①《日落歌》主要讲的是_苏格兰农夫的生活。 ②对Chris的陈述她只结过一次婚_是不对的? ③小说的开头部分主要说了Kinraddie 的历史。 ④根据Chris, 谁对Evan的死负有 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 ?德国人 ⑤小说题目中sunset这个词的意思很可能是。传统生活方式的结束) Dorm Food More Comfy宿舍烹饪之风流行 1)Which of the following is not mentioned as a basic equipment in today's student dorms?TV sets 2)Which of the following statements is true according to the author? US college students want their dining options to be more flexible and personalized. 3)The following food are among Sodexo's top campus foods for 2009 EXCEPT: Italian Pizza 4)Which of the following statements about Angelo Berti is NOT true?He teaches cooking in a cooking school. 5)What does Angelo Berti mean by saying "The meal is your canvas"?Cooking is a good way to express oneself freely.(①下面哪一个未提及到作为今天学生宿舍的必需品?①电视②作者认为以下哪个观点是正确的②美国的大学生想让他们的饮食选择更加灵活和个性化。③以下除意大利匹萨_之外都属于2009年Sodexo 最受欢迎的校园食品。④以下有关Angelo Berti的说法不正确的是他在烹饪学校教授厨艺。⑤Angelo Berti说:“这顿饭犹如你的油画”。这句话意思是什么?做饭是自由表达自我的一个很好的途径或方式。) Career With a Uniform(穿军装的职业) 1)According to the passage, all of the following reasons make many college grads choose to join the army EXCEPT: The pay from the PLA is relatively higher than the grads can earn in other jobs. 2)It can be inferred that about students graduating consider join the army. 6,000,000 3)Besides the backdrop of bad employment news and a cooling economy, which of the following causes the PLA to raise this year's recruitment quota?The PLA wants to attract high-quality personnel to meet the need of hi-tech sector in the nation's defense. 4)Why does the author think that the grads are given an extra chance in starting a career?Grads who have already volunteered to sign up can give up before the deadline for enlistment if they can find another job that is more suitable. 5)The word confidentia l in the last paragraph could best be replaced by:secret ①根据文章,除大学生参军的工资待遇比其他工作所提供的薪酬高。之外下面的选项是使大学毕业生选择参军的原因中。②从文章可以推知,大概6,000,000大学毕业生考虑参军。③除了令人失望的就业率这一不好的新闻和萎靡不振的经济形势下面哪一项是解放军今年大规模招募人才的原因_解放军想吸引高素质人才来适应科技强军、国防现代化的需要。④为什么作者认为毕业生给予了额外的就业机会?毕业生在征兵工作结束前找到其他更理想的工作,仍可改变主意,放弃参军。⑤在最后一段的单词“confidential”可以被_保密性的。代替。 The Cherokee Nation 1) The Cherokee Nation used to live in the southeastern part of the US. 2) One of the ways that Sequoyah copied from the white man is the way of writing down the spoken language. 3) A law was passed in 1830 to force the Cherokees to move westward. 4) When the Cherokees began to leave their lands. all of the above. 5) Many Cherokees died on their way to their new home mainly because they did not have enough food and clothes. ①切诺基部落过去住在①美国东南部。②S 同志向白人学习的方法是 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 切诺基口语③1830年通过的法律的内容是强迫切诺基人搬到西部。④切诺基人离开家园的方式是All of the above⑤切诺基人死亡的原因是没有足够的衣服和食物。 A Ride in a Cable-car 1) The cable-car in Singapore takes visitors to Sentosa. 2) Which of the following about the cable-cars is true? The cars move along the steel cable. 3) Passengers can get a breath-taking view when riding in a cable-car because The car is suspended so high in the sky. 4) The short trip does not bother passengers who want a good view because the cars move slowly. 5) The last sentence of the passage. “The retur n journey is no less exciting than the outward trip.” means “The return trip is as thrilling as the outward one.” ①新加 坡的缆车带游客到圣淘沙。②缆车沿着_钢缆前进。 ③乘客看到的景色非常惊险的原因是缆车挂得高。④旅途短但是不影响欣赏风景的原因是缆车走得慢。⑤回来时的旅行与出发时的旅行相比两者都兴奋。 Pool Watch (泳池监护) 1) AI means the same as 1) artificial intelligence. 2) What is required of AI software to save a life? 2) It can distinguish between a swimmer and a shadow. 3) How does Poseidon save a life? 3) It alerts the lifeguard. 4) Which of the following statements about Trevor baylis is NOT true?4) He runs. 5) The word “considered” in paragraph 5 could be best replaced by 5) “rated”. ①AI的意思是①人工智能。②智能软件挽救寿命的方式是②它能够区分游泳者与阴影③P同志挽救生命的方式是③提醒救生员④关于TB同志的观点不正确的是④他跑步⑤consider的意思是⑤rated Wikipedial Imposes New Curbs On Editing Articles (维基百科对编辑文章实行新限制) 1)What is the latest change of Wikipedia?Some of the pages will not register changes without the approval of an experienced Wikipedia editor. 2)Why has Wikipedia set the criteria for "experienced editor" status relatively low?Because stricter criteria may discourage legitimate editing. 3)Which statement about Robert Byrd is false?He used to edits entries in Wikipedia. 4)Which of the following statements about Wikipedia is true?The current discipline imposed on the editing of articles is too lax so that a lot of embarrassments have been creased. 5)Pierre Omidyar is an enterpriser ①维基百科最新的变化是什么?其中的一些页面在得到一个“经验丰富”的编辑批准前不会修改。 ②为什么维基百科把所谓的“经验丰富的编辑” 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 定得很低因为严格的标准会降低合法编辑词条的积极性。③下面哪一个有关Robert Byrd的说法是错误的?他曾经在维基百科编辑条目。 ④下面哪一个观点有关维基百科是正确的?维基百科现在的对编辑词条的限制条件过于宽松,以致造成了许多尴尬情况发生。 ⑤Pierre Omidyar是一位企业家。 Find Yourself Packing It On? Blame Friends (发现自己变胖了?这要怪罪朋友们) 1)Who had the greatest influence on people who became obese?Their friends.①他们的朋友对变胖影响最大。2)Which of the following statement about a friend's influence is false according to the report?People were not likely to lose weight when they have skinny friends. 3)According to Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis, what is the explanation for friends being the greatest influence? Friends affected each others' feelings of fatness. 4)Which factor of becoming obese is not mentioned in this report?Life style. 5)In what way is obesity contagious and epidemic? Social networks let the obesity spread rapidly. ②关于朋友的影响陈述错误的是当他们有苗条的朋友,人们不可能减肥。 ③根据D.NA.C,下面_____解释对朋友影响最大。朋友彼此对肥胖的感受 ④这个报道中的变胖的因素中生活方式没提到。 ⑤通过社交圈迅速使肥胖症传播开来方式肥胖症传染和流行的。 The National Park Service (国家公园的服务机构) 1) Why are America’s national parks like old friends? Because they are always out there. 2) Which of the following statements is true about uniformed rangers?They protect the National Park System. 3) The National Park Service does all of the following EXCEPT molding the Nation. 4) What is this passage about? It is about the National Park Service. 5) What will the paragraph following this passage most probably discuss? The work that has been done by the partners. ①美国的国家公园之所以像老朋友是因为它们一直在那里。②穿制服的公园工作人员的作用是保护国家公园体系。 ③_建立国家不是国家公园服务体系的作用。 ④本文的主旨与国家公园服务部_有关。 ⑤文章紧接着会讨论合作者已经做的工作。 Importance of Services(服务业的重要性) 1) The first paragraph intends to tell us that services are important. 2) Between 1966 and 1986, the United States created about 32.4 million service jobs. 3) Many economists, business and labor leaders and politicians believe that most of the fast growth in the service sector is in low-paying jobs. 4) The importance of services can be shown by money spent on business services as well as on consumer services. 5) What does the writer of this passage disapprove of regarding services now? Their prices. ①第一段告诉我们服务业很重要。 ②在1966年到1986年,美国创造了三千二百四十万的服务性职业。 ③许多经济学家、商人和劳动领袖以及政治家们相信服务业部门快速增长的都是低收入工作。 ④服务业工作的重要性表现在花在商业和消费业上的钱。⑤关于服务业作者不赞成他们的价格。 Forecasting Methods(天气预报的方法) 1) What factor is NOT mentioned in choosing a forecasting method? Imagination of the forecaster. 2) Persistence method will work well if weather conditions do not change much. 3) The limitation of the trends method is the same as the persistence method in that the weather features need to be constant for a long period of time. 4) Which method may involve historical weather data? Both climatology method and analog method 5) It will be impossible to make weather forecast using the analog method when the current weather scenario differs from the analog. ①作为预测方法,_预测者的想象力没有提到。②如果_气候条件不发生变化,持续性方法就会起作用。 ③趋向性方法与持续性方法的缺陷是一样的,那是因为_气候特征需要在很长的时间里较稳定。 ④_气候学方法和相似物方法涉及历史的数据资料。 ⑤在_当目前的气候状况不同于相似物情况下,不可能使用相似物方法。 Income(收入) 1) This passage is mainly about the difference between national income and personal income. 2) Which of the following statements is true according to the first paragraph? The money that goes for capital consumption is not regarded as income. 3) It can be known from this passage that the government levy tax on corporation profits. 4) According to this passage, the money you get as interest from government bonds is not money earned but money received. 5) The passage implies that People pay taxes somewhat unwillingly. ①本文是关于国民收入和个人收入的区别。②根据第一段,正确的观点是_用于资本消费的钱不算收入。 ③政府对于_公司利润_征税。④从政府证券中获得的利润_不是挣的钱而是得到的钱。⑤这篇文章暗示_人们不愿意支付税。 Clone Farm(克隆农场) 1)Which statement is the best description of the new era of factory farming according to the first paragraph? Cloned chickens are bulk-produced with the same growth rate, weight and taste. 2)Which institution has offered $4.7 million to fund the research? The US’s National Institute of Science and Technology. 3)In the third paragraph, by saying “Producers would like the same meat quantity but to use reduced inputs to get there.” Mike Fitzgerald means that he wishes Chickens could grow to the same weight but with less feed. 4)Which of the following statements about Origen and Embrex is correct according to the fifth paragraph? Origen has joined hands with Embrex in producing cell-injecting machines. 5)The technology of freezing stem cells from different strains of chicken can do all the following EXCEPT that farmers can order certain strains of chicken only. ①工业化农场这个新时代是指克隆出来的小鸡在成长速度、体重和口味上一样。 ②_美国国家科学技术研究院_提供了470万美元资助克隆研究。 ③养殖者的希望是_投入减少但是产量不变。 ④两大公司_联手生产细胞注射机器。 ⑤冷冻干细胞技术的作用不可能是农民只能订购某些品种的小鸡/。 The Only Way Is Up(只好向上) 1)"...these are cities concerned with the past" in the first paragraph refer to cities that want to maintain their traditional image. 2)The difficulty in constructing tall buildings in the 19t~ century lies in the lack of a device to carry people upward. 3)When Otis came up with the idea of a lift, most people had doubt about its safety. 4)Which of the following best describes the experience of going in a lift now?Uninteresting. 5)Psychologists find the lift a good place where they can study human behavior because in a lift the bubble of personal space breaks. ①第1段提到的“以往关注的那些城市”是想保持他们传统形象。②在19世纪建造高楼的困难在于没有办法能把人往高处送。③当Otis 提出电梯想法许多人怀疑 它的安全性④最能描述乘坐现在电梯的一句话是无趣的⑤心理学家发现电梯是一个能够研究人们举止行为的好地方原因是在电梯里打破个人空间的泡沫。 Some Things We Know about Language (我们知道的关于语言的一些事情) 1) In the second paragraph the author thinks that any human race, whether backward or not, has a language. 2) According to the author, people of undeveloped cultures can have complicated language. 3) The author has used American Indian languages as an example to show that they are just as advanced as some well-known languages. 4) Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? Some primitive languages are better than other languages. 5) According to he author language changes are most likely to occur in vocabulary. ①作者认为任何一个种族,无论落后与否都有自己的语言。②不发达文化的民族也会有复杂的语言。③作者举出美洲印第安人的例子是为了证明它们与一些著名的语言一样发达。④语言有好坏之分是不正确的。 ⑤语言的变化最容易出现在词汇方面。 Spacing in Animals(动物间的间隔距离) 1) Which of the following is the most appropriate definition of Flight Distance?Distance between an animal and its enemy before fleeing. 2) If an animal’s critical distance is penetrated, it will begin to attack. 3) According to the passage, social distance refers to psychological distance. 4) Which of the following could best replace the word “band” in “We can think of it as a hidden band that contains the group” (in Paragraph 3)?Strip of land 5) The example of the children holding hands when crossing the street in the last paragraph shows that social distance is sometimes determined by outside factors. ①逃跑距离是逃跑之前动物与敌人之间的距离。②如果越过动物的临界距离,它就会开始攻击。③群居距离是一种心理距离。④群居距离是变化的。⑤孩子手拉手过马路的例子证明群居距离会受到外界因素的影响。 Sleep Lets Brain File Memories (睡眠促使记忆归档存储) 1) Which of the following statements is nearest in meaning to the sentence “To sleep. Perchance to file?”? Does brain arrange memories in useful order during sleep?2) What is the result of the experiment with rats and mice carried out at Rutgers University? Somatosensory neocortex and hippocampus work together tin memory consolidation. 3) What is the relation of memory to glucose tolerance, as is indicated by a research mentioned in paragraph 4? The poorer the memory, the poorer glucose tolerance. 4) In what way is memory related to hippocampus shrinkage? The more hippocampus shrinks, the poorer one’s memory. 5) According to the last paragraph, what is the ultimate reason for going to the gym? To control glucose levels. ①睡眠时大脑对记忆组织最接近句子的含义。②老鼠实验的结果是新皮质与海马质互相作用。③葡萄糖耐量与记忆的关系是记忆越差葡萄糖耐量越少。④记忆与海马萎缩的联系是海马越萎缩记忆越差。⑤去健身房的最终原因是保持葡萄糖水平。 Taxi Riding(搭乘出租车) 1) Form the Ghanaian driver’s response, we can infer that he was indifferent to the killing. 2) Why did the Pakistani driver refuse to take the author to the middle of the George Washington Bridge? Because he suspected that the author was going to commit suicide. 3) What is the author’s interpretation of the driver’s reluctance “to wait outside the Chemical bank” ? The driver thought it wrong to support a taxi rider unconditionally. 4) Which of the following statements is true about New York taxi drivers? They are sympathetic with those who are out of work. 5)What does the passage mainly discuss? The attitudes of taxi drivers towards the taxi riders having personal crises. ①从加纳司机的反映可以看出他对杀人事件很冷淡。 ②巴基斯坦司机拒绝把我拉到大桥中央是因为他怀疑我要去自杀。 ③作者对于司机不愿意在化学银行外边等的解释是司机认为无条件的帮助乘客是不对的。 ④对于纽约出租车司机的描述正确的是他们非常同情失业人员。 ⑤本文主要在讨论司机对有个人危机的乘客的态度。Goal of American Education(美国教育的目标) 1) Which of the following best states the goal of American education? To give every student the opportunity to fully develop his/her ability. 2) It is implied in the passage that the subject every student takes may vary. 3) American schools place great emphasis on the learner's acquisition of the ability to be creative. 4) According to the passage, American education meets the needs of all the following EXCEPT the students from foreign countries. 5) Which of the following best states the feature of American education that makes it different from education in other countries? Its underlying goal to develop every child's abilities to the fullest extent. ①美国的教育目标是给学生机会充分发挥他们的能力 ②在美国,每一个学生所上的科目可能会有不同③美国的教育非常重视学习者的创造能力的获得④美国的教育不会满足外国学生的需求⑤美国的教育与其他国家的教育的不同之处在于它的潜在目标是让孩子的能力发挥到极致 Eiffel Is an Eyeful(引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔) 1) Why does the author think the Eiffel Tower is transformed into symbol of a world of the move?Tourists of all nationalities come to scribble on the cold iron of the tower. 2) What seems strange to the author? Visitors prefer wasting time scribbling to enjoying the view. 3) Which statements is NOT true of Hugues Richard? He climbed 747 steps up the tower in 19 minutes and 4 seconds. 4) What did the builder use the Eiffel Tower for? Conducting research in various fields. 5) Which of the following is nearest in meani ng to “(The Eiffel Tower is like) a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will”?Visitors can imagine freely what the tower represents. ①艾菲尔铁塔之所以成为动感世界的象征的原因是全世界的旅游者都来涂鸦。②作者感到奇怪的事是游客们宁愿涂鸦而不愿意去欣赏风景。③下列对H.R的描述哪个是不正确的他用19分4秒爬了塔的747个台阶。④建筑师 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 艾菲尔铁塔的目是进行不同领域的研究。⑤下面那个选项最接近(埃菲尔铁塔像)一个空画布,游客们可以自由想象。 Driven to Distraction(分散注意力驾驶) 1) Which statement is true of the description in the first two paragraphs? Coyne is not really driving so it is impossible for him to have hit the woman. 2) What do researchers want to find out, according to the third and fourth paragraphs? All of the above. 3) What are the preliminary results given in the fifth paragraph? In challenging driving situations, drivers do not have any additional mental energy to deal with something else.4) The sixth paragraph mainly state that the researchers.want to determine the best ways of giving navigational information system. 5) What kind of directions do men and women prefer?Men prefer more general directions and women prefer route direction. Orbital Space Plane(轨道航天飞机) 1. )The orbital space craft has been designed for carrying astronauts to the International Space Station. 2. )From the passage we know that the design of the orbiter indicates NASA’s determination to continue its space exploration projects. 3. )When did the scientists start working on a successor to the shuttle? Years before the explosion of Columbia. 4. )Besides the main missions stipulated by NASA the orbiter would also be used as a space ambulance. 5.)According to the passage, the funds, if granted, would be equally shared by the two projects under Space Launch Initiative. Sleep(睡眠) 1) The question raised in Paragraph 2 is “no mere academic one” .because shift work in industry requires people to change their sleeping habits. 2) According to the passage, the main problem about night work is that your life is disturbed by changing from day to night routines and back. 3) According to the passage, the best solution to the problem seems to be to employ people who will always work at night. 4) In the second paragraph, “the third” means the third week. 5) In the last sentence of the second paragraph, “another” means another routine. The Barbie Dolls(芭比娃娃) 1) When Ruth and Elliot Handler was young, they had a strong desire to be highly successful. 2) Who owned Mattel? Harold Mattson, Ruth and Elliot Handler. 3) It can be inferred from the second paragraph that Lilly was fashioned after Build. 4) Where did Ruth Handler's inspiration for the design of the Barbie doll come from? Lilly. 采集者退散 5) Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Barbie doll? She does not attract young men.
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