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6曹冲称象教案6曹冲称象教案 6.《曹冲称象》导学案 第一课时 目标导航 1(认读本课的13个生字,学写8个生字。 2(了解曹冲称象的办法,并能用自己的话说一说。 3(培养学生做事有信心。相信自己的能力。 4(遇事动脑筋想办法的良好习惯~做事时注意采纳别人合理的意见。 ,一,诱思导学 1、创意导学。 同学们~你们见过大象吗,谁能说一说大象长得什么样,,看课件,有没有见过称象,,板书:称象,如果叫你称象~该怎么办,然而大约早在1800年以前的时候~我们聪明的祖先中有一个才7岁的孩子~就出色地完成了称象的任务。他的...

6曹冲称象教案 6.《曹冲称象》导学案 第一课时 目标导航 1(认读本课的13个生字,学写8个生字。 2(了解曹冲称象的办法,并能用自己的话说一说。 3(培养学生做事有信心。相信自己的能力。 4(遇事动脑筋想办法的良好习惯~做事时注意采纳别人合理的意见。 ,一,诱思导学 1、创意导学。 同学们~你们见过大象吗,谁能说一说大象长得什么样,,看课件,有没有见过称象,,板书:称象,如果叫你称象~该怎么办,然而大约早在1800年以前的时候~我们聪明的祖先中有一个才7岁的孩子~就出色地完成了称象的任务。他的名字叫曹冲。他是三国时代魏国国王曹操的儿子。你们想知道曹冲是怎样称象的吗,今天我们就来学习课文《称象》。 2、前置性学习 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 ,1,看到这个题目~你最想知道什么, ,2,谁能给大家说一说你知道的曹操和曹冲是什么样的人, ,二,感知研学 1、自主阅读: ,1,、学生借助拼音自由轻声读课文。 Tools and personnel required: tools: large drills, turban 12.5 bit, wrenches, wooden hammer. People: three people in each group. 5. Management Essentials: the vertical box to select models, specifications are correct. bolted to avoid dead ends, to keep the bolt holes can be adjusted. choose the proper installation order. attention to material safety injury prevention, loss preventionsecond vertical box will end at the first core set at the top of the vertical box on the second vertical, leaving 20mm expansion joint, and hanging wire or to install the upper end of the beam, and so on to install. (7) the vertical installation, control process measurement on line, the three dimensions are floral, maintaining error <1mm until after installation to do full justification in the next step ,2,、再指名读课文。注意给生字正音~出示生字词卡片~指名读、齐读。 ,3,、再指名分段读课文~注意给生字正音。找出文中的人物。教师相机板书曹操、官员、曹冲 2、小组合作学习~读读生字记记字形~并给它们找找朋友。 3、小组汇报交流~教师点拨指导~读准字音“柱、秤、沉、止”。 ,出示生字词卡片~指名读~齐读。, 4、整体感知: 你从文中读懂了什么, 5、理清脉络:课文课文总共有几个段,你认为哪个段是全文的重点段,为什么, 第二课时 ,三,自学检测 1、学习课文第一段。 ,1,指名读~其他同学边听边想:这段主要讲的是谁,讲了他什么事,,生答,教师简介曹操~理解“官员”一词。 ,2,指导朗读。 2、学习第二段 Tools and personnel required: tools: large drills, turban 12.5 bit, wrenches, wooden hammer. People: three people in each group. 5. Management Essentials: the vertical box to select models, specifications are correct. bolted to avoid dead ends, to keep the bolt holes can be adjusted. choose the proper installation order. attention to material safety injury prevention, loss preventionsecond vertical box will end at the first core set at the top of the vertical box on the second vertical, leaving 20mm expansion joint, and hanging wire or to install the upper end of the beam, and so on to install. (7) the vertical installation, control process measurement on line, the three dimensions are floral, maintaining error <1mm until after installation to do full justification in the next step ,1,看图说说你看到的这头大象。 ,2,指名读~思考:这头大象长得怎么样,找一找文中写大象的 句子 关于阅读的唯美句子关于古风的唯美句子执行力的经典句子鼓励人努力奋斗的句子用沉默代替一切的句子 ~理解“身子像堵墙~腿像四根柱子”的意思。图文结合具体认识象高大。 ,3,指导再读描写大象的句子~读出象又高又大又重的感觉来, ,4,看到这么一头大象~大家心里会想什么,官员们 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现怎样,,语句训练~用“一边……一边”说句话。, ,5,官员们想出了几种办法称象呢,这些 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 行吗,,讨论,曹操听了官员们的议论态度怎么样,,理解“直摇头”, ,6,、朗读第2、3段~引导读出疑问、反问的语气。 过渡:七岁的曹冲~听了官员们的议论~边听边思考~灵机一动~计上心来~想出一个了办法~引读:他站出来说……,读第四段曹冲说的话, 3(刚才一上课时~有的同学就想了解曹冲是怎样称象的~现在请大家看第四段~再读这一段~看看曹冲是怎样称象的, ,1,(和同桌说说曹冲是怎样称象的。 ,2,(出示课件~看一看曹冲是怎样称的。 ,3,(用上“先……再……然后……”这几个词语~在小组内说说曹冲是怎样称的~推荐一名最好的给大家说说。 Tools and personnel required: tools: large drills, turban 12.5 bit, wrenches, wooden hammer. People: three people in each group. 5. Management Essentials: the vertical box to select models, specifications are correct. bolted to avoid dead ends, to keep the bolt holes can be adjusted. choose the proper installation order. attention to material safety injury prevention, loss preventionsecond vertical box will end at the first core set at the top of the vertical box on the second vertical, leaving 20mm expansion joint, and hanging wire or to install the upper end of the beam, and so on to install. (7) the vertical installation, control process measurement on line, the three dimensions are floral, maintaining error <1mm until after installation to do full justification in the next step ,4,. 以小组为单位按曹冲称象的办法 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 一张称象流程图~设计好后到台前展示交流。,培养学生的语言表达能力~和同伴交流的能力, 4.按照曹冲的办法称出大象的重量了吗,学习最后一段。 ,四,拓展延伸: 1.曹冲的好办法是怎样想出来的, (五)课后检测 1. 作业练习。 ,1,按课文内容填空。 先把大象赶到, ,~看船下沉多少~就沿着水面在船身上, ,。再把大象, ,~往船上, ,~等到下沉到画线的地方为止。然后把船上的石头搬下来, ,。, ,一共有多重~大象就有多重。 ,2,读一读~比一比哪个句子好~好在哪里, ,A,曹操听了摇摇头。,B,曹操的儿子曹冲七岁。 曹操听了直摇头。 曹操的儿子曹冲才七岁。 ,C,大象有多重呢, 大象到底有多重呢, ,六,反思促学 1(通过学习这个小故事~你有什么收获, 2(如果你当时在场~你会有哪些好办法称这头大象, 3. 师小结:当我们遇到困难时,在动脑筋想办法的同时,也要注意听取别人的意见,借鉴其中合理的部分。这就是这个小故事意义所在。4. 课下大家可以上网或从课外书中了解更多有关三国及曹操、曹冲知识。 Tools and personnel required: tools: large drills, turban 12.5 bit, wrenches, wooden hammer. People: three people in each group. 5. Management Essentials: the vertical box to select models, specifications are correct. bolted to avoid dead ends, to keep the bolt holes can be adjusted. choose the proper installation order. attention to material safety injury prevention, loss preventionsecond vertical box will end at the first core set at the top of the vertical box on the second vertical, leaving 20mm expansion joint, and hanging wire or to install the upper end of the beam, and so on to install. (7) the vertical installation, control process measurement on line, the three dimensions are floral, maintaining error <1mm until after installation to do full justification in the next step Tools and personnel required: tools: large drills, turban 12.5 bit, wrenches, wooden hammer. People: three people in each group. 5. Management Essentials: the vertical box to select models, specifications are correct. bolted to avoid dead ends, to keep the bolt holes can be adjusted. choose the proper installation order. attention to material safety injury prevention, loss preventionsecond vertical box will end at the first core set at the top of the vertical box on the second vertical, leaving 20mm expansion joint, and hanging wire or to install the upper end of the beam, and so on to install. (7) the vertical installation, control process measurement on line, the three dimensions are floral, maintaining error <1mm until after installation to do full justification in the next step
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