首页 钢管设备工艺中英文对照



钢管设备工艺中英文对照直缝钢管生产装备与工艺介绍 中英文对照 1.直缝管生产主要装备技术简介 ERW生产线全线采用PLC自动控制。 开卷机:双锥自动开卷,采用光电对中控制系统,可开卷重20吨; 接板机:自动剪切对焊,前后钢卷头尾对接埋弧自动焊; 储料坑:采用光电检测系统; 成型机:采用目前比较先进的排辊成型方式,接近自然成型,这种成型原理是:当带钢初成型后进入排辊成型,通过大量小直径被动排辊使钢带逐渐形成圆形,这种“自然成型方法”有以下优点: ⑴实际成型过程中,带钢边部纵向平整、无波浪、无皱 折; ⑵在圆周上得到精确的几何形状; ⑶三...

直缝钢管生产装备与工艺介绍 中英文对照 1.直缝管生产主要装备技术简介 ERW生产线全线采用PLC自动控制。 开卷机:双锥自动开卷,采用光电对中控制系统,可开卷重20吨; 接板机:自动剪切对焊,前后钢卷头尾对接埋弧自动焊; 储料坑:采用光电检测系统; 成型机:采用目前比较先进的排辊成型方式,接近自然成型,这种成型原理是:当带钢初成型后进入排辊成型,通过大量小直径被动排辊使钢带逐渐形成圆形,这种“自然成型方法”有以下优点: ⑴实际成型过程中,带钢边部纵向平整、无波浪、无皱 折; ⑵在圆周上得到精确的几何形状; ⑶三架精成型采用四辊万能机架,便于调整,可得到理想的几何形状; 高频发生器:600KW高频发生器由一个PLC控制,具有焊接温度显示自动控制系统,防止火花短路系统,报警系统,即适用于感应焊,也适用于接触焊。震荡电路有自己的柜体,该柜体积小,便于靠近焊管生产线,使高频发生器输出和感应圈之间的功率损失最小,整机输出功率高; 挤压焊接装置:由四辊挤压和焊接顶辊完成,可方便调整挤压力和V型开口角,既能保证适当的挤压力,又能得到一个稳定的烧化和熔解的过程; 内毛刺去除装置:由液压控制,稳定可靠,内毛刺剩余高度控制在 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 规定的范围; 热处理装置:焊缝中频常化热处理机三台(1500KW、美国),加热宽度30mm,加热效率高,保证加热深度渗透全壁厚;同时具有消除焊接残余应力作用; 定径矫直机:采用四辊万能机架,经减径整圆,达到理想的外径公差、圆度及直度,兼有降低焊缝残余应力作用; 飞切定尺机:采用微机控制的液压加力旋切式(四把园盘切刀)切断方式,无噪音、无铁屑消耗,对焊缝无损伤,定尺精度±3mm; 平头倒坡口机:采用先进的液压仿型装置,微机自动控制升降台架、传输、平头、倒坡口。管端可加工为用户要求的形状,便于用户管端对口接焊。 2.直缝管生产工艺 2.1工艺简述 准备段:主要包括备卷、开卷、直头整平、剪切对焊、 递料、储料、拉出整平、对中、板材电磁超声波探伤等工序。 制管段:予成型、排辊成型、精成型、五辊挤压高频焊接、去除内外毛刺、在线超声波探伤、焊缝热处理、定径、矫直飞切定尺。 精整段:平头倒坡口、水压试验、手动超声波复检、最终检验、标识、包装。 2.2 工艺流程图 Steel Pipe Manufacturing Equipments and Technology Process 1. Line Pipe Main Manufacturing Equipment Technology (ERW) production line adopt PLC automatic control completely. Uncoiler: Double-cone uncoiler, adopting light and electricity center control system, can uncoil 20MT weight. Coil butting-welding machine: welding of coil in automatic shears, the former end and the later head is butting- welding by submerged arc welding. Store material spot: adopting  light and electrical inspection system. Forming machine: adopting the relatively advanced standing forming way of roller at present. It’s close to natural forming. This kind of forming principle is: After skelp pre-formed and enter standing-roller form, arrange roller make skelp form in the round gradually passively through little diameters. There are following merits in this kind of “natural forming method” ⑴ In actual forming process ,the transverse edges of coil are smooth without wave ,wrinkly . ⑵ In circumference to get the accurate geometry. ⑶There fine-forming adopt four rollers of omnipotence stand. easy to adjust, can get the ideal geometry form . 600KW high frequency generator is controlled by one PLC .There is temperature of welding that shows the automatic control system .It prevents flash short circuit system ,warning system suitable for reaction weld and keeping in touch welding too .Oscillating circuit have own cupboard body with little volume .It’s easy close to welding production line .Making the high frequency generator export the power while enclosing with reaction to lose the minimum .The out put power of the complete machine is high . Extruded welding equipments: It’s finished by four rollers and extruded welding, very convenient to adjust extrusion strength and V type opening’s corner ,can guarantee proper extrusion strength ,also get the course of a steady burning and fusion . The removal equipments of internal flash: The equipment is controlled by the hydraulic pressure , It’s reliable to be steady .Interior burr reinforcement shall be controlled within the range stipulated in the contract . Heat treatment equipments: Three welding seam mid-frequency normalized heat treatment (1500KW, USA). Heating width is 30mm with high efficiency and can penetrate the whole wall thickness .Dispel welding remaining stress function at the same time Sizing and Straightening Machine: Adopting four rollers of omnipotence stand, through reducing diameter and rounded, reach the ideal OD tolerance, roundness and straightness . Reduce the remaining stress function of welding seam too. Flying cut-off disc cutter: Adopt hydraulic pressure thrust augmentation who computer control (four disc cutter) cut off the way without noise and scrapes abrasion and no imperfection in welding seam . sizing precision : ± 3mm End beveled machine: Adopting advanced hydrostatic pressure imitative device , computer automatically control go up and down table , transmit crew cut , chamfer .In charge of accurate from chamfering angle : 30±(0-5)°C . The root face leave :1.6mm ±0.8mm . It’s convenient to user connect and weld. 2.Line Pipe Manufacturing Process 2.1Brief Preparing Section: Including preparing coil, coil opening, head leveling, shear end welding, feeding material, storing material, pulling-out leveling, strip centering, strip electromagnetic UT detection and so on. Manufacturing Section: Pre-forming, standing-roller forming, fin-pass forming, five-roller extruded high frequency welding, the removal of inside and outside burr, in-line UT detection, welding seam heat treatment, sizing, straightening disc cutting-off. Fin Section: End beveled, hydraulic pressure testing, manual UT re-testing, final inspection, marking, package. 2.2 Technological Process 双面埋弧焊螺旋钢管 生产装备与工艺介绍 中英文对照 一、钢卷Coil 1.外观和尺寸检验 Visual & Dimensional Inspection 1.1外观检验:钢卷表面应进行外观检验。 1.2尺寸检验:应使用超声波测厚仪或千分尺检测钢卷的壁厚和卷尺检测钢卷的宽度。 1.3检查钢卷质证 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 。 1.1Visual inspection: coil surfaces shall be inspected visually. 1.2Dimensional inspection: the coil wall thickness shall be measured by ultrasonic thickness meter or micrometer calipers and width shall be measured by tape. 1.3MTC of steel coil - review. 二、钢管Pipe 1.开卷Uncoiling 钢卷经检测,转运至开卷机。将钢卷旋转并打开。 钢卷不得含有任何补焊焊缝。 Coils certified by inspection are transported to the uncoiling machine. The coil is rotated by rotate rolls and opened. Coils shall not contain any repair weld. 2.轿平Flattening 钢卷经5/7辊矫平机轿平,同时注意钢卷的表面划伤及异物。 Flattening the coil by 5/7 rolls, and pay attention to the coil surfaces scratch and foreign matter. 3.剪切对焊Shearing and Butt Welding 将前后两卷钢卷的头尾剪切后对焊,保证生产的连续性。 采用埋弧焊进行钢卷的对焊操作。 When a coil finished, another new coil shall be uncoiled and its front end shall be welded with the end of the previous coil in order to keep the continuity of the production. The skelp end welds are welded using SAW process. 4.铣边Edge Milling 钢卷的两个板边都应加工。 铣边后,应抽查板边纵向的坡口尺寸和钢卷宽度,坡口表面应干净。 Both plate edges shall be milled. After milling, randomly check the longitudinal welding bevel size and plate width. Surface of bevel shall be clean. 5.板边预弯Preliminary Rolling 钢卷的两个板边都应预弯。 预弯后,应抽查板边预弯曲率。 Both helical edges of each coil shall be pre-bended. After bending, randomly check the curvature of edge. 6. 成型Forming 调整成型角度及三个成型辊的位置,调整支承辊的位置。 检查焊接点板边的对应情况及管径。 检查钢带的曲率,调整2号辊的气缸压力。 Adjust the forming angle and position of three set of forming rollers; adjust position of supporting roller. Check the welding clearance of occlude point and the deviation of the diameter. Check the curvature radius of steel strip by standard sample and adjust pressure of the cylinder of 2# roller. 7.内外焊Internal and External Welding 钢管的螺旋焊缝采用林肯焊机进行自动焊埋弧焊焊接。 焊接应按经评定的焊接工艺进行。 The helical weld seam shall be made by automatic submerged arc welding method with Lincoln welding machine. Weld shall be made in accordance with a qualified welding procedure. 8.切断Cutting Off 钢管按客户要求长度切断。 采用等离子切割进行钢管定尺切断。 Cut the pipe to a customer’s length requirement. Plasma flame cutting method is adopted to cut specified pipe length. 9.取样Interception of Sample 在钢管上取样进行产品试验。 Samples shall be taken from the pipe for production test. 10.焊缝X射线实时成像检验 X-ray Real Time Imaging Inspection of Weld Seam 每支钢管全长进行自动X射线实时成像检验。 每支钢管的两端至少228mm和补焊处应进行X射线静态抓图检查。 验收:API 5L PSL1 45th附录E。 The entire length of each pipe weld seam shall be subjected to automatic X-ray real time imaging inspection. Both pipe ends weld seam at least 228 mm and repairs of each pipe shall be subjected to X-ray static image examination. Acceptance: API 5L PSL1 45th ANNEX E. 11.管端焊缝修磨 Weld Seam Grinding for Pipe End 管端100mm范围内的内焊缝应打磨。 打磨后,管端打磨区域焊缝剩余高度不超过0.5mm。 Internal weld seam shall be grinded for a distance of 100mm from each pipe end. After it, grinded area of pipe end remained weld seam reinforcement shall not exceed 0.5mm. 12.水压试验Hydrostatic Test 每支钢管都应进行水压试验。 记录系统:自动波形图方法。 每支钢管的压力-时间曲线都应被自动记录在图表上。 试验压力测量装置应在每次使用前四个月内进行校准。 试验压力按以下要求:P≥14.9MPa 持压时间:至少5秒。 验收:没有任何渗漏。 Each pipe shall be subjected to hydrostatic test. Recording system: Pen-oscillograph method. Pressure-time curve of each pipe shall be recorded on chart automatically. Calibration of pressure gauge: Hydrostatic test gauges shall be calibrated prior to each production within four months. Test pressure: P≥14.9MPa. Holding time: minimum 5 seconds. Acceptance: without any leakage. 13.全管体自动超声波检验 Full Length of Pipe Body Auto UT 每支钢管全长进行自动超声波检验。 验收:API 5L PSL1 45th 附录E。 The whole pipe body shall be inspected by automatic UT. Acceptance inspection: API 5L PSL1 45th ANNEX E. 14.修端End Mechanical Facing 管端坡口如下图所示: 两端的切斜应不大于1.6mm。 如果超出以上 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,钢管应重修端。 坡口角度:30°~35°,钝边尺寸1.6±0.8mm。 The beveled pipe end as follows: Squareness of both ends shall not exceed 1.6mm. In case of exceed the above criteria, the pipe shall be re-beveled. Bevel angle: 30°~35°, Root face: 1.6±0.8mm. 15.管端焊缝手动超声波检验 Manual UT Inspection of  End Weld Seam 管端228mm焊缝应进行手工超声波检验。 验收:API 5L PSL1 45th 附录E。 The pipe end weld seam 228mm shall be subjected to manual ultrasonic inspection. Acceptance: API 5L PSL1 45thANNEX E. 16.钢管外观和尺寸检验 Pipe Visual and Dimensional Inspection 以下的尺寸检验和钢管全长表面应进行检验。 The following dimensional inspection and entire length surface visual inspection shall be performed. Item 项目 Acceptance Criteria (Tolerance) 验收标准(公差) Diameter 直径 Pipe ends O.D.管端外径 (-1.6, +1.6)mm Pipe body O.D. 管体外径 (-3.0, +3.0)mm Out of roundness 椭圆度 Pipe body 管体 ≤8.1mm Pipe ends 管端 ≤6mm Misalignment between the center line of internal and external weld beads 内、外焊缝中心线偏离 ≤3mm Wall thickness 壁厚 (-0.555, +0.888)mm Height of weld seam 焊缝 高度 Pipe End 管端 Internal min. 内最小100mm 0~0.5m Pipe Body 管体 Internal 内焊 ≤3.5mm External 外焊缝 ≤3.5mm Radial offset of plate edge 径向错边 ≤1.5mm Squareness 切斜 ≤1.6mm Bevel angle 坡口角度 See item 13 Root face钝边 Weight deviation重量公差 (-3.5%,+10%)           Item 项目 Acceptance Criteria 验收标准 Length 长度 12100mm±50mm,no pipe against each iten is less than 5 meter.For finished helical seam pipe,junctions of coil end welds and helical-seam welds shall be at least 300mm from the pipe ends. 12100mm±50mm,每个项目中钢管长度都不应小于5米。成品螺旋钢管上,钢带对头焊缝和螺旋焊缝的交点距管端至少300mm。 Straightness 直线度 The deviation from a straightness for all pipelines shall less than 0.2% of the pipe length, pipe end 1m local straightness shall be less than 4mm. 每支管直线度小于管长的0.2%,管端1m局部直线度小于4mm。 Hard Spots 硬块 Any hard spot having a minimum dimension greater than 50 mm in any direction and hardness greater than 345 HV10 shall be rejected. 在任意方向的长度大于50mm,且硬度大于345 HV10的硬块不允许存在。 Item 项目 Acceptance Criteria 验收标准 Undercut 咬边 Individual undercut of any length having a maximum depth of 0.4 mm are acceptable. Individual undercut of a maximum length of 0.5t having a maximum depth shall not exceeding 10% of the specified wall thickness are acceptable provided that there are not more than two such undercuts in any 300 mm of the weld length, and all such undercuts should be dressed out. Any undercut exceeding the above limits shall be repaired or the suspect area shall be cut off or the pipe shall be rejected. 允许深度≤0.4mm而长度不限的咬边存在。 最大长度为0.5t,深度不超过规定壁厚的10%的单个咬边允许存在,在任意300mm长度焊缝上这样的咬边不多于两处,且有这样的咬边应修磨。 超过上述规定的任何咬边应予以修补,或将可疑区域切除或拒收。 Laminations 分层 Extended to pipe surface or on the bevel, the delamination or inclusion which circumferential length is larger than 6.4mm are judged as defect and shall be cut until there is no such defect. 扩展到钢管表面或坡口面上,且外观检查周向长度大于6.4mm的任何分层或夹杂应判为缺陷,有上述缺陷的段需切除,直到管端上没有这种分层和夹杂存在为止。 Dent 摔坑 The length of the dent in any direction shall not exceed one-half the diameter of the pipe. The pipe shall contain no dents depth greater than 6.4 mm. All cold-formed dents deeper than 3.2mm with a sharp bottom gouge shall be considered a defect. The gouge shall be removed by grinding. 摔坑在任何方向上的长度不应超过钢管直径的一半。 钢管不得有深度超过6.4mm的摔坑。 所有冷态形成的深度超过3.2mm并带有尖底划伤的摔坑,均应视为缺陷。 划伤部分可用修磨去除。 Other Defects 其他缺陷 The depth≤0.125t and without influence of the min. thickness, shall be accepted. Thedepth>0.125t, and without influence of the min. thickness, shall be judged as defects. 深度≤0.125t,且不影响最小允许壁厚的缺陷,为可接受缺陷。 深度>0.125t,且不影响最小允许壁厚的缺陷,应判定为缺陷。     17.称重测长 Length and Weight Measurement Device 使用称重测长设备自动测量每支钢管重量、长度。 The weight and length of each pipe should be automatically measured with the length and weight measurement device. 18.标记Marking 标记的项目和数字的单位按客户规定,并用白色油漆印在钢管内外表面两端。 Marked item and numeral unit shall meet the requirement of customer and use white paint to mark on both the inside and outside surfaces at the ends of each pipe. 19.色环color band 色环为50mm(宽),距管端228.6mm在钢管两端外表面涂刷。 第一环为黑色,第二环为红色,两个色环彼此相距101.6mm。 The dimension is 50mm (width),the color band shall be painted on both ends on the outside surface of the pipe. The first band shall be black,the second band shall be red.and placed 101.6mm from each other. 20.加坡口保护器 Attaching Bevel Protector 钢管两端应加上如下所示的坡口保护器。 The following bevel protector should be attached to both ends of each pipe. 注释:坡口保护器可能在堆放场地安装。 Note: the beveled pipe-end protector may be installed on the storage field. 21.转运、存储和装卸 Handling, Storage and Loading 在钢管转运、存储和装卸过程中,不得对钢管产生伤害和破损。 铁路运输时符合API RP 5L1《管线管铁路运输推荐作法》,内陆及船运时应符合API RP 5LW《管线管内陆及海上船舶运输推荐作法》。 During handling, storage and loading, the pipe should be free from injured and damaged. Railway transport shall conform to API RP 5L1 Recommended Practice of Railway Transport of Steel Pipes for Pipeline, and inland and marine transport shall conform to API RP 5LW Recommended Practice of Inland and Marine Transport of Steel Pipes for Pipeline. 22.焊接修补Welding Repair 允许对管体进行补焊。 焊缝缺陷可以焊接修补,但必须按以下要求: 每支钢管的补焊总长不超过5%焊缝长度。 焊缝缺陷间隔小于100mm的,应作为一条连续的补焊焊缝。 每次补焊最少应焊两层/两道,补焊长度最小50mm。 修补后,钢管应进行水压试验,补焊区域还需进行超声波和射线抓图检验。 Welding repairs on pipe body are permitted. Defects on weld seam can be repaired by welding, but the following    shall be performed: The total length of repaired zones on each pipe weld is limited to 5% of the total weld length. Weld defects separated by less than 100mm shall be repaired as a continuous single weld repair. Each single repair zone shall be carried out with a minimum of two layers/passes over a minimum length of 50mm. After repair, the total repaired area shall be ultrasonically inspected or radiographically static image inspected. 双面埋弧焊螺旋钢管 试验和检验项目 中英文对照 一、试验和检验项目Test & Inspection Item 1.产品分析:每熔炼炉的钢分析两次(取样位置:钢板或钢管),取自距纵焊缝约1/4a的母材。 2.力学性能试验:拉伸试验和导向弯曲试验的试块和试样的取样位置如下图所示: 1.Product analysis: analysis for two times per heat (sampling location: plate or pipe), and the specimen is taken from the base metal located at about 1/4 thread pitch. 2.Mechanical properties test: for tensile test, Charpy V-notch impact test, DWTT, guided bend test, the sample and specimen are taken at following places: Sample Location 取样位置 Type of Test 试验类型 Number, Orientation and Location of Test Pieces per Sample 各试块试样的数量、方向和位置 Pipe Body 管体 Tensile 拉伸 1T Weld 焊缝 Tensile 拉伸 1W Guided Bend 导向弯曲 2W Coil end weld 钢带对头焊缝 Guided Bend 导向弯曲 2WS       3. 宏观金相和硬度试验。 Macro Metallographic Test and Hardness Test. 维氏硬度的检验点按下图进行: Vickers Hardness Test Points are as below: (as fig. below) 4. 外观检验。 Visual Inspection. 5. 无损检验包括超声检验、X射线检验。 NDT includes UT, X-Ray Test. 二、首日检验 First-Day Production Test 1.首日检验应在正式生产开始之前进行,每种规格、壁厚中选择10根钢管用于生产工艺评定,用于理化试验及无损检测。试验项目如下(具体频次见ITP) First-day production test shall be carried out prior to formal production, 10 pipes of different size and wall thickness should be chose for manufacturing procedure qualification, used for physical and chemical tests and NDT test. And the test items are as following list (refer to ITP for frequency details.): No. 序号 Test 试验项目 1 Product Analysis (sampling location: plate or pipe) 产品分析(取样位置:钢板或钢管) 2 Tensile Test 拉伸试验 3 Guided-Bend Test 导向弯曲试验 4 Macro Metallographic Test and Hardness Test 宏观金相和硬度检验 5 X-Ray Test X射线检验 6 Hydrostatic Test 水压试验 7 Ultrasonic Test 超声波检验 8 Visual Inspection 外观尺寸检验       2.自动焊接工艺评定试验 Automatic Welding Procedure Qualification Test 制造商应在钢带、钢板或钢管上进行焊接工艺鉴定试验,以证明自动焊的可焊性,取自这些焊缝的试样应进行机械性能试验,试验项目如下: In order to proof the weldability of automatic welding, the manufacturer should implement welding procedure qualification test for strip, plate and pipe. These welding seam specimens should be taken for mechanical properties tests which are listed as below: No. 序号 Test 试验项目 1 Welding Seam Tensile Test 焊缝拉伸试验 2 Welding Seam Guided-Bend Test 焊缝导向弯曲试验 3 Macro Metallographic Test and Hardness Test 宏观金相和硬度检验   4 Manually Ultrasonic Test 手动超声波检验         3.手动焊接工艺评定试验 Manually Welding Procedure Qualification Test 制造商应在钢带、钢板或钢管上进行焊接工艺鉴定试验,以证明手动焊的可焊性,取自这些焊缝的试样应进行机械性能试验,试验项目如下: In order to proof the weldability of manually welding, the manufacturer should implement welding procedure qualification test for strip, plate and pipe. These welding seam specimens should be taken mechanical properties tests which are listed as below: No. 序号 Test 试验项目 1 Welding Seam Tensile Test 焊缝拉伸试验 2 Welding Seam Guided-Bend Test 焊缝导向弯曲试验 3 Macro Metallographic Test and Hardness Test 宏观金相和硬度检验 4 Manually Ultrasonic Test 手动超声波检验       4.产品试验Product Test 生产期间,取自钢管的试样,应进行试验,试验项目见以下内容: 试验频次:每炉选一支钢管试验,如果一炉多于200支,则选2支进行试验。 During production, the specimens taken from pipe should be tested as below: Test frequency: 1 pipe per heat, 2 pipes are chose for testing in case of the pipe quantity of one heat is more than 200 pipes. No. 序号 Test 试验项目 1 Product Analysis(sampling location: plate or pipe) 产品分析(取样位置:钢板或钢管) 2 Tensile Test 拉伸试验 3 Guided-Bend Test 导向弯曲试验 4 Macro Metallographic Test and Hardness Test 宏观金相和硬度检验 5 X-Ray Test X射线检验 6 Hydrostatic Test 水压试验 7 Ultrasonic Test 超声波检验 8 Visual Inspection 外观尺寸检验      
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