首页 想成大事的朋友,要学会九种手段,九种能力,九种心态!



想成大事的朋友,要学会九种手段,九种能力,九种心态!想成大事的朋友,要学会九种手段,九种能力,九种心态! 想成大事的朋友,要学会九种手段,九种能力,九种心态~ 一:沉稳 (1)不要随便显露你的情绪。 (2)不要逢人就诉说你的困难和遭遇。 (3)在征询别人的意见之前,自己先思考,但不要先讲。 (4)不要一有机会就唠叨你的不满。 (5)重要的决定尽量有别人商量,最好隔一天再发布。 (6)讲话不要有任何的慌张,走路也是。 二:细心 (1)对身边发生的事情,常思考它们的因果关系。 (2)对做不到位的执行问题,要发掘它们的根本症结。 (3)对习以为常的做事方法...

想成大事的朋友,要学会九种手段,九种能力,九种心态! 想成大事的朋友,要学会九种手段,九种能力,九种心态~ 一:沉稳 (1)不要随便显露你的情绪。 (2)不要逢人就诉说你的困难和遭遇。 (3)在征询别人的意见之前,自己先思考,但不要先讲。 (4)不要一有机会就唠叨你的不满。 (5)重要的决定尽量有别人商量,最好隔一天再发布。 (6)讲话不要有任何的慌张,走路也是。 二:细心 (1)对身边发生的事情,常思考它们的因果关系。 (2)对做不到位的执行问题,要发掘它们的根本症结。 (3)对习以为常的做事方法,要有改进或优化的建议。 (4)做什么事情都要养成有条不紊和井然有序的习惯。 (5)经常去找几个别人看不出来的毛病或弊端。 (6)自己要随时随地对有所不足的地方补位。 三:胆识 (1)不要常用缺乏自信的词句 (2)不要常常反悔,轻易推翻已经决定的事。 (3)在众人争执不休时,不要没有主见。 (4)整体氛围低落时,你要乐观、阳光。 (5)做任何事情都要用心,因为有人在看着你。 (6)事情不顺的时候,歇口气,重新寻找突破口,就结束也要干净利落。 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 四:大度 (1)不要刻意把有可能是伙伴的人变成对手。 (2)对别人的小过失、小错误不要斤斤计较。 (3)在金钱上要大方,学习三施(财施、法施、无畏施) (4)不要有权力的傲慢和知识的偏见。 (5)任何成果和成就都应和别人分享。 (6)必须有人牺牲或奉献的时候,自己走在前面。 五:诚信 (1)做不到的事情不要说,说了就努力做到。 (2)虚的口号或标语不要常挂嘴上。 (3)针对客户提出的“不诚信"问题,拿出改善的方法。 (4)停止一切“不道德"的手段。 (5)耍弄小聪明,要不得~ (6)计算一下产品或服务的诚信代价,那就是品牌成本。 六:担当 (1)检讨任何过失的时候,先从自身或自己人开始反省。 (2)事项结束后,先审查过错,再列述功劳。 (3)认错从上级开始, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 功从下级启动 (4)着手一个计划,先将权责界定清楚,而且分配得当。 (5)对“怕事"的人或组织要挑明了说。 (6)因为勇于承担责任所造成的损失,公司应该承担 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 成大事的九种手段: 1、敢于决断,,克服犹豫不定的习性 很多人之所以一事无成,最大的毛病就是缺乏敢于决断的手段,总是左顾右盼、思前想后,从而错失成功的最佳时机。成大事者在看到事情的成功可能性到来时,敢于做出重大决断,因此取得先机。 2、挑战弱点,,彻底改变自己的缺陷 人人都有弱点,不能成大事者总是固守自己的弱点,一生都不会发生重大转变;能成大事者总是善于从自己的弱点上开刀,去把自己变成一个能力超强的人。一个连自己的缺陷都不能纠正的人,只能是失败者~ 3、突破困境,,从失败中撮成功的资本 人生总要面临各种困境的挑战,甚至可以说困境就是“鬼门关”。一般人会在困境面前浑身发抖,而成大事者则能把困境变为成功的有力跳板。 4、抓住机遇,,善于选择、善于创造 机遇就是人生最大的财富。有些人浪费机遇轻而易举,所以一个个有巨大潜力的机遇都悄然溜跑,成大事都是绝对不允许溜走,并且能纵身扑向机遇。 5、发挥强项,,做自己最擅长的事情 一个能力极弱的人肯定难以打开人生局面,他必定是人生舞台上重量级选手的牺牲品;成大事者关于在自己要做的事情上,充分施展才智,一步一步地拓宽成功之路。 6、调整心态,,切忌让情绪伤害自己 心态消极的人,无论如何都挑不起生活和重担,因为他们无法直面一个个人生挫折,成大事者则关于高速心态,即使在毫无希望时,也能看到一线成功的亮光。 7、立即行动,,只说不做,徒劳无益 一次行动胜过百遍心想。有些人是“语言的巨人,行动的矮子”,所以看不到更为实际现实的事情在他身上发生;成大事者是每天都靠行动来落实自己的人生计划的。 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 8、善于交往,,巧妙利用人力资源 一个人懂得交往,必然会是推动人际关系的力量。成大事者的特点之一是:善于靠借力、借热去营造成功的局势,从而能把一件件难以办成的事办成,实现自己人生的规划。 9、重新规划,,站到更高的起点上 人生是一个过程,成功也是一个过程。你如果满足于小成功,就会推动大成功。成大事者懂得从小到大的艰辛过程,所以在实现了一个个小成功之后,能继续拆开下一个人生的“密封袋”。 可以讲任何一种手段,都可以导致一种结果,但这个结果是不是最佳的结果,恐怕就很难说了。成大事者总是选择最佳的手段,达到最完善的结果,这就是非一般人所能做到的。因此在成功之路上,你要想成大事,首先要解决的问题就是:你的手段对你推动成功的计划是否立竿见影~ poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 成大事必备九种能力: 挑战生存的能力:善于在现实中寻找答 案 1、 摆正心态,敢于面对现实 对于那些不停地抱怨现实恶劣的人来说,不能称心如意的现实,就如同生活的牢笼,既束缚手脚,又束缚身心,因此常屈从于现实的压力,成为懦弱者;而那些真正成大事的人,则敢于挑战现实,在现实中磨炼自己的生存能力,这就叫强者~ 在此,我们可以得出一条成大事的经验:适应现实的变化而迅速改变自己的观念,最重要的是需要我们有一副聪慧的头脑和灵活的眼睛,做生活的有心人。 在现实的压力之下,如果你能改变观念,适时而进,可收到事半功倍的效果。 我们的自下而上须臾离不开现实,随着现实的变化,我们必须随之调整自己的观念、思想、行动及目标。这是生存的必须。 如果我们有办法来改变现实,使之适合我们能力和欲望的发展需要,则是最难能可贵的。 2、 让你拥有过硬的自制能力 自制,就是要克服欲望,不要因为有点压力就心里浮躁,遇到一点不称心的事就大发脾气。 一个人除非先控制了自己,否则将无法控制别人。 一个人只要有成大事的目标,知道自己想要的,然后采取行动,告诉自己绝对不要放弃,成功只是时间早晚而已。 假使你在途中遇上了麻烦或阻碍,你就去面对它、解决它、然后再继续前进,这样问题才不会愈积愈多。 你在一步步向上爬时,千万别对自己说“不”,因为“不”也许导致你决心的动摇,放弃你的目标,从而前功尽弃。 人最难战胜的是自己,这话的含义是说,一个人成功的最大障碍不是来自于外界是,而是自身。只有控制住poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 自己,才能控制住压力,让压力在你面前屈服。 3、 把情感装入理性之盒 一种抵触情绪的产生往往是潜移默化的,但它对人一生的影响却是巨大的,这种影响从诸多小事上体现出来。我们应尽量消除自己的不良情绪、因为它不仅会给我们造成身心上的伤害,而且在我们通往成功的路途上,不良情绪有时会成为绊脚石。 为了你的成功,你必须把情感装入理性之盒,你必须去适应别人,适应形势,不然的话,你注定成不了大事,注定会被淘汰。 4、独处可以激发思考的力量 如果你知道怎么独处的话,成大事者都是善于独处的人,,在独处的过程中激发思考的力量。 自卑可以像一座大山把人压倒并让你永远沉默,也可以像推进器产生强大的动力。 比别人先走一步,能创造一种成功的心境。 在独处时,你应当有所思考,不要总人浮于事。 5、压力是最好的推动力 欲成大事者,因目标高远,压力可能会更大。但若欲成大事,就必须能承受这种压力,把压力当成推进人生的动力。 人们最出色的工作往往是在外于逆境的情况下做出的。人要有所为就要有所不为。应做的一定要做好,不该做的坚决不做。 得到的并不一定就值得庆幸,失去的也并不完全是坏事情。 6、以变应变,才有出路 顺应时势,善于变化,及时调整自己的行动 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,这是成大事者适应现实的一种方法。 一个人如果没有和人打交道的高超技巧,没有把各种情况都考虑周全的头脑,灵活应变的手段,就根本无法驾驭大的局面,将很难成大事。 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 一个人能看清自己的现状,心态就会平衡许多,就能以一种客观的眼光去看待,认识这个世界,并且相应地调整自己的行为。 7、自信心是人生的坚强支柱 自信心充足者的适应能力就高,反之则适应能力较低。 一般信心不足较严重的人常有一些身心症状,比如孤僻,害怕与人交往,说话过于偏激,悲观失望。 如果做事成功的经验越多,那么自信心就越强。 自我成功锻炼的机会越少,自信心就越弱,以致产生严重的自卑情绪。 十九世纪的思想家爱默生说:“相信自己‘能’,便会攻无不克。”拿破仑说:“在我的字典里没有不可能。” 8、把精力投入到自己的强项上 大多数人的生活层次只停留在:为吃饭而吃、为搭公车而搭、为工作而工作、为了回家而回家。 成大事者与不成大事者只差别在一些小小的动作:每天花5分钟阅读、多打一个电话、多努力一点、在适当时机的一个表示、表演上多费一点心思、多做一些研究,或在实验室中多试验一次。 在行动之前你自己就知道你是否足以胜任这一个任务。 没有任何借口可以解释你为会么长时间仍然无法胜任一项工作。 不论你想追求的是什么,你必须强迫自己增强能力以实现目标。 勤加练习、勤加练习、最后还是勤加练习~决不放弃学习,而且一定要将学到的知识运用于日常生活中。 9、要专心地做好一件事 如果大多数人集中精力专注于一项工作,他们都能把这项工作做得很好。 最成大事者的商人是能够迅速而果断作出决定的人,他们总是首先确定一个明确的目标,并集中精力,专心致志地朝这个目标努力。 一次只专心地做一件事,全身心地投入并积极地希望它成功,这样你的心里就不会感到筋疲力尽。 把你需要做的事想象成是一大排抽屉中的一个小抽屉。不要总想着所有的抽屉,而要将精力集中于你已经打poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 开的那个抽屉。每个人做人办事的手段都是不一样的,可以讲,一个人就有一种手段,一个人就有一种靠自己手段获得成功的途径。无数事实表明,有些人就是太过于自信,想念自己确认的手段能够解决任何问题,但不知道这种往往是起不到任何作用。因此,他们总觉得离成功的目标不是越来越近,而实际上越来越远。 成大事必备的9种心态: 心态之一:积极向上 1.时刻想着出人头地 2.做“小人物”时要向“大人物”看齐 3.惟有进取心,才能成大事 4.摒弃逆境的干扰,寻找向上的根源 5.放弃也是一种成功的开始 6.在平凡中做不平凡的事 7.保持年轻的心态很重要 8.永远积极、主动、热忱 心态之二:勤勉谦恭 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 1.壮志凌云地想,脚踏实地地干 2.勤敬产业,谦恭做人 3.勤勉高于天赋 4.勤奋造就成功,懒惰摧毁天才 5.养成勤奋的习惯会终生受益 6.有一份耕耘,就有一份收获 7.恒心与支持能“点石成金” 8.莫道君行早,更有早行人 心态之三:诚实守信 1.诚实是一种源自自身的本质 2.诚实守信才是大赢家 3.以诚信奠定成功基业 4.真诚的友谊会使你的事业更发达 5.做人要有正直的品行 6.诚实守信是成大事的“信用卡” 7.要成大事,择友不可草率 8.以真诚待人,用热忱做事 心态之四:敢于挑战 1.敢于挑战自我,克服贬低心理 2.挑战无极限 3.坚持到底造靠勇气,半途而废是懦夫 4.用于挑战激起成大事的信心 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 5.勇气是战胜困难的良方 6.胜人者力,自胜者强 7.毅力与恒心是成大事的基本功 8.坚持不懈成大事,浅尝辄止无出路 心态之五:善于合作 心态之六:知足平衡 心态之七:乐观豁达 心态之八:宽厚容人 心态之九:永远自信 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the
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