首页 药品购进管理制度



药品购进管理制度药品购进管理制度 1、目的:为加强药品购进环节的管理,保证经营合法、药品合格,制定本制度。 2、依据:《药品经营质量管理规范》。 3、范围:适用于本药店购进药品的质量管理。 4、职责人:药品购进人员 5、内容: 5(1、根据“按需购进、择优选购、质量第一”的原则, 严格执行药品购进程序,确保购进药品的合法性。 5(2、认真审查供货单位的法定资格、经营范围和质量信誉,考察其履行合同的能力,必要时会同质量负责人对其进行现场调查认证,签订质量保证协议,协议书应注明购销双方质量责任,并明确有效期。 5(3、...

药品购进 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 1、目的:为加强药品购进环节的管理,保证经营合法、药品合格,制定本制度。 2、依据:《药品经营质量管理规范》。 3、范围:适用于本药店购进药品的质量管理。 4、职责人:药品购进人员 5、内容: 5(1、根据“按需购进、择优选购、质量第一”的原则, 严格执行药品购进程序,确保购进药品的合法性。 5(2、认真审查供货单位的法定资格、经营范围和质量信誉,考察其履行 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 的能力,必要时会同质量负责人对其进行现场调查认证,签订质量保证 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ,协议书应注明购销双方质量责任,并明确有效期。 5(3、采购药品应签订 采购合同 采购合同下载采购合同模板下载简易采购合同下载采购合同范本免费下载下载农副产品采购合同 ,明确质量条款。加强合同管理,建立合同档案。 5(4、配合质量负责人做好首营药店和首营品种的审核工作执行《首营药店和首营品种审核制度》。 5(5、分析销售,合理调整库存,优化药品结构。 5(6、每年定期会同质量负责人对购进药品的质量情况进行汇总分析评审。 5(7、购进药品应有合法票据,按规定做好购进记录,做到票、帐、货相符。 药品养护管理制度 1、目的:为规范药品养护环节的管理,保证陈列、储存药品质量,特制定本制度。 2、依据:《药品经营质量管理规范》。 3、范围:适用于本药店陈列、储存药品的质量管理。 4、职责人:药品养护人员 5、内容: 5.1、坚持预防为主、消除隐患的原则,开展药品养护工作,防止药品变质失效,确保陈列药品的安全有效。 5.2、质量负责人负责对养护工作的技术指导和监督,处理药品养护工作中的质量问题。 5.3、养护人员每日上、下午定时各一次对温湿度进行记录。 5.4、作好药品效期管理工作,三月内近效期药品按月填写效期催报表。 5.5、对不合格药品进行有效控制,不合格药品必须存入不合格药品专区,作出明显标志。 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 5.6、负责对保管、养护仪器设备的管理、维护工作,建立仪器设备管理档案,确保正常运行、使用。 5.7、养护检查中发现质量有问题的药品,应及时向质量负责人报告。 5.8、及时分析养护信息,并上报质量负责人。 药品处方调配制度 1(目的: 认真贯彻执行药品分类管理的规定,严格控制处方药的销售管理,规范药品处方调配操作,确保销售药品的安全、有效、正确、合理,特制定本制度。 2(依据:《药品经营质量管理规范》。 3.范围: 处方药的调配。 4(责任人: 处方审核人员 5(内容 5.1处方调剂人员必须经专业或岗位培训,考试合格并取得职业资格证书后方可上岗。 5.2审方人员应由具有执业药师或从业药师以上技术职称的人员担任。 5.3审方人员收到处方后,认真审查处方的姓名、年龄、性别、药品剂量及处方医师签章,如有药品名称书写不清,超剂量等情况,就向顾客说明情况,经处方医师更正重新签章后方可配方,否则拒绝调剂。 5.4对处方所列药品不得擅自更改或代用。 5.5特殊管理药品的调节器具必须严格执行有关特殊管理药品的管理规定,凡不合乎规定者不得调配。 5.6调配处方时,应按处方依次进行,调配完毕,经核对无误后,调配及核对人均应签章,再投药给顾客。 药品不良反应报告制度 1、目的:加强对本药店所经营药品的安全监管,严格药品不良反应监测工作的管理,确保人体用药安全有效。 2、依据:《药品经营质量管理规范》。 3、适用范围:本规定适用于本药店药品不良反应监测工作的管理。 4、责任人:药品质量管理负责人 5、内容: 5.1药品不良反应是指合格药品在正常用法用量下出现的与用药目的无关的或意外的有害反应。 5.2药品质量负责人负责本单位使用药品的不良反应报告和监测工作。 5.3发现可能与用药有关的不良反应应详细记录、调查、分析、评价、处理,并of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 填写《药品不良反应/事件报告表》,每季度集中向省药品不良反应监测中心报告,其中新的或严重的药品不良反应应于发现之日起15日内报告,死亡病例须及时报告。 5.4应经常对本单位使用的药品所发生的不良反应进行分析、评价,并应采取有效措施减少和防止药品不良反应的重复发生。 5.5对在本单位发生的药品不良反应未按规定报告的违规行为,由食品药品监督管理部门移交同级卫生主管部门进行处理 药品销售管理制度 1(目的: 规范门店的药品销售过程,保证售出药品质量,保证顾客用药安全有效。 2. 依据:《药品销售管理制度》 3(范围: 药品的销售 4(责任人: 驻店药师、营业员 5.内容 5.1凡从事药品零售工作的营业员,上岗前必须经过业务培训考核合格,同时对与药品直接接触的工作人员要进行健康检查,取得健康证后方可上岗工作。 5.2认真执行价格政策,做到药品标价签齐全,填写准确、规范。 5.3营业员要正确介绍药品,不得虚假夸大和误导消费者。 5.4营业员根据顾客所购药品的名称、规格、数量、价格核对无误后,将药品交与顾客。 5.5销售药品时,处方必须经驻店药师审核签章后,方可调配和出售。无医师开具的处方,不得销售处方药。 5.6做好各项台帐记录,字迹端正、准确、记录及时。 5.7药品销售不得采用有奖销售,附赠药品或礼品等销售方式。 药品陈列管理制度 1(目的: 明确药品陈列要求,规范药品分类摆放。 2. 依据:《药品经营质量管理规范》。 3(范围: 药品的陈列管理。 4(责任人: 质量管理员、营业员。 5(内容 5.1在零售店堂内陈列药品的质量和包装符合规定。质量不合格药品,超过有效期的药品,不得陈列。 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 5.2零售药品应严格按药品的分类原则,按剂型或用途以及储存要求进行陈列,摆放应做到: 5.2.1药品与非药品必须分开,非药品设专柜陈列; 5.2.2内服药与外用药分开摆放,分柜陈列; 5.2.3易串味的药品与一般药品分开摆放; 5.2.4药品名称相近容易混淆的药品分开摆放; 5.2.5处方药与非处方药应分柜摆放,并有警示语,非处方药的货柜上应有醒目的专有标识; 5.2.6对要求低温贮藏的药品应陈列摆放具有可视条件的冷藏柜中。 5.3危险品不应陈列,如因需要必须陈列时,只能陈列代用品或空包装。 54药品陈列整齐,美观,类别标签放置准确,字迹清晰。 5.5药品陈列前,应按批号顺序摆放,掌握先进先出的原则。 药品验收管理制度 1、目的:为把好进入药店药品质量关,保证购进药品数量准确、质量完好,防止不合格药品和假劣药品进入本药店,制定本制度。 2、依据:《药品经营质量管理规范》 3、范围:适用于药店所购进和销后退回药品的验收工作。 4、职责人:药品验收员 5、内容: 5.1药品验收必须按照验收程序,由验收员依照药品的法定 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、购进合同所规定的质量条款,对购进药品和销后退回药品进行逐批验收。 5.2药品质量验收包括药品外观性状的检查和药品包装、标签、说明书及标识的检查。 5.3药品验收应按规定比例抽取样品(贵重药品应逐件取样)。所抽取的样品必须具有代表性。验收完毕后应尽量恢复原状。 5.4验收首营品种应有生产药店该批药品质量检验合格报告书。 5.5药品验收必须有验收记录。验收记录必须做到项目齐全、内容真实、填写规范、准确无误。并按规定期限保存。 5.6验收员对购进手续不清或资料不全的药品,不得验收。 5.7验收中发现质量有疑问的药品,应及时报质量负责人复查处理。 服务质量管理制度 1、目的:规范本药店的经营行为,为消费者提供优质服务 2、依据:《药品经营质量管理规范》 3、适用范围:本制度适用于本药店服务质量管理。 4、责任:全体人员。 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 5、内容: 5.1工作人员在营业时间内应佩带胸卡,主动热情,文明用语,站立服务。 5.2营业员上岗时,应讲普通话,不准同顾客吵架,嘲弄顾客,不得谈笑。 5.3对用户正确介绍药品的性能、用途、用法、用量、禁忌、和注意事项,不得虚假夸大和误导消费者。 5.4营业场所设立咨询台,为消费者提供用药咨询和指导,指导顾客安全、合理用药。 5.5设置顾客意见薄、缺药登记薄,明示服务公约,公布监督电话。 5.6认真接待顾客投诉,并及时处理。 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the
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