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英语评课用语锦集英语评课用语锦集 牛津小学英语4B Unit6 Let’s go by taxi评课稿 常熟市王庄中心小学 周清 俞琳老师执教的这堂课的思路非常清晰,教师的基本功扎实,课前准备得也相当充分,教师的语音清晰、语调得当,在语感上非常好;另外教师的表情亲切,教态良好,有亲和力。 从Free talk复习了师生问好等内容,然后根据儿童的年龄特征从春天来了,引导学生选择交通工具到北京旅游,自然引出How do we go there ? Is this train for Beijing? 整个课堂教学流畅,环环相...

英语评课用语锦集 牛津小学英语4B Unit6 Let’s go by taxi评课稿 常熟市王庄中心小学 周清 俞琳老师执教的这堂课的思路非常清晰,教师的基本功扎实,课前准备得也相当充分,教师的语音清晰、语调得当,在语感上非常好;另外教师的表情亲切,教态良好,有亲和力。 从Free talk复习了师生问好等内容,然后根据儿童的年龄特征从春天来了,引导学生选择交通工具到北京旅游,自然引出How do we go there ? Is this train for Beijing? 整个课堂教学流畅,环环相扣,气氛活跃,能使学生比较熟练地掌握本节课的内容,达到预期的教学目的。 教师在课前对教材进行了合理的分割,本课内容适中,难易程度相当,学生在课堂上与教师能够很好地互动。教学思路也很清晰,学生学得很容易,自然本堂课气氛就活跃很多。成功的创设情境也是本课的一个亮点。如出示train, station 没票引出去by plane, 同时,进行了大量的操练,操练的形式也非常丰富多样,有小组间读,小组成员开火车读,同桌间的操练等,操练的很到位。让学生主动参与到活动中来,体现出老师只是处于指导地位的,学生才是学习的主体,符合新的教学理念,值得我学习。 对于小学中年级的英语教学,着重培养学生拼写单词的能力。教师不仅教知识,更重要的是教授学习 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。如在教授完单词plane minibus train教师 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 游戏look and guess, 通过游戏发挥学生的积极性,使学生主动参与到学习活动中,与老师互动,也是给教师良好的教学反馈,在游戏中,巩固单词,避免了枯燥单调的操练,学生乐于学,教学效果自然提高。 另一方面,人无完人,课无完课,我觉得唐老师的这节课在重点单词的操练上再可以多花些时间或者索性少教几个单词,以便学生掌握得更到位。另外细节方面也可以再简洁些。 瑕不掩瑜,唐老师的这节课是成功的。有很多值得我学习的地方,希望在以后的教学工作中,能够互相学习,共同提高。 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 英语评课用语锦集 根据学生的年龄特征和本课的特点,从培养学生的语言能力入手,鼓励学生用学过的句型学会询问朋友,家庭成员及老师的一些情况,用游戏,介绍,问与答等多种活动激发学习积极性,通过层层深入的学习活动,帮助学生调用原有的知识,培养学生的思维与使用英语的能力. 教师在设计这堂课时,从叫学生上台来叙述,问答开始就为新课的导人打好基础,到最后的巩固都作了精心的设计,紧紧围绕教学目标一般现在时的句型而展开.大多数学生在教师精心设计的一层进一层的教学活动中,以极大的热情和兴趣参与。新课导入将学生的心理活动引入到一个新的知识情境——Children‘s Day,让学生对所要学习的知识产生认识上的需要。学生欣赏着生动的电脑画面,听着优美动听的歌曲,以无比喜悦的心情进入英语课堂,促使学生积极主动地进入学习状态。通过Free Talk贴近生活,让学生产生共鸣。注意衔接,善于质疑。开头复习了已学过的各种节日,然后利用黄金时间马上进行主要知识的学习,紧扣本节课的重点—Festivals,新旧知识衔接自然。依靠多媒体技术,整合教学资源。课堂设计新颖,任务性强。李 老师在组织学生练习句型what do you do at Easter,创造性地设计了一个贴近学生实际的教学活动-——“做一做,玩一玩,说一说”。吸引和组织他们积极参与。老师将学生们分成若干组,提前为各组准备了一乒乓球(当作蛋)和大量彩笔,让学生一起合作画出自己的巧克力蛋,各组把画好的巧克力蛋交给老师。 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 李老师教学基本功扎实,能够正确使用英语进行教学,语言清晰,表达准确。教学态度真诚,师生关系融洽。在教学内容方面,也比较丰富,尝试以学生为主体,寓学于乐。有自己的独到之处,让学生或老师们记忆深刻,久久不忘。1、新旧知识衔接的同时应该揭示课题。2、教师应加强对重点词和重点句的阅读。3、课堂教学缺少学生操作性活动,没有面向全体学生。4、信息量大,重点内容的教学相对贫乏。教师应该善于发挥主导作用,使教学引人入胜,轻松自如,调动起学生的学习积极性,从而使学生学得津津有味。5、板书重点不突出,知识点不明确。一堂课板书的内容是突出教学重点,与整堂课中教师的讲授,练习等有机结合,相互衔接,教师应该把重点内容板书在黑板上,让学生一目了然,清晰构建知积要点。6、课堂设计应力求简洁,避免重复。总之,无论从网络课的创新,从任务型教学的设计,还是从临场应付能力的实际操作,整堂课都值得研究与借鉴。 张老师上课的语气和语调值得我们学习,课堂设计很紧凑,每个环节都能抓住学生的兴趣。在导入部分聊天时可以以自我介绍的方式与爱丽丝聊,然后带来新朋友,再让学生聊,就减轻语言困难。课堂上举例子的影片可以在课前与学生交流,有意识引导,再在课堂上应用,效果会更好。张老师在语言表达,语调控制,课堂组织上的表现极其出色,值得我们学习。这节课教学目标达成,教学效果很好,学生和听课老师都跟着教学思路,学到了东西。由于张老师与学生没Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 有时间接触,学生对软件操作生疏,再有时间的原因,人工智能尝试的环节未能深入,我想这部分内容可以缩减,作为课后尝试。 我觉得这节课非常的难上,学生对课题的接触面很少。开头与机器人聊天兴致很高,但由于英语程度不够,后面就兴趣不大。学生对图灵测试不能很好的理解,这部分内容可以让学生通过网络搜索,然后讨论过后,再讲解效果会好些。游戏能够进入课堂,我感觉很好,以后我们在Flash教学中也可以加入游戏内容。但是由于时间问题,学生不能尽兴,没有深入,课堂容量也偏大了些。这节课的容量很大,对初一的学生来说,软件安装使用的能力不够。对于人工智能的应用,还可以举比如自动存取款机,家用电器设置等贴近生活的例子。本课是实践性很强的课,与理论如何更好的结合,让学生主动参与,激发学生的兴趣是我们思考的方向。这样的课,我们要注重培养学生的思想意识和创造性。我觉得导入很好,学生的英语程度应该是可以的,也能够与机器人进行交流。图灵测试的讲解至少能让学生记住它。这堂课能够激发学生的兴趣,并能让学生始终保持这种兴趣。我想,学生对课堂的兴趣是非常重要的。本课准备得很精心,语言表达和课程设计都很出色。课堂容量大,结构紧凑,达成教学目标。导入部分非常好,能激发学生兴趣,也紧扣本课主题课堂组织有条理,思路清晰,语言自然,让人有如沐春风的感觉。总的来说,这节课不虚此行。 今天的展示活动王老师又带给我们一节牛津小学英语5A Unit3 《At a Music lesson》。 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 1.王老师做到了“适时迁移”。她先让学生根据书本上的课文回答 “What are they doing?”( They are having a music lesson)后立即迁移,让学生回答“What are we doing?”,学生能灵活变通回答出:“We are having an English lesson。”这样的迁移能帮助学生真正掌握所学句型。 2.王老师的这堂课师生互动多,课堂气氛活跃。这堂课上我看到了王老师的 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 上有不少要学生到文中找 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 回答的问句;课堂上我看到了四人小组的合作练习;课堂上我看到了小组起立分角色朗读;课堂上我看到了全班分成四大组的分角色朗读。 3.课堂结构完整,环环相扣,重难点突出。整堂课给人的感觉是流畅的,从检查预习,到新授,到分组朗读,再到动笔练习,是清晰自然、一环扣一环的。 王文文老师利用课文图片,以及围绕每个段落的几个主要的问题来组织课文教学,教学层次非常清晰,对学生整体的理解课文有较大的帮助。由于在重难点突破部分已经对其中一些难点进行了分解,所以A部分课文对学生来讲是比较简单的。课上得很成功~ 听完课后,给我最大的感触是A部分课文的教学上。首先我们应明确教材各版块的要求。A部分课文教学目的是要学生学会说话“Learn to say”,也就是学会表达。在A部分课文教学上,我们应该先思考这个版块的功能性,而不是考虑什么句子是重点。结合我自Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 己多年的英语教学,在A部分的课文教学中,总是会先思考哪些是重点句型,哪些是要学生掌握的,而忽略了它的功能性。A部分的课文教学就是要让学生学会说,学会交流。通过今天的听课,我也 反思 小班合家欢主题反思小班合家欢主题审议反思小班合家欢反思恩怨历尽后的反思下载恩怨历尽后的反思下载 了我曾经的英语教学。现在A部分课文作为第一课时教授,在以前的教学中,我总是担心学生可能掌握不了,总想什么都让学生掌握。总觉得A部分教学内容多。现在我觉得,我们应该相信学生的能力,相信自己。也许今天做不了,学生可能达不到预期的效果,但是如果我们一直能坚持把自己的课好好设计,慢慢的,学生的能力会有所提高的。 牛津小学英语6A Unit3 It was there评课稿 薛清老师执教的这堂课的思路非常清晰,教师的基本功扎实,课前准备得也相当充分,教师的语音清晰、语调得当,在语感上非常好;另外教师的表情亲切,教态良好,有亲和力。从Free talk中复习了前两个单元所学习的内容然后自然导入本课的课题,由询问生日这一旧知着手,引入新知was\ were及句型的教学,从视觉方面着手,利用照片刺激学生的感官。根据心理学研究,人对初次接触的材料具有很深的印象。所以使得整个课堂教学流畅,气氛活跃,能使学生比较熟练地掌握本节课的内容,达到预期的教学目的。教师在课前对教材进行了合理的分割,本课内容适中,难易程度相当,学生在课堂上与教师能够很好地互动。教学思路也很清晰,学生学得很容易,自然本堂课气氛就活跃很多。成功的创设情境也是本课的一个亮点。如开始用多媒体出示照片,从照片与现实的对比,引入新句型I was in „ Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis in this photo .But I am in „ now,并让学生展示自己的照片,学生之间相互操练。然后通过新句型引出新单词。其次,因为本课的新授单词都是物品类的,所以薛老师就通过介绍生日礼物的方式,用实物和图片结合新句型,逐一介绍。同时,进行了大量的操练,操练的形式也非常丰富多样,有小组间读,小组成员开火车读,同桌间的操练等,操练的很到位。让学生主动参与到活动中来,体现出老师只是处于指导地位的,学生才是学习的主体,符合新的教学理念,值得我学习。 对于小学高年级的英语教学,着重培养学生自主学习的能力。教师不仅教知识,更重要的是教授学习方法。如在教授单词Walkman和CD Walkman时,用走路时要听音乐时需要随身听和CD机,来解释Walkman/CD Walkman,学生很容易理解。再来从telephone ,mobile phone 和earphone的对比来学习这几个单词,让学生区别记忆,又有相似联想。最后还有glass-glasses-a pair of glasses逐步加深,便于学生记忆。教师还设置了游戏Listen and do和Look and guess,通过游戏发挥学生的积极性,使学生主动参与到学习活动中,与老师互动,也是给教师良好的教学反馈,在游戏中,巩固句型和单词,避免了枯燥单调的操练,学生乐于学,教学效果自然提高。另一方面,人无完人,课无完课,我觉得薛老师的这节课的板书上,课题、以及重点句型未出现。时间把握不太到位,细节可以简洁些。瑕不掩瑜,薛老师的这节课是成功的。有很多值得我学习的地方,希望在以后的教学工作中,能够互相学习,共同提高。 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 牛津小学英语6AU5 On the farm Part A评课稿 《6AU5 On the farm Part A》是高年级的一篇阅读教学,主要通过Nancy和Helen谈论国庆期间所做的事情,描述农场生活,全文共有150个单词,19个生词,7个新短语,一个新的语法点:行为动词的一般过去时。 这是一节有理念、有创意、操作性强、务实的高年级语篇阅读教学课。整个教学过程充分地体现了小学高年级整体阅读的思想,注重从学生的兴趣、经验、认读能力出发,整合多种媒体,实现较好的语境设计。充分发挥学生的主体作用,关注所有学习者的情感,激励学生积极动手、动耳、动口、动脑。 pick oranges, milk cows, collect eggs, pull up carrots等活动离孩子们的实际生活都非常遥远,学生不具备足够的背景知识。尤老师在教学词句时创设情景,使得课堂活泼有趣。老师一上课就和学生一起做TPR的游戏Follow me,操练的短语有:play the piano, clean the window, wash clothes, surf the Internet, listen, sit down.该游戏拉近了教师和学生之间的距离,让学生的思维进入英语状态,紧接着将本课新的教学内容嵌于其中,借助图片和动词,短语pick oranges, milk cows, collect eggs, pull up carrots在游戏的氛围中不知不觉的学完了,还将其编成语言节奏鲜明、英语气氛活跃、符合学生年龄特点的Rhyme。通过身体语言、图片展现饶有趣味地操练着新短语,学生对其音、形、义掌握得轻松自如。 教材内容是介绍农场生活,这样的生活离孩子们比较远。笔者借助图片创设在农场的情景,利用本册教材第三单元学生已经学过的表Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 示过去的时间短语just now和a moment ago,引出新授句型和动词短语的过去式,然后借助看指令做动作的游戏操练句型What (else)did you do just now/a moment ago?的问答,并通过第四个学生的动作I listened to Nancy and Helen.引出课文,过渡自然,水到渠成。 在课文的教学过程中,以读为主,读透教材。老师采用任务型的教学方法,从听、说、读、写四个方面加强对学生的技能训练,以培养学生的综合语言运用的能力,且循序渐进,逐步提高。 第一步:初听感知。听力作为阅读能力培养的前期训练要点,对阅读能力有非常强的促进作用。第一遍,教者首先让学生不看任何材料,初听感知阅读材料,训练听力,并回答What did they do on the National Day holiday?为了降低难度,此处用选择的形式出现,便于学生抓住大意。 第二步:自读课文,思考归纳。在学生对课文大体感知的基础上,结合学生的实际情况,通过教学重点培养学生寻读的能力,就是让学生带有明确的目的性,有针对地寻找问题的答案。在学生阅读之前提出问题,要求他们捕捉文章主要的信息:Who watched a film? Who visited a farm? 同时在阅读课文的过程中划出动词,引导学生发现本课的动词跟以往有什么不同,并思考原因,目的是让学生自己发现过去式,培养学生的观察能力和深层次的思考能力,也增强学生对文章的理解和语感。读后讨论时引导学生自己归纳出一般动词过去式的形式和何时使用过去时。 第三步:再读课文,读写结合。本课新的词汇比较多,并且主要Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 话题On the farm离学生的生活实际比较远,教者将最关键的问题What did they do on the farm/on Monday/Tuesday,放在再读课文的环节中,在读课文的过程中理解生词taste,小组讨论交流并完成表格,教师在此提醒学生填表时注意动词过去式的形式,读、写、说相结合。 第四步:练习巩固,内化语言。在学生阅读后,笔者设计一些巩固练习题,判断并回答,检查学生的理解情况。 第五步:跟读课文,模仿正确的语音语调。 第六步:复述课文,有助于对阅读材料的深层理解,也可以提高学生的口头表达能力,同时也是在培养学生善于积累的习惯。 整节课的教学中始终体现“学为主体,教为主导,练为主线”的教学原则,坚持听、说、读、写全面训练。学生活动安排有层次,结构设计合理,训练内容有梯度。正是有了这一步步的活动设计、层层的训练,才能让学生扎扎实实地学会阅读,符合学习者的认知规律,并启发学生感受并充分运用语言,真正做到学以致用。 牛津小学英语 5A unit 8评课稿 李老师讲授的是5A第八单元第二教时。既注重新旧知识的联系,又注重理论与实际的巧合。是一堂信息技术与学科整合课。纵观整节课的教学具有如下特点: 一、教学特色 1、教学创情景,激励促参与 。新课导入将学生的心理活动引入到一个新的知识情境——Children’s Day,让学生对所要学习的知识产Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 生认识上的需要。学生欣赏着生动的电脑画面,听着优美动听的歌曲, 以无比喜悦的心情进入英语课堂,促使学生积极主动地进入学习状 态。通过Free Talk贴近生活,让学生产生共鸣。如:Can you tell me all kinds of festivals?关注着每位学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣, 帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心 2、注意衔接,善于质疑。开头复习了已学过的各种节日,然后 利用黄金时间马上进行主要知识的学习,紧扣本节课的重点— Festivals,新旧知识衔接自然。 李 老师利用多媒体look,listen and say.Ask:When’s„?what do you do at„?which month do you like?不断 质疑,学生边看图边回答,既学习了新知识,又巩固了旧知识。 3、依靠多媒体技术,整合教学资源。充分运用电脑及网络资源, 开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生学习渠道,改进。 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis
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