首页 CA6140普通车床数控化改造论文



CA6140普通车床数控化改造论文CA6140普通车床数控化改造论文 CA6140普通车床的数控技术改造(电气部分) 摘要:文章针对现有常规CA6140普通车床的缺点提出了数控改造方案和微 机数控系统设计提高加工精度和扩大机床使用范围,并提高生产率。本论文说明 了普通车床的数控化改造的设计过程,简单介绍了机械部分的改造,包括机械传 动系统中主传动系统、主轴编码器和进给传动系统的改造。较详尽地阐述了西门 子802S数控系统的组成,介绍了通过利用西门子802S系统对微机数控部分进行 设计改造,主要包括数控系统的选择、机床纵、横向进给传动系统设计计算...

CA6140普通车床数控化改造论文 CA6140普通车床的数控技术改造(电气部分) 摘要:文章针对现有常规CA6140普通车床的缺点提出了数控改造 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 和微 机数控系统 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 提高加工精度和扩大机床使用范围,并提高生产率。本论文说明 了普通车床的数控化改造的设计过程,简单介绍了机械部分的改造,包括机械传 动系统中主传动系统、主轴编码器和进给传动系统的改造。较详尽地阐述了西门 子802S数控系统的组成,介绍了通过利用西门子802S系统对微机数控部分进行 设计改造,主要包括数控系统的选择、机床纵、横向进给传动系统设计计算、步 进电机的选择以及电气控制部分设计等,结果 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明,改造后的机床拥有较完备的 数控功能和较好的加工性能,抗干扰能力强,可靠性提高,能适应更广泛的加工 要求,满足了中小企业对形状复杂,精度要求较高零件的加工需要,大大提升了 企业的竞争力,此项改造给企业每年带来直接经济效益近五十万,取得了很好的 社会效益。 关键词:普通车床 数控改造 步进电机 经济型数控系统 数控刀架 CA6140 ordinary lathe of numerical control technology transformation electrical Abstract:Aiming at the existing shortcomings of conventional CA6140 ordinary lathe control scheme proposed and computer numerical control system design, the improvement of the machining accuracy and expand the scope of use of machine tools, and to increase productivity. This paper illustrates the general reform of CNC lathe, simple design process is introduced, including mechanical part of mechanical transmission system in main transmission system, and to drive shaft encoder system transformation. It expounded Siemens 802S numerical-controlled system, introduces the composition of Siemens 802S system by using the microcomputer control parts design, including the choice of system, NC machine tools in vertical and horizontal transmission system design, selection of stepping motor and electrical control part design, the results show that the machine has a complete NC machining function and good performance, strong anti-jamming capability, reliability, can adapt the broader processing requirements of small and medium-sized enterprises, and to meet the complex shape, high precision machining needs, greatly improved the competitiveness of enterprises, the modification to enterprise year brings direct economic benefits, nearly half the good social benefits. Key words: Ordinary lathe CNC transformation Stepping motor Economical CNC system CNC turret 1 绪 论 1 1.1课题背景 1 1.2机床改造的内容及意义 1 义 1 究内容及技术路线 2 改造后机床的优越性 2 1.3 机床的经济型数控化改造主要解决的问题 2 2 数控系统的选择 4 2.1开环数控系统 4 2.2闭环数控系统 4 2.3半闭环数控系统 4 3 机械部分的改造 6 4 步进电机的选择 8 4.1 步进电动机的选用原则 8 α 8 9 9 率 9 4.2 纵向步进电机的选择 10 确定系统的脉冲当量 10 的选择 10 性: 11 电机的矩频特性计算加减速时间校核的快速性 14 4.3 横向步进电机的选择 14 的确定 14 性 15 5 主轴交流伺服电机 18 5.1主轴的变速范围 18 5.2初选主轴电机的型号 18 5.3主轴电机的校核 19 6 微机控制系统硬件电路设计 20 6.1 控制系统的功能要求 20 6.2 简介西门子802S数控系统 20 6.3 802S数控系统的组成 22 6.4主轴系统的改造 24 6.5机床控制系统改造 25 6.6编写PLC用户程序 26 6.7 驱动器调试 27 结 论 28 参考文献 29 致 谢 31 附 录 32 附录 1: 说明书中各符号一览表 32 附录 2: 外文资料翻译 33 1 绪 论 1.1课题背景 1946年诞生了世界上第一台电子计算机,这表明人类创造了可增强和部分代替脑力劳动的工具。它与人类在农业、工业社会中创造的那些只是增强体力劳动的工具相比,起了质的飞跃,为人类进入信息社会奠定了基础。6年后,即在1952年,计算机技术应用到了机床上,在美国诞生了第一台数控机床。 我国目前机床总量380余万台,而其中数控机床总数只有11.34万台,即我国机床数控化率不到3,。近10年来,我国数控机床年产量约为0.6,0.8万台,年产值约为18亿元。机床的年产量数控化率为6,。我国机床役龄10年以上的占60,以上;10年以下的机床中,自动/半自动机床不到20,,FMC/FMS等自动化生产线更屈指可数(美国和日本自动和半自动机床占60,以上)。可见我们的大多数制造行业和企业的生产、加工装备绝大数是传统的机床,而且半数以上是役龄在10年以上的旧机床。用这种装备加工出来的产品普遍存在质量差、品种少、档次低、成本高、供货期长,从而在国际、国内市场上缺乏竞争力,直接影响一个企业的产品、市场、效益,影响企业的生存和发展。所以必须大力提高机床的数控化率。 在美国、日本和德国等发达国家,它们的机床改造作为新的经济增长行业,生意盎然,正处在黄金时代。由于机床以及技术的不断进步,机床改造是个"永恒"的课题。我国的机床改造业,也从老的行业进入到以数控技术为主的新的行业。在美国、日本、德国,用数控技术改造机床和生产线具有广阔的市场,已形成了机床和生产线数控改造的新的行业。在美国,机床改造业称为机床再生(Remanufacturing)业。从事再生业的著名公司有:Bertsche工程公司、ayton 机床公司、Devlieg-Bullavd(US设备公司等。美国得宝公司已在中国开办公司。在日本,机床改造业称为机床改装(Retrofitting)业。从事改装业的著名公司有:大隈工程集团、岗三机械公司、千代田工机公司、野崎工程公司、滨田工程公司、山本工程公司等。 1.2机床改造的内容及意义 义 企业要在当前市场需求多变,竞争激烈的环境中生存和发展就需要迅速地更新和开发出新产品,以最低价格、最好的质量、最短的时间去满足市场需求的不断变化。而普通机床已不适应多品种、小批量生产要求,数控机床则综合了数控技术、微电子技术、自动检测技术等先进技术,最适宜加工小批量、高精度、形状复杂、生产周期要求短的零件。当变更加工对象时只需要换零件加工程序,无需对机床作任何调整,因此能很好地满足产品频繁变化的加工要求。普通车床经过多次大修后,其零部件相互连接尺寸变化较大,主要传动零件几经更换和调整,故障率仍然较高,采用传统的修理方案很难达到大修验收 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,而且费用较高。因此合理选择数控系统是改造得以成功的主要环节。 数控机床在机械加工行业中的应用越来越广泛。数控机床的发展,一方面是全功能、高性能;另一方面是简单实用的经济型数控机床,具有自动加工的基本功能,操作维修方便。经济型数控系统通常用的是开环步进控制系统,功率步进电机为驱动元件,无检测反馈机构,系统的定位精度一般可达?,已能满足C6140车床改造后加工零件的精度要求。NC化,在普通机床上加数显装置,或加数控系统,改造成NC机床、CNC机床。 3 翻新,为提高精度、效率和自动化程度,对机械、电气部分进行翻新, 对机械部分重新装配加工,恢复原精度;对其不满足生产要求的CNC系统以最新CNC进行更新。 4 技术更新或技术创新,为提高性能或档次,或为了使用新工艺、新技术,在原有基础上进行较大规模的技术更新或技术创新,较大幅度地提高水平和档次的更新改造。 2 数控系统的选择 数控系统是数字控制系统简称,英文名称为Numerical Control System,早期是由硬件电路构成的称为硬件数控(Hard NC),1970年代以后,硬件电路元件逐步由专用的计算机代替称为计算机数控系统。计算机数控(Computerized numerical control,简称CNC)系统是用计算机控制加工功能,实现数值控制的系统。CNC系统根据计算机存储器中存储的控制程序,执行部分或全部数值控制功能,并配有接口电路和伺服驱动装置的专用计算机系统。SIEMENS公司、日本FANUC公司;国内公司如中国珠峰公司、北京航天机床数控系统集团公司、华中数控公司和沈阳高档数控国家工程研究中心。选择数控系统时主要是根据数控改造后机床要达到的各种精度、驱动电机的功率和用户的要求,所以依据改造的具体要求选用德国SIEMENS公司802S系统相应的驱动装置。 2.1 简介西门子802S数控系统 SINUMERIK 802系统包括802S/Se/Sbase line、802C/Ce/Cbase line、802D等型号,它是西门子公司20世纪90年代才开发的集CNC、PLC于一体的经济型控制系统。 该系统的性能/价格比较高,比较适合于经济型与普及型车、铣、磨床的控制。SINUMERIK 802系列数控系统的共同特点是结构简单,体积小,可靠性 高,此外系统软件功能也比较完善。 SINUMERIK 802S、802C系列是SIEMENS公司专为简易数控机床开发的经济型数控系统,两种系统的区别是:802S/Se/Sbase line系列采用步进电机驱动,802C/Ce/Cbase line系列采用数字交流伺服驱动系统。 控制器 (1)具有免维护性能的,其核心部件-PCU(面板控制单元)将CNC、PLC、人机界面和通讯等功能集成于一体。可靠性高,易于安装 (2)SINUMERIK 802S可控制4个进给轴和一个数字或模拟主轴。通过生产现场总线PROFIBUS将驱动器、输入输出模块连接起来。 (3)模块化的驱动装置SIMODRIVE611Ue配套1FK6系列伺服电机,为机床提供了全数字化的动力。通过视窗化的调试工具软件,可以便捷的设置驱动参数,并对驱动器的控制参数进行动态优化。SINUMERIK 802S集成了内置PLC系统,对机床进行逻辑控制。采用标准的PLC的编程语言Micro/WIN进行控制逻辑设计。并且随即提供标准的PLC子程序库和实例程序,简化了制造厂设计过程,缩短了设计周期。 CNC功能 控制车床、钻铣床 可控制4个进给轴和一个数字或模拟主轴 三轴联动,具有直线插补、平面圆弧插补、螺旋线插补、空间圆弧(CIP 螺纹加工、变距螺纹加工 旋转轴控制 端面和柱面坐标转换(C轴功能) 前馈控制、加速度突变限制 程序预读可达35段 刀具寿命监控 主轴准停,刚性攻丝、恒线速切削 FRAME功能(坐标的平移、旋转、镜像、缩放) 操作单元 单色10.4”TFT显示器,彩色为选件 全功能数控键盘具有水平安装方式,和垂直安装方式 标准机床控制面板(选件) 三个手轮接口 RS232串行接口 生产现场总线接口 标准键盘接口 PC卡插槽(用于数据备份和批量生产) 操作与显示 到有8个水平软件和8个垂直软键的直观操作 对刀及道具测量,工件坐标系测量,基本坐标偏移 MDA方式端面加工 程序段搜索运行 坐标轴锁定、快速空运行 后台编程 加工外部程序(通过串行接口) 示波器、袖珍计算器、和工件计数器 两种语言在线切换 16种语言可选择安装 在线公英制切换 机床坐标系、工件坐标系和相对坐标系显示 加工轨迹实时显示(可辨认快速和加工痕迹) 有效G功能和M功能显示 坐标位置、余程以及各轴速度显示 零件编程 标准G代码编程(DIN66025)和西门子高级语言编程 ISO标准编程 车削、铣削工艺循环编程 蓝图编程 极坐标编程 程序存储器容量达340K字节 PLC 采用标准的S7-200编程语言Micro/WIN 梯图编程 梯图在线显示 PLC远程诊断 完全汉化的PLC编程工具随机提供 随机提供PLC子程序和用于车床铣床的PLC应用程序实例 PLC的处理速度是6000步/24毫秒 40个定时器,32个计数器 数字输入输出144/96 2.2 802S数控系统的组成 SINUM ER IK802D是德国SIEMENS公司推出的全数字化数控系统,它可控制4个数字进给轴和一个主轴。它由PCU(控制面板单元)、键盘、PP72/48(输入输出模块)、24V电源、驱动器SMODRIVE611UE、1FK6系列数字伺服电机和1PH7系列数字主轴电动机等部分组成。系统的各个部件通过现场总线PROFBUS连接。其结构,如图2.1: 图2.1 802S数控系统组成框图 图2.1中PCU单元是 的核心 ,它集成了根据S82D系统简明调试指南技术手册,S802的PCU单元主要完成数控加工程序的处理及逻辑运算 ,有7个对外连接端口X4 9芯孔式D 型插座PROFIBUS端口 ,用于与驱动器SIMODRIVE611UE模块上的X423接口相连接 ,通过该端口与输入输出模块PP72 /48上的 X2接口 9芯孔式D型插座 相连,再通过X111、X222、X333 接口与机床控制面板 MCP相连实现机床控制;X6RS232C串行接口,用于实现S802D数控系统与外部设备进行通讯;X8 三芯端子式插座为数控系统工作电源的接线端子,其工作电源为24VDCX10为键盘接口,通过电缆与全NC键盘相连实现程序参数的编辑、修改与存储等功能X14,X16 15芯孔式 D 型插座 为电子手轮接口可连接三个手轮。S802D数控系统的软件操作界面采用中 英 文菜单,通过全NC键盘 操作面板 及机床控面板 MCP 可以实现程序的编制及零件的自动加工,手动控制编辑程序参数与外部设备 如计算机 进行数通迅显示报警编辑机床数据等功能输入输出模 块PP72/48主要完成内部PLC与外部设备的信号传输功能每个模块具有三个独立的50芯插槽每个插槽中包括了24位数字量输入和16位数字量输出因此每个PP模块具有72位输入和48位输出 3 机械部分的改造 为了充分发挥数控系统的技术性能,保证改造后的车床在系统控制下重复定位精度,微机进给无爬行,使用寿命长、外型美观,机械部分作了如下改动。床身为了使改造后的机床有较高的开动率和精度保持性,除尽可能地减少电器和机械故障的同时,应充分考虑机床零件、部件的耐磨性,尤其是机床导轨的耐磨性。当前国内外数控机床的床身等大件多采用普通铸铁。而导轨则采用淬硬的合金钢材料,其耐磨性比普通铸铁导轨高5至10倍。据此,在改造中利用旧床身,采用制成导轨用螺钉和粘剂固定在铸铁床身上。粘接前的导轨工作表面采用磨削加工,表面粗糙度Ra0.8mm,以提高粘接强度。主轴变速箱选用数控系统,主运动方式和传统机床一样都要求有十分宽广的变速范围来保证加工时选择合理的切速,从而获得较高的生产率和表面质量拖板拖板是数控系统直接控制的对象,不论是点位控制还是连续控制,对被加工零件的最后坐标精度将受拖板运动精度、灵敏度和稳定性的影响。对于应用步进电机作拖动元件的开环系统尤其是这样。因为数控系统发出的指令仅使拖板运动而没有位置检测和信号反馈,故实际移动值和系统指令值如果有差别就会造成加工误差。因此,除了拖板及其配件精度要求较高外,还应采取以下措施来满足传动精度和灵敏度要求。?在传动装置的布局上采用减速齿轮箱来提高传动扭矩和传动精度 分辨率为0.01mm 。传动比计算公式为: 式(3.1) 式中:α为步进电机的步距角 度 ;p为丝杠螺距,mm;δ为脉冲当量,即 要求的分辨率,mm。?在齿轮传动中,为提高正、反传动精度必须尽可能的消除配对齿轮之间的传动间隙,其方法有两种,柔性调整法和刚性调整法。柔性调整法是指调整之后的齿轮侧隙可以自动补偿的方法,在齿轮的齿厚和齿距有差异的情况下,仍可始终保持无侧隙啮合。但将影响其传动平稳性,而且这种调整法的结构比较复杂,传动刚度低。刚性调整法是指调整之后齿轮侧隙不能自动补偿的调整方法,它要求严格控制齿轮的齿厚及齿距误差,否则传动的灵活性将受到影响。但用这种方法调整的齿轮传动有较好的传动刚度,而且结构比较简单。在设备改造中应用的配对齿轮侧隙方法是刚性调整法。?采用滚珠丝杠代替原滑动丝杠,提高传动灵敏性和降低功率、步进电机力矩损失。自动换刀装置为了满足在一台机床上一次装夹完成多工序加工,采用自动刀架。自动刀架不但可代替普通车床手动刀架,还可用作数控机床微机控制元件。刀架体积小,重复定位精度高,适用于强力车削并安全可靠。拖板箱采用数控系统控制。拆除原拖板箱,利用此位置安装新拖板箱,新拖板箱除固定滚珠丝杠的螺母。挂轮箱、走刀箱拆除,在此两个位置分别装控制螺纹加工的主轴脉冲编码器和拖板轴向伺服元件功率步进电机及减速箱。使改造后的机床外型美观、合理。改造后机床的启动、停机均由数控系统完成,故拆除原机床操纵杆,变向杠、立轴等杠杆零件。 交流电动机尤其是交流电动机调速技术的快速发展,使它得到了更广泛的应用。交流电动机, 即 ,数控机床的工艺范围宽,切削速度与刀具,工件直径变化很大,所以主轴变速范围很宽。 由于 1800 14 式(4.1) 则 113r/min 这里为电动机的额定转速 该机床主轴要求的恒功率调速范围为: 1800/113 15.9 式(4.2) 主轴电机的功率是:7.5kw 4.2初选主轴电机的型号 选主轴电机的型号为:SIMODRIVE系列交流主轴驱动系统型号为1HP6167-4CB4,连续负载PH/KW 14.5,间歇负载(60%)/ 17.5kw,短时负载(20min)/ 19.25,额定负载n 5000,最大转速 8000,额定转矩277N.m,惯性矩0.206/kg.m 晶体管PWM变频器型号为6SC6058-4AA02 4.3主轴电机的校核 电动机恒功率调速范围: 8000/500 16 所以所选电动机型号的调速范围满足主轴所要求的调速范围。 5 进给电机的选择 对于经济型数控化改造,我们选用步进电机进行伺服控制。步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元件。在非超载的情况下,电机的转速、停止的位置只取决于脉冲信号的频率和脉冲数,而不受负载变化的影响,即给电机加一个脉冲信号电机则转过一个步距角。这一线性关系的存在,加上步进电机只有周期性的误差而无累积误差等特点。使得在速度、位置等控制领域用步进电机来控制变的非常的简单。 式(5.1) 式中,? ---传动比 ---- 脉冲当量 ----丝杠导程? ?步进电动机的精度可以用步距误差或累积误差衡量,累积误差是指转子从任意位置开始,经过任意步后,转子的实际转角与理论转角之差的最大值,用累积误差衡量精度比较实用,所选用的步进电动机应满足: 式(5.2) 式中, ---步进电动机的累积误差。 ---系统对步进电动机驱动部分允许的角度误差。 为了使步进电动机正常运转(不失步,不越步)正常启动并满足对转速的要求,必须考虑以下条件: 起动力矩一般选取为:? 式(5.3) 式中, ---电动机起动力矩 ---电动机静负载力矩 根据步进电动机的相数和拍数,启动力矩选取如表5.1所示,表中MJM为步进电动机的最大静载矩,是步进电动机技术数据中给出的。 表5.1步进电动机相数、拍数启动力矩表 运行 方式 相数 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 拍数 3 6 4 8 5 10 6 12 Mg/ 0.5 0.866 0.707 0.707 0.809 0.951 0.866 0.866 式 5.4 式中,---极限启动频率, ---要求步进电动机最高启动频率。 5.2 纵向步进电机的选择 确定系统的脉冲当量 脉冲当量是指一个进给脉冲使机床执行部件产生的进给量,它是衡量数控机床加工精度的一个基本技术参数。因此,脉冲当量应根据机床精度的要求来确定,CA6140的定位精度为?0.015mm,因此选用的脉冲当量为0.01mm/脉冲 ~ 0.005mm/脉冲。 的选择 根据步距角初步选步进电机型号,并从步进电机技术参数表中查到步距角,三种不同脉冲分配方式对应有两种步距角。步距角 及减速比与脉冲当量和丝杠导程有关。初选电机型号时应合理选择及, 并满足: 式(5.5) 由上式可知: 3600.011/ L。 0.36? 初选电机型号为:90BYG5502具体参数如表5.2所示 表5.2 90BYG5502具体参数 纵向电机 步距角 相 数 驱动电压 电 流 90BYG5502 0.36 5 50V 3A 静转矩 空载起动频率 空载运行频率 转动惯量 重 量 5N.m 2200 30000 40kg.cm 4.5kg 图5.1 电机简图 性: 由于: r/min 则: J 式中:J为传动系统各部件惯量折算到电机轴上的总等效转动惯量();ε为电机最大角加速度();为与运动部件最大快进速度对应的电机最大转速(r/min);t为运动部件从静止启动加速到最大快进速度所需的时间(s);为运动部件最大快进速度(mm/min);为脉冲当量(mm/脉冲);为初选步进电机的步距角[(o)步],对于轴、轴承、齿轮、联轴器,丝杠等圆柱体的转动惯量计算公式为J ,对于钢材,材料密度为7.810 ,则上式转化为J 0.78DL10 ,式中:Mc为圆柱体质量(kg);D为圆柱体直径(cm),JD为电动机转子转动惯量,可由资料查出。 1 丝杠的转动惯量Js Js Js/,为丝杠与电机轴之间的总传动比 由于 1 则: Js 0.78DL10 0.78 6.3 17010 208.9 2 工作台质量折算 () ,式中:为丝杠导程(cm);为工作台质量(kg). 由于 1cm 90kg 则 : () 90 2.28 1)一对齿轮传动 小齿轮装置在电机轴上转动惯量不用折算,为.大齿轮转动惯量折算到电机轴上为 2)两对齿轮传动 传动总速比 ,二级分速比为和.于是,齿轮1的转动惯量为,齿轮2和3装在中间轴上,其转动惯量要分别折算到电机轴上,分别为 和 .齿轮4的转动惯量要进行二次折算或以总速比折算为: 式(5.6) 因此,可以得到这样的结论:在电机轴上的传动部件转动惯量不必折算,在其他轴上的传动部件转动惯量折算时除以该轴与电机轴之间的总传动比平方。 由于减速机构为一对齿轮传动,且第一级 1,则可分别求出各齿轮与轴的转动惯量如下: n 45,m 1.5的转动惯量,其分度圆直径d 451.5 67.5mm S 27mm 则: 4.371 n 40,m 1.5的转动惯量,其分度圆直径d 401.5 60mm S 27mm 则: 0.78610 2.73 n 30,m 1.5的转动惯量,其分度圆直径d 301.5 45mm S 27mm 则: 0.964 n 45,m 1.5的转动惯量,其分度圆直径d 451.5 67.5mm S 30mm 则: 4.9538 n 50,m 1.5的转动惯量,其分度圆直径d 501.5 75mm S 30mm 则: 7.548 n 60,m 1.5的转动惯量,其分度圆直径d 601.5 90mm S 30mm 则: 0.78910 15.66 两输入输出轴的转动惯量为: J输入 0 0.106 ; L 130mm J输出 0 0.396 ; L 130mm 查表得: 4 综上可知: +++++++2 式(5.7) 252.302 又由于 V 1.461600 2236mm/min 则: 252.30210 41.1 3 力矩的折算: 1) 空载摩擦力矩 式(5.8) 式中:为运动部件的总重力(N);为导轨摩擦系数;为齿轮传动降速比;为 传动系统总效率,一般取 0.7~0.85;为滚珠丝杠的基本导程(cm)。 由于 9010 900N, 0.05, 1, 0.85 则 2)附加摩擦力矩 1- 式(5.9) 式中:为滚珠丝杠预加负载,即预紧力,一般取1/3Fm;Fm为进给牵引力, 为滚珠丝杠未预紧时的传动效率,一般取?0.9 得 1/3 1/31728.8 576.3N 又 L。 10mm , 0.95 则 96.6 则 ++ 41.1+8.4+96.6 140 由于 则所选步进电机为五相十拍的 经表查得 :λ 0.951 则 0.955 4.75 所以所选步进电机合乎要求 电机的矩频特性计算加减速时间校核的快速性 T - 式(5.10) 式中:T为加减速时间,和分别为转子,负载的转动惯量() 为电机得步距角(?),,为电机最大平均转矩,负载转矩() ,为起始加速时和加速终了时的频率(Hz) 由于 0.410 0.0252 β 0.36? 5 1.67 2200Hz 30000Hz 则 T 30000-2200 1.2s 1.5s 所以选此步进电机能满足要求。 5.3 横向步进电机的选择 的确定 式 5.11) 6 1 0.005 ?0.3 初选电机型号为:110BYG5602 具体参数如表5.3所示。 表5.3 110BYG5602电机具体参数 横向电机 步距角 相数 驱动电压 电流 110BYG5602 0.3 5 80V 3A 静转矩 空载起动频率 空载运行频率 转动惯量 重量 16 2500 35000 15kg.cm 16kg 图5.2 电机简图 性 1 力矩的折算 1 空载摩擦力矩 6010 600N 0.05 6mm 0.8 3.5 2 附加摩擦力矩 1/3 1/33433.6 1144.5N 6 115 2 转动惯量的折算 1 滚珠丝杠的转动惯量 0.7810 4cm 26cm 0.7810 0.78 4 2610 5.19 2 工作台转动惯量 式(5 .12) 0.6cm 60kg 60 0.54 3 多脉冲减速装置的转动惯量折算 Z 30 d 1.530 45mm 0.7810 .810 0.58 Z 40 d m 1.540 60mm 0.7810 1.82 Z 45 d 1.545 67.5mm 0.7810 .810 2.92 Z 50 d 1.550 75mm 0.7810 .810 4.44 Z 60 d 1.560 90mm 0.7810 9.2 又由于 输入 0.106 J输出 0.396 15.8 则 ++ 58 10 0.781600 1248mm/min 1.5s 0.005 0.3? 50 7.257 ++ 7.527+3.5+115 又 ? 步进电机为五相十拍λ 0.95 16N.m 0.9516 所以此步进电机符合条件 4 上升时间校核 1.5810 5.810 0.3 16N.m 2500Hz 35000Hz 35000-2500 0.086s 1.5s 合乎要求 6 微机控制系统硬件电路设计 6.1 控制系统的功能要求 (1)z向和x向进给伺服运动控制 (2)自动回转刀架控制 (3)螺纹加工控制 (4)行程控制 (5)键盘及显示 (6)面板管理 6.2主轴系统的改造 在对CA6140车床的数控改造中,保留了原有的变速箱,由变速箱手柄来完成主 图6.2 主轴电动机电气控制原理图 轴的有级调速。主轴电动机采用1PH7系列,配备相应的电气控制设备,可以实现主轴的正、反转,主轴点动,主轴电动机的热保护等功能,如图6.1所示,正转或反转命令通过面板操作写在程序中,由PLC输出端口控制正转继电器(KAZ)或反转继电器(KAF),使接触器KM1和KM2动作,完成主轴的正反转切换,为减小主轴电动机的起动电流计,使用了KM3、KM4、 KM5三个接触器来完成电动机的Y―切换。为适应螺纹加工的要求,主轴上安装了编码器,通过端口X472输入611UE反馈到PCU单元。热继电器(FR)的一组常开触点接入X111输入点D.7,当电动机过热时,热继电器(FR)动作,使D.7有效,PCU单元产生报 警,并切断主轴电动机的电源。 6.3机床控制系统改造 1 主轴编码器 在螺纹加工中必须知道主轴转速,根据主轴转速计算进给速度,为此我们在主轴上安装了主轴编码器用来检测主轴的转速,按照加工精度要求,我们选择lecLF型编码器(每转脉冲数为1200个),编码器的信号通过端口X472反馈到802S的PCU单元,X472端口的10-15引脚分别为零相正负脉冲Z-和Z+,B相正负脉冲B-和B+以及A相正负脉冲A-和A+,4和6脚为+5VDC电源,7和9脚为GND。最后将主轴编码器的每转脉冲数写入PCU单元的机床数据31020中。 2 电动刀架 选用LD4-CO625型四工位电动刀架,作为CA6140车床数控改造用的电动刀架, 图6.2 802S输入输出接线图 选刀时在程序中输入被选刀具的Txx(刀具号)和Dxx(“驱动器调试电缆”,将调试计算机与611UE的X471接口连接; (2)接通驱动器电源,此时611UE的状态显示为“A1106”,表示驱动器没有安装正确的数据;同时驱动器上R/F红灯、总线接口模块上的红灯; (3)从WINDOWS的“开始”菜单中找出驱动器调试软件SIMOCOMU,并运行; (4)选择驱动器与计算机的联机方式; (5)进入联机画面后,计算机自动进入参数设定画面,在软件的提示下进行以下参数设定:?命名轴名,如XK-X;?根据模块的类型与安装位置,输入PROFIBUS总线地址;?设定电机型号;?设定电动机位置检测元器件;?设定 直接位置测量系统;?存储参数,611UE的R/F红灯灭,状态显示为“A0831”,表示总线数据已经进行通信,总线接口模块上的绿灯亮;?完成以上调试后,若电源模块的端子48、63、64分别与端子9接通,电源模块的黄灯亮,表示电源模块已使能,驱动器进入正常工作状态。 进行驱动器调试时,应该明确驱动器工作方式是模拟操作还是实际加工,驱动器的软硬件都可以设置工作方式。进行调试时一般将驱动器设置成模拟方式,这样电机不会运转也可以检查运行状态和错误。 结 论 这次毕业设计持续的时间为16周,时间相对于我们以前搞设计来说是非常非长的。这次我毕业设计的题目是:把CA6140普通车床进行数控化改造。刚刚接受到这个题目的时候,感觉很难,因为以前从来没有接触过这方面的设计,头脑里一个最基本的概念都没有,后来老师给我们大体上讲了一下基本过程,再经过我们两个星期的研究,终于有一点眉目,搞清楚了什么是脉冲当量,什么是滚珠丝杠等等,还有我们为什么要改造那些这些机构。经过几个星期资料搜集,包括车床的说明书等等,设计并进入了正式的轨道。 在生活逐渐自动化的今天,对加工制造的精度和加工效益都提出了很高的要求,因此对机床等加工设备提出了很高的要求。以前单一的靠手工操作的机床,在很大程度上已经不能满足现代化的要求,数控机床的改造已经成为一种必要。但这次机床的改造是在原有的机床上换掉部分零部件,使它具有数控机床的基本功能,如不用手工操作能自动控制进给量等。但又考虑到改造成的是经济型数控车床,所以在选材等方面,必须考虑到经济这一重要问题。因此在这次设计中有些选型可能精度不是很高,但是考虑到经济这一个重要的前提,就选择了相对比 较实惠的型号。 因为我们以前的基础知识掌握得不牢固,在这次设计中确实是遇到了很多的问题,但在这过程中,我们又学会了很多东西,在以前的小设计中,有些能马马虎虎过去的问题,就糊里糊涂过去了,可这次是一切正规化,不能有半点含糊,因此压力又大了很多,但是只要有一个明确的目标,乐在其中,特别是把以前学过的知识又温习了一下,而且把很多门课程都串联在一起,形成一个大的框架,这样确实是有一种豁然开朗、焕然一新的感觉。 通过这最后的毕业设计,我从一开始的只要完成任务的心态到后来的主动去学习,去努力的学习态度,这是一个不小的进步,并且把以前学过的知识融会贯通,看到了自己的许多不足之处。老师在我们设计中也给我们提出了很高的要求,它要求我们每一个零部件都要按照标准去查手册。另外,我们也学会了互相帮助,互相学习,合作的团体精神,严格要求自己,形成严谨治学的学习态度,这将会带到我们以后的工作中去。 参考文献 [1]吴振彪.机电综合设计(指导(中国人民大学出版社.2000( [2]余英良.机床数控改造设计与实例(机械工业出版社(1997( [3]《机床设计手册》编写组编(机床设计手册第一,三,四册(机械工业出版社(1998( 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It with the humanity these which in the agriculture, the industry society created only is strengthens the physical labor the tool to compare, got up the quantitive leap, entered the information society for the humanity to lay the foundation. After 6 years, in 1952, computer technology applied to the engine bed , the first numerical control engine bed were born in US. From this time on, the traditional engine bed has had the archery target change. Since nearly half century, the numerical control system has experienced two stages and six generation of development. 1.1 Numerical control NC stage 1952 ~ 1970 The early computer operating speed is low, was not big to then science computation and the data processing influence, but could not adapt the engine bed real-time control request. The people can not but use numeral logic circuit "to build" to become an engine bed special purpose computer to take the numerical control system, is called the hardware connection numerical control HARD-WIRED NC , Jian Chengwei numerical control NC . Along with the primary device development, this stage has had been through repeatedly three generations, namely 1952 first generation of -- electron tube; 1959 second generation of -- transistor; 1965 third generation -- small scale integration electric circuit. 1.2 Computer numerical control CNC stage in 1970 ~ present In 1970, the general minicomputer already appeared and the mass production. Thereupon transplants it takes the numerical control system the core part, from this time on entered the computer numerical control CNC the stage "which should have computer in front of the general" two characters to abbreviate . In 1971, American INTEL Corporation in the world first time the computer two most cores part -- logic units and the controller, used the large scale integrated circuit technology integration on together the chip, called it the microprocessor MICROPROCESSOR , also might be called the central processing element to be called CPU . The microprocessor is applied to 1974 in the numerical control system. This is because minicomputer function too strong, controlled an engine bed ability to have wealthily therefore once uses in controlling the multi- Taiwan engine bed at that time, called it group control , was inferior to used the microprocessor economy to be reasonable. Moreover then small machine reliability was not ideal. The early microprocessor speed and the function although insufficiently are also high, but may solve through the multi-processor structure. Because the microprocessor is the general-purpose calculator core part, therefore still was called the computer numerical control. In 1990, PC machine personal computer, domestic custom had called microcomputer the performance has developed to the very high stage, may satisfiedly take the numerical control system core part the request. The numerical control system henceforth entered based on the PC stage. In brief, the computer numerical control stage has also experienced three generations. Namely 1970 fourth generation of -- minicomputer; 1974 five dynasties -- microprocessor and 1990 sixth generation -- overseas was called PC-BASED based on PC. Also must point out, although overseas already renamed as the computer numerical control namely CNC . Also must point out, although overseas already renamed as the computer numerical control namely CNC , but our country still the custom called the numerical control NC . Therefore we daily say "numerical control", the materially already was refers to "computer numerical control". 1.3 the numerical control future will develop tendency open style continues to, to develop based on the PC sixth generation of direction The software and hardware resources has which based on PC are rich and so on the characteristic, the more numerical controls serial production factory can step onto this path. Uses PC machine to take at least its front end machine, processes the man-machine contact surface, the programming, the association Question and so on net correspondence, undertakes the numerical control duty by the original system. PC machine has the friendly man-machine contact surface, will popularize to all numerical controls system. The long-distance communication, the long-distance diagnosis and the service will be more common. approaches and the high accuracy development This is adapts the engine bed to be high speed and the high accuracy direction need to develop. develops to the intellectualized direction Along with the artificial intelligence in the computer domain unceasing seepage and the development, the numerical control system intellectualized degree unceasingly will enhance. 1 applies the adaptive control technology The numerical control system can examine in the process some important information, and the automatic control system related parameter, achieves the improvement system running status the goal. 2 introduces the expert system instruction processing The skilled worker and expert's experience, the processing general rule and the special rule store in the system, take the craft parameter database as the strut, the establishment has the artificial intelligence the expert system. 3 introduces the breakdown to diagnose the expert system 4 intellectualized numeral servo drive May through the automatic diagnosis load, but the automatic control parameter, causes the actuation system to obtain the best movement. Second, engine bed numerical control transformation necessity 2.1 microscopic looks at the transformation the necessity From on microscopic looked below that, the numerical control engine bed has the prominent superiority compared to the traditional engine bed, moreover these superiority come from the computer might which the numerical control system contains. may process the traditional engine bed cannot process the curve, the curved surface and so on the complex components. Because the computer has the excellent operation ability, may the instant accurately calculate each coordinate axis instant to be supposed the movement physiological load of exercise, therefore may turn round the synthesis complex curve or the curved surface. may realize the processing automation, moreover is the flexible automation, thus the efficiency may enhance 3 ~ 7 times compared to the traditional engine bed. Because the computer has the memory and the memory property, may the procedure which inputs remember and save, then the order which stipulated according to the procedure automatic carries out, thus realization automation. The numerical control engine bed so long as replaces a procedure, may realize another work piece processing automation, thus causes the single unit and the small batch of production can automate, therefore is called has realized "flexible automation". processings components precision high, size dispersion degree small, makes the assembly to be easy, no longer needs "to make repairs". may realize the multi- working procedures centralism, reduces the components in engine bed between frequent transporting. has auto-alarm, the automatic monitoring, automatic compensation and so on the many kinds of autonomy function, thus may realize long time nobody to safeguard the processing. advantage which derives by above five. For example: Reduced worker's labor intensity, saved the labor force a person to be possible to safeguard the multi- Taiwan engine bed , reduced the work clothes, reduced the new product trial manufacturing cycle and the production cycle, might to the market demand make rapid reaction and so on. Above these superiority are the predecessor cannot imagine, is an extremely significant breakthrough. In addition, the engine bed numerical control carries out FMC flexible manufacture unit , FMS flexible manufacture system as well as CIMS computer integration manufacture system and so on the enterprise becoming an information based society transformation foundation. The numerical control technology already became the manufacturing industry automation the core technology and the foundation technology. 2.2 great watches the transformation the necessity From on macroscopic looked that, the industry developed country armed forces, the airplane weapon industry, in the end of the 70's, at the beginning of the 80's started the large-scale application numerical control engine bed. Its essence is, uses the information technology to the traditional industry including the armed forces, airplane weapon industry carries on the technological transformations. Except that uses outside the numerical control engine bed, FMC, FMS in the manufacture process, but also includes in the product development carries out CAD, CAE, CAM, the hypothesized manufacture as well as carries out MIS in the production management management information system , CIMS and so on. As well as increases the information technology in its production product, including artificial intelligence and so on content. Because uses the information technology to the country foreign troops, the airplane weapon industry carries on the thorough transformation to call it becoming an information based society , finally causes them the product in the international military goods and in the goods for civilian use market the competitive power greatly is the enhancement. But we in the information technology transformation tradition industry aspect compared to the developed country to fall behind approximately for 20 years. Like in our country engine bed capacity, numerical control engine bed proportion numerical control rate to 1995 only then 1.9%, but Japan has reached 20.8% in 1994, therefore every year has the massive mechanical and electrical products import. This also on from on macroscopic explained the engine bed numerical control transformation necessity. Thord, the numerical control transformation content and superiorly lacks 3.1 Transformation industry starting In US, Japan and Germany and so on the developed country, their engine bed transforms took the new economical growth profession, thrives abundantly, is occupying the golden age. As a result of the engine bed as well as the technical unceasing progress, the engine bed transformation is "the eternal" topic. Our country's engine bed transformation industry, also enters from the old profession to by the numerical control technology primarily new profession. In US, Japan, Germany, have the broad market with the numerical control technological transformations engine bed and the production line, has formed the engine bed and the production line numerical control transformation new profession. In US, the engine bed transformation industry is called the engine bed regeneration Remanufacturing industry. Is engaged in the regeneration industry famous company to include: The Bertsche engineering firm, the ayton engine bed company, Devlieg-Bullavd are valuable serves the group, the US equipment company and so on. The American valuable company has set up the company in China. In Japan, the engine bed transformation industry is called the engine bed to reequip Retrofitting industry. Is engaged in the reequipment industry famous company to include: Big indentation project group, hillock three mechanical companies, thousand substitute fields labor machine company, wild engineering firm, shore field engineering firm, mountain this engineering firm and so on. 3.2 Numerical control transformation content The engine bed and the production line numerical control transformation main content has following several points: First is extensively recovers the function, to the engine bed, the production line has the breakdown partially to carry on the diagnosis and the restoration; Second is NC, the addend reveals the installment on the ordinary engine bed, or adds the numerical control system, transforms the NC engine bed, the CNC engine bed; Third is renovates, for increases the precision, the efficiency and the automaticity, to the machinery, the electricity partially carries on renovates, reassembles the processing to the machine part, extensively recovers the precision; Does not satisfy the production request to it the CNC system to carry on the renewal by newest CNC; Fourth is the technology renews or the technical innovation, for enhances the performance or the scale, or in order to use the new craft, the new technology, carries on the big scale in the original foundation the technology to renew or the technical innovation, the great scope raises the level and the scale renewal transformation. The new electrical system transforms after, how carries on the debugging as well as the determination reasonable approval standard, also is the technology preparatory work important link. The debugging work involves the machinery, the hydraulic pressure, the electricity, the control, and so on, therefore must carry on by the project person in charge, other personnel coordinate. The debugging step may conform to simplicity to numerous, from infancy to maturity, carries on from outside to in, after also may the partial overall situation, after first the subsystem the 3.3 The numerical control transformation superiorly lacks reduced investment costs, the date of delivery are short With purchases the new engine bed to compare, may save 60% ~ 80% expense generally, the transformation expense is low. Large-scale, the special engine bed especially is specially obvious. The common large-scale engine bed transforms, only spends the new engine bed purchase expense 1/3, the date of delivery is short. But some peculiar circumstances, like the high speed main axle, the tray automatic switching unit manufacture and the installment too requires a lot of work, costs a great deal of money, often transforms the cost to enhance 2 ~ 3 times, with purchases the new engine bed to compare, only can economical invest about 50%. machine capability stable are reliable, the structure is limited Uses foundation and so on lathe bed, column all is heavy but the firm casting component, but is not that kind of welding component, after the transformation engine bed performance high, the quality is good, may take the new equipment continues to use many years. But receives the original mechanism the limit, not suitably makes the unprecedented transformation. familiar understood the equipment, is advantageous for the operation service When purchases the new equipment, did not understand whether the new equipment can satisfy its processing request. The transformation then otherwise, may precisely calculate the engine bed the processing ability; Moreover, because many years use, the operator already understood to the engine bed characteristic, uses and services the aspect to train the time in the operation short, effective is quick. The transformation engine bed as soon as installs, may realize the capacity load revolution. may fully use the existing condition May fully use the existing ground, does not need to like buys when the new equipment such to have reto construct the ground. may use the newest control technology enhances the production equipment the automated level and the efficiency, improves the equipment quality and the scale, alters to the old engine bed now the horizontal engine bed. Fourth, numerical control system choice When the numerical control system mainly has three kind of types, the transformation, should act according to the special details to carry on the choice. 4.1 Step-by-steps the open system which the electrical machinery drives This system servo drive mainly is step-by-steps the electrical machinery, the power step-by-steps the electrical machinery, the battery solution pulse motor and so on. Entering sends out which by the numerical control system for instruction pulse, after the actuation electric circuit control and the power enlargement, causes to step-by-step the electrical machinery rotation, through gear vice- and ball bearing guide screw vice- actuation executive component. So long as the control command pulse quantity, the frequency as well as the circular telegram order, then may control the executive component movement the displacement quantity, the speed and the heading. This kind of system does not need the physical location and the velocity feedback which obtains to the input end, therefore called it the open system, this system displacement precision mainly decided in step-by-steps the electrical machinery angular displacement precision, transmission part and so on gear guide screw pitches the precision, therefore the system displacement precision is low. This system structure simple, debugging service convenient, work reliable, cost low, is easy to reequip successfully. 4.2 The asynchronous motor or the direct current machine drive, diffraction grating survey feedback closed loop numerical control system This system and the open system difference is: Physical location feedback signal which by position detector set and so on the diffraction grating, induction synchromesh obtains, carries on the comparison as necessary with the given value, two interpolations enlargements and the transformation, the actuation implementing agency, by the speed which assigns turns towards the elimination deviation the direction movement, until assigns the position and the feedback physical location interpolation is equal to the zero. The closed loop enters for the system Enters for the system complex in the structure compared to the split-ring, the cost is also high, requests strictly to the environment room temperature. The design and the debugging is all more difficult than the open system. But may obtain compared to the split-ring enters for a system higher precision, quicker speed, actuation power bigger characteristic target. May act according to the product specification, decided whether uses this kind of system. 4.3 The direct current servo electrical machinery drives, encoder feedback semi-closure link numerical control system Half closed-loop system examination part installs in among passes in the moving parts, indirectly surveys the executive component the position. It only can compensate a system ring circuit interior part of part the error, therefore, its precision compared to closed-loop system precision low, but its structure and the debugging all compares the closed-loop system to be simple. In makes the angular displacement examination part and the speed examination part and the servo electrical machinery time a whole then does not need to consider the position detector set installs the question. The current production numerical control system company factory quite are many, overseas famous company like German SIEMENS Corporation, Japanese FANUC Corporation; Native corporation like China Mount Everest Corporation, Beijing astronautics engine bed numerical control system group company, Central China numerical control company and Shenyang upscale numerical control country engineering research center. When choice numerical control system mainly is each kind of precision which the engine bed must achieve after the numerical control transformation, actuates the electrical machinery the power and user's request. Fifth in the numerical control transformation the main mechanical part reequips the discussion A new numerical control engine bed, must achieve in the design that, Has the high static dynamic rigidity; Movement vice- between friction coefficient small, the transmission is ceaseless; The power is big; Is advantageous for the operation and the service. When engine bed numerical control transformation should meet the above requirements as far as possible. Cannot think the numerical control installment and the ordinary engine bed connects in has met the numerical control engine bed requirements together, but also should carry on the corresponding transformation to the major component to enable it to achieve the certain design request, can obtain the anticipated transformation goal. 5.1 skids guide rail Said to the numerical control lathe that, the guide rail besides should have the conventional lathe guidance precision and the technology capability, but also must have good bears the friction, the attrition characteristic, and the reduction but sends the dead area because of the friction drag. At the same time must have the enough rigidity, by reduces the guide rail to distort to processes the precision the influence, must have the reasonable guide rail protection and the lubrication. 5.2 gear The common engine bed gear mainly concentrates in the headstock and the gear box. In order to guarantee the transmission precision, on the numerical control engine bed uses the gear precision class is all higher than the ordinary engine bed. Must be able to achieve the ceaseless transmission in the structure, thus transforms time, the engine bed main gear must satisfy the numerical control engine bed the request, by guarantees the engine bed processing precision. 5.3 skids the guide screw and the ball bearing guide screw The guide screw transmission relates directly to the transmission chain precision. The guide screw selects mainly is decided requests and drives the torque request in the job precision. Is not used by job precision request Gao Shike skids the guide screw, but should inspect the original guide screw attrition situation, like the pitch error and the pitch accumulative error as well as matches the nut gap. The ordinary circumstances skid the guide screw to be supposed not to be lower than 6 levels, the nut gap oversized then replaces the nut. Uses skids the guide screw relative ball bearing guide screw price to be low, but satisfies the precision high components processing with difficulty. The ball bearing guide screw rubs loses slightly, the efficiency is high, its transmission efficiency may above 90%; Precision high, the life is long; When start moment of fo
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